After years and years of mealy mouthed Dems and sternly worded letters, I am just loving this shit from this new aggressive, in your face breed of Dems.
Imagine losing your shit defending a bigot… just ditch the fucker. Why keep endorsing a bigot unless you are trying to keep the bigot vote. @KariLake
— Ruben Gallego (@RubenGallego) August 20, 2022
Between him, Fetterman, Beto, Mandela Barnes, and others, this is the life we need. Bring on these younger more aggressive Dems. About god damned time.
Also, I am still alive. I have been really busy.
Thanks for letting us know. You’ve been missed!
@dww44: I’ve never been first at anything.
Sign me up for universal voting. It’s the only viable solution to the GOP attacks on the vote.
@Martin: It would help to at least make the federal election day a holiday.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I followed the Raw Story link about Kari Lake, and that led me to this delicious story about the NRSC burning all their money. Rick Scott is the chair, they raised $173 million, and it’s almost all gone, nobody knows where, and Republicans are pissed.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
This is great. I’ve been a big Fetterman fan since at least when he first ran for the Senate in 2016. I pray he can teach and inspire other Democrats.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Hey, they chose Nosfraudatu as their chair, knowing his history……and now they’re concerned about where the money is going?
Funny how the bullies collapse when people fight back. I know it’s just a coincidence and a mirage — Those Who Know These Things have made that very clear — but … funny.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: What do you wanna bet, Scott’s siphoning off funds for his own 2024 presidential run?
And, more news to giggle about: The Club for Growth is pouring money into Utah’s Lee re-election: they’re fearful Evan Mullen will oust Lee as an Independent.
Awesome. And fuck ‘em if they can’t handle a little well place profanity.
@Cameron: Given his location and his … smoothness, I wonder whether maybe it’s more Creature From The Deep. YMMV.
John Revolta
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: If the Repubs put RICK SCOTT in charge of any money at all then I guess they’re even stupider than I thought. He’s probably the second biggest grifter in the whole GOP.
@Betty: the upside to universal voting is that it puts the burden on the state to provide ballot access, holiday or not.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Fucker famously stole from government programs, and never paid a price. Why wouldn’t he steal from the NRSC too?
@Gravenstone: They’re all scorpions. There are no frogs, so the scorpions are betraying/stealing from one another.
Good times!
Alas, I suspect their oligarchic owners will come through with cash.
James E Powell
If we had like 50 of them, they couldn’t be isolated and attacked like they do with AOC.
Salty Sam
Speaking of Beto, at his campaign rally in deep red Fredericksburg, as a group of Abbott supporters tried to interrupt:
“Lest we be annoyed or judge these Abbott people, let’s have a little sympathy, their candidate never shows up to talk to them.”
Bad move on Scott’s part. There are few things Republicans are good at, but getting the wheels of accountability spinning is one of them.
Sure they usually abuse that system and come up empty. In this case, though, I’d wager there’s a there there.
Ruben is a gem. Also us “youngers” are not religious and do not like it, went through now two economic crashes, have global warming to deal with, are scared shitless of raising kids, and pretty much don’t know an adult of life or any life that we and our friends were not at war.
We also learned from the “fuck your feelings snowflakes” scrowd. No, how bout fuck your feelings.
Suprise suprise a Christian law school wrote all of DeSantis laws. Oh that religion, the root of all the shit we have here.
In the “loving it” category, and brand new via WaPo, there’s also chaos at Rick Scott’s NRSC. Members are calling for an audit and wondering where the medicare rip-off artist went with something like $100M in funds from the treasure chest.
Who could possibly have predicted mismanagement & extremely bloated consulting contracts, and the cancellation of huge numbers of discounted early-reservation TV ads! HAhahahah.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Both Rick Scott and Ron Johnson are being very clear – RonJon in a tough election! – that they are gunning to tank SSI.
They’re so high on their own supply it’s just wild.
@eversor: You were pretty quiet about it since the piece about Warnock. Maybe the context of Black liberation and its ongoing history might have given folks some unfortunate ideas about your routine. Wouldn’t want that.
@livewyre: Slavery was also endorsed by the bible, still is. Just because some people weild the ring for good doesn’t make the ring good or that it doesn’t always corrupt in the end.
I know good Republicans, Trumpers, rich people, Libertarians, Christians, heck Saudi Princes. It doesn’t mean these all aren’t utterly vile and evil organizations and cancers on the planet as a whole. So if you want to say that one is off game, all are off the table them.
But you won’t do that, you want your precious. And that’s why they will win and get their theocracy and you will have had a hand in it as much as the rest.
@eversor: That Tolkien guy your riffing off of to make you metaphor was a devout Catholic.
I think after Trump all of us basically have no fucks left to give.
I’m glad that is filtering down (or up) to the actual institutional party. It’s a good look. Republicans have been doing it for years and winning on it. Josh Marshall coined a term which he called the “Bitch Slap” theory of politics or some such to describe Trump.
Chetan Murthy
Rep Tlaib was there a long, long time ago with NFLTG.
Joe Falco
Here’s hoping the roster of Republicans in charge of their own party organizations have become so bereft of competent management that it drags their whole party down with them. A fitting end for a political party entirely captured by thieves, grifters and con artists.
Citizen Alan
@livewyre: Let us be honest. Christianity is a big tent, but politically, it is driven by the religious right. There are NO left-wing bible colleges acting as think tanks to raise partisan lawyers to eventually be put on SCOTUS by a Dem President or to draft progressive legislation for Dem legislatures to rubber-stamp. And while I have great admiration for Sen. Warnock, I suspect that, if allowed to speak off the record, most white evangelicals would deny that Warnock even was a Christian. He couldn’t be, on account of not be a member of God’s Own Party
Of course, the feeling is mutual. I walked away from the Baptist Church because I genuinely think, if there is any validity at all to the Gospels, then on Judgment Day, Jesus is going to condemn the overwhelming majority of White American Christians to hell.
Goddamm tooting fig newton. Dark Brandon is tired of your malarkey, and he’s coming for your sorry ass
@Citizen Alan: That’s the same “he can’t be one of them, he’s good” argument as before. I’ll let him be the authority on what kind of Christian he is, especially in the historical context that I mentioned earlier for a reason.
Okay, elaborating a bit: there’s an assumption to both of your arguments, one ironically steeped in archaic moralism: an absolute essence of evil, one which must be purged from among us before it drags us all into perdition. No thought is given to that historical context in which actions are done. The actions themselves are all but irrelevant. All that matters is that if one is innately good, then one must have shaken off that essence somehow.
The problem with that – one of the many problems with that – is that we’re relying on actions, along with their historical context, to sustain our body politic as well as our planet.
a Democrat Jezebel waved her pro-abortion boobs in Rick’s face, clouded his mind with uncut CRT and stole the funds for grooming Antifa babies because the Demo-craps aborted them.
The Rude Pundit should be required reading of all Democratic nominees and electeds. The rotting GOP carcass deserves to be launched into the sun for the vandalism the party has inflicted on our democracy and government.
AM in NC
I’m torn about this. On the one hand I LOVE the aggressive posture punching these assholes in the mouth. They sure as fuck deserve it.
On the other hand I know it makes it almost impossible for women to win elected office if we make winning elected office all about traditionally “masculine” traits.
And I want more women winning elected office.
Nancy Smash can stick in the shiv subtly and be deemed effective, but if she started using the language Gallego or Beto or Fetterman does, she’d be shouted down and put in her place right quick. It is a difficult position to be in, and I’m not sure what makes it a better space for female candidates to operate in.
@AM in NC: I really wish you weren’t right about that, but clearly you are.
@AM in NC: I think the tough rhetoric pleases ardent Democrats more than it moves most Democratic voters. I don’t think the campaigns of Tim Ryan, Val Demings, Mark Kelly or Cherie Beasely suffer for their less salty approach. Some people might not get the thrills from them that O’Rourke and Fetterman give, but the only thrill I want from those four is seeing them get elected.