I think this guy is onto something:
Trump gets all the attention, but the most important thing happening right now is the global, simultaneous hijacking of media distribution by reactionary ideologues and bad-faith profiteers. https://t.co/2Q53k9kUgp
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) November 25, 2017
Booman calls our attention to a confession in plain sight by one of the Russian ideologues who allegedly played bad-faith profiteers to catapult a stooge into the Oval Office.
If these machinations are ever fully revealed and widely understood in their historical context, it will be simultaneously one of the most tragic and stupid scandals in US history. What credulous bumpkins so many of us are!
I’m going to shift gears to hang onto a semblance of normal life in these maddening times: It’s a perfect day for a BBQ in my neck ‘o the woods, so I’m off to the store to get supplies momentarily.
Today is Rivalry Day in college football. My crappy Gators are playing the perhaps equally crappy Seminoles at noon in the least consequential UF-FSU game in many years. Lots of better games on, but that’s what we’ll be watching first.
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like we’re reaching a tipping point, and perhaps soon, we American Juicers will have our own parts to play in trying to save our country. So rest up and get ready.
Let it be noted that Balloon Juice was on the right side of history.
Betty, you know how some contests are decided by “who wants it more”?
FSU-UF is gonna be decided by who hates it least.
Tipping point? Maybe, but I’m not so sure. Even so, we may not be able to identify it…
I rather anticipate a lot of ratcheting on both “sides,” with a slow, painful return to normalcy spread over a few election cycles. Every time our tribe makes progress, the other tribe does something even more horrible than their previous actions. 2018 and 2020 are critical to which way(s) the ratchet turns. I just hope I’m around to see “normal” again…
Villago Delenda Est
Speaking of crappy rivalry games, the Fighting Fashion Nightmares and those guys from Moo U will be playing in Tracktown.
Villago Delenda Est
Anyone who hasn’t figured out that Donald is utter, irredeemable scum by now is utter, irredeemable scum themselves.
Interesting showdown looming at CFPB.
I am currently cuddling a very sad kitten. She had her first shots yesterday and has been very lethargic and tender (cries when I pick her up). She’s still eating with enthusiasm, so I’m not worried, just hate to see her boundless spirit and energy so dimmed.
Dolly Llama
Any Georgia Tech football fans here, by chance?
Bobby Thomson
Mmmmmmm. Butter emails.
Reveling in the Pitt win over Miami. Not being as successful at quitting smoking as I’d like but still trying. Trying to be patient with myself and with Robert Mueller. Doing a little laundry. Making an easy baked rigatoni with ricotta, spinach and sausage for dinner and realized I don’t have enough rigatoni. Decided that rather going to the grocery store, I’ll use the ziti we seem to have in vast quantities. I have some boar sausage my BIL gave me, so I seem to be all set.
Oh, and completely ready to leap into action if we are at that turning point. Tired of these mother fuckers ruining my country.
Penzeys has done it again. It seems like at least once a week the owner comes forth with another tirade. The latest:
From your lips to God’s ears, Betty. I’ll be ready.
I’d love to know if other BJ’ers have read stuff by Caitlin Johnstone who calls herself a ” rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper”?
Methinks she’s not so much a rogue journalist as she is a deliberately disguised conservative or libertarian. And someone who obviously hates liberals and Democrats.
Some of you may have more informed takes.
@DCrefugee: Nice analogy. But we need the inverse of Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty!
The Corporation Prevails.
From Rang De Basanti, a movie I saw this weekend.
Well, I can tell you that the T-day crew here in the Berkshires is unanimous in its contempt for Trump. FWIW, politics never came up at the Thursday feast or at the echo-feast on Friday.
It would be good to have a way of talking about this without everyone getting immediately ill.
@japa21: They’re also a good company: when my Chinese cinnamon arrived with a cracked lid, they sent me (for free, with just a call), a new jar of spice and a new lid “to save what’s left in the other jar.” I’ve never had a company do that.
Go Dawgs!
@Immanentize: That phrasing always bothered me. How can something be more perfect? If it is perfect already, how can it be more so? If it isn’t, than the attempt is to create a perfect union, not a more perfect one. Since the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation, did they consider that a lesser perfect union, and the Constitution made it more perfect?
@Immanentize: Indeed. The character in the movie says this with respect to India, where people in the privileged classes like to blame politicians for the state of affairs but refuse to take any responsibility for the state of affairs, themselves. It is true about pretty much any nation in the world, especially democracies.
@tesslibrarian: We’ve been buying from them for years. Every time we visit family in the Milwaukee area, we always stop at their warehouse store. You get to see right into the warehouse with huge bags of their spices.
@japa21: perfect did not mean “without flaw” then, it was more aligned with the rationalist view of the verb — to perfect. Like in “practice makes perfect.”. An unobtainable goal, but one worth striving toward.
And yes they certainly believed the Constitution was a vast improvement on the unworkable Articles of Confederation.
I just wish we would work a bit harder on establishing justice…..
Doug R
Manifest Destiny? 54-40 or fight? The Spanish-American war? The Know-nothings? The roaring 20s?
Blissful ignorance coupled with willful misinformation has been with us always.
Go Dawgs and if you don’t like it go fuck yourself!
I’d love to BBQ but I’ve still got 4 lbs of lamb left over from TG.
@japa21: It’s an acknowledgement that a “perfect” union is not possible, but also a goal to always strive to make it “more perfect” than it was.
Well, time to crawl through our way overcrowded storage room and pull out the holiday decorations. If I’m not back at some point this afternoon, send out a search party.
Working on a paper about family therapy. Unable to decide on which model to botch in working with an actual family. This is a multi-stage paper. Would rather be spending time with my daughters who are here for one more day, but too panicked to stop working on paper. Perhaps will change my mind and just be with them. If they aren’t too busy!
@japa21: I was writing something with a bunch of coauthors a week or two ago, and after the last iteration, one of my coauthors proclaimed it ‘more than perfect’. Several eyerolls were produced upon reading that. Granted, the final version stood head, shoulders, chest, waist, knees, and ankles above the first draft this guy had produced, so I guess it depends on your baseline…
@Raven: That right there is a T-shirt worthy slogan.
And thanks for the Verathane suggestion last thread.
@aimai: Make an outline of the paper and then spend time with them?
Well, unless the paper is due tomorrow, you might want to just make notes or outline it, and spend time with your daughters.
I was about to ask whether this upcoming movie might be shown outside India despite local controversy when I saw this breaking story.
There are touches of madness and intolerance everywhere, I guess, which have to be opposed by the sane and decent.
Steve in the ATL
@Dolly Llama:
As valued commenter @Raven: astutely notes:
I imagine Barney Frank and Rich Cordrey laughing their respective asses off. Trump and Mulvaney are totally fucked, by statute.
Grab your girls and go.
@Brachiator: The zealots are aided and abetted by BJP state governments. Whether its all just sound and fury or something more serious, I don’t know. This is a manufactured controversy.
@schrodingers_cat: contd from #38 because WP won’t let me edit my comment.
These protests are based on nothing. No one has yet to see the movie. The Censor board’s decision will determine the outcome. So far the Supreme Court has thrown out all the challenges against the movie.
Hope you’re right. They’re apparently citing some law from 1998 and saying it takes precedence over anything in Dodd-Frank.
J R in WV
Perfect is one of the strange English words that has two meanings and different ways of pronouncing it without changing the spelling. Scientists work to perfect their understanding of their area of study. The emphasis in on the second syllable per-Fect’.
But chocolate truffles are the perfect chocolate dessert – Per’-fect. Emphasis on the first syllable. I think in the Constitution the first meaning is what is intended. Our leaders are supposed to work to perFect our union, and some do that every day, and some don’t understand what I’m talking about at all.
Betty Cracker
@Doug R: True. But I don’t think we’ve ever had a foreign autocrat sleaze a deranged buffoon into the White House before.
My on-screen program guide calls the Iowa State-Kansas State showdown “Farmageddon.” Funny! I had never heard that.
@Steve in the ATL: We cannot get too far ahead!
Steve in the ATL
@Raven: got to keep the clock moving to limit how much we have to watch this high school offense
Villago Delenda Est
@Brachiator: What is the problem with it? Is it like Life of Brian in that it makes fun of some followers?
Doug R
@Brachiator: WTF is so offensive about Padmavati?
Betty Cracker
@Steeplejack: I’d never heard that either. Funny!
@Doug R: No one really knows because the movie has yet to be released.
@Villago Delenda Est: I doubt it. Some people are wedded to outrage for outrage’s sake.
Here is the trailer
Breathing room!
@Villago Delenda Est:
@Doug R:
There is a false rumor that there is a scene showing a romantic interlude between the Hindu queen and the Muslim conqueror.
And, from a story in the Indian Express, vague outrage over history.
Some people are deeply invested over who gets to tell the story of Indian history, especially involving the relationship of Hindus and Muslims.
As S Cat notes, the controversy seems manufactured to produce outrage.
Ironically, there is not much historical evidence that the queen depicted in the movie ever existed.
ETA. 1 crore is about 10 million rupees, or about $160,000 US dollars, if I’ve got current conversion right.
@Brachiator: But there is plenty of historical evidence of the Rajput defeat at the hands of Khilji at Chittor.
1.6 million
True enough, but the movie is inspired by a poem written more than 200 years after the event, and which features a magical parrot that reads books.
@Brachiator: There are several versions of that myth we don’t know yet what is in Bhansali’s movie. There were 3 jauhars (self immolation by the royal women) at Chittor, once after the siege by Khilji, and the second I believe was after a siege by another Rajput king and third was after the siege by Akbar.
Of course Rajputs, served Mughals from Akbar on and Aurangzeb had the highest number of top ranking Rajput military men in his armies of all the Mughal emperors. History in India is never black and white, or Hindu vs. Muslim. This is the narrative that BJP wants to impose.
I checked the dates of the upcoming assembly elections and there are several important states up for elections. The first being Modi’s Gujarat. This is red meat to BJP base.
Florida Frog
@Villago Delenda Est: for those of us who are not quick on the uptake, who?
The Indian Express article I read claimed the following.
I agree with all your other points, and also how this thing is red meat to BJP base. Angry nationalism is all the rage in too many countries.
@BrachiatorTimurid who posts here, and is a historian, mentioned the three jauhars at Chittor. Even if Padmini is fiction, jauhars are not, sounds pretty cruel to my twenty first century eyes. But then I guess being the spoils of war is not a great alternative either.
Bill Arnold
Very interesting. That link was broken, so
(The comments in the profile tab are interesting and a little more free-form).
Many of the angles in the arguments (read so far) appear to be deliberately be non-normative. Still digesting them (or rather, the shape of them, and their observed effects e.g. on my mind).
Worth checking out for sure, just read with caution.
Bill Arnold
@Bill Arnold:
OK. Some nicely-crafted material, and well-curated. I’m just not clear on the agenda/motivations[?/actors], and some of the obvious gaps in the connected arguments (possibility graphs) piss me off a bit. (For reasons.) Also the arguments are lawyer-style which irritates me for other reasons. Would be nice to see another opinion from someone (e.g. Adam Silverman) who has more familiarity with the material.
Anyway, an appeal in one of the pieces for people to rapidly improve their metacognitive skills warmed my heart:
That for sure is constructive, helpful advice. (Next steps include questioning the questioning process. Recursively. :-) )
@Bill Arnold: Really? She is a JS endorser and was happy that Rs won the White House.
Bill Arnold
Just saying that I find it interesting. Not least because it makes a few alarms fire, some … arcane.
JS will never escape that photo with V. Putin, M. Flynn and et al:
That was a very dumb move on her part – America is not wired to trust the Russians. The Republicans (and their allies among the radical left) are making a valiant effort at adjusting the wiring, but they will probably not succeed.
@Bill Arnold: I read some stuff at the /latest tab. She wants an alliance with the alt-right to take down neo-liberals. She is also on the DNC rigged the primaries bandwagon. So not a credible voice in my opinion.
@schrodingers_cat: So, this is my take on her anyways. Bill, thanks for correcting my link and I went back via your links and reread some of her stuff. But as far as I am concerned, she’s not on my team and I find her arguments off-putting. She seems to fit quite well into the Glenn Greenwald camp of opinion writing.