Just un-spammed this comment from InternetDragons, and figured I’d front-page it as well. I plan to re-post it tomorrow, but it’s not that late for the weekend / on the Left Coast…
Hi, guys. I lurk way more than I post, but I had to post this. I’m in northern California, and it’s apocalyptic here. I won’t go into horrific details; that stuff is all over the media. Folks here are animal lovers, so I am posting to say that the animal rescue groups in Butte County need help.
One simple thing you can do, if so inclined, is donate to the pet pantry of the Butte County Humane Society. They need all the supplies you can imagine – food, beds, crates, litter boxes, leashes, everything. http://buttehumane.org/donate
Or you can donate to them using Amazon Smile. They have a wish list on Amazon if you want to purchase stuff there that will be sent to them.
The following organizations are also helping and would gladly accept donations (all of these organizations are vetted by the San Jose Mercury News):
Northwest SPCA — http://www.nwspca.org/index.php/donate; 530-533-7636
Chico Cat Coalition — http://www.chicocatcoalition.org/donation; 530-8941365
Wags & Whiskers Pet Rescue — http://www.wagsandwhiskerspetr…..onate.html; 530-895-8888
Horse Plus Humane Society — http://www.horseplushumanesociety.org/donate; 1-888-HPHS-077
Tony La Russa’s ARF Disaster Relief — http://bit.ly/2RSJdyh; 925.256.1273
Cowboy 911 is doing a fantastic job of rescuing animals behind the lines. They need fuel cards. Please mail them to: 24255 Electric Ave., Red Bluff, CA 96080 or donate via paypal to send $ for fuel cards care of [email protected], that’s Jill Pierre. The money goes directly to the benefit of saving the animals of evacuees of the Camp Fire.
If you want to donate to help human survivors, the best place at the moment is the Red Cross. There are smaller local groups doing amazing stuff, but for now Red Cross is the best place to focus donations.
I don’t have the words to convey how horrific this is. It’s unimaginable.
I’m not sure how to format links, so I hope all of this isn’t horribly screwed up. I also hope this post doesn’t get buried; I’m not one of the “known” posters here – but I know many of you have been thinking about those devastated by these fires, so wanted to provide some specific options if you are able to help.
Thank you all. Be good to one another.
I knew this was coming.. :( Poor doggehs and kittehs! Ugh, I am not sure I could I could look at pictures of bandaged wrapped paws. :( I’m in for some kitty/doggy lovin.
Eric U.
This is the most likely link I found for their wishlist — there were 3 possibilities. I also changed my smile charity to them. link
okay, so I forget how to make a link show up here, I guess I didn’t close my tags. smile.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3EVNBWCZ2EMJV
Re-post from below, and thank you AGAIN to AL <3
Thank you SO much, AL! And thanks and love to everyone helping.
Animal shelters in both northern and southern California are becoming overburdened because of the wildfires statewide. If you’re a Californian who has ever considered fostering anything from dogs to cats to bunnies to birds to reptiles, now would be a great time!
For those who want to donate to relief efforts overall, Mnemosyne mentioned two good alternatives for folks who prefer not to donate to Red Cross – thank you! Here are links:
Wildfire Relief Fund of the California Community Foundation:
California Fire Foundation distributes $100 gift cards:
And if you like, feel free to donate appropriate substances to relieve the pain of Californians who now have the privilege of anticipating a visit from our so-called President. I can hardly wait to hear what inspiring and comforting words he’ll have to offer.
omg. Trump actually told Chris Wallace that the fires here were ‘because nobody went out & raked up all the little dried trees.’
I keep thinking he can’t shock me any more. I get it about narcissists. But his pathology combined with sheer ignorance amplify his awfulness to a point that’s just fucking surreal.
Thanks for these links. I gave to the Chico Cat group and the Butte County.
Thanks for the links. Sent them a donut dog bed, Buster’s favorite.
Thanks. Will use this as these folk are going to need all the help they can get.
Thank you for the links. I’ll chip in and share with friends. It’s devastating which is probably why it’s so hard to talk and write about. Some of the people and groups I follow on Instagram are involved in the animal rescue and fostering efforts and they both inspire and break my heart.
Seems like a good place to post this.
Those two charities are the ones that the Giant Evil Corporation I work for donated to. Anyone who works for a large corporation that does matching gifts should check the company’s list and see if either of those two (or any of the ones on Internet Dragons’ list) are eligible to receive a matching donation. The GEC has a surprising number of small charities on their list, so I’m going to check it against ID’s list on Monday and see if I can double my donation for a few of the smaller places.
The Dangerman
Can we turn AF1 around and say no thank you to a visit (being kind here; the appropriate response is far earthier)? CA doesn’t want him or need him.
On the plus side, air quality is horrific, so maybe he’ll keel (too arrogant to wear a mask, see “Eclipse and Glasses”)
@The Dangerman:
At the very least he’ll be a lot more snuffly than usual. Coke’s a hellova drug.
I love when his little minions try to explain his tweets and conversations with sophistry trying to make it seems smarter than he is. Aren’t they exhausted trying to explain away his behavior?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@trollhattan: Assuming he leaves the airport.
Shout-out to Sacramento region jackals:
Sandia Blanca
@Eric U.: Thanks–I had trouble finding their wish list. Will donate right now.
He’s only there for the video shoot; then it’s back to the WH to see how his performance looks. He’ll watch the Fox clips over and over. Loves to see himself descend from a background of AF1 or Marine 1 just like King America D. McArthur II wading ashore to a coronation.
@Aleta: My old man’s destroyer was “First in the Philippines ” two weeks before dugout Doug waded onto a secure beach!
Thanks InternetDragons; donated and passing this list on to many others.
Sister Golden Bear
@InternetDragons: Thank you for sharing and thank you to all the jackals who’ve donated.
@raven: wow. I had a family member in the S Pacific (on a landing ship), but he stayed on board until the fighting had ended on Okinawa. (Another landed at Normandy but he never mentioned it. His friends from high school told us about 50 years later. After he came home he started a small town hardware store and ran it until he retired.)
Sending good vibes your way, InternetDragons! The smoke in the Bay Area is horrible and I think of how it’s so much worse north of me. Stay safe! I’m donating when I can and our community center is having a drive. Stay safe up there!
@Aleta: Being on an LST at Okinawa, or antsy of the Pacific landings, was no day at the beach!
I see what you did there.
West of the Rockies
Oh, lovely… Clump just landed here in Chico. I feel so much better now.
Mike in NC
@West of the Rockies: Nobody knows more about forestry, believe me!
I checked out the Facebook page for the Butte Humane Society, and they have a link for a place that will match donations up to $25,000 to help them out with fire relief:
West of the Rockies
@Mike in NC: I hope he brought some paper towels to toss out to everyone. We’re gonna need a lot of those.
Just heard a helicopter pass by. Maybe it’s Donald. Squeee//
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Does Giant Evil Corporation = Disney?
@tam1MI: sent some; thanks for the link. I’ll pass it on.
West of the Rockies
I heard some of his remarks. Finland doesn’t have forest fire problems because they take their leaves. We need to keep the forest floor clean.
@West of the Rockies:
I wonder where we could get some labor willing to pick up those rakes?
I’m reposting this here because the roar of Pelosi vs. AOC in the previous thread is too roarious.
Has anyone seen this tweet? Be sure to click through to the photograph. Chuck Close Redux!
@trollhattan: Rake America Great Again
West of the Rockies
Yeah, if only there were some fellow humans trudging on foot towards America in hopes of improving their lot. (I acknowledge that some of those refugees are certainly capable of far more demanding work. I wish we had a humane human on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.)
Thanks, donated.
Jay Noble
REPORTER: What can be done to prevent wildfires?
TRUMP: “We have to take care of floors of the forest..in our countries they do it definitely & different story. I was w/president of Finland…they spend lots of time raking & cleaning & doing things & they don’t have a problem.”
Ummm . . . Let’s see – different climate, different species of trees, the forests are accessible to all and oh yeah socialist goverment that makes sure the upkeep gets paid for.
Sandia Blanca
@skerry: Good one!
I love this so much.
Here’s a non Red Cross local charity:
The Davis fundraiser was moved from Sudwerks to the Senior Center in Davis. Huge turnout! Lots of folks from Paradise including a City Counselman, survivors, and firefighters. In 3 hours good music and 60K raised.
Some good news was koi ponds were a source of water for animal survivors – wild and domestic, and over 100 koi have been rescued and are at the aquaculture program at UC Davis.
That’s my report.
Barbara Elzohairy
@raven: yes Douglas MacCarther was another narcissistic and arrogant bozo. Truman finally fired his ass. Yay.