For those in the Kansas City and/or St. Louis areas interested in a meet up, I bring glad tidings from commenter Opie Jeane!
We are traveling on Sunday the 23rd to Kansas City and will be there until the next morning, when we head down to the Ozarks to visit cousins. We will be in St Louis on the 27th and wonder if jackals in either city would like to meet with us for supper.
So that’s a possible Kansas City meet up on June 23, 2019 and a possible St. Louis meet up on June 27, 2019.
If you’re interested, sound off in the comments!
Open thread!
Steve in the ATL
Hope they go well. The Joplin, MO meetup tonight was a total bust!
I sure hope that the gathering will include barbeque and music.
Steve in the ATL
@laura: trigger warning: “barbecue” in this part of the country is usually (shudder) beef.
A message to Bill in Glendale: I am hanging out in San Pedro near the Korean Friendship Bell. Saw your photos in the morning thread; we might have been on the premises at the same time!! Was at Point Vicente (?) Saturday.
Still might have to arrange that meetup. I am lingering in LA longer than expected, because I miss it so. Message me via a front pager, if you will. Cheers.
Oh: and good luck with the Kansas City meetup. Fun will be had.
Got back from Portland late last night. Feeding two sea otters at the same time reminded me of this classic cat video:
@Mnemosyne: And you, Ms. Mnemo. Hope you might be up for another SoCal meetup too. Very flexible with the timing, within maybe a week.
Have not seen otters of late, but have seen two coyotes (one rather close up and bold). Gonna go see the grunion run tonight and tomorrow night. They are allegedly out through Thursday night, since it was a full (Strawberry) moon last night.
Another Scott
@Steve in the ATL: There’s always tomorrow. I hear that Oklahoma City is oh so pretty.
Steve in the ATL
@Another Scott: I love the Stones version of it, with the added bonus of young Mick not knowing how to pronounce some of the locations
Yes, to a St. Louis meet up with Opiejeane! I know she has been in touch wit Marco Polo, and we are hoping for others in the area to join us.
James E Powell
For supper! Sometimes I do miss the midwest.
BC in Illinois
I’d be interested. Someone should pick a place.
It seems that Quinerly and I have been in some of the same marches (though I missed the Blues-fest last Saturday).
June 27th is, however, the night of the first Debate and I would hate to miss the chance to see Elizabeth Warren and the crowd.
ETA: For clarity, “BC in Illinois” has been in StL County since late 2015.
Another Scott
@Steve in the ATL: :-)
I’m reminded of the way I always cringed whenever I heard The Who’s Cooks County after I heard the story about the song.
“How on Earth could you hear ‘Cook’ as ‘Cooks’??!”
(Insert pithy remark about English rockers.)
Anybody got a restaurant recommendation in Frederick, MD? I’m “meeting up” there with a friend for an early dinner on Thursday.
@Steve in the ATL:
So wrong.
@BC in Illinois
Warren will be on night number one, which is the 26th.
@Another Scott:
@Lapassionara: Wish I could attend and dig into some STL food such as Provel-based pizza and gooey butter cake. Whatever the fare, enjoy some for me!
And, really, anyone going into/near KCMO needs to get some Arthur Bryant’s, even to go for eating later or the next day. I mean, life is only so long and such opportunities so rare.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: (shutter)
Whatever happened to Corner Stone?
We’ll have to figure something out. The most active jackal group is in the Glendale/Pasadena area, but that’s not always convenient for out of towners who are more likely to be on the west side.
opie jeane, opie jeannes and mnemosyne muse should all hang out some day.
@Steve in the ATL:
Future generations will judge your brisketophobia harshly.
BC in Illinois
You’re right.
I was thinking the debates were the 27th and 28th.
They’re actually the 26th and 27th.
So a meet-up on the 27th would run up against Kamala Harris and her crowd.
Steve in the ATL
@Steeplejack: only if the South fails to rise again, which is almost inconceivable. Or totally conceivable, i forget which.
@chopper: I believe they have at some point.
And for those of you on the fence: Opie and her husband are DELIGHTFUL people. If you can possibly attend either please do so!
@Mnemosyne: I am totes planning to come up to Pasadena, if we can get a meetup together. Sunday or name a day within the following week (possibly including the following weekend, but that might be pushing it.)
@Steve in the ATL: I don’t know, but I miss him!
Another Scott
@satby: This seems to have been the last thread he was on. Maybe he’ll be back after the new rollout? Dare we hope? ;-)
Adam L Silverman
Which one of you let your dog get loose?
@Steve in the ATL:
Young Mick — Just My Imagination (running away) –
We have hung out in the past — she and Mr. Opiejeanne came to the Portland meetup and I gave her a Pride hat since her daughter used to work for the Giant Evil Corporation.
Mike in NC
My birthday, just in case anybody wants to send me a check…
@Steve in the ATL:
Wow, it’s been a while! Hope he’s okay.
I have a vague recollection — I think Adam might know — that Corner Stone had some family issues/responsibilities that took him away from commenting here for a while.
CS, if you’re listening….
Steve in the ATL
@Aleta: love that!
@SiubhanDuinne: he also has a responsibility to the Balloon Juice community that he has been shirking!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
other observation: In New York City, the Big Apple, Gotham, graffiti is “brewing news”?
@SiubhanDuinne: His mother ? Then again, I have vague recollection, or a false memory, of a night when he was called unwelcome.
He was here around Xmas time.
I wish, but I’m too far away down here in Springfield MO. I hope they have good weather at the lake, it’s been raining here a lot this spring.
Adam L Silverman
@Steve in the ATL: @SiubhanDuinne: @Aleta: @NotMax: His last comment was in January 19, 2019.
I’ve sent him an email to the email address he used to comment. I have no way of knowing if it is a legit email or if he will respond.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I thought that was in North Carolina. No idea where Centennial Park is.
Adam L Silverman
@opiejeanne: Nashville.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@opiejeanne: D’oh! twitter has made me illiterate, I no longer know how to read, I skim, and I thought that said “Central Park”.
I was surprised to think there was a confederate statue in Central Park.
A meet up here in St. Louis would be fun but it does appear to be a debate night. Keep me in the loop…depends on location and timing. I’m in Soulard, near AB Brewery, 32 bars, restaurants, clubs. Downtown is nice. Other possibilities are Central West End, Benton Park, Lafayette Square, or Maplewood.
@Steve in the ATL: Oh, when you said Route 66, I thought you were in Amboy.
Sounds like a slow night from a fondly remembered week long Hogmanay pub crawl in Aberdeen.
@Elizabelle: I was at the Friendship Bell Sunday evening between 6 and 7(when they lock the gates), then we headed down the hill to the Pt. Ferman Lighthouse and on to the Viciente Point lighthouse.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Funny. i was doing all that Saturday, mostly. Shakespeare in the Park that night, although didn’t stay cuz not dressed warmly enough
So far the grunion are no shows. I think Huntington Beach might be more reliable. Surf City spawning.
@Quinerly: In Missouri, Central Time Zone, the debates start at 8pm. The 27th is Kamala vs. the three Bs.
Maybe we ought to skip the meetup in St Louis, or make it early enough so that everyone can get to a viewing place by 8pm?
@Steve in the ATL: Well, duh. Kansas City was the end point of the long ago cattle drives so beef was/is still popular there.
Feel free to get my email info from Adam.
Happy hour meet up is always a possibility. Think I remember you are staying downtown. I’m very close in Soulard. We do need to check whether the Cardinals are in town and timing. If so, parking downtown presents a problem. Can always work on a place and logistics, once timing is worked out. Just my thoughts.
Steve in the ATL
@Soprano2: I was there just yesterday!
@Quinerly: The Cardinals are not in town. Our hotel is right by the ballpark, the Ballpark Hilton. Happy Hour sounds great. I have your email. Marco Polo shared it with me.
There is one thing I want to do: I want to visit Jefferson Barracks where my great great grandfather Levi is buried but I can do that earlier in the day or the next morning.
It’s quite possible that there’s a bar or two in STL that would put the debate up on the TV box.
BB’s Jazz, Blues and Soups, downtown near the ball park, has a decent menu and the music doesn’t start until 7:00 on the 27th. Or, the Broadway Oyster Bar but the music starts early @ 6.
@Alain: Nearly 40 years ago my first post college job was in Kansas City. Before heading there my mom had told me that Arthur Bryant’s BBQ was rated as the best restaurant in the country by Esquire Magazine. A couple months later I am at a paint factory and I am told Arthur Bryant’s is next door. It was 11:20 and they told me to hurry over before the lunch line got too long. They recommended the combo sandwich so I ordered it. A piece of Sunbeam bread is paint brushed with sauce, a big handful of beef and another handful of pork is piled on. Then topped with the other slice of Sunbeam. Asked if I wanted fries, I said yes and a handful is piled on the plate. Then asked if I wanted water or beer, soda is in the machine. I did not want any trouble, so went for the beer. So damn good.
Long time vegetarian so have not gone back since we moved out of town. I would likely be able to make the STL meet-up.
Some very good Asian restaurants on Grand Ave., not too far from downtown, Soulard, or the Hill.
Banh Mi So 1 is way down Grand, but my favorite. The Hill is the Italian neighborhood with several good choices. I like Greek/Italian Anthonino’s Taverna – would want to get there early as it fills up. Plenty of other choices – West End and Clayton are more in the middle of town. Expect no problem watching a replay of the debate on the intertubes. Can’t hardly stand to watch them myself.
Sheldon Vogt
Kansas Citian here!
You could pick a different BBQ joint each night for a month and not go wrong.
Arthur Bryant’s is great, though, and close to the Negro Leagues museum.
I’m game for getting together wherever.
Email is [email protected]
Sheldon Vogt
by the way, if you like classical music, we have a great orchestra and a world class concert venue, the Kauffman Center. $25 gets you a fine seat for brahms Piano Concerto #1, and Pictures at an Exhibition.
@Sheldon Vogt: I think that sounds like a plan. We land at 3:30 pm on Sunday and have a rental car, so a trip to Arthur Bryant’s after a visit to the Negro Leagues museum sounds like a good idea. My least favorite uncle took us to a bbq place in KC 40 years ago, no idea what it was or where. but in looking at the photos and the menu it might very well have been AB’s.
The Negro Leagues Museum closes at 6pm and Arthur Bryant’s closes at 8pm, so we will be at Arthur Bryant’s at 6:30 unless something goes terribly wrong. Hope to see you and maybe some other people there on Sunday. :-)
Sheldon Vogt
@opiejeanne: Paula and I will see you at Arthur Bryant’s shortly after 6!
Safe travels
@Quinerly: definitely want to meet up in st louis thursday night. anytime, any location. if i miss anything noteworthy at the debate – which i doubt – it will be covered in the papers. Or on colbert’s show. please post details.