What the media will never get…Biden being on the ground means he is fighting for workers not for the corporations. Great job sis for speaking your truth. https://t.co/zSHlqVTJIN
— Candidly Tiff (@tify330) September 26, 2023
President Joe Biden’s decision to stand alongside United Auto Workers pickets on Tuesday on the 12th day of their strike against major carmakers underscores an allegiance to labor unions that appears to be unparalleled in presidential history. https://t.co/zkelaa257c
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) September 26, 2023
“‘I don’t think we’ve had this kind of support in a long time,’ said UFW President Teresa Romero of the Biden administration.”https://t.co/woZnvq1DFi
— TJ Ducklo (@TDucklo) September 26, 2023
INBOX: United Farm Workers endorse Joe Biden reelect.
Statement from Biden/Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez — pic.twitter.com/b3fxV78N6Z
— Pablo Manríquez (@PabloReports) September 26, 2023
Sometimes they have a very very hard time understanding that 4 out of 5 of those categories can be Black.
— WUT (@wut76543) September 26, 2023
You know it’s serious, because professional plagiarist / Turning Point USA propagandist Benny Johnson tried to put out another lie about the President’s picket-line visit… and his fellow Very Serious Media Folx immediately called him on it!
He very clearly said "first time I've ever done it as President". Do you think it's possible maybe you're senile, Benny?
— It's Biden AND Harris 2024. Deal with it. (@What46HasDone) September 26, 2023
A better literacy test is just not to believe anything he posts
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) September 26, 2023
Did Biden actually slip on the steps or is that another lie too?
@Baud: That’s what I was going to say.. “minutes after slipping…” fuck that guy.
ETA Maybe he meant to say “slip of the tongue” but like his other quote it came out all wrong? Yeah.. likely not.
Most excellent.
Tim Ellis
Just here to once again acknowledge that I was supremely wrong about Biden in the primaries. This dude rocks, and I’ve never been prouder to be a Democrat – the real party of the working class in the United States.
Tony Jay
That’s the flag the United Farm Workers use? The one in the picture with President Romero?
That’s… uhhhhh…. that’s a pretty striking choice of colour and whatnot. Nice eagle too.
ETA – Other than that, Keep Going Brandon.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: We can safely assume that’s a lie, considering the non-stop lying source. I watched the clip posted earlier start to finish, and I admit I was worried about a stack of pallets used as a soap box as a tripping hazard, but there were no pratfalls that I saw.
@Tim Ellis: Happy to have you on board!
This is a good day for unions and for the White House.
Meanwhile, the House GOP refuses to do their jobs, to the point where the Senate is actually the faster-moving and more responsible body. And the “solution” being proposed is, of course, to slash slash slash at benefits that go to normal people.
Quite the contrast.
@Baud: A slip on the stairs is being reported by Fox News, Forbes, the Daily News and New York Post. I watched the video and I didn’t see a slip.
Edit: a slip on the stairs of Air Force One.
Trivia Man
No teleprompter? Must be a brain implant feeding him lines!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
If he did, it’s not a moment too soon. Seth Meyers just got his writing staff back and they need to update their Biden tripping clip.
@Tony Jay: They have used it for more than 60 years.
Anne Laurie
IIRC, the eagle is a tribute to both the American icon and the Mexican flag.
And, yeah, founder Cesar Chavez was… not above tweaking the rightwingers who called him a filthy commanist, let’s phrase it.
(UAW co-founder Dolores Huerta, age 90, is still tweeting occasionally.)
From page 21 of the judge’s order dissolving Trump Corporation.
Biden is the anti-Reagan. I am proud Biden voter from Super Tuesday of 2020.
Tony Jay
@Anne Laurie:
So it’s deliberate? Basically trolling? Thats hilarious. I’m going to put that one in the same justificatory mental bracket as “If Mel Brooks does it, it’s okay.”
West of the Rockies
Never heard of Benny Johnson… hope to never again.
@Baud: Are you saying that the judge is suggesting that there may have been ulterior motives in the Saudis shoveling billions of dollars towards Jared Kushner?
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.
On the lighter side, Diz biz disses jizz.
@Tony Jay: I think that eagle is a thunderbird, which was a big deal in North American cultures centuries before any Europeans got here with their symbolic baggage.
ETA Everybody around the world had big birds. Everybody did weaving and bead work. Everybody used various native dyes. So not surprising at all that the similar imagery turned up all over.
@Anne Laurie:
I think you meant UFW.
Tony Jay
It’s not so much the eagle, which is pretty much universal, it’s the bright red banner with a white circle around a black emblem. That’s the colour combination that brought me up short.
@Tim Ellis:
Yeah, I’m another one who really really didn’t want Biden as our candidate in 2020. Extremely glad to be wrong, since he’s turned out to be the best President of my lifetime.
Proud to be a Democrat.
@Tony Jay: Yep. I defer to Anne Laurie at #14.
West of the Rockies
Thunderbirds are go!
@Tony Jay:
way predates the Nazi’s. They couldn’t even come up with an origional symbol, despite all the Pervitin they took.
@Jay: As does the swastika. Which the Nazis have appropriated and forever ruined.
karen marie
@Baud: I’m at page 27 – no spoilers!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Does that make Obama the anti-Nixon and Trump the anti-Carter?
ETA: Hillary can be the anti-Goldwater. She warned us they were coming. So did he, in the “we” sense.
Yup, but given all the drugs they were addicted too, one would think they could come up with a tie died origional standard.
@Tony Jay
Imagining a British heraldic version now.
A field of leeks with a sheep rampant?
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: I was speaking with regards to labor. Reagan was famously anti-Union. I have no idea what your quip is supposed to mean.
@dmsilev: Still, it’s nice to have a judge put that in writing, don’t you think?
@Tim Ellis: 110% co-sign
@Tony Jay: The eagle association with Mexico relates to the Aztecs, who were nomadic and settled down where Mexico City is today because of a prophesy that they should look for an eagle with a snake in its mouth perched on a cactus.
Which is way curious, because he headed a union. Twice.
Just run ads of Biden riding his bike and trump riding in his golf cart, Ds.
Ads of Biden saying things like he did today on the picket line, vs trump saying his crazy shit at almost any point in time.
Ads of Biden mocking the shit out of the GOP candidates, vs trump squealing like a hit dog over his many indictments.
There was a piece a few days ago noting that the Biden/Harris campaign was going to lean in on “split-screen” ads and comparisons like this, and I for one could not be happier.
Because we have to tell the blessed snooze media, and normies, and all the low-info voters in this country: HERE. ARE. YOUR. CHOICES. One is pretty awesome in his own right – legit contender for best Dem since LBJ, maybe FDR. The other has 91 felony indictments pending, just called for the execution of an American general, and just had his entire “business” “empire” declared fraudulent in his home state.
Old School
Here is Biden’s slip today.
Or as the New York Post put it: “nearly tumbles.”
Tom Q
@Juju: Very, very tiny — barely perceptible — wobble. The kind all of us have probably had hundreds of times in our lives, at all ages. Even mentioning it marks you as an obsessive who’s actively seeking out confirmation for your “Biden is old/infirm” priors.
TIFG heard the news from NY 😁
@Old School:
Jesus. I had to watch it twice to see what they were talking about. Waldo was easier to find.
This is great.
Even better: point out how the GOP is mouthing the words but doing nothing to actually help workers, Ds!
They want to talk like Democrats…let’s SEE THEM ACT LIKE DEMOCRATS when it comes to supporting unions!
@Jeffro: performative bullshit is all they got. They don’t know how to do anything else. They probably don’t even know how to write a bill. I mean how long as it been since they have passed anything?
@Jeffro: I might agree with JD Vance that workers “deserve to get their end of the shake” if I knew what the hell that meant. A fair shake? The short end of the stick? Was the ambiguity intentional? Or is Vance just an idiot.
@Old School: The difference between Biden and me is that I would trip and fall.
@NotMax: IGMFY, the Republican motto.
OT: Why Twitter still rocks. I got to chat with a veteran film critic about the evergreen leading man of Hindi movies on what would have been his 100th birthday.
@Old School: “nearly trips”
That’s such bullshit.
@cain: Republicans don’t have to write the bills. The lobbyists just hand them to the Rs.
Maybe they’re on strike, too? And just neglected to say so…. After all, they’re (our) employees, and not working.
@Tom Q: I’m impressed that he can walk down stairs like an adult; I still walk down steps like a toddler, after (and before) my knee replacement! When I do steps like an adult, whew, I go very slow!
Stock up on popcorn and beverages!
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@NotMax: as an actor he could play any role on the script, be it union organizer or union buster
@Jackie: Fun times.
Though not so much for everyone who has to suffer through a shutdown.
@cain: They’re finally learning to baby-walk 😉
@schrodingers_cat: I’ve been enjoying Turkish Twitter myself, and have had some interesting conversation with a guy named Bora Bingol. That would be the medical technology engineer Bora Bingol, not the landscape architect or the forestry professor with the same name.
Twitter being the way it is, I also seem to have fallen into a crowd of “old school Kemalists” or Galatasaray Football Club fans, I’m not sure which.
@Jackie: Matt Gaetz should be careful what he wishes for.
@Geminid: I’m pretty sure his lizard brain wanted him to say something vaguely pro-worker and this was the best it could come up with.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@schrodingers_cat: personally, it’s more stimulating communicating with Onlyfans personalities.
@Kay: Good for Fain! Trump has absolutely nothing to offer the UAW except bullshit.
There’s a great book about the UFW and the grape boycott: Delano: the Story of the California Grape Strike, by John Gregory Dunne
It’s about more than the strike. It’s really about Latino and Filipino political power in California. It’s also about the tensions between white union members and Latino union members; specifically, how the two groups got past their differences to work together – Teamsters ( the locals, not the national) refused to carry the grapes during the strike.
If he succeeds in “vacating the Chair,” then the House can do nothing until they elect a new Speaker. Including passing a spending bill or a continuing resolution. Which means the shutdown continues — a two-fer, because that’s also a Gaetz wish.
Admittedly, November 2024 might be another story.
In tangential union related news, the WGA has reached a deal with AMPTP, and the strike will officially end at 12am PT tonight. Though it hasn’t been officially ratified by the membership yet, the negotiating committee of WGA West Board and WGA East Council both voted unanimously to recommend the deal to their membership, and they seem quite thrilled with what they were able to get in the deal.
Hopefully this will give SAG-AFTRA some serious leverage and the actors union can work out their new contract soon as well.
@schrodingers_cat: It was quite disconcerting to be in an old theater in Albuquerque and see all the swastikas, even though they explained that it’s an old symbol that way predates the Nazis. It’s a visceral reaction for me.
@wjca: Yeah, that’s probably why Gaetz is doing this. Trump may even have instructed him to engineer a shutdown.
But Democrats might not save McCarthy like Gaetz predicts. Then, if Republicans can’t rally around a new one of their own, the House might elect a Speaker very different from what Gaetz has in mind.
But however this shakes out, I don’t think the House will go without a Speaker for more than a week.
@janesays: Can’t wait for Colbert and The Daily Show to come back!
I’m going with that last option. God, how I loathe that man.
I wouldn’t doubt it. They’ve lost all interest in governing, and if you’re not interested in something, it’s hard to be any good at it.
Besides, writing a bill isn’t going to get them that nice Faux News or RW ‘think’ tank sinecure after they get bored with not legislating.
“In the future, everyone will be
famousSpeaker for 15 minutes.”– Not Andy Warhol
@NotMax: LoL : )
How in hell did Matt Gaetz go from being a back-bencher one step ahead of a statutory-rape charge to a big wheel in the House GQP?!
Rhetorical question. I don’t want to know, although I think I have a pretty good idea.
Mr. Bemused Senior
One possibility: 15 rounds. Also, willingness to be an over-the-top jerk. He is a good example of how to get ahead in the GOP these days.
[Please forgive the response to a rhetorical question]
@Steeplejack: I’m not sure Matt Gaetz is a big wheel. But he is the brashest member of a small group of troublemakers that can have outsized influence when Republicans have only 5 votes to spare.
I imagine most of Gaetz’s Republican colleagues want to punch him out, and I won’t be surprised if one does before this Congress is over.
Kimo Theater. Built before Nazi scum appropriated the symbol. Pueblo Revival architecture. Opened in 1927.
@Soprano2: The original swastika (used in Hindu rituals) that inspired the Nazi variation, is not tilted at 45 degrees and it is never black. It is vermillion and has 4 dots in the 4 quadrants as well.
But yes seeing it any other context than in a pooja is disconcerting for me as well.
@Tom Q: To me it looked like he lost his rhythm and then got it back. It might have been a twinge from his previously broken foot. My sister broke her foot years ago and occasionally gets a twinge every now and again where she sorts of jiggles when that foot lands. That’s what it looked like to me.
@Geminid: Yes.
@Geminid: I read somewhere Gaetz has plans to be the next FL gov. Florida has three years to get their act together. Maybe the combo of DeSantis to Gaetz will “wake” Floridians up.
Doubtful – the R behind his name is all they look for
@TS: yeah it’s all about identity at this point.
@Jackie: I’ve also read that about Gaetz. I don’t know much about Gaetz’s political stature in Florida except that his father has political clout, plus a lot of money. Still, it seems like there would be other viable contenders.
But the only thing I know for sure about Florida politics is that I know very little about Florida politics. I feel like my state, Virginia, has a lot in common with many other states, especially those in the Southeast. But Florida is different. It’s terra incognita.
Biff Baxter
But more importantly to the WH Press and the pundits, what was he wearing on his feet?