I’m petty enough to be pleased that Jill Abramson is feeling maybe just a little revenged on her NYTimes ex-colleagues. From her new post at the Guardian:
Game of Trumps is about to get really bloody. With special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation moving ever closer to President Trump himself, it looks like someone inside the family is about to be sacrificed.…
Consider this chronology. On 23 November it was widely reported that Flynn had informed the Trump legal team that he could no longer discuss the case with them. The end of cooperation with Trump surely signalled the beginning of cooperation with Mueller. Two days later the New York Times and Washington Post carried nearly identical stories about Jared Kushner’s waning influence.
The Times story had three bylines, including Maggie Haberman, the president’s go-to reporter. It concluded: “Mr Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, who had been in seemingly every meeting and every photograph, has lately disappeared from public view and, according to some colleagues, taken on a more limited role behind the scenes.”…
Someone high up in the White House seemed anxious for the word to spread. The Times story was attributed, in part, to three “advisers to the president”. Parker’s included an earlier interview with Kushner and came “from interviews with Kushner himself, as well as 12 senior administration officials, aides, outside advisers and confidants, some speaking on condition of anonymity to offer a more candid assessment”…
Apart from schadenfreude, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Only fools and Republican voters would think that Jared was acting without directions from Daddy Trump, so of course the New York Times bought that line hook, line and sinker.
Yeah, I’m probably going to sign off for the night. I really can’t take any more Republican ratfucking today.
Mike in Pasadena
If Democrats or Balloon Juice had been around 225 years ago, Salem would have been known for the Salem Witch Summary Executions. No witnesses, investigations, or trials necessary.
Tim in SF
I’ll be getting drunk on schadenfreudenberry wine.
I’m down in Cabo San Lucas for a little R and R. About ready to walk downtown and have dinner at the marina. Will catch you all later.
Oh, in nonpolitical news, it looks like the authorization for my MRI came through since I got a text message telling me to schedule my appointment. So there’s that.
I haven’t been there in ages, but the little town of San Luis (?) Del Cabo was cute, and there was a hotel restaurant/bar there that had terrific sangria.
Corner Stone
It was implied, obvs.
I can see Trump gathered around the table with family. He’s thinking “son, son, daughter, wife, not blood family.” “Sorry Jared, you got to take this.”
@Mnemosyne: That’s good news. Seems like you’ve been waiting a long time.
Mike in DC
Prediction: Jared will leave the WH in early February, and be indicted either just before or just after Manafort’s trial. Kushner’s indictment will be the first time Mueller’s office will make direct reference to the conspiracy between the campaign and the Russians. Trump will soil 3 pairs of pants when this happens. Putin will kill an underling for stress relief.
Corner Stone
It’s lower 40’s F here with a slight drizzle off and on. I wish it could stay for a while but I fear the return of the 80 F Xmas week shortly.
@LeeM: I don’t know. Seems like Trump thinks of Jared like the son he never had. He clearly doesn’t care about Jr. or Eric.
Amaranthine RBG
Revenge? Maybe she should should get her NYT tattoo removed first.
It’s only been about a week since I saw the orthopedist, but it did take forever to get that particular authorization. I still don’t know if my doctor’s office screwed up that request or if the HMO dragged their feet.
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: Trump don’t give One F about any of them. Mueller’s all up in his bubble now. Get ready for the “I don’t know him” comments to start pouring forth.
@Mnemosyne: I keep seeing you saying things like you’re using the cart to get around Target or you’re icing your knee. Seems like a long time to be dealing with that. I hope you can get some treatment that will help you be more comfortable.
@Mnemosyne: Good news. A word of advice if you’ve never had an MRI before, if the tech offers you earplugs, accept the offer. Those machines are loud, and you’re stuck right in the middle of it.
@Mnemosyne: San Jose
Corner Stone
Mariah Carey to the courtesy phone, please. Mariah, you’re needed at the house courtesy phone.
But if Trump throws Jared under the bus, who will bring peace to the Middle East? Ivanka?
@Corner Stone: Oh, of course. Trump will throw all of them under the bus before he goes down. Trump will toss his kids to the wolves before he takes the blame for anything. If Don Jr. is trying to save himself by not implicating Daddy he’s dumber than I thought.
Corner Stone
If the snippet I saw on MSNBC is true. And Russia can be proven to have bought Trump’s debt. This shit is about to get Unreal Tournament style real.
scott (the other one)
@Mike in DC:
I wonder. One suspects this was all far more successful than Putin ever dared imagine it would be. But is he like Trump, and actually unhappy about that, or is he delighted, no matter how much chaos results? Surely there’s a ceiling on how fucked up he wants this all to get, yes? He’s rational in that way?
“… who had been in seemingly every meeting and every photograph, has lately disappeared from public view….
For Chrssakes. This is getting like the USSR in the last half of last century.
@Mike in DC:
Trump is considered one of his underlings.
Interesting times.
@scott (the other one):
Hasn’t he already had 9’or 10 underlings killed?
Some underlings from the doling program were killed as well. Everyone watch Icarus!
@scott (the other one): I’ve had the impression Putin is a long term thinker at least not when it comes to grand strategy. While he may be willing to settle for chaos this may be turning into a catastrophic success for him. He wouldn’t be the first person in history to succeed more completely than they thought they would and in doing so screwed themselves. Though I still think odds are he survives just fine.
@Mnemosyne: Good news. Did you have to sic your advocates on them? Or did they contact you before you put that in motion?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I have the best, classiest, most luxurious dentures, evah!
@scott (the other one):
He’s currently throwing a Tantrum over Russia being banned from the winter Olympics.
You decide how rational he is.
@Corner Stone: Trump never even met Jared until yesterday!
@Corner Stone:
Campers on the respawn zone?
That’s rotating tag material!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Jared, so the Jew tossed under the bus by Trump. Now there is shocker.
@MomSense: doling program?
I recently discovered a quirky little British comedy called Raised by Wolves. Two seasons, 13 episodes. Dysfunctional lower-class family in Wolverhampton. Single mother Della with daughters Germaine, Aretha and Yoko, plus a couple of smaller kids and Granddad. Clips and some episodes available on YouTube for sampling.
Wi-fi outage.
Mary G
Uday is still testifying.
@Corner Stone: So… strafing runs?
@Dave: I’m hoping he has a terrible horrible shaving accident that cuts off his head. Tragic, really. I’m out, last workout for the week, so I gotta hit the gym early & hard for a weekend of having to eat out.
Major Major Major Major
@Amaranthine RBG:
Bullshit he did.
@Mary G: That’s before congress, right? Not Mueller?
Ah, someone who shares my grand unified theory of the psychosexual dynamics of La Familia Trump…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@scott (the other one): An On Line friend who lived in Russia until recently said the word over there is Putin is like the dog who caught the big yellow bus.
Just when you think they can’t get any stupider.
What is it about the NYT that makes them keep hiring Judith Millers over and over again?
Roger Moore
@Corner Stone:
I’m just waiting for the day we’re informed that Donald Trump is a nobody who hasn’t been part of the Republican party for very long, and his only job was to get coffee.
@FlipYrWhig: The really creepy theory, now with added, “Ewww…gross!” That one?
@Yarrow: wow, that’s unbelievably stupid, even for them.
@Mnemosyne: Yay!
@Yarrow: Jesus Wept.
@Mary G:
But it’s past his beddie-bye! I’ll bet he’s cranky. I hope there’s video of the meltdown.
@Spanky: If he’s lying in his testimony, he’s probably in deep do-do. I don’t see how you could keep lies straight under questioning for that long.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Baud. He’s there now. Cole sent him as the Extra Special Balloon Juice Envoy. There’s even a song:
@scott (the other one): Putin is chaotic evil, as is Trump. Putin is probably less stupid, though.
Tomorrow is a new episode of Stay Tuned with Preet. He had a special 15-minute episode on Sunday to talk about Michael Flynn’s guilty plea.
Compared to everything else I’ve seen on the internet, he has a different idea about the fact that there aren’t very many charges” and what that means. I’m anxious to see what his show is about tomorrow.
Everyone is making fun of Trump slurring his words and it’s funny…but have you ever heard Nancy Pelosi speak to reporters or in a town hall, etc? She is FUCKING TERRIBLE. Easily one of the worst public speakers in D.C. Remember when her and Chuck Schumer thought they were getting the better of Trump? They were fking stupid to think that. “Hur hur we gots a deal on DACA hur hur.”
But it was Chuck’s turn to be majority leader and Pelosi leads the California delegation, so what are you to do? Find better leaders and move the fk on from the last generation? Pelosi was great in 2006. That was a decade ago.
Biggest political mistake Obama made was letting the Clinton rot into his administration. He should have booted her, remade the party, and moved on. What a fking shame.
People think the anti-Trump vote has to break for the Dems next year. People are underestimating how much desire there is to see both parties replaced by something else. And it’s starting to feel like outside the right and left bubbles that movement toward something new might emerge and bury both of these useless, out-dated, self-serving political establishments.
@Adam L Silverman: So, Baud is basically the Lord High Everything Else from _The Mikado_?
Major Major Major Major
I took a pretty sunset picture. https://instagram.com/p/BcYbpLYAlfi/
Adam L Silverman
@JR: I think it’s something like this:
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: It’s like being the #3 guy in ISIS or al Qaeda…
Major Major Major Major
NPR reporting leaks that Franken plans to resign at his thing tomorrow.
That’s just the refried beans talking.
Adam L Silverman
@Dave: Mid level checkist apparatchik. Was made Deputy Mayor of Saint Petersburg where he got in with the Russian mob. It is unclear if he rode them all the way up or they rode him all the way up. And then he solidified things by personally guaranteeing to Yeltsin that he would protect Yeltsin’s family and the wealth that had been squirreled away for them after Yeltsin died. From there he consolidated power.
@Major Major Major Major: Here’s hoping Franken punks NPR.
Nice Polite Republicans can all DIAF.
@Major Major Major Major: That is a pretty picture!
Poor Vlad, just as he gains a strong foothold in the Middle East, his flunky Red Don fucks it all up.
Last time (12 years ago), they gave me headphones and let me listen to the radio. Hopefully I’ll get to do that again.
Yes! I knew I was going to mess that up. In my defense, it was close to 20 years ago now.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: thanks!
@jay: Cool story, bro.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Correct. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Adam L Silverman
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Yep.
@Adam L Silverman: That the one full of GOP sockpuppets, correct?
Your health care is very poky. Hope that the MRI can be scheduled soon.
Adam L Silverman
@different-church-lady: There’s an endowed position. Like an academic chair.
@Adam L Silverman: Warren ???
Adam L Silverman
@Spanky: That’s the other one. Because of today’s testimony no one took him for ice cream this afternoon and he’s standing in front of his building waiting and very confused.
Really? Name one other congressperson who could have kept that bunch of jackals in the house in lockstep and with iron resolve. Go on, I’m waiting.
I don’t recognize your name, but based on this one comment I don’t care for you. Clinton bashing: check. Democrat bashing: check: Obama bashing: check check check.
They got back to me within a week of my orthopedist appointment, so I’m happy. It looks like it may be the same place where I had my biopsy a couple of years ago. If so, I’m annoyed that I’ll have to drive 45 minutes to get there, but the staff was really nice.
There’s a Frontline documentary from a couple years ago that’s worth watching: “Putin’s Way.”
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: You don’t need to know that. Nor can I divulge that information at this time.
@LeeM: If he can find a way to pin it all on Melania, I think he will. After all, she’s overdue to be replaced.
@Mike in DC: @Mike in DC: Sounds about right to me!
@debit: Lots of new nyms today. Putin must have given his minion new marching orders.
@Mary G:
I have a feeling he’s not holding up as well as Hillary did.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Devin Nunes, Proprietor.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
This is so fucking retarded. I’m sure the hippies in 1968 thought they were going to destroy the system. So did OWS. And you know what happened in each case? Reagan was elected 12 years later (not to mention Nixon the same year and again in ’72) and the GOP has united control over the federal government 6 years after OWS.
Adam L Silverman
@Manyakitty: You’re welcome.
@Major Major Major Major: Lovely!
Eric S.
@dmsilev: This! Tale the ear plugs. I was shocked how loud it was the first time I had one.
Roger Moore
The simplest explanation is that they want Republican stenographers. When they’re forced by bad publicity to dump one, they just hire another one who doesn’t have loser stink all over her.
@schrodingers_cat: *minions not minion.
Another Scott
TheRealDeal from September 2016:
I guess that’s why he didn’t want Christie to be Donnie’s VP, huh.
666 5th Avenue, Watchtower, hmmm. Maybe there’s more to this guy than we know?
Oh, and the Watchtower deal?
Poor, poor Javanka. All of these unfair criticisms….!!111
They’re not even trying to hide their ties to Putin and the Russian Mob.
(“Fingers crossed that this posts the first time…”)
Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid spending in 2018
Fucking Purity Ponies, you bought this pig in a poke.
At this rate there will be violence.
@schrodingers_cat: Seriously. It’s gotten to the point where I feel like I should reply with, LOL, okay, comrade.
@Mary G:
It started at 10:00 a.m. This is the only piece of smiley news I’ve heard today.
@Adam L Silverman: Sounds Legit.
@debit: yeah, you don’t want to learn or hear anything you don’t want to know or don’t like. Lots of Democrats across the country have serious reservations about the Clintons. It’s what made smearing her last year so easy. It’s why there are voters out there who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump. I’ve never been more proud of my two votes for Obama (and I voted for Hillary because she was obviously more qualified for that orange sack of shit). But I’m not some lickspittle who kisses up to the party establishment either. These election victories Democrats have had at the state and local level–that’s mostly because of the state and local Democrats, not the national party. And if you think I’m the only Dem out there that think it’s time for some of these people to make way for the next generation of leaders, then you folks aren’t going out and actually talking to Democratic voters. You’re just not. And if you think I’m some outlier Dem fed up with the party’s leadership in DC, I don’t know what to tell you. Go out and meet some new people, get off the internet and your online bubble for a while. Because if you want to beat this horrid bullshit back, you need to reconnect with your local communities and then you need to build bridges to other communities that you’ve lost touch with.
@TenguPhule: I think it’s time we all consider our 2nd amendment rights.
@TenguPhule: Wait, I thought the Magic Tax Cut would Magically Cause Magic Growth and hence wouldn’t increase the deficit. Are you, gasp, saying that Paul Ryan lied to us?
@jay: Bored now. Buh bye and welcome to pie.
I am shocked, shocked that there is armed robbery taking place in this establishment.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Could you learn to break up text? Nobody wants to read your stupid, poorly formatted diatribe.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: To be fair, nobody would want to read that diatribe even if it were nicely formatted.
An hour in a dark alley with him and a wooden bat, that’s all I ask.
Major Major Major Major
@jay: how dull. You must be fun at parties.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
“Liberal programs”? What happened to this guy?
@jay: I always enjoy it when the person who styles himself the brave bold teller of uncomfortable truths says utterly banal things that are indistinguishable from the Mark Halperin both-sides-do-it-ism that has prevailed in Big Media for 30 years running.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: It also explains some of the human trafficking for the sex trade issues at various properties. Israel is the southern node on the Russian/former Soviet state organized crime route for trafficking women for the sex trade.
@TenguPhule: Oh, now we see the violence inherent in the system!
…maybe put a few nails in the bat first?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
jay sounds like another commenter from a year ago, My Truth Hurts. They were also annoying and banal.
@debit: man, that guy really likes custard pie!
I’m good enough not to need them.
Plus, they tend to weaken the bat.
Mike in DC
@Corner Stone: Interesting speculation. Russia managing Trump’s DB debt would be a smoking Battleship broadside. You can’t explain your way out of it. Even morons know what it implies.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: He decided that being born poor in the past was his defense against destroying the poor in the present and future.
Roger Moore
@Mike in DC:
There is nothing so obvious that the willfully ignorant can’t miss it.
Remember, the bold, unprecedented move here is to put straight white guys in charge. Why haven’t the Democrats ever thought about doing that, huh? Huh? So much for “diversity.”
@Steeplejack: OMG, that show looks terrific. Thanks.
@Mike in DC:
Not taking that bet.
@TenguPhule: “I come from the poor people, and I’ve been here working my whole stinking career for people who don’t have a chance”
Orrin Hatch, about a week ago. I guess he decided last week that the poor finally have too much money.
@Yarrow: @Corner Stone: @Mike in DC:
BREAKING NEWS: Mueller investigation has uncovered – through Trump’s tax records – that Russian interests own almost $1B of the Trump Organization’s outstanding debt
BREAKING NEWS: Mueller set to file money laundering and RICO charges against Trump Organization, including Trump, Trump Jr. Kushner, Manafort, etc etc
BREAKING NEWS: Trump agrees to deal – resign office and give full accounting of money laundering across 3+ decades plus deals with Russian mob, Putin in exchange for no RICO charges
BREAKING NEWS: 16 GOP primary opponents try to pretend like they stuck to their guns and demanded tax returns back during primaries
BREAKING NEWS: 62 million GOP voters try to pretend like they asked for Trump’s returns before voting for him in 2016, but “what could we do? The alternative was voting for a Democrat…a CLINTON!”
Hacking schmacking…hit ’em where it hurts…
Fuck off. Boot your own ass out.
Omnes Omnibus
@jay: Seth Moulton, is it you?
@jay: TL;DR. pied.
glory b
@TenguPhule: “That’s just the refried beans talking.”
Okay, I almost spit out a mouthful of tea at that one.
glory b
@schrodingers_cat: I know, right?
@jay: You spend all your energy bitching at Dems, and your first post was wishing for a 3rd party to take over and rid you of the evil of having to vote for Democrats. If you’re a Dem, you suck at it.
@jay: Wow, earlier you were telling us how people gonna break up the two parties, and now you’re the True Voice of the Democratic rank and file. Amazing how you’ve gone on this journey in the course of a couple of hours! Can’t wait to find out what happens next!
J R in WV
Maybe that’s what they want and need for those positions? No other reason I can think of~!!
Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California)
@jay: How presumptuous of you to assume that we aren’t involved in politics in our communities and that somehow we have our heads in the sand.