It’s a bracing thing being lectured by Justice Thomas about declining respect for the rule of law so soon after he and his wife were part of a plot to overthrow the government.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 7, 2022
Great news on this one, sir, they absolutely never are.
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) May 7, 2022
Heere come the minions of the GOP Death Cult…
“Roe v. Wade made men like me unfuckable” isn’t the argument you think it is
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) May 6, 2022
This is exactly and literally the argument — that accidental pregnancy binds men and women into a particular life pattern, and that is a happy outcome.
— Asad Sayeed (@asayeed) May 6, 2022
This is unfair. Douthat is eminently qualified to write creepy, repressed, Falangist screeds.
Now, why the NYT believes said screeds qualify for publication is another question entirely.
— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) May 6, 2022
they’re in jail on manufactured crimes, I’m possibly mildly inconvenienced by watching my jail-women team losing a few winnable seats, it is clear who’s suffering here
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) May 6, 2022
Letting women vote — that was our big mistake. The 19th Amendment, almost as bad as the Fourteenth!
The ensuing electoral nuclear bomb won't just be about abortion, it will also be about Republicans feeling free to say the things out loud that they only said in private before. Imagine a thousand "legitimate rape" lines, all at once.
— The Substack of Boba Fett (@agraybee) May 6, 2022
actually boiling you alive is hardest on the chef, somebody leaked the menu early, imagine the pressure I’m under!
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) May 6, 2022
Cameo appearance by the ‘intellectual’ Right’s favorite expat:
Right after the magical "everyone gets along" summer of 1968.
— jteckmann (@jteckmann) May 7, 2022
Stephen Colbert: “If these folks believe Roe was so egregiously decided, why didn’t they tell the senators during their confirmation hearings? Because Americans support abortion at 80%. They knew that if they were honest they wouldn’t get the job, so they lied, which is perjury.”
— Ronald Lebow (@RonLebow) May 5, 2022
I hope Douthat has seen the responses to his pathetic tweet.
Yes, the guy who’s wife helped organize and bus in the Capitol poopers is complaining about being bullied.
The balls on these fucking people.
Wasn’t Douthat the “chunky Reese Witherspoon” guy? (Rhetorical question; Google says yes.) If I were a woman, I’d be giving him a wide berth on account of that alone.
Fucking Sully. Somebody tell him about the College Republicans and Barry Goldwater. Better yet, the John Birch Society and HUAC and Joe McCarthy and George Wallace and Vietnam and MLK Jr and….
Then shove a calendar up his ass and have him show the year Roe was issued.
Somewhere, surely, there must be a photo of Gorsuch in which he has just a normal face — not sneering or pouting or suffused with rage. But if such exists, I sure haven’t seen it for a while! Ugly exterior to match his interior. It’s pathetic.
@debbie: He doesn’t care. I’ve never seen him care. Contrition is not in his nature. Because, you see, he is RIGHT. And because he believes he is RIGHT every time he sees any opposition to his ideas it just confirms to him how RIGHT he is.
“Right after the magical “everyone gets along” summer of 1968″ was priceless.
@SiubhanDuinne: All I can say is Colorado got a lot of ‘splainin’ to do.
Is Roe the cause of this? Much of this has to do with increasing access to birth control, some with the over-incarceration of the American public and its knock-on cultural effects, the last is likely just how people choose to operate their families.
Only one of these I consider “bad*,” one other is arguable at best. The others are just things. I Douthat he agrees, though.
*Kids being forced to live without their fathers. That’s forced, not when it’s a choice the parents make.
The Federalist Society was specifically designed to get Roman Catholic reactionaries onto the federal bench to rule over the 76% of the country that isn’t catholic.
There go two miscreants
The Constitution exists to serve the people, not the other way around. If the majority differs with it, it needs to be amended; that’s why that process is in there, notwithstanding that the other processes put in there by the founders makes that currently impossible. I have never understood the reverence for the intentions of the founders; I don’t care what they wanted, and I really don’t give a damn for the opinions of some 17th century English jurist.
His mother was an early Reagan nut job who ran the EPA under Watt. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree in that family.
Luckily Colorado’s mainstream politics has moved significantly left since then. We’re not out of the woods, what with Boebert, but overall a better place.
@lowtechcyclist: I don’t think he looks like Reese Witherspoon at all, chunky or otherwise.
One could just as well say
and it would make just as little sense.
All the boohooing, none of the devotion: “Lagrimas Negras,” Trio Matamoros
[The song is such a Cuban classic that it has its own webpage, including English lyrics. Other great versions not linked there are instantly available under the title on ytube. I haven’t heard a bad one yet.]
We’ll have to build a network of safehouses for abortion rights folks. It should be as extensive and secretive as the entire region of the US that hid Robert Eric Rudolph.
The pro-choice states have better housing and food. We can beat the hell out of them at this game.
@There go two miscreants: What you said.
The world belongs to the living. What is the use in tying ourselves in knots about what a bunch dead people thought back in 1787, and using that as a basis for every policy decision in 2022?
Jefferson himself said as much:
“We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”
He needs to go like Russian warship!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Cacti: I find I’m having trouble talking about the SCOTUS argument on Roe without sounding anti-Catholic. I was raised Catholic but no longer am. I feel as if the Catholic church is reaching out and trying to run my life anyway. Alito has declared himself the pope of America, and the rest of us have to accept his infallible authority whether we like it or not. Is it anti-Catholic to say there are too many Catholics on the Supreme Court?
Then I remind myself that Biden is Catholic.
EarthWind&Fire (formerly bluegirlfromwyo)
We’ll be convicted in our righteousness – best Freudian slip ever or least self-aware statement ever? I report, you decide.
@There go two miscreants
Supreme Court, then, re: Constitutional interpretation:
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Hell, the Pope probably has more enlightened views than Catholic SC 5.
New Deal democrat
FWIW, I am beginning to suspect that one of the leaks came from Roberts himself.
He is known to care about the reputation of the court, and he is politically canny.
Leaking the draft opinion has ignited a firestorm that will go thermonuclear if it is the final outcome. Roberts might be giving the hardliners the chance to see that blowback before the decision is final, hoping one or more gets cold feet.
@SiubhanDuinne: You are talking about Kavanaugh. Gorsuch is the one that looks like a constipated Ken doll.
@Wag: And it went about as well as you might think.
@NotMax: The Waltons have been getting away with undermining the traditional American family for far too long.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Recall when candidate JFK had to make a statement that he did not take direction from the Vatican? Those were simpler times.
It’s striking how he writes about relationships as though women have no agency. Assuming he’s correct on the numbers, men and women are less likely to get married, men and women are less likely to have children, men and women with kids are less likely to live together. And just as obviously, women have become more likely to participate in the workforce since Roe.
He has and he doesn’t fucking care, none of them do. They want their Christian utopia and they want it now and they constantly bleet of how if they don’t get it they can’t practice their religion and thus anything and everything are allowed because Christianity is all that matters so they need a Franco now. And it’s everyone elses fault because they won’t submit to Christian sexual morality.
You want him to care? Here’s how.
Protest churches. Go in there and scream and shout during mass and wave coat hangers at them. Scream and yell at them when they enter and scream and yell at them when they leave. Wave coat hangers at them and throw red paint at them for blood. Quit all donations to Christian charities and demand coporations do the same. Launch lawsuits at them.
That is how you get them to start caring. Short of that, they will not care.
People are already starting to ruin mass and protest churches, that’s a good start. Some people have spray painted churches and clinics that push anti abortion propaganda on women, also good. The moltovs that hit some of those clinics are over the top but that was always going to happen.
Shit talking Ross Douthat on twitter won’t matter and he will feel smug when he goes into mass as well all of them. Now ruining his mass and those of his fellow travelers, making them and their families extremely uncomfortable going into and out of church… that he will care about.
zhena gogolia
@prostratedragon: omara portuondo and a flamenco singer whose name I can’t remember.
Women have learned they don’t have to settle. Roe has nothing to do with all these whining losers. They have only themselves to blame.
Mike in NC
A radical right-wing Supreme Court stripping away our rights is just another way for Putin to try to destroy this country.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Oh, I was rude to my mother-in-law when we spoke to her today. She was going to look at a Christian college in the South for a granddaughter, and I was like “Oh no!” about the whole thing. She said they seemed to have Christian values and not forced prayer, and I replied, “HOW HAVE THOSE CHRISTIAN VALUES BEEN GOING THIS WEEK?” And I am not sure if she just ignored it or did not care about the death of Roe.
@New Deal democrat:
Maybe? My assumption is it can’t be Roberts because he knows those five will heel-dig in response to “this outrage.” Hard to imagine one of them caving and tagging along with Roberts to overturn the lower court, and that’s presuming Roberts is willing to do that himself. “The Boys” are our only hope and I’ll go with Gorsuch only because he’s a cypher.
I’m in the cheap seats with cheap binoculars, and don’t know squat.
@RSA: Facts.
@debbie: Also too, this.
@Starfish: “What’s the campus women’s health clinic like?”
I’d begin there.
Sorry, I meant Kavanaugh. (Couldn’t figure out the Colorado reference until I realised I screwed up the name ID.)
@debbie: Douthat doesn’t care. He’s been letting his asshole flag fly in public for a long time. From 2001, when he was an undergraduate.
Malevolent twit.
My favorite response to Douthat’s nonsense was this one that noted the decline of unemployment since the release of Britney Spears’ song “Work Bitch.”
@Dorothy A. Winsor: The Roman Catholic Church is a fundamentally reactionary institution that has been fighting a losing battle against modernity since the start of the Enlightenment. There are plenty of fine individual Catholics, but the institutional church has and forever will be an enemy of human progress.
One of the more nefarious things they have done in recent times is the quiet buying up of US healthcare providers so that services can be dictated by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
I would be fine with leaving the religious alone to practice their religion if that’s all that they wanted. But that’s never enough for them. They want to bring the rest of us to heel, and that’s something that I can’t abide.
zhena gogolia
@prostratedragon: Diego el Cigala
I have seen (and felt) so much incandescent rage this week. And reading asshats calling us “hysterical” and talking about taking away our right to vote (ANOTHER right) is not going to change that.
@trollhattan: When I was an undergrad, I am pretty sure that the university medical clinic would proactively ask us if we had some Plan B on hand and write us a prescription for one, just in case we needed it if we did not.
A Republican in Arkansas admitted they got rid of the rape and incest exception because their rabid religious fundamentalist base vowed to primary them if they didn’t. About 13,000 girls and women rape/incest victims received an abortion last year. So 13,000 US girls and women, every year, will now be forced to carry the child of their rapist when these bans go into effect.
Wondering the other day about Martin Luther King’s preparation for non-violent protest.
It was not cleansing. It was self-purification.
“In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action. We have gone through all these steps in Birmingham.”
@debbie: Douthat has a lifetime sinecure with the goddamn New York Times. All he has to do is type up (or, more likely, have an unpaid intern type up) some theocratic gibberish twice a week. He couldn’t care less what people think of him. I’ve been wondering for the past 13 years why the Times is paying this clown. I think that the real reason is that his musings provide a shiny object to distract readers from the real goal of the Times — massaging the 0.01% in New York City and elsewhere.
Villago Delenda Est
Clarence Thomas is unadulterated scum.
To the extent that the Catholic Church wades into PUBLIC policy in this country that affects all citizens, not just Catholics, they open themselves up to any and all legitimate criticism from any and all Americans. Every damn one of those SCOTUS creeps took an oath to the Constitution not to the Pope. If they find their faith inconsistent with the Constitution they should fucking resign.
Half my extended family is Catholic as are all my in-laws. My wife was raised Catholic including K-12 Catholic schools and Catholic university. She is as anti-Catholic as they come.
RedState is begging USSC to release decision NOW. Fault of liberals and the leak, of course. Truth be told, they must be shitting themselves that the Big One comes for Thomas (chosen given he was just in the Hospital) before the Final Vote. Damn the proceedings to replace Thomas would be must see TV.
@Kent: I was raised Catholic. After a stint of aetheism, I developed a sort of Unitarian Universalist outlook before I knew what that was.
Catholicism still is the biggest part of my faith experience and I have no love for those Catholics who would impise their religion on others. In fact, I believe religiously that one should not.
@Cacti: Yup. I grew up as a Catholic, but, after some thought, I walked away from the Catholic Church (and all other churches) at age 17. Several of my cousins, who I love, are devout Catholics, but I despise the Catholic Church as an institution.
It’s cultural. They intend to roll back all of women’s cultural and workplace gains too. A HUGE theme on the Right is that more women attend college now than men. They intend to fix that, with fewer women going. Workplace gains for women? You can forget it. That stops now.
Go look at the countries that don’t have a right to basic bodily autonomy for women. These are not successful places and particularly brutal if you’re female. That’s where they’re taking us.
I think all of this is…. great.
Lots of men, for ever, have been not worth marrying or employing. They had undeserved good outcomes for a long time. Those days are over.
@Kropacetic: I have no problem with the Catholic faith per se. And in some ways it is far superior to the evangelical fundamentalism that pervades much of this country.
However when the Catholic Church decides to get outside its lane and try to dictate/influence policy for ALL Americans, Catholic or otherwise, then it opens the door to relentless and vicious pushback. And deservedly so.
@Villago Delenda Est: I’ve often wondered how a Black man, who grew up under Jim Crow, could be such a toxic reactionary. The simplest explanation might be the truest one: money and power. Right-wing white men are a dime a dozen, but a right-wing black man is a rare commodity and will be paid in money and power accordingly. Supply and demand.
@TonyG: The assumption that there are not many right wing black men is not right.
There are numerous right wing black men. They may not get jobs pontificating in the New York Times, but they are real people.
@Kent: I don’t even think most American Catholics are on board with this. The Ds occasionally win that vote as a demo.
I’m glad one of them finally admitted it. Their purported “concern” for women and children was actually about men. God knows it isn’t about women and children- the states they run and are a majority in have the worst outcomes for women and children in the country consistently, for decades. They’re the worst for woman and children – dead last. The best thing that mother could do for those children is get them the hell out of a Right wing state.
@Kent: My wife was also raised Catholic and did most her K-12 years in Catholic schools. She actually graduated high school with Amy Coney. Our kids are being raised Catholic. (Me? Self selected Methodist when I was a kid…now atheist) My wife does not remember or recognize Catholics like her high school classmate or those other lunatics on SCOTUS. I grew up in a very Catholic town and I feel the same….where did these types of Catholics come from? They more like evangelicals…they may as well just be Southern Baptist.
As for the RC leadership, these wingut Catholics think it has been overrun by a bunch of gay bishops and priests who are calling the shots. That loon Archbishop Vigano who hates Francis comes from that school of thought.
They have sown the wind…
@Timill: Not something to be celebrated or feel righteous about.
If he wins, and he might, this is who will be directing the new pregnancy regulation laws in Michigan. An absolute far Right loon. There are thousands of them in positions of power in statehouses.
You better vote like your life depends on it for each and every state candidate, because these are the people who will be putting in abortion laws. He’s in charge of your health care decisions. Get REAL familiar with state races.
@zhena gogolia: Diego el Cigala, you probably mean. He has a couple of versions on ytube, one of which is with Bebo Valdes. The song is a natural for flamenco style.
Omara Portuondo is still active at 90+ years. Here’s a beautiful “Lagrimas Negras” from last year, with Mexican singer Carlos Rivera.
[slight edti]
@Kay: I keep harping on Tyler Cowen’s assertion that “all politics is about relative social status”…. but that’s because it’s so painfully true. Working-class white dudes have lower relative status because they got complacent in the last fifty years and everyone else is out-competing them. They’re getting beat by women especially, who are apparently better than they are at getting college degrees, but also apparently are better at conscientious behavior that helps them hold jobs.
Lots of changes have come in the last fifty years and many of them serve to lower the relative social status of working-class white dudes. But, like, I’m sorry…. I really don’t care. They had every opportunity, maybe even more opportunity, to outperform their peers and instead they nursed their grievance. I went to a no-name public high school over twenty years ago, the kind where most people are poor, and violence was pretty common. And every damn adult there told us to work our asses off to get scholarship money for college, or to join the military, and that the jobs our parents had would not be enough for us. If they didn’t hear it, didn’t listen, I don’t give a shit.
@Timill: And Civil War 2, Electric Boogaloo, begins. Ugh.
@Kropacetic: They vandalized their own building in the Live, Laugh, Love font.
@Suzanne: In the free coupons that come in the mail, there was an ad for some garage door people, and the dude had an ad saying that they served both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. They also had a little circle with the word “cancel culture” crossed out. Can you imagine being a dude pissing away money to run these ads in an area that is mostly Democratic thinking you will get business? Just absolutely zero sense.
Agreed. These fucking fetus fetishists…
@Starfish: What makes you think they did it themselves? I wouldn’t put it past them, it was one of my first thoughts, but I didn’t see anything in the article to support that. It is being investigated.
@Starfish: There’s so many people who are absolutely deluded into thinking that their preferences matter to other people. Like expecting that the right kinds of customers or clients are looking for them, that retailers want their money or brands want them to purchase their stuff and go out in public wearing it. It isn’t true. I have negative zero sadness for people like Mr. Garage Door Seller, who will soon find this out. Nobody gives a shit.
I worked in marketing for a bit. I am keenly aware that only some people’s desires matter.
@Kropacetic: Vandals are not often taking their time to write neatly. Vandals usually include swears. The thing that burned seemed fairly contained.
What are non-profits like this going to do in a post-Roe world? Will they be able to fundraise in the same way?
@Starfish: The investigation is over. Clearly you have everything we need to prosecute this case.
@Kropacetic: Considering that they essentially want a 13th Amendment carve-out for women, I kinda think it is something worth feeling pretty good about. Living, breathing, functioning human beings are going to be brutally and cruelly impacted by the things that these people have been working towards; women will have fewer human rights due to their actions, and thus they wish to make women less human.
Nah, fuckem, they’ve got 41 more pips on the red side of their ledger as far as I’m concerned.
@Damien: Consider arson. Consider this is a city. Even if you can justify this act, is it the only thing in that building? Are there attached buildings? What if a firefighter gets hurt?
No. That was bad.
@debbie: This is true now even in India – they are now independent both socially and financially – and they aren’t taking shit from men or their mothers.
@Kropacetic: Would I prefer these people’s headquarters be out in the remote countryside with nothing flammable around it? Sure, I’d love that, just like how I’d like for ISIS to have not put their bases right in the middle of civilian infrastructure.
We didn’t start this, either the conflict or the violence, so I’m not going to let these people use my general respect for civil society as a shield for themselves while they blowtorch the support beams of that same civil society. Fuck that, fuck the
Also, ETA to say: I was wrong, that was 42 bombings these assholes undertook against women’s health and abortion clinics, it’s 177 arsons on the ledger. They got a lot of blood, fear, and pain to pay back
AM in NC
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think saying NOBODY’s religious beliefs should be determining our laws is maybe a way to square this circle.
Conservatives don’t want Shari’a law? Well, we don’t want Mari’a law. And according to our Constitution and the private letters of our founders, they didn’t want it either.
I think it is perfectly appropriate to talk about keeping the separation of Church and State inviolate, and to say these justices are NOT doing that. You don’t need to mention Catholicism (even though we know that’s what’s going on here).
@Damien: Violence catches like fire. We can choose not to fuel it. That’s my last on this.
AM in NC
@Suzanne: This. 100% this. White dudes in general (I know, not all white dudes) got used to having to do less work for more status or the same amount of work for far superior status, and as that is changing they didn’t up their games.
I own a chain of retail stores, and we always try to hire a couple of high school students over the summer to give local kids a chance at a first job. The difference in the work ethics and social skills between the boys and girls has been a real eye-opener. If you want something done right, and without a shitty attitude, I swear, ask a high-achieving high school girl.
@Starfish: Yeah, I have a niece who moved to Texas to get away from her parents, and I’m like have a clue, you’re safer in WA state.
@AM in NC: As I was that high-achieving high school girl…. can confirm.
I’m just stunned by adults who are surprised that school performance and academic credentials have influence on income. Like…. there are grown-ass people who didn’t get this memo.
@eclare: how could it not?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Twitter they were showing quotes from some of the wierdos defending Alito’s crap draft and they sounded like a bunch twenty something into some male domination kink thing like Gor rather than merely Christian religious fundamentalists.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Piffle, American Graffiti came out in 1973, Harrison Ford caused that marriage crash by being far too studly for America. Two people can play your stupid made up fact game Ross.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Ehhhh, I think Ross is probably right about there being a causative relationship between women being able to have agency over their bodies and loser men not being able to get laid or have kids.
I just don’t see a problem.
This “Should be left up to the states” argument is absurd on it’s face. If you think abortion is wrong, how can you think it’s wrong in Texas but not wrong in Rhode Island?
Good column from today’s LA Times about a Texas woman needing an abortion who was helped by Planned Parenthood in California.
No offense to anyone who has already weighed in on Douthat, but I think the simplest explanation for his “dudes ain’t marryin’ or fatherin'” is that it’s a complete non-sequitur. It may be the most orphaned data point I’ve ever seen.
@Suzanne: Yup:
Women have agency => Women don’t screw losers
Women have agency => Roe v Wade
Roe v Wade => women can screw losers and not be stuck with them.
Problem? What problem?
The focus on the “now men can’t impregnate women to get them to marry us” implication of Ross Dingbat’s Tweet is appropriate but it kind of obscures the different implications of the “men are less likely to participate in the work force” part, which is, if we women hadn’t had all of our (imagined) multiple abortions, we would not be able to be so successful at taking all these jobs from men.
You know, the helpful thing about this jerk is that he says out loud what I now know many conservative men think-they look at successful. highly education, highly paid women with no or one kid and assume we have had a lot of abortions.
I’ve had zero. None if his goddam business, but I have had zero. I know this to be true of many women. And of all my friends who have had an abortion, it was never about “damn, if I have this baby I won’t get promoted next month”. Never.
We were in a college town shiskabab place Saturday and two young dudes, obviously students sat down behind my husband. I listened things like “my relationship with god is the most important thing” and “I want to have kids and form a religious support community for the families” . A wife or girlfriend was never mentioned, like she didn’t or wouldn’t matter; he had his plan and he’s going to carry it out. I didn’t realize my husband has been listening too until he brought it up in car later as a “wow, did you hear the two God squaders back there?”.
Matt McIrvin
It may actually work for them. Nobody is more resentful than the right-wingers who live in liberal areas–as I said back in 2016, the most enthusiastic Trumpsters were blue-state Republicans. You could probably get all their business just by putting “Let’s Go Brandon” on your truck at this point, unless somebody else beat you to it. It’s a niche but a powerfully motivated one.
The devil’s work is never finished. They will move right on to banning birth control, gay marriage, LGBT rights, and lobbying for a national federal abortion ban.
Oh yes. Or they think we got jobs, or school spots, or whatever, due to affirmative action or sleeping with bosses or some other unearned preference. They just cannot accept that women, minorities, LGBT people, nerds, etc….. are kicking ass because we’re outcompeting them. But don’t hate the player, hate the game.
It is as we have always said: this is entirely about control. White men only got to be successful en masse when other people weren’t allowed to play the game. So now they once again want to use pregnancy as a lever of control.
patrick II
@Dorothy A. Winsor: @Dorothy A. Winsor:
They aren’t average Catholics, but Catholics vetted by Opus Dei’s Leonard Leo to be conservative Catholics well past what an average Catholic or even the Pope believes. I am concerned about conservative religionists of all brands, protestants, Catholics, muslim, or any other religous group that feels they should rule the world based on their exclusive knowledge of God’s word.
@Suzanne: In other words, men can’t make it in the workforce without an involuntary indentured servant at home to look after their shit and raise the children they sire upon her
[stolen/paraphrased; i forget where from]
78% of anti-abortion voters want women criminally liable. The extreme anti-women stance you’re seeing at the state level is what the GOP base voters want, and state legislators will give it to them- they already are.
None of the sophisticated and slick “national leaders” of anti-abortion groups guaranteeing the public that this won’t happen have any control over it. It’s a guarantee they can’t make, so therefore a lie. They can’t promise anyone “what will happen”. They have no control over any of it.
Absolutely abortion will be criminalized in some states and women will be charged. Just the sheer number of far Right legislators in uncompetitive gerrymandered districts in 25 states assure that.
They know this in the national anti abortion groups. Of course they do- many of them are well compensated, powerful and well connected lawyers. They simply have decided to mislead the public and trick women. Not trustworthy or ethical people.
Bill Arnold
He did not show causality. He asserted it.
79% of anti-abortion people believe any company paying for an abortion should be held criminally liable, along with any individual who helped the women procure one.
This is the anti-abortion movement. These are their voters. They expect, and will demand, criminal prosecutions.
Don’t let the slick, well rehearsed lawyers for anti-abortion groups fool you. The anti-abortion movement- their base voters– intend to punish women. That is wildly popular among their voters. They are more enthusiastic about rounding up and arresting women than they are for just about anything else.
And that makes sense, right? That they will punish women. Their position is life begins at conception. Their base voters and small donors ( not the fancy lawyers who run the orgs) will understandably and sensibly demand women be arrested. Wouldn’t you? This religious doctrine they fed you just you told that abortion is murder. You’d expect and demand arrests.
And state legislators and governors and AGs in Republican states will turn women over to them. Happily.