It’s my hope that Dems are going to do two things.
Run on competence.
Run against the breathtaking level of corruption that riddles the Republican party.
I’m not sure we can call them stupid, since I’m not sure how bright most of the “persuadable” voters are – they may not be all that bright, themselves.
Open thread.
Last year, I posted a request for donations for my friend Susan, who rescued an entire litter of kittens 14 years ago. At the time, her Tabitha needed several teeth removed. Jackals were very generous in helping with the bill. I’m happy to say that Tabitha is doing great. Now it’s her sister Dusty Doolittle who needed dental work. Since they have to sedate cats to do the procedure, the bill is pretty large. I’m coming again to ask you to consider throwing in a few bucks. Here’s some pictures of Dusty and the bill.
Contributions can be sent via PayPal or Zelle to me at jlanam AT comcast DOT net or to my Venmo account at @Jeffery-Lanam. Anything is appreciated.
“It’s like Watergate, but with
Weather news: Dominica appears to be in line to get an early hurricane, predicted to arrive Friday evening. All positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated. We are preparing as well as we can and hoping for the best.
The political corruption of the rethuglican party has reached new heights. Or is it new lows?
It’s not even the money, although that is important to them, which is why I call it political corruption.
Their concept of politics is we get everything, shut up and pay us not to be worse, which we will do anyway.
@Betty: You have my thoughts and all good wishes. It seems very recent since your island was beset with the previous hurricane.
If Trump becomes the GOP nominee, I would love to see the following campaign ad.
Open with a shot of the photo of Trump’s bathroom with the boxes of classified documents.
Voiceover: Just imagine if Trump is elected again.
Cut to a shot of the exterior of Mar a Lago. Then show the entire property being covered with boxes of documents.
Voiceover: The country has had enough of this nonsense.
Vote for competence. Vote for Joe Biden.
Close with a shot of President Biden.
Study Finds More Americans Taking On Third Job To Help Keep CEOs Afloat – The Onion
Quick—you’re gonna want to fix that last sentence.
I know it was made for the entertainment value but after watching “White House Plumbers” I think Watergate but with morons is redundant.
Dems: We get shit done, they just engage in scaremongering about CRT and LGBTQ persons.
This fookin’ guy.
@Elizabelle: Hurricane Maria was on 2017 and everything had pretty much returned to normal. While steps have been take to make buildings more resilient, another Category 5 would be devastating. This one has picked up force very quickly. So we can only watch and wait. Thanks to all for the responses!
@trollhattan: I sincerely hope bail of any kind is denied and he stays in jail until trial.
@StringOnAStick: They’re never going to do that to Trump.
Oh, wait, you were talking about that other guy?
@Betty: Safe thoughts for you and everyone else in its path. Maybe it will fizzle out. Fingers crossed.
@Marmot: Yep!
@Betty: Fingers crossed, and sending good everything your way.
I always thought that the people who settled the west were made of sterner stuff then me. That’s how I feel about people who live in hurricane areas, too.
trollhattan@10: When the original burglars put some red tape over one of the door locks at the Watergate, a nightwatchman on rounds removed it. They put it back.
I am interested in the rescue attempt underway for the submersible Titan, on its way to see the Titanic.
Mostly because of the effort the Coast Guard and rescuers will be making. Always rooting for the Coast Guard and other responders. We probably learn a lot during these deep sea missions (and this one might be at 13,000 feet; it could be on the surface too, and just out of communication. Visibility is limited; seas are three to six feet.)
Vessel has been missing (or out of touch) since yesterday morning; may have “70 to 96 hours of air” (measured from when?)
@Betty: 2017. Wow, Hurricane Maria was that long ago. So much has happened in the interim.
May Hurricane Bret pass you unscathed.
I’m seeing clips on Twitter of Bret Baier’s “interview” with trumpov on Fox (maybe earlier today? or even this evening?) and wow, is trump a) stupid and b) fucked
Go watch if you can – holeeee cow!
zhena gogolia
@Jeffro: I literally and physically can’t unless explosive vomiting is in the picture.
@Jeffro: @zhena gogolia:
Yeah. I cannot even wade into reading about Casey Desantis (next thread).
With both Trumpov and the Desantises: time one never gets back. Clean your bathroom, if you have that much time on your hands.
@zhena gogolia: I hear you, but it’s so nuts – so self-incriminatingly NUTS – that you might just laugh.
Baier is telling trumpov to his face that he lost in 2020, that he insulted scores of the “best people” he hired, and so on. And trump just BS’s and BS’s and BS’s, flailing away.
Ah well, different strokes for different folks. For me, it’s like watching open mic night at the comedy club…
@Jeffro: Hmmm. Maybe a transcript. So we did not have to see the face, and hear the voice, but could skim the idiocy….
Dan B
@Betty: You’ve got my thoughts and fingers crossed. Hoping it passes far to the south.
Raoul Paste
In the “every accusation is a confession“ category, I’ve been observing Republicans talk about corrupt Democrats more and more. Typical.
But yes, corruption really is the root of so many problems
@Elizabelle: I’m with you 99.9% – normally I can’t take even 10 seconds of His Assface’s nonsense on tv. But it really hit different!
@Betty: Irmaria was a catastrophe the like of which I hope we don’t see again for 100 years. NWS forecasts suggest Bret is gonna be cat-1, tho as you say you never know. Good luck, stay safe!
@Jeffro: I will be fine with watching Trump on trial in whichever courtrooms he is appearing in, in the coming months.
Cameras in the courtroom. On the one hand, you want viewers to be able to watch the whole thing for themselves, instead of having Mrs. Greenberg summarize it for them.
On the other: lots of airtime for Trumpov and others to be spreading lies. Although: courtroom. So they may be held accountable.
Read about how Hitler used his beer hall putsch trial (and a compliant judge) to speechify and burnish his reputation. Don’t think that will happen with Trump, but he may try …
@Jeffro: Yeah, the clips I saw were lit. His lawyers will be fleeing again. He doesn’t seem to understand that a witness recorded him talking about having a classified document that he can’t show them because he didn’t declassify it! Doesn’t he know all of this can be used in court against him? Anyone else would have their lawyers get them a plea bargain.
@Jeffro: I saw some excerpts from that interview… A lot of [sniffing] from Trump, makes you wonder. But I don’t want to get into Mar-a-Lago-ology. A lot of stress from the Trump side, many of the Foxies were unhappy, before the interview and after. They don’t think he can win.
zhena gogolia
@Jeffro: Okay, I take it back, it’s nuts! Hugely entertaining.
@Betty: Hoping for the best for you, the forecasts are rather uncertain so far, I remember Irma when it hit here, it was weak by then but bad enough. May Bret fizzle and stay away from you.
Here’s the latest ( uncertain) report
I’d change that to: It’s like Watergate but with more and even dumber morons.
In the seventies there was a reasonably good chance that Nixon would have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office. Today, there is no chance there will ever be enough Republicans willing to hold a president of their own party accountable. Democrats might not either, but the overwhelming likelihood is that if a Democratic president were impeached, the charges would be trumped up (pun acceptable). No sane person would ever trust Republican House leaders to behave responsibly or honestly.
I want to go for a walk.
@TriassicSands: I think this is Stupid Watergate II (III?)
Rebel’s Dad
A while back I watched a parody of the cartoon “Jem” on YouTube. My favorite (made-up) line was, “If you’re going to insult me, at least the decency to do it with jokes that are actually fucking funny.”
That’s how I feel about all of this. If you’re gonna be corrupt, at least be good at it.
Other MJS
Hey, maybe we’ve found Trump’s veep for 2024.
They are all grifters
@Other MJS: I was thinking RFK Jr would fit the VP slot.
TIFG could claim a “bipartisan ticket.”
I actually watched the Faux interview starring TIFG. I hope a LOT of his die hard supporters did, too. Tomorrow night is Interview Part 2.
Let’s not forget Watergate was run by a bunch of morons. Trump’s morons are even more moronic.