The latest @JACKOHMAN cartoon:
Fire when ready…
— The Sacramento Bee (@sacbee_news) September 10, 2020
Joe Biden, doing that thing that Joe Biden does, but that we haven’t seen much of during the pandemic
— Christopher Cadelago (@ccadelago) September 11, 2020
Pool reporter @ccadelago w/ Biden at 9/11 memorial in NY: “…Biden himself moved closer for a few moments, incl. to comfort an elderly woman using a wheelchair who was holding a picture of her son, who she told Biden had died at age 43. Biden took the image & 1/
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) September 11, 2020
“… next year,’ Biden assured the woman, then looked at her daughter.
Cuomo walked up to them & told the woman he doesn’t believe she’s 90, at which point he learned she also is Italian America. ‘Oh,’ he said, unsurprised. ‘She’s got that Italian blood,’ Cuomo added, 3/— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) September 11, 2020
“turning to Biden. ‘You see how young?’
Biden said he might be Irish, ‘but I’m not stupid.’ He motioned to Jill Biden and mentioned her original family name, Giacoppa, which her Italian grandfather had changed.
Then, Cuomo stepped in…’I told ya he was smart!’”— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) September 11, 2020
I love autumn, as a season, but this year November can’t come soon enough.
I’m about to go on my weekly round of errands, but this is for OH: Cave Diving an Iceberg. (It looks like there’s both audio and a transcript.)
Biden: being real, showing compassion, making a personal connection. What a concept. Thank you, AL. I needed that.
zhena gogolia
It’s like we’ve been ruled by aliens for four years so we’re astonished when we see a human. Same for Harris.
So you’re saying Biden’s the REAL racist?
ALL farmers’ lives matter!!
John S.
@MagdaInBlack: The irony is that autocrats and dictators are reviled on a personal level, but have the ability to connect with the masses.
@zhena gogolia:
Astonished and relieved to see WE still exist.
I need to see more Biden. He seems to calm the rage I am walking around with every minute of every day. He’s just so decent, a thing we’ve seen so little of over these past four years.
@debbie: Thanx!
And now the Murderer-in-Chief is trying to push a lie about drug use by Biden, apparently because Biden’s so old and feeble that he couldn’t string two words together — let alone two sentences — without some sort of pharmaceutical enhancement.
As always: every accusation is a confession with that evil mofo.
There was also a news item yesterday where Biden went back to see the Shanksville. PA firefighters after being there in 2012. He promised them then that he’d bring them beer, and yesterday he showed up with cartons of beer for them. You can call it a campaign stunt, but I call it being a good guy.
And taking a moment to comfort a still-grieving mother is also showing his kindness and ability to empathize. We need that as a nation. I trust Joe to be that guy all of the time, not just for the camera.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@geg6: I love seeing him too, but I worry every time he goes near people who haven’t all been tested.
Dark morning here in the west Chicago suburbs. But I have coffee and all is good.
I feel the same way. The rage is always there ready to burst out of me. I don’t have adequate words to express the anguish and fury that I feel. It’s not just trump, his disgusting family, and members of his administration. It includes all the enablers. Why isn’t Pence being followed every minute of every day by journalists asking him why he went along with the lies and the politicization of the pandemic response? Why aren’t they following McConnell and every GOP member of Congress and not letting them get away with saying they haven’t listened to the recordings?
Unless they prove otherwise, my honest opinion is that Trump has been very good for the “news” business and they want to ride this as long as they can.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@SFAW: I saw that and it infuriated me. Even worse, junior is making the same accusation. A related claim is that Biden is using a teleprompter even when he answers press questions. Or he has the questions ahead of time.
I’ve seen all those. I’m waiting for the claim that he has an earpiece and someone (possibly AOC) is whispering answers to him.
The rage is there for me too. We have to hope enough people are outside the vicious Fox News bubble and can see the fact that Biden is a capable and decent person.
You think you got rage? Aside from my Trump rage, I just found out my nephew (23-year-old son of the brother who voted for Trump and who I haven’t spoken to since the election) has a very rare form of cancer. I really don’t want to talk about this, other than to say I’m even enraged at my laundry these days.
I saw this yesterday and it really pissed me off: Federal court rules Florida felons must pay off debts to state before voting
Reading it again this morn and it pisses me off even more:
The logic behind this… I just can’t imagine what pretzel of reasoning they followed to come to this conclusion.
Thank you Judge Jordan, but it’s mission accomplished. Society (in the embodiment of these assholes) has decided that there are those who must be permanently sentenced to the basement where they may toil in anonymity but can never leave and certainly never speak.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@germy: That’s good news. I even like the fact it was done on Sept 11, when firefighters are among those we honor.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I’m with you on worrying about Joe out in public. It’s a shame he can’t really do much of that thing he does best. But his absolute number one priority has to be staying alive and healthy. Honestly, if he does that I think everything will fall into place. Number two is killing in the debates. In a way, it’s to his advantage that he can’t be on the road on an exhausting round of speeches and fundraisers every day. Addressing crowds isn’t his strong suit anyway. Better he save his strength and prepare for the confrontations with Trump. That’s about the only thing that might still change a few minds.
Chyron HR
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
These are the same people who think CNN gave Clinton “the answers to the debate questions”.
With regard to your final comment, we’ve always had that and we are ingenious in finding ways of maintaining it.
Have you read Isabel Wilkersons ” Caste” yet? Reading it was a series of AHA! moments. It explains this too, for me at least.
Damn, Debbie. I’m really sorry.
@MomSense: Scott Jennings is an NC gop hack who was interviewed about NC voting this morning. He made a pretty noise about how DT should not be holding rallies with no one masked, then said the dems are hypocrites for protests without masks. I missed a bit, so maybe the interviewed pointed out that most protestors have been masked and Biden doesn’t have control over protests like DT does over the rallies.
Jennings was asked about DT knowing back in Feb about the virus, then spread the gop canon that Pelosi, Fauci and Biden also were discouraging mask wearing. The interviewer rightly pointed out that they were operating on the info they had at the time which was provided by the administration, but unfortunately failed to mention that there was a mask shortage due to DT’s ineptitude, and Fauci explicitly said to save masks for health workers because there was a shortage.
So, while I think some of the journalism is just wired for republicans, I also think they are often just not as prepared as they should be. Of course, that could be on purpose.
@OzarkHillbilly: The reasoning is straight out of Kafka: “You must pay your debt.” “Alright, how much do I owe?” “We don’t know. You’ll have to figure it out.” “If I don’t know I owe anything, why can’t I vote?” “Because if it turns out later that you did owe something, we’ll charge you with voter fraud.”
Ohio Mom
I guess Florida’s court fees and the like aren’t public records?
@OzarkHillbilly: This won’t improve your mood – if I understand correctly, the legislature dumped a proposal to put the onus on the state to come up with an amount owed and stick with that, which would have at least let the felon know they wouldn’t be hit with a last minute charge.
I assume voters with outstanding misdemeanor fines like traffic tickets can vote, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to research that before having my coffee.
Republicans are disgusting.
Has Don Junior been taking elocution lessons from Ben Shapiro?
And I love the optics of Junior standing in front of that background.
Don Jr should get some of it for his dad.
Not to mention himself.
@Cameron: IMHO, aside from universal franchise, automatic registration, and “compulsory voting “, I believe that no one should lose their right to vote. Ever. That would make it all so much simpler. And right. I am an absolutist on this, though I know it’s not a popular position to take. Having everyone vote goes a long way towards reducing the extremism we get when it’s mainly the passionate ideologues who vote. There should be, in any society, so few (less?) prisoners that they are an insignificant proportion of the voting population. They never cease to be citizens.
zhena gogolia
I don’t think I want to know what this is about.
@zhena gogolia:
I’ve been pruning old Balloon Juice tabs from my browser, and I saw your question about old New York Times crosswords. You can get a subscription to only the crosswords ($19.97 a year), or, if you have a full NYT subscription (which I believe you do, or used to), you can find the puzzle archive here.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Today is my 57th day in a row of doing Duolingo Spanish. Sometimes it makes me laugh. Here’s what I got this morning.
Quién no es simpático en tu familia? (Who is not nice in your family?)
Not answering that one, Duolingo.
I think it’s good it’s so steady. The “analysis” in the article is horrible though- as usual :)
@zhena gogolia:
Brian Williams had Snowden on his show last night, live from Moscow. I didn’t watch the whole thing and missed the job offer, but Williams seemed unusually friendly with Snowden and basically gave him free screen time.
@Baud: I watched the PBS show Washington Week last night.
The moderator said it was a “tight race” between Biden and Trump.
@Steeplejack: The Washington Post Crossword is free and in my humble opinion, equally as good.
This news actually does improve my mood somewhat… because it implies that seating more liberal state legislators in place of those who voted “no” (in committee or in a full vote) could result in passage of that law.
When state and national legislatures flip from majority Republican to majority Democratic, better laws – from our perspective – go into effect.
It is KIND of tight. I think they can plausibly say that if it’s w/in 5 and some swing states will be w/in 5.
I’m just wary of their analysis on law n order because they so clearly were invested in law n order working. I don’t know why they do that. Why is it so hard to say they don’t know? Once they’re invested in it they have a LOT of difficulty analyzing it because it often involves backtracking on over-confident pronouncements they themselves made. Just back off! Keep yourselves out of it!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Been saying all along..
Good Morning, Everyone :)
So….you gotta pay a Poll Tax…but, they don’t have to tell you HOW MUCH A POLL TAX you have to pay….
Uh huh
Uh huh
“Guess how many jellybeans are in this jar.”
“One hundred?”
“Oh. Okay, how many are there?”
“We don’t know!”
Snowjob’s response to Russian interference was to say all countries engage in disinformation. He went on to say that if the intent is to create division and partisanship than the worst way to respond is to to get all lathered up. It sounded like he thinks we should just ignore it.
West of the Cascades
This is the guy who was high on cocaine when he addressed the RNC, right?
Sloane Ranger
Looking at the video of Biden talking to the 90yo woman, I couldn’t help but notice that she didn’t seem to be wearing her mask properly. It seemed to be covering her mouth but leaving her nostrils free. Of course, this just could have been the angle it was taken from, or the woman could have breathing issues and been advised by a doctor to keep her airways clear but I worry when he gets up close with anyone who isn’t masked properly. Actually, I worry when he gets close with anyone, period.
Liberal democracy everywhere is dependent on this man winning in November.
On a different note and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I wonder about the Biden family dynamics. He always talks about Beau, never about Hunter or his daughter. I know that it is a great tragedy for a father to outlive a son but, even so, I do wonder if his living children feel ignored or undermined for not living up to their brother’s legacy.
Michael Cain
@Ohio Mom: My understanding — I’m not making excuses, just stating what I understand to be facts on the ground — is that particularly for old cases there were only paper records, many of which have been misplaced over the years. As the state legislature apparently didn’t see fit to provide funds (or assign responsibility), different parts of the state and different counties are having to figure out how to go through records and get the necessary information as a side job. Hence the state’s claim that it will be 2025 or 2026 before the task is “finished.”
Right. That approach worked so well in Yugoslavia, among other places.
Just saw this during the Tour de France:
Shep Smith, late of Fox, is joining CNBC. Show starts September 30.
I also do those, as well as some others. But my appetite is voracious.
TS (the original)
Slightly off topic, I have a subscription to the Washington Post for less than that per year. Watch for specials. I thought it was a special just for 1 year but every year it gets renewed at the same price.
@germy: Was that Robert Costa, alumnus of National Review?
@Sab: Yes.
I saw that part. Didn’t construe it as a job offer, if that’s what Wokyleeks is suggesting. Did construe it as BriWi being repellently jokey and friendly with Snowden.
Good morning! ?
@rikyrah: Yup, and I’ve read that this is on the county level. That’s 67 little martinet Boss Hoggs delaying shit to even come up with a number for people to pay.
(I’m a lifelong CT resident, so maybe it’s me, but: This is another example about how county-based government sucks.)
Maybe I’m conflating two (or more) stories, but wasn’t LeBron trying to do something about helping the FL ex-felons vis-a-vis their poll tax payoff? If that’s the case, I would hope that some of his helpers would get a bunch of workers with checkbooks to accompany ex-felons when they try to pay off the FL State Mafia. [Yeah, I expect there would be logistical problems, and I have no idea if the FL Lege included wording to prevent third-party assistance.]
It is NOT, as of today, a tight race. Biden is ahead by a significant if not insurmountable margin. It COULD bcomee a tight race, sure. Trump still has a non-zero chance of winning and there are two months to go. But to say it’s tight is projection. Like most Washington elite reporters, Costa WANTS a tight race because that draws more interest to his work and also allows for better both-sidesing. Note: this is such an unconscious bias on the part of these reporters they get angry when it’s pointed out. “No way I, a fearless Washington journalist, would left self-interest color my judgment, unlike everybody else associated with politics.”
Steeplejack (phone)
@TS (the original):
Thanks. I have a subscription to the Post.
Steeplejack (phone)
LeBron James did start a fund to help ex-felons pay, but the problem is that Florida officials can’t tell the ex-felons how much they owe. So it doesn’t do you much good to show up with your checkbook or anybody else’s.
There are a few free NYT puzzles here. I probably did them back when they were new, but I’ve yet to remember any of them.
Betty Cracker
@H.E.Wolf: Democrats in the Florida Statehouse face the exact same structural disadvantage Democrats at the federal level face in Congress. Low-population wingnut counties are over-represented. IIRC, the Dems haven’t held the statehouse since the Dixiecrat days.
If we elect a Democratic governor, I guess we’ll have more options, but I’m not sure how he or she could address the poll tax. Pardoning ex-felons en masse is a risky business. I’m not sure what else can be done.
Sigh…my mom is busy bemoaning renamings of buildings and schools this morning, as if it is the end of civilization, as if we only learn history from going from statue to statue and memorizing building names, as if racists and Confederate generals should be honored until the end of time.
It gets SO OLD
@Cameron: That’s some catch, that Catch-22…
@Sloane Ranger: Totally agree about the Biden family dynamics. Provides a little understanding about why Hunter might go off the reservation sometimes
Jay Noble
@OzarkHillbilly: If they insist that there is a debt, they must produce the the paper trail. That’s what tripped up the banks in the mortgage crisis. And also applies to to credit card debt.
zhena gogolia
Oh, thank you! Now I’ll never get any work done.
Steeplejack (phone)
I have a subscription to the Times crosswords. There is a site somewhere that has a Times crossword every day, just not the current one. Can’t remember what it is, though. I don’t have the link on this new computer. Seattle Times, maybe?
@Steeplejack (phone):
There are three of them at the link in my post. Scroll down.
@SFAW: Bloomberg could do it as a way to make good on his promise to help if he dropped out of the race. He’s been radio silent….It’s almost as if running was a vanity power grab for him. Who would have thought?
@Cameron: @Steeplejack (phone):
Fuck Moscow Mitch, I hope he dies a painful death, and soon.
[Because without his treason, the Eleventh Circuit would likely not have a stacked Court of Appeals.]
Roger Moore
If it could become a tight race, then Biden’s lead is far from insurmountable. I think that’s the only sense in which the race is really tight: Biden has a substantial lead, but it’s small enough that Trump could conceivably come back. I’ll feel a lot more comfortable if Biden can keep his current lead (or more) for the next month.
Not that I think it would do any good, but could the decision be appealed to SCOTUS, on the “grounds” that FL is unable to tell the ex-felons how much they owe, therefore the attempted-voters are unable to pay off their debts, therefore the law cannot be complied with and is left up the the “judgment” of the (possibly discriminatory) officials?
Obviously, I am not a lawyer of any type, etc., etc. But as Cameron and Steep have noted, the Catch-22 nature of the law’s “implementation” is pretty much the same as the “literacy” tests that used to be applied before the VRA.
@Sloane Ranger:
@lahke: y’all are spending time on the Biden family’s ‘dynamics’?
Oh my. I mean, it’s your right, but whew.
Roger Moore
@Jay Noble:
The problem is they can prosecute someone for voting illegally even if they don’t come up with the paper trail until after the person has voted. That’s understandably enough to scare people away from even trying.
Betty Cracker
@Sloane Ranger: I didn’t know Biden had a daughter with Jill until I watched the convention, and I’ve followed politics pretty closely for many years now. That said, I do tend to tune out the family stuff from any politician unless it’s directly relevant, e.g., Trump’s grifting spawn, so maybe that’s why I missed it.
It used to annoy me that Biden focuses on his family backstory so much. But it seems to be compelling to other voters, and I’m in favor of whatever works.
zhena gogolia
Wow, I just did one from 1993. So much harder and more literate than the recent ones. Thanks!
Heidi Mom
@Sloane Ranger: I love Joe and Jill, but I’ve wondered this also. It’s almost like the “heir and a spare” desired for the British monarchy.
zhena gogolia
@Sloane Ranger:
They’re in a political family. They know the score.
@germy: I clicked the link but I don’t see anything showing Brian Williams offering a job. What am I missing?
Kirk Spencer
@Roger Moore: Agree, and I know the 11th allegedly considered this, but to me that part smacks of ex post facto, and that is constitutionally prohibited.
(for the pedants, I know constitution ex post facto applies to making laws themselves. I said it smacks of, not is.)
May he find himself in the mountains of afghanistan – surrounded by the elements and forced to subsist on water, boiled roots, and hate.
@Ohio Mom:
Even if they were some of the money owed goes back a long time and so the rate would be different. Plus not keeping records means that someone can never really know if they paid it all off and the state can keep saying you own more. It is a way to never allow a violator to pay back the “debt” to society. Spend 1 yr or 10 yrs or however long in jail, serve your judicially allotted time and yet never become a citizen again. Along with many sentences which are far longer than the crime should require because CRIME, it creates a class of people who are disenfranchised for life. Gives those “tough on crime” politicians another bullshit talking point. And makes a mockery of ever having the idea that a mistake can be rectified by jail. And of course given that minorities seem to be over represented in the criminal system…..
Sorry, this is a particular point with me, that the law is not just unfair but is made more so just by pompous asses parading around as upholders of truth and justice. This country has always had a seemingly decent character, on top of slavery, hate, pompous arrogance, and inequality. For an example, Jeffery Epstein. Or djshitforbrains, or the Mercers who owe what 7 billion in taxes, or Falwell, or….
Sloane Ranger
@Jeffro: I internalised the fact that the Trump family are a bunch of disfunctional grifters years ago (the family that preys together stays together) so I accept it and move on. I’m not spending time on Biden family dynamics, I just wonder occasionally about his relationship with his other children, that’s all!
J R in WV
Some people (Brian Williams) are actually still suckered into the belief that Snowden was actually working as a journalist when he dumped CIA data into the hands of the Russians. I don’t know what Snowden thought he was doing, but it wasn’t journalism.
I’m usually “information wants to be free” central, but there are limits.
W.C. Fields
@Heidi Mom: Dead family members don’t have real needs for privacy and voters have always kind of needed the empathy for tragedy that Joe had. It’s a part he is expected to keep playing, especially if after Trump the Vogon. What we hear in the news might not be how things are in the real living family. The living children might not want the spotlight. I would hate it myself.
Ella in New Mexico
@germy: seriously seems like Baby Don himself is totally on something in that video…his hands are so shaky I doubt he could even sign a fake ballot once, much less twice ;-)
I can’t get over how he and the Trump Humper Immediate Family crowd without permanent paying gigs have decided it’s their next career move to be constantly out there, on some shitty home-made medium, desperately performing in a year-long audition to take over Rush Limbaugh’s little piece of the RW airwaves after he finally croaks…
I can’t stop laughing at him, either. He’s so fricking canned. Nothing original in that schtick.
@Steeplejack: have you done The Atlantic crosswords? I can do Monday and Tuesday, sometimes Wednesday, seldom Thursday or Friday. They’re small but fun. I guess they have a new more difficult one on Sunday.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I love Duolingo. I am on my 220th day learning French.
Heidi Mom
@Gvg: Good points!