I love my local public radio station (WXXI, 88.5), and they do a very good job of covering local political issues. But…there’s no question that NPR’s political coverage is dogshit. They kow-tow Republicans because they’re afraid of getting accused of teh librul bias, and of getting their gubmint funding cut. Here’s the thing, though: 2% of their funding is federal, the other 98% comes from shmucks like you and me. So fuck Steve Inskeep with a rusty totebag:
Thanks, the reason I’d think that is because you literally linked your donation with a story coming out your way. That’s not what your donation is for. Ever. Thanks for the material; we’re exploring it and other information.
— Steve Inskeep (@NPRinskeep) November 25, 2017
NPR also has a sexual assaulter/harasser problem.
People aren’t going to give up on NPR any more than they’ll give up the NYT. Our side likes to talk tough but folds in the face of a summer’s breeze.
J R in WV
Learned that WV Public Broadcasting raised and spent millions of dollars to invest in a state-wide radio network, which is indeed wonderful. There is no other state-wide information source at all.
But they never budgeted a nickel towards replacing any of that equipment as it aged out of reliability and supportability. So now they need to replace it all, as the state sinks into poverty. Not only is the government broke, all the rich people are looking at the end of that sweet coal money. Land owners with leases paying them a tiny percent on every dollar of coal mined, nope, not any more, coal’s almost all gone!
Don’t know where they’re going to get funding to replace those transmitters in rural locations. We’re close enough to Charleston to receive the signal from HQ, but they have transmitters on mountain tops all over the state, to reach the mouth breathers who voted in a Republican legislature and a pseudo Dem Governor who switched parties before all the ballots were settled to the floor.
That’s a little unfair, there are smart Dems everywhere, mostly listening to Public when they have to … I’ve started listening to jazz on S-XM sat radio instead of local public, though. There are places in WV where you can be driving and the hills block the sat radio, which surprised me!
Yoda Dog
Baud is correct but I’d like to report that I have indeed cut ties with them both since 2016 and am the better person for it.
‘Fuck Em’ -efg
I think the more these stories come out and prove that people are paying to be abused and lied to, the more support will erode.
I seriously doubt 98% comes from private parties. The majority comes from those ads they run. Sure, they don’t call them ads but the large corporations and trust fund bullshit funds cover the majority I bet & they get what they pay for. That NPR is the best available is damning to the news media in the US
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Hell, I would guess half of “our side” thinks Friedman is a wise man, and Douthat and Stephens “make interesting points, even if I don’t always agree with everything blah blah blah”.
On the brighter side, I can’t remember the last time I heard anyone quote or even refer to Maureen Dowd, except for her (incredibly dishonest) pot column and that’s probably two years ago now
I think I’ll take a nap.
Living with Steve Inskeep or living without Jason Bentley, Anne Litt, Steve Chiatakis, Madeline Brand, Gustavo Arellano, Raul Campos, and Travis Holcomb? In KCRW-land, we know which is the lesser of two evils.
West of the Cascades
I have mixed feelings – NPR is horrific but OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting) does some very good, honest reporting and has a strong state-wide network. OPB’s salary structure (from skimming its 990 tax form) is flatter than a lot of public broadcasters around the country, another reason I feel good supporting them. But if I’m listening to it in the car, I often find myself tuning out mentally at the top of the hour and tuning back in four minutes later when the local Oregon news comes on …
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: True about Dowd. Haven’t heard her name in a while.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
She seems to be concentrating on celebrity profiles now.
What is the alternative? Our side does not have any billionaires batting for us, let alone any willing to sink their vast fortunes into taking over media.
We can write and complain, but we don’t have the money behind us to do more.
NPR has a lot of good programming, outside of the news shows.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dowd passed her sell-by date a long time ago. Every once in a while — like once in a blue moon — you can tell when she has honest convictions about a subject, for instance, her outrage when the Catholic Church started an inquiry into the bona fides of U.S. orders of nuns. In all other cases, she is phoning in the same thing, over and over again, whether it’s Obama, Clinton, Trump or Bush that she is talking to. Her last book was a complete joke. I just wish the joke weren’t so frequently on the rest of us.
@gene108: Canadian and British media does a better job covering our politics. (CBC and BBC)
Daniel Dale’s Twitter feed gives me all the news about T.
@Yoda Dog: Me too.
I listen to those “brought to you by…” acknowledgements and an increasing number seem to be from the Koch brothers.
Why can’t any billionaire trust fund babies, like the Koch’s, turn out to be liberals, instead of crazy right-wing reactionaries?
James E. Powell
And NPR’s response will be to push their coverage & editorial toward FOX.
@gene108: What @schrodingers_cat says. Or do without. Or view the stories for free without subscribing to them.
Unfortunately, there is no media that feels like we are a market. And maybe we’re not. But WaPo seems to be doing a somewhat decent job at it, so I’m not sure why others ignore us.
@gene108: Our billionaires tend to finance issue advocacy rather than media, for whatever reason.
@Trentrunner: Well they got rid of Rose and Oreskes so it’s a start.
@gene108: You’re wondering why trust fund babies have crazy right wing ideas like abolishing the inheritance tax?
But isn’t Inskeep full of shit? Because during our public radio fund drives (as well as our public tv fund drives) they always link donations to whatever is playing. “If you want to keep car talk on the air, give now! If you value what Terry Gross is doing, donate now. It’s the only way we know you want to keep these shows on the air” etc.
@gene108: That would probably be a much better use of Tom Steyer’s money, come to think of it.
Thanks for front-paging this Doug. I ran across this twitter exchange while enveloped in a nice post–Dad-prepared holiday breakfast buzz, and it harshed my mellow a bit.
I mostly like those senior NPR news program hosts, but to me it seems these biggest screw-ups happen somewhat regularly with the weekend editions. I’m guessing that this specific episode (disclosure: I haven’t listened to it) was prepared before the holiday, and I’m also guessing that a segment preparation support staff was involved that was over-stretched and/or lacking in experience, which is also what I think happens with some of the weekend segments.
I got all over Scott Simon’s case once on twitter, for bringing on as an expert a nonsense-talking, hoary, tenured Georgetown U. neocon warhorse to talk about the role of encryption in facilitating a terrorist attack in Paris in November 2015. The dude got that issue wrong, but somehow also managed to bring up the old canard that the same terrorist organization that attacked the U.S. from Afghanistan also threatened us from Iraq (i.e., one of the big lies that was used to gain public support for our glorious Iraq invasion). I recommended a better informed expert on the topic – Bruce Schneier to be specific (though there are other fine candidate experts out there) – and Simon did have Schneier on sometime later (I’ll take credit whether I deserve it or not ? ). I cc’d the Georgetown dude during all this, which earned me a block of course (fine by me).
I’m glad Vic Berger pushed back hard on this. What I’m also glad about is that Dave Weigel retweeted Berger. That implicit endorsement from another big name in the reporting biz may make a bigger impression on Inskeep than Berger’s original complaint.
@germy: Hippie punching was never about rationality. NPR has been into hippie punching since Reagan took office.
James E. Powell
We are a market, but we’re not a market that anyone needs to be afraid of losing. Continued patronage of the NYT & NPR being two pretty good examples.
I give to my local affiliate every year. I’ve even been on the air a few times!
My tiny library branch gets all the new books, and they have a small shelf of new political books. Maureen Dowd had a book on that shelf. The title may have been interesting, but then I saw the author’s name and just passed it by.
I brought home a book by Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar called “Governing Global Health.” Judging by the number of tables in this book, it looks a little bit nerdy.
@smintheus: Amusingly enough, the guy that runs our local public radio station has said on air that he hates most of the programming NPR provides.
@burnspbesq: If there are specific shows on NPR that are a consistent problem, that’s another matter. I don’t hold Morning Joe against Maddow.
@gene108: The solution is to tie your donation to a local affiliate to their agreeing to stop airing NPR’s craptacular news – and explain why the news is bad. If enough people fed up with NPR news did that, the smug twits at ATC might hear the message.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: A few women I know like Dowd’s writing and consider her brilliant.
Villago Delenda Est
Inskeep is just more Villager vermin in need of a tumbrel ride.
@Starfish: Don’t be fooled by the tables. Chelsea’s running!
And I’m very disappointed in the PBS News Hour. I used to tune in thinking it’d be an alternative, but I’ve caught them reporting news that was clearly republican talking points.
@James E. Powell: My time and money are too valuable to spend on this particular fight.
@germy: So do I. Except for a few bored evening commutes and once in 2003 when I painted my living room, I haven’t tuned into an NPR program for at least 25 years.
Michelle Henery, host of Focus on Europe, was one of those women. Dowd was her hero. Until she met her, and Dowd mistook her for Michelle Obama.
When Dowd realized her mistake, her smile faded and she walked away from Henery.
Villago Delenda Est
@matt: Tomi Lahren? Ivanka Trump-Kushner? Sarah Huckabee-Sanders?
@smintheus: I liked when bill o’reilly stormed off of Terry Gross’s “Fresh Air” program. And then a week later she had Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, and he stormed off, in parody.
Part of the problem is that one of the original “stars” of NPR news was Cokie Roberts. I was shocked when I found out (after about 20 years of listening) that her dad was once the House Majority Leader and that all these people she was interviewing were old family friends. I considered it a breach of ethics that she was allowed to cover the people she had longstanding personal relationships with. So the incestuous nature of the organization runs deep.
@germy: Is “Fresh Air” NPR? I thought it was programming out of WHYY.
That was funny.
Inskeep needs to shut up and give his interviewee a chance to answer the question he asked. If he’s not asking one question two different ways, he’s restating the answer he just heard. Every morning I’m yelling at him about something.
@Baud: I am doing opposition research for your campaign.
Tom DeVries
@gene108: Washington Post is doing a splendid job these days.m
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@justawriter: Her mother, Lindy Boggs, took over her father’s seat when he died, I don’t know for how long. Bill Clinton later named her ambassador to the Vatican. She raised a big stink at some point in ’96 or so when she referred to the Dems as “we”. Didn’t save Bubba from her undying hatred when it was revealed that he had had fling with an intern.
If good ol’ Hale Boggs was a faithful husband and abstemious church elder while representing the fine people of the great state of Loosi-yana, I strongly doubt he was scandalized when he found one of his colleagues carryin’ on with some good bourbon and a couple of gals from the office.
And if the name Boggs rings a bell today, Cokie’s brother was one of the founders of what was once and may still be the swampiest lobbying firm in the greater DC metro area, Patton-Boggs
Aardvark Cheeselog
I used to work for the NPR affiliate station where I live, as a weekend classical music dj. This was a long time ago, when they still had such things. Over time, as they quit having much in the way of music programming, let all of their local on-air talent get attritioned off, and steadily became part of the puke funnel, I stopped volunteering for pledge drives, and finally stopped sending money myself. Eventually they lost their spectrum to a Christianist nutcase radio station, and I answered their final appeals for support with a “fuck you, and good riddance.”
Citizen Alan
Because it is impossible to become a billionaire without being unethical in some way. The only honest billionaire I’ve ever heard of is JK Rowling, and she eventually lost her billionaire status as a result of her charitable giving.
@Baud: Those Carefully Modulated Vocal Tones can go only so far.
@gene108: It can be pricey but I’ve pretty much abandoned National Pablum Radio in preference for satellite stations.
The only NPR (PBS?) programming worth listening to is a 4-hr program, Saturdays 1-5 PT on KXJZ in Sacramento (capradio.org). It’s called Mick Martins’ Blues Party and it is pure joy. My Saturday afternoons have been greatly improved since I found and started streaming this program a few years ago.
I used to listen to NPR quite often in the pre-Dubya era, but it has consistently moved their reporting away from virtually any criticism of the business and right wing narratives. They cinched it for me when they decided not to call torture committed or sanctioned by the US government, torture. Pretty much have not listened since that week. I still have the CBC to listen to.
Steve in the ATL
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Second time today I’ve encountered this word. Previous encounter was probably the SAT back in the eighties.
Er, I mean last year. I’m totally not old.
@matt: Can never forget or forgive her attack on Gore’s clothes and her complaint that he listened to a woman’s advice.
@Trentrunner: No they don’t. Why, just last week On Point spent a whole hour reraking the dead coals of the Clinton Sex Scandal fires, and they had Joe Klein come on as just about the leftiest lefty who ever lefted to speak up on behalf of the Clinton and the 86% of voters who approved of Clinton while he was being hunted,
Bill Arnold
Not sure why. Jeff Bezos seems to be quite willing to let the WaPo have free reign[1]. I suspect he enjoys owning/being a political player, and it’s pretty cheap; the only downside seems to be the possibility of political retribution. (e.g. the AT&T/Time Warner/CNN merger stuff recently.)
[1] FWIW I have not examined WaPo coverage for gaps related to the Amazon businesses.
Also NPR is not all of public radio. There are other national producers of programming. PRI, Public Radio International, is one example. KPCC, a local station here in Southern California, runs independently produced programming, as well as NPR and other programming.
@Bill Arnold: I see disclaimers posted whenever Amazon is mentioned. For whatever that’s worth.
@Bill Arnold: I’m currently a very satisfied Washington Post subscriber, which is particularly good because it is a local paper for me. But this worries me:
Bill Arnold
Sigh. Will look into that, thanks. The HuffPo piece (Jeff Bezos Screws Over Workers At Amazon. Now He Wants To Do The Same At The Washington Post) is helpful as well. (It is a labor/management dispute so there is a lot of rhetoric per tradition for such disputes.)
He (Jeff Bezos) needs to tone down the meritocracy religion a bit, IMHO. A little bit of meritocracy goes a long way; no need to turn the workplace into a place unpleasant enough to work that it damages peoples’ bodies with stress-caused illnesses. (Even the Amazon tech jobs e.g. with AWS, have a reputation for being rather harsh, documentation easily found. (I respect Amazon’s tech workers, FWIW))
Increasingly convinced that NPR is the Fox News for Old Line Republicans who want to feel good about the projection of open-mindedness without the actual reality of turning so-called beliefs into tangible actions.
Once supported both them and the FTFNYT. No longer. Too many good and truly independent voices out there now.
I’m also bothered by the salary structure at NPR.
Interns make a little more than $10/hr and the major players (from 2013)….
Have any examples of the best? Especially those that offer reporting and analysis, not just commentary.
J R in WV
You are correct, Fresh Air is not an NPR production. Many of the most popular shows broadcast on public radio stations are not produced by NPR.
And I agree about Cokie Roperts. She had no more business covering DC politics than Troy Aikman has covering Cowboys football games. Less, actually. Sports isn’t important, politics is.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: I did years ago. Quit listening to them in the car cold turkey and it was great for my sanity.
Inskeep’s response to him was incredibly smug. Like their coverage would never be influenced by funding, when in fact it has taken a noticeable right turn since GOP Congresses started threatening their funding.
Pretty much gave up on NPR after the Wellstone Memorial kerfuffle in 02. They basically went along with the asinine right-wing braying about Wellstone’s son’s speech, a speech that was little more then a short campaign speech sample. Given the timing of Wellstone’s death and the political climate at the time, I had no problem with it, but NPR helped assure a Republican win for the Minnesota Senate seat.
Gave up on == stopped donating.