This probably isn’t news to anyone who reads Balloon Juice, but everything is on the line in Ohio today. No matter how the vote on Issue 1 comes out, this is a big Joe Biden deal, and we are going to learn a lot about how much people are paying attention. And by people, I mean “normies”.
Polls close at 7:30 tonight. I’ll have a post up for the Ohio results, which I imagine will start coming in pretty much right away. Ohio peeps, is that correct? By what time do we expect to know the results?
Ohio Voters will decide TODAY Aug. 8 special election whether they support Issue 1, a measure which would:
- Require 60% of voters to pass a new constitutional amendment, instead of a simple majority of 50% plus one.
- Require citizens who want to place an amendment on the ballot to collect signatures from at least 5% of voters from the last gubernatorial election in all 88 counties, instead of the current 44.
- Eliminate a 10-day cure period that allows citizens to replace any signatures deemed faulty by the secretary of state’s office.
One look at the three changes and it seems obvious that this is not good for democracy.
I have high hopes for Ohio, but when the day for voting comes, it really hits home that you’ve done all you can and now you just have to wait to see how it turns out. It’s a hard day.
Open thread.
NO ON 1!
NO ON 1!
I am pretty optimistic about this power grab going down to well-deserved defeat. I suspect that even a good chunk of Republicans will vote no.
I think we’re going to crush this one guys. I think the Republicans actually screwed up even trying this, I think we’re going to win and add a few to the “disaffected Republican” column.
What @rikyrah: said.
The turnout, regardless of GOP shenanigans, looks to be VERY strong which id good for the NO vote.
NBC News (@NBCNews) posted at 0:30 PM on Tue, Aug 08, 2023:
NEW: Nearly 100 people in the U.S. and Australia have so far been arrested, and at least 13 children rescued, after the fatal shooting of two FBI agents led to the unraveling of a suspected international pedophile ring, officials say.
Lips so pursed
rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) posted at 0:32 PM on Tue, Aug 08, 2023:
This is utterly NONSENSICAL. @FaniforDA Willis deals with state law. Jack Smith is federal. Feds and state often charge the same folks. DAN IS WRONG. “@DanAbrams: Now That Jack Smith Has Indicted Trump on Georgia Conduct, Fani Willis Should ‘Walk Away'”
The pictures on this…
philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) posted at 8:00 AM on Tue, Aug 08, 2023:
A reckless driver was taken to the hospital after crashing their car into the second floor of a Pennsylvania home
I wonder how many of them were drag queens.
Ohio Capital Journal as of very early this morning before polls opened. They did some interesting breakdowns: (includes early voting and mail in)
I voted at 6:30 this morning. Will be on Blue Ohio Zoom Watch party tonight.
I’m curious about even the old county requirement. Since counties don’t have the same population, does the requirements violate equal protection? I wonder if that’s been litigated.
The early/absentee vote will be very D so don’t look to early returns – you have to wait until some election day vote comes in to measure R vote.
@RevRick: All the living former governors, from both parties, and the former secretaries of state, from both parties, came out No on 1.
But this is still Ohio
ETA I am still depressed about the three hacks that won the last Ohio Supreme Court election, our first elecrion where they showed party affiliation.
No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) posted at 1:43 PM on Tue, Aug 08, 2023:
Florida high schools are now removing Shakespeare, including the full text of “Romeo and Juliet,” to comply with Republicans’ new law restricting “sexual content.”
“I think the rest of the nation — no, the world, is laughing at us,” a teacher said.
philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) posted at 10:07 AM on Tue, Aug 08, 2023:
People are sounding the alarm on the “supplemental curriculum” created by PragerU, an unaccredited right-wing group, that has been approved by Florida schools
Frederick Douglass is depicted in a video, saying founding fathers had to “compromise” on slavery & urges kids to work…
Starting to think what’s going to save democracy is GOP overreach. In case Florida’s current administration hasn’t pissed off enough people, they’ve come up with a new twist. If Florida schoolchildren want to be addressed by a nickname, now they have to bring in a parental consent form. Thereby irking every Tom, Dick, and Harry.
Old School
Based on the article, the home must be in a bit of a valley.
Still, pretty impressive.
@sab: Even Blackwell? Or is he dead?
@Immanentize: the Kansas vote protecting the right to abortion was 59-41. That’s probably why they picked 60% as the threshold.
The Tweet has a graph, but basically Gallego and Lamb are tied (42-42) in a 2 way race, vs 36-29-21 for Gallego-Lamb-Sinema contest.
Does Arizona have a Georgia like runoff rule, where you need 50%+1?
@Ocotillo:Good catch. He is yes on 1.
So early/absentee very D but then it switches and the first election day vote to come in will be rural low pop counties so very R. Also not a good measure.
Fingers crossed for Ohio, that Issue 1 fails.
I wrote 150 postcards in 5 weeks to towns and cities across the state, and I always figure that 10% of my postcards are acted upon, so that’s 15 “No” votes…. it’s better than nowt.
Fake Irishman
It’s also the supermajority Florida uses for their initiatives.
@Gretchen: I don’t doubt it. But Kansas and Ohio are slightly different — Kansas has more Native Americans and fewer Catholics. 🙃
Alison Rose
Fingers crossed things go the right way!
Also, every time I am reminded that Ohio is in Eastern time, my brain resists for a few moments. I always imagine Ohio as being closer to the midwest than it is and always forget that the Eastern time zone goes all the way to most of Indiana.
They’re intentionally playing with our emotions.
@Mousebumples: AZ is first past the post. No runoff required.
@Gretchen: That would be pretty bad math. Kansas’s R margin is about double ohio’s.
As it purely relates to the reproductive rights amendment and without the language that means Republican favored amendments only need 50%, I might be nearly agnostic on issue 1. I think we can get 60%+ for reproductive rights.
But issue 1 is, in context of an unconstitutionally gerrymandered state and with privileging the amendments that make it through the tilted legislature, just shockingly anti-democratic. I have hopes that we can both send it down in flames and use it later as a poster child for how corrupt Republican politicians want to turn Ohio into Russia.
Alison Rose
Since this is tagged as an OT, do we have any jackals with credit reporting expertise? Who do I have to b low at Experian for my score to get over 700? My Transunion score has been over 700 for months and months, but Experian will not go above 690. I’ve checked my reports and there is nothing squirrely going on, all the info is the same between them. Is it just that the different bureaus assign different weight to things? I’m not able to improve it on my own because with the bankruptcy on my account, I can’t get a credit card of any kind, so I have no option of “charge, pay off, charge, pay off” to try to raise it. Do I have to just give up until 2026 when the bankruptcy drops off? (Which, by the way, 7 years is bullshit.)
@rikyrah: Will they also punish parents for taking their kids to a Shakespeare plays?
@Alison Rose:
Right, and for many years every county and municipality in Indiana made its own decision about what time zone they were in. ‘In Indiana, no one knows what time it is.’ Also, reportedly, the motivation behind the old TV series ‘Eerie Indiana’.
Clownishly corrupt Ohio Chamber pretends they didn’t endorse Issue 1 four hours before polls close – they had their logo plastered all over the ads about “wokeness” and drag queens and trans people for weeks and now they’ve determined it’s better if they lie about it.
Almost Retired
@Mousebumples: Ugh, 42-42. Arizona is definitely the reddest shade of purple. Sure, the Gov., SoS and AG races went our way, but very, very narrowly, and against objectively repugnant Republican candidates (including Trump). Not sure if Arizona would have gone the same way with even marginally sane Republican candidates. But, it’s trending in the right direction — growth from priced-out Californians is better than swarms of retired Iowans.
@Alison Rose: Ohio is the most eastern of the midwestern states. We are midwest because we are on the west side of the Appalachian Mountains and not in the South, and not a former colony.
Alison Rose
@MattF: Oh good Lordy.
Doesn’t Lamb have to get past crazy Kari Lake first?
Dan Abrams? He of NewsNaton fame, the network selling Mike Lindell’s MyPillow2.0, and whose network recently held an exciting town hall with RFK Jr.? That Dan Abrams? ;)
I watch Wood County which is a 50/50 swing county in the NW part of the state, borders Lucas County (Toledo) and has a fancy suburb, a college town and a solidly blue collar town. College won’t help us this time – August – but I still think it’s a bellweather.
@Kay: Didn’t the Ohio Chamber of Commerce vote to endorse it with barely a quorum present and no prior announcement that the endorsement was an issue on that day’s agenda?
@Kay: Hence the crazy August vote date. Why do Republicans hate their children?
Betty Cracker
@Fake Irishman: Yep, and even when we manage to pass a ballot initiative with 60%, the corrupt and gerrymandered Repub statehouse finds a way to subvert the will of the voters. (See felon voter rights restoration.) It’s infuriating.
@Alison Rose: Tons of people think Ohio is further west, I think maybe because it’s kind of phonetically related to Iowa?
Where I am in Ohio I’m closer to the Chesapeake bay than I am to Chicago. Pretty much smack dab in the middle between NYC and Chicago.
@Kay: Think they smell blowback?
@Almost Retired: I wouldn’t put too much stock in that one poll, especially if there’s 12-14% undecided.
@Alison Rose: My brain does that with Ohio too. Not sure why.
@Alison Rose:
Donno on the credit rating thing.
Up here, we have a “secured credit card” thing if you have bad credit. Basically, the Bank/Credit Union get’s $2k of your money, held in trust, and you get a credit card you can charge up to $1k on before it caps out. $2k is the minimum deposit, but you can go higher with the same 50% of the deposit being the charge limit.
Anonymous At Work
@rikyrah: Florida Driver. May have been born outside Florida and has never visited the state, but a Florida Driver.
@Bupalos: The 88 counties requirement for signatures is part that upsets me. That is just insurmountable.
zhena gogolia
Good LP video on DeSantis.
@Jay: We have that here, but the bankruptcy might be the stumbling block.
All you need is one phucking county to torpedo anything.
And, there is no time to correct signatures.
Almost Retired
@Eolirin: Very true. Early polling is crap. But the point about Arizona being the iffiest of iffy states was mostly what I was saying.
@Alison Rose:
You can get a credit card that uses your money to back your charges. First Progress was the one I used. I sent them $300.00 to hold and was able to charge up to that amount on the card. They report to all three credit agencies and help your credit rating if you pay the charges on time. I feel your pain. Those credit rating agencies make life hard for those of us who have limited funds.
Screw them. They’re on the drag queen mailer, so too late to lie about it. Clowns. Why are they involved in the drag queen panic at all? Is that a good use of member funds?
@Bupalos: I hope this blows up Frank LaRose’s political career.
Anonymous At Work
@Baud: “No” and “Not likely” are my answers. Most states have that requirement to protect rural voters and the requirements are usually not high. If County X had 20 people vote in last election, you only need 1. It’s expensive to canvass a wide swath of unpopulated area (Is that banjo music I hear???) but nothing too horrible.
If you really raise thresholds, then you could, in theory, raise issues. Mississippi has some requirements for state-wide elected offices that raise Equal Protection issues, for example. However, 5% per county of last general election for governor isn’t there.
Almost Retired
@Alison Rose: I have a similar problem with Nashville and Birmingham. They’re in the Eastern Time Zone in my California brain, but ….alas….not.
No clue why they would pick the Picasso but I do know that if I was on their planet and shopping for souvenirs, I’d pick the weirdest stuff I could find. Alien pictures of aliens? My iPhone would already be full of those.
Not as much as usual, but maybe still some. I was reading an analysis a few weeks ago about how college towns’ blueness isn’t just because of students in a lot of places.
Thank you for the clarification! I was thinking probably… But not my state, so I didn’t want to be wrong.
LOL could be. I have no idea. I’m trying to figure out who’s running against Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin.
up here, Credit Cards are “overweighted” in credit scores than other things. Probably because of the interest rates and fees, and a lot of other month to month bills don’t count. They count more towards boosting your credit scores than mortgages and loans.
It’s not a “prepaid credit card”, those don’t even technically count as a credit card in lots of places up here, (like car rentals) but instead are treated as a “cash card”.
@Almost Retired: FWIW, Kari Lake led every poll released prior to the election. It’s one thing she cites as proof that she was robbed.
That’s true. The college town residents are also blue. I just meant we won’t get a bump of students in total vote. It fades to purple in both the fancy suburb and blue collar parts of the county.
Wood County is where the Mitt Romney people alleged voter fraud in ’12 because they made a math error – it really caught fire w/the Right and there are STILL people who claim it was fraud.
Mittens! Get your shit together! Add it again!
@sab: I feel like Cincinnati is not “Ohio”. It’s hard to describe. I was born and raised in the midwest for most of my life and while Ohio feels “Midwestern” Cincinnati definitely does not. It’s weird.
I think because like the NRA, they’ve long since transitioned from being an actual issue-oriented group (“pro-business” in this case) to being a rubber stamp pro-Republican. Probably during the Gingrich “if you want to get anything from us, you have to be with us 100%” days, but I don’t remember for sure.
Sister Golden Bear
@Kay: FWIW, Little Miss Hotmess, one of the queens the haters have been highlighting, is one of the founders of Drag Queen Story Hour, and an acquaintance of mine.
@Immanentize: Rethuglicans hate everybody, including themselves. They deny it of course but the rest of us have to deal with their twisted projections.
Thanks for the post and summary on this.
I knew this issue was coming up in Ohio, but I didn’t know the details.
Is this also a state that allows early voting?
@Kay: Yeah, I didn’t mean it as a disagreement; I know you know your area. I just thought people might not be aware of that.
@Jay: My bank says that a secured credit card is treated as a credit card for ratings and is a way to reestablish credit in order to get a regular credit card.
I have learned that the hard way since somebody used my debit card to charge Beyonce tickets this week. I haven’t had a credit card in years because I am too old to be intending to borrow money. I have no idea how they got my debit card info. I suppose something I bought on line has weak security
ETA So my credit history evaporated.
@rikyrah: yes, he does and to be scrupulously honest, you could leave his name out entirely and still get that number. He’s at 42 precisely because he has no name recognition. There is no correlation to who the candidate is and what their positions are.
“no one really hates him” only stands for, we don’t know who he is yet…..
@Brachiator: Yes, but Rethuglican regime has made it harder.
@Brachiator: Yes on early voting, but they have tightened up time it is available.
When I first voted in 1972 there was no early voting, and absentee ballots had to be notarized. And you had to have a reason to vote absentee.
Oh, man, I’m glad I have state legislative elections to focus on this year and don’t have to start thinking about who’s running against Tim Kaine yet. There’s like seven or eight of them, and the first guy (who’s getting coverage because he ran for Congress before) has enough craziness for the whole bunch all by himself.
@Almost Retired: Regarding your comment about former Californians moving to Arizona, do the white people in California vote majority GOP or are they more liberal? I know the rural areas of Cali can be like west coast Alabama but am curious.
Yeah, that’s why the GOP 6 on the Supreme Court turn a blind eye to voter suppression, since it’s easier for everyone compared to when they were young.
Alison Rose
@Josie: I don’t have money to do that. I’m on disability and barely getting by month to month.
Alison Rose
@Almost Retired: I think on the West coast, we just sort of see anything between Nevada and New York as “the midwest” :P
@rikyrah: right, as someone who worked on an iniative for a couple years and played the signature game, I agree it would be near impossible. Stretch you already nonexistant resources, and then they attack your worst county and hire every bogus “handwriting expert” in the tristate area to take it out.
Old School
Alison Rose
@Ocotillo: California is majority Democrat, likely across all groups. Yes, there are some inland rural areas that are very much like the deep South, but they are also mostly sparsely populated compared to the coastal regions. We have almost exactly twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans in the state. There are many many many white liberals in this state.
@Almost Retired: Louisville KY is in the Eastern time zone.
I played golf at Fort Knox with my BIL at 9:30 PM during high summer.
Hard to find your ball but plenty light.
@Baud: Friday.
@sab: Unfortunately, a credit card has legal protections that debit cards do not. If you buy online a credit card is probably a requirement. I’ve had to have cards replaced multiple times due to the card information being stolen, but it doesn’t come out of one’s banking account. However, I pay off my credit cards every month. You don’t have to go into debt with a credit card if you never charge any more than you can pay off each month.
Old School
@Baud: So John Lauro expressed an preference for Thursday afternoon and the judge scheduled for Friday morning.
Miss Bianca
@Alison Rose: Michigan is also in the Eastern time zone.
here we have “credit cards”, the usual,
“secured credit cards” that are treated by all and sundry as regular credit cards, and go a long way towards rebuilding credit, but you have to put down a fairly secure deposit.
and “pre-paid” credit cards, that are marked as pre-paid and are treated as “gift cards”, and do nothing for your credit rating.
For online transactions, we use a VPN for backdoor security, and a pre-paid credit card loaded with just enough for the transactions. You can load them from a debit card or credit card at anyplace that “sells” gift cards. If a dodgy site wipes them out, well, it’s just one more piece of plastic trash cluttering up our world. Just get another one off the shelf and preload it.
There are a lot of places that you can’t use them, but most retail sites will accept them.
Sorry you got ripped off.
We also have two debit cards. One is only our checking, the other is only our savings. We cover the bills from out checking and as needed, top up the checking from our savings.
@Alison Rose: My Dad, raised in Iowa, had a hilarious cartoon on the wall. The US with an enormous IOWA in the center, then a tiny NYC on the east coast and a tiny LA on the west coast.
I, having been raised in Chicago found the absence of the Midwest problematic.
OT: Judge Chutkan set the protection order hearing for Friday at 10 am despite the fact that the defendant’s attorneys asked for Monday or Tuesday.
ETA: I see Baud got there first.
and what time is the LIV/Sawdi tee off time?
@Old School:
I don’t know if judges in criminal cases are deferential to criminal defense attorneys as a matter of courtesy, but after the way these two RWNJ clowns have been behaving (hitting all the Sunday talk shows to lie and obfuscate, and letting their client spray his usual shit about the court and judge) there is no way she’s going to be deferential to them.
Particularly since TFG’s ethos, such as it is, regards any kindness from the other side as weakness.
The judge is making it plain as day that shit is not going to fly in her courtroom.
@Alison Rose: That’s also how we see things here in New York :p
@Old School: what they wanted was either Monday afternoon or Tuesday; so both defense counsel could be present.
@Eolirin: true
Almost Retired
@Ocotillo: So, according to the NY Times exit polls, white Californians voted for Biden 51 to 47 for Trump. But, as you note, the numbers are skewed right by the very conservative parts of the state. It’s obviously different in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
But with respect to the eventual blue-i-zation of Arizona (is that a word?), it’s not just white Californians moving to Phoenix, of course – and California Latinos lean much more heavily Democratic than Latino Texans and Floridians.
Plus – and this is more gut feeling than sophisticated social science – I suspect “conservative” relocating Californians are generally more socially liberal than their new neighbors in Boise or Mesa. So Kari Lake may have triggered their gag reflexes more than she did the long-time locals. We’ll see in 2024.
@Old School: That’s last I heard too. Rep. Gallegher said LOLNOPE. Not much of a bench otherwise on the Republican side.
@Almost Retired: We also turned out the native vote in Arizona. A lot. It was more than Biden’s margin of victory and helped us win the statewide races in the midterms.
Was interested to see that the DC grand jury that indicted TFG is back at work this week, interviewing witnesses. The honored guest today was Bernie Kerik, who I understand recently turned over a whole raft of documents to DOJ. I’m wondering how well Rudy and his fellow co-conspirators will sleep tonight. Here’s hoping they will get their special Jack-Smith-o-grams soon.
@Alison Rose: Their process isn’t even well understood by themselves so I don’t think anyone could give you perfect advice. But if you don’t have a credit card get one. Even with a small limit and use it to buy groceries with and then pay off immediately. That might help.
Six years ago I was 61 days late on a student loan payment because the payment had changed and I didn’t see the email. Dropped my credit score over 200 points for multiple years. They called me on the 61st day and I fixed it right then. If they had called me on the 59th day it would have had almost zero effect. I’ve only back to my previous credit score this year and I haven’t been late even a day on any bill since. Fuckers.
Ohio Mom
@Kathleen:There’s that old saying, Cincinnati is the northernmost Southern city.
Alison Rose
@Freemark: As I said, I can’t get a credit card because of the bankruptcy on my account. I tried twice and was immediately rejected.
@Almost Retired:
There’s large cohorts of white people who vote Dem in Arizona. The areas around the universities are solid blue (Tempe, central Tucson, Flagstaff).
Mesa is getting browner as the white Mormons fly further southeast to Gilbert!
Almost Retired
@Eolirin: Yup, the effort to turn out the native vote in AZ was a thing of beauty. I recently read that in Jon Tester’s first election to the Senate, the Montana native vote was also his margin of victory. Worth noting for 2024.
@Old School:
What the fuck is wrong with my people? Are you fucking kidding me? JFC..
““I am not a politician, and I do not want to be a politician,” said Raveendran, ”
Are you kidding me with this?
So the story is this women has never been involved in politics or even interested in politics and then takes a trip to Washington DC and comes back a Republican? She’s made no contact with any of the local GOP party. I don’t think this is going to pan out.
Reminds me of my friend who is Nigerian also running a GOP ticket against Peter DeFazio. It was a total longshot – and I could not believe the kind of crap that was coming out of his mouth on twitter – things I sworn knowing of his character he could not have believed in. Literally experiencing racism right here in Oregon happening in front of me!
Wow. I can’t remember if you ever had to give a reason for an absentee ballot in California. I don’t think you ever had to get it notarized.
These days everyone gets a mail in ballot, and they can change it if they go to the polls.
@LAO: Well, they basically flipped her off in their response – she had made it very clear that they were going to have the hearing by this Friday, Aug 11.
Totally disrespectful of the judge.
Ken B
@sab: My understanding is that if the thief used the card number (online or over the phone), then you aren’t liable.
Depending on where you live and how quickly you contact the bank, there are limits on your liability if they steal your physical card and use that.
IANAL, so that may be wrong.
Edited to delete an unnecessary number for a list.
Almost Retired
@Brachiator: I don’t remember the exact year, but California got rid of the requirement for a reason for absentee ballots sometime in the 1980’s. I have a vague recollection that it was between the 1980 and 1984 elections. I could google it, but I’m too busy planning my new life as a billionaire after tonight’s Mega Millions drawing.
Ken B
See this site (FTC)
Raoul Paste
I voted today. Hoping for the best, but I did see a number of folks that I pegged as Fox News watchers.
Tenar Arha
It sounds like you’re totally on top of things, but the FTC also has an explainer on your rights around debit cards and fraudulent charges which might be helpful. (IMHO it really sounds like your bank is trying to sell you on a secured credit card before they’ve helped you cleanup this Debit card mess)
@Almost Retired: Keep in mind the AZ Republican Party is almost broke and is in almost complete chaos. A 42-42 result for RUben is quite good this far in advance besides running well ahead of Sinema. I think she has made a strategic error going indy.
Tenar Arha
@Ken B: 😂 looks like we thought same thing, & checked .gov resources
Tony Jay
We met a very nice family of Ohioans (Ohionians? Ohioese? Ohioites?) last week on the train from Venice to Vienna. Dad and Mom (for those were their names) and their four kids, off to Salzburg after doing Iceland, London and eastern Italy. They definitely gave off strong Midwestern vibes. Softly spoken, extremely polite, unable to cope with moderately strong cheese.
I’m pretty sure they were mildly Republican. Had nice things to say about ‘moderate’ Kasich, lots of “whether you like him or not” when talk turned to Obama and Biden, though to ‘Dad’s’ credit he was very much in favour of moderation in all things and a staunch believer in the gospel of “elections punish extremism”.
I made seriously heroic efforts to rein in my Jackal-schooled opinionating, and I think I did a pretty good job, though we stopped talking politics PDQ after I found myself having to explain the system of legislation originating in the House and why the Senate couldn’t operate as intended unless the filibuster was removed.
We liked them. The Texans sitting in ‘Super First Class’, not so much.
Tammy Baldwin has demonstrated her political genius ever since she climbed from a seat on the Dane County Board to Dave Clarenbach’s State Assembly seat, and I have supported her at every step.
I saw your comment about this earlier and wondered how this might have happened.
My brother had a similar experience a while ago. The problem may have originated at one department store he visited. It was a pain to straighten out.
It makes sense that you would not have a credit card. I am in a similar situation, but keep at least one credit card. I thought that this might reduce the chance that my bank account might be attacked, but maybe I am still vulnerable.
Anyway, I hope you get things resolved.
as soon as the majority of Cuyahoga county precincts reports you’ll know. Franklin, Summit and Hamilton will be bell weathers but if CC doesn’t turn out strong for NO – especially the west side of CLE – it’s over.
Interesting that “I’m not a politician” newbie Rejani Raveendran already managed to get a photo with Kari Lake.
@Tenar Arha: Thank you.
The Cincinnati Enquirer noted that by about 4 pm, voter turnout (including absentee ballots already returned and in-person election day voting) was at around 30% for Hamilton County, 28% for Cuyahoga County, and 26% for Butler County. It wasn’t made clear by the writer whether or not the counties mentioned were including early in-person voting in the running tallies.
Polls were not crowded when I voted at around 5:30 pm.
@Baud: No, it’s actually protecting equal access, otherwise signature gatherers could concentrate on just favorable areas. I think Florida requires some from every county.
@Alison Rose: re: Scores. I do not speak for my employer BUT you should check to be sure you are looking at the same scores at both. The FICO scoring is the same (FICO controls and approves the score coding to ensure uniformity) but it may be you are comparing FICO to some other score. VANTAGE was cleanroom developed (I believe) outside FICO by the bureaus themselves. Also pull the reports at all three to be sure they are reporting all the same things. One misreported (or just extra/missing) inquiry could cause a difference. Pay careful mind to the balance, limit and payments for your accounts along with any extra/missing. p.s. Again I do NOT speak for my employer.