Did you know Jenna Ellis was fired from her job as a traffic court attorney, but won an unemployment claim because a hearing examiner determined she was too incompetent to be fired for cause?
Ellis won an unemployment claim after being fired because a hearing examiner determined she was too incompetent to be fired for cause!
Only the best people!
going to be watching the World Series….. hoping for some quality play, will likely be watching with the mute button on because if there’s any group that can give political punditry a run for their nuanced coverage, its baseball analysts.
I’m figuring out how to make a BookBub ad for my book. It’s similar to making an Amazon ad but slightly more difficult. This book thing has definitely brought me into the 21st century, from using the Scrivener program to write it and format it, to getting it up on Amazon, to creating the ads for it. I wind up talking severely to my computer at times, and Duncan, the sensitive corgi, leaves the room at my language.
Just finished up my work week. Seven more weeks to go.
Going to carve a jack-o’lantern. The kiddo already did one, but that was at a party at a friend’s house a few weeks ago, and it was starting to decay, and we tossed it into the woods.
Stuffed full of Al Pastor Tacos and pineapple from Coyote Cantina…playing tourist in my adopted city. Now drinking the house margarita that comes in a martini shaker at one of my favorite horseshoe shaped bars….Del Charro at The Inn of the Govenors. Getting out of town next week….Zuni Pueblo, Grants, El Morro, Ramah, Farmington, Shiprock, and Blanco, NM. It’s been 7 years since I have been over Zuni Pueblo way. Less than year on Farmington….hope to get to Chaco Canyon.
Beginning in his hometown of New Orleans, Clint Smith leads the reader on an unforgettable tour of monuments and landmarks—those that are honest about the past and those that are not—that offer an intergenerational story of how slavery has been central in shaping our nation’s collective history, and ourselves.
It is the story of the Monticello Plantation in Virginia, the estate where Thomas Jefferson wrote letters espousing the urgent need for liberty while enslaving more than four hundred people. It is the story of the Whitney Plantation, one of the only former plantations devoted to preserving the experience of the enslaved people whose lives and work sustained it. It is the story of Angola, a former plantation-turned-maximum-security prison in Louisiana that is filled with Black men who work across the 18,000-acre land for virtually no pay. And it is the story of Blandford Cemetery, the final resting place of tens of thousands of Confederate soldiers.
A deeply researched and transporting exploration of the legacy of slavery and its imprint on centuries of American history, How the Word Is Passed illustrates how some of our country’s most essential stories are hidden in plain view—whether in places we might drive by on our way to work, holidays such as Juneteenth, or entire neighborhoods like downtown Manhattan, where the brutal history of the trade in enslaved men, women, and children has been deeply imprinted.
Informed by scholarship and brought to life by the story of people living today, Smith’s debut work of nonfiction is a landmark of reflection and insight that offers a new understanding of the hopeful role that memory and history can play in making sense of our country and how it has come to be.
It was absolutely incredible. Very harrowing at times, of course, but so exquisitely written and conveyed. My rambling rave review of it.
coin operated
@WaterGirl: This afternoon…putting in change requests to finally decommission a couple of storage arrays that were EOL a decade ago. A cheer went up on the team call when I made the announcement.
World Series later tonight. I’ll watch a T20 cricket match over a regular season baseball game but post-season baseball is the best. ETA: the pitching clock is the best thing to happen to baseball in a long time. Might try to sit through a few regular season games next year.
@WaterGirl: I miss having a dog. I can cuddle one cat like that, but the other two make me feel like we’re roleplaying a Pepe LePew bit and Im the skunk. Meanwhile, they frantically scrabble to get away.
The only upside to this is if Dani is doing something she shouldn’t, I just have say, “Don’t make me come over there and love you.”
@Quinerly: Spouse and I really enjoyed the scenery around El Morro and Ramah. Had a cool visit to the ice caves there, spouse did the walk up to the cinder cone volcano top.
@debit: No dogs? That can’t feel right. Are you thinking of getting one soon?
Waitin to crush the stinky Gators!
BC in Illinois
Just finished mowing the lawn. Now I’m having a cold brew, and watching last night’s late night monologues on Youtube. All the while, Mrs BC has been taking five of the seven local g’kids to a pumpkin farm in Red Bud IL.
Mowing the lawn is my excuse to get out of the event. The g’kids are fun; the pumpkins . . . meh.
@Quinerly: Except for the sniffing things, you could be talking about yourself or JoJo.
Joy in FL
Henry is relaxation perfection.
@Alison Rose: That sounds really interesting. My friend on Siesta Key reads a lot of nonfiction; I think I’ll order her a copy. Thanks for the recommendation!
I love that area. Have not done the Ice Caves. Spent 4 nights in a cabin at Ancient Way Cabins and Cafe back in January, 2016. Ancient Way at that time was for lack of better words, “gay men’s commune.” I didn’t know it when booking and I guess it’s changed now over the years. During that period, Redwulf and Dancing Bare (not a typo) were doing these fabulous gourmet community meals on the weekends. The wolf sanctuary is nearby in Candy Kitchen, NM and I hung with that volunteer crowd for the dinners. I was traveling with my dog Poco on that trip for a month stay in an old miner cabin in Madrid, NM. We stayed an extra night at Ancient Way and had a fabulous time….made lots of acquaintances. I was the only woman there in the dead of winter….the guys who lived on the “commune” were mostly older survivors of the 1980’s AIDs era. Lots of lost souls that found the Ramah area and formed a family. Many had lost their partner to AIDs….and were outcasts. I am curious to see how it has changed. Redwulf and Dancing Bare now live in Albuquerque.
Sending out invites to a very very delayed birthday brunch at a local brewpub. My brother was in North Carolina on my B-day so this us so he can celebrate.
Mo MacArbie
Nonfiction November? I guess we’ll add it to the pile with NaNoWriMo when we’re writing books all November long and Movember when we’re all growing moustaches all November long. Any more? Why does November get all this stuff?
OK, I’d vote all November long.
Sure Lurkalot
Expecting the first snow and real freeze tonight through Sunday morning. It’s a bright, beautiful day if a bit brisk but weather on the Colorado front range can change in minutes.
Planning on some World Serious watching and comfort food cooking (meatballs, matzoh ball soup…)
Dan B
@Quinerly: I went to quite a few gatherings of gay men in the 80’s and 90’s. Some local groups formed unofficial families. We lost people over the years. There were retreats at Breitenbush hot springs in the central Oregon Cascades and in Northern California. There was time spent maintaining eroticism abd sexuality at a time when the danger meant many people shut down.
@Dan B: I thought at first you were inviting us, but without a location :-) but I see that you are telling us what you are up to!
Have a happy birthday!
P.S. Did you see that I had written to you (email to your phone) saying that satby has been trying to reach you with no luck? It’s unusual for you not to answer when I write, so just checking in.
twice married, 6 years the first time, divorced, this one 26 years and going strong.
we went up to White Tank Mountain Park, got to see cactus, (no monsoons this year, so they arn’t doing well), mule deer, ( which our friends have never seen in the park), bunch of new to us birds, some old friend birds, lizards, ancient rock art and one hike, which our friends couldn’t go, his health isn’t good.
I didn’t get into the entire background of the commune while I was there. I just wanted to drive around that part of the state before landing outside of Santa Fe for my month stay. Found the cabins on line. They were close to Zuni Pueblo. But for the winter, communal dinners and the wolf sanctuary folks chatting, I probably wouldn’t have gotten the entire history of how it originally formed and who all was there. But you are right…the forming families aspect.
I was just getting out of law school when AIDs hit in the 1980’s. Living in the city of St. Louis in my old neighborhood during that period.. had lots of Gay men friends who had AIDs and/or lost someone with AIDs. That period was terrifying, for sure.
1000 Dubliners sing “Nothing Compares 2 U” in tribute to Sinéad O’Connor.
Debating what to do for dinner here. Thinking about thawing a steak.
@Alison Rose: My book group read that book last month. It was very well written and a powerful book. Most of us had some difficulty getting through parts of it, but we all thought it was a very good book.
My book group celebrates our 40th year together next month. We have tackled some hard to read books over the years, but like this one, we always feel better for having read them. It definitely is a powerful book.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Google shut down my email so I do messaging. I’ll check my messages. Thanks for the heads up.
The brewpub is Perihelion Brewery. Good menu to make a person hangry!
Sitting by the outdoor fire, in my t-shirt, drinking a beer. It has been unseasonably warm here in southern New England. One more day of that, then fall.
Musings on a Friday afternoon: What fraction of an average plumber’s business is something the homeowner tried to do himself and screwed up?
Not wondering about this for any particular reason.
Dan B
@mrmoshpotato: Their sandwiches are very flavorful. And they’re not salty like some places. Plus other things are new.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: haha. I did follow a work truck in Houston once with a sign “We fix what your husband repaired”
Dan B
@Gin & Tonic: We went from the mud 60’s to waves of downpours, not Seattle drizzle, to highs in the 40’s and lows in the low 30’s. Brrr!
Jet Stream gone crazy.
Had a lovely lunch at our local Thai restaurant, did a bit of shopping (finally starting to get rid of some old clothes which got me through the pandemic but are too stained/ripped/embarrassing to leave the house in). Planning to take it easy and avoid doing some work I really should get started on this evening.
We are on day 5 with a pair of 6 month old standard issue tabby brothers we adopted. They are handsome boys. We named the Teddy and Franklin. Yeah, they are Bro-osevelts.
@Dan B: Thinking of visiting Seattle next year- I’ve never been. What’s the least rainy time of year there? Thanks!
@BethanyAnne: Scientists at LIGO have surpassed the quantum limit.
I thought this might be some hideous new way for science to accidentally annihilate all existence, but after reading the article and seeing “lasers”, “colliding black holes”, and “quantum entanglement”, I’m sure of it.
Henry!!! I need a Henry picture. Thinking of turning off the news for a while. It’s just too much with that and Dad (who is fine, but it’s just, well, a lot) I need some stress free time.
Luckily exactly 1 week from now I am wheels up for Dublin. Can’t wait to see my friends. 😊
Dan B
@FelonyGovt: August is the driest along with the end of July. With El Nino it’s likely to be June through mid October. Typical July is 1.5 inches of rain. August is typically 1 inch. September is 1.7 inches. We’ve been getting nasty smoke from fires in August. July and June have 16+ hours of daylight. Long twilight extends it by alm9st an hour.
Gin & Tonic
@Ken: Still, I guess it’s better than the scientists at LEGO surpassing the quantum limit.
@Dan B: Thank you! Always wanted to go, but I’m not such a big fan of rain. :)
@FelonyGovt: The west coast gets very little in summer compared to the east and Midwest. Seattle gets 1/3 what New York gets. The difference is we can get a full day of nonstop drizzle and only 1/4 inch of precipitation. That’s rare in summer
November. December, and March: deluge + darkness. Reading and eating weather.
Rachel Bakes
Big kid has a night off from rehearsal so she’s watching The Mummy with her dad. Made amazing brisket paninis (panini?) for supper. Busy weekend.
@Dan B: More like here in L.A. then- where rain in summer is very rare (although no longer unheard of, thanks, climate change). Thanks again!
Rachel Bakes
@Gin & Tonic:
Halloween Walk in our town in CT tomorrow and it might be 80!?
It’s been one week since I completed the final 114km portion of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Walking in the steps of pilgrims who have gone before for 1000s of years and interacting with others along the way from all around the world was pretty darn cool. I’m not at all religious and just did it for the mental and physical challenge. WG, if you need some content for a future OTR series, let me know. I have lots. And it includes some cats and dogs along the Camino route as well. :-)
Thank you for the Henry photo! Watching Ina Garten to escape the news. It is 81 now in Memphis and is supposed to cool down on Sunday. I can’t wait.
Dan B
@eclare: It’s 43° in Seattle and dropping to 34° with steady breeze. My partner put on longies to go sit in the large tool shed, now clubhouse with woodstove, lounge chairs, TV, and adult beverages. His big orange kitty Wobbles, will be on his lap as he watches the news. 15 – 20 mph “breeze” at present. The shed / clubhouse is sheltered from the wind out of the north, fortunately.
We are on day 5 with a pair of 6 month old standard issue tabby brothers we adopted. They are handsome boys. We named the Teddy and Franklin. Yeah, they are Bro-osevelts.
My wife just had a Facebook memory pop up – today is the fourth anniversary of when we welcomed our two cats into the family as 6 month old kittens. Four years later, they’ve long since settled in and become family.
@WaterGirl: Wobbles has rear leg stability issues but he is good at jumping up onto the arm of the sofa and racing around the garden. He doesn’t seem troubled by the crystals so the pricey diet – $10 per pound for dry food – may be working. He’s not straining to pee, yay
The $1,800 vet bill also seems worth it.
Doing? Just waiting to see whether they can find the mass shooter so Maine can come out from under the bed.
@Dan B: I took Mr. Bear in for a recheck a month after discovering that he had crystals and bladder stones. A month on the new food, and stones no longer showed up on the x-rays – there were so many big ones that a month before you could even see them on the x-rays – and only 3 stones showed in the ultrasound, many fewer than on his ultrasound one month before. And the ones that were there were smaller than before.
So my vet figures that in a couple more months, they will all be gone. Fingers crossed for all our kitties.
@WaterGirl: Good to know. The problem is that my kitty who has no problem with stones or crystals is eating some of the pricey food. But he much prefers Friskeys canned food.
@lowtechcyclist: Four years later, they’ve long since settled in and become family.
I’m sure they have! FSM bless us all and our pets.
@Dan B: I am giving both kitties the pricey special crystals food. There’s no way I could keep Mr. Bear from eating Miss Willow’s food, so they both get the prescription stuff.
I did not know this until a month ago, so i will share it in case you don’t know. You basically have to ONLY feed them the special food for crystals. You an’t do half and half and even treats are supposed to be the special stuff for crystals. No other food. I had to give Bear his pills in cheddar cheese, and once the pills were gone the vet said the since he LOVES the cheddar cheese, he can get 1 shred of cheese a day. sigh.
karen marie
@RandomMonster: I would love to have two but I have to wait for the dog to shuffle off this mortal coil. The bathroom is too small for a second pan, and it’s the only suitable space that can be gated to keep the dog out.
The one cat I do have is very cuddly, so it’s not a huge hardship.
Roberto el oso
I want a bed like that.
Oooo, I want to scritch his cute little pink belly.
zhena gogolia
Henry is just what I needed.
I’m with Henry. Thank you.
@geg6: Henry does have the best tummy. I tell him that every night!
So what’s everybody up to?
I want to cuddle him and bury my face in his coat. <3
Setting up my Jack’O’Lantern and orange lights on the front porch. Stocked up on candy on the way home – ready for the
monsterskids.**Halloween isn’t til Tuesday but I’m busy all weekend
@debit: Henry would let you do that in a heartbeat!
Too funny.
Only the best people!
going to be watching the World Series….. hoping for some quality play, will likely be watching with the mute button on because if there’s any group that can give political punditry a run for their nuanced coverage, its baseball analysts.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: HAHAHAHAHAHA oh man.
I’m figuring out how to make a BookBub ad for my book. It’s similar to making an Amazon ad but slightly more difficult. This book thing has definitely brought me into the 21st century, from using the Scrivener program to write it and format it, to getting it up on Amazon, to creating the ads for it. I wind up talking severely to my computer at times, and Duncan, the sensitive corgi, leaves the room at my language.
Just finished up my work week. Seven more weeks to go.
Going to carve a jack-o’lantern. The kiddo already did one, but that was at a party at a friend’s house a few weeks ago, and it was starting to decay, and we tossed it into the woods.
I’m in Phoenix AZ, visiting with SWIMBO her best friend and her husband.
No cell service so piggy backing on their wifi, so reading the blog when I get a chance, barely commenting.
Old School
Oldest daughter Middle School is having friends over to watch the Five Nights At Freddy’s movie. So pizza and lots of tweens for me.
Stuffed full of Al Pastor Tacos and pineapple from Coyote Cantina…playing tourist in my adopted city. Now drinking the house margarita that comes in a martini shaker at one of my favorite horseshoe shaped bars….Del Charro at The Inn of the Govenors. Getting out of town next week….Zuni Pueblo, Grants, El Morro, Ramah, Farmington, Shiprock, and Blanco, NM. It’s been 7 years since I have been over Zuni Pueblo way. Less than year on Farmington….hope to get to Chaco Canyon.
Week eight and beyond are gonna be so great!
Ben Cisco
Finishing up a hectic work week. Seriously ready for some down time.
Alison Rose
BTW it’s almost Nonfiction November, and if anyone is looking for a stunning book to read, may I recommend How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning With the History of Slavery Across America by Clint Smith. The synopsis:
It was absolutely incredible. Very harrowing at times, of course, but so exquisitely written and conveyed. My rambling rave review of it.
coin operated
@WaterGirl: This afternoon…putting in change requests to finally decommission a couple of storage arrays that were EOL a decade ago. A cheer went up on the team call when I made the announcement.
World Series later tonight. I’ll watch a T20 cricket match over a regular season baseball game but post-season baseball is the best. ETA: the pitching clock is the best thing to happen to baseball in a long time. Might try to sit through a few regular season games next year.
@WaterGirl: I miss having a dog. I can cuddle one cat like that, but the other two make me feel like we’re roleplaying a Pepe LePew bit and Im the skunk. Meanwhile, they frantically scrabble to get away.
The only upside to this is if Dani is doing something she shouldn’t, I just have say, “Don’t make me come over there and love you.”
@Quinerly: Spouse and I really enjoyed the scenery around El Morro and Ramah. Had a cool visit to the ice caves there, spouse did the walk up to the cinder cone volcano top.
@Jay: Nice to see everyone, I bet!
My wife and I got our COVID boosters yesterday, and she’s feeling punk. Me, hardly anything except soreness at the injection site.
We’re looking forward to the hundred kids who will show up for Trick or Treat night between 6 and 8.
@Old School: That sounds nice!
@Quinerly: That sounds a lot like Quinerly heaven.
@coin operated: Is tonight the first game? I could put up a thread. Is it at 8pm eastern?
I wonder if there’s interest. Betty Cracker talked about maybe doing that, but she is out of town.
Henry is contemplating the mysteries of life.
@debit: No dogs? That can’t feel right. Are you thinking of getting one soon?
Waitin to crush the stinky Gators!
BC in Illinois
Just finished mowing the lawn. Now I’m having a cold brew, and watching last night’s late night monologues on Youtube. All the while, Mrs BC has been taking five of the seven local g’kids to a pumpkin farm in Red Bud IL.
Mowing the lawn is my excuse to get out of the event. The g’kids are fun; the pumpkins . . . meh.
@rikyrah: Both of them? :-)
When’s dinner, and will I ever get another brother?
coin operated
@WaterGirl: Yup. Game 1 at 8pm EST.
It’s a 4 year birthday celebration for JoJo las Orejas. They grow up so fast.
“Driving around and looking at and sniffing things. Talking to strangers along the way.”
@Quinerly: Except for the sniffing things, you could be talking about yourself or JoJo.
Joy in FL
Henry is relaxation perfection.
@Alison Rose: That sounds really interesting. My friend on Siesta Key reads a lot of nonfiction; I think I’ll order her a copy. Thanks for the recommendation!
yup, it’s been 6 years since we got to see them both.
SWIMBO and Bun are a handful when they are together.
They have been besties since SWIMBO was 17, so 40 years.
I love that area. Have not done the Ice Caves. Spent 4 nights in a cabin at Ancient Way Cabins and Cafe back in January, 2016. Ancient Way at that time was for lack of better words, “gay men’s commune.” I didn’t know it when booking and I guess it’s changed now over the years. During that period, Redwulf and Dancing Bare (not a typo) were doing these fabulous gourmet community meals on the weekends. The wolf sanctuary is nearby in Candy Kitchen, NM and I hung with that volunteer crowd for the dinners. I was traveling with my dog Poco on that trip for a month stay in an old miner cabin in Madrid, NM. We stayed an extra night at Ancient Way and had a fabulous time….made lots of acquaintances. I was the only woman there in the dead of winter….the guys who lived on the “commune” were mostly older survivors of the 1980’s AIDs era. Lots of lost souls that found the Ramah area and formed a family. Many had lost their partner to AIDs….and were outcasts. I am curious to see how it has changed. Redwulf and Dancing Bare now live in Albuquerque.
@Jay: Two questions.
What is the “I” for in SWIMBO?
Did I see you say something the other day about being divorced? I was confused…
@WaterGirl: we sniff and look. I talk.
@WaterGirl: sadly, no. I work too many hours right now. It wouldn’t be fair.
@debit: That would be so hard.
edit: You need to work somewhere where the dog could come to work with you. :-)
Alison Rose
@Cameron: Welcome!
Dan B
Sending out invites to a very very delayed birthday brunch at a local brewpub. My brother was in North Carolina on my B-day so this us so he can celebrate.
Mo MacArbie
Nonfiction November? I guess we’ll add it to the pile with NaNoWriMo when we’re writing books all November long and Movember when we’re all growing moustaches all November long. Any more? Why does November get all this stuff?
OK, I’d vote all November long.
Sure Lurkalot
Expecting the first snow and real freeze tonight through Sunday morning. It’s a bright, beautiful day if a bit brisk but weather on the Colorado front range can change in minutes.
Planning on some World Serious watching and comfort food cooking (meatballs, matzoh ball soup…)
Dan B
@Quinerly: I went to quite a few gatherings of gay men in the 80’s and 90’s. Some local groups formed unofficial families. We lost people over the years. There were retreats at Breitenbush hot springs in the central Oregon Cascades and in Northern California. There was time spent maintaining eroticism abd sexuality at a time when the danger meant many people shut down.
@Dan B: I thought at first you were inviting us, but without a location :-) but I see that you are telling us what you are up to!
Have a happy birthday!
P.S. Did you see that I had written to you (email to your phone) saying that satby has been trying to reach you with no luck? It’s unusual for you not to answer when I write, so just checking in.
the I is a typo,
twice married, 6 years the first time, divorced, this one 26 years and going strong.
we went up to White Tank Mountain Park, got to see cactus, (no monsoons this year, so they arn’t doing well), mule deer, ( which our friends have never seen in the park), bunch of new to us birds, some old friend birds, lizards, ancient rock art and one hike, which our friends couldn’t go, his health isn’t good.
@Jay: Thanks for clarifying. I thought you were happily married, but after seeing the comment the other day, I thought maybe I had missed something.
Scientists at LIGO have surpassed the quantum limit.
Hellooo Henry!
@Dan B:
I didn’t get into the entire background of the commune while I was there. I just wanted to drive around that part of the state before landing outside of Santa Fe for my month stay. Found the cabins on line. They were close to Zuni Pueblo. But for the winter, communal dinners and the wolf sanctuary folks chatting, I probably wouldn’t have gotten the entire history of how it originally formed and who all was there. But you are right…the forming families aspect.
I was just getting out of law school when AIDs hit in the 1980’s. Living in the city of St. Louis in my old neighborhood during that period.. had lots of Gay men friends who had AIDs and/or lost someone with AIDs. That period was terrifying, for sure.
1000 Dubliners sing “Nothing Compares 2 U” in tribute to Sinéad O’Connor.
Debating what to do for dinner here. Thinking about thawing a steak.
@Alison Rose: My book group read that book last month. It was very well written and a powerful book. Most of us had some difficulty getting through parts of it, but we all thought it was a very good book.
My book group celebrates our 40th year together next month. We have tackled some hard to read books over the years, but like this one, we always feel better for having read them. It definitely is a powerful book.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Google shut down my email so I do messaging. I’ll check my messages. Thanks for the heads up.
The brewpub is Perihelion Brewery. Good menu to make a person hangry!
Alison Rose
@BethanyAnne: OMG CRYING
Alison Rose
@Scout211: Yeah, there were definitely some parts where I had to stop and take a moment.
@Dan B: I took a look at their menu, and now I need some soft pretzels as an appetizer.
Memory Pallas
@Roberto el oso:
Plufl the Human Dog Bed
Gin & Tonic
Sitting by the outdoor fire, in my t-shirt, drinking a beer. It has been unseasonably warm here in southern New England. One more day of that, then fall.
That is an impressive level of precision. I didn’t know we had detectors so fine.
@Memory Pallas: Ha!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Musings on a Friday afternoon: What fraction of an average plumber’s business is something the homeowner tried to do himself and screwed up?
Not wondering about this for any particular reason.
Dan B
@mrmoshpotato: Their sandwiches are very flavorful. And they’re not salty like some places. Plus other things are new.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: haha. I did follow a work truck in Houston once with a sign “We fix what your husband repaired”
Dan B
@Gin & Tonic: We went from the mud 60’s to waves of downpours, not Seattle drizzle, to highs in the 40’s and lows in the low 30’s. Brrr!
Jet Stream gone crazy.
Had a lovely lunch at our local Thai restaurant, did a bit of shopping (finally starting to get rid of some old clothes which got me through the pandemic but are too stained/ripped/embarrassing to leave the house in). Planning to take it easy and avoid doing some work I really should get started on this evening.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Not intended as a factual statement? :-)
We are on day 5 with a pair of 6 month old standard issue tabby brothers we adopted. They are handsome boys. We named the Teddy and Franklin. Yeah, they are Bro-osevelts.
@Dan B: Thinking of visiting Seattle next year- I’ve never been. What’s the least rainy time of year there? Thanks!
I thought this might be some hideous new way for science to accidentally annihilate all existence, but after reading the article and seeing “lasers”, “colliding black holes”, and “quantum entanglement”, I’m sure of it.
@RandomMonster: :-)
Incompetence IS cause.
@brantl: You make an excellent point.
zhena gogolia
@RandomMonster: Cute!
Henry!!! I need a Henry picture. Thinking of turning off the news for a while. It’s just too much with that and Dad (who is fine, but it’s just, well, a lot) I need some stress free time.
Luckily exactly 1 week from now I am wheels up for Dublin. Can’t wait to see my friends. 😊
Dan B
@FelonyGovt: August is the driest along with the end of July. With El Nino it’s likely to be June through mid October. Typical July is 1.5 inches of rain. August is typically 1 inch. September is 1.7 inches. We’ve been getting nasty smoke from fires in August. July and June have 16+ hours of daylight. Long twilight extends it by alm9st an hour.
Gin & Tonic
@Ken: Still, I guess it’s better than the scientists at LEGO surpassing the quantum limit.
@Dan B: Thank you! Always wanted to go, but I’m not such a big fan of rain. :)
@HeleninEire: Henry 💕 HeleninEire back!
Dan B
@FelonyGovt: The west coast gets very little in summer compared to the east and Midwest. Seattle gets 1/3 what New York gets. The difference is we can get a full day of nonstop drizzle and only 1/4 inch of precipitation. That’s rare in summer
November. December, and March: deluge + darkness. Reading and eating weather.
Rachel Bakes
Big kid has a night off from rehearsal so she’s watching The Mummy with her dad. Made amazing brisket paninis (panini?) for supper. Busy weekend.
@Dan B: More like here in L.A. then- where rain in summer is very rare (although no longer unheard of, thanks, climate change). Thanks again!
Rachel Bakes
@Gin & Tonic:
Halloween Walk in our town in CT tomorrow and it might be 80!?
Right now they are just little eating power machines that live to wrestle and sleep. We’re confident they’ll be snuggly someday.
@RandomMonster: Photos please.
@BethanyAnne: Dubliners ROCK!
mali muso
It’s been one week since I completed the final 114km portion of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Walking in the steps of pilgrims who have gone before for 1000s of years and interacting with others along the way from all around the world was pretty darn cool. I’m not at all religious and just did it for the mental and physical challenge. WG, if you need some content for a future OTR series, let me know. I have lots. And it includes some cats and dogs along the Camino route as well. :-)
Urgh, need to figure out how to host a photo here..,
There go two miscreants
TBH, I was more impressed by “Now we can eat our cake and have it too.”
@mali muso: Absolutely! I’m sure we would all be interested in a series. Go for it!
mali muso
@WaterGirl: I’ll try to pull something together. How does it work? Email you?
At our tony you-can’t-afford-this locale for kiddo’s cross-country conference championships.
Definitely get why people like living here, but I think you need a helicopter.
@mali muso: It’s easier than that.
The link is in the sidebar, but I have copied it here. It’s the third item under Calling All Jackals.
Calling All Jackals
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Van Buren
I’m troubleshooting a nonfunctioning dishwasher and cursing. Guess the ratio of the two.
@Van Buren:
Hahaha…my sympathies
mali muso
@WaterGirl: Yay! I love easy. Will rustle up something. Thanks.
@Van Buren: Ugh, best of luck with that.
Thank you for the Henry photo! Watching Ina Garten to escape the news. It is 81 now in Memphis and is supposed to cool down on Sunday. I can’t wait.
Dan B
@eclare: It’s 43° in Seattle and dropping to 34° with steady breeze. My partner put on longies to go sit in the large tool shed, now clubhouse with woodstove, lounge chairs, TV, and adult beverages. His big orange kitty Wobbles, will be on his lap as he watches the news. 15 – 20 mph “breeze” at present. The shed / clubhouse is sheltered from the wind out of the north, fortunately.
@mali muso: You can have up to 10 photos per post.
I suggest that you write your intro – plus whatever you want to say about each photo – in Word or something like that, and then copy it into the form.
That way if you are the 1 in 100 who has a problem, you won’t have to recreate your text, you would just have to paste it in again.
@Dan B: Yeah, we are about to get a hard freeze, too. So sad.
Is Wobbles all better, then?
Hi everyone, what’s a good recommendation for KN95 masks.
@Dan B:
70 in Malibu. Brrrr.
Your beverages will fix things. We would get Rainier quarts and hang in parks by Lake Washington in winter, because HS metabolisms just don’t notice.
Mine are N95 by 3M. I got them at Home Depot, five minutes from me. Plenty of boxes on the shelves.
My wife just had a Facebook memory pop up – today is the fourth anniversary of when we welcomed our two cats into the family as 6 month old kittens. Four years later, they’ve long since settled in and become family.
@Dan B:
That sounds nice! I hope Wobbles is better.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Wobbles has rear leg stability issues but he is good at jumping up onto the arm of the sofa and racing around the garden. He doesn’t seem troubled by the crystals so the pricey diet – $10 per pound for dry food – may be working. He’s not straining to pee, yay
The $1,800 vet bill also seems worth it.
Doing? Just waiting to see whether they can find the mass shooter so Maine can come out from under the bed.
@lowtechcyclist: I think that makes you guys cousins, or something!
@Dan B: I took Mr. Bear in for a recheck a month after discovering that he had crystals and bladder stones. A month on the new food, and stones no longer showed up on the x-rays – there were so many big ones that a month before you could even see them on the x-rays – and only 3 stones showed in the ultrasound, many fewer than on his ultrasound one month before. And the ones that were there were smaller than before.
So my vet figures that in a couple more months, they will all be gone. Fingers crossed for all our kitties.
zhena gogolia
@RandomMonster: You have to send it to WaterGirl.
@eclare: Thank you
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Good to know. The problem is that my kitty who has no problem with stones or crystals is eating some of the pricey food. But he much prefers Friskeys canned food.
I’m sure they have! FSM bless us all and our pets.
@RandomMonster: Send me an email message with your photo/s as attachments.
@Dan B: I am giving both kitties the pricey special crystals food. There’s no way I could keep Mr. Bear from eating Miss Willow’s food, so they both get the prescription stuff.
I did not know this until a month ago, so i will share it in case you don’t know. You basically have to ONLY feed them the special food for crystals. You an’t do half and half and even treats are supposed to be the special stuff for crystals. No other food. I had to give Bear his pills in cheddar cheese, and once the pills were gone the vet said the since he LOVES the cheddar cheese, he can get 1 shred of cheese a day. sigh.
karen marie
@RandomMonster: I would love to have two but I have to wait for the dog to shuffle off this mortal coil. The bathroom is too small for a second pan, and it’s the only suitable space that can be gated to keep the dog out.
The one cat I do have is very cuddly, so it’s not a huge hardship.
karen marie
I bought “Miuphro KN95 Disposable Face Mask 25 Pack 5-Ply” for $15 through Amazon. They work well.
Got my booster today. Still covid-free, and I hope to stay that way.
@Van Buren:
have you tried turning the power off for 20 to 30 minutes to the dishwasher, then turning it on again?
Reboots the built in computer.