"Our national debt is a burden on our economy and families. The huge increase in the national debt demanded by and incurred during the current Administration has placed a significant burden on future generations."/1/
— Jack Pitney (@jpitney) June 11, 2020
I get the feeling Annie Karni is enjoying herself writing up the epic of the RNC Flying Dutchman Flaming Dumpster rather more than her NYTimes masters would appreciate, if only they understood her:
When Republicans read the platform their party is using for the 2020 campaign, they may be surprised to see that it is full of condemnations of the sitting president.
“The survival of the internet as we know it is at risk,” the platform reads. “Its gravest peril originates in the White House, the current occupant of which has launched a campaign, both at home and internationally, to subjugate it to agents of government.”
The warning about speech online is one of more than three dozen unflattering references to either the “current president,” “current chief executive,” “current administration,” people “currently in control” of policy, or the “current occupant” of the White House that appear in the Republican platform. Adopted at the party’s 2016 convention, it has been carried over through 2024 after the executive committee of the Republican National Committee on Wednesday chose not to adopt a new platform for 2020…
Before the convention was overhauled, Trump campaign officials, along with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, had been looking at a menu of options for a new party platform, including a slimmed down, one-page rewrite as well as a reworking of the 66-page document the party passed in 2016.
When Axios first reported on efforts to rewrite the party platform that involved Mr. Kushner, grass-roots activists were livid, and some of those discussed organizing an effort to resist what they viewed as his changes — even though the options had been drafted primarily by the campaign, a person familiar with the process said.
The decision to simply let the current platform stay in effect, rather than try to pass any new platform, was ultimately driven by logistics, officials said. Republican officials decided it did not make sense to ask about 5,000 delegates and alternates to pay to fly to Charlotte, N.C., when the speeches and most of the action of the convention, including the hallmark speeches by the president and the vice president, would be happening in another city altogether…
Now, the party is stuck with a platform with positions that already seemed outdated to a large segment of its members four years ago. Meanwhile, Republican officials have discussed with the White House the possibility of putting out Mr. Trump’s vision for America and the platform he would have pushed for if the committee had been able to meet, and blaming Governor Cooper for making it impossible to do so.
Campaign operatives, for their part, defended the old document. “President Trump won in 2016 with this platform and he’ll win again in 2020 with this platform,” said Justin Clark, senior counsel to the campaign…
Except, of course, Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, and right now his 2020 opponent looks to garner more electoral college support as well as a greater-than-3,000,000 vote margin. Repubs in disarray!
My only question: Does the Biden campaign advertising team have to claim the resulting clips as an in-kind donation for finance reporting purposes?
"We further affirm that courts should interpret laws as written by Congress rather than allowing executive agencies to rewrite those laws to suit administration priorities."/4/
— Jack Pitney (@jpitney) June 11, 2020
"The next president must restore the public's trust in law enforcement and civil order by first adhering to the rule of law himself. "/6/
— Jack Pitney (@jpitney) June 11, 2020
“Our most urgent task as a Party is to restore the American people's faith in their government by electing a president who will enforce duly enacted laws, honor constitutional limits on executive authority, and return credibility to the Oval Office.” /10/
— Jack Pitney (@jpitney) June 11, 2020
Former political operative Ed Kilgore, at NYMag:
… Republicans debating platform planks cannot be allowed to distract attention from POTUS’s moment of glory, particularly since its actual platform is basically Ecce homo! (Behold the man! as the Gospel of John describes Pontius Pilate’s Latin introduction of Christ to the Jerusalem multitudes). Who needs policy statements that might handcuff the Very Stable Genius as he plots his erratic course across the landscape of American public life? In a very real sense Trump is the platform…
As someone involved in the drafting of past party platforms on occasion, I can testify that it’s not that hard to update the previous model to accommodate changing circumstances or at least get rid of embarrassing language. It says something about the current value of ideas in the GOP that they are going to get far less attention from Republicans this year than the size and shape of the balloons that will drop on Trump’s adoring fans when he finishes his acceptance speech.
It's too bad the Republican convention is after the Democratic convention, otherwise @sarahcpr could lip sync Trump's convention speech for the DNC keynote speech.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) June 9, 2020
SNORT! Well played, Mr. Schooley!
Villago Delenda Est
These jackholes REALLY, REALLY have their heads up their assess.
Trump’s base don’t care about policy or principles. They just want Trump to promise to hurt the people they hate.
Eh. It’s not like anyone really reads those things anyway. There’s a far greater scope for amusement in generally watching the RNC try to plan in two months an event that usually takes the better part of two years to prep for. There’s going to be at least one and probably several, highly visible logistic fuck-up from the rush. Balloons dropping in the middle of Trump’s speech or no water for all of the overheated attendees in an arena with overloaded air conditioning, little things like that.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Yes, let’s blame the Demonrat governor for a second wave of a pandemic that Trump mishandled and continues to mishandle
I do wonder why the RNC didn’t use Obama’s actual name. Perhaps it’s being “professional” but it comes across more as minimizing Obama by not referring to him by name
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Don’t forget possible coronavirus infections
Major Major Major Major
I believe they’ll be holding it in Jacksonville. America’s worst city, by reputation at least. Appropriate.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): That won’t show up until a week and a half after everyone has gone home.
Governors in Blue states should enforce a mandatory quarantine on anyone returning from the Plague Arena.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
The city has a Republican as mayor. I thought that was rare, but it is a red state. And Floriduh
Christ, these people are so. damn. lazy. They all went through school copying off others.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Is this shitfest going to be televised?
At last year’s convention, they had T* emerge from dry ice clouds onto a stage lit like America’s Got Talent. The whole thing was a madhouse version of a variety show.
What wonders of staging await us this year?
T* re-enacting Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra entering Rome? Riding in topless on a horse, a la Putin? (Won’t that be a sight for the ages!)
Will the networks send correspondents to do color commentary?
The convention itself is going to be like a game of Russian Roulette. Only with a bunch of sweaty bald men and a virus.
So one governor, by requiring face masks can stop the president of the United States and the entire republican party dead in their tracks.
They don’t see how pathetic this is.
Here’s an amusing story. In computer programming and some other fields, the term master/slave has been historically fairly commonly used, typically to describe a situation where a thing of some sort tells another thing what to do or how to behave. Anyway, the authors of one particular software package decided that ‘slave’ was both a poor description of what their code did and was just generally a nasty term all things considered, so decided to change it.
Whiners started to whine
Heywood J.
That wasn’t dry ice. He was just letting off some steam from that second bucket of KFC.
All they had to do was update the platform and get him to sign it. They couldn’t do that one simple thing. I’m just amazed at how lazy this is. No it’s not laziness. It’s outright incompetence. They. Had. One. Job.
And what about the protesters? At this point engaging in an argument over whose side is spreading the disease more is a pointless proposition.
Chetan Murthy
Don’t envy those correspondents, feh. Wonder how they’re gonna protect themselves? Maybe only send people who show high antibody titer ? But even that …. no guarantee. What a shitshow.
Amir Khalid
Trump is not a strategic thinker who looks beyond winning the moment, beyond always being the big man. The party platform is just details he and his base won’t read or care about. So why the hell not recycle the 2016 platform?
West of the Rockies
Speaking of schadenfreude, anyone notice that Sean Hannity has been kinda quiet lately? I’ve not seen his name headlined at Mediaite for days.
He’s being divorced. That is a miserable experience, one I am pleased he is going through. Perhaps he will learn a little humility, gain perspective and compassion…
Nah, who am I kidding? He will come out ever more hateful. And so I hope he is embarrassed, angry, scared, and feeling like he’s been kicked in his wee little winky.
Yeah, that master/slave thing always bothered me but nobody I ever worked with seemed to see it in a broader context. Still, I think even though this is entirely innocent as far as I know, I think it still has some tiny effect on the culture and I’m glad there’s an effort to get rid of this and I’m not surprised that some people are whining about it.
Let COVID-19 do the protesting for them.
Obligatory classic moment from Almodóvar, Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown
Mike in NC
The Republican convention must be held in Nuremberg. Accept no substitutes.
@Mike in NC: Pennsylvania it is! Let’s move the convention again, boys! Yeeeeeeehaw!
Putin must be pissed his delegates won’t get any say on the platform like they had in 2016.
It’s actually been quite a few years since I’ve seen that terminology. These days primary/secondary is the standard phrasing, at least in the areas I work.
@mrmoshpotato: Ok, but if it moves to PA, you know he’s going to want to move it to Bird in Hand or Intercourse.
Guess repeating it here won’t hurt. (Via WaPo.)
Biden was born in PA, making it terra non grata.
Which is next door to Blue Ball, PA.
An insurance company I worked for had a program in the late 90’s that promoted their best producers as “masters” . I was invited to give a talk at a week long event that brought admin people to the home office for a week of training courses, etc. I made so many edits to my talk to avoid saying “master”. No one else seemed to see the problem.
All perhaps too in-yer-face blatant.
Maybe Shillington? Or for the fundies, Bethlehem?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It should be held in Erie, PA because anything involving Stephen Miller is going to be erie ; )
@Kent: I believe the classic formulation is that Intercourse is between Blue Ball and Paradise.
Now available: “Welcome to New Jersey / Don’t Be A Knucklehead” T-shirts
Be wearing one at the next Balloon Juice meetup !
@Martin: Silly Martin. There’s a Nuremberg, Pennsylvania. :)
Not that it’s germane but there’s also a Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. In the middle of the state.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
There’s also a Berlin, PA ?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
….Why? That’s like having “woods” in the name of place in the middle of a barren desert
James E Powell
Or maybe King of Prussia?
@NotMax: Please tell me there’s no lake there.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@James E Powell:
I traveled through there last year on vacation to Philadelphia and later Atlantic City. I did a double take when I first saw that name on a highway sign
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Wikipedia is your friend. Admit to doing a double taken upon first seeing the exit sign for Jersey Shore on I-80.
Among other memorable Pennsy names, there’s World’s End State Park.
@sfinny: “An insurance company I worked for had a program in the late 90’s that promoted their best producers as “masters” . I was invited to give a talk at a week long event that brought admin people to the home office for a week of training courses, etc. I made so many edits to my talk to avoid saying “master”. No one else seemed to see the problem.”
Were ANY of its ‘best producers’ female? If there were, were the females called masters, or mistresses?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
There’s an episode of Ultimate Restorations, available on Prime, focusing on the restoration of the gargantuan pipe organ at Atlantic City. Fascinating. trailer
Want some chicken?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Sounds like an interesting show! I’ll have to check that out on Prime. I used to love watching Modern Marvels, Wild West Tech, and Mythbusters, so that seems right up my alley
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The best Modern Marvels episodes were the couple about pirate tech. Yaaaaarrrrrr!!!!!!!!
Just the right size for one sandwich.
@NotMax: Chickenzilla!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
If you should run across it, World’s Toughest Fixes had its share of interesting and informative episodes (as well as some clunkers). Neither on Netflix nor free on Prime at this time, it seems.
Plus the host bears an uncanny resemblance to Dr. Venture from The Venture Brothers.
joel hanes
what about the protesters?
Not saying that you don’t have a point, but
1. mostly masked. Trumpies won’t be.
2. mostly outdoors. Trumpies won’t be.
Alien Radio
A female Martial arts master is a Master not a mistress, There is such a thing as a female Old Master, because they have mastered their respective arts. It’s a different Meaning of the word master than Master/Slave
Just wait. Someone will bring back that proclamation from 2012 that Michelle Bachman was trying to get the candidates to sign about how slavery was better than Obama because slave masters cared more about keeping families together. The timing couldn’t be better. //
… to be named later. Maybe even before the convention.
Matt McIrvin
@lumpkin: What about the protesters? At this point, it seems pretty clear that having an outdoor protest (whether it’s their side or ours) is not a huge deal compared to “opening up the economy”, giving the impression that it’s all over and encouraging people to cram into offices and restaurants unmasked.
Uncle Cosmo
@mrmoshpotato: That’s Chik-Zill-A to you, spudboi…
@feebog: It won’t just be bald sweaty men. Karen (and her sister, Karen) will be there too!
@Major Major Major Major: And just in case you need all The Good Place’s Jacksonville jabs in one place (having been stationed there AND having family that lives there I feel like I can be mean to the city), here you go:
@feebog: In AUGUST in Florida, been there done that, Hell NO.
Can I hope for an A/C outage at the convention center!! oh please, oh please. I mean north Florida’s weather, in August especially is a thunderstorm promptly at 3 every afternoon.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I believe it refers to the island of Jersey and the shore refers to the Susquehanna River. Good land for cattle grazing.
@mrmoshpotato: A river. They have shores too.
West of the Cascades
The Lincoln Project is going to have a field-day with this.
Bobby Thomson
@dmsilev: OK, BDSM community. Your turn.
Just Chuck
@dmsilev: The master/slave terminology had been going away a long time. We’re talking 1990’s when companies started changing it to things like primary/secondary. OpenZFS using “dependents” is goofy, but like the article says, more descriptive.
And yes, the computing field is full of immature over-privileged white male fuckwits. I suggest anyone who uses the term “SJW” in the comments (didn’t read them, don’t care to) be instantly banned from the repo.
Just Chuck
Why not hold the convention outdoors in a large open area? When night falls, they can all light their tiki torches and march in fun formations, sing anthems, and praise their leader.