Message from indefatigable commentor Yutsano:
Hello! I’d like to try for another meet-up to happen! I’m in Seattle for March 29th until April 1st. I know that’s Easter weekend but I’m still open to trying! Would you mind throwing this on the front page for me? Thanks!
Leave a comment below if you’re interested, or contact me at annelaurie (dot) bj (at) gmail (dot) com, and I’ll forward your message to Yutsano.
A meetup lasting from March 29th to April 1st? That’s a long meetup, you PNW jackels are hardcore.
Mary G
Reposting from the last thread, O/T, but I am so tickled:
Well, Bobby Three Sticks is getting right up in somebody’s grill. He has subpoenaed the Trump Organization directly. No link because it’s off Maggie FTFNYT’s twitter.
I can hear the screaming out here by the Pacific Ocean. He may fire a LOT of people now, and the tweets should be off the charts crazy.
I still feel lonely sitting here in Florida. :(
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Ain’t no party like a Northwest party. Although it won’t quite be like that. I do have a doctor’s appointment to get to.
zhena gogolia
I’m nowhere near Seattle, but I just had to say, thank God I finally got internet service back! I was in BJ withdrawal something awful. I missed Conor Lamb’s victory and the student walkout and God knows what else.
Hiya, Yutsano!
I have gotten over the bug I had last time you were in town, and would be delighted to do another Meetup! It’s been ages since we hung out.
I’m happy to organize it again, too, once we have more peeps chiming in.
Any day except the 30th…(though I’m a theatre going fool….I do well over a hundred shows a year….)
put me on the list.
@CaseyL: WOOT!!! Yes our Jewish selves must congregate again! I think Opie is in town too. I would tweet this at her but my account is on lockdown for filing season. I always get weird follows around then.
@gwangung: That might be good since I have a couple off BJ friends I’ll work on hanging with that day. That’s also the day of my appointment so yeah I have less time that day anyway. I’m all about lunch or dinner on Saturday depending on what we decide. Or Sunday Easter brunch (which would be a nightmare but doable).
Going to or acting in?
The 31st (Saturday) works best for me.
@CaseyL: I’m all good with that.
@Yutsano: Seeing….hell, not even the busiest actor in town does that many.
(Though the busiest actor/producer in town does 10-12 shows a year and sees 150-200 shows a year. Then there’s the one guy who does 300+ shows a year….)
Bumping this for the nightcrawlers.
I’ll try to be there.