Everyone thinks George Orwell was so fucking prescient, but where was the book about belligerent septuagenarians with dementia destroying the citizenry's will to live through televised displays of lunacy?
— Ken Fitzgerald (@loudlong) May 3, 2018
They’ve been cronies since Roy Cohn’s glory days, but I suspect “America’s Mayor” has begun to think less about Donald’s requirements and more about Rudy’s. And he’s doing a remarkably bad job of it, either way. A little Saturday night reputation massacre:
1. Judge Jeanine is on – her guest tonight is the president's personal attorney, Rudolph Giuliani.
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) May 6, 2018
3. Judge J asks Giuliani about the special prosecutors…..Giuliani says about Mueller giving Cohen case to SDNY and not Manafort…"maybe they feel they can flip Manafort faster."
The question is – why is he offering the possibility that flipping can happen?
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) May 6, 2018
7. Giuliani: "I'm an expert on campaign finance law…there's no way this is a campaign finance violation…nor was it a loan. Mr. Cohen is the worst treated…and Mr. Manafort."
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) May 6, 2018
10: Rudy: "The only evidence of a crime here involves the government."
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) May 6, 2018
Reminder that Trump hired Giuliani because he is, “good on television.”
— Schooley (@Rschooley) May 3, 2018
Rudy: "The facts I'm still learning. This is 1.2 million documents. I have been in the case for two weeks. Virtually one day in comparison to other people. I'm not an expert on the facts yet. I am an expert on the law." pic.twitter.com/7DaYNNTZDT
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 6, 2018
Sunday morning:
Giuliani: It is possible Michael Cohen paid off other women for Trump https://t.co/cBPZz9BXVX
— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) May 6, 2018
Thoundbites, he croons to himself, That’ll get the hot bookings… …
… When asked during an interview on ABC News’s “This Week” whether Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, had made payments to other women, Giuliani said he did not know of any but acknowledged that this could have happened.
“I have no knowledge of that,” Giuliani said. “But I would think if it was necessary, yes.”…
During the interview on “This Week,” during which he also said Trump would not have to comply with a subpoena from the special counsel investigation, Giuliani dismissed the president’s comments about the Daniels payment to reporters aboard Air Force One in early April. The president had said he did not know about Cohen’s payment or where Cohen got the money.
“The reality is, those are not facts that worry me as a lawyer … those don’t amount to anything, what’s said to the press,” Giuliani said. “That’s political.”…
“I never thought $130,000 — I know this sounds funny to people there at home,” he said. “I never thought $130,000 was a real payment; it’s a nuisance payment. When I settle this, when it was real or a real possibility, it’s a couple million dollars, not $130,000.”
Giuliani said that Cohen is no longer Trump’s personal attorney, adding that that would be a conflict. He also said that the possibility of pardoning Cohen — who is facing scrutiny from federal investigators exploring whether he committed bank fraud and wire fraud — has not been raised.
“Michael’s lawyers all know that that obviously is not on the table,” Giuliani said. “That’s not a decision to be made now; there’s no reason to pardon anybody now.”…
Ya gotta let these low-lifes, these little weasels, know where they belong on the food chain.
Question: was Rudy Giuliani ever anything more than a self-aggrandizing creep? I paid no attention to him before 9/11; despite media adulation, he was actually terrible right away: remember when he wanted to stay in office despite end of term? Was he ever good for anything?
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) May 5, 2018
2/ Watch him and you see a man who’s soft and confused and more loose than he once was when it comes to anger management and impulse control. The last 24 hrs is Rudy being let outside that cocoon. Bereft and flailing.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 4, 2018
What’s more interesting is when @RudyGiuliani was working w/ Trump team there were countless FBI leaks. He comes onto trump’s team again, & life & behold leaks start happening.
— D1 (@DCdem1163) May 1, 2018
Never thought I’d ever want Rudy Giuliani to keep talking.
— John Dingell (@JohnDingell) May 3, 2018
Save us Mueller Wan Kenobi. I can’t take much more of this shit.
If I thought El Jefe had two brain cells to rub together, I’d think hiring Rudy was his exit strategy. But since he (a) can’t imagine himself leaving the office he “deserves”, (b) hasn’t those two brain cells, and (c) expects to be vindicated and added to Mount Rushmore, it’s pretty clear that Rudy is just a terrible consigliere.
I dream of that shriveled carcass hanging from a meathook. (sorry it’s only a dream, god bless america etc.)
@schrodingers_cat: Mueller, it’s said, will have to go quiet for a few months. DOJ can’t be seen as interfering in the election, don’tcha know.
Excuse me while I punch a hole in the wall.
The fall will be fast and hard and glorious.
I’m sure it’s the strategy, but CRIMINY following all this silliness is so much work.
Is Giuliani naturally stupid, or ignorant, or in the throes of senile dementia?
Or ¿Por qué no los trés?
Grateful for your parenthetical; otherwise I might have thought your post was by TenguPhule \\
@Baud: I will do the tandava when that happens. I am no where as elegant as Nitisha but what the hell, it will be cathartic.
Good point:
@B.B.A.: On the other hand, if he brings things to a boil in a Congress with a new Democratic majority in at least the House, we will be far more certain to see honest action and consideration there. Whether he can wait that long is another story
“Mueller, it’s said, will have to go quiet for a few months. DOJ can’t be seen as interfering in the election, don’tcha know.”
Meuller’s been quiet as the grave since day one. The leaks are coming from inside The House.
@B.B.A.: I didn’t click, but assuming it’s true (and how can it be given the current indictments?), it wouldn’t be the worst thing to have them hold back until the Dems capture the House and maybe Congress.
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
This buffoonery is so painful. Every day the lies pile up. Every day is a new transgression by the Orange Atrocity and his minions. And yet part of the country thinks things are fine and MAGA. Gross.
Corner Stone
Pay attention to what Trump is denying or walking back. IOW, nothing specific. All the things Rudy is saying, or has been saying, is of a piece to make sure that no one knows that a truth exists. Which story makes sense? Which story are they denying? What timeline are they refuting?
It’s a mix to make sure no one knows anything that can be true.
Corner Stone
Harvard Law should be a fucking shamed of itself for Dershowitz.
Blankenship fired back.
“My son says a lot of things that I wish he wouldn’t say, too,” he said.
Corner Stone
Rudy is using his last gasp to get every single camera focused on him that he can. At this point he probably hates Trump for not giving him a Cabinet job. He’s like the baby alien clasping onto someones mouth hole.
We can’t have a russiagate open thread without the good doctor weighing in.
Corner Stone
@germy: Wow.
““A vote for Blankenship is a vote to advance liberal positions, higher taxes and abortion on demand,” the voice-over says. “That’s because Blankenship would get crushed in November.”
Doug R
If what the WSJ says is true, then Mueller just has to not indict anyone involved in any active House or Senate races. My interpretation is that he can go after Senators who are not up for election and the retiring traitors in the House.
Corner Stone
Danielle Pletka of the AEI. She’s so great. Thanks Chuck Todd for giving her so much platform.
karen marie
@schrodingers_cat: I’ve taken up playing a complex online game to keep me off twitter and away from the news. At this point, new details don’t even matter – Trump and his administration are inept, corrupt, and bring shame onto this country with every day they and their Republican enablers continue to hold power.
Trump is as he ever was.
@Corner Stone: Good.
Yo creo en los tres.
@Corner Stone: Dershowitz is just gross. I remember him on the Today Show when the Jeffrey Epstein flight log story broke and he had a panicked look about him. He’s got plenty of thing he’s hiding and it doesn’t surprise me at all that he’d ended up on Fox.
James Powell
@Corner Stone:
I don’t watch any of The Shows so I can’t tell if that is sarcasm.
@karen marie: I am enjoying the last season of The Americans. I love Matthew Rhys.
@Corner Stone:
Harvard has harvested assholes before but they rarely have that much influence.
Dershowitz is just a self made massive asshole who happened to attend Harvard.
Trump appointed Dr. Oz to his health council?
holy crap.
Major Major Major Major
I’ve got the same questions actually.
It means he’s not going to indict anybody. I appreciate that unlike Comey, he’s going to be fucking professional and follow the standards of keeping his office apolitical.
@SiubhanDuinne: Lol, I actually thought it was and double-checked the nym!
Major Major Major Major
@Frankensteinbeck: This is also what I assume it means.
@Major Major Major Major: Read the replies to Krugman’s thread. Lots of people from NYC who knew Rudy way back when.
Millard Filmore
Before Comey-2016 that is a good policy. For normal political corruption, like taking bribes or laundering campaign payoffs to porn stars, that is a good policy. Mix in a little treason and it no longer holds up.
@Major Major Major Major:
His record and his mouth say, no.
@germy: There’s unhappiness among my NYC relatives that Rudy has slithered back into public view. Get back under that rock!
Well, come on, it’s not like new laws have been passed or court cases decided in the last 25 years, right?
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
The answer to question No. 1 is No.
Dershowitz is professor at Harvard Law School.
Rudy’s eyes make Carrie in Homeland seem sane.
Jay S
Jay Rosen has a theory that this is part of Trump’s chaos theory. http://pressthink.org/2018/05/presidents-lawyer-pictures-grifter/
Meuller doesn’t indict anybody, the Grand Jury does. I don’t think the process is going to stop during the election, as technically, none of “The Ususal Suspects” are running for election or re-election.
Major Major Major Major
@Jay S: Hmm.
I tried to take a nap, but first my brother butt-dialed me while he was yelling at one of his kids (I think) and then some people started having a loud conversation beneath the apartment window. Feh.
@Corner Stone:
They’re preaching to the custodian. No one outside the mouth breather flying monkey bubble believes a syllable of it.
Science fiction of that sort isn’t meant to predict the future, I think; it’s more cautionary stories about what could happen if we’re not careful.
That said, a mash-up of 1984 and Brave New World would have some interesting similarities to the present. “It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away.” But it’s not dangerous in the same sense–we put ourselves in such situations with apps we willingly download. When it comes to life experience, “Every one belongs to every one else, after all.”
I’m overreaching, probably. But not too much.
Jay S
@Jay S: Rosen takes this Jonathan Karl quote from This Week and runs with it.
Jay S
They don’t believe it either, they just don’t care. They are striving for a post truth gut feeling culture where belief is far more relevant than any objective truth.
Obviously I was wrong. Not about the part of him bing a massive asshole though.
It won’t happen again or at least if it does I will deny it in the strongest terms.
Gelfling 545
@schrodingers_cat: so an additional readon to anticipare the event. ?
Totally OT: I’m watching an NHK World episode on our local PBS affiliate about the dog meat industry in South Korea. I had no idea it was a such a big industry (e.g. it employees one million people). I guess I had always thought it was a rare thing in rural areas, so I’m truly shocked and horrified. Not sure how to take it (different cultural values/needs?). I guess the good news is that it’s rapidly declining in popularity.
@JPL: Rudy’s eyes make Carrie in “Carrie” seem sane. ?
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Truly, he is the greatest legal mind of the 25th century BC!
Shirley you’re joking.
That’s downright Onionesque.
@remima: The market mainly caters to older men, there’s a belief that eating dog provides vitality(if you catch my drift).
@Jay S:
Isn’t that generally called religion?
Mr Stagger Lee
@RSA:You forgot to add two scoops of Idiocracy.
Of course.
Jay S
@SiubhanDuinne: Not the Onion: https://gizmodo.com/trump-picks-tv-snake-oil-salesman-dr-oz-of-all-people-1825811981
@Corner Stone:
I refuse to believe that there is a single miner in WV who would vote for Blankenship. No matter how much of a Trumpie he or she may be.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: Not too shocking that one garbage-TV self-promoting grifter would appoint another.
When I was feed a meal of dog by my Chinese host it came with a lecture that the same invaders that forced the heroin trade on them told them it was immoral to eat dog.
Jay S
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Or Republican economic theory.
@debbie: Sounds like a good reason to get him over the line in the primary.
@debbie: What are we, the Gaza Strip now?
Don’t forget to try the prime rib, folks!
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I had the misfortune of arguing with some asshole Trumper who wanted to pretend he wasn’t one and was so above-it-all yesterday on Youtube. Russia-collusion is a made up narrative! Trump has done great things for the American economy! The Left wants to totally destroy freedom of speech by no-platforming (true and there’s nothing wrong with that) their opponents. The South Korean president said Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize and he ended the Korean War!
I tried explaining to him why he was full of shit, but it didn’t take. He also didn’t like how “leftist” Silicon Valley censored speech they didn’t agree with and banned users for violating their terms of service. I tried explaining to him that absolute freedom of speech has never existed and never will and apparently doesn’t think social consequences should exist for unpopular speech. I pointed out that sometimes this isn’t fair, that civil rights leaders had to deal with the same shit and far worse.
Also got all huffy when I questioned why he was so concerned about the free speech of right-wingers and thinks the “left” is going to Destroy Free Speech As We Know It.
@Major Major Major Major: He wasn’t even any good on 9/11. There reason we had a dust covered Rudy on that horrible day was because, against all advice, jerk wad insisted on siteing the NYC Emergency Command Center at a previous ground zero. All advice he had had was to build the command center in Brooklyn. If the center was located in Brooklyn, it would not have been destroyed in the attack. If the Command Center was functioning, the first responder deaths could have been much less numerous.
Read Dan Collins’ and Wayne Barrett’s book ” The Grand Illusion: Rudy Gillianni and the Truth About 9/11″. It is a thorough study of what went into the making of the disaster.
@Mr Stagger Lee: Good catch for 1950-or-earlier SF. As you probably already know, Idiocracy was based on C. M. Kornbluth’s stories “The Little Black Bag” and “The Marching Morons,” where, per Wikipedia,
Bad science, interesting social commentary.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Thanks, they did mention in the show that it’s a centuries old belief that it improves health, but they didn’t get quite that specific. I was hoping you would have some context to add. And I do want to be sensitive to a culture that I know little about.
As others have said: Intentionally or not, weird Giuliani is at least managing to put conflicting stories before the public. He can’t control the mounds of information already out there; he can only try to control what his public pays attention to and whether they take a story seriously.
Not saying it will matter here. But it reminds me of how conservatives intentionally use different “versions of the truth” to cause doubt and weaken urgency when science threatens their agenda. And of how a really good defense lawyer can sometimes use doubt to move jurors’ focus away from the evidence before their eyes. Even if the conflicting story they are offered is unrealistic.
@Schlemazel: Yeah, I do understand that it’s not my culture so it’s not my place to judge. I just had no idea. Learn something new every day…
ETA: It’s making me question the logic of my own food choices.
@Quinerly: Well that also.
Major Major Major Major
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: See, this is time you could spend practicing writing.
@schrodingers_cat: speaking of writing feel free to use the contact form at my nym if you want to get in touch about a website ever.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: you mean male dog gonads?
Chet Murthy
I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned “Giuliani time”. He took credit for the 90s drop in crime (that was happening all over America) — broken-windows policiing, etc, etc, etc. It was called “Giuliani time”. As Amadou Diallo found out. As Abner Louima found out. [I read that Louima didn’t claim that one of his torturers said that, but it sticks in my head from that era.]
@sdhays: They said that about Trump in 2016. too. Let’s just dump him, and if he wants to run as a third-party candidate and split the R vote, so much the better.
@RSA: Kornbluth was a real downer. Remember his story about “heat pumps”? Or maybe I’m confusing him with Pohl.
In Peru, guinea pigs are basically the urban equivalent of chickens. The animals your hosts keep in a cage in their living room may be served as your dinner that evening.
J R in WV
I’m a pretty adventurous eater, always have been… but there are limits I have discovered. In Chinatown, SF, I ordered a stir fry of sea slug. I know what sea slugs are, have prodded one to make it spew ink, so maybe no excuse.
I assumed (see what I did there? Made an ass of u and me) that there was some sophisticated Chinese technique, like crystal shrimp, that turned it into a delightful yet exotic meal. No, not so much, at all. I wound up picking out the tree ear mushrooms and vegges to eat with the rice. The sea slug was honestly described: sea slug.
I won’t be trying dog, either, not as long as I have the knowledge to make a decision.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Major Major Major Major:
I enjoy making idiots look stupid, what can I say? I didn’t respond to them directly, they started yacking at me because they got a notification that I commented in the same chain as they did.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: Mueller will figure things out though so we’ll know what is true and what isn’t true once his investigation is done.
Food choices are hard. What makes a dog more valuable than a pig?
Years ago I was on a vegetarian listserv and a fruitarian showed up to lecture everyone that we were hypocrites because one set of plants we took into our living rooms and nurtured while another set we took into the kitchen and butchered.
zhena gogolia
Chet Murthy
@Schlemazel:Will no one speak up for the dust mites? That we kill with every breath we take?
Patricia Kayden
@remima: I didn’t know that South Koreans ate dogs. Wow. It’s hard not to judge since we keep dogs as pets but I’ve had people recoil when I’ve told them that I eat goat (which is quite common in the West Indies).
@Jay S: yep. I was guessing the other week what the national issue will be. Immigrant bashing, sure, as immigrants don’t vote and it works well. I also figured they’d arrest Hillary and make it about who should go to jail. They desperately need it to be Hillary vs Trump somehow.
@Jay S:
It may even be simpler than that: Trump and the Republicans know that he “won” because they were able to simultaneously suppress Democratic votes and get white supremacist non-voters to turn out in just the right areas to swing the Electoral College. They’re hoping to pull that off again in November, which is why we need to turn out every possible Democratic voter. We are going to have a bunch of elections in November where the result is going to come down to a handful of votes because both sides are going to be energized.
TS (the original)
All about jobs – and the R after his name.
@J R in WV: My daughter won’t eat duck, goose or rabbit because she knows people who keep them as pets.
There is a Latin American place in Minneapolis that will serve quwa, I have never tried it but if my host offered it I suppose I would.
I have gotten very bored with Anthony Bourdain’s schtick but he is dead on in one respect. When people offer you their food, particularly when they don’t have much of it to go around, you cannot say no because that would be disrespectful and embarrassing. Now, the uncleaned warthog colon would sorely try that commitment but it would be the right thing to do.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: emeritus professor
@Schlemazel: at which point, they apologized for living and died, right?
@Schlemazel: Pigs were the first that came to mind. Also, well, dogs are bred to be human companions and workmates, but oxen also work for humans. It is complicated.
I haven’t watched Bourdain in a while, but I remember an early episode when he was in Vietnam and trying to get across the language barrier to find out what he was eating. He was relieved that it turned out to be porcupine.
The Pale Scot
With a big fucking helping of Idiocracy
@Jay S:
That Republicans have angrily repudiated all fact in favor of truthiness is a big reason we have Trump.
Jay S
@Patricia Kayden:
That is why one goal is to discredit Mueller and the investigation.
ETA to at least enough people to make a difference.
@Schlemazel: Yes, ‘choices’ are hard, as long as we keep genuflecting toward that noun.
@Patricia Kayden: Mmmm, goat. I’ve eaten mouthwatering goat curry on several occasions. Even my 12 year old son loved it.
@J R in WV:
there are times you just have to ignore the view. I thought slug tasted OK but I wouldn’t do it again. If I didn’t know it was dog I would have guessed pork.
The situation was that it was offered by my host, it would have been demeaning of me to say no & probably embarrassing to him. I have eating a few meals under that rule. Can’t say I enjoyed them all but it was the right thing to do
@Aleta: No, just the meat from dog.
They can not arrest Hillary. There is nothing to arrest her for. I strongly suspect Trump tried when he got elected, and the DOJ prosecutors told him Fuck No, they’d have no case.
That would have been right but they went on eating only the things plants gave up voluntarily (nuts, seeds, fruits). To each his own
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I know I sound like a broken record, but don’t mid-terms elections always go badly for the president’s party in Congress? If that doesn’t happen, then we know something is wrong.
None of that invalidates what you said about turning out every possible Democratic voter.
@Major Major Major Major: Will do. Thanks!
@Vhh: Considering his age, I figured that.
Rudy’s revenge? Could be.
Though eating testees and penises is often used to increase ‘stamina’
No! Doesn’t ring a bell. Though there are big gaps in my knowledge of Golden Age science fiction–I think that’s the right period. What I’ve mentioned of Kornbluth is all I know; Pohl, mainly the Heechee/Gateway novels; together, The Space Merchants, which I thought was good.
Though eating testees and penises is often used to increase ‘stamina’
@Jay S:
So who are Rudi Nounverb911 and Weasel Face trying to persuade? Of course trying to find a rational thought process in Weasel World is a fool’s errand.
Twitler & co are masters at gishgalloping and the majority of ‘mericans and their worthless media especially are their easiest marks.
Alain the site fixer
@Patricia Kayden: I love goat, and yes, many suburban folks are horrified, to which I happily declare, “more for me!”
@Schlemazel: That’s the case in some cultures, from my understanding that’s not the case with Koreans and dogs.
ETA: I should note that Koreans to keep dogs as pets, the breeds that are eaten are different than those kept as pets and working dogs.
john dingell is a national fuckin’ treasure.
@Alain the site fixer:
I love goat meat. One of the big advantages to the recent influx of West Africans to the cities has been goat is now available at dozens of markets. Camel too but we have not tried that yet
Chet Murthy
@Patricia Kayden: Not just the West Indies. Indian cuisine too. Rogan Josh! If it weren’t red meat ….. [b/c medical reasons, sigh]
I think in 2002 he petitioned to have the spelling legally changed to “9iu11ani”.
@Chet Murthy: I think traditionally rogan josh (red meat) is made with beef.
I don’t know about Korean habits on those items but many cultures do. Heck, Rocky Mountain Oysters are a thing here in the states
WaPo headline:
These people really do live on a different planet than the rest of us.
West of the Rockies
May I get briefly scatological?
I am tired of seeing Manafort, Cohen, Conway, etc., looking fat and sassy in the sunshine. Their lives have to</em be stressful. I hope they are all dyspeptic and suffering from gastrointestinal distress to humiliating proportions.
I hope they are all suffering social ostracism. Pruitt, Kushner, Huckabee… They are all wretched people.
@Schlemazel: Ha! I was tricked into eating those when I was a kid in Kansas. Actually tasted good.
Just a reminder that Mueller’s obstruction report/referral/whatever is probably going to drop before the kids are out for summer break. It would make quite a bit of sense for it to be accompanied by dozens of charges on additional folks close to Trumpov (like Don Jr and Jared).
So…no “going dark” between now and the elections. That’s either silly conjecture (on the part of worried libs) or a trial ballon (on the part of criminal Repubs).
Chet Murthy
@schrodingers_cat: Heh. Well, I can’t say I know . Only ever eaten it (Rogan Josh) at Pakwan in the Mission (SF). But I’ve had goat other times, I’m sure. Just don’t remember. Except the last time I was in India (age 14?) had goat kidneys at a uncle’s place.
Even Evil Leprekkkaun isn’t that stupid.
“Bad publicity is better than no publicity.”
@Chet Murthy: Beef is not taboo for all Hindus. AFAIK Hindus from Kashmir and from Kerala eat beef.
ETA: Rogan Josh is a Kashmiri delicacy uses Kashmiri red chilies that give it the distinct red color and are not particularly spicy.
Jay S
@efgoldman: I believe the Rosen theory, supported by the Karl observation is that none of this is about convincing anyone about any particular argument. It’s about throwing out diversionary chaff to distract the press, the public and the prosecution. And then to point and laugh about their failures and their petty victories to discredit the opposition. Feints and pawn sacrifices. Of course they may just be bad at their jobs and not executing some grand scheme, but it could be both.
frosty fred
@Schlemazel: The one time I had goat (that I know of) it was not great, but I think it should have been cooked to the fall-off-the-bone stage (it was tough). I did try camel in Qatar a few years ago; several of us thought it resembled dark meat of turkey.
Jumping to the end of the thread (before reading through) to ask you guys about Comey being described a ‘pervert’ by Giuliani…Is there any context to that?
I’ve been in NYC since the early eighties. I had a sticker during one of Rudy’s mayoral campaigns that quoted Jimmy Breslin. “New York’s a mean city…We don’t need a mean mayor.”
Alain the site fixer
@Schlemazel: I had camel once, a burger, and it was dry. Very tasty but dry. I’m sure it was preparation. Since I spent 4 months living in Saudi Arabia as a child 40 years ago this summer, I’ve always felt comfortable going into middle eastern grocers around the country, so my goat is usually halal and of good quality.
When it comes to any ingredient, I try to shop where stores would fail if they sold crap. So I buy a lot from ethnic grocers and supermarkets. I buy fresh Asian, Indian, and South American produce and meats and only shop at “normal” grocery stores for other things. As I’m sure someone wonders what Indian meat might be: mutton, goat, and lamb, and a different chicken than that sold normally in the US. Amazingly, most of the produce is US grown.
Basically, I’m a white guy who likes lots of foreign foods and likes to cook so I try to make my own foreign dishes rather than hit restaurants. And sometimes I encounter an ingredient or technique that I explore and incorporate into my general cooking repertoire. I know some shoppers look at me askance when I see a new fruit or vegetable and pull out my phone to learn about it and explore recipes.
@schrodingers_cat: that was great, and it lead me to this, which was outstanding!
Citizen Alan
Of course there are. There have always been peasants eager to fling themselves down in the mud and grovel whenever the Lord of the Manor rides by in his fancy coach.
@Schlemazel: And certain entire creatures were/are thought to increase virility and vitality just because of their phallic shape. Like sea slugs and eels. (Also because of sea slug’s behavior.)
Interestingly, it turns out that since sea slug has a lot of cartilage, it has chondroitin and glucosamine, now thought by some to help arthritis. And some studies found sea slug to reduce inflammation in lab animals. Also, eels are now known to have beneficial oils, which reduce inflammation. Phallic shaped creatures are also dried and powdered for people who use a couple of specific types of traditional older medicine.
In Japan sea slug dishes are pretty common, fresh cooked or raw or fermented. There’s also a type of dish made of fermented intestines of sea slug or of squid, or of different sea animals mixed. Unlike in a lot of the US, an incredible number of things taken from the sea, and all parts of an animal taken from the sea, were traditionally used for food, with more regional differences in the preparation than one could count.
@Jay S: That is quite disturbing to contemplate.
Amir Khalid
I have seen video on YouTube of a porcupine who lives in a zoo, and is as affectionate and playful with humans as a puppy.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
John Dingell makes me think a little more kindly of old white men in government.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): He’s a better Twitterer than he ever was a Congressman.
Citizen Alan
@The Pale Scot:
The tragedy of Idiocracy is that it was six minutes away from being the most important film of the late 20th century. Cut all that crap in the first four minutes about how stupid people are simply outbreeding intelligent people. Then replace the last two minutes and go from Luke Wilson’s closing speech to an underground bunker where the REAL Board of Directors for Brawndo (who are all well-dressed, cultured, and intelligent) are watching the footage with grim and sinister expressions.
Mike Judge’s mistake was to sign on to a puerile eugenics argument when the real problem is 50 years of wealthy elites deliberately sabotaging our educational system and doing everything else they can to dumb down the populace to the level of ignorant serfs.
@frosty fred:
Oh man, now I want to try camel even more!
Goat, like lamb varies greatly depending on the age of the animal. I can’t stand mutton (my grandfather loved the stuff) the taste is off-putting. Old goat is the same. But young they have a distinct flavor that I really like
@Baud: I think that congressional seat has been occupied by a Dingell for over 80 years.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It’s quite amazing when you consider that’s a third of the country’s history.
@Alain the site fixer:
We should go to dinner sometime, you sound like my kind of people!
El Caganer
@Vhh: or emetic professor. Whatevs.
@chopper: Clever!
@Baud: I wonder how many seats have lasted that long in one family.
@debbie: saw at least 6 interviewed yesterday on TV. All weren’t miners but all had mining connections. Some were even related to some of the dead miners from Blacken ship’s mine.
There is that thing about if it looks like what you want to get that is what you should eat.
That same host that served dog also gave me 5 snake stew. Made from 5 poisonous snakes I would recommend it to anyone, it was incredible. However, we picked the snakes out in the market – all alive. One was slaughtered in from of us & the gall bladder was mashed into some weak clear liquor. That is supposed to put the lead in a guys pencil. I was ‘honored’ with the drink. I would say to avoid it at all costs, it was all bile.
@Mnemosyne: Cuy is fancier than chicken. Roast chicken is ubiquitous fast food in Peru and you’ll see outposts of it in the US as well.
Ian G.
I try to pay as little attention as possible to Giuliani, so I’m not sure if this thug still gets credit for the plunge in crime in NYC or not. Suffice to say, he had little if anything to do with it, as forces far beyond his control were responsible, hence the crime drop beginning under Dinkins and continuing through Giuliani, Bloomberg, and DeBlasio.
@JPL: I guess I dated myself. ?
@Amir Khalid:
This thread is mostly making me contemplate becoming a vegetarian.
@Schlemazel: You have a stronger stomach than I. I would have pretended to be a vegetarian at that point.
@Schlemazel: You want distinct flavors, I can set ya up.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’d be surprised if the Dingells aren’t the most.
@schrodingers_cat: In Bali, too, the Hindis eat beef. Dog is eaten by some as well. Not sure if it is a Balinese dish, but the taxi driver from Timor loved dog, or so he told us. He taught us the Indonesian phrase, Saya makan anjin, I think it was…I eat dog, is what I remember him saying it meant.
I’m not stoked to eat dog. And I don’t even especially like dogs as pets, but, not on my bucket list for sure. Still, I think the big problem these days with eating animals isn’t so much that we do or which ones, but the way we are raising them. The pig farms in the Carolinas that store up enormous ponds full of shit and then routinely spray that shit over the surrounding neighborhoods is way, way more disturbing than any Korean BBQ joint in Seoul that might offer dog tenderloins.
Chet Murthy
@Ian G.: Nor did any particular policing strategy, as evidenced by the fall nationwide. I remember well when I learned that Boston had experienced a similar drop in crime over the same period, while employing none of the tactics which Giuliani was touting.
So McCain wants That One to give his eulogy. That’s something.
@Schlemazel: Your openmindedness is light years ahead of me.
eta But openmindedness and improvisation are the most important survival tools I think.
Doug R
@remima: Eating carnivores means a bigger carbon footprint, look at it that way.
@frosty fred: Goat is wonderful in Mexico. There are special taco shops that specialize in kid goat. The roasted goat is placed out in the window in front and they carve off pieces for your taco. I never ate dog, but sort of imagined it might taste like goat…no basis for that opinion at all, though.
@MomSense: He understands quality.
@Schlemazel: love goat if properly prepared! Good stuff.
@magurakurin: You mean Hindu, right? Hindi is the language of the Gangetic plains, Hindu is the religion. Do you live in Bali?
@Citizen Alan:
FWIW, I think part of Judge’s point was that the elites outsmarted themselves and managed to ruin the entire society. By the time Luke Wilson’s cryogenic chamber is opened, the descendants of the Kochs and Mercers are just as dumb as everyone else, and their money is long gone.
@Jay S:
Fuck fuck fuck we are off the fucking rabbit hole down the fucking looking glass and through the fucking map, aren’t we? Jesus fucking Christ we are so fucking fucked.
ETA: ‘Scuse my fucking language, but DRAT.
J R in WV
Going dark, for Mueller, means no change in his operations, because he isn’t making PR announcements. Well, it does mean no new indictments unsealed, but sealed is no problem, as long as no one on his team makes any mention of the activity. No public subpoenas, no news at all from the Special Prosecution team.
That doesn’t mean work will stop, or even slow, it just means more likelihood of news after the elections are over. As indictments are unsealed, subpoenas are issued, people called to testify for the grand Jury, etc. After the elections.
Another Scott
@Doug R: Yup.
Lots of people poo-poo farmed salmon, but it’s the only sustainable way to do it (in a way that meets the obvious demand).
I worry about the future of farming and agriculture and all the rest. But it seems obvious the only way forward is even more mechanized/efficient production, or coming up with artificial high-protein foods to replace animals. There are simply too many of us and we’ve damaged too many ecosystems to keep doing things the way we have in the past…
@Another Scott: We always have the Soylent Green option in our back pocket if we need it.
@SiubhanDuinne: Dagnabbit.
So apparently Devin “If I’m Not an Actual Traitor as Defined by Law, It’s Not for Lack of Trying” Nunes is trying to get the House
Dumbfuck RethuglicansIntelligence Committee to hold the KKKeebler Elf in Contempt of Congress, because certain documents are not being turned over. Allegedly, those documents are being withheld because releasing them to the Leaky Ship that is Nunes might compromise national security.Given all of Sessions’s talk about his honor, suh, I’ll be pretty fucking disappointed if he doesn’t challenge Traitors ‘R’ Us Nunes to pistols at dawn.
What a time to be out of popcorn.
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t know the correct term, but yeah the Balinese are Hindu and they definitely eat beef. No, I don’t live there, only visited a couple of times briefly. It’s an interesting place.
No fucking problem.
@Ian G.:
To this day Giuliani gets lots of credit for it, unchallenged. Though Mayor Dinkins had increased the NYC police force, and Giuliani got elected and then held onto power by allowing police to openly commit crimes. He also allowed threats and punisment of those who tried to report police crimes.
isn’t that what Chicken McNuggets, are?
Soylent Green was never a realistic option, no matter how many Hestons and Robinsons argue otherwise.
Another Scott
@Baud: That goes without saying, and is why I didn’t say it! :-)
E.G. Robinson’s last movie, also too. (snif!)
Yeah, I was struck by that, too. That, and him sort-of apologizing for Palin. I’m guessing his docs told him to get his affairs in order, PDQ.
has anyone seen this video? It’s pretty intense. I don’t know just how recent it is.
This is America. Childish Gambino
@Jay S:
You are giving them too much credit. Simple incompetence explains this situation. As the truly wise tweet said, these people aren’t Lex Luthor. They’re not evil masterminds. They’re shitlords.
As @Baud said, Obama is a fantastic public speaker and has so much god damn class he’ll make McCain sound like a true hero who should be enshrined for all time in history, despite knowing McCain was a self-obsessed publicity-craving hypocritical asshole.
My late sainted mother always used to say “How excessively provoking!”
Doug R
@Another Scott: The big problem with farmed salmon is the lice they can get infected with that spreads to wild populations. And broken nets means the salmon escape and outcompete native salmon. I think net farms should be outlawed, let the farmers use pools and filters.
Oh man, goat barbacoa it the best!
Meghan can’t be happy.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I love lamb, but positively detest goat. Too strong for my taste.
We have a set of rules – no equine, no feline, no canine, no primate. In Asia, one must be clear about that.
When in Hanoi, we ate at the Bun Cha place Bourdain and Obama ate at – it was awesome. We each got the Obama special – bowl of bun cha with all the trimmings, a fried seafood roll and a tasty beer (followed up with more tasty beer). I think it cost $6 for the two of us.
frosty fred
@magurakurin: I don’t doubt in the least that goat can be tasty. What I had was prepared by a grad student “the way we do at home” and I’m not sure he didn’t turn over two pages at once. It wasn’t strongly flavored, just tough.
@Ian G.:
He made the world safe from squeegee men.
Maybe McCain is thinking a bit like Chef in Apocalypse Now:
“I used to think my soul wouldn’t go to heaven if an evil man eulogized me…but now…shit…anyone but him.”
Amir Khalid
I’m kind of surprised myself. I didn’t think I’d see Trump appoint someone named Muhamad (Mehmet is a Turkish variant of this very Muslim name) to anything.
True story – back in the 70s a professor won some industry award because he developed a way to get all the meat off of chicken bones and then soak that meat in bleach until it was all white meat then remove the bleach flavor. During the interview I read he was asked if that didn’t leave a tasteless product & he said that it did indeed but that is what companies wanted as they could add whatever flavor to it they wanted. there is your “all white meat” mcnugget right there. I’d rather eat a sea slug
Mary G
@SFAW: Nunes has admitted he doesn’t even read them (CNN)
And it’s not just one time; he apparently always has Gowdy look at them, or some staffer. Then he makes up whatever he wants.
@Frankensteinbeck: yep. This was actually well played by John McCain. Invite the guy you loathed and put him in a position where he has to say nice things about you. What an asshole.
Just think how much better things would be, if THEY made the worlds safe from HIM.
It’s brand new, I think. Blog favorite Luvvie Ajayi had it on her Facebook.
It will work, because absolutely no one has more class than Barack Obama.
@Schlemazel: holy hell…that’s one nasty tale. Me, too…double order of sea slug…
@Schlemazel: On Gerard Ave., accross from Yankee Stadium, there is a wonderful Jamican restaurant, “The Feeding Tree”, that serves amazing Curried Goat.
It was a go to place for lunch, while working Yankee games.
@magurakurin: India and Hindu have the same origin, people of the Indus (Sindhu river) valley civilization. Bali sounds like a lot of fun.
@Mnemosyne: it’s pretty heavy. I suppose now we’ll have to listen to a long line of white people explaining what is wrong with it.
Or maybe, facing the end of his life, he’s realized his mistakes.
Another Scott
@Doug R: I’m sure there are problems in practice. Thanks.
I should have been more circumspect in my comments.
But there are too many of us to simply rely on what nature provides.
When I first moved to NoVA in the late ’80s every summer I’d hear restaurant ads on the radio for buckets of blue crabs for $10 (or something). It was obvious to me that no matter how fruitful the Chesapeake Bay is, it was going to be over-harvested quickly. SI:
@schrodingers_cat: got it. Makes sense. Thanks. Bali is fun, but lots of tourism. Some people don’t like it because of that. The area around Kuta is pretty crazy.
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
So demanding the documents was just more of the usual political theatre? Sigh.
Chet Murthy
@Schlemazel: Oh, is -that- what they mean by “chlorinated chicken”. Interesting! Also awful, but still: interesting.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
sounds tasty & cheap.
I try to never object to people personal food choices as long as they don’t insist I follow them too. (I would make a exception for human).
A large dairy animal approached Zaphod Beeblebrox’s table, a large fat meaty quadruped of the bovine type with large watery eyes, small horns and what might almost have been an ingratiating smile on its lips.
‘Good evening’, it lowed and sat back heavily on its haunches, ‘I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in the parts
of my body?’
‘Something off the shoulder perhaps?’ suggested the animal, ‘Braised in a white wine sauce?’
‘Er, your shoulder?’ said Arthur in a horrified whisper.
‘But naturally my shoulder, sir,’ mooed the animal contentedly, ‘nobody else’s is mine to offer.’
‘Or the rump is very good,’ murmured the animal. ‘I’ve been exercising it and eating plenty of grain, so there’s a lot
of good meat there.’ ‘Or a casserole of me perhaps?’ it added.
‘You mean this animal actually wants us to eat it?’ whispered Trillian to Ford.
‘That’s absolutely horrible,’ exclaimed Arthur, ‘the most revolting thing I’ve ever heard.’ ‘I just don’t want to eat an animal that’s standing thereinviting me to,’ said Arthur, ‘It’s heartless.’
‘Better than eating an animal that doesn’t want to be eaten,’ said Zaphod.
‘That’s not the point,’ Arthur protested. Then he thought about it for a moment. ‘Alright,’ he said, ‘maybe it is the point. I don’t
care, I’m not going to think about it now. I’ll just … er … I think I’ll just have a green salad,’ he muttered.
‘May I urge you to consider my liver?’ asked the animal, ‘it must be very rich and tender by now, I’ve been force-feeding
myself for months.’
‘A green salad,’ said Arthur emphatically.
‘A green salad?’ said the animal, rolling his eyes disapprovingly at Arthur.
‘Are you going to tell me,’ said Arthur, ‘that I shouldn’t have green salad?’
‘Well,’ said the animal, ‘I know many vegetables that are very clear on that point. Which is why it was eventually
decided to cut through the whole tangled problem and breed an animal that actually wanted to be eaten and was capable of
saying so clearly and distinctly. And here I am.’
@debbie: that’s what I want to believe.
@Mary G:
Someone should lock Nunes, Hannity, Hoft, and Gohmert in a room, and tell them “there can be only One.” Whoever walks out can claim the title of Stupidest Man on Earth.
Of course, to save the rest of us from having to deal with whomever that is, the exit door leads to the air outside the top of the CN Tower. [No, not the Burj Khalifa, it’s too damn far away.]
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@germy: Since it’s become painfully obvious that the only things / people he knows are the things / people he sees on TV, we should be grateful he picked a live person. He could have gone for Dr. House.
@Jay S: A believable salesman who can take money from willing people in exchange for nothing or for causing harm … and look good on TV.
Wonder if Oz will help push some Monopoly-dollars type, “you’ll-be-able-to-buy-these products-under-the-new-medicare” scam.
Jay S
And this sounds like the kind of shit stirring plan that they would think could work. Keep stuff bubbling until everyone is sick of it and want an end to it. But I take no credit for it, just reporting an interesting theory.
@magurakurin: My parents are visiting Bali next week they were wondering whether to take extra cash in $$ or the local currency. Any suggestions?
I think I also asked Amir this question in a dead thread. They are also going to Singapore.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
We have a winner! The internet is yours.
@schrodingers_cat: It’s been about 10 years since I was there, so, could be changed. We took some cash (in our case Japanese Yen) but mainly relied on using bank ATM to withdraw Indonesian rupee (sp?) The currency was way inflated so $100 was nearly a million rupee…lots of zeros on the notes. You can exchange hard currency, but it is best to do it at banks. There are places along the streets…especially in Legian…that exchange money, but beware. They advertise really good rates, but they are slight of hand artist and will cheat you if you don’t watch carefully. I tried one just to see and he almost got me. I exchanged a 10,000 yen note which ended up in something like 995,000 rupee. He laid out nine piles and then the 90,000…the last 5000, which is essentially worthless, he held up in front of me and then motioned to my wife and said, “should I give this to her,” and laughed…it was joke. My eyes shifted just long enough and that is when I think he took one of the piles. He then quickly piled up all the money and handed it to me. I, though, stopped to count it again. It was light and I said he must have made a mistake. He just smiled and said, “you’re good, you’re good.” He gave me another 100,000 rupee and we parted amicably. Let the buyer beware is taken very seriously in Bali. No harm no foul sort of thing. My wife thought otherwise…
Tell them to use the ATM or the bank.
I’m off to go surfing, cheers all.
Real lawyers wait until they have command of the facts of the case before commenting. Fox News legal commentators just mouth off.
@momus: One thing that Avenatti’s appearances have shown me is what complete fraudulent bullshitters the corporate media allows on. They have money for scores of producers and an army of minion interns, but it means nothing since they use all those resources to put on a BS drama show not any discussion of ideas or search for actual truth. And I suppose Avenatti knows he’ll always have more TV requests that he can do on the Stormy sex and money case, he doesn’t care if he doesn’t play by the rules. And looks like one rule is to not knock out your opponent bullshitter with one blow on camera. I saw two clips where Avenatti shot down his BS opponents and jeered them for being uninformed, unprepared, unqualified and stupid on camera.
One was a lawyer who was not licensed in California and had not bothered to look up California statutes.
Another was the dipshit who said Daniels was a whore, so she was not qualified to ever win any kind of defamation case. He hadn’t bothered to find out Trump’s state of legal residence, which is New York.
I guess I should have known since I see it in economics all the time. But, I guess I had assumed maybe that was because economics is boring and complicated. But looks like it really doesn’t matter.I think it is true that for the Stormy case, the facts are simple, they can be completely settled in a leisurely 30 minute discussion, as her lawyer has repeatedly stated. Which means that there is no excuse for all the lies from the Trumpsters.
@magurakurin: Thanks for the advice, I will pass it on.
@oatler.: @RSA: Are you thinking of Frederik Pohl’s “Midas World” stories? The later stories are set on an overheated, polluted Earth.
@Ken: Yes I might be. I’m thinking of a Frederik Pohl collection of short stories I lost and it sounds mighty familiar.
Our police state
1. From The Grio
Kells Fyffe-Marshall, a film director, posted this on Facebook (there’s also a few moments of video)
There’s more.
2. Another video was just released by police after a Latino man (I believe) went public with his story. He had a gun drawn on him as he checked out of a convenience store. He’d bought $1 mints and was waiting for his change. The off-duty cop standing behind him drew his gun at him and ordered him to put the mints down, telling him that he had stolen them. The cashier, when asked, corrected the cop.
Now the PD has put out the video “in the interest of transparency” to prove that the gun “wasn’t pointed at the man.” This is bullshit-speak, since the man was threatened as the gun was drawn and forced to comply with the arrogant officer.
3. A story this week of two Native teens taking a college tour in Colorado. A parent “felt nervous” about them because “they didn’t look like they belonged” and called police, who took the kids aside and questioned them. The tour didn’t wait, and then the college office, unbelievably, wouldn’t assist them or arrange another tour for them, and they drove home. (7 hour trip each way).
4. Already mentioned here was the young black man who was moving into an NYC apt on the Upper West Side when a neighbor called the police on a “robbery.” The police came in a large number (indicating they were ready for a big confrontation) and were rude and uncompromising before finally backing off. Of course the man (who’d worked in the Obama administration) had to be very very careful about where his hands were the whole time. He or his friend in the apartment could have easily been shot.
The Colorado State story is really bad because it’s so obvious that the woman’d “fear” was status-based, but she obviously can’t call the police in 2018 and complain that American Indians are being treated like they’re her equals, so she claimed she was “afraid,” which is clearly bullshit. You’re “afraid” of two other people on a public tour who registered for it just like you did? Get outta here with that bullshit.
mai naem mobile
@schrodingers_cat: my cousins went to Bali several years ago. They’re Canadian and took Canadian dollars. I would exchange a minimal amount in Singapore($100-$200) for emergency money and then deal with it in Bali if they won’t take US $$.
Jay S
Rudy thinks he is winning! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/giuliani-pleased-with-his-media-tour-everybodys-reacting-to-us-now/2018/05/06/6764454e-5138-11e8-9c91-7dab596e8252_story.html?utm_term=.2ac61c34252c More support for the Rosen theory? ETA or the Kyle postulate?
Omnes Omnibus
That doesn’t track with other reporting on this very blog. I understand that the Uni offered the kids a VIP visit at no cost. I still wouldn’t blame them for going somewhere else, but, from what I have read, the Uni wasn’t in the wrong.
ETA: Grammar.
@mai naem mobile: Good tip, thanks!
zhena gogolia
Is there never going to be another thread before I have to go to bed?
Amir Khalid
Ooh, I missed that. Sorry. I don’t have a lot to add to what magurakurin said, which covers all the bases I can think of. (Except to say that in Indonesia they use the rupiah, not the rupee which is India’s currency.) There’ll be enough ATMs and places that take credit/debit cards in urban and touristy places, so I reckon your parents should be okay there.
@Omnes Omnibus: They offered that later. My understanding is that they were sent home with a “too bad, so sad” response at the college office. Once either the story hit or at least after they or their mom called to complain after they had returned to New Mexico, the school’s top leadership worked to do the right thing. But the initial response was shit.
@zhena gogolia: Yesh. New thread please!
We’ve been looking at Giuliani far long enough. Surely some pet or human is up to something … a bird. A flower, A plane. Just no more Rudy.
@schrodingers_cat: Prepaid multi denomination cash cards are more safe and they can be used in local ATM’s to draw local currency. I stopped carrying cash and traveller’s cheques around after I discovered these cards.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Apparently the University made the offer for a VIP tour after the story blew up. It sounds like whoever is running the tours just didn’t bother to tell anyone higher up that the cops showed up and removed two tour attendees based on a call from another attendee.
And the tour guide doesn’t seem to have tried very hard to keep the two kids on the tour, either. The schedule cannot so tight that you can’t wait a few minutes to see what the problem is … unless you, too, think that American Indians don’t belong on the CSU campus.
Amir Khalid
@Jay S:
Rudy is clearly senile and delusional. Sad. SMH.
Omnes Omnibus
@sdhays: Okay. That gets us war with the USSR. Kennedy, during the Missile Crisis, said, “There is always some SOB who doesn’t get the message.”
@Doug R: Those on-land salmon operations are starting up here and there. I wonder how they will treat the waste before discharging it into the ocean. Will the city also run it through their water treatment plant after the salmon plant has treated it, or will it just be tested at the salmon plant and discharged there. The penned salmon (which I agree are a problem) drop food to mussels living underneath, so a byproduct is a small mussel farm (the mussels are bright red because of the beet-based dye used to color the salmon flesh). Anyway, I wonder if any nutritional value in the waste water will be preserved (or used for fertilizer). Also, will they still overcrowd the pens and will they use antibiotics in the feed?
@Ken: Remember Pohl’s short story ‘Punch”? It ends with the alien character saying “Neither do we.”.
OK, so. My father comes into my room and says “check the news about McCain and Obama” — almost giggling every two words or so. My father does NOT giggle. So I went to check. McCain wants Obama to give his eulogy? WTF?
Omnes Omnibus
If that happened, that person fucked the fuck up. If people higher up didn’t know until it blew up, they couldn’t respond until then. Like I said before, If I were one of those kids, I would chose a different college.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Who the hell hasn’t heard of Airbnb at this point?
The Other Chuck
@Omnes Omnibus:
So basically let the racist assholes dictate your choices then?
Jay S
@Amir Khalid: Rudy thinks he’s doing a Black WIdow interrogation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4wq0B4HkOg
Omnes Omnibus
@The Other Chuck: Excuse me?
@Omnes Omnibus: It makes me really curious about just what was going on on that tour. It really seems like they didn’t process what had happened – like the tour guide didn’t actually see police officers come and detain the kids on his/her tour. Was it a huge group and s/he didn’t even know? Or what? And when the kids told the office about this, what the hell went through their heads when they heard the story? Whiny children whining about having the police set upon them? Or was it part time students freezing in a situation where they didn’t have adequate supervisor back up?
Jay S
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Obviously her neighbors wouldn’t rent to “those people”. ETA oh the cops didn’t know. Yes I can believe cops not knowing, they have demonstrated a lack of knowledge about the law after all, what’s a lack of social phenomenon awareness.
“The penned salmon (which I agree are a problem) drop food to mussels living underneath, so a byproduct is a small mussel farm (the mussels are bright red because of the beet-based dye used to color the salmon flesh). Anyway, I wonder if any nutritional value in the waste water will be preserved (or used for fertilizer). Also, will they still overcrowd the pens and will they use antibiotics in the feed?”
Here the waste from the net pens, creates a dead zone underneath.
They can’t raise the salmon with out antibiotics, antifungal meds either.
Chet Murthy
Progress! I did not know. Then again, haven’t traveled outside the US since … 2007. But I’ll remember for next time!
mai naem mobile
@schrodingers_cat: @Plutonailedit: we have some recently retired family friends who’ve been travelling a lot – not Bali but East Africa, the Caribbean and Goa. They said they use the prepaid credit cards as well. They don’t have to worry about identity theft and they don’t have to worry about the hotel/restaurant/whatever double charging the credit card and not being able to contest the charges. And they don’t have to worry about carrying around a lot of cash and getting robbed for it
Amir Khalid
@Jay S:
For the love o’God, why? We already know he doesn’t look good in drag.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, the president offered that afterward. And I hope they get offers of scholaship money too.
But right after they’d been questioned by police, and the tour had moved on, they went to a college office for help. (I believe it was the admissions office, but I didn’t take time to check the story, which I posted here a couple of days ago.) That office told the kids that they could not complete the tour, so they drove home. That’s what I find unbelievable. Any decent admissions or other office could have called around to find someone to give them a personal tour then and there.
VIP tour at a later date notwithstanding, these kinds of experiences sometimes still end up impeding a person’s work and self-image unexpectedly down the line.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Jay S:
Oh, I figured it was bullshit on the seargent’s part. He knew he found some criminal thugs and he was going to get some scalps
@Amir Khalid:
I hope (and am, in fact, certain) you know that my entire overblown “What-the-fuckerty-fuck?” reaction has nothing to do with the Muslimity of Dr Oz’ name, and everything to do with his professional credentials, which I believe involve copious quantities of serpentine lubricant.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jay: Darling, what is your vision for our future? We aren’t meeting your standards, obviously. What should we do? Come on, give a positive and somewhat specific agenda.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Starve? Prove Malthus right? Cannibalism?
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
No One You Know
@Schlemazel: (Insert here obligatory joke: “I’ve got a modest proposal for dinner.”)
I tried my first goat dish in an Ethiopian restaurant and it was memorable–torrid spicing didn’t mask a flavor that seemed to be a cross between veal and lamb.
Alligator and snake? Not eating either of them again. Tough and gamy; an exercise in “I’m eating this because I can.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Aleta: I can’t know. I am a white guy. I also present as upper middle to upper class. I am trying. And the kids should go to another school.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Nah, he is a BernieBro.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
So you’re saying you’re a neoliberal? //
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: No.
fight! fight! fight! (girlish giggle)
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
You need to get a sense of humor, dude.
I even used the //.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Pizza?
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: How do you know that i have’t restrained my sense of humor to avoid mocking your stories?
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
There’s a difference between having a sense of humor and being a hurtful ass. You know that. Besides, there’s not much to mock anyway. They all exist in my head in snippets.
@Jay: Thanks for that. I’d heard that the farms in Chile and SA were the worst for lice and chemicals, but no …
(from your link)
There’s a salmon pen near a place I work in the summer. Last summer I went to a wedding there, where the red mussels from the pen were served…. (The drinks and oysters were incredible though.)
@Jay: There is an on-land salmon operation starting up soon about 3-4 hours from here.
Do you know anything about the chemicals and medications those on-land places use in their pools? I imagine that the more they crowd the pools, the more antibiotics, etc. they will need.
I also wonder if they will just flush their pesticide/medication waste water back into the ocean close to shore. Or can they filter/treat the chemicals out; and if so, what chemicals they use to treat. They say that the human meds that people excrete or flush end up in our drinking water and lakes.
@Aleta:With all due respect you need to get a better sense of texture and flow as regards BMs.(imagine “texture” said in a Vincent Price voice).
@sdhays: I have recently done a bunch of college tours. The guides on every one of my tours is an undergraduate, part-time student employee. So perhaps a 19-20 year old with little training. And yes, they do run these tours on a tight schedule. We would often see 4-5 small groups touring at a time, all trying to squeeze into the same locations or rooms. I can totally see a tour guide continuing with the rest of the group. But I agree, the admissions office screwed up. Maybe they didn’t have any more tours scheduled that day. Maybe someone was anal retentive and enforced a limit on the number of people allowed in the next tour.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Come on, leave the kid alone.
And now for the attack on me.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I picture that AirBNB question from those police as being like what border officials say these days. They don’t interact with you as an honest human being would, “in good faith.” It’s more like trick questions or pretending they don’t know what you’re talking about, in order to shake you up or provoke you. They seem to think that inquisitions and yelling and trick questions to catch someone, so they can take them in, is policing. No, that’s interrogation. (Which if needed should be done by experts in a setting that doesn’t normally permit their use of weapons.) I wish that street cops who destroy the trust of citizens could be removed from the street. They’re dangerous to civil society as well as to the lives of individuals of color.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
A cop who temporarily doesn’t want to know something so that he can get his racism on?
@sdhays: One statement I read said the college has instructed the police that they should speak to the tour leaders from now on. Something that bothers me (after watching a video of the police talking to the students from NM) is after the police said ‘OK, you can go’ it looks like they just left the kids there, in a somewhat empty passageway, no tour in sight. Maybe they offered help. But it didn’t appear that the police helped them rejoin the tour or showed any concern, or called admissions to help them join a new tour. Just detaining them with questions for awhile and then goodbye. They’re kids who’d travelled there on their own, fairly risky situation for them to begin with.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Why? Do you think anybody’s going to implement it?
Do you think the problem with Single Payer is that nobody’s ever come up with a Plan.?
In theory, salmon can be raised organically on land.
In reality, infections are endemic, from the eggs in the hatchery through to the farm itself. You would need a clean source of eggs, filtered water for the hatchery, sterile everything, then sterile salt water in the rearing tanks, a means to scrub the tank bottoms regularly of waste and uneaten food, and a limited tank count to minimize stress.
All the wastewater from tanks to processing, could be cleaned, composted and used for fertilizer,
But it won’t be cheap salmon, and there will still be commercial overharvesting lower down on the food chain to make salmon kibble.
Once upon a time, cheap Pacific Salmon fed the World. But we overfished the stocks, trashed, dammed, polluted and paved over the streams, cut down the forests, diluted the gene pool. Not content with that, we’ve now been stripping the sea of their food stocks, from herring to even krill.
We could fix all this, but we won’t. Quick “fixes” to complex problems have always been our go to.
The problem with ”single payer” is that there are at least a dozen different ways to do it, and no one is willing to say whether they mean French Single Payer or Canadian Single Payer or Danish Single Payer, and some of them say “Single Payer” when they actually mean that they want a Single Provider like they have in the UK.
So tell us what you actually mean when you say “Single Payer” and we can discuss it. Tell us which country’s system you want us to emulate, because they’re all different.
And if you want us to emulate the UK, stop fucking calling it “Single Payer,” because that’s not the system they have. They have Single Provider.
Corner Stone
@Jay: Don’t bother with Capt Nemo’s bullshit down at 279. She is garbage and not an honest interlocutor.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Corner Stone:
You’re trolling, right?
@Corner Stone:
Wanker’s gonna wank. When I comment, I prefer to point out realities, not fantasies.
I live in a Net Zero home on a farm/ranch. I got the land cheap because it had been horribly overgrazed for decades and was badly eroded. 16 years of careful stewardship has brought the land back, created a working organic farm/ranch and I’ve been “growing” topsoil at a rate of 4 inches a year.
I know how to “solve” the food/farm issue, but “we” ain’t going to do it.
Same with Global Warming, but “we” ain’t goona do it.
Reality is that there are a dozen different ways to do “Single Payer,” and Japan’s way is not Germany’s way is not Switzerland’s way, and the UK does single provider, not Single Payer.
So what do you mean when you say you want “Single Payer”? Be specific, because “Single Payer” doesn’t actually mean what Americans think it does.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
I have CS in my pie filter, but he just can’t bring himself to pie me in return. It’s pathetic, when you think about it, which I rarely do.
It helps to actually follow the comments to follow the comment.