Olivia Rodrigo bringing out Lily Allen to sing Fuck You and dedicating it to the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v Wade is not what I expected from Glastonbury but I’m here for it pic.twitter.com/xSJHvNqZT4
— LJW (@liamjamesward) June 25, 2022
The official (unexpurgated, NSFW) BBC video:
See it's weird to me you're not rejoicing in your long-fought victory. It makes me think the dog caught the car. https://t.co/mQi8tgAixy
— The Substack of Boba Fett (@agraybee) June 25, 2022
Given how many Republicans aren't celebrating and are instead trying to tell everyone they'll still have abortion access, they agree with me.
— The Substack of Boba Fett (@agraybee) June 25, 2022
I hope we bury them.
Mallard Filmore
I just saw a YouTube CNN interview with Mark Short, former Pnce chief of staff. He made very nice mouth noises about “provide those women with the care and services that they need.” So where are the proposals to have the government fund the care and services? Show us that the GOP is working on that.
No doubt the funding is being worked on right now, and a bill will be introduced into Congress in two weeks, just like Trump’s health insurance proposal. No, Short. You are simply lying. Again. The GOP will always stonewall funding behind “take responsibility for your actions”.
If some women have to die so that you can bask in the glory of White Jesus, you are fine with that.
“Former Pence chief of staff says Meadows was telling “all sorts of stories” after 2020 election”
Anyone still with the GOP has the morals of a baby snatcher.
James E Powell
@Mallard Filmore:
It’s a mistake to engage in any way with what everyone knows it bullshit. Just say it’s bullshit and move on.
I have a question for older jackals.
I vaguely remember a circa-1990 scandal regarding leaked documents prepping republican judges to lie about Roe during their appointment hearings. Did this really happen?
Fucking google is useless these days:(
I feel Olivia Rodrigo
Mallard Filmore
@James E Powell: I prefer to be very abrasive while pointing out the lies with an example or two.
It might be a waste of time, but not a mistake.
Tony Jay
Calling out the Sinister Six, by name, in such a direct way was a very ballsy thing for a 19 year old breakout singer to do, even more so when you consider who else was performing at Glastonbury this year and how muted this makes everyone else’s protests look (in comparison).
Rodrigo can expect to be doing a lot of touring over the next year. I can easily imagine the various astroturfed ‘concerned conservative parents of America’ groups targeting her for bans and protests a la The Dixie Chicks, especially when her tour schedule takes her below the modern day Mason-Dixon Line and into Zero Abortion states.
I hope she gets the help and protection she deserves for making this stand.
@Tony Jay: Calling them out by name was impressive. And so deserved.
Fearless might just be the perfect answer to brazen. If they’re going to make us feel like we have nothing to lose by fighting, then I hope they enjoy the taste of the tires on that car they caught.
I have tears in my eyes. Fuck you, SCOTUS
@hervevillechaizelounge: Long ago (since he has long passed), I ran into the other Herve in Westwood. Don’t recall much about the encounter. Tonight thinking about my run in with Ron Kovic (won’t say where as he might still live there). Maybe it’s because next week is the 4th. He had a beauty on each arm so I couldn’t speak to him.
All I recall is the USSC nominations became blood sport after Bork. I’m not the least bit surprised around that time frame if nominees were coached.
Tony Jay
Aye. Unambiguous and straight to the point. They don’t give a fuck about freedom and have just sentenced innumerable women and girls to death.
“We hate you” indeed. And “Fuck your very, very much” too.
Some of the kids are definitely alright.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@Tony Jay: I prefer Psychotic Six myself. It’s not like they are ever going to change from their insane positions.
Kinda reminds me of “Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” Only then we were worried about the boys. I am much more worried about the girls. There is no excuse for this and the Republicans must pay.
What I mean is, we can’t let this flow down on Biden. But that may happen. If a Fuck you campaign might work, then so be it, but I think the right will just be amused that they owned the libs. We need something stronger.
Tony Jay
The MAGAts can tell themselves whatever self-affirming little mantras they like, no one from the Universe of Sanity can influence that Defense mechanism.
But millions of people uncompromisingly telling them and their black robed wreckers to go fuck themselves? Every day and in every way?
They’ll feel it. And not a Brandon in sight to hide behind.
@Tony Jay: Fuck your pope, Fuck your way. Jesus Christ did not die for you sins today
eta a little awkward
Eeyore pie?
In 1968+ the slogans finally got to my parents generation. We had to sacrifice LBJ who was a good man who just wanted to help our society. Of course that brought us Nixon. An un-intended consequence and the war carried on. Man, I forget how pissed I was about that.
@Winston: Fuck your pope and fuck your jesus.
Hmm. This week we need to prevent the court from doing its foul work. Immediately our democratic congress should close up their operations and reduce their jurisdiction.
Tony Jay
Hey, you put a beat behind it and I’ll hum it, but do be careful not to let the Evangelicarrion eaters off the hook for their role in this. Plus, while the Opus Dei element needs to be exposed and exorcised from our societies, let’s not allow them the opportunity of hiding behind the skirts of tens of millions of non-extreme Catholics who have no time for this medievalist bullshit. A large group that may potentially include a couple of toes on the white slippered foot of the current Pope.
“Fuck You Very Much!” is a nice, broad, ecumenical expression of opinion. Let’s stick with that for now. 8-)
Tony Jay
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]:
I was going for the supervillain vibe with ‘Sinister’.
Unfortunately in this universe there’s no genius teenager to manufacture a cure for their psychopathy.
@Tony Jay: Well, the idea is to make them question their existence. I was brought up, actually my father was an evangelical minister, so I know it would make them question why anyone would be pissed at them and Catholics the same. They can’t laugh it off. Eventually they seek some enlightenment or wokeness.
I enjoyed that very much.
The other thoughts I have are too vulgar to write.
Tony Jay
I’m not entirely sure that that’s how human beings work, but it’s a big country, plenty of room for people to try out their ideas.
Tony Jay
I missed it the first time around, because the BBC (in their infinite wisdom) decided to cut the entire song out of their Live from Glastonbury show on Saturday. I did think at the time how surprising it was that a female American performer had zero to say about the Six Saboteurs aborting Roe, little did I know…
Anecdotally, I watched that show with my nine year old, and this morning, after I’d told him what the Supreme Court had done and what Rodrigo had said about it in the censored song, his immediate response was “They probably did it because Boris Johnson is their boss and those people in America are his friends.”
I love that boy. We’re raising him to have just the right degree of cynicism.
@Tony Jay: Perfect response from your son!
Tony Jay
He’s a smart one. Damned proud father right here.
@mrmoshpotato: That song is destined to be an earworm for me. Not sure if that is bad or good
ETA I mostly like my earworms. Otherwise I would tune out an earworm with a better earworm.
@Tony Jay: A little cynicism can be an excellent thing in a developing mind. Helps critical thinking skills.
Our soon-to-be-12-year-old watched John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight episode on Boris Johnson with us when it aired in 2019. The following year, when Johnson caught Covid, the kid asked me some time later, “Did Boris Johnson die from Covid?” and I told him, no, he’s recovering. The kid responded with a very heartfelt, “Goddamnit.”
Keep framing them as religious freaks and bigots because anecdotally (yes I know anecdote =/= data) this worked best as angering & insulting my family tRumpist shitstains.
Tony Jay
Virtual High-5 to the youngling. Goddammit indeed!
Won’t be long now though.
Incidentally, the real victim of this whole Dobbs decision was yours truly. I was about to post an entire cleansing rant about last week’s by-election results in the UK and what they mean for the Sub-Prime Minister’s doomed future when it dropped. Felt a bit inappropriate to post then, so I’ve been keeping it all in ever since.
Shakes fist at the Sinister Six. Damn you heartless husks, you monsters!
@Tony Jay:
The real victims suffer in silence.
Tony Jay
Pffft. You sound like my old music teacher. And last I heard he’s serving 18 months for acts of gross indecency.
As Presidential strategies go, it’s worth a punt.
@Tony Jay:
My indecency is quite classy.
@Tony Jay: Well, I look forward to reading it when the time is right.
We just got back from 2 weeks in the UK (mostly Scotland, though a couple days in London and Belfast, along with a brief trip to Ireland for a few days in Dublin). I met a very charming older Scottish gentleman who ran a petrol station (we stopped en route to Isle of Skye) who is VERY enthusiastic about the prospect of a referendum next year. He also made sure we bought the correct kind of IRN BRU.
Also, did not have Kenny Rogers’, “The Gambler” on my Bingo card of songs Celtic musicians love to play. The things one learns on one’s travels!
Tony Jay
Fits on a bumper sticker and the Chinese translation works as a tattoo. I salute your multi-platform penetration of future markets.
Tony Jay
It’s the beard. Folkies just lurve the beard.
@Tony Jay: Ha! He did have an epic one.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]: Psychosis is a symptom of illnesses that have nothing to do with being evil ideologues. We should avoid using “psychotic” to mean evil or violent.
Anyone else notice the SCOTUS leak investigation has completely disappeared from the news?
Lol. They’re not even credible in their own workplace. It’s a shame. We’ll never know which Right wing operative on the public payroll leaked the draft. It never should have been left to them in house- some outside reliable and ethical investigator should have been called in.
Least surprising news ever.
We enjoyed seeing the full BBC video of Rodrigo and Allen performing “Fuck You”. it brought tears to our eyes.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Lily Allen speaks for us all
Little baby paycheck came through for the second job today. Chip in a little for the ActBlue fund for the 13 pro-choice candidates in close elections fund.
I’ve never donated more than 100 combined during any previous election cycle. This year I’m finding every opportunity I can.
ETA: The previous record was set in 2004 when I still had money; split between Howard Dean, Carol Mosely-Braun, and Dennis Kucinich. (I know, I was 21)
As a result of this post, I’ve learned that Lily Allen is married to David Harbour, of Stranger Things fame. Huh.
@Tony Jay:
@Nicole: I always thought that Kenny Rodgers’ beard was a big cultural influence on Southern men. Beards were seen as low class, a hillbilly thing until Rodgers came along. He made the trimmed beard a respectable look.
Over the same period of time I saw a different shift in Southern men’s culture, regarding short pants. Country guys used to shun shorts as something one only wore as a kid. That changed about when attitudes towrds beards changed (although I think the phenomena are unrelated).
Now, aside from office workers and people on more formal occasions, the only people I see wearing pants during the really hot summer days are the poor Harley bikers and their wannabees, even if they are not riding. And farmers.
Come to think of it, some of the Latino immigrant men wear long pants even on hot days, but I bet their kids won’t when they become adults.
You can just stop right there. We have six people with no credibility making hard reaching decisions. This is horrible.
I’m pleased they are polling so poorly. Historic lows. I know it doesn’t matter since we are stuck with them for life but based on their petulant, entitled resentful speeches where they demand we find them credible I know the polling and public opinion collapse bothers them, and I enjoy that.
there never was an investigation. it’s not illegal to leak what those privileged assholes are saying to each other. it’s not classified. it’s just breaking the club rules. Roberts knew it the minute that bullshit escaped his mouth. what outside authority was he going to call on to investigate? and what process could possibly be used that wouldn’t uncover multiple embarrassing things they don’t want talked about in public? that should have been the pushback all along. but the media is so spineless it never occurred to them to ask whether it was legal for a Chief Justice to threaten an employee for talking to the press!
@Kay: Employee worplace of well under 50 and they can’t manage it. And then tell the rest of us what to do.
The issue of court reform may gain some traction now. Personally I say make the Supreme Court as big as the Senate. If the positions were less rarified, they’d be less subject to political gamesmanship.
The authoritarian mindset at work; respect is owed to those in positions of authority, not a mutualistic practice between any grouping of entities.
My husband is downstairs trying to reason with the Maine coon cat. Cannot be done. This cat knows what he thinks, and he is dug in forever.
Susan Collins?
I know it isn’t illegal but I think they can have workplace rules as to confidentiality/secrecy. All lawyers do, not for leaked drafts but for literally everything else that passes thru a firm or office. I think they should have hired an outside firm to conduct an investigation. Now we have a situation where all of media and the court told the public it was this giant, earth shattering breach of trust and we’re probably never going to hear another word about it.
There’s too many unsolved mysteries in this country. Too many skeletons rattling around in closets.
@Kropacetic: The authoritarian mindset at work; respect is owed to those
in positions of authority, not a mutualistic practice between any grouping of entitieswhose authority they accept. FTFY.Baud
I will be thankful if no innocent liberal clerk will be framed.
@EarthWindFire: Well, we all know that only Republicans can legitimately win elections. And if we were supposed to listen to zoning boards or EPA regulators, they would’ve been assigned a badge and a gun.
This is an amazing blog
Thank you.
Tony Jay
I’m so old that I remember when men with beards were damned rare outside of niche populations like salty University professors, Russian defectors and ragged tramps, while the full-face bouquet of fur popular with a lot of the younger hipsters was something you only saw on faded sepia photographs with narration by Ken Burns.
I think the mostly clean shaven look started to wane with the 80s and the rise of designer stubble, leading to the brief Age of the Goatee, and finally (via charity fundraising campaigns) to the full on Return of the Beard.
Moustaches, though, which were pretty much de rigueur back when I was a wee scrap of a lad, went out hard sometime around 1987. I understand there’s some push to bring them back in a non-ironic way but, no thanks, not while the full beard (even a nicely trimmed one) does so much to hide the unsightly sagging of the underchin that comes with age.
They won’t listen to me, though. Damned yoots and their reclaiming the past. Also get off my lawn and belt-onions.
Tony Jay
To want to see it when the Blogfather tries something reckless we end up with a twenty paragraph extended rumination on things like why naked mopping is something to avoid.
David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch
Overturning Roe is so unpopular that every Republican appointee committed perjury on the issue to get confirmed.
David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch
@Kay: FTFNYT is calling Roberts “a marginal figure”
To an egotist like him that must be crushing
That’s a good one. For now, I’m going with Fascist Five – I’m willing to leave marginal figure (thanks FTFNYT) Roberts out just to get ‘Fascist’ in there with alliteration. And I think it’s important to reiterate that they are attempting a fascist takeover of America.
@Tony Jay:
A number of singers called it out including Megan Thee Stallion.
Janelle Monae was at the BET awards and not at Glastonbury, but she also called it out.
@Tony Jay: Even Boris Johnson thinks we are stupid.
There was a satirical political history of the 1960s back then called “The Begatting of the President.” The chapter on LBJ, “LBJenesis,” describes how LBJ created the Great Society in six days and threw a barbecue on the seventh.
His political epitaph.
Part of the story that doesn’t get told enough is that Nixon & Co. sabotaged the 1968 peace talks (IIRC basically promising Thieu to hold out for a better deal from Nixon – ha!), extending the war for another four years. So much for Nixon’s “secret plan to end the war.”
But if LBJ hadn’t escalated the war in the first place, it wouldn’t have come to that.
Oh, I remember well when fundies and evangelicals thought the Pope was the Antichrist. But that’s been bygones for decades now, ever since evangelicals recognized conservative Catholics as allies in their culture wars.
Mormons too, and IIRC they used to think even worse of Mormons than they did of Catholics. Their politics has long since superseded their theology, such as it was.
Heidi Mom
@R-Jud: She’s also the sister of Alfie Allen, who played Theon Greyjoy on Game of Thrones.
Tony Jay
Wasn’t Megan on the day after Rodrigo or was it later the same day? Either way, Rodrigo was the first I was aware of to make her disgust so explicit. I think even Billie Eilish, who you’d expect to go for the throat given how NFLTG she usually is was a bit downtuned on the topic.
Very happy to see that it’s becoming a very loud, very proud thing amongst people with huge platforms. The Seditionist Six need to have their squalling round faces rubbed hard in the reality that their extremist breeds pushback on a scale they probably never imagined
And you can also bet a considerable sum of money that Flobalob would change his tune in a New York minute if he was giving a speech to his American co-conservatives behind closed doors. He says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear at whatever venue he’s paid to be at, ultimately it means nothing to him.
J R in WV
I think Bret Kavanaugh should be investigated for money laundering and income tax fraud — where did he get that money for his real estate down payment? Who paid off his huge credit card debt? In other words, who owns him lock stick and barrel? If anything incorrect is found, offer to dismiss all charges AFTER he resigns and leaves the Supreme bench.
I think Gorsuch and Amy Comey Barret [ and any other of these judges who falsely reassured Congress about their intentions ] should be indicted for perjury in their confirmation hearings — they told the world UNDER OATH that they regarded Roe as settled law, and then voted to uproot it. In my book that is lying under oath, and renders them unfit for their high office. Let them attempt to be a justice from a jail cell. Or dismiss the case with prejudice following their resignation, effective instantly.
I know, I’m dreaming, but it’s such a sweet dream ~!!~
And of course we need enforceable ethics laws for Supreme Court justices. Thomas’s refusal to recuse himself from cases wherein his wife was seriously involved is a travesty of immorality. The new Judicial ethics legislation should define such behavior as rendering one unfit to hold a judicial position, a jail offense.
Paul in KY
@Tony Jay: Hope not, but get impression she don’t give a shit. Great crowd for during the day. Probably close to 100,000 there.
Paul in KY
@Geminid: You should always wear long pants, etc. when riding a motorcycle. ‘Dress for the crash, cause sooner or later you’re gonna lay it down’.
The Lodger
@Tony Jay: The kids are alright. Yours is, anyway.