Looks like we could use a fresh one. I’m tired and lacking ideas for one, though, so… here, have a funny tweet I saw:
In some shamanic traditions, it is believed that wearing the skull of one’s enemy may allow one to imbue the qualities of that enemy. In this case, we can imagine the wearer gaining almost unlimited power, ferocity and cunning. pic.twitter.com/9baTZh31vn
— Dick King-Smith HQ (@DickKingSmith) August 29, 2020
I do actually have a question. I’m in a graphic novel book club, and we’d like to do something zeitgeisty for our next read. Anybody got suggestions? Any genre is fine, it just has to be a narrative work in drawn form. If it were a regular book club, and I could get away with suggesting a doorstop, I’d go with Chuck Wendig’s Wanderers, but it is not.
This is not good. White professor claims to be Black for her activism, gets caught and called out:
I would like to whine that we are predicted to hit 110 Sunday which, if it happens will be the new all-time high for that month. We already set a new August record, so why not! The only improvement being our current horrid air due to many, many fires.
But a 3-day weekend will be nice, right?
Major Major Major Major
@Bruuuuce: oof, I saw that. Crazy.
I’m not sure if it matches your request but Jason Lutes Berlin is a quite a graphic novel. (also a doorstop)
Everybody know the Krugs are German. Funnily enough, his winery became Italian-owned when the Mondavis bought it and then when Peter and Robert began fighting over it, Robert left to open his eponymous winery.
Thus endeth your wine lesson.
I enjoy the Netflix series The Umbrella Academy and they are based on graphic novels. I heard that they are quite different from the TV version. Gaiman’s Sandman series is a classic.
Hey, thanks to that tweet, I know Dick King-Smith remains with us. One of my favorite authors of children’s books!
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: looks like he unfortunately has passed and that account is a tribute.
Here’s why college football is not going to start up, despite the most recent gambit mostly failing:
I know Cal’s athletic director is hell-bent on getting students playing again, but between the players concerned for their own sports careers, the fear of a uni president having to deal with the fallout of a player dying on field, and just the general performance of teams in general dealing with lingering health effects from Covid, I don’t see how this happens.
Undiagnosed myocarditis is usually the cause when some high school football player dies on the field during practice. Sudden heart failure is a real risk.
TaMara: Persopolis by Marianne Strapi; it’s also on Netflix.
@Major Major Major Major:
Oh, rats. I read too fast. Thanks.
@trollhattan: Thanks. As a confirmed non-wine drinker, it’s always good to have additional facts
Major Major Major Major
@Leto: don’t let the bird content fool you—I’m not TaMara!
We have all already read that, unfortunately. Well, fortunately for us, since it’s good.
Ruff the dog
Shaun Tan, The Arrival.
Mary G
I know nothing about graphic novels, but Google has brought up a best of the year so far page and this one sounds interesting:
May be too intense, but I’ve felt the breath of the black dog down my back all year.
And I put this tweet thread of a hilarious family saga in the last thread, but I have since finished reading it and laughing, so I’m recommending it again:
Maybe it cracks me up so much because my housemate was obsessed with finding rice during the beginning of the lockdown in March and we have 75+ pounds in the house now.
I second the recommendation for Berlin — fantastic.
My Favorite Thing is Monsters is also great.
Captain Sunshine
Midnight Nation, by J. Michael Straczynski.
Major theme – when people in America “fall through the cracks,” where do they go?
It was a 12-issue mini-series, now collected and – last I checked – still in print.
Major Major Major Major
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’d have to recommend DC: The New Frontier. It has absolutely gorgeous artwork and it’s a cool miniseries that bridges the Golden Age of comics with the Silver Age
One of my friends is a needle felter. She will love this.
Falling Diphthong
The Sandwalk Adventures by Jay Hosler. Evolutionary theory as explained in contrast with Darwin’s eyebrow mites’ cosmology.
I’m not sure if it’s zeitgist, but it’s how I learned eyebrow mites don’t poop which seems very 2020.
Major Major Major Major
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): ehhh no DC/Marvel
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
Oh fuck! I liked the Mexican Pizza. Does anybody else think Taco Bell is overpriced for what it is?
Patricia Kayden
Not corrupt all.
And now this: https://www.axios.com/north-carolina-voting-twice-felony-trump-b0e0fd9e-7ced-4a99-ae9c-76e499b0e889.html
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
Could I recommend Archie/IDW Sonic comics, then? Or do “comic books” in general not count for this thread?
I’d also recommend When the Wind Blows by Raymond Briggs
Comic suggestion. Any of the Finder trade collections by Carla McNeil.
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): haven’t eaten at one in ages, but we live by a McDonald’s and I can confirm it’s overpriced.
Of course, with the price of beef going through the fucking roof, what do you expect?
@Major Major Major Major: The real crime is that Taco Bell left any items on their menu.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Patricia Kayden:
Inspector Generals should be far more independent than they are. Presidents should not have the ability to appoint them
Patricia Kayden
@Bruuuuce: Not good that she has been pretending to be something she’s not but as a Black woman, I have so many more pressing issues that I’ll give her a pass now that she has confessed and appears to be acknowledging her problematic conduct. I felt the same about the Rachel Dolezal situation.
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): yeah we’re trying not to do big press “comic book” stuff. Past examples include The Incal (which I did a post here on), My Brother’s Husband, Uzumaki, Fun Home, all excellent btw.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): FYI it’s “inspectorS general”
Miss Bianca
@Mary G: I just read that and you’re right, that is fucking hilarious. Who is Shiv Ramdas? Now I guess I have to find some of his other writings.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): ‘for what it is’ opens a lot of doors in that sentence.
I liked Kyle Baker’s “Nat Turner” graphic novel. However, it uses few words, just images
Major Major Major Major
@Martin: leave Taco Bell alone!
Chacal Charles Calthrop
Are you looking for online graphic novels? this is recent (& still unfinished), free, gorgeous, weird & very Chinese:
if you’re looking for printed books, this should link to a goodreads review of Orion, another example of Buddhist mythological figures duking it out, this time from the Japanese artist Masamune Shirow, more famous for ghost in the shell: :https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1022985.Orion
@Major Major Major Major: Joe Sacco, a non-fiction cartoonist, is always good. “Palestine”, “Safe Area Gorazde” and “Footnotes in Gaza” are his best.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): If Taco Bell sold at it’s current prices and was electroplated in gold, it would still be overpriced.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
I assume you have also done Maus. Have you considered R. Crumb’s illustrated Genesis?
Apropos zeitgeistvoll reading, Bishakh Som has created a graphic novel called Apsara English that’s gorgeously illustrated and thematically playful. Another timely book is a graphic novel Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe.
@Major Major Major Major:
Ten bucks says it looks better on velvet.
Major Major Major Major
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: those both look neat!
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve called it Taco Hell. But I still sneak by there from time to time, end up with three hard shell tacos and a bean and cheese burrito. I don’t brag about it. More like confess.
Why of course my young version would recommend
Samurai Cat (aka Miaowara Tomokato) !
But this orange menace and his Republican enablers “love the troops” so much…disgusting bastards…SMH
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m not a fan of their food, but the song “Chasing Gold” is my favorite commerical song of all time. If you dont listen too closely to the lyrics its could be any love song. The commercial of the same name – it’s basically every rock and roll biopic in 1.5 minutes. It followed “Web of Fries” which was a take off on conspiracy theory thrillers.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Pretty sure I’ve not been to one this century, but if it’s high-falutin’ Taco Bell you want, there are these.
We have one downtown, because we are blessed or something.
I liked the Taco Bell dog. “What is a hypotenuse?”
@Mary G:
I’ll repeat my reply:
Looks like someone went to Costco.
Mary G
I haven’t got a subscription, so I can’t read it, but evidently the Atlantic has a big piece up about how disrespectful of the military Twitler is:
And an excerpt about his going to Arlington with John Kelly when he was chief of staff and standing at Kelly’s son’s grave there said “I don’t get it. What was in it for him?”
What a disgrace he is.
Also, Dan Clowes – Ghost World
or Art Spiegelman – Maus
or Charles Burns – Black Hole
Well damn
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Don’t know, I’ve not eaten in one since I quit drinking.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Major Major Major Major: if you’re dead set against Marvel then so be it, but, frankly, IMHO Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet and Rebirth of Thanos are actually amazing. Very different from the movies because they are about death, which of course cannot ever really be the theme of a Disney movie.
@Patricia Kayden: How bizarre. A 90-day appointment (!), to supersede the career official.
From the WaPost article:
Trump and Pompeo are beyond corrupt. They are destroying our institutions. I hope they both go down, hard. Never to be in a position of leadership, again.
@Patricia Kayden:
It’s like he has an IG vending machine–the kind with metal spirals that bring your bag of chips forward and drops it to the bottom slot for removal after purchase.
“Bill, get me G-8. I’ll pay you back next week.”
Not sure if this catches the zeitgeist, but Marjorie Liu’s Monstress is a mashup of steampunk, fantasy and Lovecraftian horror.
Kurt Busiek’s Astro City is a deconstruction with celebration of Silver Age comics, which is sort of an antipode to today’s scene.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
What’s more disgusting is how Marines John Kelly and Jim Mattis didn’t immediately resign and go public.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Now if only somebody could record him saying that type of shit
I’ve been reading Image’s Paper Girls and its pretty good.
If you want timely, there’s always Maus.
I really liked Are You My Mother?
Mary G
@Major Major Major Major: Can you release my comment in moderation for too many links about the Atlantic article on Twitler and the military that just dropped from the Atlantic? I shouldn’t have put in two tweets, but I couldn’t choose between them.
Huh? Michelle and princess Ann? How…odd.
@lamh36: here’s the breaking news article:
Mary G
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Bet you Fred Drumpf was all-in for America joining The Great War on the Kaiser’s side, and Fred Sr. probably told his kids we “did that war all wrong.”
I’d suggest Dave McKean’s “Cages”, parts of which might resonate with being pandemic shut-ins.
That classic came to mind again when recently reading “Interiorae” by Gabriella Giandelli (translated into English by the late Kim Thompson). Another graphic novel where much takes place within one building.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Yep. Without a recording, he’ll say fake news, and the media won’t pursue it.
If this don’t make the GWB to come out for Biden (indirectly of course, Laura, the girls, etc)…then nothing else will
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
It is. A dozen tacos shouldn’t cost $19.
@Major Major Major Major: Well don’t I feel like an ass… sorry!
@Major Major Major Major: No, it is garbage food and society needs to understand that. The only thing they retained from authentic mexican cuisine is its ability to give Americans the shits.
They need to be burned to the ground and replaced with decent mexican food.
Mary G
Biden’s head of rapid response on the military article:
Major Major Major Major
@gwangung: oh fun!
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: ✅
@trollhattan: A way for Willard to endorse without Willard actually endorsing? Actually sounds on-brand for him.
Major Major Major Major
@Martin: or we could accept that it’s not Mexican food and let people enjoy things.
For a graphic novel I’d suggest Perramus by Breccia and Sasturain, graphically it’s probably top ten in the world, storywise I’m finding it hard to read because I did El Salvador solidarity in the late 80s-early 90s and it feels a little to much like that and today combined in a surreal way, I’m literally scared to read it.
Brooklyn Dodger
Regarding your graphic novel bookclub…Parable of the Sower and Kindred by Octavia Butler have both been adapted to graphic novels. Just got Parable, in gorgeous hardcover. Now I see my local bookstore has Kindred too – yay! Our club read its first graphic novel a few months ago – Sabrina, by Nick Drnaso. This book is heart-breakingly spare in its language and visuals. Recall we had a great meeting discussing the story’s (and our) emotions.
@Croaker: Argghhhh.. Loved Samurai Cat. I believe there were at least two books published. I lost both of them in a plumbing induced flood.
@lamh36:Tammy Duckworth is gonna LIGHT HIS AZZ UP!!!!
I just found out one of our neighborhood garden members died unexpectedly last night. I can’t believe it.
@lamh36: I continue to make this vow: I will shit on his grave. There’s not enough security in the world to stop this from happening.
Roger Moore
The problem is people are assuming there’s any desire to have an effective IG in place. Once you understand the goal is the exact opposite, everything makes sense.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Four sources, at least, for that Atlantic article. Author is Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic’s editor. The knives are out, and they’re trying to drive down the military vote. Good.
Again: “That guy is smart. Why did he join the military?” Louder!
@Mary G:
SMH…the folks who defended Kelly and Mattis until the very end, should be eating crow right now.
And John Kelly still stayed in the admin long after….FUQ HIM
@MomSense: Sorry to hear. COVID?
Roger Moore
A taco truck on every corner!
@Elizabelle: here’s Charlie Pierce…this is why Chump has plausible deniablity with this shit…to many fuq’n folks still giving the fuq’er normal parameters
Executive, Legislative, Judicial, pick one. I suppose we could amend the Constitution to add a fourth branch that does nothing but monitor the others, but it’s still quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Major Major Major Major
@MomSense: oh jeez! How awful.
Adam L Silverman
There are only two possible answers to this question:
Long live The Legion!
Del Taco?
I didn’t have much time for John Kelly on my most generous days, but what sort of spineless, despicable creep lets a cowardly thug like Trump mock his son’s death for the country? Adults in the room? No such thing. They were all worthless little toadies.
I’m looking forward to Meghan McCain’s thoughts.
@MomSense: Oh man, I’m sorry.
@lamh36: This was when Kelly was Chief of DHS. This was before he agreed to be Trump’s chief of staff.
Goldberg on Kelly’s self-delusion, from the article:
A little slow on the uptake, there. He saw what he wanted to see.
And when has Trump sincerely praised ANYONE for selflessness? Maybe in a speech. But that is not Trump Family values.
@lamh36: Has anyone heard from brother “Please clap” recently? Has he weighed in? Or has he figured out no one gives a shit what he thinks anymore?
Major Major Major Major
Thanks for all the recommendations, by the way!
@lamh36: It’s all anonymous sources.
Granted, article by the magazine’s editor in chief. But that none of the sources would go on the record … problematic.
Unless: Goldberg etc. are going to wheel them out, one after the other, once TrumpWorld starts squealing.
But, the idea that some of this was a set-up? Ick. Not out of the question.
Can you imagine Biden not commenting on a story about an alleged insult to his dead son?
@Baud: The grinding of the cognitive gears should be truly memorable.
If you want something a bit lighter, I’ve got a soft spot for “Tell Me It’s Real.”
I don’t think so because her husband could be with her at the hospital. She only retired about a year ago. They both worked for the local school department. She is always on the go, working in the gardens and walking. Earlier this summer we built a small garden/park/meeting space on land donated by several neighbors and she was the clerk of the works for it. We call it the green. Last week we had a women’s percussion group (another neighbor) perform in the green and she was dancing up a storm. My guess is this was something sudden like a heart attack or embolism. Damn.
Mistyped my nym again. Another future sock puppet.
Yep. I hate Trump, but anonymous sources are bullshit.
@lamh36: The closest Jeffrey Goldberg comes to identifying any source, and conceivably Kelly has more than one friend who is a retired-4 star.
But: Trump will start wondering which of his aides were sources. Whether they are still working for him. One source identified as an officer with “firsthand knowledge of Trump’s views.” Paranoia to set in further.
Goldberg says Trump figures death and disfigurement.
The last a weird comment, from someone who paints his face orange and has a hairstyle that pre-prison Phil Spector would have felt comfortable wearing.
Just an FYI: the federal government gets shut down in 27 days. It’s not unusual to have a CR run until after the election so I’m not super concerned yet. And yes it will be last minute because that’s just how things run these days.
@Bau?: I think that’s there to protect Kelly against Trump assuming he was one of the anonymous sources.
Your pal, Elizawho
@Baud: Think of it as the start of your Bau-haus period.
@Martin: I was thinking of writing this in response…
The better question might be… is Taco Bell actually food? But I thought that might come across as harsh.
Mary G
The Bidens spent 90 minutes today meeting with Jacob Blake’s family in Kenosha today, with Jacob joining in by phone:
@Elizabelle: Phil had more class than that, not much, but…
Got some delivery from a nearby Vietnamese cafe. First time I’ve had pho. My god, it comes in a tub so big I could soak my feet in it!
Well, when you put it that way…. Yup.
I’ll assume Michelle has the thing sussed out, otherwise she wouldn’t do it.
I wonder if former DHS head (and rumored John Kelly inamorata) Kirstjen Nielsen is one of the sources … she would likely know a lot of this stuff, and particularly how Kelly viewed events …
Miles Taylor, that former DHS Chief of Staff guy
Fixed it for ya.
Major Major Major Major
@Luciamia: first time ever? Somebody show you how to garnish it?
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
I guess that’s what he thinks of the men who get killed when Putin puts bounties on American soldiers as well.
And how is it that the sources for this story haven’t stated this publicly? I mean, I really don’t care about Melania’s spats with Ivanka, but this is kind of important.
@WaterGirl: Taco Bell* serves a food like product.
*The kid’s sister used to work in their corporate HQ.
@Leto: You are in good company. This has happened many, many times, to many different people.
@Luciamia: choyee duck oyee!
@lamh36: OK. IM DONE!
That pisses me right the fuck off. Pilot shot down in the Pacific? I know there are questions about Bush’s action then but damn! Whatever that 20 year old did bad, he got shot down. They were children!!
OK, so the military heard from today.
No doubt the intelligence community has some depth charges and heavy artillery planned for soon, too.
Security professionals who fear a second Trump term. Welcome to the crowd.
If he wants to complain about the deep state, give him a lot of incoming to complain about.
For a graphic novel, I’ll recommend the webcomic Stand Still Stay Silent, set in Scandinavia 90 years after a plague hits. Horror crossed with Nordic myth.
@lamh36: They love love love children too!! Ask Melania. Or the kids in cages at the border. They love them!
Why not go back to the progenitor of the form? Will Eisner’s A Contract with God. Or the slightly later The Building or Dropsie Avenue.
The classics never go out of style.
I’m sure there will be breathless reports in the media if she ever has one.
@Major Major Major Major: snerk
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@lamh36: If someone told Charlie that Trump privately said McCain isn’t a war hero because he was captured or that Trump mocked a person with significant disability, he’d say it is too unbelievable to be true. And yet, here we are.
Major Major Major Major
@Wapiti: looks like it’s ongoing? Is there a stopping point where there’s a complete arc yet?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: yeah, I worked at a grocery store putting myself thru college, and when they came out with something labeled “cheese food” I said no way. If they have to label something food, that’s not good.
Forget crow. I sentence them to eat my shit for one year. And Kelly gets his own five year minimum mandatory.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Del Taco is still mostly garbage, but it’s at least cheap.
But no, taco truck on every corner.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
It’s believable. But there’s also little we can do with it with only anonymous sources except circulate it and hopes it moves some people.
@Elizabelle: well anonymously sourced or not…guess “hairgate” pales in comparison.
This should RIGHTLY push “hairgate” off the front page
@Elizabelle: Names. We need names of real people. Before it’s too late.
And by too late, I mean later than now, which is already way too late.
Roger Moore
They’re so much more tender and juicy than adults!
The suggestion that trump’s people cleverly planted this story and duped Goldberg is WAY more far fetched than trump actually saying this stuff.
@Elizabelle: I doubt they’re anonymous sources (the writer of the article doesn’t know who they are), more likely that they are not on the record (the writer knows who they are, but has been asked not to disclose their names). We’ll see if this blows up and what happens then.
Trump will push for a 35 day extension. Everything will run until November 3rd. Whether it continues to run after that will depend on whether DT is happy on the 4th. (Sort of like his deferred payroll tax).
@Baud: does it even matter? Even if Kelly went public plenty of people would say he’s bitter and making it up.
Oh, and another. If the group hasn’t already gone through it (and if not, why not?), Maus.
@lamh36: I know I asked earlier what the deal with the hairdresser was about, but I hope we never discuss that on BJ again.
True, but having a real Trump insider put his name behind the allegation would carry more weight.
@Elizabelle: I know you fret. But let’s hear what the worst possible thing in the world that could happen from this being an exaggeration or planted story that you worry about. Please?
Cheryl has a thread up on the military article.
@Baud: You mistyped a four letter word? Call the Doc and wake him up!
No one wants to go on the record…casue at least 43% of folks so far back that fuq’er
Roger Moore
Agreed. Trump publicly trashed John McCain’s military record by saying he preferred people who weren’t captured. It’s not exactly a stretch to believe he said something similar in private about people who were killed.
@Luciamia: I’m making homemade pho as I type. Key? Clove and cinnamon
@lamh36: I take Charlie’s point – it is awfully perfect. Without Trump’s comments on tape regarding McCain, I’d lean that way myself, but Trump revealed himself for who he is very early on in the campaign.
@Elizabelle: I understand Kirstjen understood Kelly saw most events from behind, although she preferred a top down aspect.
@lamh36: Keep in mind that the shitgibbon got less than 50% of the vote in Utah 4 years ago. Third party vote was about 25%. The Romneys wouldn’t be doing what they are doing if they thought there was major pushback from Mormons.
Not Belle, but the worst possible thing that could happen is that our side gets overly invested in the story and it distracts us or turns out to be exaggerated and makes us look bad.
I don’t think this will happen, but that’s the worst thing that could happen.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I care less about his attacks on McCain and Bush. At least they were politicians who were (usually) specifically critical of Trump himself. His reaction is just that of a very thin skinned man.
He doesn’t even have that pathetic excuse for his slurs against soldiers who died before he was born.
Judge orders Kanye West off Virginia ballot
What is/were “The Editors”? From a comment in this here place a couple years ago
@Roger Moore: As WC said:. “Very fine with mustard.” Which may be what Cole said too.
Major Major Major Major
@Immanentize: this is incorrect, the key to cooking perfect pho is being my mother-in-law.
@Immanentize: Hey there.
Just more fodder for Trump and his moron supporters to point and laugh at “fake news.” Which is exceedingly tiresome.
Don’t cross a t properly, and some people will disregard everything. Although: people like that are probably not reachable.
I think The Atlantic’s story will give a lot of cover for the military and those who support the military to not vote for its current “Commander in Chief.”
@Baud: So, Bush and his military record? I don’t see that (yet?)
@Major Major Major Major: I love your MiL. Please send her to Medford!!!
New thread about The Atlantic’s story on Trump and the military. Cheryl Rofer.
Major Major Major Major
@Immanentize: I don’t think she’s going much of anywhere right now!
@Elizabelle: My new stardard (which I learned at a friggin management training –spit) is, so what?
I had a colleague in San Antonio who gave the best advice ever to me. The only two defenses in a criminal case are:
“SO?!” and
“Fuck You!”
This doesn’t even need a defense, unless as Baud says, we overplay it. Let the Trumpies handle the hot potatoes.
@Major Major Major Major: Dead you know?
Major Major Major Major
@Immanentize: she is merely oldish and not traveling during a pandemic.
@Major Major Major Major: Whew!! My mother (90 next month) is locked down in her apartment upstate. I am seriously thinking of springing her for a few weeks. I miss her….
Graphic novels? Most of the suggestions here are collections of ongoing series in trade paperback form, so I’ll stick with that. I’ll also try to to stick to stuff that is still in print.
Saga, Papergirls, and Y The Last Man are IMHO three of the greatest science fiction comics of all time. All written by Brian K Vaughan.
Monstress is an epic steampunk fantasy with gorgeous art.
Astro City is great storytelling examining the superhero genre, kind of a slice-of-life book examining the lives of the heroes and ordinary citizens of the title city.
On the more literary end of things:
Stand, by John Lewis.
@Immanentize: I like that advice!
So?! and Fuck You! join FIDO in my repertoire of responses.
@Major Major Major Major: Yes, there was a run of about 2 years that came to close. I’ll find the page number. The author/artist decided she had more to tell, so started a second arc.
In the archive (down on the left side of the page) the arcs are listed as adventure 1 and adventure 2. Adventure 1 finished at page 973, so that might have been a 3 or 4 year run. The artist publishes 4 days a week, with a week or two at chapter breaks, which is serious dedication for a web comic.
Major Major Major Major
@Wapiti: oh awesome that would be most appreciated!
drive on
Enough other folks have recommended similar type material on here, so I don’t feel bad, but if you want zeitgeist and a powerful narrative and something nicely illustrated, the obvious example is the illustrated history book of John Lewis’ struggle for voting and civil rights for African Americans: March.
All three volumes are terrific, and each has a separate component of Lewis’ struggles. My college used March as part of their College and community book last year, and as one of our historians, I did a bunch of work with it. (We were set to have the illustrator come to campus and then Trump Plague.) Really really good. Each volume tells a different part of the story; I have good notes to help understand the outline, but obviously no need for it here.
Digger won the Hugo Award a few years back, and I loved it. Apparently, I just found out, you can also read it online for free.
Uncle Cosmo
@PJ: I’ve read almost no graphic books, fiction or non- … but may I put in a rec for one that’s over 20 years old? Joe Kubert’s Fax from Sarajevo: A Story of Survival. It’s about one of the graphics community who with his family gets trapped in their home town during the siege. Non-fiction and utterly harrowing. I bought it for the title & by the time I finished it I was ready to accept the graphic volume as a valid art form, because I could not imagine the story being told nearly as well in any other form. Read about it here.
Older graphic novels—Have you done Maus? It’s so powerful. First one I ever read, that made me realize the power. Would “March”, three parts, about John Lewis, or George Takei’s about the internment camps be of interest? There was also a graphic novel of Anne Frank’s dairy.
mad citizen
@rp: I’ve read both of these this year–Berlin from my local library which has an excellent graphic novel section. Monsters was given to me as a gift–amazing drawings and cool story. Not sure how “zeitgisty” either is–1930s Germany and 1960s Chicago.
@gwangung: Second the suggestion of Monstress, and I don’t even like horror!
If you want a finished series, Fables is quite the ride. I still think about certain aspects of the last volume from time to time. There’s also the 2-volume story Sleepless, which is a fantasy romance (no, not based on Sleeping Beauty).
If you don’t mind yet-to-be-finished stories, I’m following Copperhead (a western in space), Lazarus (psychological action/thriller), and Saga (sci-fi). Hoopla, if your library has it, is a great resource to explore graphic novels, and comics in general.
Security Commander Nyder
For anyone who is interested in the story of Ray Chapman, a Cleveland baseball player killed by a pitched ball during a game 100 years ago last month, I recommend this one. (Non-fiction)
@Security Commander Nyder
Speaking of diamond deaths, the tragedy of Alan Fish also contains a kind’a spooky aftermath.
Pyre Light
@Wapiti: What a great story that was! So is the author’s earlier comic A Redtail’s Dream, but much less grim.
cactus jack
For graphic novels, there is one from South Africa you can maybe look into. It’s called “Rebirth” and it’s by Daniel Browde and Josh Ryba. The story starts with he founding of Cape Town by the Dutch East India Corporation, who are actually vampires. It then moves to the modern day vampires living in Johannesburg who are infected with AIDS. Sounds weird, but it’s actually pretty good and is a can be viewed asa an allegory about colonialism and its impact on modern day Africa.
To the esteemed author of this article:
Have you considered the series W.I.T.C.H. for a graphic novel reading? Nobody on this site is in its target demographic (to say the least), but I’ve found it really compelling, if rather cliche and predictable most of the time. It’s a Disney comic that was originally exclusive to Italy and was translated to English some years after the fact. Probably the best thing about it is that it is the very definition of a continuing narrative, where each story doesn’t really end but just leads into the next. The characters are diverse and actually grow and change as the series goes on. So far I’ve only gotten about a third of the way through it, but I just can’t stop reading. It’s been a lot of fun.
Rene Gonzales
MARCH By, John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powel.
I would say MARCH is very much a graphic novel that is Zeitgeisty . If by this you mean something that reflects a current Zeitgeist in culture.
MARCH recounts the story of recently deceased Civil Rights activist and GA congresman John Lewis and the true life trials and tribulations of fighting against fascism, racism and for civil rights, both along side Martin Luther King and in congress.
It is an impressive achievement in story telling through art. Give it a try!