Typefaces of Protest: A Short Survey
1/ Paranoid Light pic.twitter.com/MSuBYvDvp1— Tom Sutcliffe (@tds153) July 13, 2020
With thanks to commentor DMSilev…
3/ Bayeux Moderne pic.twitter.com/URysC3nd2n
— Tom Sutcliffe (@tds153) July 13, 2020
5/ Illuminati Bold pic.twitter.com/o6qaqKqUoA
— Tom Sutcliffe (@tds153) July 13, 2020
Wingding-Grotesk pic.twitter.com/OnhJJ14efA
— Tom Sutcliffe (@tds153) July 13, 2020
Winsome Light. pic.twitter.com/wqvxztaSJG
— Tom Sutcliffe (@tds153) July 13, 2020
The Spousal Unit particularly liked Bayeux Moderne, but my personal favorite is Winsome Light. You know she’s serious, cuz the hearts over her “I”s have been downgraded to mere empty circles!
This was a reply to that thread, and it might actually be of use to some of you for future marches:
Hahaha — I designed a stencil for making signs that people can print at home. You can still flair it up!https://t.co/2GSFWZUWkU
— Marcus Connor (@MarcusConnorNH) July 15, 2020
Winsome Light is my favorite too. My county had a Facebook Live on their efforts to combat Covid-19 and one of the first comments was from a crazy lady who refuses to wear a mask. And I live in a blue county! I was somewhat heartened to see that the first response to dumb lady was “Kate you crazy”.
I’m so used to having my last name misspelled in Real Life, so I guess misspelled usernames should be expected…
(sorry, couldn’t resist. Typos are typos)
Those are pretty funny!
Anyway, I should give referral credit, as it were, to John Gruber at daringfireball.net for the link.
I wonder if Bayeux Moderne was intentionally copied from the Bayeaux Tapestry.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Smiley it is then!
@Adam L Silverman: I always wanted to run away and join the circus.
Check out the full thread. Dipshit Condensed is my favorite!
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: More like the mirror universe Miles O’Brien.
Villago Delenda Est
Go ahead, moran. Have some COVID-19. Here’s hoping that your end is in agonizing pain to pay for your abject stupidity
These people are all idiots. Every last one. They deserve all the pain a case of this shit can give them.
Biden is now receiving intelligence briefings as the presumptive D nominee, and he’s already out there warning that Russia, China, and other countries are attempting to interfere in our election.
And smart, too! Don’t let up, Uncle Joe!
My first and last name that I use has 7 characters. Total. 3 first, 4 last. Both are common names. I’ve even known 2 other males with the same name, that’s how common they are. People get them both wrong all the time. I also know of, at the VA location I go to, someone with the same last name and same last 4 of our SSN.
Ohio Mom
Some of these people are just selfish assholes (I need a haircut!) but imagine spending your days convinced Bill Gates was after you. That he was working on controlling your cellular communication (whatever that is). It must be grueling to be that person.
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: You rang?
Wyatt Salamanca
We’ve lost 2 more great people in the past 2 days
C.T. Vivian, civil rights hero and intellectual, dead at 95
Legendary Foreign Correspondent Chris Dickey Dies in Paris
@Villago Delenda Est:
They act stupid but they can (for the most part) spell, so that puts them above the president on the scale for intelligence, which is idiot. They rate imbecile or moron at the minimum. I give them fucking assholes. It’s not that they are stupid, it’s that they aren’t from this universe, they must be aliens from outer space, and just aren’t up to date on the biological intricacies of this life.
Ohio Mom
Ruckus: Every time I have to correct someone’s misspelling of my last name, and they apologize, I smile and say, I had a maiden name nobody spelled correctly and then I got married and nobody spells this name correctly either. I’m used to it.
@Adam L Silverman: the writers of Idiocracy are like, “we’re SORRY! it wasn’t meant to be a real thing!!”
Respiratory viruses, how do they work?
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: I am constantly amazed at how much more stupid and incompetent DeSantis gets day after day. You would think he’d eventually max out, but he never does.
Random language thought.
The use of “went viral” for things internetty has fallen out of favor.
Adam L Silverman
@Ohio Mom: People are misspelling Mom?//
Mike in NC
@Adam L Silverman: There’s a deranged movie out there called “Pain & Gain” (2013) with Dwayne Johnson and Mark Wahlberg, set in a (Miami?) Florida gym, where a trio of bodybuilders get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong. Recommended.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike in NC: It was amusing.
@Adam L Silverman: I know it has been said before, but he is a remarkably stupid person.
@Mike in NC
A chord o’ ‘roids?
@dmsilev: With a Harvard degree. That is what gets me.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: From what I’ve been told from people in the know, he actually is not. Rather, this is what he thinks he has to do, a role he has to play, to get reelected in 2022 and then immediately announce he’s running for president in 2024 as the heir to MAGA.
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Despite what they say, Harvard really is not the Emory of the North. As a proud Emory graduate, I can honestly say that Emory has standards. It is now abundantly clear that Harvard does not – as long as the check clears.
Alexandra Petri. WaPost. I am already laughing at the headline.
Relax! I know I grabbed you off the street, but I’m just a criminal, not a federal agent!
Now to read it.
@Adam L Silverman: Apparently.
K. McEnany transferred into Harvard Law from a Florida school. Of course, her JD says Harvard.
(Cannot remember her name easily. Always want to call her McInane.)
And Mike Pompeo, leading his class at West Point. Some of those instructors probably have a double when they think about that.
@Elizabelle: I know a fair number of Harvard grads. They range from scary-smart to …not.
@Adam L. Silverman
Do they have a surfing squad?
That rides on Emory boards?
Illuminati Bold is a winner.
Adam L Silverman
Anne Laurie
@dmsilev: Ten thousand apologies! (I was away from my desk until a few minutes ago; this was auto-posted.)
I really *am* dyslexic, but I can’t expect spellcheck to catch proper names, is my only excuse…
Mike in NC
When I was attending computer programmer school in 1985, one of my classmates showed me her resume for some reason. It noted that she had graduated from Harvard University after going to night school there for eight years. I advised her to just say “graduated from Harvard”, as it looks much nicer to prospective employers.
@Eljai: For Ms. Winsome, since corvid-parties aren’t an urban legend and seem to be a real thing, I’m sure you can find one and get he wish.
@Anne Laurie: No worries.
@Adam L. Silverman
Brash ‘n’ Cary.
Citizen Alan
The great tragedy of Idiocracy was that it was five minutes away from being one of the most culturally important movie of the last 50 years. If only Mike Judge had left out that five minutes at the start that facilely blamed everything on poorly conceived eugenics. The Idiocracy is not at hand because dumb people are outbreeding smart people. It is because of a plan decades in the making to turn both dumb and smart people into idiots through the destruction of public education combined with years of anti-intellectual propaganda at every level. Idiocracy should have ended with Joe’s speech extolling the value of education and intelligence, followed by a cutaway to a group of sinister, well-dressed and obviously intelligent people in the secret headquarters of Brawndo saying “We’ll need to do something about him” while Darth Vader’s theme plays in the background.
@Elizabelle: One thing that has become clear to me over the last few years is that Harvard and Oxford (hello Boris Johnson) are vastly overrated.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: The other day I texted BettyC something. The autocorrect on my iPad changed Ivanka to “Ivana Karen”.
but are certainly something to crow about.
@Villago Delenda Est:
And the ones of them that come down and recover from COVID always regret their choice and make videos begging people to start wearing masks. Even then, the idiots persist.
Mai naem mobile
Just saw a tweet stating John Lewis passed away. I am so ready for 2021 to begin. 2020 sucks so bad.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Bigfoot tested, Grey Alien approved!
@Calouste: You can get an excellent education at either. It’s just that, for a lot of the students, an excellent education is not the point of the exercise.
Oxford has the noble comma.
Harvard? Beets.
Gin & Tonic
The Twitters are saying that John Lewis has passed away
ETA: Late, of course.
Twitter trending: Rest in Power.
Possibly John Lewis. What are you guys hearing?
Good luck with that, FL Gov! The way things are shaping up in Florida with Covid-19, he’ll be lucky to leave the office physically unharmed in 2022, and that GOP 2024 field is already(!) crow-ded as all heck: Pence, Haley, Hawley, Noem, Cotton, trumpov Jr, Cruz, Carlson. What a nest of vipers.
@Mai naem mobile:
RIP. Any sort of eulogy or appreciation is almost superfluous; we all know who he was and what he did.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Add John Lewis to this list.
@dmsilev: oh no! I can’t believe I made that typo. Aaaargh.
@Citizen Alan: yup. It should have been the movie version of “Amusing Ourselves to Death“.
Amir Khalid
For the benefit of those who kein Deutsch können, the sign using the Krankenangst Technik font is saying “Dictatorship in the cloak of health — wake up.”
@NotMax: Harvard is Schrute Farms?
Beets, bears, Battlestar Galactica.
@Mai naem mobile: agree 1000%. 2020 is our annus horribilis.
@dmsilev: win
@Elizabelle: I just saw it on Twitter. Rest in Power dear warrior.
Obit just now ran on MSNBC.
Unfortunately, not surprising. Pancreatic cancer is brutal.
Amir Khalid
Damn. I know John Lewis is a national hero over there. May he rest in power.
We’ve lost Rep. John Lewis.
Fuck you 2020
Yup. A real, true American hero.
No confirmation except the Roland Martin tweet. And after the UK’s The Sun jumped the gun last week, moving an already prepared obit ….
Nothing on CNN or Atlanta Journal Constitution …
Anne Laurie
To be fair, that part was taken from the short story (The Marching Morons“) that inspired Judge in the first place.
The author, Cyril Kornbluth, failed to realize that ‘increasingly sophisticated (human) civilizations’ would pretty much *have* to invent fertility controls, because it would become increasingly important that half their available brainpower couldn’t be forever restricted by unending cycles of childbirth and child-raising.
But you’re right about the general tragedy of our existing Republican oligarchy, which turns potentially ‘smart’ voters into idiots for use as essentially human drones.
Ah, MSNBC. First confirmation.
Godspeed to a valiant soul. Vote in his honor this fall.
@Jeffro: Yeah, my first thought was whether he had factored in the non-zero probability an angry mob drags him from the governor’s mansion before he can stand for re-election.
I am so looking forward to being able to say that 2020 is hindsight.
@Ohio Mom:
Communication among your cells. Using Calcium ions (Ca+) and cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) (I had to look it up). That’s a wonderfully on-point bit of technobabble. No wonder she seized on the “messenger RNA” vaccine as the mechanism.
Nine months to the day after Elijah Cummings. Two good, good men.
saddened by our societal loss in his passing. Best I can hope for is that the current administration ignores him, while that is insulting it may be better than any kind of false piety they choose to drape themselves in, in acknowledging his passing.
Get in trouble, good trouble
Rest in Power Rep. Lewis. You will always be a hero and role model to all of us.
And truly fuck 2020. I’m nearly 60 and this has definitely been the worst year that I can recall. Makes me shudder to think we still have nearly half of it left.
@Ken: he thinks, somehow, that he’ll just be a smarter, less-tweetier trumpov. And neither of those things is hard, granted, but “owning the libs” is on its last legs as a full and complete policy platform for the GOP.
I worry about Haley and Hawley the most, probably. They know how to put a veneer of positivity and policy over all the spite and lies.
New thread.
@Citizen Alan: This is so true. RW media is hugely manipulative, feeding resentments based on race & class. It destroys cognitive reasoning & empathy in those who become addicted to it.
I thought this day and this week couldn’t get any worse. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. The world is a lesser place without John Lewis. I hope, at least, that he is reunited with his beloved wife.
Anne Laurie
The way things are shaping up right now, by 2024 (Murphy the Trickster God willing), the GOP 2024 field is gonna be every bit as important as the LaRouche party 2024 field. Except fewer of the LaRouche candidates will have felony records.
Anne Laurie
Rep. John Lewis, Rest in Power.
Obituary posts from RueMara and Adam already posted, above this one.
(I expect to have a follow-up memorial, aggregating other stories, tomorrow or Sunday.)
Meanwhile, we can still use this thread for less high-minded purposes, and spare the others!
@Adam L Silverman:
Isn’t that minimum out that DeNobody Home is attempting?
@Amir Khalid:
Yet he has a mask!
Captain C
@Adam L Silverman:
Making sure the check clears is kind of a standard.
Sorry, Winsome Light lady, I don’t want you to get COVID. I want literally everybody you care about to get it, and to die as slowly as possible so you can have a nice long think about your life choices.