Happy birthday, Dolly Parton, who turns 75 years old today!
In the last year alone, the real-life superhero helped fund a COVID-19 vaccine, gave an enduring statement in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, and gifted her 150 millionth book to children around the world. pic.twitter.com/XtBYbb6GZq
— Consequence of Sound (@consequence) January 19, 2021
This year my birthday wish is a call for kindness. We can’t just hope for a brighter day, we have to work for a brighter day. Love too often gets buried in a world of hurt and fear. So today, January 19th, let’s get to unearthing love ?? https://t.co/CTShxNkbRq pic.twitter.com/0UFiMCyM9D
— Dolly Parton (@DollyParton) January 19, 2021
Happy Birthday Dolly Parton — a true icon who has spent her life inspiring generations with her music and her actions. So the next time you’re feeling low, ask yourself:
What Would Dolly Do? pic.twitter.com/jKo9bYVLN0
— Netflix (@netflix) January 19, 2021
Happy birthday to Dolly Parton, born on this day in 1946 in Sevier County, Tennessee. Here she is performing "My Blue Ridge Mountain Boy” at the Ryman Auditorium in 1969. pic.twitter.com/mnUN6UXdoG
— Dust-to-Digital (@dusttodigital) January 19, 2021
Happy 75th Birthday to Dolly Parton, who LAST YEAR released a Christmas album AND a book about songwriting, AND a Christmas special AND wrote an entire musical AND donated a million dollars to COVID-19 research used to fund Moderna's vaccine. pic.twitter.com/jcgUhHwngv
— Eric Alper ?? (@ThatEricAlper) January 19, 2021
A question for the lawyers: with the country at an all-time high for partisanship, how will court cases ever get all 12 to vote one way? With north of 40% of adults refusing to live in reality, whats that do to institutions that require logic and reason, like jury duty?
Dolly is the real deal. A national treasure.
I don’t know her politics and I hope I never do.
That ’69 video reminds me of the saying, “The higher the hair, the closer to god.”
I’m happy Dolly is getting her propers while she’s still among us. An amazing human being.
Emma from FL
I remember how shocked my student assistants were when I told them the uber famous “I Will Always Love You” had been written by Dolly Parton about 20 years before Whitney Houston sung it.
@Punchy: A lot of the trials are going to be in DC-I don’t think there will be trouble there.
J R in WV
Such a gift to humanity, so much compassion and caring. A beautiful soul. A great talent. Her singing on the Trio albums with EmmyLou Harris and LInda Ronstadt is sublime. Plus acting in really funny movie scenes!
I didn’t start out being a fan, but after all these years, I sure am now! Happy birthday, Dolly!
@Emma from FL: I was watching an interview of hers and she said the first time she heard Whitney singing that, she was in her car and had to pull over. She was so moved by it and says that’s her favorite song.
zhena gogolia
That’s my favorite song on that album.
American Treasure and anti-Karen.
Dolly was on Colbert’s A Tonight Show recently. 11:30 of pure gold.
Hooray Dolly!
Make a cabinet position for her. Minister[person] of Damn Good Country Music.
Edit: Damn Fine Country Music. Probably closer to how Dolly would say it.
@Punchy: IANAL, but trials can get the truth out, produce a solid record of facts. So, they can play an important role in public education, leading to widespread disapproval. Public opinion is a very important factor going forward.
Dolly Parton and Betty White, American treasures. And both celebrating birthdays this week.
A favorite memory of Dolly and that song; she was on some morning show the year The Bodyguard came out, and the host asked her if it didn’t bother her that Whitney’s version of the song was a much, much bigger hit than her own. Dolly got a sweet, pitying look on her face, reached over & patted his arm and said “Oh honey, have you ever heard of royalties? Miss Houston can record any song of mine she wants to”.
Epic, polite shade.
The song choice by the Trio is excellent.
Here is another by them. Neil Young’s After the Goldrush. Live.
@Emma from FL: I believe she wrote it about her former partner Porter Wagoner.
Was thinking we would get a Dolly Parton thread.
She and Stacey Abrams are my secular saints. Women get things done.
Sto lat, Ms. Parton! Trio was a mainstay in the playlist back in the day. Thanks for sharing!
(It’s also Janis Joplin’s birthday).
As fare as I can tell her politics have always been “being a decent human being and helping others.”
Don Sutton died at 75 today.
@Inventor: correct!
@Punchy: IANAL, but the vetting by prosecution and defense in jury selection is going to weed out the cro-magnons right quick. And the two juries I served on wouldn’t tolerate foolishness. Difference in opinion, sure, but knuckle-dragging birtherism and similar crap would get you cornered by some pretty angry folk, and possibly kicked out in favor of an alternate.
Steve in the ATL
Da da da don’t love you don’t love me…
Paging Omnes!
Dolly wrote “I will always love you” and “Jolene” on the same day. Now there’s a good day’s work.
I believe she is one of a group of “liberal” country artists, which includes Billy Ray Cyrus, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill and some others I don’t remember, mainly because I hate country music and only really know a country artist if they are absolute legends or in the tabloid headlines in the grocery store line. I know a few of the younger country stars are Democrats. Is there someone named Kacey something who is a young country singer? I think that’s one name that rings a bell.
@geg6: Brad Paisley??
And you might mean Kacey Musgrave(s)?
@geg6: Chely Wright (lesbian), and Garth Brooks.
The Moar You Know
@BruceFromOhio: I cannot imagine- and I know it happens sometimes – just how unpleasant things could get if some juror’s bullshit made anyone stay for one more minute than they absolutely had to.
I have no idea who Brad Paisley or Chely Wright are, but good on them, if so. I read that Garth Brooks is only a Dem on the down low.
And I do believe Musgrave is the name of the young country star I’d heard was a Dem. it came from my sister, I’m sure, as she’s a big country music fan.
“dress warmly tomorrow, it’s going to be minus-45.”
Not mine, but clever.
@Leto: Here she is saying all that, and then singing the song.
Sister Golden Bear
Happy tears! Dr. Rachel Levin, currently Pennsylvania’s top health official, has been nominated as Biden’s assistant secretary of health — she’ll be first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. She’s brilliant according my friends who know her.
Sadly the haters are having an ugly field day with this, just as they did when she was appointed Pennsylvania’s secretary of health. Obligation ball: Fuck ’em. I’m sure Dr. Levin will handle with her usual grace — any trans person in public life (and most of us in private life) are already used to the hateful bullshit.
FWIW, she also one of the very, very few high-profile trans women who doesn’t fit cis-het norms of beauty (e.g. Laverne Cox, Janet Mock, etc.), which is one reason they’ve been especially vicious with her. The lookism aspect “passing” (a term I personally hate) is worth its own discussion, but I’ll leave that another thread.
Amir Khalid
Given the political leanings of the genre’s mostly white fan base, there are probably quite a few major country-music artists who prefer not to advertise that they’re Democrats.
Mike in NC
Just read that the Trump administration chose MLK Day to issue their “1776 Commission Report” which is described as basically a white supremacist manifesto. Probably edited by Stephen Miller. Pass!
@geg6: The Dixie Chicks too, although they’re called The Chicks now and I don’t know if they are considered country anymore.
Just a few days after Tommy Lasorda, his long-time manager.
@Sister Golden Bear: Avalune and I watch most of her news conferences. She’s really, really good, and we’re super excited to see her on a bigger stage.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Dolly is a good egg.
@Mike in NC: Yeah, screw that fascist. I hope that “report” gets shredded.
@Mike in NC:
That report has been thoroughly slammed by every reputable historian in the country. Maybe even some disreputable ones too.
One of them pointed out that there wasn’t one single professional historian on the panel. Hmm.
Sister Golden Bear
Dolly is a saint, and has a wicked sense of humor. She was greatly amused when she entered a drag queen Dolly Parton look-a-like contest — and lost. Badly.
Alison Rose
@Sister Golden Bear: Yeah, I had to really restrain myself from getting into fights in FB comments on a post about her. People are fucking horrible. But Dr. Levine is clearly a boss and I’m sure she’s like “Yeah yeah, I’m crying all the way to Washington, bitches.”
She’s also Jewish which makes me verklempt.
@Sister Golden Bear: That’s hilarious. And sweet.
The only reason I know his name at all is that he used to be mentioned on one of the BJ rotating tags. Something about his having given the site a shoutout on A Prairie Home Companion several years ago. Haven’t seen it in a while, so it’s probably among the tags that John and Water Girl got rid of when they added new ones to the rotation.
@Punchy: I am no longer a practicing lawyer, but in the olden days I was one IRL for long enough to know that a jury trial is not a free for all. There are all kinds of rules in trials – procedural rules, rules of evidence, elements of causes of action, jury instructions, etc. Ruling on disputes about rules is pretty much the most important function of the judge in jury trials and juries usually pay close attention to how those rulings play out. There’s plenty of space for biases to creep in (from all the players), but the general belief going in is that everyone is mostly playing by the rules as they’ve been defined in that trial. Most juries follow those rules as they weigh evidence and make their findings of fact. IOW, it works. But that being said, every experienced trial lawyer out there prefaces all advice re: trials as follows: “It’s a crap shoot.”
I love the song Jolene, but damn I don’t like that gal Jolene. :-)
Of course, I change the lyrics around so instead of a man, it’s a cat.
? jolene, jolene, joleeeene, I’m begging you please, don’t take my cat.
I have to have this talk with you, last time you took by beau, now you got your eyes on my cat, Jolene ?
zhena gogolia
@Sister Golden Bear: I was so happy to see that! Go Joe!
@Sister Golden Bear:
What a difference an election makes.
I think “9 to 5” is the greatest song ever written about American capitalism. “It’s a rich man’s game/No matter what they call it/And you spend your life/Putting money in his wallet.” Perfect.
Dan B
@Sister Golden Bear: Great move by Biden’s team. They are hitting many good notes, with a few moderately controversial choices. It’s interesting that an old straight, white guy could do this with such sureness and grace.
Sister Golden Bear
Speaking of Jolene, here’s a wonderful video of two young Black twin brother rappers hearing the song for the first time. (It’s part of YouTube sub-genre of youngs doing first listens to music that’s outside their “typical” musical tastes.)
The album they just released last year (after the one’s ex-husband held it up in court because he was sure it was all about him and that was a solid assumption, I think) is pretty darn good.
Sen. Osoff will be sworn in on Hebrew scripture that belonged to Rabbi Rothschild.
Joy Reid let it all hang out on the closing segment of her show today (about the last 5 minutes). Need a cigarette after that. Make that two ciggies.
Dan B
Mayor Pete’s birthday also.
This is so fucking hard to watch because it’s so infuriating.
But at least there is some semblance of recognizing your own dumbassery.
And here is a picture of why that Tik Tok message is so fucking infuriating.
Outside Comet Pizza about 20 minutes ago.
mali muso
Had a lovely impromptu dance party this evening with my four year old kiddo and my hubby. We jumped around the living room to tunes like Happy and Higher Ground. It feels like a new day is about to dawn.
Mike in NC
My department head on my first ship (at Mare Island in 1980-81) had a life-size poster of Dolly Parton on the bulkhead in his stateroom. Aside from that he was a complete asshole.
Mike in NC
Apparently there is a number in the musical “Les Miserables” called ‘One Day More’ and people all over the country have been playing the living crap out of it today.
zhena gogolia
@Mike in NC:
See for example this blog, earlier today.
@Raven: Really? I hadn’t heard about that. I saw him pitch at Dodger Stadium more than once. A friend of mine didn’t think he belonged in the Hall Of Fame and I directed him to Sutton’s record. Then I said “remember the time he punched out Steve Garvey?” He just laughed and said “okay, you got me.”
zhena gogolia
@Mike in NC:
Splitting Image
Dolly Parton is everything that the Orange Thing has been pretending to be for the last four years and isn’t. A successful businessman who built an empire from nothing, a patriotic American, a devout Christian, a hard-working philanthropist, and one of the most popular celebrities ever all rolled into one.
She is everything the Republicans claim to love but don’t. Many happy returns for her.
@Emma from FL: I only found out about 2-years ago.
I remember that. Loved Dolly.
They wanted to start shyt and Dolly wasn’t having it?
@mali muso:
It feels like a new day is about to dawn.
You mean like as in this song? Van Morrison, Brand New Day
When all the dark clouds roll away
And the sun begins to shine
I see my freedom from across the way
And it comes right in on time
Well it shines so bright and it gives so much light
And it comes from the sky above
Make me feel so free, make me feel like me
And it lights my life with love
And it seems like and it feels like
And it seems like, yes it feels like
A brand new day
A brand new day
Yeah, yeah, yeah
@HumboldtBlue: Recently informed that Osoff was three years ahead of my son at a small private school in Atlanta.
@Leto: Another great story about I Will Always Love You involves Elvis. Elvis decided to record the song in the mid 70’s and Dolly was over the moon about it. Then Col. Parker informed her that Elvis required the publishing rights to every song he recorded and she said “ No Sale”. She knew it was a great song and you don’t give away your best work. The music business is hard for women and Nashville is the worst. Nashville snubbed the Trio albums and they’ll probably never induct Linda Ronstadt into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Listening to those albums you’d swear Dolly, Linda and Emmylou are sisters. That kind of exquisite harmony usually comes from family voices.
@Haydnseek: Had the same argument and I also conceded upon recalling that he fought Garvey (maybe in shower in 78?).
Dorothy A. Winsor
Whoa. I unexpectedly have an appointment at 8am tomorrow to get my first dose of the Moderna vaccine
@Dorothy A. Winsor: ?
One thing I would like to see Biden do right away is launch a federal agency that identifies very depressed people and brings them meatloaf.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: YAY! Great news!
The singer?
I would do anything for votes, but I won’t do that.
Musical interlude to bolster the pep in the air.
We’ve been waiting so long
We’ve been waiting for the sun to rise and shine
Shining still to give us the will
Emma from FL
@HumboldtBlue: Jesus is that fuckery still going on? You’d think once the guy with the gun got caught and admitted he had “the wrong intelligence” they would have stopped.
Miss Bianca
@Splitting Image: Right on!
@dogwood: The way Dolly Parton tells that story about turning down Elvis is hilarious, too. Let me cut and paste:
“I said, ‘I’m really sorry,’ and I cried all night. I mean, it was like the worst thing. You know, it’s like, Oh, my God … Elvis Presley.’ And other people were saying, ‘You’re nuts. It’s Elvis Presley.’ …I said, ‘I can’t do that. Something in my heart says, ‘Don’t do that. And I just didn’t do it… He would have killed it. But anyway, so he didn’t. Then when Whitney [Houston’s version] came out, I made enough money to buy Graceland.”
@geg6: I’ve met Tim McGraw and Faith Hill at a fundraiser and they’re the sweetest. Tim is so freaking sweet and kind.
@dogwood: I remember that story about Elvis! She was so ahead of her time
@Nicole: Again, sharp as a tack and just way ahead of her time.
Meijer sent me an email tonight about registering for future vaccinations here in Wisconsin. Roomie and i are registered. We’ll likely be in group 1C or 2. Either way, they’re gearing up to give it out through that venue and i imagine other places are too. But Meijer gave notice and have a splash page for registration right now. Kudos to them. XD
I’ve grown up hearing Dolly, and i love that she’s such a class act to this day.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Enjoy the jab.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: I don’t really care for meatloaf.
zhena gogolia
I would like to hear Elvis sing it tho.
Why would you want to make them more depressed?
Miss Bianca
@dogwood: I remember – will never forget – the first time I heard that Trio album. It was Christmas time, around 1987. I was driving with one of my sisters to my eldest brother’s house in NH for Christmas. I was driving my sister’s car; the sun was setting over the black trees in a little New England square all light up for Christmas, and my sister hits the cassette deck and that first track, “The Pain of Loving You” comes on, and they hit that first big high note in 3-part harmony and Oh.My.God. I almost passed out and ran us into a tree.
I became a fan of all three singers – whom I’d never given the time of day to before – that very instant.
@Omnes Omnibus: Would it work if we put mayo on it?
@Omnes Omnibus: @?BillinGlendaleCA: Maybe DCL missed the capitalization? A visit from Meatloaf would cheer up many people.
Steve in the ATL
@Ken: Isn’t he a right wing nut job?
I laughed too hard at that. Awesome.
Maybe that was why Dylan always had nice things to say about the Byrds….
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Very excited for you! Don’t forget to add yourself to the I Got the Shot! post. Link in the sidebar, toward the top. You even get a sticker. But no lollipops.
@Steve in the ATL: Didn’t know that. I was thinking more of performing “Bat Out of Hell” from a suitable distance.
Amir Khalid
If I were feeling depressed, I’m not sure I’d really want that guy Meatloaf for company.
Oh wait, did you mean meatloaf?
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: It really depends on the meatloaf. My mother’s meatloaf, oh hell no. My friend Claire’s meatloaf? Oh, hell yes.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Is anger better than depression?
@Steve in the ATL: He is more of kook.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I never thought of you as a person that has “something wrong” with them.
Until now.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Management here set up a clinic for us with a nearby hospital, the one where I was for my heart attack as it happens. We just got the news tonight and we able to schedule it right away.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I could go for some meatloaf
I’d need mashed potatoes for it to make even a temporary dent in my depression
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: if we get to choose I’ll take fried chicken over meatloaf. I could be persuaded to have a slice of meatloaf as a side
@Steve in the ATL: Biden’s big into unity.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: TWO OUT OF THREE AIN’T BAD!!!
@different-church-lady: Meatloaf delivering meatloaf would be some Inception style shit, and I’m all for it.
Miss Bianca
@different-church-lady: SIR YES SIR!! : )
J R in WV
I want to pick a nit with this. Plain old fine music, no need to add a “country” adjective to the sentence at all. Will be remembered for centuries as a great singer and composer, long past when all of us have slid into anonymity.
I am not a Nashville country fan, although I admire Old Time Mountain music a great deal.
My roots music some might say. Although The Blues hits me where I breathe as well.
Holy god, I had no idea until now that Utopia was the backing band on “Two out of three…”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
also the steadiest work he’s had since the last Celebrity Apprentice
(If this weren’t a restricted thread I’d mention that Rachel Maddow is rattling off all the lawsuits and business challenges trump is facing as he watches the clock tick down to his sparsely attended sunrise farewell, and it’s kind of fun)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Meatloaf is the acid test as to whether a diner merits a return visit.
@different-church-lady: Phil Collins played on Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass” album.
Robert Sneddon
@HumboldtBlue: I’m waiting for the day a Congressman or Senator is sworn in with their hand on a copy of Kernighan and Ritchie (1st edition of course, 2nd edition at a pinch).
@?BillinGlendaleCA: You’re just driving a knife into my heart tonight…
Beef loaf because Meatloaf is not specific.
can do the 80/20 beef pork mix,
but not lamb, turkey, mutton, horse, chicken,
@Jay: Squirrel?
I smell a staff job!
@Baud: I believe her politics are quite good. I think she’s even spoken out in support of BLM. She’s definitely cool with the LGBTQ community.
bemused senior
My 5 yr old grand twin’s distance learning teacher read his class a book about MLK today, and they got to a part about MLK being arrested by police and taken to jail. “NO! That’s just wrong!”
@dogwood: Is there anything Emmylou touches that isn’t amazing?
@Sister Golden Bear:
They’re pretty well known around here. You’re way behind, all that celebrating about Levine has had you distracted.
@Robert Sneddon:
citizen dave
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Took note of this–one of my favorites, and I’ve had the 30th anniversary cd sitting behind me on my bookcase as part of my zoom background. Collins is not on the finished album. Apparently he played congas one day as a joke, and George pranked him good later–funny story via google: https://ew.com/article/2016/02/17/phil-collins-george-harrison/
Drums on ATMP are: Ringo, Jim Gordon and Alan White.
Steve in the ATL
@different-church-lady: NO
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@J R in WV: I watched the Ken Burns series on Country Music and the history was very interesting. Confirmed that I was not in general a fan, but do like Bluegrass, which is about the music and not the singer. Also some of the rebels, who have crossed over from Country to universal, Johnny Cash in particular. And songs like Pancho and Lefty.
@Robert Sneddon: “We’ll be using git for version control as we write and edit bills; and I’d like to introduce the agile methodology and daily stand-ups to the committee process.”
(From what I’ve read, Congress needs some sort of version management system. They not-infrequently pass bills, and afterward no one’s quite sure how that special tax break got in there….)
Another Scott
I haven’t watched MSNBC in ages, but I’ll see if I can catch this.
@citizen dave: I knew he played the congas and not the drums, I didn’t know if they made the final cut(they might have with Phil Spector doing the production).
Mary G
@HumboldtBlue: This time there was a happy ending:
Sister Golden Bear
Obligatory Rocky Horror Picture Show reference: “Meatloaf agaaaiiin?!”
where? Where? WHERE?????
bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.
@J R in WV
Country Joe, anyone?
(Absolutely, positively, definitely, unquestionably NSFW.)
@Miss Bianca: yep, They’re all great. But IMHO Linda Ronstadt is the greatest pure vocalist of her generation. There was nothing she couldn’t sing with authenticity. It pains me to see her in interviews struggling with Parkinson’s.
Apparently Trump has been talked out of pardoning himself or family members, along with a number of other high profile “trophy” pardons. According to CNN, he was browbeaten into understanding that if he pardoned himself or his family it would be perceived as an admission of guilt that would significantly complicate efforts to avoid civil liability. Also, in some seriously karmic justice, he is avoiding “controversial” pardons out of concern that it would make Republican senators more willing to convict him in his upcoming trial. This might include any pardons for the marauders who took over the Capitol. Apparently, he is still debating whether to pardon Bannon.
If this is true, I think we can definitely settle any contest of who is the most tactically and strategically stupid president ever. Link
@Another Scott
Have been checking periodically for it and will include a link when and if the segment I mentioned pops up online.
@dogwood: Linda Ronstadt had an incredibly big, gorgeous voice, marred in my view by being just a bit nasal at edges and flattening notes at the top of her range. You can hear both of these in the song that was embedded above.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Shouldn’t this be in a Paris After Dark thread?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Fried Chicken! Best. Comfort. Food. Ever.
Best fried chicken I’ve eaten was at a little bar and grill — when the waitress asked me if the chicken was okay, I told her it tasted like it was made by good Southern Christian women! (Hey, I know men can make delicious fried chicken, too.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Sister Golden Bear: Ha! I had somehow completely blanked that Meatloaf was in Rocky Horro
ETA: I remember Meatloaf croaking out (I think) some version of the Star Spangled Banner at a trump rally, and Susan Sarandon campaigning for Bernie… 2016 was a weird fucking year. Where was Barry Bostwick?
Mr. Quiltfool is eating pudding right now, and the cat is VERY interested. She is sitting on my lap and is staring intently at the pudding bowl, while tapping her paw on the end table. He will probably give her a tiny bit when he is done, and she knows it. We spoil that animal so much.
@NotMax: Barry Melton!
Fine voice but I have unpleasant (as in very, very unpleasant) memories of a juncture with her in a professional capacity.
TS (the original)
It has been 4 years since I read such a hopeful collection of posts on BJ. From a distance, we are so happy he is gone – but that is nothing compared to those that have had to live with this c.f. for 4 long years.
Blessings to everyone – what a delight it is to see the future emerging from behind the black cloud of the recent past.
Miss Bianca
@Sister Golden Bear: Actually, my condition for Meatloaf delivering meatloaf would be that he’d *have* to ride up on his “Rocky Horror” bike.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Oh, if anything could make tomorrow an even better day, it’s that! Yay!
I feel William Henry Harrison didn’t have a fair opportunity to show what he could do.
But you’re right.
Another Scott
Apropos of nothing: love making New Orleans barbecue shrimp, but I really should have coupons for coronary bypass procedures for everyone who eats it.
@Miss Bianca: yep, They’re all great. But IMHO Linda Ronstadt is the greatest pure vocalist of her generation. There was nothing she couldn’t sing with authenticity. It pains me to see her in interviews struggling with Parkinson’s.
@different-church-lady: I adore Emmylou. But there are genres that Linda could sing that Emmylou would never even attempt.
Do it Donny, DO IT! The Republicans deserve your further efforts.
Great music, great hearts, great politics:. Jason Isbell, Amanda Shires, Brandi Carlisle.
Mike in Pasadena
I will fly my United States stars and stripes tomorrow if for no other reason than to remind my six neighboring households that a real president is being sworn in. Finally!
I tried to sign up for Covid vaccine on the Los Angeles County Public Health website but it is a mess of misinformation. This vaccine rollout is really great. Not. Fortunately, the website is almost useless — then I remembered, I don’t want to get that vaccine within a day or two of an infusion of chemo. No medical professional knows the interaction of the vaccine with the chemo cocktail I’ll be receiving. Until the doc that has me on this chemo regime tells me there’s no danger, I guess I’ll have to wait.
“Don’t blame me. I’ve been giving him the ‘wrap it up, already’ signal for 90 minutes now.”
@danielx: Yum! Butter makes everything better.
There is nothing like very good fried chicken made by a very bad woman.
@Ken: Congress is definitely waterfall.
@Another Scott
Probably should be noted the segment to which I referred was on her live regular show, not the prerecorded special with Pelosi airing tonight.
@Brachiator: I made my husband’s family fried chicken according to Edna Lewis’ recipe and they agreed it was the best ever. Unfortunately, it takes more than a day to prep — it involves brining. But it really is great.
@Omnes Omnibus: La vie en rose.
Mike in NC
@trollhattan: Lindsey Graham in 2015 (?) predicted Trump would destroy the GOP. Make it so!
She is an icon, a proud individualist, a compassionate human being, and has a delightfully dirty sense of humor. Loved the interview where a reporter asked her bust size and she responded, “That’s none of your business and up yours for asking!” in the most charming possible way. When I think of peoe who genuinely try to live Christian values, I think of Dolly: tolerance, love, generosity, and speaking up for the rights and dignity of those whose voices are often shouted down. “Loose” women, the LGBTQIA community, BLM, the poor and uneducated…she has such a sunny delivery she can make outsiders seem less scary and more human to those on the inside. ?
zhena gogolia
@Mike in Pasadena:
I hope you can work things out.
@trollhattan: Oh, what agonies the Republican Senators will be in. Vote to impeach then bar him from running again, so that his cult starts gunning for the apostate traitors? Or vote to acquit, and see the Republican party split?
zhena gogolia
Why the hell did they convict Mr. Bates? There was absolutely no evidence.
@trollhattan: ‘PP’? Pee tape is real!
@Sister Golden Bear: Hoorah for her and whoo-hoo, PA representing!!
@Mike in Pasadena: Pasadena has its own health department, with its own sign up form. A bit more responsive than the County.
@Brachiator: I agree – I am a very bad woman, and I can make good fried chicken! But I’d rather have someone else fix it; if I had my druthers, I’d never cook again. My joy is sewing!
Mike in NC
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, huge surprise that freakin’ Meatloaf was a Trumpanzee.
This is encouraging. Members of Congress were hitting Trump up for a pardon for their involvement in the Capitol attack – and he turned them down. Seems they’re worried about criminal liability. Good, they should be held liable. Trump turned them down because he feared it would expose him to criminal liability. So, they go down together.
I was absolutely floored the first time I heard her sing on a live album. Her music was part of the mix in our family at the time, but it was a crowded house in many ways and her music didn’t make a real impact on me until I was in my late 20s.
Oh, this should be fun.
J R in WV
Hey, ya’ll — I think Meatloaf died a few weeks ago… not positive, but I’m thinking so. Mountain, right? Big guy? Great guitarist?
@J R in WV:
Nope, that was Leslie West.
@Martin: It’s pushing eleven PM Eastern and still no pardonpalooza. I wonder whether Trump is still trying to pardon himself and the White House switchboard operator or pastry chef or whoever else is left has been stuck with the job of trying to talk him out of it.
@dmsilev: Several people around here have been saying for weeks that if he couldn’t pardon himself, out of spite he wouldn’t pardon anyone else. We can hope.
@Mary G:
I love a happy ending (even though I posted to the wrong thread with my original link).
Are you guys in any fire/power outage danger?
@Ken: I think that’s very plausible.
@dmsilev: I’m pretty sure the final decision about a self-pardon will be announced tomorrow, after he’s safely ensconced at Marred-a-Loco. Also, it will be his final official act, if he does it.
ETA, adding that yes, I’ve read the piece over at CNN.
J R in WV
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan):
Really Texas music, not quite country, wouldn’t be allowed into Nashville. Texas ‘Outlaw’ Music… so many kinds of music.
Old Time music isn’t bluegrass, which came about in the 1940s or so.
Old Time is folk music from the mountains in the 1800s. No bass, no drums… Guitars, banjos from Africa, mandolins and fiddles.
Bluegrass is a commercialized pop version of Old Time… Not that Bluegrass isn’t good, but Old Time is more mournful… partly because the mountain folk lived on the edge of starvation every winter.
Subsistence farming sounds great, until your garden doesn’t do well, your cow doesn’t freshen, your pig dies, or the chickens quit laying.
One neighbor pushing her 90s was still putting up 200 quarts of green beans every summer, when asked she would always say “I might not be able to put beans up next year, and then what would I do?” She aimed to have food all winter long, and so she grew as much as she could, and put it up…
13 hours left.
@Barbara: came here to ask about this, thanks for the info. I thought that list would have been released by now….has it? As long as the insurrectionists dont get off, I dont care about the rest.
@J R in WV: Wiki says he’s alive and still stealing air. He looks like complete shit and is a huge Trump-supporting d-bag, but not pushing up daisies yet.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
lost his looks, did he
ETA: Brian Williams hints that they’re expecting the pardon news to be released soon.
A good friend of mine is sometimes a bad woman who sews up a storm. For a while she thought she wanted to be in the fashion business, went to a Fashion Institute in Los Angeles.
She is also a fabulous cook. I once teased her about some unintentional false modesty. A group had come to her house for dinner, and she apologized that she had only had time to make two salad dressings from scratch, from the herbs in her garden, etc. I reminded her that the average person might have apologized for only having two store bought dressings in the fridge.
I have known a few people who sew, knit, and do quilts. I am always in awe of their talent.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Bloomberg story, paywalled for me, which I think is new
i make some mean-ass fried chicken. usually every year i have a huge house party with like 100 guests and fry up a ton of it. not this last year tho, unfortunately.
@SiubhanDuinne: #soon
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Pardoning someone who defrauded donors, sure is “draining the swamp” ain’t he.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
There is probably a good chance that Trump will wake up, say, “Fuck it,” and self-pardon. And we will hear about his other pardons. No matter what, it will just be a nasty little historical footnote.
@Punchy: Word appears to be that he is planning to pardon Bannon. It sounds like there is no plan to pardon insurrectionists. That would actually be fairly complicated. I will say that if he does feel like such a move would expose himself to greater jeopardy, that means that impeaching him was objectively very effective, even if he is never convicted. The threat of conviction might have avoided a pardon free for all. Who knows, but yes, hoping dearly he doesn’t pardon those who stormed the Capitol.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I hope he waits so long that the pardons are announced at the last minute and Biden cancels them before they’re actually sent out. Apparently, there’s some precedent for this from the 19th century.
Maybe moot in this electronic age, but I hope the Biden people have at least gamed it out.
Rachel Maddow’s wrap up is pretty much spot-on.
@Barbara: It’s instructive that this is the first time I think I’ve ever read Dump considering Republican Senators’ feelings on any subject.
@Brachiator: I really think they’ve gotten through to him on the subject of civil liabilities. Without the pardon, the DoJ might not end up charging him with anything, and he can tie up civil liabilities in court for years and then settle.
But with the pardon, he’s almost guaranteed being charged by the DoJ in an attempt to settle the question of whether self-pardons are legal at all, and if he loses that, that means real jail. And, perhaps even more terrifying for someone like Dump, since the pardon is a tacit admission of guilt, those civil lawsuits become a lot more straightforward.
He could stand to lose a lot of money relatively quickly. I expect that that’s what really got his attention.
Patiently awaiting a late night non-respite thread to link to a sad trombone political story.
Jesus Christ. I need a carton of cigarettes after that.
Edna Lewis was mentioned above.
Thank you for that. Yet another reason we read this blog.
What a helluva rabbit hole to go down.
We have seen that nobody really ever gets through to Trump. He may think that he can weasel his way out of any legal difficulties. And he never considers anything fully or deeply.
But note that I am not firm about any prediction.
We will see what his low cunning and anger and resentment leads him to do.
In contemporary times, we have tried to make sure that our former presidents are well provided for. I am very cynical. I think that there are enough plutocrats, foreign and domestic, who will bail Donald out if he falls too far. The Saudis and some Russians will throw in a few bucks.
Don Jr and Ivanka might have to do a little work. Young Jared will toss Trump a few bucks.
He will, of course, lie about being broke and busted.
But if he doesn’t make a totally foolish decision, it will be a surprise even to him, as well as to everyone else.
Emma from FL
@HumboldtBlue: Well, now I can go to sleep happy.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
CNN says Dump to pardon remaining members of the Manson family in the name of unity
@Emma from FL: @SiubhanDuinne:
Indeed. Rachel nails it.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I hope that is not serious.
@geg6: Brad Paisley is from Glen Dale WV, about 20 miles down the river from Cole. Lady Gaga’s grandma lives there too.
@WaterGirl: Presidents cannot pardon state offenses.
@Raven: same age as Dolly Parton.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Did Steve Bannon threaten to spill all off Trump’s secrets unless he gives him full pardon? It’s irresponsible not to speculate.
Would it be possible to get a late night thread as pardons come in? Mary G highlights some in the thread below.
Mike in NC
Twelve hours until he is fucking gone forever.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Kellyanne Conway psycho abusive parent (video) (**trigger warning**)
He did pardon Steve Bannon. Who I hope is still in a world of trouble.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Yeah, that’s hard to watch, and I felt greasy watching it regardless of how it came into view.
TS (the original)
100% spot on Worth a link again.
Joy Reid, as mentioned above: End of an error.
I am (almost) afraid to go to sleep tonight for fear of what will wait in the morning.
Scattered clouds and sunny with a 100% chance of Biden.
@Barbara: I know that. I guess I didn’t know that Manson was just a state offense.
@HumboldtBlue: I made a pardons thread. Looks like Anne Laurie is working on another thread that could be going up soon. So you’ll have two live late night threads.
@feebog: I adore Leslie Allen Jordan on Instagram. Here are two of his videos this week about Betty White.
Here he is with Dolly:
@WaterGirl: Except for Squeaky Fromme, the Manson Family are/were in California penitentiaries.
@Barbara: Somehow I thought the was federal maybe because of Squeaky. thanks
Pardoning all the Mansons would be so on-brand for Trump… if he could.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
A star is born (photo)