Reposting Adam’s bleg from last night, for the daytime readers.
From commenter CliosFanboy:
If you missed the previous post a few weeks ago, my wife and I take care of a small feral cat colony that lives on our front porch. There are only two now: Mom Cat and Gray Mom. We follow Alley Cat Allies’ guidelines, so they have both been fixed and vaccinated. My wife and I have been house hunting for a new home as we’ve really outgrown this one. We need to find someone who can adopt the cats as I refuse to abandon then (not that my wife would either)
- A few weeks ago I saw Mom Cat left eye was really, really runny. I took her to our vet with the help of a cat friend. (I have never picked up an adult cat in my life). The vet treated Mom Cat’s eye, but she lost the sight in it. She also got her updated shots, and I now have the monthly flea treatment I put on her back. The vet said other than the eye she was in good health, especially for a feral.
- My wife and I found a house. Unless something awful happens we will close March 5 and move March 11. We can’t take the cats! Feral colonies are very hard to move or I would. My wife is very allergic so we can’t adopt Mom Cat, although she is very friendly and affectionate. Plus our little wiener dog Spud (yes he’s on the BJ calendar) is NOT cat friendly. We need help with adoption.
Mom Cat is a good cat and I think a candidate for adoption to a patient cat person. Gray Mom would make a decent barn cat (she does not let people touch her). We also have three insulated feral cat houses which are available for anyone in the Northern VA/DC area.
Any BJers in this area available to help? I am talking Mom Cat to the vet this afternoon for booster shots and hope to talk to the cat rescue person there.
I will REALLY miss Mom Cat. If my wife were not so allergic I’d be working to gets the dogs adjusted to her and Mom Cat to new life inside…
Look at that face! Who could say no to that face?
Any suggestions, leave a comment, or send me an email at annelaurie [dot] bj [at] gmail [dot] com.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Is it just the light, or is there something wrong with that cat’s left eye?
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: From the post:
Reading is fundamental.
laura koerber
So few comments? I wish I could help but I live on the other coast. I am helping to rescue a feral colony from a junk yard. We have trapped about thirty cats and have about ten to go. Most are barn cats but some adoptable. It is not that hard to have a feral cat around your place! You don’t have to have a barn! A warm cat house on a covered porch will do. I hope someone will step up for thiese kitties.
My dogs are not cat friendly either or I would consider it and I doubt if where I live would accommodate feral cats. I can see if anyone I know might be interested.
I can chip in for transportation costs, if needed.
Steve in the ATL
I’m boycotting cats until they stop turning pages on my Kindle
mad citizen
We’re down to one cat and trying to hold there, but what a beauty along with interesting character features such as the ears. This brown/white style is the same as our recently departed 17 and 19 year old littermate/sisters.
TaMara (HFG)
If we need to pay for transportation, I’m in.
@TaMara (HFG): I will talk to my wife. And the other 4 cats. We just adopted two young toms and they, especially the younger one (estimate 9 month old kitten) have been a lot of work. But my wife is a bleeding heart so and we live relatively close by.
I will contribute for transportation
J R in WV
I’m 2000 miles away, but hope someone can find it in their hearts to take these kitties in and protect and care for them.
Kitties are so vulnerable and need our care and support so much.
@sherparick: let me know please. Anne and Adam have my email
@mad citizen: one ear is tipped (to tell Animal Control she’s been fixed and vaccinated). the other was damaged in a fight.
I’m moving to the west coast in about 3 weeks. I’d be interested but I’m also in Indiana. I might be moving around some bit too… I’d hate to see her without a home.. if no one takes her.. I’ll see what I can do.
Also what do you mean by ‘patient cat person’.. I mean isn’t that assumed? You have to be paitent.. but I wonder if there is more than your usual?
I hope someone can give this beauty a home. I can’t because I already have too many cats per square feet. However, I am in for transport costs if need be. Remember, we got Walter from WV to Minnesota and a kitten from Minnesota to the east coast. It can be done!
TaMara (HFG)
@debit: I was working on another BJ placement, here locally and I was thisclose to taking her myself. But my little female calico will not tolerate other females. I am dangerous around these pet blegs. LOL
@cain: I assume he means that whoever adopts her has to be patient as she adjusts to being inside and in a new place. She really shouldn’t be allowed out again if adopted because she may try to journey back to where she is now. Dangerous for any pet but more so for one with impaired vision.
Kay Klingman
I’ll send this post to my nephew in MD, whose horse barn really needs a cat (rats love horse chow & horse poop).
I just love a brown tabby.
Great point by satby.
Wherever she goes, she MUST be kept confined in that location for at least three weeks to reset her “location finder” and ferals have particularly strong ones.
Kay Klingman
@Kay Klingman: Also, I could provide transportation if needed in the Delmarva area. I sent a link to my nephew. The barn-type cat is most likely to appeal to him as he has 2 elderly small dogs with expensive health issues, but there’s always a possibility, if he decides to take one he may want both. Would be nice for them to stay together. Cats aren’t pack animals, but in my experience they do take comfort in having a species-mate.
@Kay Klingman:
I hope that your nephew can take them.
@TaMara (HFG): Oh man, same. My most recent was supposed to be in our house only long enough to find a new home. I now have five cats. And like your calico, Dani is having trouble accepting another female. Maybe something in that gene? My sweet little tabby morphed into a torbie and has the attitude to go with it.
@eclare: @??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: My dad’s cat has an eye that looks like that. Toxoplasmosis infection in his eye. He gets regular visits to an actual cat opthamologist. It hasn’t gotten worse so vet eye doc says okay not to continue treating. He is blind in that eye, so his jumping days are over because he has no depth perception.
He’s the radioactive cat.
@WereBear: Werebear: were we just lucky? We have taken in a couple of sort of ferals, not at the same time, and once they settled in neither one has any interest in going outside ever again.
The big friendly male demanded to come in during a November sleetstorm, settled in instantly, and runs away from open doors. The skittish female took a bit of adjusting to the household, but she never wanted out again. She just wants fewer cats inside with her.
That’s a beautiful cat. I would love to take her but our five cats are maxed out on each other (too many cats) and would probably be bickering more if the dog didn’t break things up.
zhena gogolia
My three semi-ferals had zero interest in going outside. I was amazed.
I’ll contribute if there’s a fund for transporting this sweetie.
@TaMara (HFG): that’s exactly it. they are used to outside. I also have some insulated cat homes which are available.
Will also chip in for transport costs.
Trying to talk spouse into adopting Momcat. He’s pretty resistant so far.
@Sab: My kittens are concerned about the door being open. I think they kinda remember being lot kittens.
@CliosFanBoy: My semi-ferals were also used to being outside. I don’t think they had ever been inside. They didn’t really have regular owners. They were dependent on the kindness of neighbors. They were more than happy to trade cold and wet freedom for warm and dry and regular meals.
Loudoun County’s humane society has a barn cat program. The adoptions are free – could be a good fit for these cats.
@MomSense: I did not know that…. thank you.