And go watch Mike Cernovich get rekt in a reddit AMA. It is everything you hope for an more:
cernovich is doing an AMA and even the moderator is dunking on him
— Dan Fallon (@da_fallon) December 22, 2017
Major Major Major Major
I’ll just keep working on this short story, it seems like a better use of my time.
note to self:
If I ever do a reddit forum, I need to prep myself for “Yo Mama” jokes by the dozens.
I am loving this. Are you watching his live stream as he melts down?
Report: Documents show W.H. lawyer told Trump Flynn broke law
Rachel Maddow shares a report from Foreign Policy that White House counsel Don McGahn informed Donald Trump that Mike Flynn had broken the law, though the official White House line was that McGahn had said the opposite.
James E. Powell
I agree with Atrios. I hate that I even know who Cernovich is. Currently shopping on zillow for hermit caves.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
He is getting shit hammered over there.
Wait, did Rep. Adam Schiff just drop a big hint?
Rachel Maddow shares a piece of her interview with Rep. Adam Schiff in which he raises the question of whether Russians laundered money through the Trump Organization or guaranteed loans for the Trump Organization.
Wyden emphasizes need to follow Trump money in Russia probe
Senator Ron Wyden talks with Rachel Maddow about why it’s important for Trump Russia investigators to be able to follow Trump’s money, and why the distraction of the holidays is reason to be vigilant for Trump sneakiness.
Trump appointee would force teen refugee to bear rapist’s child
Brigitte Amiri, senior staff attorney at the ACLU’s reproductive freedom project, talks with Rachel Maddow about the fight to defend the reproductive rights of undocumented teens from Trump-appointed anti-abortion zealots in the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
Doug, give John Cole back his account.
John Cole
@brendancalling: link
The Internet is a wonderful place. :D
“Mike, buddy, big fan, long time listener – my question – how do you wake up every morning and resist the urge to swallow a bullet knowing that your lasting memory on this planet will amount to nothing more than a fecal stain on humanity?”
I don’t really understand AMAs. But this appears to be one of the top questions. And he hasn’t answered.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Damn, ERRBODY is dunking on him. And not your regular dunks neither – it’s like NBA JAM except:
-There’s a Antiope mod
-Not only is the ball on fire, so is she, the basket, the court, the crowd, AND THE ARENA
The Balloon Juice header reminded me of the Subgenius book article “Throw This Book Against the Wall Right Now” but Dan Fallon’s Twitter was a pleasant surprise.
what a hoot
Nooo.. this one is:
Hi Mike,
I first wanted to thank you for your book Gorilla Mindset. It really helped me be a better man and take control of my life in a way that I badly needed. I also wanted to thank you for leading by example regarding how to fight back against people who are trying to put you down.
I was wondering if I could ask you a personal question regarding some issues in my life to get some advice from someone who has helped me so much already:
I currently am married with a baby and am living in my wife’s parents’ basement. Our marriage has at times been tense because I tend to be too much of an alpha for her. I feel like there’s a chance she’s going to leave me in the next year or so, and though I luckily have some alimony money from a previous divorce, I’m afraid that a lot of the unhinged things I’ve written on the internet will make it difficult to get custody of our baby. Any advice? And if you were me, how would you change my living situation, which is admittedly a bit emasculating?
Thanks again for everything!
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Now that’s some classic reference material right there.
Major Major Major Major
@cain: Seems like a real winner.
@John Cole:
I think he’s on periscope, so it is likely on twitter.
Let’s see, my choices are to kick into high gear and leave early to visit my mother for Christmas or wander over to Reddit and “listen” to the mental masturbation of one of the most loathsome human beings on the planet. Gosh, what would you do?
Original Lee
Off topic: A family member who leans conservative has recently heard about voter suppression in the 2016 election (!) but doesn’t trust the source. I’ve been poking around a bit but want an impeccable source or two to send him because he’ll tune out forever if he thinks it’s unreliable or partisan. Suggestions?
the lithp puns and cracks are pretty ace as well
“Gorilla Mindthet” FTW
@Original Lee: Try The Brennan Center, though I’m sure your right-leaning family member will easily write that off as liberal propaganda as well (even though it’s not).
I’ll settle for hearing about it third-hand (that’s the one you don’t use to masturbate on someone).
No, what you’ll be seeing is Internet level take down of one of the most loathsome human beings on the planet while his reaction is filmed on twitter.
Jack the Second
To be fair, Trump has horrible reading/listening skills. Whose to say that Trump understood the words McGahn was saying to him? Are we confident Trump even knows he is actually President, and not on a new reality TV show?
@Original Lee:
Direct your relative to Rick Hasan. He’s really, really good, breaks down and explains the many facets of elections including suppression.
@Original Lee: You can’t win this. Conservatives think that snopes is a liberal conspiracy.
Ask them what they find unreliable about the current source and dig deeper into it and have them convince themselves.
More stuff that won’t make it into the fawning Cernovich NYT profile that we all know is coming by June at the latest, right?
I heard this morning that Trump was told prior to his asking Comey to go easy on Flynn.
Teddys Person
Maybe this is his audition for Dolt45’s new press secretary when all the rats start jumping in January.
Mary G
I’ve not been to an AMA before, but some of this is quite funny.
Doesn’t he have at least one actual fan to throw him a softball question to answer? Sad!
There are many times reddit sucks. This is not one of those times.
That AMA is will go down in reddit history (if not internet history).
It is a thing of beauty.
Another Scott
I’ll pass.
But doesn’t this guy understand that AMA is an initialism for Ask Me Anything?
Recognizing that he hasn’t been convicted and sentenced in a court of law, how is he even allowed (by his family and friends) out of his home in the morning when he apparently has this little understanding??
In other news, Donnie today signed a CR that will expire on January 19. RollCall – House extends Christmas Recess until January 8:
Governing via continual crisis is great, just like Steve Bannon says!!11 We might as well keep it up, eh?
The other day I took a playful shot at my Baby Aunt and Uncle (big farmers, big) about farm subsidies, hit a nerve. I looked at a list of farmers receiving subsidies in their county and they were in the top ten. Number. 1. was a sob I went to high school with…the closest he’s ever gotten to a wheat field is eating a fucking slice of bread.
BTW, I can imagine the conversation, “So you won’t fuck me, how about if I just jerk off on you?”
Has he answered any questions? Is he even there?
Mike J
@Another Scott: Has Congress passed a budget since the Republicans took over? I’ve just been seeing CR after CR.
@Raoul: AMA stands for Ask Me Anything. They typically host famous people, ranging from the world of science, television, literature… really anywhere, with the main goal of being having regular people ask questions to people they typically would never be able to talk to. President Obama did an AMA a few years back.
Their AMA series is actually really good, but like with everything in life, you get trash like this. Fortunately the better parts of reddit arrived in force and we’re enjoying a Festivus miracle!
@Jager: just curious about those relatives – what is their position on welfare, and would they deny that farm subsidies are, in fact, welfare?
@Leto: So I now understand. And of course, he isn’t doing an Answer Anything. Actually, dude who hangs up on NPR reporter thinks Reddit will be kind? Precious.
@debbie: he’s mostly taking VERY weak potshots at the commenters lighting him up. He seems to think “I am famous!” and “you’re talking about me!” are devastating rebuttals.
His choices to retort to those questioning the proportions of his genitalia are rather revealing. Paging Dr. Freud.
Cernovich? More like WhinyLittleBitch.
Of course, welfare is only for “city folks”.
I'll be Frank
wow, they just keep getting better:
“For a guy who hates socialism so much, how do you feel about being publicly owned?”
This is sooo funny. My in-laws can’t imagine what is making me grin so much.
You do have a way with words.
@Mike J: Hah!
Also, too, he’s delusional (and a complete, shit-ass propagandist)
@rikyrah: I’m reading Malcolm Nance’s book right now and I’d completely believe that this happened.
Another Scott
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Budgeting has been a problem for decades, and it got worse under the 2011 Budget Control Act, but I don’t recall multiple ~ month-long CRs in a row before.
It seems like something’s gotta give – after all, if something can’t continue it won’t – but who knows.
As Richard-David reminds us with respect to the PPACA, the Democrats hold a lot of good cards here. As Bill McBride at CalculatedRiskBlog reminds us, since Clinton’s presidency, the GOP isn’t stupid enough to threaten to cause a shut-down of the government during an election year. And Donnie and the GOP are getting decimated in public opinion polls. As a result of all this, we have a chance to make substantial progress on the budget and on policy this coming year, but we have to fight for it every single day.
@Another Scott:
The problem is getting them to actually play them instead of constantly throwing them away.
@Barbara: I’d get stoned and eat all the cookies from a cookie swamp and then go to The Last Jedi. ‘Bubye
Thanks. I listened to the NPR interview where he hung up. Just another Bill O’Reilly wannabe.
@BillinGlendaleCA: They passed the budget outline resolutions but no actual budget as I recall.
@debbie: a fifth-string O’Reilly without the wits. And sex appeal.
@Another Scott:
Used to be a problem here in CA too; got rid of the Republicans, problem solved.
He seriously believes (or claims to believe) that any attention at all is a massive win for him. Even when he’s being lit up like a Christmas tree and so far hasn’t managed even one mediocre rebuttal.
They are really good Catholics (my Aunt, as the Baby Uncle says, “by injection”) I’ve never heard them complain about welfare. They aren’t right wingers by any stretch. They’ve grown from one mid sized farm to what used to be 8 family farms. They used a lot migrant workers for potatoes and sugar beets years ago. They started by asking the migrants if they wanted to work year round for a salary and a house to live in. Those families now have grandchildren at the school where my Aunt taught for years. The school is now 18% Hispanic. They are good people, tons of volunteer work etc. The shot I took was in fun.. Then when I looked at the list, most of it was made up of long time families and quite a few don’t live there or haven’t sat on a tractor for a generation. My Uncle and his son still work the land. One of only two on the top ten list who do. My fraternal grand father was a farmer in the same area, when my WWII pilot dad came home he told my grandfather where he shove farm life (he’d seen Paree) if he hadn’t I’d guess I’d be collecting subsidies today.
Another Scott
@Original Lee: Maybe the Brennan Center on Restricting the Vote?
HTH. Good luck, but don’t bang your head against a brick wall.
Original Lee
@r€nato: he probably doesn’t know what it is, so I can attach some info at the top.
Another Scott
@r€nato: GMTA.
Original Lee
@laura: thanks!
Miss Bianca
OMG, I barely know who this shitstain is. and I am LMAO.
Note to self: If I ever decide to become a self-infatuated right-wing ‘journalist’, don’t presume that anyone is going to want to see or hear my bloviating in real time.
Original Lee
@Starfish: he doesn’t consider blogs as reliable on principle.
Gin & Tonic
@Ruviana: Malcolm Nance, unfortunately, knows far, far less about Russia than he pretends to on TV.
Original Lee
@Another Scott: thanks. I’ll check it out.
@Raoul: He probably figured that all the shitheels from r/TheDonald would come and they’d circle jerk over Killary memes, and how the Shitgibbon is “crushin’ it bro!”. No no… that’s not how this work.
OT. Santa and Mrs. Claus are arriving shortly.
Mary G
Oh my dog, this man has no shame:
If you look at the pictures, it’s embarrassing as hell that this guy is handing out these cheesy trinkets.
@Mary G: Gawd, that’s tacky.
Amir Khalid
I can’t stop what I’m doing. Liverpool threw away a 2-0 lead at Arsenal and went behind, but then they equalised and the game is now delicately balanced at 3-3. It’s a nailbiter.
ETA: With better finishing, Liverpool could have settled this by halftime. Harumph.
@Mary G: It enrages me that every single ridiculous and untrue thing that Obama’s haters accused him of, Trump is guilty of in spades and then some.
I was out to dinner with the aunt and uncle last night, who are visiting from out of town and staying with uncle’s sis (my mom). I found out that my folks have swallowed the whole bottle of blue pills. Not that it’s going to stop me, but every single dumbshit Trump supporter making idiotic comments on FB and elsewhere… that’s my goddamn folks. Ugh. Ordinarily I would never allow partisan politics to come between family, but I am just really aghast that they believe such profoundly stupid shit.
@Mary G: I feel ill. There is nothing he will not defile. Absolutely nothing.
@Raoul: He’ll use that as validation that LibRUls are whiny cry babies, go on Fox and say, “Look, I made the libruls mad! See? They made fun of my lispth… they’re the true monsters!” and the grift will continue.
@Mary G:
“Produce your
papersCoin, Citizen.”debit
@r€nato: I’m so sorry. I have not spoken to my father about politics since before the election. We have an unspoken agreement that we won’t, because we both know that if either of us does our relationship is over forever.
@Jager: thanks Jager! They sound like really nice people. I can’t imagine farm life and it’s demands. In my area there’s a good amount of farming on a small scale-and the farmers market is chock full of abundance, but toll is evident in their hands and faces.
Oh that was good. Thanks for the heads up John!
Miss Bianca
@cain: that was the one that got me, too, I will confess it.
ETA: I loved this one, too: “Hey Weird Mike, big fan of Alimony Mindset.
Do have any advice for mentally unstable young men that don’t involved shooting up a pizzeria or harassing liberal video game developers and journalists?
Also, is rape bad?”
IS IT WRONG to be laughing?
Mary G
More sadness from the coin article:
One person with integrity:
Children are like that. He clearly has never emotionally matured past the age of about 12.
Gah! What a horrid little man! The epitome of, “Christ, what an asshole!”
Fortunately Reddit has an antidote. Favourite cat picture of the day. Might have to look into volunteering at the local shelter.
Fucking this right here. Every. Aspect. Of. Life. He fucking infects and leaves nothing untouched. Reverse Midas Shitgibbon. FFS…
The comments are priceless, too. ?
Baby Uncle has sold some of the migrants the old farm houses with 5 or so acres of land, the families are making extra and decent money doing organic gardens. Yeah, good people, but we were all relieved when my cousin Katie got her Mom to stop calling the migrant’s kids, “My little brown ones” at school. What’s nice is the Polish-Irish-German and now Hispanic Catholic church has Mexican Food nights and pinatas for the kids. Nice things can change
@debit: oh we have that unspoken agreement as well, thankfully. Because otherwise it wouldn’t be very long before I said, “christ, you’re a fucking idiot.”
What can one say to someone who seriously believes Obama is a Muslim because of the ring he wears… or that Fox News is every bit as legitimate a news source as NY Times… who has more than once dropped the N-bomb in front of me with regard to Obama… or, you know, supports every single thing Trump does, no matter how spiteful/childish/outrageous?
Captain C
So, I saw where at one point Cerno claimed to be getting $9K/month from his ex. How does he still have to live in his parents’ basement with his wife and kid, then?
The NYT is trying, bless their hearts.
Miss Bianca
@chris: the comments on that cat pic are so cute! I guess I may have to revise my opinion of reddit somewhat – there are some pretty witty people hanging out there!
@r€nato: The New York Times is garbage.
(Somebody has to sub for Baud while he’s gallivanting about South America*.)
*They stole our name, fuckem.
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama election officials say they will certify Democratic candidate Doug Jones’ upset victory over Republican rival Roy Moore next week.
The Alabama Secretary of State announced in a statement Friday that the election results would be finalized next Thursday.
Jones defeated Moore on Dec. 12 to become the first Democrat elected to the Senate from Alabama in a quarter-century. Moore was besieged by decades-old accusations of sexual misconduct involving teenage girls when he was in his 30s. He has denied the allegations.
Moore has not conceded the race. In a Thursday fundraising letter to his supporters, Moore said he needs donations to investigate what he calls reports of fraud and irregularities in the election.
Grifters gonna grift.
All he knows is tacky
@Miss Bianca:Reddit is full of kind, smart and funny people. More of them, I think, than the, um, other kind.
Another Scott
@r€nato: Maybe remind them of Eichenwald’s second Open Letter to Paul Ryan:
It’s even more obvious that this was true then and continues to be true now.
He’s brain damaged and is doing great damage to the USA and the Presidency. One doesn’t have to be a partisan hack to see that – one only needs to stop watching Fox news. :-(
Good luck.
Another Scott
@Another Scott: Help. I’m in moderation. :-(
@Another Scott: You said a bad word.
Another Scott
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yup. Casinos.
Miss Bianca
@r€nato: My brother is fond of posting these pro-Trump, anti-HRC memes on FB. I’ve decided that my generic response is “Projection…it’s not just for movie theaters anymore!”
Another Scott
@r€nato: I guess the Front Pagers are out partying, or fighting the mobs on the on-line stores. Trying again…
Maybe remind them of Eichenwald’s second Open Letter to Paul Ryan:
It’s even more obvious that this was true then and continues to be true now.
He’s brain damaged and is doing great damage to the USA and the Presidency. One doesn’t have to be a partisan hack to see that – one only needs to stop watching Fox news. :-(
Good luck.
Cernovich truly is not very bright is he? It’s good to know that. At the same time, a reminder that someone not-too-smart can still do a lot of harm if he has influence.
I can relate. My family went Trump, and other than hospitalizations and relatives’ passings, there’s been minimal contact. I post just about every anti-Trump thing I can find, but no one seems to have blocked me yet.
@Another Scott: I see you said “green balloons” three times and have been freed.
Yeah, like that Trump fella.
@Miss Bianca:
No, They’ve crossed the line at least twice so it should be considered safe.
Mike in NC
Hey, those shitty Trump challenge coins will be accepted as currency at any of his sleazy properties.
@Leto: He is a shitstain. But I don’t like seeing people mock his lisp. C’mon, folks, he has so many chosen traits to bash him for.
Yeah, that’s some PC concern trolling I guess. But hoist him by his petard, not a speech impairment.
@raven: I would expect that Republican John Merrill of Tuscaloosa County, AL, the S.O.S., has done his level best to look for ways to not certify.
Moore is just a self-promoting, twice unseated ex-judge working his latest grift. Buh-bye, loser.
That was delightful. I’m going back to laugh more.
I picked the worst day to Christmas shop. The roads are terrible. Think they’ll notice me if I crash in one of the tents in the Bean’s camping department?
@MomSense: Tomorrow or Sunday would probably be worse.
@Raoul: punk ass MP officer
Another Scott
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Nope. I just reposted it – with the magic blank HTML tags in Casino to get by the FYWP trap. My original is still in the dungeon. :-/
@MomSense: Try on some camo and hide under the moose.
@Another Scott:
He is turning what was once a democracy into a hell hole on earth. In this he receives much help from a republican congress. Watching people fawn all over him while he takes from the poor to give to the rich is horrendous – He is teaching Kim Jong-un how it should be done.
We’re expecting freezing rain to start tomorrow so it will definitely be worse.
Ha!! I could always pretend to be a mannequin in the hunting department.
@MomSense: I know two people whose first date was in one of those showroom tents. They’re married now.
I know that no one else is still here but I just scanned the reddit along with the persicope podcast and have to say that when Gorilla Mindset was recast as Rhesus Thesis I smiled then laughed like hell.
ETA feel free to point and yell threadkiller. I’m used to it.
That qualifies as a “meet cute”.
@MomSense: That might be fun. I always wonder who shops there at three AM. On second thought, maybe not.
@Mary G: Where did he put the swastika?
A couple of co-workers did almost all their shopping on line, via Amazon. I’m not there yet, but getting close.
father pusbucket
@chris: Cool! My wife recently got us that very tree.
I always make a trip that way so I can stop at my favorite bookstore and a couple other small shops. I’m not quite ready to give up my routine yet.
scott alloway
@Miss Bianca: No. But laughter should be accompanied by mocking.
Far too late to the thread, but damn that has made for some damn fine reading, Cernovich.
@hellslittlestangel: But the third hand is the gripping hand. What exactly are you gripping?
/em backs away slowly for fear of the answer
J R in WV
Pretty good stuff, that guy is a total jerk-wad. And Reddit users put him exactly where he deserved to be.
@Original Lee: Compulsory voting, as it is practiced around the world, is your best argument, because how could anyone arguing for democracy argue against democracy.
The Simp in the Suit
Well shit, we were just discussing over the breakfast table how the fucking New York fucking Times is a fucking embarrassment. It’s not that Fox is as legitimate as the Times, it’s that the Times is morphing into something as illegitimate as Fox.
The rest of the discussion was about strategies about how to get The Post delivered to relatives out west who want it but who hate reading online.