As we know, Chuck Schumer scheduled a debate on doing a filibuster carveout to pass voting rights this month. When reporters asked for his thoughts about the prospect of reform, Joe Manchin disemboweled a sacrificial animal and read the steaming entrails to divine his own opinion:
“Being open to a rules change that would create a nuclear option,* it’s very, very difficult. It’s a heavy lift,” Manchin told reporters when asked about using the “nuclear option,” in which Democrats would change the 60-vote legislative filibuster on their own.
“I’m talking. I’m not agreeing to any of this. … I want to talk and see all the options we have open,” Manchin said, adding that it was his “preference” that any rule changes have Republican support.
Blah blah blah. No one but his donors know what that lunkhead will do. Chuck Schumer either doesn’t know or is dissembling:
Schumer on changing Senate rules to pass election legislation: "It's an uphill fight. I don't want to give anybody the illusion that we're there. But hopefully we can get 50 of us to come to an agreement."
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) January 4, 2022
Hopefully he’s right since our democracy literally depends on it. Let’s also hope the president weighs in early and often in this fight. The bully pulpit has its limits, but it’s not nothing.
Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell continued to NOT spontaneously combust and then run screaming and in flames in panicked circles under the Rotunda before collapsing into a smoldering heap due to white hot hypocrisy despite labeling the attempt to create a filibuster carveout to protect elections “genuine radicalism.” He also said this:
Can you add to your reporting that this was objectively part of Trump's plan and that the GOP is now working on the state level to make it happen?
— Magdi Semrau (@magi_jay) January 4, 2022
Good on Semrau for adding that very salient context. As I shared in a comment in the morning thread, I’m not super optimistic that we’ll get voting reform done. But we’ve got to try.
Open thread.
*PS: Fuck whoever came up with the term “nuclear option.” And fuck Manchin for repeating it in this context. I’d have more respect for the man if he said, “Look, the people who funnel millions of dollars into my (and my family’s) pockets think it’s better for business if the US Senate is paralyzed, so the filibuster stays.”
Old School
We must keep the filibuster rules as what was originally written in the constitution. Otherwise, people will get the impression that the filibuster is arbitrary and that the rules have been changed multiple times over the years.
Old School
Wikipedia says it was Trent Lott, so I’ll allow it.
“When reporters asked for his thoughts about the prospect of reform, Joe Manchin disemboweled a sacrificial animal and read the steaming entrails to divine his own opinion:”
We’re referring to Chuck Schumer right? Or are we referring to preznit Biden?
@Old School: Trent Lott also said that if Strom Thurmond had won, we would not have all the problems we have. Because, you know, because!
It’s like unto a Susan Collins ventriloquist act, innit?
There has to be some dirt on Manchin that he doesn’t want made public. It’s time for someone to use that information to ‘encourage’ him to “see all the options [he has] open.”
Can we start talking about Manchin being Nero fiddling while Rome burns by allowing Republicans to undermine the Democratic process, by stopping most possible climate legislation, and by throwing poor kids back into poverty all too bring Republicans into a process that they have completely refused to engage in.
Another Scott
The reporting on this stuff continues to be horrible. E.g. RollCall:
(Emphasis added.)
Yes, that’s what the story says – I didn’t change a word. It’s up there with “To Serve Man”…
Just flabbergasting.
@Another Scott:
It’s nonsense anyway. There’s a whole group of federal laws that apply to voting- HAVA, the ADA, motor voter, etc.
They’re just reprinting his lies. He’s incorrect, and deliberately so.
Good lord – I just wish Manchin would tell everyone what he actually wants so that we don’t have to continue to play this ridiculous game. While his ultimate answers are sure to be terrible, the dithering, posturing, and right-angle knavery is even worse.
Old Man Shadow
But you guys! If we change the filibuster, then Mitch McConnel might get rid of it altogether!!!!!!!!!!
Rolls eyes. Makes wanking motion.
@Another Scott: Of course the interviewer could ask “How is ballot harvesting ‘cheating’, exactly?”
James E Powell
But not as heavy as lifting Manchin’s ego.
@<James E Powell
The senator now to be known by the nickname Hernia Joe.
Mitch McConnell knows this and so do all the reporters asking him about voting, so I’m wondering why they’re just transcribing his bullshit day after day:
These are the people Republican voters will put in charge of elections. It will be an absolute shit show.
No one can pretend they weren’t warned. We all know what will happen.
They’re telling us over and over they plan to overturn elections, and are putting those plans into action. They could not make it more clear.
@Hildebrand: We’d expect Manchin to tell us what he wants if he were dealing in good faith.
Manchin’s own statement notwithstanding, the actual heavy lifting is being done by the word “if” above.
I heard part of this interview yesterday on NPR’s Here and Now program:
University of Chicago political scientist Robert Pape has pored over court documents over the past year to learn more about the Jan. 6 rioters. He discusses what he found.
It’s the Jan 3, 2022 program and starts at the 26:30 mark. Lasts about 16 minutes.
I just wish we could prevent ONE catastrophe in this country. Just one.
They all told us for the last year they plan to void elections results when they lose, their candidates are running on promises to void election results, their cult leader tells them every day to void election results yet WHEN THAT HAPPENS we will all feign surprise.
It’s like being chained to people who would prefer to die in a fire rather than spend 20 dollars on a smoke alarm. I just don’t know why we have to suffer this much, why we all have to pretend that this chaos and craziness is inevitable and must be borne.
2024 will be a completely avoidable catastrophe. Another one.
Mike in NC
@Ryan: We recently learned that Bob Dole was also a very big fan of Strom Thurmond. In other words, a dickhead.
FTFY. They’ve already done this. In GA:
Republicans are booting Black Democrats from Georgia’s county election boards: report This comes months after Georgia passed an anti-voting bill shifting electoral control to the partisan legislature
They’ve already done it in a few counties in Michigan, including the one that includes Detroit. Like you said, they’re continually telling us they’re doing it. They told us they’d do it, they passed laws to do it, then they did it.
@Kay: Have seen a cartoon a few times on the internet in which someone says:
1 Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
2 Those who do study history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everybody else repeats it.
You’re looking a little like item 2.
The Dangerman
Mitch, come sit next to me for a moment. After I shower. After we talk, I’ll shower again, I promise.
If it is unthinkable that a legislature would overturn the election, why in the fuck would you need to have the right to do so?
Imagine: Election 2024 and it’s damn close; if any one State Legislature flips, it will flip the election, I guarantee they will do it because they won’t want a bunch of redneck fucks (is that redundant?) threatening their lives.
Here’s an article from the FTFNYT from Jul of last year covering GA, AZ, AR, and KS:
How Republican States Are Expanding Their Power Over Elections In Georgia, Republicans are removing Democrats of color from local boards. In Arkansas, they have stripped election control from county authorities. And they are expanding their election power in many other states.
They stated their intentions, and they’re carrying them out. Nicole Wallace’s A segment today is covering this right now.
@UncleEbeneezer: Well, it did happen in a North Carolina Congressional race. Since it was done by a political operative for the GOP candidate, they should know.
Professor Bigfoot
@The Dangerman: That’s basically how the conservatives killed the first Reconstruction, in the 1870s.
Right down to the Wilmington Coup of 1898. <sigh>
This business of watching helplessly as history repeats thanks to conservatives kinda sucks.
“Creating a nuclear option…”
LOL. The “nuclear option” has always been there. It exists today. Indeed, it has already been invoked many times, just for judges. It will be invoked for legislation eventually, too. The only reason it’s gotten this far is because of the stupid reconciliation process, which, let’s face it, was just the first invocation of the “nuclear option” because shit wasn’t getting done. The only questions now are: 1) by whom, 2) for what reason, and 3) when. I would prefer it to be 1) by the Democrats, 2) for voting rights, and 3) very soon.
You have to have your head pretty far up your own (or someone else’s) ass not to see that, but Manchinema unfortunately fit that description.
Omnes Omnibus
Well, I guess everyone better just plan their emigration strategies and/or stock up on ammunition, right?
@hueyplong: My son pointed out that there is a third option. Those who rewrite history. We’re seeing that now.
We know what Manchin is so I’m not going to waste another year paying attention to him. He’s Schumer’s problem to deal with.
@The Dangerman: Mitch who also blocked Obama’s Supreme Court, because it was an election year. He’s admitted that Biden will get no more judges through if he is majority leader. He has no credibility.
Lucy, football, repeat.
@Kay: @Leto: they tried AZ too, but that one at least failed (so far). IMO it makes Democrats holding the House critical in these 2022 midterms. We have to turn people out again this year!
My guess is, to ride the power trip of being the person whose decision controls what the Senate can do. He gets to demand flattery and enforce his whims. The episode where he whined about not being respected gave me that impression.
Regardless, Schumer knows a lot that we don’t. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have Nancy’s ‘only schedule a vote I know I can win’ philosophy.
That would be Bill Frist (R) and this was his reasoning:
@Omnes Omnibus: I am getting a whiplash reading the nostalgic blogospheric navel gazing about how awesome we (BJers) are to how we (Democrats) are doomed
@schrodingers_cat: To be fair, I am pretty awesome.
Poe Larity
Now for some better news:
December In Texas Hottest On Record In More Than 130 Years
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Honestly, I would not be surprised you, personally, were also doomed.
@Omnes Omnibus: I can’t really argue with that.
Kind of weird that none of them got Mexico’s normal temperatures. I guess the wall worked after all.
Mai Naem mobile
Manchin is just running out the clock. They did the same with Obama. One of the reasons Obama didn’t get more done was because of the GOP first ofcourse but also all the conservative Dems who dragged out ACA negotiations. By the time the ACA was done there was not enough time to do immigration reform. Manchin is just your 2022 flavor of Lieberman/Nelson/Bayh/Lincoln/Landrieu.
Manchin is conducting a bidding war. He’ll vote for it, but he wants to squeeze out the maximum price possible. There’s really no other rational explanation, imho. I’ve always thought we should find out what the other side’s offering and double it. Don’t care if it’s a billion. Or, easier, just offer him a billion and have done with it. Democracy is worth it.
I dunno about Sinema, but it looks like a pretty similar operation on her part. Maybe she’s just letting Manchin do the negotiating.
@Baud: You are awesome. Happy New Year!
@schrodingers_cat: That’s pretty. Happy New Year to you too.
@Baud: Agree. Everytime I see a Manchin story/post I scroll right by. Cuz it’s always the same story. Maybe, Maybe not, Maybe, Maybe not. “I am very conflicted.”
Same shit every day.
The county updates the Covid lab test page weekly, and today’s is a doozy. Our positivity rate went from about 6% to 16%, daily new cases approaching 2,000 (old record from Dec ’20 around 1,300).
The kicker is omicron is still a blip in the data and nearly all new cases are delta. If it’s this bad now, what happens when omicron hits like it is elsewhere? Maybe some of the un-vaccinated will take this shiny quarter and buy a clue.
No party, no disco, no foolin’ around.
It’s a political post. The post at the top is about how Schumer isn’t confident Manchin will allow voting rights legislation to be passed. There may be a way to spin that to flowers and unicorns, but why would we? Are we speakers at a campaign rally?
I suppose we could ban political posts unless they’re good news, but that’s a campaign website and we already have those.
True. Manchin could literally just say, “There’s no way in hell that I’ll pass the voting rights bill”, but then he’d lose all his power. It’s only by dangling the hope of action that people bother talking with him.
When they dropped their efforts to pass the Build Back Better bill, one of the arguments was that it was more important to pass a voting rights bill… As though one thing had anything to do with the other. These bills would be easy to pass if Manchin wanted them passed at all.
It would have been better if they had said they were dropping their efforts to pass BBB, because it was more important for Biden to focus on drafting new coal mining regulations.
That may have been true a couple of weeks ago, but not now.
@Baud: Did you see that when John Cole was asked about his favorite commenter he said “Baud makes me laugh every day.”
Yup. Me too.
@HeleninEire: Yeah, I was touched. I didn’t think he knew who I was since I’m not on Twitter.
@Kay: How is my observation that the posts are giving me a whiplash stopping you from commenting?
I still think they’ll pass it. It’s not like BBB. It directly effects Democrats chances of retaining their seats and competing in senate races in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Georgia. They cannot break that promise with that part of their base. They’ll lose.
It’s not Schumer v Manchin- if it were I wouldn’t be at all confident. It’s every Democratic Senator versus Manchin. That’s where the pressure will come from.
@Hildebrand: put it to a vote. Fuck him, let him be the bad guy because he is. Biden lost a lot of time and support as a result of that Douche
@HeleninEire: I despise him more than Republican Senators and that says a lot. He’s so craven and disgusting
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: Which means that those of us with at least one Democrat Senator should be calling them to encourage them to pressure him.
@Baud: LOL So you’re saying he doesn’t read his own blog. Prolly. Except he does and is faking it.
I’m not convinced Manchin wants the Democrats to keep the majority. He’s made it significantly more likely that they’ll lose by keeping up his “will-he? won’t-he?” game.
His actions keeps these bills on the front pages every day and every day they fail to pass is considered a new failure for the Democrats.
@Ksmiami: how dare you say that about Baud!!
Omnes Omnibus
@Ksmiami: What does putting it to a vote and losing do for us?
Meh. I deserve it.
@Jinchi: I just think he’s not very bright and doesn’t have a concrete vision of what he should want beyond relaxing on his yacht with both Lindsey Graham and Dianne Feinstein. It makes it hard to negotiate with someone like that.
@Omnes Omnibus: I want him to be the one to take the fall. Jerk. And then I want every other Democratic senator to shun him.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@NotMax: I like it! That is a brilliant nickname.
@Baud: don’t be so hard on yourself! That bus-full of baby pandas were probably going to die anyway for other… non-Baud related… reasons….
It’s not stopping me from commenting, obviously. Every single political post turns into complaints about “doom”. That’s not commenting on politics. It’s commenting on the other people who are talking about politics. If it were even posting something political that was optimistic, but it’s not. It’s commentary on the commentary.
They weren’t all committed to BBB. They are all committed to this, partly because of self interest.
“They were going to die at some point anyway” is a very useful motivational mantra for a number of situations.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ksmiami: Again, how does this benefit anyone?
If the bill is going to fail anyway, it’s important for Democrats to get members on the record.
There are some issues that you have to be willing to push for, even if you’re likely to lose this round.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jinchi: Okay, I can accept that. IF we know that we are going to lose. We don’t know that yet.
I agree with you. Am sick to death of Manchin and his stupid schoolyard games.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: It is an open thread.
Chris T.
Yes, except (or maybe “and”) half of them are convicted arsonists who right now are flicking their lighters.
@Kay: Its not a complaint, its an observation. I don’t share your outlook and your threat assessment.
Do I need your okay before I comment? Since my comments seem to bother you.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: You make Cole laugh every day.
zhena gogolia
@Ksmiami: I certainly do not despise him more than Republican senators. Not one of them.
Interesting that the local Fox station reported that Manchin was in communication with Biden over the holidays, and today there’s reporting all over NPR that he hadn’t spoken with Biden since he quit BBB back before Christmas. ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
The only pressure I’ve seen successfully work against Manchin are attacks on his reputation. He actually cares about that. He doesn’t care if the voting rights bill fails.
For months he’s been suggesting mild reforms like supporting a “talking filibuster”. Today he goes to the press to declare “any” changes are a heavy lift.
The path we’re on ends with the voting rights bill in the ash heap. The man who killed BBB on Christmas will string the voting rights bill along right through the next election.
Schumer has decided there will be a vote on MLK day. I support him on that.
It is time to put it out to vote and let the chips fall where they may. Otherwise we will have more of the look at me Manchin/Sinema idiocy appearing at will. Neither of them belong in the Democratic Party.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jinchi: I also support Schumer on that. I just think that he is doing it to put pressure on Manchin with an expectation that it will pass.
@zhena gogolia: Because of Manchin, Schumer is the majority leader and Biden has appointed as many judges as Reagan did in his first year. So bad as Manchin is he is better than any Republican.
@Jinchi: I don’t think the House version of BBB will be put to a Senate vote as written. The higher SALT exemption is controversial, and Senators like Sanders and Menendez say they intend to modify it so as to give less relief to the wealthiest taxpayers. Senators with tough races may not want to go on record voting for something that will not be enacted anyway. I think Democratic Senators will vote on their own version, whether or nor it passes.
But now I see that you are talking about the voting rights bill. So, nevermind.
@RevRick: Yes, but that involved forgery and NC is stricter around that stuff than other states.
Who came up with the term “ballot harvesting”? While the act itself is legal in many states the phrase itself just sounds bad. While I know what it is it immediately makes me think of Soylent Green – ie, “human harvesting”. If some Dem operative is the one who came up with the term that person did a terrible marketing job.
When I was growing up the folks who were always opposed to the school budget used to scour the nursing, assisted living, post-retirement homes and “harvest” absentee ballots from folks who had no connection to the town by scaring them about the evil tax increases that would come if we actually tried to improve the town’s schools. Back then just about everybody in the town were at least registered as Democrats but the “no money for school” crowd were the “Reagan Dems” who are now hard core Trumpers. The right perfected this stuff – they’re just pissed now that the Dems figured out how to do it as well. That’s why it always baffled me with the recent objections from the right about mail-in ballots – historically, they helped the GOP, not the Dems.
@Baud: hey, kind of a cheap shot at a guy who gave you a shout-out, the only commenter he mentioned in the one hour interview. :-)
Through 1/1/22 the county delta case count is 8,267; omicron case count is 16.
It hasn’t taken over here yet.
Every single politics post – the doom policing- and there are much fewer politics posts on BJ now- it’s Anne Laurie and Betty C. Anne Lauries are generally about Republicans (although wonderful) so that leaves Betty C to talk about Democratic politics. I could see it if it was a Biden speech or a fundraiser something but this is the actual subject of the post! It’s about the threat to voting rights!
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: To be fair, there were contractual reasons why my name couldn’t be used. You know how some advertisers have to talk about the big game instead of saying Super Bowl? Like that. Only more complex.
Miss Bianca
@Poe Larity: And Brownsville got…Oaxaca’s temperatures?
Sure, but voting rights is different. It’s fundamental to a functioning democracy.
Few people know what’s in the BBB bill. They’ve only heard it defined by the media in dollar terms (the
$3.5$2.2$1.75 trillion reconciliation bill). It’s always been a moving target. Manchin could have laid down his marker long ago and negotiated in good faith if he truly wanted it passed and not many would have known the difference.Geminid
@Jinchi: Yes, my comment was misdirected. My mind was stuck in last month, when people wanted the BBB bill put out of it’s misery.
It really was the highlight of my life. It is, unfortunately, all downhill from here.
@Omnes Omnibus: ha!
@Baud: I can’t believe you care more about what John Cole thinks of you than what I think of you! My whole world view has been challenged.
I care more about what you think, but JC is the bigger media star.
@Baud: Maybe not. In 1858, Ulysses Grant was selling firewood in Saint Louis. Ten years later he was elected President.
Oh wow. Up till now, I had been rooting against all the Civil War talk. Now I see the possibilities.
@Kay: So your opinion is the gospel truth, anything else is doom policing. As I see it you are the one doing the policing.
You were also afraid that Bloomberg was going to win the Democratic primary. So you have been wrong before. You are not infallible.
Your opinions are just that, opinions and not anymore valid than any commenter’s opinion just because you emphatically repeat them again and again.
I don’t know what your opinion is on the voting bill. I know what your opinion is of the comments on the voting bill post is- gives you “whiplash” because it’s less optimistic than comments on posts about John’s cat.
Mine is that it will pass.
This is Nevada so a different state than Arizona, where the GOP candidate also vows to throw the election to the Republican:
They could not make it more clear. So no one should be permitted to feign surprise. They may have been shocked by January 6th, but if the next one is a shock they’re not listening.
@Kay: I think it will pass and some version BBB will also pass. The version of BBB that passes will disappoint the Squad and they will vote against it or vote present.
After the passage of the two bills we will have several lengthy threads about how Manchin sucks and we are doomed to forever Republican rule.
Just saw Manchin being quoted, something along the lines of “This is sadly a very divided nation, so all the more important that we reach across the aisle and get R votes” (not his exact words). So, Joe, which Rs are you working on? How many? What are you using for pressure/persuasion? Who are you inviting to barbecues on the yacht? Because you did say we.
Just to be clear, they’ve been trying to pass both these bills for over 6 months. The BBB was being held under special rules that allowed for two reconciliation bills per calendar year. Manchin sabotaged that option. If it passes it will have to take up one of the slots for this year.
And voting rights is time critical since people will be voting in a few months and lines need to be finalized before then.
So when do you think these will be passed?
@schrodingers_cat: This could turn into a completely pets blog if you would like.
It gets frustrating to try to discuss real substantive issues when the response is “shut up and clap louder.”
Tomorrow, my child is going back to school. A tree is down on the school campus due to the high winds that started the fires in Colorado. His teacher will be out due to COVID. Are there enough substitutes in the district for all the teachers out due to COVID or due to losing their homes in the fire? I am skeptical.
Am I not being enthusiastically supportive enough?
@Starfish: Please show me where I have asked you or anyone else to clap louder. I am registering my opinion in the comments just like you are.
@Baud: If by bigger media star you mean that he is a big star in the media and I am not even a twinkle :-) then I would have to agree.
@stinger: Silly stinger.. he is talking about all the Rs that the got to vote for BBB and everything else the Dems have passed on their own. :-)
@Benw: I love Baud- I’d never say anything bad about him- Omnes on the other hand…
@HRA: thank you. This. Manchin’s machinations have hurt the Dems and Biden. Enough we know he’s a monster
@Omnes Omnibus: see Jinchi. The Dems look totally feckless wrt Manchin- stop endlessly catering to him and put the onus on his decisions to either be a decent human or not.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ksmiami: See my response to Jinchi.
Another Scott
Manchin should read Mira Ortegon’s piece at the Brennan Center (from August):
(Emphasis added.)
Something will get done to allow the legislation to pass.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: I agree with you. Part of the price is that Manchin and Sinema get to preen for a while.
If she just lets him pull his strings, she doesn’t have to do jack or shit. She gets what she seems to want, although no one seems to know, including her, what that is. But hemming and hawing seems to be her forte.