Our masked identities: Cartoons of India's new normal https://t.co/n49Oywts20
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) May 31, 2020
Take a close look at this #COVID19 cumulative caseloads by country:
1.) There is NO downturn in the USA. It's a long burn, at best, a plateau
2.) #Brazil is soaring & could eclipse the USA in 2 weeks
3.) India & Mexico aren't far behind pic.twitter.com/aWXOyeGwsi— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) June 1, 2020
For the latest developments around the coronavirus outbreak, follow @Reuters Liveblog https://t.co/cEBwkoEQ5P pic.twitter.com/M0yIWV2cHb
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 2, 2020
For each day's delay in social distancing, a #COVID19 outbreak lasts many days longer https://t.co/2vFkzpnOqo via @medical_xpress
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) June 1, 2020
Federal health officials say nursing homes have reported nearly 26,000 deaths among residents from COVID-19. https://t.co/PNsNeEq3bv
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 1, 2020
Commentor Soprano2 mentioned a new ‘preventative’ rumor being circulated at the local feed store. Yes, there are some experiments being done using ivermectin as a potential treatment; no, it is absolutely not a good idea to start hoarding (much less ingesting) cow dewormer, or canine heartworm pills. It’s used against guinea worm and river blindness in very small does; scaling up to the level that’s shown some possible effectiveness in vitro would be extremely dangerous. Just in case you need to rebut that one ever-gullible friend-of-a-friend on FaceBook.
3. @WHO asked about a report from Italy suggesting #Covid19 may be losing potency. Both @mvankerkhove & @DrMikeRyan warn that it is unlikely the virus has changed; changes in human behavior have lessened its capacity to spread. "We need to be realistic & driven by facts" — Ryan.
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) June 1, 2020
5. @doctorsoumya is asked about the status of the SOLIDARITY trial's hydroxychloronquine arm, suspended to review safety data after the publication of the Lancet paper. She says the data & safety monitoring board has been going thru the data; should have answer in a day or so.
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) June 1, 2020
Spain, one of the hardest-hit European countries in the coronavirus pandemic, reported no COVID-19 deaths in a 24-hour period for the first time since March. A health official called the development “very, very encouraging.” https://t.co/xpSNLZc0G5
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) June 1, 2020
Releasing shielding without gov't doing the hard work suppressing outbreak makes no sense. Gov'ts need to make a commitment to limiting exposure of their populations to this virus. https://t.co/aHZzm2e6kF
— Devi Sridhar (@devisridhar) June 1, 2020
Coronavirus: Germany divided as states lift lockdown https://t.co/jwXrVCKQZL
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 1, 2020
One Russian paper today warns that Vladimir Putin’s decision to go ahead with a national vote on changing the Constitution risks sparking “a new rise in coronavirus infections in the regions.” #ReadingRussia #coronavirus @BBCNews @BBCWorld pic.twitter.com/vrVVcSWYQf
— Steve Rosenberg (@BBCSteveR) June 2, 2020
Russia has rolled out a virus-tracking app to keep tabs on people under quarantine but critics say it has major technical flaws and spews out random fines. https://t.co/0G1tCzu9wo
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) June 2, 2020
Turkey reopens most public places after coronavirus lockdown https://t.co/0xOaWhZItF pic.twitter.com/XCjRWgVmlu
— Al Jazeera News (@AJENews) June 1, 2020
Looks like Iran is beginning its second wave. That was fast. Read why:https://t.co/NKjwak4sPd pic.twitter.com/BXqh4hV47P
— Trisha Greenhalgh ? #BlackLivesMatter (@trishgreenhalgh) June 1, 2020
India records record daily spike in coronavirus infections https://t.co/i2AQ4a5Ntz pic.twitter.com/swBBsdKRnE
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 2, 2020
Immigration detention centres become Malaysia coronavirus hotspot https://t.co/GGNX5N7qS7 pic.twitter.com/LDTdIRXS8B
— Al Jazeera News (@AJENews) June 2, 2020
Singapore rushes to build housing for 60,000 migrant workers as it seeks to reduce the density in dormitories which have seen mass outbreaks of the coronavirus infection https://t.co/opS60q84xu Follow the latest news on the coronavirus with our live blog: https://t.co/pDwKC9JxU8 pic.twitter.com/D6QQAOJwnp
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 2, 2020
New coronavirus cases in Hong Kong raise concerns of local cluster https://t.co/1LUjFcaXk7 pic.twitter.com/dyfrNaClhu
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 2, 2020
South Africa eases its virus lockdown; liquor sales are permitted but school openings are delayed. https://t.co/nLqmjNrrfI
— AP Africa (@AP_Africa) June 1, 2020
Mexico's coronavirus death toll surpasses 10,000 https://t.co/iZIxgvFg2r pic.twitter.com/a92Aa5TOWK
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 2, 2020
South Korea's Celltrion aims to start in-human COVID-19 drug trial in July https://t.co/8vQcdVBOhy pic.twitter.com/2eMGvblLs5
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 1, 2020
The group that had its NIH grant on bat coronaviruses cut published a massive analysis of the sequences they've collected. No smoking gun about origin of COVID-19, but lots of insights re: which bat harbor these viruses and where they might go.https://t.co/U2tg2ZRjio pic.twitter.com/CdNIeq5lj2
— Jon Cohen (@sciencecohen) June 2, 2020
Is the Trump "gift" to Brazil of 2 million hydroxychloroquine doses a case of medication dumping? The administration bought millions of doses for the Strategic Nat'l Stockpile. But U.S. doctors shy away from HCQ because of serious heart risks at high #COVID19 doses. pic.twitter.com/5dYQYXD3rW
— delthia ricks ? (@DelthiaRicks) June 1, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID & member of Coronavirus Task Force, tells me he has not spoken or met with President in 2 weeks & his contact w/Trump has become much less frequent. Their last interaction was May 18, during teleconference with the nation’s governors.
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) June 1, 2020
Tony Fauci was not a fan of the way @moderna_tx released early data from their #Covid19 trial. He also says we won't know how long vaccines, if they work, will last & "we’re going to have to live with that." My Q&A with Dr. Fauci: https://t.co/T8cNsmAhO7
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) June 1, 2020
“Structural racism has been a public-health crisis for much longer than the pandemic has.” — @maiamajumder https://t.co/Ujn55RnVMW
— Azeen Ghorayshi (@azeen) June 2, 2020
Researchers say masks and distancing seem to work against the coronavirus, but keep washing those hands. https://t.co/tlKrX2PANM
— AP Health & Science (@APHealthScience) June 1, 2020
And the stupid goes on.
Two More Quarantine Arrests in Hawai‘i: Returning College Student and 18-year-old California Visitor
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s daily numbers: 20 new cases — five from local infection including three foreign nationals, 15 import cases i.e. repatriating Malaysians. Total 7,877 cases.
66 more patients recovered, total 6,470 recovered or 82.14% of all cases. Of 1,262 active cases, six are in ICU of whom two are on ventilators. No new deaths, for the 11th day in a row. Total stands at 115. Infection fatality rate 1.46%, case fatality rate 1.74%.
Amir Khalid
Kids …
@Amir Khalid
Paul Lynde becomes you.
Dummies who post about being in violation online thinking no one will notice.
If you look at Laurie Garret’s graph of
Every line on that graph plateaus, not a single one drops off. All plateau lower than the US, most far lower, but none drops off. I am unsure of exactly what they mean by “cumulative case loads” but to me that means the total # since the beginning, in which case there would never be a drop off. So maybe they mean something different when they say “cumulative case loads”.
Laurie Garrett is a far smarter person than I, and far more versed in handling and interpreting this kind of data than I, but it appears to me she has over/misinterpreted this bit.
From the Australian Dept of Health:
‘As at 3:00pm on 2 June 2020, a total of 7,221 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Australia, including 102 deaths and 6,625 have been reported as recovered from COVID-19.
Over the past week, there has been an average of 13 new cases reported each day. Of the newly reported cases, the majority have been from Victoria.
A previously reported death has been revised and is no longer being classified as a COVID-19 associated death, bringing the total number of deaths down to 102.
Of cases with a reported place of acquisition, 62.2% have recent international travel history, including over 1,300 cases associated with cruise ships.
To date, over 1,490,000 tests have been conducted nationally. Of those tests conducted 0.48% have been positive.’
There has been a decrease in the number of deaths. The most recent victim in Queensland has been excluded on the basis of post-mortem testing.
Amir Khalid
The Al Jazeera story on immigrant detention centres in Malaysia is a bit late. Basically, the situation is well under control. Everyone at the detention centres, staff and detainees, has been tested, and those who tested positive have been hospitalised. Detainees who are negative are still awaiting deportation, and the ones in hospitals will be returned to detention once they have recovered. Contract tracing is going on with staff who tested positive; the detainees have all been in since before the outbreak.
I’m not entirely happy with Malaysia’s treatment of illegal immigrants, but it is only enforcing its own laws. I am also not happy that Malaysia has never signed onto the Refugee Convention, but that is a separate issue.
Amir Khalid
Hve you checked out the comments saying you don’t see a downturn in a cumulative chart, like those she is looking at?
No, you’re right about cumulative never dropping off. When new cases tend toward zero, the updated cumulative graphs will level out. The U.S. graph in her illustration has begun to do this, but is still rising to my eye.
She might be thinking of the daily increments, or deltas. These should drop off, and have done so for NYC although the absolute numbers still look a bit high, with new cases in the 00s and new deaths in the 0s at the end of last week. I’ve been comparing Chicago and New York graphs from the JHU data, and NYC is starting to level off but Chicago is still on the upswing. This concerns me enough that I’m going to be on the restrained side myself if the opening that’s been talked about proceeds soon.
Miss Bianca
Jesus Christ, people better not be hoarding Ivermectin round here, I have to worm my horse with it.
I try to tell myself that people in a cattle ranching area aren’t that dumb, then I look at some of the letters to the editor my paper gets.
@prostratedragon: With a cumulative chart and a logarithmic scale it’s tough to eyeball this chart and see anything meaningful about the USA. However, there really is no clear national trend toward fewer new cases daily. Illinois also looks pretty flat to me. It would suck to get infected, but at least hospitals here have responded successfully, and with a steady state of cases we can expect good treatment.
polyorchnid octopunch
The FT chart’s thing to look for is the rate of change of the slope of the line. If it’s not changing, you’re getting steady spread, but not growing spread. If it becomes level, you have no spread at all. If the slope is moving closer to horizontal, the rate of growth is slowing.
YY_Sima Qian
Final results from Wuhan’s mass screening, from 5/14 to 6/1 (18 days total):
Individuals tested (all RT-PCRs): 9,899,828
Confirmed cases: 0
Asymptomatic cases: 300
Positive rate: 0.303 / 10K, or 0.003%
Close contacts of asymptomatic cases: 1,174 (all of whom have tested negative to date)
All asymptomatic cases close contacts have been quarantined and placed under medical observation, unless they have been cleared with 2 negative PCR tests at least 24 hours apart. Overall, the data indicates that Wuhan’s currently prevalence is extremely low, and the asymptomatic cases are not pre-symptomatic and are not infectious.
Now if only Wuhan will publish the seroprevalence surveys they have been conduction, so we can have an idea of the overall infection rate through the course of the epidemic here. I assume it will be lower than NYC, Lombardia, London, Stockholm, or Greater Madrid.
Laurie Garrett’s graph tweet should be removed from this otherwise helpful digest. The plateau in the number of cases in the USA isn’t really a plateau, it only looks that way because it’s a log scale. It’s not literally possible for that curve to go down — an actual plateau would represent significant improvement.