.@POTUS, after revving the engine of a new Corvette, jokingly informs the Secret Service that he will be driving home. pic.twitter.com/JYns8L2v7H
— Jeff Mason (@jeffmason1) September 14, 2022
Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg says EVs are going to be the future, the only questions are:
1. Will it happen quickly enough to address climate change?
2. Will it be affordable enough?
3. Will it be a made in America EV revolution?Says under current leadership, “hell yes”
— Rachel Louise Just (@RLJnews) September 14, 2022
Stabenow: Whitmer “said she’d fix the damn rods, and there’s enough orange cones out there that I actually believe her!”
— Rachel Louise Just (@RLJnews) September 14, 2022
Like Pete Buttigieg, Governor Whitmer is going places:
Whitmer gets a standing ovation when she mentions Reproductive Freedom for All. pic.twitter.com/wz7QwhuViL
— Rachel Louise Just (@RLJnews) September 14, 2022
Biden says the “great American road trip will be fully electrified.”
— Rachel Louise Just (@RLJnews) September 14, 2022
The Biden administration said it has approved ambitious plans by 34 states and Puerto Rico to create a national electric vehicle charging network as the U.S. begins its transition away from gas-powered transportation. https://t.co/X6Pdbt6Zfx
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 14, 2022
“All books should be in the library. All books. This is America. We don't ban books." – @DrBiden ?? pic.twitter.com/RuMxSh7iLE
— FIRE (@TheFIREorg) September 14, 2022
Couldn’t agree more, Rick. And if anyone else wants to read your plan to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, they should go to https://t.co/xDudwYX85v.
Thanks for stopping by. https://t.co/9YXhMisGf5
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 14, 2022
ETA: There’s a tentative agreement to avoid a potentially catastrophic rail strike:
The Biden Administration applauds all parties for reaching this hard-fought, mutually beneficial deal.⁰⁰Our rail system is integral to our supply chain, and a disruption would have had catastrophic impacts on industries, travelers and families across the country. (2/2)
— Secretary Marty Walsh (@SecMartyWalsh) September 15, 2022
If I can’t have second, dammit I’ll take first!
@AxelFoley: You coulda had both.
Capitalist mindset.
@Baud: That was great news.
Of course, no one cares about the employment rate anymore.
@Spanky: Good point.
@Baud: This message appeals to all. No one wants the government in their bedroom.
Really? I guess I’ll scrap my plans to create a new Department of Sexual Relations.
Love trolling Rick Scott.
I think Fetterman has the right tenor for dealing with these unserious clowns: shitpost on them, over and over.
They should search the White House to make sure that Voldemort didn’t hide a horcrux there when he stopped by.
Just in the bedrooms of all those sluts.
I hope everyone saying they wanted the Dems to campaign on these things are furiously spreading the news that Democrats are campaigning on these things.
My next, and last, car will be an EV.
On a personal note, this is the first morning in over 20 years that I’ve had only 5 pets. My sweet (but salty) tortie Snuffy passed away yesterday gently in her sleep 18 years after her expected euthanasia date when I rescued her from animal control. She’s the last one who moved with me from Chicago. No condolences necessary, she had a great long life and a gentle release. May we all be graced with the good luck Snuffy had.
Aw, I’m still sorry. McConnell aside, most turtles are good people.
@satby: Sleep well, Snuffy.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: So happy to read that the rail strike appears to have been diverted. Mostly because a strike would have been miserable for everyone, but also because the breakthrough disappoints douchebag Republicans who were openly rooting for a strike for political reasons.
I’m trying to picture any current Republican as President trying to handle a looming railroad strike responsibly and I just can’t.
Republicans just make problems worse, like Bush, Jr. taking advantage of post-9/11 public sentiment by invading Iraq or Frump fighting health experts in responding to COVID
The number of things that President Biden’s handled with little fuss would go from bad to catastrophic in a hurry.
@Betty Cracker:
Agreed. There was a lot of salivating going on. Suck on it, suckers.
I don’t think you’ll be missed Sergei.
@Baud: A tortie is a multicolored female cat.
Satby, you have my condolences anyway. Our 19 yo tortie needed a trip to the vet to release her from suffering back in January. Glad you were spared all that.
@satby: Condolences given anyway. Thank you for rescuing Snuffy with a great life.
@Baud: Tortoiseshell cat. The picture on the page looks just like her, but she was always a tiny thing. We assumed she was an older kitten, but she never got much bigger. So, she was almost 19 years old. And she ruled the roost. She preferred other animals to people though, probably for events previous to her rescue.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Oh, the Beltway Press Corpse will care about it as soon as it reaches whatever level is deemed “bad” under a Democratic president.
Saw a railroad workers union video on Twitter about their working conditions. They are on call 24/7 and spend up to 120 hours away from home either working or at rail stations on standby.
Rail companies wanted to cut crews to 1 person driving a for 10-12 hour shift. The fact there’s no rules saying this should be illegal for safety reasons surprised me.
The U.S. really needs to do better when it comes to both commercial and passenger rail.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Every pet should be so lucky.
Thanks for sharing.
@OzarkHillbilly: to quote the late, great Leonard Cohen:
There’s gonna be a meter on your bed
that will disclose
what everybody knows
@OzarkHillbilly: @Spanky: @eclare: Thanks all. She’ll be missed.
@comrade scott: thanks!
I learn something new every day here.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JPL: Or in their doctor’s office.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Or if a Republican wins while employment is low, he’ll get all the credit.
@Baud: It’s short for “tortoiseshell”, given the somewhst blotchy coat. I find it rather pretty.
🌈 🐾
I know there’s going to be revenge against Russian collaborators, because of the crimes Russians committed, but I don’t see why someone in a clerical accounting job qualifies.
@satby: Snuffy was comfortable and at home. I wish all pets could have that when their time comes; sometimes it’s not possible. As others have said, condolences anyway.
@Kristine: And all humans too.
@Baud: Or the fucking deficit. When that was the only tune the Beltway Troll Media could sing during the first years of the Obama administration.
Matt McIrvin
@satby: Tortie cats are the best. I still miss mine.
Agreed. I believe the deficit has gone done drastically under Biden.
@gene108: Any Republican administration would have encouraged the owners to break the union. I’m glad it was averted, a railroad strike would have been catastrophic for the economy and pretty much everyone.
apropos cars: in the news in Germany, it’s announced that Tesla’s giant factory in Germany has been paused owing to the lack of competitiveness of Germany thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as bananas energy prices in Germany.
A clear win for the US.
@OzarkHillbilly: I wonder where he thinks they’re going to go. Is he aware that their shiny new Russian passports aren’t real and don’t allow him to cross into Russia? What are they going to do when the (now clearly) temporary occupation ends for the rest of the occupied territories?
C Stars
Ugh, woke up at 4:30 here on the west coast. I scheduled a large outdoor event this Sunday and now as of yesterday it turns out we’re getting a typhoon this weekend.
Brit in Chicago
@gene108: Yes!
Only problem is that it’s very hard for a President (or lower-level government person) to get credit for the bad stuff that doesn’t happen on their watch (or members of their campaign or administration not being investigated for crimes, and so on).
@Brit in Chicago:
I don’t know. Bush got credit for keeping America safe even though he obviously did not.
Brit in Chicago
@Baud: Whereas as soon as Obama took power there was a major….
No, wait!
@satby: I’m so sorry, even with it being a peaceful passing it’s hard to lose a family member. I had a 20-year-old almost-tortie (she had some white on her face and paws, but not much) do the same thing. We had been talking about needing to make that trip to the vet, then came home on Thanksgiving to find she had laid down on the rug by the back door and passed. Honestly, I was relieved, it was her time to go.
That GQP bill by Graham/Rubio exploded all over their faces. LESS than 24 hours? I don’t think these people ever talk to anyone not in their bubble, and it’s chewing their butts off now.
It’s like my dream Cronenberg/Orwell mashup as a streaming series.
C Stars
@gene108: yes, it’s really kind of boring, all this competence and efficacy and general good governance in the face of unprecedented challenges. TFG could have turned this into a petty and venal reality TV style existential collapse and had us all well entertained
@gene108: I would reply that she wasn’t “simply try(ing) to live quietly” with the Russians but was in fact aiding and abetting them.
Would that mean being shot as a traitor? I think not. Being forced to live in Russia for the rest of her days is punishment enough. Regardless, the Ukrainian govt is trying to get on top of this to insure that extrajudicial reprisals don’t get out of control.
@satby: I’m still sorry such a lovely bit of Tortitude has left the world.
@Baud: Trust me, it will need a social safety net.
Universal Basic Intercourse.
@Baud: I’m sure you’ve noticed that the press and Republicans never talk about the debt or deficit anymore, because both are going down.
I hope Val Demings and Charlie Crist can make hay out of DeSantis sending Venezuelans who were seeking asylum away to MA. I know there are lots of conservative Venezuelans in FL who fled the Chavez and Maduro governments who might not look favorably on this. What a butthole move, to fly them from TX to FL and then MA. It sounds like they were lured onto the plane with the promise of jobs.
@Suzanne: It absolutely works and it wouldn’t without social media.
Good or bad, the internet has broken down the lock corporate media has.
Views can have equal time.
@Baud: As it did under Obama, not that he ever got any credit for it.
@sdhays: They are already in Russia, Belgorod
C Stars
@Baud: this is your 2024 platform….
@Baud: Torties are also tortoiseshell cats.
Tortoises live so long they have to be in one’s will.
germy shoemangler
@WereBear: And impressive women like Propane Jane, Magdi Semrau, Marcy Wheeler and many others are making the most this equality
And I would add, Cheryl Rofer and Betty Cracker!
Today is the 10th anniversary of my sister’s death in a small plane crash, along with her boyfriend and his three children aged 16, 15, and 10. I’m not sure if I hope local press does stories about the anniversary or not. I want her to be remembered, but it’s hard to see stuff about it. I’m taking off work at noon to spend time with several of her friends – we all need to be together today. I’m not even sure I’ll visit her grave today, because she’s not there, she’s wherever people who loved and cared about her are remembering her. One weird thing – my sister’s boyfriend’s estranged wife (they were legally separated but not divorced when he died) hangs out at my pub! She says we’re part of a strange family, which is kind of true. She’s a decent person who tragically lost her only child – he was the 10-year-old.
In other news, TX apparently dropped off two busloads of migrants in front of the Vice President’s residence. Last info I saw, folks were being seen to by various groups
@Betty Cracker:
@Kristine: I think this isn’t making the impression on people that they think it is, unless they intend to make sure these people are taken care of. I think it makes them look like huge assholes to normal people.
@C Stars:
It’s funny. If a liberal tried to use government to regulate sexual activity along liberal lines, there would be made riots and media outrage. But it’s just accepted as reasonable for conservatives to go all in with using government in this way.
@C Stars: Drama is *way* overrated in real life, I get all the drama/excitement I need from reality TV.
Robert Sneddon
@OzarkHillbilly: How do you feel about Afghans who collaborated with the NATO forces that invaded their country? You know, the translators and others working for the US Army who were in trouble after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan again?
There’s already evidence that locals accused of collaborating with the Russian invaders in Ukranian areas are being arrested, tortured and, it appears even killed out-of-hand. This is not a good thing and the Ukranians doing such things to fellow Ukranians shouldn’t get a pass on this. I don’t think there’s any real way of stopping it happening though, not until some central government organisations can get proper control in those areas.
@Baud: ROFL!
@Soprano2: From what I read, it looks like the buses were expected at Union Station, but I guess someone decided to turn it into more of a stunt than it was already.
You’re absolutely right. The tone deaf individuals that are doing this are playing to the few and losing more and more.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Soprano2: What a shocking loss. Peace and strength to you today.
@Kristine: On twitter, this is the place where you’d sarcastically say, “TX seems nice.” What is wrong with these people?
@Soprano2: Exactly. They live in an echo chamber.
Betty Cracker
@WereBear: There’s a guy on Twitter who is a nature photographer and caregiver to a desert tortoise named Eddie. Desert tortoises are protected now but used to sold as pets. They can’t be released back into the wild, so there’s a network of people who care for them in their yards. Fascinating critters who can live to be 80 years old!
Abbott and DeSantis are just the worst people in the world. Just awful.
There was a terrible accident on the Metro North in NYC a few years ago caused, iirc, by an operator falling asleep at the wheel, so to speak. How that didn’t lead to changes in the law on how many hours engineers can spend driving, I don’t know. Railroads are powerful lobbies, I guess.
They have to be in order to have a chance at the GOP nomination in 2024.
@Soprano2: Oh I’m so sorry, what a tragedy. Not weird at all to me about the ex, you are bound together by loss. I hope you have a comforting afternoon.
Doug R
@gene108: I don’t know why rail companies can’t do what Greyhound used to-have a driver drive about 4 hours, swap and drive back for a shift.
@geg6: I can’t imagine being one of those migrants. Being lied to, then loaded onto a bus or plane and sent to a place where you don’t know anyone. How can this be legal?
J R in WV
Yes! Yes, it does! Ginormous evil assholes!!
Rounding up people who don’t speak much English and shipping them across country to nowhere!!!
Shouldn’t these state government assholes be liable for federal kidnapping charges?
@Soprano2: words fail…
In other news, human dumpster seepages DeathSantis and Abbot have shipped some undocumenteds to Martha’s Vineyard & the street in front of VP Harris’ home without telling the people where they were going or informing anyone at the destination points.
At least the poor bastards are out of the Red State shitholes.
ETA: see above
Betty Cracker
@Soprano2: What an awful tragedy. It must be difficult to see media accounts of it. Better to spend time with mutual friends and fond remembrances.
@gene108: The greed is insatiable. Consider the load these trains carry and want one person to handle it. Compare that to the cargo load of a semi driven by one person.
@Soprano2: Under the Taft Hartley Act, Biden could have gotten an injunction for a 60-day cooling off period, at end of which parties would supposedly be compelled to reach a solution. That would have kept the strike from hitting before the mid-terms.
A lifeline for the country, and less of a political problem for Dems, but still far from an ideal solution. It is better this way.
@jonas: Makes me wish there were mandatory work-alongs so that management could actually experience some of the things they expect workers to do.
Abbot and DeSantis think they’re totally pwning the libs by sending asylum seekers to blue cities and then pointing and haw-hawing at it. Except all the pictures show the people being treated with compassion, given clothes, food, and shelter — things denied them in these asshole border states.
I am reminded of the verse in the Gospels where Jesus praises those who, when he was cold and hungry, packed him up on a cart and sent him hundreds of miles away to get rid of him. Oh, wait. It may have gone differently….
Fraud Guy
Great, now that Biden is making sure that the trains run on time, Republicans will start calling him a fascist.
@Soprano2: Belated condolences. A sad anniversary for all concerned; I hope your gathering today is a comforting one of shared memories.
Conservative Jesus only has compassion for white people like himself.
@Fraud Guy: They never stopped.
Sorry for your loss.
@Baud: @schrodingers_cat: Oh but they do! If someone says it might be a little too low, then INFLATION MONSTER COMING TO EEEET US!! And if someone says it might be a little too high, then WILL RECESSION WILL DESTROY AMERICAN FAMILIES?!?
The hysteria-entertainment media complex is becoming more than a bit of a problem …
@Soprano2: I’m so sorry doesn’t seem adequate.
@Soprano2: What a sad anniversary. What can we do but remember and carry on?
Betty Cracker
Regarding DeSantis’s human trafficking stunt: the more details come out, the more depraved the story becomes. Some of the immigrants said they boarded the plane in Texas, not Florida. They were told there would be jobs and housing, but they were dumped at the airport and had to walk miles to find assistance. Small children included!
Also, DeSantis gave Fox News an exclusive and engineered the dumping so he could crow about it on prime time. No one bothered to give the communities where the people were dumped a heads-up. God love those communities for stepping up and and finding food, shelter, medical care, etc., with zero notice.
But what kind of festering asshole would do such a thing for a cheap political stunt? (Rhetorical question: a soulless monster, that’s who.) Also, the stunt was cheap only in the sense of being a grotesque political play: chartering planes to Martha’s Vineyard isn’t cheap from either FL or TX.
That’s MY money the bloated little fascist is using to create MAGA hate-boners.
@Soprano2: Sending good thoughts your way. I know from my own experience that those anniversaries evolve, but don’t go away. It’s actually a good thing that you can share with others who knew her; there are very few people left in my life who knew my sister.
@eclare: I don’t watch reality TV, but I do watch the Youtubers who make fun of it.
It’s like a snark channel for Daytime Television, and when I need recovery time that’s my goto :)
@Betty Cracker:
Wonder what Crist will do with this. He’s been all about love vs. hate.
I saw a new ad from Katie Porter last night. She doesn’t call those two out by name, but her message was very clear: the GOP wants to ban abortion nationwide,
@Betty Cracker: Thanks, I love animal rescue people!
Betty Cracker
@Baud: His initial reactions on Twitter were on point, IMO.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
apparently we’re waiting to find out how far he went in complying, but this could be big
@Betty Cracker: I keep on waiting to see DeSantis show signs that he is anywhere near as politically savvy as Politico et. al. would have us believe. Does he really need to be any more of a dick to impress the base? Because he sure ain’t impressing anyone else.
@Betty Cracker: But what kind of festering asshole would do such a thing for a cheap political stunt? Sadly, one who has the support of a lot of other festering assholes.
“The cruelty is the point,” etc. And they are righteous about it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Wow. No frivolous executive privilege lawsuit. Maybe he has been cooperating with DOJ secretly.
@topclimber: @Betty Cracker: I’m reminded of how brilliant and unstoppable a force was Governor Chris Christie. Turned out his schtick didn’t play outside a particular region. I think DeSantis has a little bit broader appeal — the entire Confederacy, say — but nationally …?
Hopefully, Crist can pull it out in November and then we may not need to find out.
ETA: I remember when we were supposed to be afraid of Scott Walker.
@Betty Cracker: Yes. I saw criticism of the woman who recently took to a Reddit forum to tell people that her dad who succumbed to the Q craziness killed her mother, sister and dog. People wondered how on earth she could do that so soon. I wanted to post hey people, I had to race to Facebook to post the news of my sister’s death so that her friends wouldn’t find out about it first on TV!!! Once they inform the family, the press starts reporting on it. I was getting DM’s from her friends asking “is this true, I’m hearing rumours about it” even before the press started reporting it! (I dread the day that post comes up on my FB memories.) Things move really fast now, you don’t have a day to tell everyone before it hits the news. She and her boyfriend were both prominent business owners here, plus the deaths of those three kids would have made the news anyway. It was a big deal here, coverage every day for a week – it even made the news in some international papers. I went to four memorial events in four days, I hope to never repeat that again.
One good thing on this day in my family is that one of my nephews got married on this day. He and his now wife met literally on the day my sister died. It’s a weird thing, how can something like that be true and yet it is.
Orange male cats are good starter cats but if you really want the full feline experience, that’s what torties are for.
I miss my First Cous but boy could she be ornery and she never would acknowledge any being who wasn’t there when she moved in.
@WereBear: A friend of mine and I watch and text through our shows, making fun of the people and their horrible decisions the whole time.
I do not want that from my government.
I swear, none of those people have actually read that book they wave around and thump so vigorously.
O. Felix Culpa
From the inestimable Mrs. Betty Bowers:
@Betty Cracker: I hope the D’s in Florida can make some hay out of this, how DeSantis spent taxpayer dollars to send people fleeing from Maduro’s horrible government to MA rather than helping them in Florida. These are the kind of people Republicans used to say they supported.
@Betty Cracker: There was one woman in particular who the immigrants said was lying to induce them to take the flights.They knew her only by the first name she used, but I hope she is identified. I hope Florida reporters get to the bottom of this story, and find out who the woman is and who pays her.
@narya: That’s been my experience too. I’m glad I was able to stay in contact with her friends; I didn’t know some of them before she died.
@O. Felix Culpa:
@gene108: Rail companies have cut 45000 jobs over the last six years (to be more competitive whatever the fuck that means) while COVID meant millions of people were ordering things online that needed to be shipped. There’s a point system where you get 30 points. If they call you in and you don’t report with in 2 hours you get docked points how many depends if it’s a priority day or not. If you zero out it’s a 10 day suspension and you then get 15 points. If you zero out again you get a 20 day suspension. 3 third time gets you fired. Last I heard not all the Rail unions accepted the deal.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Good morning.
@Soprano2: For what it’s worth I’m sure not impressed. Even though these people might wind up in a better situation, they are owed an apology.
O. Felix Culpa
Hmm, DeSantis might not have endeared himself to the Venezuelan community in Florida with his cruel stunt:
Outraged Venezuelans in Florida
@Baud: There was a story some weeks ago that word had been put out among trump loyalists to stop talking to Meadows.
Meadows threw away a secure Congressional career when his ambition led him to take trump’s Chief of Staff job. Now Meadows is in the shit, but he still may have a lot to gain by flipping. He knows a lot.
Matt McIrvin
@jonas: The compassion of blue-state liberals is limited and contingent. It makes for a great PR opportunity if it’s 50 people, but if DeSantis starts shipping thousands at once he can probably get the result he wants.
@Soprano2: Thank you for sharing, and I want to add that I am also sorry for your loss.
My RWNJ brother has switched from whingeing about the deficit to the national debt. They always find something.
With all the many alternatives for multi-kiloton mixed freight shipment, like, um…
I suspect what they really mean is to make their stock performance competitive with the rest of the market.
@Baud: As I said replying to you in the earlier thread, the GQP are gashing their teeth in frustration. Thwarted by Dark Brandon AGAIN!<evil laugh>
@Betty: Single operator is one of the factors implicated in the Lac-Megantic disaster in Quebec several years ago. At least a second operator walking behind might have caught a critical error. (There were additional problems. )
@Steeplejack: The debt is a perennial. Does your brother have a mortgage? How many times his annual income does he owe? (US debt fluctuates but is around 100% of annual GDP. And no, the Chinese don’t hold it; Americans own 2/3 of it, and the Japanese hold more than the Chinese.)
@Matt McIrvin:
Florida is a bit bigger than Martha’s Vineyard.
@jonas: Those two surnames are interesting in this context.
@Baud: I assumed that you were being funny.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: The way they credited Trump with Obama’s recovery was simple: they just insisted that all of the economic statistics were fake until Trump got in, and then they became real like Pinocchio becoming a real boy.
When I tell you that the MSM had the stories ready to go to BLAME 46 FOR THE RAIL STRIKE?
They had them ready to go. Along with all the things going wrong in America because of the strike.
And now…they has a sad…. awe…….
No, I’m truly ignorant.
I love President Biden’s TRUE love of cars. I think it’s adorable. He cracks me up when he’s in the cars. It just oozes from him- cars are one of his happy places.
@rikyrah: And when he is in a car with the Aviators on, top down…look out!
@Matt McIrvin: You mean how they all howled about U6 being the “real” unemployment rate when Obama was president, and saying that anyway the government was lying about the “real” rate, then suddenly forgetting about U6 and saying the numbers the government put out were correct once TFG became president because reasons?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Matt McIrvin
@Soprano2: Tbf liberals did this during the George W. Bush administration too, and I think I heard it from radical lefties as a complaint about Bill Clinton. The thing that gets lost in all such complaints is that the unemployment measures tend to just move in parallel–if U3 is up or down, U6 is too by a commensurate amount. It’s not as if one ever gets worse while the other gets better, so you can use one to hide a change in the other.
During the Great Recession there was a website called ShadowStats that fooled a bunch of people, that claimed to have a better measure of true unemployment, and I think a lot of people thought it was U6, or whatever they thought the good measure was. What it really was was some cooked thing that followed traditional unemployment measures up to Obama’s inauguration and then went completely haywire, so as to deny that any recovery from the recession had happened. They claimed “true” unemployment was worse in 2012 than in 2009, which was just contrary to what I could see with my eyes.
@Matt McIrvin:
The disinfo didn’t start in 2016. That’s just when it hit us across the face and people woke up.
The evangelicals have an answer for that, and I am being entirely serious that this is one of the major official explanations: The charity instructions only apply to other evangelicals. It was Jesus talking to his people about his people, you see. No one else is owed kindness, or deserves it.
@rikyrah: Corporate media keeps telling everyone who they are…
Gin & Tonic
Speaking of railroads, the Ukrainian national railways have restarted passenger service from Kharkiv to Balakliya, a week after the armed forces retook that city. Railway workers de-mined and rebuilt the portion of the line that had been destroyed by the occupiers.
@Frankensteinbeck: Orwell illustrated how it functioned as both a political party AND a religion.
My FIL, now nearly 20 years retired, worked as an electrician for commercial food refrigeration facilities. One of them had one of these point systems like what the railroad workers were describing, where you get docked so many points for this or that. They had a certain number of hours of sick leave, but they’d get points taken off for actually using it. Just crazy.
So when are the Dems going to pass a law giving sick leave to ALL workers, and of course making sure that a worker can’t be penalized for using it unless it’s pretty flagrant abuse? Seems like making the Rethugs vote against this would be a no-brainer.
@Gin & Tonic: That’s fantastic!
Citizen Alan
In 2016, trump ran on a platform of “I hate all the same people you do, and if you give me power, I will hurt them on your behalf.” And that got him close enough to steal it in the electoral college. In terms of political savvy, the crap that Desantis is pulling is not necessarily a deal breaker in a country where is free where a least 40% of the electorate considers cruelty to be the highest virtue.
Good read. Interesting thread. See what happens when you have a party actually interested in GOVERNING and GOOD GOVERNMENT.
Vik – A Dark Brandon Fan 🇺🇸🇮🇳🇫🇷🇬🇧🇪🇺🇺🇦 (@Athenas_Son_V) tweeted at 6:58 PM on Tue, Sep 13, 2022: So Democrats played some amazing hardball against the federal courts very quietly in the Inflation Reduction Act. And no one is really paying attention to it. I kind of love it. They preemptively stripped the federal courts of jurisdiction to throw out the drug pricing portion.🧵 (https://twitter.com/Athenas_Son_V/status/1569837834592305153?t=NU4zQ9H6d6lz41v9xWIPRQ&s=03)
I’m old enough to have learned that things that seem like no-brainers often hit the wall when it comes to people with no brains.
It’s worse than that. Rethug preznits have the “halo effect” (so to speak), wherein anything good that happens in the first 3.5 years of a subsequent Dem admin is due to the efforts of the previous prez. Similarly, anything bad which happens in the first 3.5 years of a Rethug maladmin is due to the leftover something-or-other from the evil Demon-craps.
It’s just science!
@rikyrah: Very nice!
Citizen Alan
@Baud: We’re afraid of all these guys and are wise to be. Because every Republican of any national prominence, without exception, is a fucking psychopath who aspires to be the Dictator of America. That doesn’t mean we give in or ever stop fighting, but a wise man would recognize that the psychopaths only need to win once to inflict immeasurable harm on us.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Frankensteinbeck: When I heard Pat Robertson give that interpretation of the parable of the Good Samaritan, my jaw hit the floor. Can a preacher really tell you the words say the opposite of the words you can read with your own eyes, and have you believe it?
Obviously the answer is yes, but there’s a psychology I just don’t understand here.
@rikyrah: That was one thing that was weird about TFG, he didn’t seem to ever truly enjoy anything.
One good thing TFG’s ascent did was expose some of these people for the horrible people they really are.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Soprano2: That seems to be a general MAGA characteristic. They’re fueled by anger, and they’re angry ALL. THE. TIME. Even when they get what they want.
I realize you’re just passing this on, and I have heard variations on this before, but that’s bullshit.
“Love your enemies” seems hard to ignore, unless evangelicals regard each other as enemies. But realistically anyone they view as an enemy, they also view as a fake Christian if that person claims to be one. So that workaround fails.
Also, there’s the bit in Luke where, after Jesus’ telling him to love his neighbor as himself, a lawyer asks him, “but who is my neighbor?” Jesus’ response is the well-known Parable of the Good Samaritan, with the coda: “now who was neighbor to this man?” As a math geek like me would say, Jesus’ point is that the set of neighbors isn’t a bounded set. And the efforts of conservative Christians of various stripes to contend otherwise is entirely about their hardness of heart.
@Gin & Tonic:
That is wonderful news!
Many people want to help those who they believe have earned help, or who are like them, and don’t want to help those who they feel are unlike them or haven’t earned it. I had the police rotation of my monthly Camp class at work yesterday. After the chief did the opening presentation, one woman asked about the crime problem and homelessness. You could tell he’s been asked this question a lot, and to his credit the first words out of his mouth were “Being homeless is not a crime. Walking down the street or sidewalk, or being outside a business, is not a crime. The truth is that homeless people are the victims of crime more often than they are the cause of crime”. Way too many people automatically believe all homeless people are criminals.
Good for us!
Citizen Alan
@Frankensteinbeck: Which is why I want nothing to do with their evil Satan-worshipping religion.
PAM Dirac
I was wondering when that power would be used. It’s in the Constitution:
It will be interesting to see what happens.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
As the Book of Orwell says, the highest command of the Party was to believe the Party over the evidence of your eyes and ears.
But yeah, I’m going: how the everloving fuck can someone twist that one? Jesus meaning is perfectly clear.
Or Matthew 5:48: “there must be no limit to your goodness, as your heavenly Father’s goodness knows no bounds.” Saying your goodness is reserved only for fellow believers is a limit.
Jesus had more than a few words to say about hardheartedness, and none of them were good.
More and more, I see conservatives asserting that things were better under Trump simply because Trump is Trump and by definition, must be able to perform economic miracles. And of course, conservative pundits also lie about his record.
And as others have noted, these dopes will reject or embrace government statistics as needed.
@satby: May her journey over the rainbow bridge be full of vigor and spirit and may the memories she leaves live on time immemorial
Citizen Alan
Most evangelicals interpret that parable to mean that they have an absolutw obligation to help any injured people they happen to find in in a ditch iwhile they happen to be visiting the region of Samaria. It has no application outside that narrow situation.
It’s too long for a rotating tag, but this is one of the truest things you’ve ever written.
O. Felix Culpa
@lowtechcyclist: Exactly. Also too, it’s a good thing we haven’t burned down all the churches yet, since one of them provided shelter for the Venezuelans who DeSantis dumped in Martha’s Vineyard.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: They’ll switch to crime rate – but that’s falling as well.
To be honest, these assholes obsess about it even under a GOP president. It’s a timeless filler article to be used. It doesn’t take much effort to write such things and has all the both sides shit they love.
BC in Illinois
Yes. I have heard that. And it requires:
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
How do they square their hostility with the fact that nearly all of the South and Central American immigrants are Christians and some of them are Evangelicals? I mean they make these excuses, but at the end of the day, they just hate ‘ferreners’. That is the only thing this is about.
@C Stars: Ah shit.. sorry to hear that. I can’t imagine how much hours of work you must have put into the event to turn out like this.
I saw a poll, I think quoted on Popehat, that about 30% of people believe that tens of thousands of children are victims of satanic ritual abuse each year. Combined with the figures for child abuse by denomination, they may have a point.
@Soprano2: He spent 12 million dollars on that with no positive outcome for Florida. How do you justify that expense. Plus you’re saying he took them from Texas -> MA??? Is he high? WTF…
I have found “We were lining up to buy toilet paper” effective. Well, effective in getting them to shut up for a while; I haven’t noticed that it gets them to change their minds.
@Matt McIrvin: That’s pretty much what Abbot has done to NYC — I think the number he’s bussed up there is well over a thousand at this point and it’s a real crisis. NYC was already in the throes of a homelessness crisis and then Abbot decided to purposely add fuel to the fire to embarrass Adams and Biden.
I understand that the Biden administration doesn’t want to draw attention to the migrant crisis by announcing some big program to tackle it, but it is a crisis. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing violence and poverty in Central and South America and while just building a wall or taking their children from them is certainly no solution, neither is just letting them come here and then throwing them out on the street.
The Moar You Know
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: The applicable term is “blasphemy”, which modern “Christianity” straight up is.
Fake Irishman
Biden did that in July, we had just reached the end of the cooling off period.
@Baud: Well, when your right-hand person turns on you, and publicly, it probably gives you pause. Do you (Meadows) want to be the person left holding the bag?
I think not!
You would never turn on me, right?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: She’s already talking to the FBI if she has any sense.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I was listening to the local Baptist radio station once when some preacher explained what Jesus really meant when he said, “and the meek shall inherit the Earth.” He went through a convoluted interpretation complete with references to hot buttons like “free stuff.” His conclusion was that what Jesus really meant was, “the meek shall be happy WITH WHAT THEY HAVE!” I laughed out loud at that one.
The station’s preachers don’t talk that much about the Sermon on the Mount, though. That’s the Squish Jesus. They like to talk about the Stern Jesus who knocked over the money changers’ tables, or the Scary Jesus of the fever dream titled “Revelations.”
But most of all they like to talk about their cranky forerunner, Paul.
@Soprano2: They don’t. They are the ultimate paranoids.
@Geminid: I might have been swayed except for my deep and sincere Paul loathing.
Omnes Omnibus
@WereBear: More of a Ringo fan then?
@Geminid: Ginni?
@WereBear: I’ve read that the apostles James and Peter couldn’t stand the guy either.
@WereBear: He had that one really good chapter, but have you read the rest of that epistle?
@Baud: You are correct, sir! I would never turn on you.
@Omnes Omnibus: Apparently I have no sense. :-)
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@The Moar You Know: What Jesus said: “I tell you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
How they preach it: “Jesus meant all the rich people automatically go to heaven, and poors are SOL.”
I’m not sure if this has been posted yet but an Insider report this morning says that an FBI counterintelligence guy who investigated Russia’s interference in the 2016 election is now being investigated for his own ties to Russia. If true, the 2016 election interference is getting even more murky.
Well well well, maybe that’s why we hadn’t heard much about the investigation into the conduct of the New York field office in 2016.
By “more murky” do you mean more questionable? Or do you mean maybe even worse than we already know?
@WaterGirl: (Not that I have any special knowledge about this) but I was referring to this definition of murky:
Ramona Rosario
@Frankensteinbeck: So they are unfamiliar with the parable of the good Samaritan. He was the outsider who showed compassion to a member of the in-group.
What’s all this talk about WaterGirl turning you on? This is a family blog, dagnabit!
Sorry for your loss. I know that you gave Snuffy a great life.
Gin & Tonic
@Scout211: The FBI NY field office is dirtier than the inside of NYC’s sewer system.
@Fake Irishman: Thanks, I did not know that, obviously. Although when we debated this topic way back in high school, there was a school of thought that the injunction could be renewed indefinitely.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: In The Day Christ Died by Jim Bishop, the one O’Reilly ripped off a few years ago, there is reference to an interpretation that the “Eye of the Needle” was an actual gate in Jerusalem. It was quite narrow, so tough on camels. The point being that it is hard but not impossible for the wealthy to get into heaven. Vs. the Prosperity Gospel that seems to make that argument for the poor.
@Ramona Rosario: There are still a few thousand Samaritans living in Israel and across the Green Line in the northern West Bank. They have their own version of the Torah and celebrate Passover.
The Jerusalem Post had an article last fall about a Samaritan lady who’d just published a Samaritan cookbook.
C Stars
@cain: Thanks. We need the rain, and there are worse things that could happen for sure. Just means I’ll be making a lot of phone calls today…
Ramona Rosario
@Geminid: I am delighted to discover this. Thank you!
@Geminid: Was it any good?
@topclimber: The food sounded good. A lot of chickpeas. And some lamb dishes.
@Soprano2: MAGA stands for Morons Adoring Giant Assholes, so it will serve Abbott and DeSantis well with their fans.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: I recall friends getting much coveted railroad jobs in the 1970’s because the pay and retirement was excellent, so when I first heard about a potential railroad strike over pay and working conditions, I was wondering what had changed. Looks like the usual: slash staffing, increase workloads. Then I read about their labor conditions and it’s horrible.
@Soprano2: I met an investment find manager who believed exactly that. The comment I recall was “tRump is kind of an idiot but he’s been great for the economy” . It was 6 months after the idiot took office, so yeah “great for the economy” when it was still rolling along mostly under the effects from Obama’s terms.
Just because they can get people to give them money to invest doesn’t mean they don’t suffer from motivated reasoning, though every Wall Street hotshot will tell you they are completely the opposite because running money requires cold, hard clarity.
Buttigieg left out one critical question. Can we build up the infrastructure sufficiently to support widespread use of EVs. That’s not a given.
It reminds me of what we used to joke about when camping deep in the mountains as we ran out of food: “If we had spaghetti, we could have spaghetti and meat balls, if we had meat balls.”
@TriassicSands: I think we’ll know if we’re going to build out the charging infrastructure well enough in a year, when planned and funded construction starts to kick in. It’s a challenge, but not that big a one.
J R in WV
I have heard false christians telling this kind of lie, but it just isn’t so. I can’t cite chapter and verse and don’t care to go searching around in what is a really big set of documents, but I’m gonna preach!
Time after time in the actions and speechs of Jesus, he either personally helps the hated leper, or tells of the good samaritan who helps an injured victim of assault ling in a ditch. [For ditch, think sewer back then! Ditches were sewers for the next 1700+ years and still are some places!]
If you want to go there, he fed multitudes with a handful of loaves and fishes, a crowd who were NOT members of the Jesus Christ Messiah Traveling Band at all. He ministered to prostitutes and low life criminals, and turned over the tables of the money changers down at the “National Bank”…
Jesus was and is not a Republican, and will not accept any of these small-minded little greasy Theocratic Patriarchal dictators as any part of his teaching. Not unless they change a whole lot, really quickly.