The lawmakers investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection are preparing to go public in the coming months. Televised hearings and reports will show what the committee has learned about the riot and former President Trump's attempts to overturn the election.
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 2, 2022
… In the coming months, members of the panel will start to reveal their findings against the backdrop of the former president and his allies’ persistent efforts to whitewash the riots and reject suggestions that he helped instigate them. The committee also faces the burden of trying to persuade the American public that their conclusions are fact-based and credible.
But the nine lawmakers — seven Democrats and two Republicans — are united in their commitment to tell the full story of Jan. 6, and they are planning televised hearings and reports that will bring their findings out into the open.
Their goal is not only to show the severity of the riot, but also to make a clear connection between the attack and Trump’s brazen pressure on the states and Congress to overturn Joe Biden’s legitimate election as president…
While the fundamental facts of Jan. 6 are known, the committee says the extraordinary trove of material they have collected — 35,000 pages of records so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump — is fleshing out critical details of the worst attack on the Capitol in two centuries, which played out on live television.
They hope to fill in the blanks about the preparations before the attack, the financing behind the Jan. 6 rally that preceded it and the extensive White House campaign to overturn the 2020 election. They are also investigating what Trump himself was doing as his supporters fought their way into the Capitol.
True accountability may be fleeting. Congressional investigations are not criminal cases and lawmakers cannot dole out punishments. Even as the committee works, Trump and his allies continue to push lies about election fraud while working to place similarly minded officials at all levels of state and local government.
“I think that the challenge that we face is that the attacks on our democracy are continuing — they didn’t come to an end on Jan. 6,” said another panel member, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., also chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
Still, the lawmakers hope they can present the public with a thorough accounting that captures what could have been “an even more serious and deeper constitutional crisis,” as Cheney put it…
The panel also is focusing on the preparations for the Jan. 6 rally near the White House where Trump told his supporters to “fight like hell” — and how the rioters may have planned to block the electoral count if they had been able to get their hands on the electoral ballots.
They need to amplify to the public, Thompson said, “that it was an organized effort to change the outcome of the election by bringing people to Washington … and ultimately if all else failed, weaponize the people who came by sending them to the Capitol.”
About 90% of the witnesses called by the committee have cooperated, Thompson said, despite the defiance of high-profile Trump allies such as Steve Bannon and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Lawmakers said they have been effective at gathering information from other sources in part because they share a unity of purpose rarely seen in a congressional investigation…
Liz Cheney, and her fellow Never-Trumpists, have every reason to try and convince the rest of us that TFG was a one-off grifter who somehow, inexplicably, wormed his way into the too-trusting Republican party — that disposing the Trump crime family would cure the rot. This is pure self-interest, but I’m not going to reject her assistance in the defenestration:
Say what you will about PapaDick Cheney's daughter.
But she learned lethal bureaucratic tools from the master.
And that she uses IVANKA to make it clear how much they know? >>>power daughter kiss<<<
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) January 2, 2022
72% of Americans say Jan. 6 was an attack on democracy, just 25% say otherwise.
Messed up that anyone sees Jan. 6 positively, especially that a majority of Republicans do, but important to remember—ahem, media—that they’re nowhere near a national majority.— Nicholas Grossman (@NGrossman81) January 3, 2022
Prosecutors break down charges, convictions for 725 arrested so far in Jan. 6 attack on U.S. Capitol
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 1, 2022
Refusing to prosecute clear violations of law would be a moral and constitutional failure as glaring as the Rs’ refusal to accept their 2020 defeat. Moreover, it would be an invitation to the insurrectionists to try it again.
— Jennifer 'pro-voting' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) January 3, 2022
A reminder to William Barr, Mark Meadows, Mick Mulvaney, and Don McGahn.
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) January 2, 2022
The crazification % is getting smaller, y’all! Could this mean we’ve passed PEAK WINGNUT?
Jerzy Russian
I don’t have much to add here, except that the woman in the upper right photograph of the 1975 NYT looks like Nancy Reagan.
If that’s a late Xmas present, I gladly accept.
Won’t releasing all this information prejudice any possible criminal case?
While I hope there are prosecutions for criminal conspiracy, etc etc, one thing that seems more likely, and perhaps even more important/helpful to Dems going into the 2022 elections is the prospect of all these Rs at every level having to – FINALLY – publicly answer the question: who was the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election?
Assuming we can keep the pressure on the media to ask, ask, ask, those answers (whether from GQP House members elected on the same ballots as President Biden, or Republican loons at any level) can only help us.
@Benw: Sorry, the Crazifaction Constant is within the margin of error of that poll, so it still holds.
@Benw: Margin of error!
West of the Rockies
Supposedly, the Committee wants to chat with Sean Hannity. May this lead to an existential crisis for him and an epic bout of gastrointestinal distress.
Jerzy Russian
@West of the Rockies:
…while he is sitting in a prison cell.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
So evenly split when you take the minority discount into consideration.
Trump just canceled his press conference scheduled for 1/6.
Either he’s got Omicron or someone convinced him that it would actually be bad media publicity to do that on that day.
ETA: Either way, it’s a good thing.
@Quinerly: was just coming here to mention this. Hmm indeed!
@Baud: l think he is spooked. Finally listening to someone’s advice.
@JoyceH: I just turned on MSNBC. Was being reported like it just came down.
Yeah… that’s not gonna work.
Seriously: imagine the grandchild of a Republican. “So, when Trump broke the law, and abused his power, and tried to quash the investigation, why *didn’t* you support his impeachment and removal from office? If you had, President Pence might have saved literally hundreds of thousands of lives!”
For Republican Senators, we can add “… why didn’t you hold to your sacred oath to see impartial justice done? Did the big words confuse you? Which one, impartial, or justice?”
Or not good for all the lawsuits coming his way.
Miss Bianca
@Quinerly: @JoyceH:
Hmmm, indeed, indeed!
“In the coming months“? Sooner, please.
Sweet fancy Moses, it still blitzes my brain that Jennifer rubin has come around to the stance she has now.
Between the election of 2016 and the inauguration Michael cohen came to be known as tfg’s fixer. Cohen demurred, saying he had many clients, among them Sean Hannity. Hannity’s response was light-speedy, that he had only sought advice on matters of real estate. Now, If tfg had facilitated money-cleansing (euphemism) activities with certain oligarcical types that involved his properties and then got Hannity to invest and then……
@Quinerly: Definitely spooked. Possibly the subpoena of the two kids? Or worry about reporting that they have first-hand accounts of Trump on that day.
I doubt he is actually listening to any advisors. And I use that term loosely. Speaking of advisors have we heard from Rudy lately?
Patricia Kayden
@Benw: Might be a bit of a paradox there, if the reason the number is going down is that the 27% are all winning Herman Cain awards.
Heh, I’m thinking it’s just another snit fit.
Transcript from an unreleased version of the video recorded by Trump to the Capitol rioters:
@dmsilev: since everyone’s all “20 years!” let me just note that I love that people (not just one!) jumped in with that counter.
If I hadn’t seen it, I still would have done a quick search for “margin” just to be sure. It’s nice to be on a blog with enough people to catch every error (marginal or otherwise :-) ).
It probably also means we’re still furthering the old adage: the best way to get good information on the internet is not to ask a question – it’s to post something wrong (or worthy of correction – damn, I could only *wish* I could believe the crazification factor was dropping).
I read that as “starting soon, and continuing for months with new revelations each week”. Which should be better, assuming the media pays any attention.
@debbie: Anyone who actually had something to say would give the speech (“press conference” lol) exactly BECAUSE of all that supposed bias and dishonesty.
Someone who wasn’t supposed to talk talked. And he found out.
The American public knew by about 3 p.m. Jan. 6 what had happened. Republicans are not the American public at this point.
Just my periodic reminder that people can and do get convicted of murder who were sitting handcuffed in the back of a police car two blocks away when the shooting started. And we’re entering Year 2 of exploring the deep, complicated mystery of whether Donald Trump had anything to do with Jan. 6. Just in case you still needed a good example of white privilege.
Well, I hope you’re right.
The cynic in me notices, not without glee, that Republicans are dying of COVID at a rate of .5m per year. That’s going to have an impact sooner or later. I try to be amused
(Emphasis mine.) Some of those details may seem trivial but will in fact be telling, and key in shaping public opinion. Much of what we remember about Watergate is details.
Old School
Trump had a speech planned for 1/6?
Was CNN already airing the podium?
@WaterGirl: trump was to testify on the 7th. Maybe he went to court to stop that, or maybe I’m erred on the date. Anyway, it’s so difficult to keep when the trumps are supposed to appear in court, and for what.
Captain C
@Jerzy Russian:
Or while live on the air.
Omnes Omnibus
@…now I try to be amused: Also, much of what matters in criminal trials is detail.
@dmsilev: @WaterGirl: it’s a trend! LOL
@Ken: @Sebastian: so many great minds, doing that great mind thing!
@debbie: I think he’s a bit spooked. Some walls do appear to be closing in.
Get ready. Somehow trump will blame cancel culture for deciding to cancel his hour plus long lie-a-thon.
Mike in NC
@West of the Rockies: Sean Hannity, AKA Trump’s frickin’ shadow Chief of Staff. Did more to inflict the Fat Orange Clown on the world than anybody else at FOX News.
Lacuna Synecdoche
Nicholas Grossman via Anne Laurie @ Top:
100% – 72% = 28%
There’s that number again: The Crazification Factor.
John Rogers and Tyrone are fucking geniuses.
This is tangentially an on-topic comment: I have started reading Jamie Raskin’s new book, Unthinkable, and it is extraordinary, beautiful, and excruciating. I’m about 25% in, according to the counter at the bottom of the screen. I know we’re concentrating on Adam Schiff’s Midnight in Washington right now, but I urge you to read Raskin as soon as you feel ready. I’m going to lobby hard for it to be our next (or at least a soon) BJBC discussion. Schiff and Raskin make for some powerful tandem reading.
Another Scott
@LongHairedWeirdo: The GQP politicians and voters picked a side no later than Wednesday July 27, 2016:
They didn’t condemn him and hitched themselves to him. Everything since then has followed from that (and really, from all the garbage he’s subjected us to since he rode down the escalator…)
Liz is a useful, temporary, ally. That’s it (from October 2016).
@Lacuna Synecdoche:
That doesn’t match up with this:
This seems at odds with the 28%. Lots of people think the election was stolen, but the insurrection was wrong? Not in my experience.
Crazy interview with Peter Navarro happening now on MSNBC. My brain hurts.
Mike in NC
@debbie: Just another day for the whining man-baby.
I rather doubt tRumpy is actually spooked — takes at least a minor connection to reality to attain that. Cancelling his speech gets at least as much media attention as the speech would with far less effort on his part, but also with fewer opportunities to say something stupid, get booed by his own crowd or fail to fill the room. PLUS, some good number of his acolytes won’t read past cancel before going into beserker battle against their archdemon of cancel culture.
James E Powell
@Old School:
No doubt they had teams set up to interview a Concerned Mother* in Florida and a group of RealAmericans® outside an Ohio diner.
* – Later to be revealed as a local Republican Party official on page A19 of the NYT.
Felanius Kootea
@Quinerly: I was just going to post that – see wapo link.
@SiubhanDuinne: Great idea. I also have Alexander Vindman’s and Fiona Hill’s books in the pile, and I’ll bet they’d be great for book clubbing. In the metaphorical sense.
@SiubhanDuinne: my feelings exactly. I’m listening to him read it on Audible and keep tearing up when he talks about his son. Such a heartbreaking loss!
Old School
Is he promoting his election board game? Or is it something else?
@Old School: his book. His personal vendetta against Fauci and all his research that points to all the fraud in the election. I do think he was sober, though.
@scav: all great points.
It’s both brilliant and heartwrenching, the way Tommy’s death and the 1/6 insurrection are so interwoven — the way Jamie constantly second-guesses himself (“What signals did I miss? What could I have done to stop it?”).
I ordered the AudioBooks narration but haven’t listened to it yet.
Maybe they’re dying off.
@Baud: May be his lawyer got him to STFU.
World’s Greatest Lawyer.
@Baud: Lawyer to the Orange President, the orange jumpsuit will clash with your Orange concealer.
Sure Lurkalot
Two days on the job, Eric Adams appears to be a hot mess.
I bet they cancelled because they realized they had booked Trump to speak at Four Seasons Landscaping.
Not gonna make that mistake again.
@Sure Lurkalot: I’m not sure that he understands what the meaning of swagger is.
@SiubhanDuinne: I have felt really touched hearing him read it. There are times you can hear the emotion in his voice and he doesn’t try to conceal it. He is such a loving father and I admire him so much for how openly he expressed his love to all of his kids.
Steve Gravelle
@Jerzy Russian: They all looked like that then.
Fully agree. I’ve read about half of Fiona Hill’s book, but Adam Schiff lured me away. Haven’t yet started Vindman, though it’s in the queue.
Old School
Because he does have a board game which seems equally nuts.
@Sure Lurkalot: yeah he kinda always sucked. There doesn’t seem to be a way to be the mayor of NYC without being an asshat.
Disagree here. Cheney is well aware that Trump is not a one-off. She does not have some romantic notion of what the Republican Party is. She knows the party, as a whole, has jumped off the deep end. She is hoping she can preside over the resurrection of the party.
Viewing note: This Is Spinal Tap coming up on TCM at 8:00 p.m. EST.
@Quinerly: I gave up when he said the Secretaries of State in Michigan and Pennsylvania were appointed by George Soros.
I’m not sure how he was able to keep it together at all while he was recording the narration.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Sure Lurkalot:
Why the fuck did NYC primary voters choose this asshole? He’s even worse than de Blasio
@Bex: I just saw a short clip of that part, and Ari should have stopped him right at that point. It’s time to say we don’t denigrate people.
Alison Rose
Guys, I’m sorry, looks like my people have been up to no good once again
Entrata founder emails Utah tech CEOs, claiming COVID vaccine part of extermination plot by ‘the Jews’
Nobody fuckin’ told me we were getting ready to take down the Vatican, why am I always left out of the fun stuff.
Also, you will be shocked, shocked to find that he told the reporter “I have nothing but love for the Jewish people. Some of my closest friends are Jews.” OH ARE THEY THOUGH?
@Alison Rose:
I Jew it!
@Sure Lurkalot: Wow. What an asshole. He knows he’s mayor of New York, right?
Late night segments will be fun. “So how much of an asshole do you think the new mayor is?”
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Two very qualified females were running, and they split the vote.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Adams is in his fourth day as Mayor. He won a close primary, but you should wait before you judge him. New Yorkers will, and they’re not stupid.
Not really possible to spilt the vote with ranked choice voting.
Laura Too
Not sure if this got covered in another thread, if so can someone point me to it? I have a ton of questions about it and I know lots of people here know way more than I do.
Someone may have mentioned this already, but according to Reuters, Trump has cancelled his January 6 news conference.
@debbie: it’s because the Hannity->Meadows texts just came out
Alison Rose
@Baud: First thing to go will be the gaudy as fuck outfits.
@Baud: whoops then how did he win?
Felanius Kootea
The great thing about the composition of the January 6 investigation committee is that Liz Cheney is on it. Yes, I admire all the Dems on the committee. Yes, I know she’s only temporarily an ally, but without her, I truly believe the US news media would have completely ignored the committee’s actual findings (even with Kinzinger aboard) and just parroted whatever insanity Kevin McCarthy spewed about the committee’s findings. That is sad, but I’m relieved she’s there, she’s vicious, she’s extremely media savvy, and that she knows how to twist a knife.
I think Trump is starting to realize that he made a mistake going after her the way he did. She will never genuflect like the boys in his cult have and he absolutely doesn’t know what to do with that (same way he couldn’t handle Pelosi). Good.
@Alison Rose:
Can you imagine what was going through the CEOs’ minds as they were reading that?
Alison Rose
@debbie: I picture the Homer backing into the hedge GIF
Uh oh. Is Hannity about to become one of the “Lyin’ Media”?
Did the Kremlin’s orange fascist shitstain not trust himself to not yell out “It was a beautiful insurrection!”?
@Felanius Kootea: great insight and yes, I think that even as stupid as he is, his animal cunning is probably telling him he’s in serious danger here. The 1/6 Commission is not playing around, and people are talking.
He only had 20-something percent of the vote. The others had even less.
@Alison Rose:
I’m confident the 400th year of trying will be the charm.
Hannity really spooked him so he doesn’t know what to do
@Alison Rose:
Or because Melania sneaked in and gathered up all his pants in order to sell them online?
Irresponsible not to ask.
“As God is my witness I thought NFT stood for No F*cking Trousers.”
@debbie: good one!
@debbie: I think he, and Meadows, and so many others are not willing to go to jail for trumpov.
Here’s hoping that the Commission…and god help us, the media…insists on airing the full truth of what these goons nearly did to our country.
@Felanius Kootea: great observations!
Felanius Kootea
UC Irvine is not bringing its finest (I know he’s a professor emeritus now). He and his wife had the quietest divorce ever in 2020. I wonder what she really thinks of her ex.
Oops – ETA: re Peter Navarro and his MSNBC interview
@NotMax: “she’s doing what? Selling off her wardrobe? But…but…I’ma billionaire! Why would a billionaire’s wife do th…”
Alison Rose
@Baud: See and that’s how you know it’s bullshit, because if we really wanted to, it would’ve been done a long time ago. We’re an industrious people.
I mean, I’m not. But others are.
Relatedly, the head of the ADL was hawking his book on NPR this morning.
@debbie: he got 30% of first place votes.
@JPL: Adams won because he did well in the outer boroughs, and among Black and Latino voters. Gothamist magazine had a good article after the primary that broke down voter distribution among Mr. Adams, Ms. Wiley, and Ms. Garcia. It’s worth reading if you are really interested.
Eric Adams retired as an NYPD captain before serving on the State Senate, then as Brooklyn Borough President, Wiley had been Counsel for Mayor DiBlasio, and Garcia was former Sanitation Commissioner.
zhena gogolia
@Felanius Kootea: Yeah.
@Bex: I will say it again… At least he wasn’t drunk in this interview. ?
@Geminid: Can Adams take is foot out of his mouth long enough to govern?
@Old School: l totally missed the board game. I have been under a rock for weeks. ?
@Alison Rose:
Right. That’s the most offensive part of those messages.
@Quinerly: So that’s his normal persona. hmmm
sounds like it involves quantum mechanics.
@Alison Rose:
Miss Bianca
@Alison Rose: “I know it sounds bonkers BUT – ”
So near. So near, and yet so far, from self-awareness.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: Only 300 years?
If all Hannity did was yell “fire”in a crowded theater then it would be hard for anyone to argue he wasn’t using his first amendment right to notice arson.
But if he is financially attached to what happened, by previous investments that may be tied to Russian moneys , then he may be fucked.
@Starfish: Well, that rhetorical question is better answered by someone else. But if you are really interested, you can always look up New York media coverage and see what Adams has been up to. There is plenty of reporting.
Myself, I will wait a few months and see what polling on Adams’ job performance is like before I judge him. New Yorkers are really interested, and like I said, they’re not stupid.
@Geminid: Thanks. So, if Wiley and Garcia flipped a coin and one dropped out, would he be mayor? Big if
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@JPL: Wasn’t it Scott Walker who dropped out of the ’16 R primary with a plea to the remaining non-trump candidates– IIRC, Jeb, Kasich and Cruz?– to do rock, paper scissors or something to save the party ( as most of us thought then) from The Beast?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
I’m thinking there was a paltry request for media credentials.
Anyone need a break? Here’s one that at least comes with the interesting sort of roots and should provide inspiration to all of us gardeners who sometimes let the edges get a little ragged and unkempt. Some of world’s rarest camellias discovered in Yorkshire.
(it’s a long wait until the weekend.)
In local news news that surprises absolutely no one: Larry Elder has decide not to run for Governor of California in 2022. Source.
Instead, he has decided set up a new Republican
griftPAC.Another Scott
@Felanius Kootea: Good points. Thanks.
Close enough, but still, 70% didn’t vote for him.
zhena gogolia
@JPL: Garcia would have been the best.
@Geminid: New Yorkers voted for Cuomo and DeBlasio.
Alison Rose
@Scout211: Guess he decided he wasn’t interested in getting stomped on by Newsom again. Which is sad because I would’ve loved to see it.
Laura Too
@debbie: I heard it. I was a little pissed at the “both sides do it” that I thought diluted everything he said before that. Just my take.
@zhena gogolia: My niece and her hubby live in Brooklyn, and that is who they wanted.
@japa21: Exactly what a friend and I were discussing last night. She (they) wants to save the GOP from the GQP and she’s gonna run for Pres.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes, but he wasn’t in contention at all. If Kasich or Bush had been the candidate, we wouldn’t be fretting about whether or not our democracy would survive another eight years though. imo
@JPL: That’s really hard to say. Those three finished on top, but there were a half dozen other candidates, including Yang. Garcia was top votegetter in Manhattan, and had the New York Times’ endorsement. Wiley was strong all around the city, as was Adams. The Gathamist article indicated that Wiley, who had a strong emphasiemphasis on social justice issues, did well among younger white voters, or at least, in “gentrified” precincts. And the Gothamist article indicated that Adams ran well among Black and Latino New Yorkers.
Adams ran on a crime fighting platform. One poll of voters before the election showed that 54% picked crime as their biggest single issue, which was more than any other. Adams chose a black woman, Teachant Sewell, as Police Commissioner. She may be good at the job, but you will hear a dozen cherry-picked Adams quotes with no context before you hear a word about her. Unless you are interested enough to look up Adams and check out the reporting from New York media. There is plenty of it.
Listen, I lived there for close to 20 years, so I know New Yorkers. They may be smart, but they won’t be amused at Adams’s flippant attitude about COVID.
Another Scott
TV notice – Looks interesting. ProPublica:
@Laura Too:
No argument from me.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: Here’s the Adams statement in (some) context. He seems to be talking about people who can’t work remotely? And after his comments the other day that seemed to suggest “swagger” would beat Covid, I’m glad to see he’s not only wearing mask, but a shirt that that says “Vaccine and testing”, and I heard he’s going to keep vaccine mandates for public places in place
The “my, my, my” is off-putting to me.
@Another Scott:
Thanks! I saw that listed and for some reason I assumed it was a repeat from the one that aired last year, which was really good. I just set the DVR to record.
If you have to announce that you’ve got swagger, you don’t have swagger.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@JPL: yeah, in hindsight I don’t think Jeb or Kasich could have stopped trump even if one had been willing to bow out for the other.
Nutty Ted was never gonna do anything for the greater good.
Little surprise how difficult herding ‘crats is.
@debbie: 70% of voters did not pick Adams first. But enough picked him second or third for him to win. And Adams did have the most first place votes.
This was New York City’s first ranked choice election. Under the old system, there would have been a runoff of the top two finishers if no one exceeded 40%. That might have been the case here.
Alaska debuts its ranked choice system this year. They’ll have an open ranked choice “jungle” primary. Then the top four finishers will face off in a ranked choice election in November. That seems like something Lisa Murkowski and Alaska’s campaign consultant industry might have designed.
That’s how I feel about covid too.
Mike in NC
@Scout211: May Elderly Larry soon join his idol Limbaugh in hell.
He’s never really expended any effort his entire life, he’s never spoken without saying something stupid, and he’s failed quite a bit at filling the room. Now getting booed by his own crowd is going to take some doing, but I believe they have done that once or twice as well. See it’s all going so well for SFB. The only thing that gives me any where near a smile when thinking of him is that there is a rather small but not zero chance he’ll spend time in jail before he dies. A day would even be enough for a small smile, although far longer would be better.
Sure Lurkalot
@Starfish: Paraphrasing:
Garçon Noir
“It’ll be devastating for NYC’s economy if y’all don’t take your asses back to in-person work and put your life on the line during a pandemic so capitalism can thrive!” -Eric Adams, NYC Mayor
@debbie: Not really. Repubs are less than 40% of the total population. Half of Repubs is under 20%. 2/3rds is 26%. Means a very small % of non-Repubs agree the election was stolen. Plausible.
@Steeplejack: He’s saying that the City needs swagger, so the Mayor needs to show it. Kind of an ethos of MABA- Make the Apple Big Again. But New Yorkers will judge Adams by his results, not his words.
@Sure Lurkalot:
Do you have the non-paraphrased quote?
@Laura Too:
I’d wait to see something from another source. Newsweek has not been very credible the last few years. Sold and resold among some sketchy owners. It’s not your dad’s Newsweek.
@Ruckus: He got booed for (once) suggesting that booster vaccine shots were a good idea; of course he also is still claiming that he deserves credit for the development of the vaccines.
Anyway, he supposedly is having another hate-rally/Herman-Cain-Award Nomination Event a week or so later; I guess that’s supposed to be the substitute.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Sure Lurkalot: has this person not heard about vaccines?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He also shit on essential workers in that clip. I do like the hoodie.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: A lot of New Yorkers take public transit. The current variant of COVID is highly contagious. People who have sick days are going to blow through them all by mid-January.
She’s hoping to be the leader of said party and wind up president.
When I first typed this I left the i out of said. Said, sad, really the sentiment is OK either way….
Fair Economist
@Sure Lurkalot: Twitter labeled the video of Eric Adams spouting that vicious nonsense as “possibly offensive”. Lol
@Felanius Kootea:
I very much agree with your insights here. Great stuff.
Here I think I disagree. One of Trump’s many weaknesses is that he always underestimates women who oppose him. He will belittle them, call them “nasty,” but he is incapable of ever acknowledging their competence or that they just might be able to kick his ass.
Laura Too
@Steeplejack: Ah, thank you! I know it used to be well respected, but I hadn’t kept up on it. The implications are staggering if true.
Well he wouldn’t be SFB if he didn’t get his hate/racism on every so often.
Ramona Rosario
@dmsilev: So, it’s possible that there are zero percent crazies?
Ramona Rosario
@Ihop: Sean Hannity/real estate fraud… worth another hmmm.
Rachel Maddow starting off with some hot Sean Hannity texts in possession of the January 6 committee.
@Alison Rose:
The Jews already got someone in the Catholic Church, he’s managed to get them to even worship him. Some hispanic guy, starts with a J.
@cain: This guy?
@dmsilev: Actually, Trump was booed twice for talking up vaccination. Once at a rally, and once at an event he held with Bill O’Oreilly. Then he he talked up vaccination in an interview with Candace Parker(?). There was no live audience, but he got booed a lot on the Internet by people including Alex Jones.
Trump is used to getting nothing but cheers from his base base, so this is new for him. I expect he will try to get them back on the trump train somehow, maybe by attacking Fauci while going silent on vaccination.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Starfish: Okay. I didn’t see any mention of public transportation or sick days in that tweet. Dismissing the effectiveness of vaccines is not helpful to the clusterfuck we’re in.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog
@phdesmond: “Well, quantum mechanics don’t work on cars, but they are people too.”
On Monday Adams seemed to indicate that the city’s swagger derives from his swagger: “When a mayor has swagger, the city has swagger.” And he got dragged by a lot of the commenters, presumably including some New Yorkers. It will be interesting to judge his results.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The LA Times had this (from earlier today):
For context, a bit over 2/3s of the total population of LA County is fully vaccinated, and another several percent have had at least an initial dose of the vaccine.
Jamie Raskin is talking about his new book with Rachel Maddow now.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: My younger sister lives in the city. She has to use the subway to get anywhere. She had a major cancer in 2021.
Your wishful-thinking about how well people should be doing at this stage of the pandemic is not a theoretical for me.
Her oncologist checked her blood to make sure she had immunity before clearing her to potentially go back to work one day a week. She had two of her vaccine doses during chemo, so it was not clear how much immunity she would have. She also had to navigate anti-vaccine folks in these cancer patient spaces, which was nuts.
Certain companies will take away supports for people like my sister as soon as they can.
Video with context. “My low-skilled workers” at 0:58.
Patricia Kayden
A Good Woman
@Laura Too: At least one guy is questioning it.
Frank Figliuzzi on the Newsweek article
I would expect a statement like that to come from one of the ladies who lunch. ??♀️
@Steeplejack: Let’s turn this into a music thread!
Boom Swagger Boom, Murder City Devils
The whole fucking problem is that Trump’s “brazen posture” is the brazen posture of a five year old throwing a temper tantrum. His get-out is the idea that he wasn’t mature enough to actually cause the insurrection, he just went along with it. We need to somehow convince people that it’s still worthy of condemnation and punishment.
ETA: I read “brazen pressure” as brazen posture, and fuck everything I’m into the 17 year old scotch so kiss my grits.
@Steeplejack: The performance of New York City’s Mayor is one of the most intensively reported matters in the U.S. Anyone who is really interested can access three major newspapers and a half dozen minor ones, not to mention broadcast reporting that gets repeated in text. Typically, what the Mayor is doing is a story on any given day.
There will also be good polling of New York’s citizens. A lot of them may not scan blogs and listen to podcasts like “high information” voters do, but they have their eyes open and care about how their city is run. Since I live 300 miles away, I will judge Adams mainly by how his contituents judge him.
Villago Delenda Est
@Suzanne: Here’s a music entry that is particularly appropriate as anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, and COVID denialists in general drop like flies: Also, too, has plenty of swagger, earned.
Also: one should not try to operate a still-unfamiliar iPhone 13 while under the influence of a potent Islay 17….
Villago Delenda Est
@different-church-lady: Five year olds are typically more mature. Three year old. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
@A Good Woman:
Re Newsweek:
Actually, it’s a Speyside….
Major swagger here: Bob Seger, “Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man.”
@different-church-lady: That sounds really good. Don’t forget to hydrate, though.
Wait, what’s this exploding meteor over Pittsburg thing?
I just heard a clip of DeSantis saying that vaccine passports had failed in the states that had used them. Anyone know which states used them?
@Laura Too:
There was I believe after the election some news that Trump has replaced the head of Special Ops, it was such shrewd news tbh.
I only skimmed this article but it could mean Trump tried to have Special Ops involved on 6 Jan.
@different-church-lady: The meteor missed me.
@Steeplejack: “I got gas in the tank, I got money in the bank.”
The Killers, The Man
@Geminid: Craigellachie 17. $175 and worth every penny.
Story here.
@Suzanne: Is there gas in the car? Yes, there’s gas in the car…
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: Braggin’ and Tryin’ Not to Lie.
Felanius Kootea
@different-church-lady: Don’t look up! (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself).
Ella in New Mexico
I’m so sick of being patient.
It’s been since January 20, 2017 and I’m so sick of this son of a bitch getting away with his crimes.
Dazz Band, “Let It Whip.”
Dan B
@SiubhanDuinne: I was amazed, as well, going from Schiff’s book to where I’d left Fiona Hill’s book ( to finish it before BJBC). Hill was recounting testimony at the Impeachment trial. It was her perspective vs. Adam Schiff’s. Bogglingly multi-layered.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Nice, but I will see that and raise you James Brown, The Boss.
ETA: Let It Whip was a standard at our fraternity parties in college. Our dance floors were full.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: NYC has swagger because it has been focused on one and only one thing for 400 years.
Hi, everybody. I don’t comment much, but I’ve been around for a long time. My friend Susan needs some help. Some years ago, she rescued a litter of kittens, who are now cats with medical problems. The latest is her darling Tabitha, who needed to have five teeth pulled. I’m asking on Susan’s behalf for donations for Tabitha’s vet bill of $1700. If you can spare anything, send it to my Venmo account, @Jeffery-Lanam. Susan is a bit of a technophobe and doesn’t want to set up a Venmo account. Thanks.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nice deep cut.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Becoming Pope?
@Steeplejack: More Pope stuff.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ella in New Mexico:
Losing patience won’t make it happen any faster. You have let it play out.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Gin & Tonic
For those who might care about such things, anti-government protests in Kazakhstan and the reaction to them have escalated quickly.
Yeah, no Borat jokes, please. This looks like it will get worse.
@Omnes Omnibus: But she can be stressed out while we wait!
I never understood the advice to relax while waiting for something. It’s not like that’s generally something one can control. Like, if I could turn off my impatience, I would be a totally different person.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: The musical part of the thread is dying but I can’t let it go without this.
Gin & Tonic
@Gin & Tonic: Here’s some background on what’s going on there.
@debbie: I mean, technically a vaccine passport is just an app for securely displaying your vaccine record so you don’t have to carry the card, so I suspect quite a few states have them. Virginia’s isn’t an app, you can just request a QR code. Only a handful of cities have required proof of vaccination (a vaccination card is always an alternative to the passport, I think) and I don’t think any states have, and places like NYC and SF have done relatively well.
So DeSantis is (unsurprisingly) both lying and talking nonsense. I’d imagine it’s code for “places that have it still have COVID so it failed, and since everything is Democrats vs. Republicans, if their plan fails that means the Republican plan wins!”
Omnes Omnibus
And I try not to worry about things that I cannot control. And it I can’t get myself to to that, I try to find a way to help the general cause and that make me feel better.
Thanks. I figured it was phony baloney.
Felanius Kootea
@Omnes Omnibus: I used to love Prince Charming when I was really young but my musical tastes have definitely changed.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felanius Kootea: But you really can’t beat Mr. Ant’s swagger. I like the Banks song though.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ella in New Mexico: how much time does it usually take to prepare an air-tight indictment for seditious conspiracy against a former president who will have limitless resources, an army of talented, ideologically-motivated lawyers and a good chance of appearing before judges who are judges precisely because they met the ideological standards of the party of said former president?
cause if there was ever a real world case of “If you take the shot, you’d best not miss”, it’s indicting and prosecuting trump.
Another Scott
@Origuy: I’m not on Venmo. Is PayPal an option?
Felanius Kootea
@Omnes Omnibus: “Ridicule is nothing to be scared of” was the line that got me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felanius Kootea: Hey, that’s how I live my life. Look at my comments here.
@Another Scott: I’ve never received money from PayPal, but you’re welcome to try. It’s jlanam AT comcast DOT net. Susan will appreciate it, as will Tabitha and her sisters Snickerdoodle, Sandtoes, Dixie, and Dusty. Also brother Braveheart, who’s a Nextdoor star in the neighborhood.
@Omnes Omnibus: I try not to worry about things, but intrusive thoughts and feelings happen. I also tend to be a person who channels nervous energy into tasks, but that doesn’t turn the nervous energy off. It just makes me feel less Protestant guilt simultaneously.
@Redshift: I’m hoping that the Democratic candidate in Florida can make an issue of DeSantis’ Presidential ambitions. They’re pretty obvious, and the theme of “DeSantis is just using you as a stepping stones” may resonate with voters. ” I can look you in the eye and promise that I’ll serve all four years of my term. Why won’t my opponent?”
That theme might resonate with Trump also. DeSantis is widely seen as the most likely Presidential nominee in 2024 after Trump, and DeSantis has yet to say he’ll pass on 2024 if Trump does run. This is something Trump expects, and some minor candidates have already made the pledge.
Trump would see DeSantis not only as a rival but as an ingrate. If it hadn’t been for Trump’s endorsement DeSantis might well not have won the nomination for Governor in 2018. Since he does not care about anyone but himself, Trump will be tempted to throw.a spoke into DeSantis’ wheel..
Never happen.
Another Scott
@Origuy: Done. Good luck!
I’ve been weird solo shifting, ( open, close, not what I am scheduled to do), just like a lot of other people at work, because Omicron has hit at work, since Dec 20th, despite being understaffed and stats, we have gone from 1 case, to 24 positive, and 31 out waiting out their 5 days and test results.
The MoH has “advised” employers to expect to have 35% of their staff out sick in this wave, advised them to have everyone on staff who can remote work, do so.
The Province also bumped the minimum mandated “paid sick leave”, up from 3 days to 5 days.
Tiger Beat on the Potomac sez a bunch of Republican senators felt Trump’s conference would be…unhelpful.
Mary G
@Origuy: Maybe send some pictures to AL for a crowd funding post?
Another Scott
One for Adam:
Steeplejack (phone)
You should set up a Zelle account and use your e-mail as the “address.” No fees and the money is transferred in minutes.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I thought Jeb could’ve snatched at the patch of ridiculous hair atop shit midas’s noggin at the first debate when he insulted shrub…shit Midas would’ve reacted like he did with that bald eagle and deflated his swagger…out of character and not to be
@Baud: “hay-seus”
@Another Scott:
Can’t wait to see that blowhard get his time in the barrel.
He seemed to fear Nancy when he was Preznit. Even when she was just the Minority Leader in the House.
@Steeplejack (phone): My Zelle account is the same email address. Thanks for the suggestion.
@Origuy, @Origuy:
You should repost this bleg for the day shift.