Testing the PaulB‘ theory of why some embedded videos might still play and why others don’t.
My guess is that the Twitter video issue is because of the double embedding. Both of the videos above are in tweets that are embedded in someone else’s tweet. Other tweets in posts below that are the primary tweet for the video don’t have this problem and play just fine on my Windows PC.
This is the original tweet with video:
Outstanding. pic.twitter.com/0sBG802brF
— jamie (@gnuman1979) June 28, 2023
This one has the retweeted tweet with the same video.
it used to be only nation-states could cause accidental explosions like this. god bless this country for giving every family an unsecured explosive stockpile https://t.co/y0i4P7kS6p
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) June 29, 2023
If you don’t have a twitter account and you are willing to try this experiment, let us know in the comments and also let us know what your environment is. Mac, Windows, browser, etc.
Open thread.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
I can play the first one.
The second one opens a tab with Twitter where it then tells me that something went wrong. The thing that went wrong, of course, is that it brought me to Twitter.
PaulB is correct. I can play the first but not the second.
Samsung phone.
PaulB is correct. The single tweet video played for me and the double one directed me to the sign in.
Yep. Video plays in the first one, but not the second.
PC running Windoze 10
Looks like we have a winner! At least from the results so far.
So, Open Thread!
Frank Wilhoit
First video plays. Second one makes Twitter say “we don’t serve your kind.”. Firefox on Android.
Both failed to work on a Macintosh running Mac OS Ventura 13.2.1
Nook android with Chrome. First one worked. Second one didn’t.
Jerzy Russian
First video works for me, but not the second one. Regarding the content: hopefully that will be a few fewer assholes setting off fireworks on the future.
ETA: Chrome on an iPhone 14.
Grumpy Old Railroader
MacOS Ventura 13.2.1 Firefox 114.0.1
Original (1st) Tweet plays while on BJ. Embedded (ReTweet) takes me to Twitter to play
@RepubAnon: Interesting. What browser are you using?
First one worked, second one went to twitter no-can-see-this.
Video plays in the first, but in the second I get the same redirect to Twitter with the “something went wrong” message as everyone else. Mac running Mojave.(10.14.6), Firefox browser.
Jerzy Russian
@WaterGirl: Did you end up getting your home internet back? I am sure your ISP will prorate your bill to account for the downtime…
I was able to see the first one, not the second. MacBook Air, Firefox.
Yup, I’m getting what others report: #1 works, #2 takes me to a twitter log-in page.
Mac laptop running 12.5.1 (Monterey)
I tried it on an iPad running iOS 15.5: first one ran, second one did n ot.
NOTE: Those bozos should have watched the first Tremors movie – when “Stumpy” the graboid spit one of Bert’s bombs into the duffle bag where he had the rest of them stashed.
1st played, 2nd did not- it sent me to twitter page and “something went wrong” message. Have had that happen many times the past few days.
Tried the ‘share’ button on the first. No effect.
iPad Safari, wifi via fios.
@Jerzy Russian: Yeah, I finally got it back today and haven’t lost it yet. I’ll give them tomorrow (for the holiday) then plan to grit my teeth and call them up for an unhappy chat.
God, those people in the video are stupid.
Just worked for me on android/firefox. ETA the first one that is.
Edge on Windows 11. The first one plays, the second gets the same error as others.
I want to see what is left of that car.
@WaterGirl: Google Chrome. On both the Mac and the iPad. Will try Safari on the Mac.
William D
android phone…first video fine…second video “something went wrong please try reloading” message
in the past when I clicked on these links I sometimes get video but no sound
Dan B
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis: I had the same thing happen.
Samsung Mobile Android
@William D:
Is that in reference to the first video (original) or the retweeted video?
My punchcard VMS system is able to see second one, not first.
But I’m still waiting for the 4rd frame to display of the video. Not bad for ascii art
@Scout211: Same as above. Avast with VPN disabled.
Window/Firefox, first video played fine, second directed me to twitter.
@RepubAnon: Tried Safari on the Mac To quote James Earl Jones in Dr Strangelove: “still negative function…”
My experience is the same as everyone else’s: first video plays, second redirects to Twitter. (Chrome on a MacBook Air, OS 13.4.1.)
The backstory, for anyone who hasn’t looked it up (I was curious): This happened in Nebraska and was recorded by a home security camera. There were no injuries or even any significant damage to the house or minivan. The home owners sent the video to neighbors in case any of their cars might have been damaged and needed insurance coverage. One of the recipients shared it with a relative who put it on Reddit, birthing a viral video.
Jerzy Russian
@MobiusKlein: I loved VMS. Is that even an option anymore?
The Thin Black Duke
1st video played fine. 2nd video redirected me to Twitter. Played, no problem. Android phone, chrome.
Another Scott
PaulB is right, ++1.
What is interesting to me is if I try to copy the tweet URL and send it to Telegram or even a different browser tab, it doesn’t work.
Melon is determined to annoy about 90% of the planet, isn’t he??
First one worked fine on an iPhone 14, iOS 16.5.1 running Safari.
Second one did not!
returning to Lurk Mode now….
zhena gogolia
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis: Same here. Chrome, Mac laptop.
There go two miscreants
Firefox on Win 10. First video plays fine; second one opens twitter link, which fails (has been failing for me for quite some time anyway).
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: But in the comments on YouTube (the one linked by satby this morning), all the commenters are sympathetic to them. “Oh, that mom got her baby out of the way so fast!” Well, why the fuck was she doing this with a baby in the first place? I swear, I hate this country sometimes.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Same here, 1 plays, 2 fails. Motorola phone, Android, Chrome.
Twitter, since day one, has been so locked down via my preferred browser settings I honestly wasn’t aware there were videos. Show as text only and the bulk of the tweets here (and elsewhere when embedded) are often just incomprehensible jibber-jabber (which I happily ignore). YMMV.
It’ll be permanent absolute zero in Hell before I click on anything that might take me to Twitter.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, I call bullshit on this:
I also don’t believe there was no damage to the car.
@Cptlhill: Thank you for de-lurking!
@zhena gogolia: That baby is going to have hearing problems long before it plays loud music in high school.
First one works. Second one doesn’t on an iMac running Catalina version 10.15.7 and I’m using Safari.
Just tried my iPad using OS 16.5.1 First one works. Second one doesn’t.
Math Guy
I can play the first one, but not the second using Safari on an iPad Pro. Don’t have a Twitter account. Looks like one of my family’s fireworks displays.
1st video plays, 2nd redirects toTwitter (using up-to-date Brave browser)
2014 MacBook Pro running Mohave.
The first one worked for me, but not the retweeted one. I have a Twitter account but have not been logged on in ages, and I am using a brand new phone so I might as well not have an account as far as my browser knows.Firefox on an Android phone.
Second video takes me to annoying Twitter start page.
2012 MacBook Pro, Chrome. The first one plays just fine, the second redirects me to Twitter, where “something went wrong.”
Yep, same as the others on my Windows 10 machine. First plays, second goes to the login thing.
MacBook Pro Monterey 12.6.7 (oh look, I’m due for an update), first one worked, second one did like the original post and took me to a second tab that was Twitter with uh-oh-something-went-wrong.
Windows 10, old PC,
#1 works,
#2 takes me to the Apartheid Princess site.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
Favorite things about the video?
1) Using a mortar by setting it on the ground and lighting it. They’re lucky it didn’t take the baby’s head off instead of getting lodged under the car.
2) The guy who decides to hang around where the mortar got lodged. That’s just hot buttered death wishing, that is.
3) The quick thinking lady who immediately picks up the baby. That allows her to get the infant to safety when, apparently unexpectedly, the mortar blows.
4) The guy near the car who runs, letting the little boy fend for himself.
People constantly do dumb, dangerous things. Sometimes because they don’t read the instructions, sometimes because they get into a habit and nothing’s ever gone wrong before. This video demonstrates exactly why most guns should be prohibited for most people in most places at most times.
Same for me, confirming PaulB’s suggestion. Refurb Dell Latitude with Windoze 10, Safari.
@Origuy: “see what is left of that car…”
Me too! Yikes.
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis: Yup.
ETA: and this video shows why most fireworks should be prohibited for THESE people, the grownups at least, forever after. Did anyone who still has Twitter access look further to find out if they’re okay?
The first works for me in both Chrome and Firefox, the second in neither. And just to be the odd one out, I’m on Ubuntu 22.
Agree 100%
I sent out my new(to me) camera to be converted to full spectrum this afternoon, should be 2 to 3 weeks before I get it back.
On my MacBook running Chrome, the first plays at Balloon Juice, the second relocates to Twitter and plays there.
I have no idea of the significance of this.
I don’t have a Twitter account and I can play the first but not the second on my Mac running Big Sur OS and Safari. The blank Twitter page tells me something went wrong. Like I needed them to point that out.
That video is everything America in 2023. Maybe needs some gunz.
I’m on Mac with Ventura 13.4.1 and first one plays, second takes me to twitter and then plays. Using Safari. The upgrade from 13.2.1 to 13.4.1 is very recent, I think a couple of days ago. I wonder if you upgrade Mac OS if it will work that way for you?
Tony G
@Baud: Same here. I’m using Safari on a MacBook. The first video shows the suburban rednecks and their massive explosions, the second one issues the message from Twitter: “Something went wrong. Try reloading.” (A message with zero diagnostic information, by the way.) I have to say that, politics aside, I’m appalled by what Elon has done to that company. This particular fuck-up has been going on now for about 72 hours. I “worked” in I.T. for almost 40 years, 22 of those years in a position that had me on call 24×7 for system support. Believe me that if had allowed a problem of this magnitude to fester for 3 hours — let alone 3 days — I would have gotten a stern talking-to by management. It’s just unbelievable; Elon has the reverse Midas-touch — everything he touches turns to shit.
Tony G
@SpaceUnit: That’s true. The video is missing the big finale in which the explosions set off the cache of AR-15 ammunition, thereby wiping out half of the happy family. I’m sure that someone is working on that now.
@Another Scott:
Melon is determined to annoy about 90% of the planet, isn’t he??
I think he may be pissed that more of us aren’t buying a Tesla. Or that he way overpaid and under thought about what the hell he was doing buying twitter and now more people hate him than ever before. Does he have ANY friends left?
Jim Appleton
Clicking the retweet brings me to a page with a GIF showing Melon the Hutt smoking a joint and saying, “Naughty naughty …”
Kindle Fire, Silk 112.5 on Android (PIE).
First one plays, shows what happens when untrained suburbanites invoke Fiendfyre.
Second opens the twatter, which opens with a variation on location and curse invoked.(can’t see it unless logged in etc)
That video is at least a year old or older. And yeah, piling all the fireworks so near the launch area.
Similar results as others: first video plays, second takes me to Twitter. Android phone, Chrome browser
The first one took a while to load but eventually played.
The second one showed a “retry” message.
iPad 16.3.1, Firefox, private browsing
… aaaand I’ll be showing that first video instance to everyone I meet this week.
@Tony G:
Also a bunch of police beating someone up in the street.
Watergirl @ Top:
First video plays. Second video redirects to Twitter error page.
Nice catch, PaulB!
Firefox, Linux (Debian 12), Self-built PC (CPU: AMD 5800x; RAM: 32 GB Crucial Ballistix; MB: ASRock X570 PG Velocita; GPU: AMD 6700XT)
Not the only odd one out. I’m on Linux too.
The first video plays for me on the BJ page. The second one takes me to Twitter with the retry message. Using a Windows 8.1desktop (yeah, I know, time for an upgrade) with Chrome browser.
First video worked for me, second did the hung re-direct. Apple phone, Safari
First one works for me with iPhone, the second one no.
I can see the first but not the second. I’m on a Linux OS with KDE and Firefox.
On two different iPads, PaulB’s theory pans out. I can see the video that is directly embedded, but can’t play the video that is “double embedded”
The first video plays.
The second one tries to open Twitter and gives me the following message:
Windows 10. Chrome browser. I do not have a Twitter account.
First tweet played fine.
Second tweet said something went wrong, try reloading. Hitting the retry button did nothing, or immediately looped back to the error message.
Yuppers, theory confirmed on iPhone.
Also: Elon broke the sidebar at LGM, which don’t make a scrap of sense from a data scraping standpoint.
@Tony G:
First video worked for me. 2nd video gave me the dreaded, insipid admonition that “something went wrong”.
I’m running Windows 10 and Firefox, I do not have a twitter acct. The first one played fine and the second one opened a new window and launched twitter, which I immediately closed. If a video launches a new window, I will kill it straight away because I hate that shit.
As a retired (with all my fingers) pyrotechnician, that video makes me shudder. There’s some Darwin Award material right there. I hope there were legal consequences for that level of reckless stupidity.
Windows 10 and Chrome. First one played second opened twitter in a new tab
Odie Hugh Manatee
Speaking of stupid fuckers doing stupid shit with fireworks, I just finished covering what is left of the rear window in our Sienna with clear plastic since a friend of the chucklefuck two houses down thought it would be a great idea to toss a silver salute out into a street with lots of loose gravel.
I pulled the van into the driveway a bit ago and heard the crunch of broken glass falling. Our dashcam went off at the same time but it would have only caught the sound of glass breaking as the camera points out the front. I’ll go visit the house tomorrow and call the insurance company on the 5th if there are any problems getting the a-hole to cover the damage.
First yes (plays at BJ site), second no on linux/firefox desktop. Opening twitter links on this box hasn’t worked in several weeks even when it still worked on the android.
The original tweet works for me.
Android phone using DuckDuckGo browser
Added – happy Independence Day to all my fellow United Statesians!
First one worked, second didn’t. iPhone 13, Firefox.
Late to the dance, but I suspect you have enough results by now to label it a scientific sample.
Here: Dell laptop, Windows 10, Firefox
First one plays. Nothing on 2nd one.
Happy Independence Day!
Super Dave
Neither works for me. First one acts like it will play but doesn’t. Second one redirects to twitter.
iPad Mini, Safari
I will test with PC and report.
Super Dave
First one works, second one redirects to twitter.
Dell desktop, still running Windows 7, Chrome.
The first video played on this website, the second to an error message on Twitter. Samsung Galaxy tablet running android.
I was never a Twitter user; only the first video played for me. I am using a Chrome browser on an Acer laptop.
The first video works in both Firefox and Chrome, desktop PC running Ubuntu. Second video does not work.
First one played. Second didn’t as many above have said.
iPhone 13 running ios
The Pale Scot
Reminds me of that guy in Tenn wouldn’t pay for fire protection in an unincorporated county. The second time the fire department showed up the protect his neighbor and let his place burn. The rabbletariate was bitching about the callousness of the fire dept. (who could not act because their insurance would be void) and they insisted that he was not at fault… for burning garbage near his house during a drought. I pointed out that wasn’t true.. How? His fucking house burned down, killing his pets. That and fact that the house was burning for a while before he called for help tells me he was drinking and was probably sleeping it off
macOS, safari, recent versions, first one works, second one doesn’t
pretty much any tweet with an embedded tweet (e.g. retweet) takes me to the twitter homeworld to view the embedded tweet, whether it is a video, an image or set of images, or just a tweet. This holds true across any site I can think of on the web
note – if this was a day the twitter was really slow, I would not expect the first one to work.