Despite wanting to, I am not going to steal Watergirl’s thunder and post the screen shots I have seen, but I am just super excited about how it looks so far. What I like the most is it stays true the site over the past two decades- it isn’t one of those new shit layouts that everyone seems to have done that ruins their site. The best way I can say it is that looking at the pictures, it feels like the same house, but you had the designer upgrade the kitchen and dining room and fix where the floor was starting to lean a little bit and then had the cleaners and decorators over. But it’s still the same house and not some new joint and you aren’t going from a cozy craftsman or farmhouse and moving into a modern condo.
New Site Preview
by John Cole| 34 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance, Site Maintenance
karen marie
Oh, thank you! Much as I love Wonkette and LGM, I hate the new layouts, esp Wonkette, where you can change what story you’re reading but the comment thread is to the story you were reading first. #deleteDisqus
I will be happy here if I can comment without having to type my nick/email every single time.
James E Powell
Did you have the landscapers move the willow tree?
so, lots of emojis, nested comments, and a like button?
@James E Powell: It’s still too close to the blog.
Major Major Major Major
@chopper: I think they’re doing a nested ranked system like reddit.
As long as it has Cole pet and porch birdy nest live cams, I’m good.
As always, many thanks to the whole team of jackals working so hard to keep the engine running. Sounds like this will be a major improvement.
Just please, for the love of God, don’t take it in your head to do any mopping after they’ve left.
Major Major Major Major
@jl: So you’ve given up on the pawpaws?
Amir Khalid
Sometimes hearing that good news is coming fills me with dread. Not implying anything, just saying …
Extended autoplay of Thurston barking?
Hoping the new design either axes or replaces the mini-dashes between comments, which makes it look like unspooling a roll of toilet paper when scrolling down.
If going that route, decorators first, cleaners after.
@Amir Khalid
Reminded of a scene from The Mary Tyler Moore Show This link should be cued up to the start of the scene, which runs a skootch over two minutes.
Are you saying that none of this is worth a shit?
O/T, but I keep thinking about tRump attempting to nickname Buttigieg “Alfred E. Neuman”. Mayor Pete should just tweet back, “Who?”. As if that is a mental association anyone un-old would make.
Amir Khalid
Who has NOT been likened to Alfred E. Neuman? If Buttigieg reacts at all, he should acknowledge Trump’s taunting-fu but point out that taunting only works on the easily distracted — “and that’s not me.”
wasabi gasp
Tentative approval from the Warm Doodie Rug Preservation Board.
Mary G
@Amir Khalid: Buttigieg said he was unfamiliar with Alfred E. and had to Google him.
@Mary G
Say what? A pop culture icon AND former presidential candidate?
Uncle Cosmo
Iiiiiiii dunno,Cole – this is starting to sound like this venerable lame joke:
@Mary G: @NotMax: chances are pretty good Mayor Pete did have to Google him. He’s the same age as my sons and only the comic book collector might recall the only the name outside of any context.
Not sure I would anymore either, and I bought and read Mad when I was a kid… in the 60s. 50 y/o taunt for the not win.
Uncle Cosmo
@Uncle Cosmo: FTR “they” was spozeta be “the way” & “me or the” “me for the first time in the altogether”. This fucking computer is dropping whole hunks of bytes on the way to the Intertoobz. I got the edit screen, made the edits, hit “Save” – & the computer locked up. Piece of shit (borrowed from a friend after my little traveling computer was stolen out of my trunk) running Windows 8.2. I’m guessing this is the only OS in the multiverse that WinBlows 10 might be an upgrade over.
(& while I was typing the “HP Support Assistant” took over the screen, asked me a stupid question, & then shivered like a fucking Chihuahua for 15 minutes before it let me answer it. Jeebus Fricken Cripes.)
BTW&FWIW, greetings from the northeast suburbs of Prague, where at 12:20 local time it’s 58 F & overcast with light sprinkles. Belch.
Uncle Cosmo
Amir Khalid
@Uncle Cosmo:
I think FYWP disapproved of your poleaxed spelling and grammar.
The Pale Scot
That is all I have to say
Another Scott
@Amir Khalid: rofl.
“Uncle knows what he did.”
@The Pale Scot: AKA the ‘There’s a new menu at the cafeteria’ theorem.
ETA: I really do expect that it will be good. Really.
Catherine D.
@Major Major Major Major: “The greatest professor that ever got chalk on his coat” Ommence earworm now!
I hope the text won’t be too tiny…
@The Pale Scot:This. So the promise that the front end will look the same is reassuring. I’m having adustment issues over at Booman’s new place. I don’t know where to look for the new posts.
@karen marie:
karen marie
@Wag: I really dislike the new layouts where shit is all over the place instead of consecutive like it used to be. BJ is the only one left that hasn’t fallen into that trap. I hope that what Cole means when he says it will be the same house is that trap will continue to be avoided.
@NotMax: The dash line between comments is one of the things I like. It does not look like toilet paper. It seperates non-aggressively.
Is the rebuild going to get rid of that goddam ad script that keeps redirecting me—unrecoverably—off the site? Because that’s real annoying.
(It’s most common on the mobile version, but happens on a computer as well.)
@karen marie:
The dash line used to be a very thin solid line until it got “dotted” in one of the fixes. Solid was better.