BIG BIG News in @playbookplus today: GOP leader McCarthy told Steering members he’d speak w/ HOYER to try to broker a deal: He would offer to remove Greene from one panel — Education and Labor — if Dems back off a House floor vote to remove her from both.
Imagine if you were so invested in beltway gossip that the hint of KevinMac offering this weak-ass “deal” is BIG BIG news.
Also, imagine a mindset where Republicans offering a totally shit deal to Democrats is big news. That’s been happening every hour on the hour since Biden was sworn in, and every day since St. Ronnie was President. Still, I find the tweet entertaining because of the abject weakness and stupidity on display.
On a somewhat related topic, I’ve been thinking about the contestants for the Starburst Prize: Greene, Boebert and Noem. I have to agree with Adam that Greene is in first place. Noem actually did something, or should I say did nothing, in South Dakota, a state where 1 in 500 residents are now dead of COVID. Even in post-truth Foxmerica, that has to matter. Boebert is a petty grifter who might have lied about mileage reimbursement to raid her campaign fund. Class A grifting is more sophisticated than this penny ante stuff. Only Greene has retained the purity of essence necessary to capture the modern Republican Party.
(For those of you with short memories, the Starburst Prize is named after Rich Lowry’s comments on Sarah Palin. That’s the actual prize pictured above, available on Etsy. And, no, I’ve never tasted them, and though I agree that they’re a concoction, I doubt that they’re “Mexican”.)
Low Key Swagger
Mexican here. Never seen them.
Joey Maloney
Fun fact: wombats make cubical poops.
Reporter: “The Republicans offered Democrats a deal – if the Democrats do everything the Republicans want, they’ll stop with the Satanist cannibal accusations and limit themselves to calling Democrats ‘Traitors who hate America.’ In the spirit of national unity, shouldn’t Democrats accept this offer?”
NOTE: In real world negotiations, the response is “Hey, Republicans – you can’t be serious. What’s your real offer?”
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@Low Key Swagger: My mom never made them, that’s for sure.
Not that it would be sufficient, but had Greene even apologized for the actions that led us to this point?
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
Supposedly she said something at the private caucus meeting last night. That’s it, and it sure ain’t much.
Is it really accurate to call Kevin McCarthy the “Leader” of the House Republicans? When was the last time he “led” them to do anything? Does he even deserve credit for Liz Cheney keeping her position?
Jersey Tomato
I had Boebert pegged as the official Attention Whore of 117th Congress. She came out strong, waving around her My Pretty Pony pop-gun and giving Capitol tours to insurrectionists, but Greene has come from behind and is leaving her in the dust.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix:
Yeah, that won’t cut it when it comes to pressuring Dems. A fake but seemingly heart felt Oral Roberts type of mea culpa on the House floor might have some effect, but that’s it.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: I’m convinced she won’t publicly apologize out of fear that an apology would be used against her in defamation suits.
I don’t get Greene being a Starburst candidate. She is not attractive enough.
I know that is completely superficial, but this is the Starburst category we’re talking about.
Amir Khalid
What are those cube-shaped things? Some kind of dessert?
karen marie
@Baud: There is no apologizing that would be sufficient. She’s a crazy person and has no business on any committee, period.
Performing Oral? Assumes facts not in evidence.
(Methinks you meant Jimmy Swaggart.)
Which one is “I have sinned against you.”? I get my televangelists confused.
Uncle Cosmo
@Amir Khalid: They look to me like a boxworth of Brillo pads soaked in pink lemonade and left out to rust.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Starburst (TM) is a semi-popular candy. It appears someone has coated them in a spice mixture. Appetizer, dessert, entree, who knows?
I’m not sure what the “lol” was about. My last job was in circulation management for a newspaper. Over 6+ years, I AVERAGED over 151 miles a day every day, and was never more than 90 miles away from the newspaper office.
Now, do I believe she probably fudged the numbers? Logged a 90 mile journey as 150 miles? Absolutely. That’s a not-so-secret scheme that many/most delivery people employ to maximize their travel reimbursement checks and their deductions on their federal taxes. But, Liberal Twitter acts like this is some unicorn instead of SOP, like they never held a job in the real world among real people.
Swaggart, IIRC. Although maybe Bakker.
Toss a coin. Or thirty coins, all silver.
New and different take on Trump and Trumpism. It’s long, contrarian, ironic, and full of psycho-jargon— one reads it with several tons of NaCl. That said, it makes you think, even if what it makes you think is WTF???
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@david: Well, having grown up in the West and now living in the East, you can be liberal or conservative and not understand the vast distances people drive regularly out West.
That said, Boebert’s pattern of reimbursement is way beyond fudging. She claimed miles in months where she had zero campaign events, for example.
@Joey Maloney: Funner fact: They recently figured out how: 2 pairs- one weak one strong- of muscles in their intestines do it.
They why may never be known.
@Baud: According to the Hill, yes… To the GOP. Even got a standing ovation from some GOP house members.
Greene is the the one who most obviously displays psycho/sociopathic traits. Therefore she’s the one they like the most.
If someone else comes along who has more cowbell, they’ll switch their allegiance.
@david: 150 miles/day was one of my shorter commutes.
And thus the game of craps was born.
Posted a link to a story about that discovery at the time but much too lazy at 4:30 in the morning to go digging for it.
@ant: I contend MTG was generally normal, if not a little basic, when she enrolled at UGA back in the early 90s, but then she got FUH’d too good/hard by one of the usual GARspects & caught TEH DUMB.
@OzarkHillbilly: It makes wombat turds stackable.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: I saw a report that her statement was to deny ever having sent the messages she spent last week deleting. Of course on the internet, everything is forever.
@MattF: So wombats are evolving into a species that can build walls? Cities?
Some years, or perhaps decades, ago, I came across a theory that the wombats would stack their cubular poops to mark their territory. I believe that theory is now pretty well discredited, but I’m personally quite enchanted by the idea of wombat inukshuks.
I actually think they should take that “deal.” I think a floor vote could come back to haunt them, and it provides too much fodder for the right wing noise machines. Accept that, move on . . . and then quietly undercut her at every single opportunity. Way more effective, way less distraction.
@Baud: Nope. She thinks those things don’t count because she did them before she was elected.
I what world does a grown-up think they get a do-over like that?
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: “We’ll just say that I apologized, how about that?”
@Amir Khalid: They look like deep-fried square-cut spam pellets to me.
Are we sure Nancy Pelosi isn’t a commenter here? Or a front pager?
@NotMax: I’m pretty sure I posted it the other day too, but I am also too lazy to look it up.
@david: Josh runs the Talking Points Memo website. He’s “Liberal,” but not even remotely part of the Liberal Twitter establishment.
That concoction looks like it’d be delicious after being thrown on the grill and wrapped in a tortilla.
The amount of miles isn’t crazy, but it does seem weird to have the same number of miles each day for someone who’s campaigning, as opposed to going to the same worksite every day.
mali muso
Already noted here yesterday, I am sure, but I am loving all of these house-cleaning, firing GQP plants stories.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin dismissed hundreds of members of the Pentagon’s policy advisory boards Monday, ousting last-minute Trump administration nominees as well as officials appointed by previous administrations.
Biden Ousts All 10 of Trump’s Union Busters From Powerful Labor Panel
More of this! Inject it into my veins!
Extremely funny to me is that Nikki Haley set her “respectable” future on fire early in the Trump Dark Ages, expecting she’ll inherit some mantle or something — and was clueless about the bug-eyed lunatics waiting in the wings. Like the “base” would choose her over any off-the-shelf white knuckledraggers who will Will Go There (TM).
Bye, Felicia, um, I mean, Nikki!
Looking forward to the 2024 Repuke convention, when the braying masses will scream “Lock Her Up!” at LIZ CHENEY. Will be a beaut. I hope she’ll have enough self-awareness to blame Immortal Old Daddy and Turdblossom for that. They wanted their wars and tax cuts, and there was no way t get that without letting the beast out of the cage. And now the beast has turned around and taken a big bite our of Daddy’s Girl Liz vanilla ass. Pass ALL the popcorn!
Omnes Omnibus
@Joey Maloney:
We might have different definitions of fun.
@Baud: Reminiscent of the bill from one of Trump’s properties with the multiple charges for “Catering” at $990?
@germy: She is just so… so… so mean! She’s gonna make poor Qevin cry!
@narya: Nah, hang that shit around their necks.
She apologized to the GOP in private for making them look bad. But she has not once apologized to anyone she has attacked from school shooting victims to Democratic politicians who she called to be assassinated.
So no.
If the Dems wanted to play games they should demand that Greene go to the floor of the House and apologize to everyone she has wronged, from the Stoneman Douglas shooting victims to every member of Congress that she called on to be killed.
Otherwise no deal.
The Jen Psaki briefing today starts in 82 minutes.
@RobertB: Oh I absolutely think they should do that! I actually think she’ll provide even MORE fodder, and enable the Rs to hang that stinking carcass around their OWN necks. Dub her “the member who thinks murdered children are fake” and call her that EVERY time, in EVERY committee meeting.
Frank Wilhoit
Why in Hell would McCarthy offer this? What is he (or whoever) afraid of? They are on the back foot; let’s keep them there.
@MattF: Nature’s Legos.
Oh, child. Still using the training wheels.
@germy: Plenty of space for lurking. And the “GQP” thing is catching on.
ETA: OK, no bullshit. The House Speaker is not fucking around. This has the double-edge blade of putting McQarthy on the defensive, while firing a shot across the bow to the entire minority: pick a side, and be quick about it.
@Baud: The only “heartfelt” thing Oral Roberts ever did was fleece his flock of fools.
@david: Her district literally covers half the state. It’s very conceivable she was averaging that much driving as part of the campaign:
Colorado State Senator Kerry Donovan (Vail) has filed election paperwork to begin a campaign against CO 3rd Representative Lauren Boebert. She joins an attorney and a rancher who have already announced. Boebert defeated a decent, well financed Democrat last November by 6 points.
Colorado will gain an eighth congressional seat for 2022, so the district will change somewhat. It’s southern border runs along the New Mexico line. While most of the 3rd falls between Utah and the Front Range, it extends east to Pueblo. There is will be lots of coverage of the CO 3rd contest in state and local media.
patrick II
Trump and his associates did more than speak at the Jan 6 rally — they showed a movie on a large screen that I haven’t seen until now: Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda
It is pure fascist propaganda. To me it makes clear how consciously Trump follows the Nazi tenants of psychological warfare to corrupt a country.
@mali muso: I know, right? I am loving it. ?
Arkon DougJ, fire up the next set of thermometers!
Politico…..Hated the place when VandeHei & Harris started and ran it. It got a little better when they left to form Axios but it still has that suck to it that apparently doesn’t wash nor wear off.
Hey, Mistermix, looks like the legacy kidz read your posts.
@patrick II
/pedant (a B-J tradition)
Hey, MisterMix, please figure out some sort of snark font, would you? When I saw BIG, BIG…. I thought that NY attorneys had pullled Stump out of More-of-Lardo, and arrested him.
It’s a big district, but there were apparently two months where she did not have a single campaign event and one month where she only had one. Candidates couldn’t really do a lot of traditional small-town, press-the-flesh campaigning last years because of COVID restrictions.
I think they are plenty confused enough without your help.
These starbursts look like they would go great with some Candy Mac & Cheese. Enter now to win!!!
@NotMax: Isn’t Tenet that boring-ass movie that came out about six months ago?
@brantl: You should expect snark to be the default setting in Mr Mix’s posts. Just as simmering vitriol was DougJ’s older setting, before he got impulse control. Man, I miss that high. Used to make my day.
Not saying that she isn’t lying. Just that it is very plausible that she drove that much. Her district is larger than probably a dozen or more states.
@BruceFromOhio: Whoever wins the CO 3rd Democratic primary next summer will be carpet bombed with donations. Boebert is the kind of Republican Democrats love to hate. And what with reapportionment and Republican gerrymandering, Democrats may have to pick off some Republican seats just to hold their House majority. My loathsome VA 5th congressman will be a target as well.
Man, Republicans are dumb. Definitely an existential threat to our democracy, but so so dumb.
I second your recommendation. It’s an interesting piece, and worth reading.
Yes, a little jargony and English Department. But some good insights.
They are currently sold out!
@SubaruDianne: *rimshot
The fundraising, GOTV, voter registration, all has to start now now now. Candidates need to know that voters, donors have their backs. GQP ratfucking of the voting process will continue apace in the legislatures, and voters have to get out ahead of it, or get trapped playing catch-up.
@kgus: Cups of cut up fresh fruit sprinkled with chili powder are common in mexico. The starburst are probably a (gross) riff on that.
Well, I’ve had my coffee and it’s likely a dead thread, so Wombat Poop Link! I like getting my useless activities started early some days.
@Kent: But she had only one campaign event during that time period.
Looks like at least one of the last remaining members of the GOP ‘gets it’: Romney Introduces Child Benefit of $3k for Millions of American Families.
Smart! Not enough to save the Grand Old Party, or get ol’ Mitt* elected, but smart(ish)
*he has to be thinking, “Biden was 78 when he got elected…I know I can do this!…I’ll only be 77 in 2024!!”
Further down the article, it’s pretty clear that this is not new money…just a classic Republican bait-and-switch…
Ah well, Mitt, you almost had me there! Now back to the GQP with you!!
Tony Jay
Sure it’s superficial, but when you’re talking about Republican voters and starbursts…..
Anyway, I don’t get the theory that Greene wins the QILF award. In the pictures I’ve seen she looks like post-boxing career Mickey Rourke in a Goldust wig.
Betty Cracker
McCarthy is pretending he doesn’t know how to pronounce “Q-on” and claims he doesn’t even know what it is. JFC. I’ve seen more dignified disavowals from people accused of farting.
Just Chuck
Honestly it’s a tempting offer: nothing would torque the (R-Crazytown) representative more than getting knocked down by her fellow repubs. With a stipulation that this doesn’t indemnify her for the next outburst, which will cost her another seat — perhaps her congressional one.
Noem seems to me to be more starbursty. Or maybe more like a Trumpette, Trumper? Trumpista?
She smiles at the camera, all sparkly and well-styled, with great lighting and big hair, spouting off how great she is and how wonderful she is and how much she is the best, best, best Governor evah! And then her nonactions have ended killing many citizens of her state.
She is the heir apparent of the reality TV president. Boebert and Greene seem more obvious and over the top. Noem is more worrisome to me because she sells it, with sparkle.
Betty Cracker
@Tony Jay: I had a similar thought. She really does look like she’s been punched in the face. A lot.
@BruceFromOhio: Democrats in Virginia are on their toes, with a Democratic legislature that protects voting rights. The same is true for Colorado, I believe. I worry about states like Georgia, though. Lucy McBath in 2018 and Carolyn Bordeaux in 2020 hold seats in the north Atlanta suburbs that had been Republican for decades. Republicans in the state legislature will try to gerrymander one or both out of office. Kansas Republicans will try to do the same to Sharice Davids.
Also Boebert’s district is like 1/3 of the state of Colorado. 164 miles per day would be easy.
Keith P.
How crazy is it that out of all the “Young Guns” (Cantor, Ryan, et al), McCarthy is the last man standing?
patrick II
They wanted to move into the capitol building so they were tenants.
@Betty Cracker:
That’s quite a quote. It snarks itself.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix:
Maybe some screwed up version of cochinita pibil? Other than that, I got nothin’.
Omnes Omnibus
@Keith P.: Survival of witless?
@Scout211: Haley and Noem are worth worrying about, politically.
Greene and Boebert are a concern only if they make it around the House metal detectors.
@Keith P.: Cantor lost a primary to a tea party type. Now his VA 7th District is held by Abigail Spanberger. Ryan retired of course, but maybe not permanently. The congressional Republicans still have a “Young Guns” program, though, that supports candidates thought to have a chance to flip seats. Jim Oberweis, who lost narrowly to Congresswoman Lauren Underwood in the western Chicago suburbs, was in the Young Guns program. Oberweis is 70 years old.
@Betty Cracker: The whole thing is disingenuous trolling. That’s the entire GOP.
Even about this, Greene wrote a published rant (which we have in writing – there’s no doubt she did this) about Jewish Space Lasers. She disingenuously says she doesn’t know anything about it. McCarthy disingenuously says he believes her and no one really knows what QAnon is anyway, it’s just not that serious. And then disingenuously attacks Democrats for trying to hold her accountable.
I mean, that’s it. Lie to everyone. Gaslight all the time. Just make sure you end it with a farcical attack on Democrats.
During most of the travel she claimed, as a “campaign expense”, she wasn’t campaigning.
Wikepedia lists them both as age 49, which is almost at the “past sell date” for would-be sexy female politicians in the Republican party. Republicans tend to prefer them younger than that.
One hasn’t heard much from Republicans about that Palin woman’s sexual appeal since she entered her 50s.
Pretty sure those starbursts are harvested from cinema[1] floors.
1 Big rooms people willingly sat in with other people to watch movies, sometimes even together.
Looks like Tajín.
@H.E.Wolf: My view is that Haley will have spent too long out of any official elected position. She left the U.N. at least one year before the end of Trump’s term. She was governor of South Carolina for, I think, just one term. She has some PAC that keeps sending me the same email over and over again about being “laser focused” on the 2022 midterms. But at this point she is more of a political operative than someone with a working political portfolio.
Unless Noem finds a patron, I don’t see how she can master the kind of organizational and fund raising juggernaut you need to become president. South Dakota is a very small state, and my assumption is that she thinks she could win at the retail politics of Iowa and New Hampshire and jump start her way to bigger things. That didn’t work for Ted Cruz, but some of it will depend on who she is running against.
The Moar You Know
@Low Key Swagger: I have. Seems to be more of a “SoCal Mexican” thing than an actual “Mexico Mexican” thing. The little market down by me has them.
Yes, they are sweet treats. Every Liverpool player will receive one the next time the team scores at home.
Miss Bianca
@david: Yeah, most of these people have never been to CO CD-3. Distance driving in rural CO is a thing. Until this past year, I routinely put 20-25,000 miles on my car per year just driving between my various gigs. Going to Salida and back in one day, which I still do about once per week, puts a 120-mile rt on my odometer.
That said, do I doubt that Boebert fudged her mileage, and do I blame her for putting in those miles campaigning during a fucking pandemic? Sure I do.
Uncle Cosmo
I had a friend living in SLC seriously into drama who would drive to & from a Shakespeare festival in southern Utah on weekday evenings to catch a single play. Four hours each way – and she always showed up on time next day at the office. Scared the crap out of this Easterner.
Uncle Cosmo
Candidate for rotating tag!!!
Tony Jay
@Betty Cracker:
And the attitude. And the personality. And the ideology.
She’s got it all.
Tony Jay
Your impending death from dick-bag guzzling cries ‘festival’ to me.
I think it has more to do with the death threats she will get. The GOP is fine with Dems having their families threatened by the wingnut conspiracy militias but they flee in panic when the attention is turned on them
@Barbara: Noem has more charisma than Ted Cruz, but then again I’ve scraped things off the bottom of my shoes with more charisma than Ted Cruz.
This thread is a little old, but I think one question is whether the reporter thinks the big news is that McCarthy tried to negotiate a weakass deal with Hoyer instead of Pelosi.
Also: McCarthy should have just kicked her off the Education committee and said her presence there was not appropriate, given her past comments about education and school shootings, but that she might be reinstated over time if she’d shown growth. And then dared Dems to do more.
But that would involve acknowledging that a Republican had done something wrong, and wouldn’t cause maximal harm to Democrats at the expense of the nation so that’s right out.
OMG, you were not kidding. I can’t believe this is an official press release from NFLTG Nancy Smash’s office. I am in heaven!
@MisterForkbeard: I think McCarthy just truly isn’t strategic and basically has no idea how to deal with Greene. The fact that he wants to negotiate with Dems in order to decide the fate of a member of his own caucus is more than a tell — it’s a blaring siren that he is way, way over his head here.
Kayla Rudbek
@Wag: are you related to John Scalzi?
Is a stack that much different than a pile?
And why would you want to…..
@Omnes Omnibus:
Have to agree, even as a fact, fun?
Or maybe our snark meters are still so out of wack because of the last 400 years that we’ve had to experience of the shitforbrains maladministration.
Is she going to promise the Lord will take her away if you don’t send enough money?
@Betty Cracker:
Back from my long walk, so I’m sure someone else has pointed this out but she really does have a rather punchable face.
Not that I’m suggesting that, just that yes, she does, and she also seems to go out of her way to give numerous reasons to deserve one.
To be one of the boys, do you have to play by boy’s rules?
Let’s see the receipts for gasoline / diesel purchases. Most of us who drive these kinds of routes keep logbooks, or pocket notebooks to record odometer readings.
Or let’s just see the odometer. I know that my my repair shop / oil change / state safety inspection reports mark down the odometer readings when my car enters their shop. As Aristotle once wrote “It ain’t rocket surgery!”
@Tony Jay:
See you on the 17th, mate.
Technology to the rescue! To claim mileage, I have to calculate every trip on Google Maps, stops included, and go by that: it is embedded in the expensing app, so no fudging. If I go a different way, I have to add fake waypoints to force the route. And of course it automatically deducts the 50 miles of my normal commute if I drive straight from home.
@Jeffro: Um, I doubt it. I stand by my prediction.
J R in WV
@Tony Jay:
We have a neighbor/acquaintance who has severe psychological problems, when she goes off her meds she can be very odd. She looks amazingly like Marjorie Greene in the face — quite shocking really.
She got a job as an overnight custodian at the county high school, briefly. She was captured on video taking fish out of a large aquarium and fixing them for a lite night snack. Marjorie Q Greene has that same look about her. Stone crazy, off and on. No question about it. Also perhaps damaged sometime in the past, but that’s not the same as crazy, is it?