Trump campaign says it will no longer credential @business reporters to campaign events
— Justin Sink (@justinsink) December 2, 2019
On the one hand, it’s extremely in character for Brad Parscale, drunk on his self-perceived “power” to announce that You guys don’t get to sit at our table so there!!!, should make an outsized fuss about the media outlet owned by a real billionaire who is now challenging Brad’s boss.
On the other hand, it’s extremely in character for Brad Parscale, strip mall PC specialist turned campaign ‘data expert’ by the grace of the GRU, to try and preempt a(nother) breaking-news investigation by a major media outlet that will (further) damage Parscale’s direct report. Per Politico:
News organizations reacted warily to the Trump campaign’s announcement Monday that it will no longer credential Bloomberg News reporters for campaign events in response to the outlet’s decision not to investigate its owner, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, or his Democratic rivals for president.
Trump Campaign manager Brad Parscale said the move, which Bloomberg News said would ensure equal footing for each Democratic candidate, indicated a bias against Trump because the outlet would continue to cover him critically while going easy on his Democratic rivals…
The move is reminiscent of the 2016 election, when the Trump team denied press credentials to numerous outlets, including POLITICO, The Washington Post, and BuzzFeed News, because of coverage the campaign considered biased or unfair.
The 2020 campaign’s policy may extend beyond Trump’s rallies, with Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican Party, announcing that the GOP will “no longer credential” Bloomberg representatives. It could also affect White House coverage, given that Bloomberg reporters regularly travel with the president to events as part of the White House pool…
Bloomberg News, a global news organization of 2,700 journalists and analysts, has long had a policy of not initiating investigations into the billionaire businessman, his family or his foundation, and announced last week it would extend that practice to his 2020 Democratic rivals, in the wake of Bloomberg’s entry into the race.
Bloomberg News will continue to investigate the Trump administration, though it plans to reassess its policy if Michael Bloomberg becomes the Democratic nominee…
Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, took issue with the move against Bloomberg News. “We condemn any action that keeps quality news media from reporting fairly and accurately on the presidency and the leadership of the country,” he said in a statement.
But Bloomberg’s policy of not covering its owner has also drawn criticism from journalists for departing from how news organizations typically handle such situations. The Washington Post, for one, doesn’t restrict reporters from digging into its billionaire owner, Amazon chief Jeff Bezos…
I assume Balloon Juice will not look to closely into my affairs.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Baud: We’re watching you through your monitor.
Put that down!
Mary G
IOKIYAR in action, because the difference is in who’s running Congress.
Actions such as hiring Dean Baquet, then?
You can remove the snark tags.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You assumed wrongly, Baud! As we speak Wikileaks has access to your deepest, darkest secrets. I should know; I leaked them using my crack hacker skillz!
Those tasked with doing so have each in turn opted to wander off to more fruitful endeavors, such as watching paint dry.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I know you’re lying because BJ hasn’t banned me yet.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Not if you don’t put on some pants.
This Lisa Page interview. Ooof. It’s like a punch in the gut.
It’s worse in there than we think it is:
Read the whole thing. This country is in real trouble.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
What does it say about journalism that men like Baquet can become the executive editor of the NYT? Does that say anything about the NYT itself? Is modern journalism a product of the monocultures that develop when reporters come from the same backgrounds? Or have newspapers always been this bad to a degree
Anonymous At Work
This is window-dressing and rehearsal for the possibility that Fox “News” will get kicked out of the White House should a Democrat win. Preparation to get the media backing a legitimate member of the corps before a false friend gets the same (and justified) treatment.
This is what it’s like for the President’s targets:
In the United States. She spends every day in fear that the President is targeting her. She’s completely innocent of what he’s accused her of.
Amir Khalid
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
It says only that big media is owned by, or at least beholden to, big money. That owners use what they own to benefit themselves. But you already knew this.
Mary G
@Kay: The only bright spot is that women voters can relate and his already abysmal approval rating among them will drop even more. Almost every woman friend I’ve had has gone through this to some degree.
@Mary G:
It makes me ill. You know what he says at those rallies? “She wasn’t nice to me”. Fucking repulsive. She was like an ordinary higher level government lawyer just minding her own business. He’s stalking her.
You mean your “hiking the Appalachian trail”?
“Freedom of the press is for people who own a press.”
We know that one way the media try to manipulate public opinion is by suppressing some news stories while endlessly repeating others (“… but her emails”). I’m surprised to see Bloomberg admitting it. They aren’t supposed to say it out loud.
Mike in NC
Once again Fat Bastard demands to be treated “fairly” by investigating his critics but ignoring his ongoing crimes.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Short answer: the Peter Principle survives.
Medium answer: perceived skill at generating clicks is not interchangeable with perceived skill at generating journalism.
Long answer is far, far too lengthy and byzantine a journey for this space.
Cheryl Rofer
Lol, as long as we’re talking about journalism, here’s an exchange from my Twitter stream earlier today.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It has varied over the years by both the paper and the time frame. Eg. Vietnam War, 9/11, Iraq War. Universally horrendous media coverage except for a few until of course, they decided they were againit before they were forit.
90+% of the media exists for the same reason it has always existed, to explain and excuse the actions of the rich and powerfull and create the illusion of justice and charity.
Now of course, there is the added bonus that paper media has once again become a plaything of the Plutocrats while few of the unwashed can even afford a blog.
I hate to be the nag, but in a perhaps impossible effort to uphold SOME standards can we also say that Bloomberg probably doesn’t get to use his own media company to cover the election he’s in?
Just because the Trump Administration is as corrupt as shit and institutions are collapsing like lawn chairs in a stiff breeze, that doesn’t mean a different plutocrat gets to do whatever the fuck he wants? Does it? If so I’ll roll that in. If this is the new bottom. It’s negative numbers. This is -14, I think.
I think this is a misread. Bloomberg can’t have it both ways. He can’t own a media outlet and then in any way try and proclaim that outlet is unbiased, no matter what policy he lays down. That’s not a defense of Trump or the WH, but you can choose to be a public official or you can choose to be a billionaire, but you can’t in good faith be both. He should divest himself of Bloomberg, including the name of the publication, or stop pretending that he’s anything other than its owner. This is bullshit. The rest of the Democratic field should say the same. Bloomberg Media is nothing but an in-kind contribution to the Bloomberg campaign and there’s no avoiding that.
There’s nothing that prevents him from doing both except voters, and he’s not going to be competitive for the nomination, so the voters aren’t really relevant.
Oh look. It’s one of the poors with an idea. What’s next – not being able to oversee as SoS a state governor’s race that you yourself are running in? :)
@Cheryl Rofer:
and it’s not rocket science. Anti-corruption protests were/are bringing massive pressure on the Lebanese Government. Pro-corruption groups like Sawdi Arabia, the UAE and the USA had to bring some counter pressure to the table.
Anonymous At Work
@Kay: That would involve people doing more than pretend he can win and/or solve their daddy-issues (hi, Maureen!) before people could think to ask Bloomberg about divesting properly before this can become a thing.
Remember, the national media tend to laziness and rehashing press releases. So, no need to think about this topic.
I heartily concur. Mike Bs newsie is not a terribly sympathetic victim here.
@Baud: I take that, but if Rupert Murdoch were running for President and could wield his media empire in the service of his campaign, we’d all be calling bullshit 24/7. We shouldn’t be criticizing efforts to push back against that.
Now, that’s almost certainly giving the WH too much credit here, but the result is the same. I don’t see how this is any different than foreign officials bribing the president through his hotels. Who the fuck is going to turn down an interview request from Bloomberg Media if Mike wins the nomination? I know he won’t, but still, we shouldn’t tolerate even the appearance of this kind of shit.
Back in the olden days of ….2009 it would have been considered bad form to have the media operation you own cover the election you’re in. But now I guess it’s not specifically covered by a federal criminal statute so is therefore FINE.
@Kay: No, it is specifically covered by a federal criminal statute, but nobody is willing to enforce it.
@Martin: Oh, I agree. It’s just that Trump has no credibility to argue for fairness.
” I assume Balloon Juice will not look to closely into my affairs. ”
Maybe not. But you can’t shut down the local media petty crime beat. Dumpster fires, disorderly conduct and other trivial mayhem will get the same coverage.
Social revolutionaries and world historical visionaries have always had a tough road to travel.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: Woodward and Bernstein were on the local beat, just saying.
This should be interesting.
@Martin: So, is there a solution? Bloomberg put his company into a blind trust for duration of campaign? Eliminate Bloomberg investigations and coverage of all presidential politics, including anything involving Trump, including his criminal behavior? I don’t know the answer.
I have to hope the Bloomberg candidacy is very short lived, so we don’t have to worry about this kind of nonsense.
Evening BJ!
I GOT A 98 ON MY LAST FINAL EXAM!!!!! So I might actually end the semester with 2 A’s and a B! I don’t quite understand how 2 of my teachers plan to calculate final grades, but if it’s how I suspect, then 2 A’s and 1 B it is!!!!! I should know for sure by the end of next week.
Final exams end on the 12th (I don’t any to take…yay!) and grades are due to the registrar’s office by the 17th, but I’m hoping my last 2 teachers at least informs us of our grades before submitting them to the registars
ETA: To be clear, Grades are
Still not official until it’s in the system.
Out of my 3 classes, only 1 teacher has already said, the grade we see on the online learning systme WILL BE our final grade.
The other two were a bit more wishy washy, but I did email both and ask that they please inform us of our final letter grade BEFORE submitting it.
We’ll see if they do
Bloomberg isn’t even the best billionaire in the primary.
Awesome. Congrats!
@Martin: “No, it is specifically covered by a federal criminal statute, but nobody is willing to enforce it.”
You’re referring to federal campaign finance law? If not, tell me more, please.
Of course it’s an in-kind contribution! If it isn’t, nothing is. But campaign finance laws were really the first to go- those are considered “technicalities” now. Don’t bother the plutocrats with your LAWS, Martin. They’re moving at the speed of bidness.
I don’t really believe it either but then I find it hard to believe they would go to all that trouble for such stupid bullshit, and I’m torn again. It’s like a full time job, this act!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I assume Balloon Juice will not look to closely into my affairs.
When Baud does it, it is not illegal.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
The irony is Bloomberg’s WH reporter Jennifer Jacobs is a stenographer.
@lamh36: Ain’t that the truth. Their “act” is nothing but fake. They want one of them still standing no matter which way this ends up.
The Most Electable Democrat in 2020 Will Be a Coalition Builder
none of Bloomberg Media has ever been a “reliable source”. Instead, everything they have ever published has been a “buyer beware”, YMMV,
the “solution” in theory would be for Bloomberg Media to cover Bloomberg as they would any other politician, but that ain’t gonna happen.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
JFC, my parents basically just said that because Bloomberg was elected three times as Mayor of New York City, that means he must know what he’s talking about/is a serious candidate. They’re not supporters mind you
@Kay: It’s livelihood insurance. They make their bank by being Republican pundits and advisers and pollsters and so forth. They need their marks to believe them that they really are on their side, no matter which way all this ends up. If it ends up with Trump then Kellyanne is in their good graces. If it’s NeverTrump then George has that side locked down. Their protecting themselves. It’s not “trouble,” it’s their job.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): “Knows what he’s talking about” in regards to what?
good on ya! Be Proud!
@Martin: Well, he can fuck up Australia all he wants. (No, I’m not serious about abandoning our Australian allies like that.)
I actually have more contempt for the “oh, I’m in agony!” Republicans than the Trump crooks. How did they think this was going to turn out? There were warning signs. Many. Many.
@Yarrow: Nine gigs is a shitload of data to comb through. Happy hunting to them.
the most electable Democratic cantidate in 2020 will be the one that wins the nomination.
”Electability” is no more than punditocracy bs entrail reading.
The Tea Party didn’t tip them off? What about the Birthers? They literally elected the leader of the birthers. “oh, my GOD what has happened to my party!?”
Looks like those Bloomberg campaign hit pieces on Kamala Harris may have backfired. Not only do you see more voices, who were once silend about it, actually standing up and talking about the news coverage surrounding her candidacy, and comparing it to how others are covers. I mean have we had ONE article before or after about the way Beto’s campaign fell apart? Yang, Stoyer, Booker and Amy K are polling at or lower than Harris, and we have yet to see the nubmer of hit pieces against any of them that you’ve see against Harrs, not to mention the articles trying to push her out of the race entirely…
But it appears that the Harris camp had one of their best end of fundraising month ever. Enough so, that they sent out email to contributers Sunday saying they had raised enough to be able to “invest” in puttint the viral campaign ad they released pre-Nov debate, on the air in Iowa.
The “anti-Trump” one here:
@Jay: No offense, but I hope you read the article and not just the headline.
@lamh36: Oh I haven’t believed that Kelly Anne Conjob vs Kelly Anne Conjob’s husband spat for a looooong time. No way in hell he sticks around if he really thinks the Russthuglicans are so vile.
Chris Johnson
Can we root for injuries?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Baud better have jowls he can shake like Futurama Nixon.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): But still! *groans
Once you factor out the 8k porn videos it’s not so big.
@lamh36: Hearty congratulations on your achievements!! ?????
@Kay: It’s an act, at least with George Conway. They don’t believe what they’re saying but they believe they need to say it so Trumpers and Never Trumpers have one of them to love.
I do think there are some Never Trumpers who have had the scales fall from their eyes. Our esteemed bloglord once was a Republican so we know it’s possible for people to change. It’s just pretty clear that the Conways are an act.
@chris: Huh? Ukrainian elected officials didn’t vote in our 2016 election.
@lamh36: Congrats! How much longer do you have in your program?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Nothing in particular. They’ve made the assumption, without knowing much about him, that because he was elected mayor three times, he must have been popular, which must mean he was a good leader. Kind of a meaningless metric of success when used in isolation
It all started after I asked them what they thought of a guy (referring to Bloomberg) who names the media company he owns after himself.
I’m surprised, honestly. While my parents work a lot, my father tries to keep politically aware.
@Chris Johnson: Yes! We can always root for injuries! :)
@trollhattan: I stand corrected by someone more knowledgeable than me on the subject of file size for 8k porn.
@lamh36: Your academic achievements are awesome – as is your travel game and your support of Senator Harris.
Big ups in all regards Lamh36.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid:
As it ever was. This myth of some sort of impartial, objective media needs to die. “Remember the Maine!”
@Jay: You make good points. Bloomberg could also formalize agreements to surrender editorial control of his publications for the duration of his run, and make them public. And establish a committee to referee compliance, and a public and transparent system so its performance could be monitored. But I don’t know how much Bloomberg meddles in editorial side, or if he can even and ever imagine not meddling
@Yarrow: next semester is my last. 3 classes, graduation in May.
Not sure if I care enough about the ceremony though…never been my thing. Just happy to get te degree and bounce
@lamh36: I see he’s expanding his concerns. Good on ya, Wilmer!
@lamh36: Great job!
Gin & Tonic
@chris: Ukraine has tens — perhaps hundreds — of thousands of elected officials, at every level from President to town council. If every one of them agreed on the time of day, it would be a major accomplishment.
@jl: Yes, sell off Bloomberg or don’t run for President.
I don’t know when we all bought into the notion that you could do whatever the fuck you wanted without having to make any kind of sacrifice. There’s no Constitutional guarantee that you can run for President without any inconvenience. This is the same kind of mindset that says you have a right to be a Jehovahs Witness phlebotomist and then refuse to do any aspect of your job for religious reasons.
There are choices we have to make. If you want to perform surgery, you need to go to medical school. That’s just a thing that needs to happen. If you want to run for President you need to address issues like in-kind contributions and emoluments. That’s not on the electorate to fix, it’s on YOU to address. “Could someone please figure out a way for me to not break the law” is not an acceptable attitude. If your job is to accept money for foreigners you can’t keep that job and be president. You just can’t. You have to choose. I’m sorry if that’s hard for people, but fuck, we can’t have every good thing on earth heaped on us without having to do anything in return.
@lamh36: That’s cool. I like ELAC. Every campus should have building numbers that are like 30 feet high so you can fucking see them from a distance. I appreciate that kind of effort for their guests.
@Gin & Tonic: Indeed, and they all conspired to get Hillary elected so they’re just as bad and maybe worse than the Russians. So says the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
OT. Fascist on fascist action.
Patricia Kayden
*grumble gumble*
Had to scrounge up proper attire and drive to the post office to mail out an envelope because the postal person apparently ignored the raised flag on the mailbox and drove right on by.
/micro mini rant
@lamh36: Exciting! Do you have plans to use the degree?
@trollhattan: I don’t think child porn is usually 8K. That is the usual caliber of shitweasel that Trump seems to hire, no?
@NotMax: You have a postal dress code there? Pretty sure more than a few San Franciscans have dropped off their mail completely in the buff, as is their want.
That should be in 8K.
OT but where is Subaru Diane?
Gin & Tonic
@chris: Since this is a full-service blog, here’s exclusive video of Ukrainian elected officials agreeing on something.
As I’ve said, it’s no particular secret that Petro Poroshenko favored HRC in 2016. If someone had half a brain or an equivalent degree of curiosity, they might ask “why?” Why would Ukraine’s President, knowing that Paul Fucking Manafort was chosen to be a candidate’s campaign manager, prefer the opponent?
@NotMax: At least be good enough to wear shorts while commenting. :)
Leer mail.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
LOL, fuck him. Xi thought that by rolling out the red carpet he could manipulate Trump too but quickly found out that Trump is a narcisstic idiot that only looks out for himself and his idea of a ‘deal’ is, “what’s mine is mine and yours is mine.”
Patricia Kayden
WaPo link.
@Martin: Only if it’s a cage match with chairs.
@Yarrow: yes. I’d like to get into low level lab management and eventually upper level management.
my current employer is a national/international laboratory corp…probably the biggest if not one of the biggest in the US. I’d like to stay with them and move up. If not, I’d like to at least leave hospital laborotary behind and instead work in the reference laboratoy environment. Where you’d have to deal with less hospital/physician politics/god complexes
@chris: Probably out driving her Subaru?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
The NY FBI field office comes to mind
Central Planning
@mrmoshpotato: Since the pr0n is in 8K, do you (royal you) only need to watch half as much as 4K?
Most corrupt administration ever. It’s not even close. On the day Guiliani enters prison I will cheer.
@Gin & Tonic: I’m aware, except for a few loons and grifters the whole world preferred Hillary. I am more interested in what the honorable (spit) senator had to say about the terrible dreadful awful Ukrainian conspiracy to elect Hillary and be mean to the shitgibbon. To that end I posted the first tweet of a thread on the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee spouting Russian disinfo.
PS: That video is awesome! Old school politics at its best.
Size doesn’t matter.
@Patricia Kayden: can’t order them changed but can bury them in bullshit similar to what he did with the Mueller report.
@mrmoshpotato: She’s a mod enforcer, so you really don’t want to know.
@lamh36: It sounds like the degree will give you lots of options.
Just heard from my teachers. 2 As…1B….for this semester!!
One day black, next day white, up is down, down is up, believing in 8 impossible before breakfast,………
Your Deplorable voter,…….
Yeah ? ?
Long con
They are pitching a show…I just know it
@Yarrow: yes! It’s a Masters in HCM so actually being trained to be in upper manangement in any part of the healthcare industry.
But Clinical Microbiology is my first love, and I’d love to stay in the clinical lab, just not a hosptial lab.
Also too, opens us opportunities for State/Federal employment, where I can get paid more just by virtue of having a Masters degree, and still reap some of the benefits of working for State or Federal (i.e. no holidays/weekend, nights…etc)
Though, my dream job has always been CDC. I was actually soo close to working for CDC pre-2016, verbal offer for a job and everything, but my lack of a graduate degree requirement made them unable to extend a formal job offer…
Told you that he couldn’t be trusted ??
Steve in the ATL
Be careful—you’ll get called a management stooge on this blog! But I’ll help you bust the unions at your employer when you make it to a corner office.
Amir Khalid
@lamh36: Oh, do the ceremony. You have friends and family, right? The walk across the stage isn’t for you, it’s for them.
I’ll add my congratulations too. And I’ve enjoyed reading about your travels. It’s good that you’re getting on the (figurative) road when you can.
@Central Planning: LMAO! Ask trollhattan.
@lamh36: Major congratulations! I worked in a state ag lab doing pesticide analysis, much of which was routine, but we got enough other stuff from police, homeowners, doctors and health departments in the area thought to involve pesticides that it kept it really interesting.
Anywhere from a county health department to the CDC mean a wealth of potential lab/management opportunities. My favorite mix was a management level that offered the ability to get my hands into some of the more interesting stuff. Hope you find the mix that works for you!
@Cheryl Rofer:
What was it they wouldn’t give Trump? //
@Steve in the ATL: funny enough, we don’t have a union. The governing body for my profession, the ASCP wasn’t even created for us. We used to be governed by a seperate laboratory association, but it got ate by the ASCP.
There had been some talk of unionizing so we’d have a lobbyting body like the nurses do, especially since about 70% of medical diagnosis is due to laboratory testing and results (so we is important!), but nothing has come of the initial talks years ago
J R in WV
Congratulations on the test score, 98 is pretty sweet, esp in a technical course path. And two As and a B is a pretty good set of semester grades for a lady who has been to Paris during the semester, also, too!!
We are also supporters of Senator Harris in the primary election season. I’m glad the “obits” being run in the MSM seem to be very premature, and will continue to support the Senator as long as she stays in the race. I suspect her AKA sorority sisters will be a big help in South Carolina and across the south.
Best of luck in your graduate college career, keep up the good work.
Yes, this seems like a perfectly reasonable career goal!
@frosty: Meh…I actually already have 2 Bachelors degrees…my family were like another one…LOL.
They don’t get the point of a grad degree, in fact, knowing them they probably thought I alreay had one…LOL.
So I might get me a couple of cap and gown pics, but the actual stage walk…IDK…depends on if it’s mandatory or not!
Congratulations, and hope you get a chance to rest up before your last semester!
Gin & Tonic
What to get the audio enthusiast on your holiday gift list.
Mary G
I don’t know if this is real or not, but my inner twelve-year-old boy hopes it is.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Oh yeah. I forgot about that!
@frosty: you have no idea…it really is the worse thing about it. What I mean is…depending on the hospital, you can have a culture where the doctor is god. Meaning if they ask for it you do it, even if the specimen submitted it subpar. That sort of mentality is what leads to increased healthcare cost due to uncessary/duplicat testing, or over use of high leve antibiotics creating super bugs, or just having to run a test on a specimen that hasn’t been properly labelled, isn’t the optimal speicment for the test ordered, or having different protocols for different physcians or the SAME test.
It’s ridiculous…
Reference lab facilities do not answer to doctors, they run the test they run and if you don’t send in the correct specimen, they do not run it. Doesn’t matter if you are some bigwig in the hospital…they have a protocol, they follow it and they don’t change it to fit the exacting and sometimes ridiculous demands of some doctors on an ego trip…who thinks they absolutely know better.
Ugh…don’t even get me started.
@lamh36: Well why don’t you brag about it? (Congrats! :) )
@debbie: yes…I will. I’ve taken all my exams and final classes were before Thanksgiving for the 3 coursed I took.
Spring semester classed don’t start until Jan 13!
@Mary G: Doctored. Has been around since 2014.
Did President Trump Ride in a Penis-Shaped Motorcade?
Sadly, no.
Mary G
@Mary G: OK, it’s fake. I like this fake one too:
@rikyrah: Will it be called The Conjobs and be endless cage match wrestling?
Also, Brad Parscale is the Jared Kushner of Paul Manaforts.
@Gin & Tonic: Pay with cryptocurrency, eh?
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: Carter had to get rid of his peanut farm.
@Gin & Tonic: Yay! Free shipping!
@mrmoshpotato: I was thinking more like the Roseanne Barr vs Kelsey Grammer Celebrity Deathmatch.
karen marie
Are we going to start a pool on when and for what Parscale is criminally charged? Reviewing Trump’s past campaign managers, few (if any) have escaped committing criminal acts either before or during their tenure.
It’s also good to occasionally review contemporaneous reports of past events. The media – across the board – was pretty clear in 2016, when Manafort resigned as Trump’s campaign chair, that he was working for “pro-Russian political elements in Ukraine.”
@Martin: Why not both?
Also too, on oven mitts.
@Jay: That Manafort is in prison might lead one to conclude that the suspicions about Manafort might have been valid?
@Jay: And your commentary on that tweet is what?
Bill Arnold
Very worth reading.
If I could trade e.g. a MAGA wingnut reading a piece of my choice and me reading a vomitware piece of their choice, this might be the one.
@karen marie: No one will win that pool. The crimes he could have committed are too numerous.
On a related note, I hope I win the lotto tonight.
@lamh36: Congratulations on your accomplishments! Sounds like the whole field will be open to you at any level you want to reach. I hope you get the chance to pursue what you really love (without doctor god-trips).
@Jay: A local mountain is named for him(by his sons who lived on its slopes).
House Intel Impeachment Report will be released tomorrow.
mad citizen
Read some of the John Brown twitter stream. Too lazy to look up and to old to remember this history, but wondering where the “treason” part of his crime came in? I always thought treason meant you were consorting with some enemy of our nation, one we are at war with. At least that’s what I recall from looking up the federal statute awhile back.
Also, was taken aback the other day when I saw a yellow Virgina license plate with the “Don’t Tread on Me” snake, etc. here in the midwest. Apparently 5 states sell them and they’ve been around several years. Too bad that symbol got adopted by the RWNJ types.
Incredibly impressed! Congratulations, lamh!
John Brown was prescient,
and the Civil War did not wash the crimes clean.
@mad citizen
It was not a federal charge or trial, it was a charge (and conviction) brought by and in the state of Virginia.
A bit more info, plus some other cases of note, here.
Not if the anti-vaxx crowd gets riled. Fucking hosers.
Omnes Omnibus
Art. III, Section 3. Armed rebellion would probably count as levying war. But as NotMax said Brown wasn’t convicted on federal charges in federal court.
So apparently if you have a website using the .org registry you should be concerned about what happened last week:
Internet world despairs as non-profit .org sold for $$$$ to private equity firm, price caps axed
Anyways if you or anyone you know has a presence on the .org registry the recommendation is to lock down the current registration price for the next decade in order to avoid expected large increases in prices.
@mad citizen
Bill Arnold
That Natasha Bertrand piece is acceptable (well, to me) as partial corporate atonement for the 2017 Vogel politico piece. Link, just for completeness.
Senate panel look into Ukraine interference comes up short – Some Republican senators recently questioned whether Kyiv tried to sabotage Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016. But the GOP-led Intelligence Committee looked into the theory, and found scant evidence to support it. (NATASHA BERTRAND, 12/02/2019)
mad citizen
@NotMax: Thanks, good reading! So it can also be levying war against the U.S., which I can see with John Brown, but not with Mary Surratt. She conspired to kill Lincoln, but how is that war against the U.S.? Must be in the fine print
Updated: Oh yeah, I forgot the conspiracy was to take out all the senior administration/U.S. officials, so yes, “treasonous conspiracy” it was.
@lamh36: Congratulations! ?
Anthony Bourdain, A Cooks Tour, 2001.
@Elizabelle: oh, foo! :-(
but it’s good to learn the truth.