I do not want to miss this debate between the Rev. Warnock and Herschel Walker, and I hope there can be some conversation here. Friday night in the fall during baseball season; perfect timing if you don’t want anyone to see it.
I cannot fathom that Herschel Walker can be up to the task of debating anyone, let alone a great speaker like Rev. Warnock. I hope there’s no “mercy rule” like there is in sports.
Can Walker just memorize 10 different talking points, using flashcards? When he hears “abortion” he recites this. When he hears “women” he recites that.
How can all these races be this close? It’s mind-boggling.
Georgia Debate: Raphael Warnock vs. Herschel Walker
Wisconsin Debate: Tony Evers vs. Michels (candidates for Governor)
The Wisconsin debate is also on C-SPAN.
PREVIOUS debate for the senate race in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin debate is also on C-SPAN.
Open thread!
GA senate debate.
The debate is being aired on 9 different TV news channels in Georgia, and you can stream at any of the locations below.
WSAV News Channel 3
WTGS News Channel 28
WRBL News Channel 3
WJBF News Channel 6
WFXL News Channel 31
WSPA News Channel 7
WDHN News Channel 18
WTWC News Channel 40
WTVC News Channel 9
Wisconsin senate debate (8 pm eastern)
Where to stream the debate online
Where to watch on broadcast TV
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Let the carnage begin!
Lord Jesus Christ and hard work.
C-Span.org will also stream the Wisconsin debate. Does not seem they’re carrying the Georgia trainwreck.
They have a speech on democracy by Liz Cheney up, at the moment.
@Elizabelle: Yeah, i discovered that about CSPAN a few minutes ago. Must be at the insistence of the Walker campaign.
@Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA): gibberish, but not god in the second answer so far.
The economy. Even Trump, in a moment of honesty pre-presidency, admitted the economy does better under Democrats.
So tired of this trope. The GOP sucks on the economy, and on foreign relations.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Do most economists think cutting government spending would help the economy, though?
Also: “Do you take responsibility, Senator Warnock?”
Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be able to watch this for long.
These are such shit questions by the moderator. Although, it’s what Republicans think and talk about, I guess.
Warnock is doing just fine.
I’m confused. The sign on the second picture says senate debate, but I thought that Evers and Michels were running for governor.
Omnes Omnibus
Jebus. I. Can’t. Even.
Walker is wandering through all of Warnock’s responses. Shades of TFG.
Warnock is a good debater, and speaks plainly and well.
@Omnes Omnibus: Warnock is not scaring the horses.
This could be a breakthrough moment for him.
Why are there horses at the debate?
@Josie: They are running for governor in WI.
@Elizabelle: shades of letting Walker talk over Warnock.
Warnock: “It is very clear that my opponent would like to run against anybody but me.”
And Walker dodged the 2020 election winner question? Or did I miss that?
@Baud: Can’t have a horserace without them.
Chyron: Addressing Abortion Allegations
@Elizabelle: Raphael Warnock is probably the most accomplished public speaker in Congress. He’s been doing it for decades.
@Elizabelle: You didn’t and it’s apparent that the hosts are letting him.
@Geminid: He is wonderful.
Omnes Omnibus
And now the abortion question….
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
“I’m a Christian…” well, I’m not, so fuck you and your forced birth bullshit.
Okay, I’m calming down now. Not sure how much longer I can watch.
@Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA): I am calming down too.
Warnock’s got this.
And Walker tries to apply Black Lives Matter to fetuses. Le sigh.
It’s mind-boggling.
Ah, I think I see the problem right there …
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Why doesn’t anyone just say “Women don’t go 8 months into a pregnancy just to say, ‘You know what, never mind.’”
And these gotcha questions are irking the hell out of me.
Captain C
They really need to just cut off Herschel when he rambles.
Finally shut him down.
I think Warnock will get all the gettable Republican voters. Question is, how many are there?
wtf did Herschel say?
you believe in the federal, I don’t believe in small business
Neither supports a federal minimum wage.
@Elizabelle: Warnock wants a livable wage.
@JPL: wtf did Herschel say?
… aaaand that’s our summary of tonight’s debate, folks!
Almost Retired
Oooooh, Walker is against the Federal Minimum Wage and thinks businesses should pay what they can. That should work out well. Look for the Herschel Walker Triangle Shirtwaist Voluntary Corporate Wage Setting Enablement bill coming your way soon. What a tool. Now gotta toggle to Wisconsin….
They need an English language interpreter for Walker.
Omnes Omnibus
I had to bail.
@JPL: yes. that was a good answer.
was wondering how he was going to handle that
@Omnes Omnibus: see you in half an hour for WI debate?
ok. fuck the Georgia sheriffs. who endorsed walker
whoa! Warnock just went after him.
Let’s make sure Walker is unarmed.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: If my brain is working again by then.
they’re giving Warnock way longer than 15 seconds
what prop?
Almost Retired
Huh? What was the prop Walker had?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
cuz the media doesn’t like covering policy, they only cover the horse race
Holy fuck.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
@Elizabelle: I think it was a badge….?
@Almost Retired: Wisconsin starts in 25 minutes.
@WaterGirl: yup take away his gun and take away his notes.
There’s no sickness worse that the loss of hope.
Joseph Patrick Lurker
If Walker wins, he’d replace Tubberville as the dumbest member of the Senate.
@JPL: Herschel’s prop and proof he’s a police officer
Acyn on Twitter: “Oh shit lol https://t.co/ArJC1510TQ” / Twitter
@WaterGirl: yes. fabulous response
@Joseph Patrick Lurker: What about Marsha Blackburn? People are always erasing women!
@Almost Retired: some thing that looked like a law enforcement badge.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
You don’t have to get treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Warnock has to ask what Walker just said?
i’d like to see a transcript of this
@Geminid: yes. blackburn is a contendah. sheesh
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: Seek help. That is self-harming behavior.
Ask him what plan?
I expected these FOX people to be less hard on Walker than they are being.
@Omnes Omnibus: Missing a bit because a doggo is distracting me from some of this.
She can’t believe it, either.
@WaterGirl: They actually were especially at the beginning and then the gibberish began.
When did Biden say we are on the verge of armageddon?
We will have to get a count on how many mentions of BIDEN by Walker.
Biden is the Pelosi of this debate!
@WaterGirl:a few weeks ago in reference to Putin threatening nukes.
I think he said we’re closest to it since the Cuban Missile Crisis. I don’t think he said “verge”.
@WaterGirl: Maybe a week to ten days ago? Don’t recall the precise words, but he did use that term
thanks, guys, i missed that.
Warnock dodging endorsing Biden for 2024.
I’d guess he supports him privately, but doesn’t want to go there in public.
Walker somehow brings up Trump and Trust in the same ten seconds.
The incredibly short amount of time provided to candidates for answering questions gives Walker a big advantage. He’s spending all his time attacking Warnock and then his time expires.
The moderators of this Georgia Senate debate are goddamn fucking morons and should be fired asap.
good answer on the SC.
@Elizabelle: I would dodge too. Biden has been great, far better than I expected, and if he is still in this mental shape for the next 6 years I would love to have him for a second term, but 6 years is a hella long time. Wait a year before it’s necessary to endorse him.
I think our tradition of political debate may have gone past its shelf life.
Omnes Omnibus
WG, your WI link is to last night’s Barnes v Johnson debate. Not that it’s not worth watching.
Almost Retired
This “Short Attention Span Theater” format did not do the voters of Georgia any favors.
karen marie
I watched about ten minutes of Warnock/Walker. I’d like to know who coached Walker. He was more coherent than I expected. His answers were nonsense but they were in complete sentences and ran off into tangents not unlike any run-of-the-mill Republican.
How is it a debate when both candidates are not asked the same question? That to me was as confusing as fuck. That the moderators allowed Walker to interrupt constantly didn’t surprise me.
@Omnes Omnibus: I just started a comment to say that very thing.
Tonight’s debate is on C-span
I will look again to see if there is a youtube for tonight.
Okay, the youtube link for the Wisconsin debate right now is up top.
Also, you can watch on CSPAN.
This WI guy is smarmy. I already want to punch him.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: GOP buzzword bingo.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yep. But it’s not just his words. His tone is smarmy and condescending. If he were the guy at the car dealer, I would walk out and go somewhere else to buy my car.
Questions are pretty dry at this point.
Walker was more slippery than I thought he would be capable of.
@Omnes Omnibus: My response to this guy is visceral. I just can’t watch or listen to him.
How can these races all be so close?
Republican voters aren’t like us.
Omnes Omnibus
I DON’T KNOW!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!
@Omnes Omnibus: Because these motherfuckers HATE us. It’s not any more complicated than that.
@Baud: Republican voters have apparently never heard of the concept of critical thinking.
Omnes Omnibus
The Telemundo guy asked a great question. Why are people still questioning the 2020 election? Evers was good. Michels chose to push BS conspiracy theories.
@WaterGirl: These elections are close because most people no longer vote “for the person, not the party.” Now almost everyone votes for the party, or often against the other party.
@Omnes Omnibus: Not sure if you’re agreeing with me, just want all caps and exclamation points, or if I made you mad.
It’s like R voters look at the sky and instead of blue they see red. Or something that is not blue.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I am frustrated that these fucknuts are in with a chance.
@Baud: Do you have a link to the brief you mentioned in an earlier thread?
@WaterGirl: @Baud:
DOJ formally appeals special master
DOJ asks appeals court to end outside review of Trump Mar-a-Lago documents
DOJ Brief
@Omnes Omnibus: I know, it’s crazy. The world is upside down.
@WaterGirl: So even with the brief filed, nothing happens for at least a month. What is gained, then, by filing the brief if the special master continues and the DOJ continues to not have access to the files?
How is this debate coming?
I started up the video again but I cannot make myself watch that guy.
Omnes Omnibus
CRT in not taught in the schools. The ABCs are.
@WaterGirl: Presumably so Judge Cannon can’t pull any bullshit by overriding the special master’s decisions.
DOJ has access to the classified files. The appeal is to ensure that Cannon doesn’t make some dumb ruling in executive privilege, I think.
I suppose they might also want to eliminate any lingering hints of precedent from her ruling.
Omnes Omnibus
I am being a good WI citizen and watching this. But, ffs, Michels is a piece of shit.
@Eolirin: @Baud: I know the DOJ has the classified files, but they are making the case that they need the other files, too, and that the special master having them is slowing down their investigation.
So this is to give the DOJ an out if corrupt Cannon continues to be a loose cannon?
@Eolirin: Ah. Could a ruling from the 11th make her entire involvement in the whole thing as if it (legally speaking) never existed. So nothing she has said/done would ultimately impact anything, other than slowing everything down?
@Omnes Omnibus: And an arrogant bastard, from the looks of him.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Yes. Best result is she is told to fuck off.
I found the Warnock Walker debate on YouTube! Now I can watch on tv.
@Jackie: Is it a different link than the one I had up top?
Do you have the link?
Omnes Omnibus
Evers remembered to ask people for their vote. Always do that.
@WaterGirl: It’s on my tv. I just searched Warnock Walker and it was right there😊 I didn’t try your link as I didn’t want to use my phone.
@Omnes Omnibus: Any sense of how they both did?
@Omnes Omnibus: I wanted to be an attorney for awhile, and I thought I would be good at it, but everything moves so damn slow, I think that would not have been a match made in heaven.
Omnes Omnibus
Evers is not dynamic, but he comes off as competent and a bit boring. Michels was bombastic and suggested that he would fix things with leaderly leadership. I just donated to Evers’s ActBlue again.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: It is different to TV representations. Also, law school is more fun than practicing.
@WaterGirl: They know about critical thinking. They literally teach their children its a bad thing. I’ve met a few that were taught that.
@Omnes Omnibus: Quick question. Your opinion, which I know is totally unbiased, as to last night’s debate. I heard the audience laughed at Johnson when he claimed he was set up by the FBI.
Omnes Omnibus
Barnes pantsed Johnson.
Dorothy A. Winsor
We were out to dinner with friends, so I missed this. I’m not sure I could have tolerated watching very much of it anyway
@WaterGirl: You would be a great lawyer. And litigation is only a part of what you can do as a lawyer.
However, I’m not sure I would choose it as a career if I had it to do over again.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hopefully it will show up at the polls. I really love Wisconsin and I don’t want to disavow it. We will be in Hayward visiting Mrs. Japa’s family for Thanksgiving. The only sane ones are her brother and SIL. The rest are raving lunatics.
Ohio Mom
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I also went out to eat and missed the debate but I discovered you can rewind the video above (as well as fast forward through it).
It’s nauseating though so I don’t know if I recommend viewing it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: We didn’t last very long. It was hard to watch and not throw things.
@Omnes Omnibus: I did the same, but holy hell, how can he be this close to the Governor’s mansion?
And I’m going to find the BJ thermometer for WisDems. It’s GOTV time.
Warnock does not seem to be a great debater, unfortunately. Speaker, yes, but not a debater. A missed opportunity in my eyes. It is certainly not the first time that he was confronted with accusations regarding being responsible for the economy. They need to have much better replies to this nonsense.
@luc: Yea, if only he’d had dazzled em these pukes would have switched their votes.
@Mousebumples: The WisDems thermometer is here, if anyone else feels so motivated.
OK someone who watched the GA debate- did Walker ACTUALLY SAY, when asked about the price of insulin, that diabetics “should eat better”???
@FelonyGovt: Yes. And blamed inflation for those with diabetes for not being able to afford healthier food – insinuating cheaper insulin wasn’t the answer.
@WaterGirl: It doesn’t mean anything. Can’t you get those online or at a costume shop?
@FelonyGovt: @Jackie: People who have unfortunate things happen to them deserve it, because of moral failings like being born with the wrong physical characteristics, like skin color or a congenital medical disorder, or just not being born into the right economic circumstances. And those of us who do better deserve it, because it wouldn’t have happened otherwise! It’s God’s Plan, you see, and it’s not our part to question it, nor to interfere with it. Therefore vote Walker. (Also tax cuts.)
@Mousebumples: Oops I need to add the wisdom’s thermometer to the list of all the thermometers in the side bar. I will do that in the morning!
@bbleh: Warnock did a great job. I think he had to hold back on a lot of his answers – to not appear condescending – which would have been so easy to do. He needed to appeal to voters leaning towards Walker by not sounding “smarter” than them, which I think they were expecting. He was careful and got his message across without sounding elitist. I think he did what he intended to accomplish.
@raven: I couldn’t get to that page. It said i had to turn my ad blocker off, so i used the browser where i don’t have one installed, and it still wouldn’t let me see it.
Can you sum it up for those of us who can’t read that article?
All Trump can do is try to run out the clock or stall in any way he can. Buy as much time outside of prison as he can. I don’t know, that would be my guess.
@WaterGirl: i had to search the site since it wasn’t in the Fall Fundraising links post either. Thanks! 😎
@WaterGirl: Sorry, 10 pm is lights out!
@Mousebumples: The link for WisDems is now in the sidebar under Targeted Political Fundraising.
Of course it does, but the economy is also a very common reason American voters give for supporting Republicans. The knowledge and engagement deficits in this country are among its greatest problems. And they are likely to be terminal if things don’t change.