Photos & reports from both CaseyL and BeautifulPlumage:
[Ed: Looks like a fine time was had by all — let me know if I messed up any captions!]We had a great turnout for our May 4th meetup, organized by DanB for Pirate Dan at Blue Water Bistro.
(Pirate Dan & Casey L)Twelve folks in all over the course of dinner, including 2 lurkers and a Birthday Girl who H.E.Wolf met on the bus and invited along (she just moved back to Seattle and wanted to find her tribe, so yay to H.E.Wolf!).
Her name is Kate… we all wished her Happy Birthday, and I think she had fun. I also think H E Wolf will try convincing her to become a jackal.
The weather here has been sunny and clear, and the restaurant sits on the shore of Lake Washington facing Mercer Island with Mt Rainier in the background. Great food and conversations, as always.(CaseyL, Bumper, Mr. Bumper, H.E.Wolf, Birthday Girl, Hitcherhiker, Lurker 2, Lurker 1)Thanks to all who were there, it was great meeting new folks.
Top photo:
Standing are DanB, Hitchiker, Lurker 1, H.E.Wolf, and Birthday Girl
Seated are Pirate Dan, CaseyL, Anon*, BeautifulPlumage, Bumper, Mr. Bumper. (*Anon came late and I forgot his handle, also, we had one lurker leave before this photo)
did the unix programmer in back forget his robe and wizard hat?
(i kid i kid)
Impresssive packal of jackals.
It was a very nice evening! BJ lurkers prove, yet again, to be awesome. (And the non-lurkers, also.)
(I haven’t a clue what I was doing in the final photo, but it looks way too much like the dinner guest in “Bringing Up Baby” who liked to demonstrate leopard calls… “leopard” being pronounced, as one did in 1930s films featuring the uppeh clahsses, “leppid”.)
Good looking group! Glad you had fun.
@H.E.Wolf: Yes, we forgot to mention how you regaled us with a Sounds of Nature recitation :)
Looks like so much fun! Great to have sunny skies.
We were in the Seattle area just a couple of weeks ago visiting family and it was cold and rainy (surprise!) most of the time, which ended up not mattering at all because my husband and I took turns getting some kind of violent stomach virus and we needed to stay inside most of the time.
Fine group of jackals you’ve got there in the Pacific Northwest. Also that’s a nice pic of The Mountain, I’ve only got two from living up there for 3 years and they’re crap.
Nice turnout.
Why did they name a mountain after a beer company?
Because St. Louis named a beer after a ball park. Duh.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I just drove to Richland, WA and back and am always amazed by how different it looks from the east of the cascades. This is a crappy cell phone pic. Imagine what you could do with your gear!
Assuming that Amtrak does not screw me over, I should be in Portland the weekend of June 14th. The 15th is already booked up (did you know the Oregon Zoo offers a behind-the-scenes tour of the sea otter enclosure?) so the evening of the 14th seems most available for a meetup, again assuming Amtrak is running on time that day.
@BeautifulPlumage: With my current equipment, I’d get some good pics(if weather allowed). I lived up there while I went to grad school at the U(82-85) and just had one of those crappy Kodak Disc cameras.
@H.E.Wolf: I think you were wiping tears of laughter from your eyes. It’s okay DanB, your story of how you came to jackalhood is safe with us.
Also, yay to the lurkers…you added much richness to the convo.
Love the can-do jackal spirit as evidenced by the “green” star balloon!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Weather has been shifting a lot. June used to be cloudy and rainy, not so much the past couple years. April showers definitely brought May flowers. And summer starts before July 4.
We’ll give you & yours a fine jackal greeting if you do make it up; your photographic eye is amazing and I would love your 2019 perspective on the two sides of WA state.
So impressed with the knowledge and insight of the lurkers (and the rest of the jackals too, of course). It was a very good meetup. Beautiful location on the water. Thank you Dan B. for organizing this.
C Stars
Wow, nice turnout!
Can I say that Anon was such a nut!
Oh, and DanB brought those lovely irises in the balloon pic; out of his yard IIRC.
Sorry I missed it. Who wants to do a Portland meet up?
Dan B
I seem to recall that a term like “quid pro quo” was used in dinner conversation for the first time I ever recall. Erudition, and a sprinkling of nuance.
And the rough poll for preferred pres candidate was 9 Harris / Warren, 1 Warren / Harris. Good jackals.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dan B: Whose quid for whose quo?
Now that’s a handsome bunch of jackals! Looks like fun was had by all!
Amir Khalid
Aargh. I’m missing photos again.
So glad I finally got to meet some jackals in the wild!
Lurker 1 here. It was a pleasure to be in the company of jackals. Less lurking in the future.