In case you missed it in the comments, this is a great article (h/t MattF) in the NY Review of Books.
Secrets are a kind of currency. They can be hoarded, but if kept for too long they lose their value. Like all currencies, they must, sooner or later, be used in a transaction—sold to the highest bidder or bartered as a favor for which another favor will be returned. To see the full scale of Donald Trump’s betrayal of his country, it is necessary to start with this reality. He kept intelligence documents because, at some point, those secrets could be used in a transaction. What he was stockpiling were the materials of treason. He may not have known how and when he would cash in this currency, but there can be little doubt that he was determined to retain the ability to do just that.
Before the publication of the grand jury’s indictment, it was possible to believe that Trump’s retention of classified documents was reckless and stupid. The indictment reveals that recklessness and stupidity are the least of his sins. With Trump, it’s always a mistake to equate anarchy with purposelessness or to think that the farce is not deadly serious.
Trump’s hoarding of official secrets is both breathtakingly careless and utterly calculated. At the heart of that calculation is a cold resolve to not give up the power that access to highly restricted information had given him.
We still do have some real journalism happening in this country, but these days it seldom comes from the papers of record.
Oh, and he’s still at it. Brazen lies.
Captain Capslock wants an apology for getting caught.
Here it is.
Sorry, but you’re going to prison.
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) June 15, 2023
Open thread.
Good epitaph for TFG.
I thought Lex Luther was a fictional character?
Lex Luther, for all his faults, wasn’t a grifter.
Moscow, Riyadh and Pyongyang submitting competing bids for the right to be the location of any future Dolt 45 library?
@Baud: True. Also, there are plenty of grifters in the “resistor” space too. Some prominent Do-Something-Twitterers and the Doom Spreading podcasters to name a few.
What is the Clinton socks case? Wasn’t Socks a cat?
Oh yeah, it’s pretty universal. But I think more widespread and lucrative on the right.
@WaterGirl – @Baud
patrick II
I haven’t heard this level of brazenness before — when is he (jack smith) going to apologize to me and return everything that was illegally taken.
It is consistent with his storyline though and the MAGAs will buy it.
Mike in Pasadena
After reading this morning that focus group Repub woman who asserted that the FBI set up trump in the documents case becuase “we dont know what they (FBI) did” even after trump’s admission on CNN and other places he took them cuz they were his, I worry we are truly down the drain. Color me discouraged. trump said it himself, and yet Rethuglicans cannot admit he’s a thief, a crook, and a kook.
It was deliberate and calculated. I have yet to see any evidence that his motivation was money rather than ego.
EDIT – And calculated it may have been, but in a breathtakingly stupid way. I’m not sure he COULD have done this worse if he were trying to get thrown in jail.
You may be surprised–I am–when legislation is introduced to the California legislature raising the minimum age for agricultural work by two years. The proposed new age? Fourteen.
@dnfree: I’m not exactly sure, but it has something to do with private tapes of interviews Clinton gave. The presidental records act actually does allow this. It’s allowed under the personal diaries provision, or so I think.
There was nothing about selling information to the Saudis.
@Mike in Pasadena:
The focus groups are designed to discourage.
That’s why you never see a focus groups of proud and excited Dems.
trump cares about two things and one of those is protecting his ego. The other is $$$$$$$
They could, if the focus group demo were all cat-fanciers.
Simon Rosenberg
Of all the polling data I’ve seen in recent weeks this DeSantis tracking poll from
showing him cratering nationally is the most important. It suggests the GOP’s alternative is already badly damaged from his rightward lurch, and will struggle in the general next year.
36% favorable
It’s been such a pleasure watching him decline.
I’d like to think it’s a referendum on Christopher Rufo – DeSantis’ agenda is Rufo’s agenda- but DeSantis may just be horrible, personally and individually, and perhaps a less loathsome person could sell it.
@JPL: Right. The tapes were Clinton’s property, not government documents. The Archives tried claim them, a judge said ‘Nope’, they belong to Clinton. The ‘socks’ bit is that Clinton kept them in his sock drawer.
Ron “The Mouth” DeSantis deserves every bit of loser stink he gets.
Good luck herding them into one room.
“Rightward lurch” is nonsense though. DeSantis has been far Right all along. He started his campaign saying he intended to bring his far Right governing of Florida national. He announced it.
Re-posted from downstairs:
Loose Cannon has issued her first order.
randy khan
That was Richard Nixon, not Bill Clinton. How quickly they forget
(I mean actually it wasn’t Richard Nixon either, except that I suppose the Nixon tapes did include Nixon’s side of a bunch of phone calls, since they recorded whatever was said in the Oval Office.)
I recall Betty C saying he didn’t act so right at the beginning of his first campaign. But over that timeframe, I wouldn’t call it a lurch.
@dnfree: Maybe he misspelled cock?
@JPL: And it certainly has nothing to do with hanging on to highly classified documents containing our military secrets. There is no earthly way those could be considered personal.
His reference to the Socks case also highlights how isolating it is to live in the RW bubble. Only the Goobers recognize the reference; the rest of us just go, “Huh?” This seems to be true of most of what the major contenders for the GQP nomination say. I wonder if the eventual nominee will be able to emerge, blinking and confused, into the actual world the rest of us live in in time to learn how to speak the language here.
Miss Bianca
@dnfree: I was wondering that myself!
randy khan
I recognized the Clinton socks reference because of my pet social media troll. She keeps me up to date on all of the RW lunacy. It’s her most useful function.
Anne Laurie
Ahem, WaterGirl: That’s the New York Review of Books, shorthand NYRB — a biweekly literary journal that has nothing to do with the Grey Lady.
For a minute, I thought Bill Clinton had borrowed Hunter Biden’s socks.
zhena gogolia
@Kay: No, I don’t think anyone could sell it. The country as a whole is better than that.
I firmly believe it.
zhena gogolia
@Scout211: There’s nothing wrong in what she did, is there?
In many ways, this is really Elon Musk’s failure :)
@Kay: Rick Wilson does a takedown of the DeSantis/No Labels con.
I read that for a second as “barred from the state,” but in Trump’s case, that would probably make more sense.
And that was audio only. People couldn’t even see DeSantis’s awkwardness.
FYI: that’s a pretty universal requirement in every court, although some courts are stricter than others.
patrick II
Ironically, Tom Fitton, the head of Judicial watch, advised Trump he could keep the classified documents, and Trump listened to him.
@zhena gogolia: I don’t think so — and the implication that she’s intending to move things along as quickly as possible is a good sign, at least for now. And likely to make Trump *really* mad. His lifelong strategy when faced with legal action is to get his lawyers to just delay everything with endless procedural nonsense and appeals and he desperately wants this to drag on so that he can use it as a campaign issue.
@Scout211: I’m hesitant to read it. (But I did.)
@patrick II: Trump always listens to the people who tell him what he wants to hear.
@zhena gogolia: IANAL, but it doesn’t seem wrong to me. Commentary in the article states that it actually puts pressure on Trump since he needs to get his new lawyers by June 20. It also states that it looks like she is not looking to delay proceedings, at least so far.
OMG, that is so deliciously hilarious. What a gaggle of dipshits.
@Anne Laurie: Thanks for catching that! My fingers are apparently used to adding the T for FTFNYT.
My fingers almost always add an R at the end of the word “serve”. That’s because of all my years in IT, typing the word server. :-)
nope, next Olympics.
@patrick II: Trump listened to him because he told Trump what Trump wanted to hear.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: The whole order is pretty standard.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hopefully, she’s in ‘Get this shit off my desk ASAP” mode.
@jonas: It’s also telling that he accepted legal advice from Fitton, who is not a lawyer, and rejected advice from his own lawyers, who apparently urged him all along to just give the documents back.
zhena gogolia
@smith: Shades of listening to Jeffrey Clark and that other asshole instead of the actual acting AG.
So, not Cannon plodder?
Speaking of other felonious leakers of classified material, just came across this great line in a CNN story on our ANG friend Jack Teixeira’s indictment on six counts of violating the Espionage Act and subsequent denial of bail:
How humiliating does it have to be for a grown-ass lawyer to have to make that argument on behalf of his client? “Your honor, he only showed these highly-sensitive, highly-classified documents to people who were, like, *really* good friends. C’mon!” JFC.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: There is a really easy way for her to do that.
Young people have difficulty understanding how the internet works.
patrick II
This is so obvious it hurts, but if I was the type of president who considered the classified documents so important and had a sense of rightful ownership when I took them I would have built a steel vault and twenty different types of burglar alarms before you could even approach the vault to store them in. So, part of his reason for not doing so is his callous disregard of the lives of people and the life of the country a release would have caused. And yet another reason is that he could not have built that vault surreptitiously, so he did not, which also demonstrates that he knew he sholdn’t have them.
@smith: Well, of course. Fitton told him what he wanted to hear. Those pointy-headed lawyer guys were insinuating that he wasn’t the master of the universe any longer. Losers.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, but I doubt she’ll want to concede her own bias.
@jonas: He’s working hard to get all his lawyers behind bars. Thats just as good for Cannon right.
“Cut me a break, guys, what am I not paying you for?”
@Baud: Oh, I know. And don’t get them started on these new-fangled remotes with 50 buttons and everything. And phones with cameras?
@patrick II:
The proper course of action would be to file a declaratory judgment action so a court could decide. Not self help.
@zhena gogolia: It reflects TFG’s belief, which he apparently shares with most of Goober-world, that the law is whatever the president says it is (offer void when the president is not a Republican).
patrick II
The funny thing about both Trump taking Fitton’s advice and Judicial Watch itself is that Tom Fitton is not a lawyer.
@patrick II: I think you are giving him far too much credit. I think the simpler, more believable scenario is that he just doesn’t give a f*ck about anything or anyone other than himself. He acts impulsively and always in service of his own narcissism. He does what he wants to do and his flunkies and minions run behind him and try to fix his messes if he gets caught.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: She can deny bias but cite the public perception of it. If she wanted an out.
patrick II
I agree, but I was trying to put myself in Trump’s shoes. I think the second part of my comment indirectly addresses that — he couldn’t file in a court because people would know he was taking them and say no. The surreptitiousness of his action further implies guilty knowledge.
I should have written “Trump” instead of using first person.
@patrick II: Cmon. Can’t expect no red-blooded MAGA conservative to listen to gosh-derned EXperts on anything of importance.
I do not think this is right. That is, Trump has no real power here. The moment he ceased being president as Biden assumed the office, Trump was no longer Top Dog.
The problem is, Trump is a child who doesn’t understand this. He cannot accept the idea of losing and stepping down from the presidency. And it is not that holding onto these documents means a damn thing. There are other copies. The work of national security continues without Trump. He can cause problems if secrets leak out. But aside from the lingering impact of his stupidity, he cannot affect political or military events. His stash of important documents is just a pile of papers.
It is a little odd that Trump defenders want to make a big deal, falsely, about Trump’s power to declassify documents. They pretend that if Trump does this, it would magically neutralize any problem should information from these documents fall into the hands of people with evil intent. For these people Trump is all powerful. He is the God emperor who can overcome anything. These people are mental infants, as is the false God Trump that they worship.
James E Powell
She doesn’t have to concede bias. She doesn’t have to give any reason at all. But if she felt the need to give a reason, that reasonable people might question her impartiality is enough
ETA – Like Omnes said.
@Baud: Yeah, I recall her saying he governed as a shitty Jeb! basically until COVID, and then he really went on his fascist rampage.
karen marie
@patrick II: Immediately after the FBI search Trump and his supporters insisted that all the documents were in a secure, locked storage space.
Yet another false claim that’s gone down the media’s memory hole.
@Brachiator: Except that assuming Trump is a basically a toddler is exactly what a real con artist would want you to think— “I’ve got this guy figured out.” I don’t know the right answer here. O’Toole takes a plausible view.
I was going through some old documents today and I came across some papers related to my (long lapsed) security clearance. (No, I did not have any classified documents in my files, the bathroom or the garage!) It made me furious about TIFG all over again, remembering the training I received and how seriously I took my obligations and how he basically wiped his large behind with all of that.
@karen marie
Yeah, right. When it was eventually suggested to limit access you just know they dispatched a flunky to hop on over to the nearest Dollar Tree and pick up the cheapest padlock.
patrick II
@karen marie:
Even if that were entirely true, a storeroom door lock is not sufficient for guarding highly classified documents.
@patrick II:
Apparently there was also a bathroom door lock.
I saw what you did.
@Baud: Right. And the classified documents could lock themselves inside the bathroom and be perfectly secure.
@Brachiator: The power here comes from the possession of these documents.
I couldn’t love Fintan any more if he were kin, but in this case I think he’s giving Trump too much credit.
As someone else pointed out, the freshly laid towels and pristine wastebasket suggest housekeeping had unfettered access.
@NotMax: Well, of course! That just shows how much Trump cared about the documents. He didn’t want them to get dusty!
Roger Moore
They’re not going to be able to compete with Leavenworth, KS and Florence, CO.
OT: Good day for the good guys at the Supreme Court.
(1) Smith, the venue case we were talking about earlier in the week, came down 9-0 for the government; the proper remedy when a case is tried in the wrong district is retrial, not dismissal. Because I’m a petty asshole, I’d love to see a motion to transfer part of the Trump case to D.C., just to watch the ketchup fly.
(2) Haaland v. Brackeen, the white folks’ challenge to the Indian Child Welfare Act, came down 7-2 in favor of the constitutionality of the statute. Barrett, of all people, stepped up with a solid opinion; the part that said the state of Texas didn’t have standing has potentially far-reaching effects.
Once again, for the record N-billionth time, Donald Trump has achieved unanimity. EVERYONE agrees this was a witch hunt. Well, everyone but the grand jury and the prosecutors. Oops.
@Baud: I believe he was a member of the Freedom Caucus when he was in Congress.
Will Trump be allowed to defame the prosecutors on social media during his trial? Which of course he’ll do, first thing. I’m hoping he’ll be told to STFU, but I don’t know if there are free speech issues.
There’s a fine line between protected speech and jury tampering. I expect Trump will cross it about every other day on average.
@NotMax: Bad enough that housekeeping apparently had access, but the towels suggest the bathroom was in use by somebody.
@smith: Michael Cohen has explained that Trump keeps asking people until he finds someone who tells him what he wants to hear.
Cheney knows a guy who sells man-sized safes. Ship one to Mar-a-Lago in a Wayfair carton, and who’s going to know the difference?
@Mike in Pasadena:
He’s also a god-damned fucking traitorous fat orange fascist shitstain who sucks Kremlin asshole.
karen marie
@patrick II: Oh, I don’t disagree at all. It just amazes me that as Trump and his supporters now claim that it’s perfectly fine to keep restricted documents in a public bathroom or on a ballroom stage, no one points out that this directly contradicts the original claim that the boxes were all in a secure store room.
Bill Arnold
He “Truthed” that Jack Smith is a “coward and a thug” a day or three before his arrest. That got noticed, including probably by Mr. Smith. (And Trump is no Neo.)
@karen marie: The fact that he was so amazingly careless with the documents is puzzling to me, because I am still convinced that he planned to monetize them. But why would a foreign spy bother to make a deal to buy our secrets when all he had to do was drop by the MAL document flea market and pick some up for free? It completely drains those documents of any sale value they had. It’s just so sloppy. Could it reflect Trump’s inability to think more than half a step ahead?
TRUMP: “These maps of Ukraine have gotta be worth at least a few hundred thousand!”
PUTIN: “Nyet. We have already bought that information from Kid Rock.”
@Mike in Pasadena:
We don’t need to convince the hardcore. We just need to peel a few of swing voter points in our direction.
@karen marie:
Double-think is a hell of a drug.
@smith: I do think he is sliding into a kind of dementia hoarding mania. Remember how people compared his speech of the 80’s with the campaign of the 2015 and showed how his intellect had deteriorated? And the keeping of boxes of documents with him preceded his leaving office. It wasn’t illegal while he was President but it was almost as careless and dangerous to keeping those secrets secure. It was nuts. Now he knew it was illegal and was trying to make something of them, probably did sell copies, but I do also think he hoarding syndrome. Freeing of my parents did, very rich woman. Disposing of her estate was a nightmare and it was sad visiting her. Mom said they could barely move in the house and the guest house was almost as bad, filled with expensive dolls and other stuff. It started with collecting much smaller and normal,seeming.
Mike in Pasadena
@Scout211: Tsk CNN. Most people write: “must be admitted to the bar” or similar.
Mike in Pasadena
@Baud: Good point. I was also too lazy to determine the date of the focus group statement. Maybe she made her statement before TFG made one of his many admissions against self interest.
Mike in Pasadena
@different-church-lady: I agree. However, I still weep (figuratively speaking) at the stupidity and willful ignorance of so many in the country.
Steve in the ATL
@different-church-lady: bien fait!
@different-church-lady: My cat LOVES sleeping in my socks drawer.
@Baud: I believe it’s a series of tubes! Don’t they know that? :-)
@Baud: That’s because it doesn’t anymore.
Oh, thank god! If they had come down a week ago, I wonder if Jack Smith might have chosen DC for the venue. Though he probably still wouldn’t have wanted the delays over a venue fight.
@Baud: But they would say no, and he’s psychologicaly unable to accept that. Thus he rationalized the theft.
Res ipsa loquitur
PS Jack is going to nail his ass to the wall!
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
And Lurch was tall.
@Dopey-o: Can we have one of the staff shove his lard ass in it and forget the combination?
Citizen Alan
@Omnes Omnibus: I still say it is an obvious and egregious conflict for a district court judge to her a case against the president who nominated her to sit in the district and division where he was domiciled at a time when the filing of a federal civil and/or criminal case against him post-presidency was at a minimum likely.
Citizen Alan
@Mike in Pasadena: I fear so much for the future of this nation that there so many people, millions in fact, who are utterly deranged cultists devoted to a contemptible monster. I really do worry what’s going to happen when Shitgibbon finally reaches the “Kill them all! God knows his own!” stage.
@Baud: That’s true. He was more std Repub Gov at first with a slightly enlightened environmental streak. He passed some legislation about marine & coastal protection zones early on. Then once in his second term he went ultra
Trump ain’t that smart. Neither are most con artists. Trump keeps losing. He is totally dependent on suckers to keep him free.
Except that he is dead wrong when he says that Trump is trying to hang on to power.
I picture trump dealing with everything that crossed his desk the same way. He liked to clip stories about himself from magazines and newspapers long before he got his ugly self installed in the White House.
But, because he’s lazy, he never organized them — just tossed them into boxes that other people would have to carry around.
That’s what he did as president* too, picking up things that he thought he could use to impress people and/or to mess with his critics.
When he was doing that taped interview, it was on his mind that Milley had said it was a concern that trump might randomly invade Iran, and he remembered that, HEY! I’ve got this thing Milley WROTE about invading Iran! I’m gonna nail that jerk for lying about me! It’s right here, see?
That’s trump in a fucking nutshell. Doesn’t understand any issue, but knows when he’s been insulted and will burn the world down to get revenge.
As you asked….
On the lifespan of information: It is a commonplace among military officers that full colonels, based on their experience and current knowledge, have value for about one year after retirement. After that, their lobbying value diminishes sharply. General officers’ worth lasts a little longer, but mostly because of their networking, not their current knowledge.
@different-church-lady: Because ALL cats have top secrets they’ll NEVER EVER divulge to any human.
You must not have been owned by a cat 😉😁
@NotMax: My childhood… along with Tom and Jerry… Felix the Cat… 😊
The Twitter comment is about his national profile though, not first term to second term in Florida.
The “Rightward lurch” would have occurred after he started running nationally.
Amusing to listen to JD Vance pining away for the Ohio of his youth. That would have been about 1994, when Ohio was much less Republican than it is now. JD Vance actually grew up in the better, more liberal Ohio. He can have what he wants- we just have to replace all the Republicans running the place now.
This. He believes he is head man the world, or at least the western world. And yet I’d bet he has zero idea how to clean one.
Paul in KY
@NotMax: It’s got to be Moscow.
Paul in KY
@Baud: A button lock on the doorknob. So over-the-top security there!
Paul in KY
@NotMax: The sacrosanct Housekeeper Code of Conduct: What goes on in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom.
Paul in KY
@smith: Or the quality of his ‘security team’ tasked with keeping them in a ‘secure’ location.
@WaterGirl: Lex Luthor is much much smarter than Bernie Kerik.
Paul in KY
@different-church-lady: Socks had a TS clearance. He himself was not ‘top secret’. I note that many of TFG’s minions were unable to get a TS clearance.
Yet Socks was…