This is Sarah Fabian. She is a lawyer with the Department of Justice who thinks it is crazy insane to provide immigrants in detention with things like a toothbrush, soap, or a blanket:
A Trump official tried to argue that detained children don’t need soap, toothbrushes, or beds to be ‘safe and sanitary’ while in Border Patrol custody
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) June 21, 2019
This is not Sarah Fabian’s first time in the limelight:
The fate of hundreds of children ripped from their migrant parents was still up in the air Friday, but a Trump administration lawyer working on the case has a side gig to attend to — dog-sitting.
At a hearing in San Diego Federal Court Friday, the Trump administration asked Judge Dana Sabraw to extend deadlines he set last month for officials to reunify the hundreds of migrant families separated because of its zero tolerance policy. The first deadline is July 10.
During the two-hour hearing, Sabraw asked Justice Department lawyer Sarah Fabian and a lawyer representing the American Civil Liberties Union about their availability over the weekend.
“We will do whatever. We will stay the weekend,” said the lawyer representing the ACLU, which successfully sued the Trump administration over its family-shattering practice last month.
Fabian said she had other obligations.
“I have dog-sitting responsibilities that require me to go back to Colorado but I will be back Monday,” she said, according to a transcript published by NBC News.
There are those who would have you believe that she is just following orders, to which I would respond “How did that work out at Nuremberg?”
Government attorneys retain moral autonomy and are responsible for what they argue. They can refuse and take the consequences or quit.
— CockedAndLoadedHat (@Popehat) June 22, 2019
She has chosen. She is not there at gunpoint. She made her decision, she crafted her arguments, and she presented them. She is a walking dumpster fire. Fuck her.
You know that if she treats the animal she’s dog-sitting even close to as badly as she’s arguing for treating those children, the owners would sue her six ways to Sunday.
She is arguing in our names. She is arguing for everyone of us in court that we should be allowed to abuse children, that we should be allowed to kidnap them and their children against the actual law. And that we should be able to treat them as less than human beings. We’ve been here before and it wasn’t good then. And we didn’t really learn anything. Humans will treat other humans as inhumanly as can ever be imagined if nudged in that direction. That’s why controls have to be in place and they have to be enforced. Humans are no better than they want to be. And that isn’t always good enough.
Mike in NC
Who is even surprised any more that 99.99% of Fat Bastard’s hires are utter scum?
If anyone treated their own kids that way they’d lose custody.
Call your congressperson and senators DAILY. This is in our name, and yet is against treaty obligations and domestic US law.
You think someone is going to pay her to fly from CA to CO to dog sit for them? Bet this is a family matter and while she will fly to CO for her own, she’s not getting paid to dog sit for a neighbor. Wonder what causes the need for her to go, to make such a lame argument in court.
More in this thread. That woman ain’t right.
Jeez, I’d hate to think all attorneys’ eyes are that dead and hollow.
Even prisoners of war get blankets and soap.
And if we can’t fire her, let’s make her famous.
I know nothing about this woman or the decision process within the Justice Department But I have worked with Justice Department attorneys on various fishery-related issues and lawsuits. And I know there are a whole bunch of them.
Unless I miss my guess, the career Justice Department supervisor who is in charge of this monstrosity probably knows exactly who she has working for her and probably knows that this woman is a MAGA tool. Every office has one. So when they do the staff tasking meetings to determine who is going to take what case, this woman’s hand is probably up “pick me, pick me!” when there is some TV worthy case on a Trump issue coming up. And everyone else in the office is probably relieved as hell it was them that got picked.
Ohio Mom
I don’t expect to run into Ms Fabian in suburban Cincinnati but she needs to be thoroughly doxxed. She needs to be followed by protesters holding signs explaining who she is and what she has done.
On a happier note, is that a wicker chair on the deck which is cradling Samantha the dog (in the Twitter pic)? Happy Birthday, John.
Adam L Silverman
@chris: She’s the one who told the court earlier this year, she couldn’t come to court for an emergency hearing because she had to dog sit.
Adam L Silverman
I’m surprised the judges weren’t able to get her to just blurt it out: “These aren’t, like, OUR kids…most of them are just animals…why would we waste soap and blankets on them?”
I’m ready to move on from wanting a Truth & Reconciliation Commission to wanting Nuremberg Trials, with all the appropriate sentences.
A very happy birthday to you, @JohnCole, and thank you for spotlighting this despicable deplorable disgusting piece of Republican shit. I’ve never felt so ashamed about sharing my gender with anyone.
Adam L Silverman
Adam L Silverman
The face of evil is blonde, pink and female and without eyebrows apparently.
I don’t believe her. Who would trust her with their dog?
One good thing about this fucked up timeline, is like the Concentration Camp ratioing,
Is the Nazi’s and Good Germans are freely outing themselves.
Some one should also stick a microphone in the face of General Kelly whose idea it was to separate children from parents to deter people seeking asylum at the southern border. This woman, terrible though she may be did not come up with this policy.
@Gvg: It was Cerberus, she was in Hades.
I believe the idiom in German is sie hat einen Dachschaden.
(Please correct, Amir, if my all too rusty German is egregiously flawed.)
Adam L Silverman
I may or may not be back later. Today was leg day, so I’m going to lie down.
She appears to have borrowed Trump’s jacket.
A Good Woman
Let’s not let Barr off the hook. This buck stops at his desk.
@Adam L Silverman: I feel your pain. I tore a muscle while running last month and my leg is still stiff. Try a good long soak in the tub with epsom salt.
I’ve been there for a while.
Republicans know how to do this right. You didn’t even publish her home address, phone numbers, e-mail address, twitter handle, and addresses of her children’s schools.
@debbie: That outfit is hideous, including the blouse. The hair looks like it hasn’t seen water or shampoo for a while either.
Happy wishes for you, Señor C.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @Jeffro: Who wants reconcile with these people?
@Adam L. Silverman
Jews and hamstrings don’t mix.
@schrodingers_cat: Well she reportedly does not believe in soap or toothpasre.
@schrodingers_cat: Call me a dreamer…well, you might have been able to call me that up until a couple years ago…now it’s time for these folks to face consequences. Apologies will NOT suffice.
Better not refuse Ms. Fabian service at your restaurant or I will call the Incivility Police.
antifia’s on it.
@Jay: ‘Bout time. We need to know what kind of countertops she has. Also if she’s ever been in a pizza parlor in New York.
When I watched it, what amazed me was the look of astonishment on her face that the judges would even question her argument.
I suppose while this arguing and delaying goes on the children are still not receiving soap, toothpaste and other necessities. The whole damn shitshow is sickening. Isn’t anyone able to order these conditions remedied now. Immediately.
Also fuck Sarah Fabian and Donald Trump.
That’s not what antifia does 95% of the time. 5% of the time is spent protecting people from Nazis and Cops.
95% of the time is spent mining social media to get real names, social media history, phone numbers , addresses, employers, family members, social groups and memberships,
Then through social media, organizing “black listing”.
she seems like a true believer. i mean, you kinda have to be to get up there in front of the fucking appeals court and literally make that argument, but still.
Not even a Fabian will be able to run away from this one
@NotMax: says that’s to have a screw loose.
These actions are not that. Nowhere close.
I’m with Cole and Jeffro – American Nuremberg trials. Oh, and Bill’s there too.
Guess that’s why soap seems to be a foreign concept to her.
I was watching the new Netflix/German collaboration about the Charité hospital in Berlin (Part I was @ 1900; this new bit is about WWII–both semi fictionalized). I heard those non-justification/justifications come out of that lawyer’s mouth on the same day. Dear God, I don’t wanna join the Nazi comparison parade, but didn’t she just sound like the pediatricians who were defending the practice of experimenting on “less than perfect” children. Et cetera. My stomach roiled.
Absolutely disgusting human being???
I was able to leave her a lovely voicemail on Friday on her DOJ line. I hope she listens. No job is worth hers. Despicable
J R in WV
Do you need a trial when the defendant has already made her position clear in Federal court? Really?
No soap, no medical care, no toothpaste, nothing. Gruel. Tepid water. Bread. Forever.
Come on, UNHRC & UNHCR, stop being such a jokes.
@J R in WV:
Not even forever, just long enough for her to stand trial. I’ll file a few motions that keep her in those conditions for say 3 months, and then see if she has anything to say…reflections, of a sort…
@Ruckus: you really think whoever it is wouldn’t sue their own family or close friends? They’re rightwingers. :)
Taking care of the dogs is more important.
Amir Khalid
No need, you got that one right.
Amir Khalid
Can you tell a court, “I can’t be present that day, I have to dogsit”? Surely a judge would tell her to cancel the dogsit and show up, or else.
@J R in WV:
Yes. Because she (and all these fuckers) have that right under our Constitution. And we are still a nation of laws.
There were loads of evidence of the Nazis’ crimes, but the Allies still gave them their day in court.
We need to stick to our predecessors’ example.
Steve in the ATL
@Amir Khalid: every federal judge I know would expect that, with an added threat of contempt. Of course, if the judge agreed with the DOJ’s position….
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: You’ll find that a good number of people on our side have lost interest in that. I agree with you,fwiw.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: of course you do—trials mean more jobs for lawyers. Everybody wins!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Shhhh. I was being “principled.”
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Jay: Jay, I’ve noticed you frequently mention “antifia.” Do you mean Antifa (anti-fascist), or is this some other outfit I haven’t heard of? Or an inside joke?
I’d love to see some sources for your 95%/5% ratio. I only ever hear of Antifa when they’re mixing it up with neo-Nazis, etc.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: I’m in Europe so all of you are sleeping right now while it’s late morning here but I wanted to mention again two organizations you can contact if you want to help asylum seekers. These organizations are looking for sponsors who will house immigrants while they’re awaiting their court date but you can also donate to help them with their efforts:
Santa Fe Dreamers Project
Showing Up for Racial Justice
@schrodingers_cat: I noticed that right away.
My sister the litigator schooled me in court appearance decades ago. “Clean, neat, clothes that fit, hair tidy. Don’t give the judge any reason to find you distasteful; especially when your case fucking sucks.”
Trump. Only the best people. Right.
I would advise folks to pay close attention to those promoting the ‘just following orders’ defense – those are the ones who would gladly guard the death camps.
Antoinette stockton
@JDM: #comment-7320040 we would do well to remember that God will judge us for what we do and He will treat us the way we treat others and he always had favored for those that were immigrants refugees from other countries we were told to love them
@Bobbo: If you run a restaurant, don’t refuse to serve her food. Just let her know that you did everything you can to ensure that the food she is eating is *sanitary*.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@tobie: Gotcha. Thanks!
@schrodingers_cat: A former lawyer, that was almost the first thing I thought. She knew she was going to be before judges and she chose to dress that way?