Survived homecoming, although this shit was a lot easier when I was drinking. Had about 50 people both nights, and the parties went well into the morning although I went to bed at midnight to one each night.
I was forced to be in a picture. I did not like it.
My good friend Joelle did turn me on to the most amazing site for Steve, and brought him an awesome catnip blunt, which I will give to him when he decides to come back in from under the deck and finishes shitting in my slippers.
At any rate, Go Steelers.
We need vids of Steve on that loud pack. That pacquiao.
Mangy Jay (@magi_jay) Tweeted:
There’s something happening right now that I am not sure I fully know how to talk about, but I want to honor in any case:
Black women are showing a level of unqualified solidarity w/ Dr. Ford that stands in stark contrast to the varied responses of white women.
Looks like a great time had by all, Cole ?
First week of Oct:
Baseball Playoffs begins
Hockey Season begins
Life is good. Plus distractions from politics is most welcome.
John – Pens look good and I expect Caps will be nursing a hangover till Dec.
Baseball: Red Sox vs Colorado
Hockey: Tampa Bay vs Winnipeg
Pics or the Steve thing didn’t happen.
Black women will save us all, despite our not deserving it.
The Midnight Lurker
John Cole is my brother from another mother. I don’t like having my photo taken either.
zhena gogolia
Since the topic’s been broached, this analysis of Kavanaugh’s performance is devastating and a must-read:
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@geg6: Yup. Though I’ll suggest some of us deserve it, sort of. Not me.
@zhena gogolia: The FBI won’t even be able to interview Chris Garrett who was the targeted guy by Ed whelan. Ford said she introduced them, and she dated Garrett for awhile. I wonder why he wasn’t on the list. hmm
Kellyanne Conway said Sunday that she is empathetic toward victims of sexual assault and revealed that she too is a victim of a past assault.
But last Monday, Conway suggested on “CBS This Morning” that the allegations against Kavanaugh were “starting to feel like a vast left-wing cons piracy” after another accuser, Deborah Ramirez, told The New Yorker that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a dormitory party while they were attending Yale University. Both Kavanaugh and the White House have denied Ramirez’s allegation.
So KAC was a victim of sexual assault. And she still works for a person who openly bragged about being able to commit sexaul assault and has had allegations against him by 17 different women. What a sorry excuse for a human being she is. I wonder what she has to say about the women who accused Trump – does she believe they are all lying or does she just not care?
@geg6: Yeah, and it’s a truism that not enough of us are sufficiently grateful
zhena gogolia
He’s “Squi.” Who was at a party with BK, Judge, and PJ on July 1, according to his own calendar. When Mitchell started asking about it, they pulled her and put in Graham.
zhena gogolia
You know what? She’s one woman I don’t believe.
It’s abortion. Their cult believes that NOTHING is more important than banning abortion, and any behavior can be excused in someone who promises to ban it, because there is literally no crime in the entire world worse than abortion. It’s worse than the Holocaust, because only 12 million people died in the Holocaust.
I know it’s insane, but that’s what the cult believes. Any wrongdoing by any conservative can be excused because legal abortion exists.
If Chris Garrett goes to the FBI, they won’t refuse to interview him. But I bet he won’t, because he’s more interested in protecting Kavanaugh and white supremacy than he is in justice for Christine Blasey Ford.
I will lay down a marker here: since they were at least casually dating: I will bet that she told him what happened and he refused to believe her because they were his friends, and bros before hos.
Canadian here.
Would you Mr. Cole or some other jackle please explain to me What is meant by a “homecoming”, Why it’s such a big deal in your strange and terrible land, and why it needs a queen. Because apparently homecomings have a queen.
I ask it all in all innocence and seriosity.
Millard Filmore
The mother of one of my son’s friends said on Facebook that Obama was worse than Hitler. So yeah, they are sufficiently deranged to accept any perversion if it will help to end abortion.
She’s paid to not care but my hunch is she’d do it for free.
An annual rite of returning to one’s school to ponder poor choices and squandered opportunities, and secretly hope for the popular to have failed and put on weight.
@Millard Filmore:
Odd. I’d bet she admires and supports a man who wouldn’t mind having the same kind of power Hitler had.
@PIGL: “Homecoming” doesn’t require a queen (or king). It’s a celebration for alumni of an institution to “come home” to visit said institution, generally surrounding a football game played at that institution.
It’s the reason you can’t find a hotel room within 50 miles of Boston during October (well, that and leaf peeping).
Most US public High Schools have a dance as well as a football game, and those require a King and Queen; usually the most popular “Chad” and “Heather”. Your mileage may vary.
ETA it typically includes a football game against a weak opponent but in the case of a school that abandoned its football program like my alma mater I’m not sure what they offer. Maybe cornhole.
I adore that picture, the band of brothers (and sisters) of such, seems to be, a lovely assortment of other mothers
Patricia Kayden
Good to hear that you’ve had such a fun weekend, John. Lovely photo.
@zhena gogolia:
I read that earlier. Thank you for posting.
It’s white supremacy. A majority of white women in this country feel that they’re better off being subordinate to white men in a white supremacist system than they would be competing in a free and equal society. They would rather be second-class citizens lording it over third and fourth-class citizens than have everyone be equal.
Patricia Kayden
@SenyorDave: I’m not going to question whether or not KAC was a victim of sexual assault. I’m going to question her not strongly advocating for Dr. Ford’s argument that a sexual assault perpetrator SHOULD NOT be on the Supreme Court.
@zhena gogolia: That would be the one. I can’t imagine why he wasn’t on the list for the FBI list to interview, can you?
My grad school alma mater celebrates their homecoming with a basketball game since they haven’t had a football team for several decades.
@Mnemosyne: He teaches at a private school near me, so he might be interested in keeping his job. just sayin
You can’t fool me, Cole. You were not in that crowd–they just photoshopped a picture of you into the picture of the crowd. I can tell by the angles of the sun’s rays, as well as the kerning.
Or is that a cardboard cut-out of you back there?
In any case–I know that you were not actually in that huddle of happy people. It would violate your religion.
@Mnemosyne: @rikyrah:
My coworker could not see the need for International Womans Day
I had to explain it was not White Suburban Womans Day….not everyone has what you have
This tribe lives in a very small world.
Who’s the guy in back with the big head? I think I know him.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
A long read of a very strange story of the Nunes family farm and undocumented workers. With a cameo appearance of Steve King.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S): @YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S): link here for Nunes farm story.
A ton of websites are blaring the headline that Trump said that he loves the North Korean dictator. All I can think is that he is looking for a really big distraction. Hopefully this is one shiny ball the press will not chase.
Having just read The Orphan Master’s Son, it’s doubly creepy.
It doesn’t look like anyone played that fun and innocent drinking game called Devil’s Triangle at the party, so things are surely looking up.
@MagdaInBlack: meanwhile, International Men’s Day shares a date with World Toilet Day, which I think is extremely unfair to toilets.
@zhena gogolia: Yes, that is awesome. Retweet all you twitterers!
Bill Arnold
Human-caused climate change is on track to reduce human planetary population by 4 billion +/- 2 billion. Maybe more if there is sufficient positive feedback to e.g. cause runaway climate change where +4-5C ends up being the stable state.
That’s a lot of ensoulments, particularly if the possibility of climate-change-caused(directly or indirectly) human extinction is considered.
(An anti-abortion web site I won’t link claims about 1.5 billion abortions since 1980, but the human population has increased since then, not gone down.)
You’d think that a schoolteacher being very publicly accused of sexual assault by a prominent conservative would lead to that teacher being suspended while he’s investigated, but it seems as though Garrett is continuing to teach as usual with no investigation by the school administration. Curious, that. ?
Today is International Blasphemy Day. Yes, really.
In other news, Canada is back in NAFTA. Waiting for Chrystia Freeland to speak now. As always Daniel Dale is on it.
@Bill Arnold: That’s all a Chinese Hoax, Trump told me and even said ‘Believe Me!’.
Just One More Canuck
@PIGL: it must depend on the school. I did my undergrad at UVic, where if there was a homecoming, it passed without me knowing about it. I did my masters degree at Queens, and homecoming weekend was insane
@Bill Arnold:
Yes, but when all those people die, it will be God’s Will, so there’s nothing that can or should be done about it. The baybeez that are being killed by abortion are dying because the pregnant woman made a conscious decision to get an abortion, which is against God’s Will.
Oh, and never try to point out to these people that putting their relative on life support is going against God’s Will to have that person die, because they will freak the fuck out on you and insist that life support machines were invented because God wanted them to be invented so it’s A-OK to use them.
The world lost the great Otis Rush today. RIP
When the worker bee returns to the hive, legs covered in pollen, it does a little dance. Other returning bees are also dancing. Somewhere is the queen. Without a queen the entire hive will sadly perish and its life loses meaning.
You sure the Steelers aren’t the ones shitting in your slippers?
And look at Cleveland. They didn’t win, but another OT game. Their fans must not know what to do with themselves.
My mom is very pleased that the Patriots no longer have a worse record than Cleveland.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Speaking from personal experience?
May be a repost. Another Beto video and testimonial, from a veteran and mother.
Very inspiring to me.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I really worry that Kavanaugh’s appointment will be a tipping point. As a comment below noted we may win big in the midterms this year, but the GOP won’t be losing much afterwards thanks to a far-right SCOTUS; that only a Euromaidan-style movement will be capable of ousting the GOP from power in the end.
I’ve also read that we’ve largely won the culture war but I don’t think we have. Disturbing reports about the Family Research Council’s plan to eradicate transgenderism as an identity legislatively is an example.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Not particularly, but I’ve heard stories. WereBear has some good ones since she was raised evangelical.
Gov Brown signed legislation today requiring corporations in the state have women on their board by end of 2019, the quantity scaling with the size of the board. He issued a statement that he’s not sure it’ll survive legal challenge, but that events in DC make it clear that people aren’t getting it, so we’ll give it a shot.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Stop this, the number of justices on the court is set my statute. It can be changed.
@Mnemosyne: Absolutely true. Watch any tv show, youtube video of televangelists like Jim Bakker. Their number 1 goal is to ban abortion. Connected with that is their goal to ban contraception. See Kav’s views on that!! By banning those 2 they pretty much eliminate women’s ability to plan for college and careers.
Millard Filmore
I do not know her other politics well enough to say that. Maybe to stop abortions she would go for that. Her family is fabulously wealth back on her home island, and in her attempt at a small business here in the USA she was rankled that the minimum wage help was not interested in working hard (to make her rich).
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Yes, but will the current crop of Dems used to the old ways play hardball on this? Or more concerning, will the independent morons we need to win close elections get this?
@rikyrah: It’s because black women know what only some white women are catching on to: our society considers nothing more important than a white man’s pain. There might be much sympathy and clucking of tongues for Dr. Ford, but in the end the focus is on how Kavanaugh’s life is affected, not how hers was and continues to be.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
We can convince them after the fact.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: FDR couldn’t do it, and he had much bigger majorities that we can dream of.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
He also had a bunch of southern Democrats that would be R’s now that were a part of the resistance to packing the Court
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: No, we’re winning. Sure, we’ll slide back from time to time, but the arc continues to bend the right way.
If Kavanaugh is seated, even if Dems only win the House, they’re going to open a massive investigation against him. They may not be able to impeach him, but they’ll make it nearly impossible for the court to function with him on it. And frankly, that’ll be an okay outcome.
The Feds are pretty limited in what they do when the states have already granted these rights. The FRC can want whatever the fuck they want, but they’re not getting through California.
Patricia Kayden
@JPL: Why the hell is there even a list? Just let the FBI ask who they deem relevant and let the list of interviewees grow organically. Sigh.
How the fuck do the Rams have the best record in the NFL? Must be their training camp…
@Martin: Heh, that’s what we used to say about the Cowboys in the 70’s.
I smoked some very good marijuana earlier.
Danced while the taters parboiled.
Slide-stepped past an onion with a swift and perfect chop and found a Herbie in my herb.
Brown signed the California Net Neutrality law today, and the Feds sued the state this evening to block it. Bring it.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: This does not surprise me at all.
More of this, please.
Steelers are a dumpster fire. I’m in favor of a fire sale.
Raven Onthill
Possibly of interest to our host here: a tweetstorm on growing fruit in West Virginia:
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: This.
And Putin reportedly told Orangymandius that only a Euromaidan movement could stop him.
But yes, we may win both houses this year, but the SCOTUS is going to re-institute Jim Crow, so they’ll have major control over elections in the future, especially 2020. They will overturn not only California’s net neutrality, but the ACA, certainly abortion, and they’ll stop Mueller from devolving his investigations to the states–that’s on the docket for October, which is why they’re in such a hurry to get BK onto the Court.
They will go too far. They always do, and then we will have to swarm the streets. If we don’t then we deserve to lose it all. I think we will, though. They will fall. These bastards always do, eventually.
Huh. Maybe the international market isn’t that healthy right now. This worries me quite a bit.
Absolutely. Patriarchy works out relatively well for a lot of women, especially those who can conform to beauty ideals and don’t have much skill of their own, so they do better finding a man to marry and take care of them.
It is worth noting that college-educated and non-college-educated white women do not vote the same way at all. And it is because women who have college degrees generally expect some degree of self-sufficiency and work ethic, IME.
On a side note, it is interesting to me that marriage is becoming an institution dominated by college-educated men and women in interdependent unions, and rates of marriage are falling for women without degrees. So the be-pretty-and-find-a-man-to-care-for-you strategy is seeming like more and more of a loser.
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Get a grip.
The I Fund ain’t been doin’ so hot.
@trollhattan: Thank you very much. Point of clarification isit high school, or university, or both?
Omnes Omnibus
@PIGL: Yes.
Major Major Major Major
NPR rudely tweeted this as it was happening, but there’s still enough time to get it right for those of us in non-Eastern time zones!
I was a senior at Yale when Kavscum was a freshman. A lot of alums of both undergraduate and graduate schools of the university have come together in a lot of great ways to support Dr. Ford, and the general cause of truth, including but not limited to the sit in at the law school at the beginning of last week. There are also various Yale alum FB groups that have been very active, informative, and constructive as things have developed.
However. This morning, on a group called Yale Women, there was the following post:
I commented:
Anyway, it’s disgusting, and you are right. And I am sorry.
@Emerald: And when California and New York say “fuck you, pay me” Or words to that effect, it will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court enforces its decisions.
@Omnes Omnibus: Nobody likes a smart ass.
Omnes Omnibus
@PIGL: I am dithering between “Fuck you,” and ” I was serious.”
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Co-sign.
Jerzy Russian
@eemom: The next edition of the alumni magazine should be interesting.
James E Powell
It’s a puzzle to me that white women with no college vote Republican. Among white people, they are the ones who get screwed the most by Republican policies. How do they not know this?
@James E Powell:
Because their support networks mostly consist of evangelical churches that tell them that getting help from anyone outside the church (particularly the government) is bad and sinful. Those churches also tell them that their lack of education and financial dependence on the men in their lives makes them morally superior to sinful college-educated women.
It’s very, very difficult to split people off from their support networks with a promise that they might benefit at some point in the unknown future.
@rikyrah: Thank you for bringing this up. Sojourner Truth laid it out in 1851, but we’re a bit privileged…and slow to see it. Slower still to join hands to make changes, but it’s good to know someone’s already there.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Omnes Omnibus:
Y’know, telling someone to “get a grip” and nothing else isn’t the most constructive response to their concerns. Martin and BillinGlendaleCA did a much better job. I mean, I get it, that’s not your job, but it comes across as abrasive. It’s not particularly nice.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: forget it, Jake.
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Okay: Don’t get a grip,
@James E Powell:
Hey, the feminist movement never promised them that liberation would make their lives ***easier***. And if you are not especially intellectually curious, reasonably good-looking, and comfortable in your milieu, then why upset the apple cart? I grew up around a lot of these women, and they’ve really internalized their gender roles to the point that they can’t imagine anything different.
There are times that I wonder why TF I was so eager to pursue a demanding career. Like…..why did I think that was a good idea? I see people checking receipts at Costco and wonder why I don’t do that. I see women caring for their homes all day and wonder why I don’t do that.
@James E Powell:
For that female demographic I don’t think the answer is any different from what it is for men in the same group, who’ve been voting to get fucked in the ass for more than 50 years now.
And come to think of it, I don’t think there’s any difference between the “Yale Women” who support Kavscum and the Yale Men who do likewise, either….except that the former are perhaps marginally more despicable.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Probably because you didn’t find those careers personally fulfilling? I can tell you as a cashier it’s demanding in it’s own way and you occasionally get shit on by an asshole. And it’s low-paying, even unionized. But it is pretty easy in these sense that not a lot can go wrong and it’s not intellectually challenging.
Judging by what I do around the house and what mother did growing up (and still does), caring for a house isn’t easy either, even with modern conveniences.
@James E Powell:
The key variable with that group is: Are they evangelical?
My bad. Missed @Mnemosyne:
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Of course, you probably already knew that and I can’t edit my comment to reflect that. Damn, I miss the edit button.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, I get it. Comes with the territory. I should know better by now
You mean other than the fact that you would end up going insane with boredom and resentment and start taking it out on your family like so many 1950s housewives did?
It can also be age. Women who were adults by the time the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 will usually have the same low-key white supremacist beliefs they had back then.* They’re not going to start marching around in a white hood, but they firmly believe that non-whites are inferior and shouldn’t be getting equal social status.
* In case it needed to be said, obviously not all white women of that age have clung to those beliefs … but quite a few have.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I worked in retail when I was younger and I got bored. I was not working for a few months after I finished grad school because I had a high-risk pregnancy and I also got bored. I do better with the stimulation of a career. But I always feel hectic and stressed out, and like I am not doing anything (parenting, wife-ing, housekeeping, hobbying, not to mention working) very well. Again, the feminist movement never promised us that liberation would make life easier.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I think I remember you mentioning in the past you worked in retail. I instantly regretted my response to you since it seemed presumptuous and a little mansplainey.
Anyway, you’re right that life doesn’t have any easy answers and real freedom actually scares these women. That’s a recurring theme over the past few centuries.
@YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S): Thanks for this. Good reporting. It’s hard to find good articles about people who actually employ undocumented immigrants. Iowa is a well-kept secret in a lot of ways, good and bad; this piece gives you some of each.
@Suzanne: And it is because women who have college degrees generally expect some degree of self-sufficiency and work ethic, IME.
The IME is giving you exactly no cover at all. GFY