#pensacola – Am I missing something? Looks like a few empty seats at the #Trump rally. Or is this the Christmas Tree Lighting? pic.twitter.com/Z4pOSkA1qt
— John Lundin (@johnlundin) December 9, 2017
Trump departs White House for a weekend in Florida without comment to the press.
Stephen Miller, Johnny McEntee, Dan Scavino take off in M1 with Trump, who will be at Mar-a-Lago with jaunts to Pensacola, FL and Jackson, MS.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) December 8, 2017
(McEntee, according to Politico, is Trump’s “body man”.)
Big crowd expected today in Pensacola, Florida, for a Make America Great Again speech. We have done so much in so short a period of time…and yet are planning to do so much more! See you there!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 8, 2017
He wasn’t gonna campaign for Roy Moore, because Moore could still lose. (Luther Strange? Who he?) He couldn’t not make some kind of show of support, because Moore just might win, and if that happens Trump plans to take 110% of the credit. So, Pensacola’s not that much of a detour from Mar-a-Largofvckyourself and its well-groomed golf greens…
Donald Trump told voters in FL tonight to "vote for Roy Moore." Either he doesn't know what state he's in or he just endorsed voter fraud. Oh, and a warm-up speaker basically said Trump's Jerusalem policy will bring back Jesus. Crowd went wild. These people are cult members.
— Tim Wise (@timjacobwise) December 9, 2017
Pensacola is in the Mobile media market. He went there instead of Alabama so he could claim he never went to Alabama to help Moore.
— Robby??????Dobby?? (@DobbsRobby) December 9, 2017
The Washington Post reports — “In Fla. campaign-style speech, Trump banks on economy outweighing his many woes“:
What has become President Trump’s calculation — and great hope — amid the spiraling Russia investigation, his historically low poll numbers, troubles abroad, uneven legislative progress and the seemingly never-ending chaos emanating from his White House can be summed up in one sentence, he said here Friday night.
“With us it goes up, and with them it goes down, and that’s the end of the election,” the New York real estate developer-turned-president said of the stock market, predicting his reelection three years in advance.
Trump showed up in vintage form for 76 minutes Friday night, mocking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Apprentice” ratings, joking that Hillary Clinton must have listened to “the Russians” when she didn’t visit Michigan or Wisconsin in the 2016 election, and torching protesters from the “resistance” while twirling and holding his arm up, as if to carry a sign.
He perpetuated ideas that fuel his supporters’ view of the world, such as saying Chicago may be more dangerous than Afghanistan and attributing it to “others.”…
And he returned to the usual selling points: Washington is stacked against him even though he is president, the media is terrible, the polls are fake, a southern border wall needs to be built, ISIS needs to be killed, immigrants need to be stopped. “We’re going to have borders on top of borders,” he said, without explaining how they could be stacked…
Yet more than anything else, he talked about the economy — and tried to equate his 11 months in office with numbers that are arguably beyond his control, believing it is his surest way to keep and gain support.
Trump has faced a difficult year, and the mood inside his White House has at times been bleak and unsettled as aides go in for special counsel interviews and allies find themselves in court — either to be indicted or to plead guilty.
But in conversations with friends and allies in the past month, Trump has consistently come back to one thing: He says the economy is booming, will continue to improve, and voters will care about that above all — tuning out much of the rest. He believes his voters put him in office because he was successful in New York and on his NBC reality series, “The Apprentice.” …
Trump just blurted out: “We have thousands of people under surveillance.”
— jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) December 9, 2017
Who, exactly, is “we”? https://t.co/XdFFXTaXTo
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) December 9, 2017
The biggest, most beautiful, tremendous police state https://t.co/oQ4aajFkeN
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) December 9, 2017
There have always been non-sequiturs in Trump's speeches, but they've always had a thread you could find. Tonight this was an all-out ramble, not even a semblance of organization.
— Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) December 9, 2017
I'll bet Trump never ends his meetings with billionaires with "You Can't Always Get What You Want." With them it's "Let's Spend the Night Together."
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 9, 2017
Thoughts and Prayers to @realDonaldTrump: That you couldn't draw a crowd at the Tree Lighting in DC is one thing, but if you can't draw a crowd in #Pensacola, the heart of the Redneck Riveria, means it's time for you to pack your bathrobe and dentures. hun. You are over. Bye! pic.twitter.com/L1D0Wihyi8
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) December 9, 2017
I'm not saying the Lizard People are taking over.
I'm just saying that if they WERE taking over, this is exactly the sort of year-long series of news cycles they'd use to distract us.
— Popehat Needs A Babymamma (@Popehat) December 8, 2017
Campaign fundraiser?
Legal fees funder?
Ego massage?
His “rallys” are looking less Nuremberg like and more edge of town travelling revival tent show. How much longer until he starts peddling Trump brand snake oil?
Would it be possible to post the four-minute Doug Jones web video? Let’s focus on the good guy today.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
We should just cede the Redneck Riviera (or at least its westernmost 3/5ths) to Alabama.
Once, just once, I want some universally-respected TV person (well, respected outside of the insane clone posse of RWNJs) to get on the tube and say “Donnie, you lying fuck, you haven’t told the truth about anything since you started your campaign. So please, stop lying and just shut the fuck up! The rest of us get stupider just being within the sound of your voice.”
That’s a good video
Here’s hoping the rubes will turn on him. The rubes are fickle and well armed.
@laura: He has been peddling snake oil from the start. His voters have been conned, and we will all pay the price.
I know there are plans for protests if (when) he fires Mueller, but we need plans for action after the initial protests.
Also, they are going to come next for SS and Medicare. We need to be burning up the phone lines and making a fuss, starting now.
Heard a brief report on the radio about the rally. Made it sound completely normal. Played a very brief clip of drumpf saying “this guy is yelling we want moore. he’s right.”
The average person with the radio on in their car, who doesn’t read blogs like this or tweets, hears it and thinks “this is normal.”
Oh my. Joy Reid just played a clip of a guy in an Alabama focus group saying something like 40 years ago lotsa mamas and daddies would be happy if Roy Moore took an interest in their daughters. Um what?
Kraux Pas
@Hildebrand: That was a pretty strong video. Roy Moore may need a salve for all those sick burns.
What are you talking about? He’s been peddling that shit at least since 2015.
Kraux Pas
I’d go back to 2009 and the birther BS, but I think she means literal snake oil, not a metaphor.
@germy: What the hell happened to Joe Walsh? I’d’ve thought he’d be sneering “Hillary lost!” like so many other TPers.
Never happen. They would have to admit they got taken & that would break their brains.
Another Scott
Brain Damaged Donnie thinks that 45% approval (in a cherry-picked poll) is a good thing.
Morning everyone.
Kraux Pas
@Another Scott:
Hey, that’s pretty much what he needed to get elected.
I dare Trump to go to the heart of West Virginia or even Western Pennsylvania and tell them that they should be happy because the stock market went up and unemployment is low. Talk about moving the goalposts after the game has already started.
He’s offended by the attacks on the FBI and on Mueller (according to his tweets). He’s still an asshole on other subjects, he just doesn’t like seeing those institutions attacked. Other than that, he’s probably 100% in agreement with the actual, you know, issues drumpf stands for.
Dunno if anyone has posted this in any threads but Luntz focus grouping Alabamans.
“Forty years ago in Alabama, there’s a lot of mamas and daddies that’d be thrilled that their 14-year-old was getting hit on by a district attorney.”
The self-own is stupifying.
I keep imagining this whole clusterfuck is like a weird mashup of a bad 1980s comedy (maybe something with Rodney Dangerfield or John Goodman) and the Christmas Carol. A complete asshole cheats his way into the presidency and surrounds himself with crooked ideologues. And then one day he wanders off by himself, away from his handlers, and the truth hits him in the face. He gets angry that he’s been lied to by his handlers, by the TV and radio wingnuts and by his own vile family.
He returns to his office, fires everybody, and then launches a series of progressive initiatives that save the country.
Complete science fiction fantasy.
Chyron HR
Just another example of how Democrats have failed the noble white working class.
I just watched that clip on Morning Joy. I can’t even with this crap.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@germy: Somebody tell Joe Walsh his twitter account has been hacked!
Matt McIrvin
@Barbara: I don’t know, at least half of the crowd there would probably agree. For his base, the economy magically went from “American carnage” to wonderful the moment Trump got in.
Villago Delenda Est
@germy: So says part of the problem, not part of the solution.
@SFAW: The market bottomed out in March 09 and gained 60% in Obama’s first year. By the time he left office the market had tripled. So far Donnie’s only managed 20% and this may be the biggest bubble yet. Sad.
Villago Delenda Est
@germy: Like that SNL skit with Phil Hartman as the “public” Reagan (kindly, slow, etc) and then the “private” Reagan driving his staff with a cat-o-nine tails with detail rich instructions of a conniving Bond villain.
I’d say I’d be thrilled if this guy was getting hit in the head by a baseball bat but it looks like that already happened.
@Marcopolo: They are only offended when Hollywood types like Polanski get arrested. Otherwise, they are in full agreement that “everyone wants to fuck girls.” I am likely to punch the next person who tries to tell me about the greater virtue of small town America.
@germy: I dunno. If the house flips in 2018 you could see this consummate panderer flip to progressive goals. He has no friggin’ compass.
Excellent. Just…excellent.
@Matt McIrvin: That’s part of Trump’s problem, isn’t it? The jobs situation hasn’t changed much in the past year, and the run-up in the stock market doesn’t help people without 401Ks much less a diversified portfolio.
@Kraux Pas: yes, I meant literal snake oil.
“Forty years ago in Alabama, there’s a lot of mamas and daddies that’d be thrilled that their 14-year-old was getting hit on by a district attorney.”
If that quote had appeared on a lefty message board as pure snark and not as an attempt to make a factual statement, FoxNews would scream murder about sneering elitists slandering the entire South. That it’s a real quote designed to help a GOPer win an election shows the extent of the damage the country has already suffered, less than a quarter of the way through Trump’s (scheduled) term.
We are losing the ability to be outraged.
@Ken: Whenever I hear someone using the stock market to say how well everything is going I remind them that 80% of stocks are owned by 10% of the population. Since the 07-08 crash (which washed folks out), there’s been virtually no ownership of stocks by the bottom 50% of the pop.
This “daddie” wan’t thrilled 30 years ago when my 14 year old daughter had her first date with a 15 year old classmate. (His mama drove them to the movie and back and I was still upset!)
So they’re gonna get all excited that Jesus is coming back soon, and the rest of us can lament that we wish we’d all been ready. I know a lot of the Hebrew Testament just washes over these people (except for the real satisfying parts where God smites the wicked, which class never includes them), but a little food for thought.
Remember when James Comey tweeted back on Dec. 1 about justice rolling down like waters, and righteousness like an everlasting stream? It’s from the book of Amos, and here are the verses just before that payoff pitch (let those who have ears to hear, etc.):
18 “Woe to you who long
for the day of the Lord!
Why do you long for the day of the Lord?
That day will be darkness, not light.
19 It will be as though a man fled from a lion
only to meet a bear,
as though he entered his house
and rested his hand on the wall
only to have a snake bite him.
20 Will not the day of the Lord be darkness, not light—
pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness?
21 “I hate, I despise your religious festivals;
your assemblies are a stench to me.
22 Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings,
I will have no regard for them.
23 Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps.
24 But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!
Captain C
@laura: Or like this.
zhena gogolia
I think you need to see Being There.
I was gonna make a joke about Florida minor league hockey and attendance. But the Ice Flyers get over 3500 at the gate this season, and have ranged up to 4000 in the last five seasons.
Trump shoulda scheduled his rally before the Knoxville game tonight.
@zhena gogolia: I saw Being There many years ago. One of the best of the later Sellers films. I’d take Chauncey over drumf.
zhena gogolia
You’re a good daddie.
zhena gogolia
Me too, in a heartbeat.
@hueyplong: My outrage is outraged. True story.
@Chyron HR: That calls for a rousing “I blame Hillary”.
JoeyJoeJoe Junior Shabadoo
@germy: That sounds like the movie Dave, except there Kevin Kline was being used, he didn’t put himself in the Oval Office.
@JoeyJoeJoe Junior Shabadoo: I’ve never seen Dave.
As depressing as 2016 was, and as weird as 2017 has been, I predict 2018 will be a roller coaster.
Alabama, you’ve got the weight on your shoulders
that’s breakin’ your back.
Your Cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch
and a wheel on the track.
It took a while to clinch the deal, but it’s clear that Skynyrd has lost that argument with Neil Young, hands down.
When the primary campaign was in full swing, I speculated to my brother (a New Yorker, and pretty astute politically) that Shitgibbon might actually be doing something like the Hartman/Reagan thing, and would wait until the nom was won before telling the RWNJs that they’re all fucking nuts. I saw a possibility that his campaign was a form of performance art.
My brother’s response:
“No, he’s just an asshole.”
Every New Yorker I know agrees with your brother.
Amir Khalid
Today is the 10th anniversary of Led Zeppelin’s last public performance, a charity concert in Ahmet Ertegun’s memory that was released on DVD as Celebration Day. Ertegun, for those too young to remember, was the Turkish-American (and Muslim) co-founder of the legendary label Atlantic Records. The influence he and his brother Nesuhi had on Amarican music is immense.
@Jager: “He didn’t even win his own state!”
@Amir Khalid: Didn’t he write some songs, and publish them under his name spelled backwards, or am I thinking of somebody else?
Amir Khalid
Yes, that’s him. And quite a few of those A Nugetre songs were classics.
Doug R
Anytime they protest, it’s at most a few hundred. Even this rally was half empty ON THE FLOOR. We have to make every one of their protests like the one where they all hid in the gazebo.
Doug R
@laura: trump university.
Footnote to the annals of masterous strategerizing:
@Amir Khalid:
His greatest gift to humanity is probably unleashing Aretha.
I remember noticing that Comey got the Bible verse wrong in his tweet. He omitted the “let”, so there was no verb connected with the noun “justice”.
Bad proofreading in 2017, and worse FBI’ing in 2016.
/KJV or Bust
@prostratedragon: So, basically the same as if Conyers had stayed nominally in office, then?
@prostratedragon: It’s true that Conyers seat won’t be filled for almost a year. However, given the Republican majority in the House right now it won’t make any difference in what gets passed or not passed. And its one more outrage to heap on the Wagon of Justice ™ to get people to the polls next November. It also gies enough lead time (I hope) to work out the whole “Who’s going to replace him” issues.
I find those pictures of rallies where the hall is almost empty are very powerful symbols of just how unpopular this guy is. Please keep them coming. Its especially helpful if we can get any “compare and contrast” pictures with the size of the crowds President Obama drew in the same setting.
After that, he could’ve rested on his laurels. He didn’t need to do anything more to justify his existence.
They’re still chanting “lock her up”, I see. The statute of limitations on most federal crimes is five years. That means they can’t lock her up for Benghazi, or anything before. It’s just two months to the fifth anniversary of Hillary leaving the State Department. If he wants to lock her up, shouldn’t he be getting moving?
@lowtechcyclist: I dunno… Young was right in the moral and political senses, but Skynyrd had better songs.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Me too.
No Drought No More
NY Times: “Energized, infuriated — often a gumbo of both — Mr. Trump grabs his iPhone. Sometimes he tweets while propped on his pillow, according to aides. Other times he tweets from the den next door, watching another television…”.
Bull Puckey.
That’s White House PR pushing back at keeping at bay from Americans historical memory the picture of Trump tweeting while taking his morning shit on his golden toilet, his pajamas bottoms draped around his ankle on the tiled bathroom floor.
If a monument is ever dedicated to Trump in the nation’s capital, let that be the image that is immortalized.
@gratuitous: As you probably know, this was this morning’s O.T. reading in Morning Prayer. Advent reading are pretty stark. As an aside, I think verse 24 about justice and righteousness was Maya Lin’s inspiration for her Martin Luther King monument which uses flowing water.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The Late Show had a bit of his rally, it reminded me a bit of a cheaply done 70s made for TV version idea of a Nazi thing. The kind of thing done by a Jewish producer who’s parents died in the camps during the war so he was venting his spleen on Nazis by making them look comically inept.
It was a hateful, nasty combination of grievance-airing and making up shit to brag about.
He’s a horrible person. I’m not at all surprised no one wanted to go to their Christmas tree lighting. He’s never had any friends because he’s nasty. It’s not complicated.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Marcopolo: Color me skeptical, that was the 1980s, not the 1950s and there was huge child abuse panic in the country at the time for one thing. If the malls and YMCA were banning Moore, Moore was doing something not considered normal around teens.
Millard Filmore
@No Drought No More:
What a nice way to memorialize him in a wax museum of presidents.
@Amir Khalid: Frank Zappa’s youngest son is named after him.
@trollhattan: and Dark Side of the Moon.
Kenneth Kohl
@chris: yep. My wife and I will be adjusting our meager holdings to grab our “profits” sometime next week. You know that DonnieFuckUp will indeed bubble-burst.
The child abuse panic of that era didn’t start until September 1983, which is when the McMartin pre-school allegations became public. Moore’s cruising the mall for teenage girls took place before then, if I’ve got the chronology straight.
J R in WV
Saw Skynyrd open for ZZ Top, they were terrible. Treason flags and red-neckism, and shitty musicianship. ZZ Top on the other hand was great.
I had to wear ear protection for Skynyrd, took them out for ZZ Top, Skynyrd was overdriving their equipment, it sounded terrible on top of the bad music.
@sylvania: @sylvania: I think he is called President Trump, got used to it.
@Daddio7: He’s the Traitor in Chief.
Quaker in a Basement
Jesus, the old hometown never ceases to be an embarrassment.