Stay safe blogfather! I hear chainmail is helpful.
A friend of mine bathes his cat by taking it into the shower with him. You could try that and see if Steve is more comfortable that way.
Just One More Canuck
Thoughts and prayers
To whom do you want donations made in your memory? American Cancer Society? The West-By-God-Virginia Infrastructure Fund? The Joe Manchin re-election campaign?
Oh no, I haven’t been able to share my spinach lasagna soup recipe with you yet! Ah well, I’ll serve it in your memory at your wake.
Wear some of those welding gloves that go all the way up the arms. Bulky but less flesh wounds.
@schrodingers_cat: I’ll have to show that video to mr opiejeanne, as he’s a big fan of Jennifer Garner.
I was laughing at her singing Muffin Man to the cat, being judgey because ours get a bit of the toreador song from Carmen. Good thing she had an assistant for part of this venture, because that cat was not well pleased.
Is it possible to instead mop the cat?
As my father used to tell me “Son, it won’t kill you…It’ll just make you wish you were dead.”
Just One More Canuck
@Alison Rose ???: @SFAW: not as bad as the ones the Astros have (shorts? I don’t think so)
We don’t know, sir. All we found was a damp cat and a note pinned to the body: “My name is John, blood type O, please feed my pets.”
And lo, a wave of trepidation rolled across the land….
@opiejeanne: I loved how she was making excuses for Moose after he slashed her.
Her laundry room looks better than my kitchen though!
Avē Imperātor, moritūrī tē salūtant.
Oh, and before the blood loss takes you, be sure to post some photos or vid of the Shavenation
@Ken: Holy FSM. My Mom tried that. Once. Let’s just say it’s a really bad idea – unless re-enacting the shower scene from Psycho is your thing.
Mike in Oly
@Ken: My former brother in law tried that once. The cat climbed him like a tree and went over the top of the stall.
The Moar You Know
A friend of mine bathes his cat by taking it into the shower with him. You could try that and see if Steve is more comfortable that way.
@Ken: my dear departed cat Piglet used to ask to get into the bathtub with me. So I bought her in, expecting to be slashed to ribbons once she made contact with the water. Nope. She loved it; would sit on my chest and purr, up to her shoulders in the water. Not normal but extremely adorable.
@TaMara: That brought all my cats to the room and they wanted to know why I was torturing a cat.
Doesn’t one normally undress before going into the shower, thereby exposing parts that may be less than desirous to be uncovered within a paws width of an animal who detests water to the level that this one does?
Look, you all don’t have to tell me there are risks. But isn’t it worth the experiment? Perhaps Steve will luxuriate in the feel of the shower, and emerge clean and content.
And perhaps pigs will fly without benefit of a cargo plane.
Matt McIrvin
@Ken: I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed.
“And that, me bucko, is the story of how your great-great-grandpappy invented the first nail gun.”
@trollhattan: nope, you are very mistaken. One of the best things about it is you can make it in one pot in just over an hour! I adapted a WaPost recipe if I remember correctly
@Amir Khalid: That kitty was incredibly well-behaved and the groomer was incredibly skillful. Bathing my cats almost always resulted in serious forearm injuries.
Would you care to share the recipe with the class? ?
@Baud: As an experienced bureaucrat, it’s apparent that Cole is the figurehead leader, but Watergirl is the one that makes everything go, so it’s effectively her blog.
Actively wondering what kind of bespoke soup Steve is going to turn John into.
@trollhattan: Are penalizing a tree with a vacuum?
We’re meant to vacuum the forests now, not merely rake them?
@NotMax: I don’t know. Looking to trollhattan for clarification.
So I now see that the NYC Subway attacker is a black nationalist. So that warrants national coverage. Course it should warrant national coverage for white nationalists, but y’know…
Those city series unis are pretty hit or miss. The new Nats ones with the cherry blossoms are pretty cool. Last year’s Red Sox ones were just confusing; blue and yellow with not a speck of red. Apparently those are the colors of the city flag, but they looked like they had been borrowed from UC Santa Barbara.
I know where his house is and it’s not too terribly far from here. If we get really worried, I can drive down and do a wellness check.
Spinach lasagna soup:
brown a finely chopped yellow onion and brown in oil. Add 3-5 cloves finely chopped garlic and 1/2 pound Italian sausage and cook thoroughly. Add 1/2 can of tomato paste, brown slightly and add oregano and basil a heavy tsp. each (I add a T.) Slowly add 4 cups low sodium chicken broth taking time to release anything that has stuck to the bottom on the pot. Add either a large can of crushed tomatoes or two cans chopped tomatoes (I extra chop some in the can). Bring to a boil then reduce heat to med low simmering for 15 min. I stop here because I can’t eat noodles but break up about 4 oz. lasagna noodles into bite size pieces and simmer for another 15 minutes. To serve, fill each bowl with an ounce or more baby spinach leaves, ladel the soup on top, stir, then top with some Parmesan and a big spoon drop of ricotta or ( what I use) thick strained yogurt. I leave the yogurt in the middle of my bowl and grab a partial spoon of it with the soup and enter temporary food heaven. Serves 5. I use a 5.5 quart enameled cast iron pot.
Get started now with Sentinel Spectrum and you will stay ahead of the fleas this year. One more month will be too late. Reminders for myself.
What happens to the blog?
Raoul Paste
Finally some news I can use!
David Anderson
Proof of life will be requested.
I think Watergirl has the spare set of keys to the blog
Have you called the local hospital to make sure they have sufficient blood supply on hand for you to go through with this activity?
Victor Matheson
Does anyone know where the GoFundMe is for the funeral?
Alison Rose ???
Pics or it didn’t happen.
I’ll pretend this is an OT and kvell about my baseball team being the one to have the first woman to serve as an on-field coach. First of many, we certainly hope!
At this point, I tend to think “When in doubt, hire out.” Keep your blood in your body by loosening cash from your wallet.
Stay safe blogfather! I hear chainmail is helpful.
A friend of mine bathes his cat by taking it into the shower with him. You could try that and see if Steve is more comfortable that way.
Just One More Canuck
Thoughts and prayers
To whom do you want donations made in your memory? American Cancer Society? The West-By-God-Virginia Infrastructure Fund? The Joe Manchin re-election campaign?
Livestream it.
For history’s sake.
@Ken: Wear a cup.
We’ll think of you often, and when we do, we’ll pet our cats (with welding gloves on).
I can’t decide if you’re kinky, sick, a prankster, or what.
@Alison Rose ???:
Congrats, but WTF is up with those ridiculous Giants uniforms?
Amir Khalid
I assume Steve’s bath and shave will go something like this.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: Wouldn’t that cause the chainmail to rust?
@Ken: Cole, naked, with a wet (and angry) cat in a small space. What’s the worst that could happen?
Sarah Mclachlan will sing at your wake.
What’s the spread on how many stitches Cole will need?
Mmm. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
Alison Rose ???
@SFAW: They’re a new “City Connect” uniform, which they wear to Tuesday home games, I believe. I agree they are……….not good.
Is your will signed and notarized?
@Amir Khalid: That brought all my cats to the room and they wanted to know why I was torturing a cat. LOL
Are you going to Livestream this event?
@Gravenstone: That is a visualization I could have done without.
Pete Mack
John, John, we hardly knew ye.
Make sure they bring you to a Level 1 trauma center!
West of the Rockies
Naked junk near your enraged cat… hmmm.
If Jennifer Garner can do it so can you.
Oh no, I haven’t been able to share my spinach lasagna soup recipe with you yet! Ah well, I’ll serve it in your memory at your wake.
Wear some of those welding gloves that go all the way up the arms. Bulky but less flesh wounds.
@schrodingers_cat: I’ll have to show that video to mr opiejeanne, as he’s a big fan of Jennifer Garner.
I was laughing at her singing Muffin Man to the cat, being judgey because ours get a bit of the toreador song from Carmen. Good thing she had an assistant for part of this venture, because that cat was not well pleased.
Is it possible to instead mop the cat?
As my father used to tell me “Son, it won’t kill you…It’ll just make you wish you were dead.”
Just One More Canuck
@Alison Rose ???: @SFAW: not as bad as the ones the Astros have (shorts? I don’t think so)
We don’t know, sir. All we found was a damp cat and a note pinned to the body: “My name is John, blood type O, please feed my pets.”
And lo, a wave of trepidation rolled across the land….
Good luck, and Godspeed.
@Just One More Canuck: The 1976 White Sox would like a word.
@opiejeanne: I loved how she was making excuses for Moose after he slashed her.
Her laundry room looks better than my kitchen though!
Avē Imperātor, moritūrī tē salūtant.
Oh, and before the blood loss takes you, be sure to post some photos or vid of the Shavenation
@Ken: Holy FSM. My Mom tried that. Once. Let’s just say it’s a really bad idea – unless re-enacting the shower scene from Psycho is your thing.
Mike in Oly
@Ken: My former brother in law tried that once. The cat climbed him like a tree and went over the top of the stall.
The Moar You Know
@Ken: my dear departed cat Piglet used to ask to get into the bathtub with me. So I bought her in, expecting to be slashed to ribbons once she made contact with the water. Nope. She loved it; would sit on my chest and purr, up to her shoulders in the water. Not normal but extremely adorable.
That could be a problem, if you live in Ulthar.
You’ve alerted the neighbors to ignore the screams, right?
@schrodingers_cat: Her laundry room is nearly as big as my kitchen, and I have a good-sized kitchen.
My laundry room is an unpleasant space, too small/wrong shape to be made into anything much better, but you know I’m going to try.
I assume that’s a standing policy.
West of the Rockies
On a quiet small-town street in West Virginia, a man decided to shower with his cat. But then… something went wrong. Something went terribly wrong.
Tonight on Dateline…
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not if it’s made of either mithril or vibranium.
I think it’s smart that you waited for the hospitals to be clear of Covid patients before doing this.
OK, I’m confused; are you suggesting Cole (try to) get Jennifer Garner in the shower and bathe her?
Or am I mixing up comments?
Darmok, his eyes wide open as his flesh is flayed. Jalad, laughing his ass off and posting it on YouTube.
ETA: Or TikTok? For youse kids?
If we don’t hear from him for 24 hours does someone have the ability to contact his parents?
Doesn’t one normally undress before going into the shower, thereby exposing parts that may be less than desirous to be uncovered within a paws width of an animal who detests water to the level that this one does?
@Omnes Omnibus
Tenuously obligatory?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ken: Cole would be naked. Are you sure that’s a good idea with Steve?
@SFAW: Now we’re talking.
Do you seriously have a spinach lasagna soup recipe?
Three words that go together like vacuum, tree, penalize.
tonight… on a very special episode of Grey’s Anatomy… inspired by true life events….
Old School
Wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve had – and enjoyed – lasagna soup. Adding spinach to it doesn’t seem out of the question.
In fact, Google turns up a number of options.
Subcommandante Yakbreath
Tots & pears.
Look, you all don’t have to tell me there are risks. But isn’t it worth the experiment? Perhaps Steve will luxuriate in the feel of the shower, and emerge clean and content.
And perhaps pigs will fly without benefit of a cargo plane.
Matt McIrvin
@Ken: I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed.
@mrmoshpotato: yes and it is wonderful!
@Matt McIrvin:
Wait. The whole point is for Steve to get his hair mussed.
“And that, me bucko, is the story of how your great-great-grandpappy invented the first nail gun.”
@trollhattan: nope, you are very mistaken. One of the best things about it is you can make it in one pot in just over an hour! I adapted a WaPost recipe if I remember correctly
@Amir Khalid: That kitty was incredibly well-behaved and the groomer was incredibly skillful. Bathing my cats almost always resulted in serious forearm injuries.
Would you care to share the recipe with the class? ?
@Baud: As an experienced bureaucrat, it’s apparent that Cole is the figurehead leader, but Watergirl is the one that makes everything go, so it’s effectively her blog.
Actively wondering what kind of bespoke soup Steve is going to turn John into.
@trollhattan: Are penalizing a tree with a vacuum?
We’re meant to vacuum the forests now, not merely rake them?
@NotMax: I don’t know. Looking to trollhattan for clarification.
So I now see that the NYC Subway attacker is a black nationalist. So that warrants national coverage. Course it should warrant national coverage for white nationalists, but y’know…
Alison Rose ???
@NotMax: Just send an armada of Roombas out into the woods, everything will be great
@Martin: Any coverage of our national embarrassment that is lack of federal gun control? I kid! Of course not!
I think the media gives a lot of attention to Republican Congresscritters.
@Alison Rose ???:
Those city series unis are pretty hit or miss. The new Nats ones with the cherry blossoms are pretty cool. Last year’s Red Sox ones were just confusing; blue and yellow with not a speck of red. Apparently those are the colors of the city flag, but they looked like they had been borrowed from UC Santa Barbara.
@Alison Rose ???
Alice Chipmunk: “Oh hi, Frank. What’cha doin’?”
Frankie Chipmunk: “Waiting for the 8:10 Roomba.”
I know where his house is and it’s not too terribly far from here. If we get really worried, I can drive down and do a wellness check.
Spinach lasagna soup:
brown a finely chopped yellow onion and brown in oil. Add 3-5 cloves finely chopped garlic and 1/2 pound Italian sausage and cook thoroughly. Add 1/2 can of tomato paste, brown slightly and add oregano and basil a heavy tsp. each (I add a T.) Slowly add 4 cups low sodium chicken broth taking time to release anything that has stuck to the bottom on the pot. Add either a large can of crushed tomatoes or two cans chopped tomatoes (I extra chop some in the can). Bring to a boil then reduce heat to med low simmering for 15 min. I stop here because I can’t eat noodles but break up about 4 oz. lasagna noodles into bite size pieces and simmer for another 15 minutes. To serve, fill each bowl with an ounce or more baby spinach leaves, ladel the soup on top, stir, then top with some Parmesan and a big spoon drop of ricotta or ( what I use) thick strained yogurt. I leave the yogurt in the middle of my bowl and grab a partial spoon of it with the soup and enter temporary food heaven. Serves 5. I use a 5.5 quart enameled cast iron pot.
Get started now with Sentinel Spectrum and you will stay ahead of the fleas this year. One more month will be too late. Reminders for myself.
Prayers for you, Cole
Ukraine colors 5 months early?
Proper authoritahs alerted. You monster. :P