Well, so far @RepDeanPhillips' campaign seems to be going great — his launch event isn't on the schedule for AP or Reuters to take it live and his website has crashed. pic.twitter.com/Li9SWp6tuL
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) October 27, 2023
When you are a nepo-baby with big ambitions and suffient money, there’s always someone who’ll assure you that you’re presidential timber. (As in: wood from the neck up.)
Dean Phillips, from the guy who brought us Sarah Palin https://t.co/Yefruh0IoJ
— zeddy (@Zeddary) October 27, 2023
Gonna face tough competition for second place between the Kennedy heir who dropped out and the constitutionally ineligible YouTube personality https://t.co/WxsYLhdv7U
— Gas Stove Prayer Warrior (@canderaid) October 27, 2023
Taps the sign: the only thing Phillips' campaign is configured to do is damage Biden. This has been true from the jump. https://t.co/COC7l8U5Sk
— Clean Observer (@Hammbear2024) October 27, 2023
Dean Phillips, man who apparently has never had an original thought…
(My *mom* was a volunteer in ‘Clean for Gene’ McCarthy’s campaign, and that was 50 years ago!)
CLEAN FOR DEAN debuts in Concord, NH — pic.twitter.com/a7ZUiasSwW
— Jonathan Martin (@jmart) October 27, 2023
The Dean Phillips 2024 website is an almost pixel for pixel ripoff of the Biden Harris website.
Layout. Colors. Handwriting.
Even the Spanish button is in the same spot! pic.twitter.com/S1ozSljgc8
— Doug Landry (@dougblandry) October 27, 2023
.@deanbphillips signs NH state house visor book…right below Trump
And w similar pander bear message pic.twitter.com/raD4kdB23b
— Jonathan Martin (@jmart) October 27, 2023
House Democrats say they're baffled by Rep. Dean Phillip's decision to launch a primary challenge against President Biden.
“It’s a head-scratcher,” one lawmaker said. https://t.co/S6rvoRpukE
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 27, 2023
Well, wouldja look at *that*!…
NEW: Dean Phillips told The Daily Beast that he doesn't remember receiving a max campaign donation from conservative financier Harlan Crow, but allowed that it was possible he solicited it personally. Me w/@JakeLahut https://t.co/7TTweHRhPR
— Roger Sollenberger (@SollenbergerRC) October 27, 2023
Politico says Steve Schmidt has lined up lots of big media interviews with this clown. Worth watching if any of them ask the obvious questions of whether it’s full fawn https://t.co/IA8RIEUREw
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 27, 2023
if he is lucky the only person in a few years who will remember Dean Phillip's 2024 campaign is Dean Philips
— John Cole (@Johngcole) October 27, 2023
Dean Phillips is running for President using Republican talking points—days after Republicans elevated MAGA Mike Johnson to Speaker.
I’m running a primary campaign against Dean so MN-03 has a strong Democrat who is focused on the district.
— Ron Harris (@ronharrismn) October 27, 2023
dr. bloor
It will be interesting to see if either of the two people left in the universe finally let go of the notion that Steverino had experienced some sort of cosmic transition back into decency and good will.
Alison Rose
Fuck off, Dean.
Sounds like he’s too old and senile.
dr. bloor
@Baud: His interwebs savvy is totes old.
yeah, this is totally a real challenge to Biden and everything…
…cue Biden/Harris 2024 ads dropping all these MAGA billionaire-funded shitheads into a single toilet bowl and flushing.
(nickel bet! ;)
Also: running on “crime” and “the border”?? THAT obvious? puh-leeze!!
Really pulling for that primary challenger. Consequences are important.
I was wondering why some folks were scoffing at Steve Schmidt… So, what’s the nepo connection? Or is it just something in the Minnesota water?
If the man has any clue as to the stakes for this election (and being a Federal Congresscritter he has no excuse) tells me all I need to know about his character.
@MattF: Phillips is the stepson of the owner of Phillips Distillery. You know, Phillips vodka, etc.
Who the fuck is this rando? Caught a few minutes of him on CBS before I left for work and I thought he was some No Labels guy. He’s an actual Democrat? I don’t think so.
Apt description of Project Lincoln and Schmidt in there, but that just reminds that a Project Lincoln in some better form with smarter people *could* have had more effect….maybe. I wonder if it is lack of resources, lack of imagination, or lack of connections. Or is it just that the only source of decision-making for a GOP voter these days is the right wing propaganda machine, as a long as it is running, can’t make any headway with traditional ad spots and doing CNN spots?
It’s like the right wing media is a constant pressure pushing those its captured to particular modes of thought and voting, and a few ads and soundbites is basically trying to slow down a bowling ball by tossing BBs at it.
Alison Rose
@MattF: He was CEO of the family’s distillery, I read somewhere else. I assume not solely due to his merits.
I sent him a few bucks via Act Blue.
@Alison Rose: If you’re still here, I wanted to apologize for the other day. I should have just not posted at all, since there was no way I was going to be able to express myself effectively given where I was.
Old School
I can’t imagine the polling numbers are saying Dean Phillips is the answer.
It’s the Democrats’ turn to enjoy The Ron DeSantis Experience. Mountains of ambition, oceans of pandering, and not a single clue.
@Cameron: I think our version is going to get a lot less attention though.
Once this narcissistic assclown gets creamed in the primaries, will he be a pouty brat like Wilmer?
Alison Rose
@Eolirin: No worries, fellow jackal.
As this is an open thread, Boston NBC affiliate is reporting that Card, the Lewiston mass murderer, has been found dead by law enforcement.
@Eolirin: One can hope.
Mr. Bemused Senior
OK, I get that politicians have big egos, but I have to say, c’mon, man!
@mrmoshpotato: If he is, maybe we’ll get an answer to the question, if a narcissistic asshole throws a fit and no one’s around to hear it does he make a sound?
Alison Rose
@JMG: NYT says: “The authorities in Maine have scheduled an unexpected news conference at 10 p.m. Eastern.”
The shooter in the killings in Maine has been found dead. Link
@debit: Y’all know the old definition of a ‘Philips Screwdriver’ ?
Vodka …
… and milk of magnesia
According to the DB article quoted at length by Digby, Dean Phillips made himself completely obnoxious on AF One, taking selfies (a security issue) and calling friends and family from the plane and interrupting Biden in meetings and conversations to basically say hi to mom and dad (a manners issue).
Also, didn’t Steve Schmidt also run the Prez campaign for Howard Schultz, I think his name is — anyhow, the CEO of Starbucks?
So, Kennedy dropped out already? One of the quoted tweets seemed to say he had. Surprises me, I thought that would dragon longer. Can anyone point me at the news?
As for this guy, well, I hope he keeps his delusion long enough to miss his chance to file for reelection as Rep. I guess our caucus has to stay sort of nice so he will still vote for whatever we can get but really.
This one will have no impact IMO. Of course I am not especially skilled at political insight but I still think whatever.
Alison Rose
@Scout211: This man obviously had some serious demons he was wrestling with, and yet we make it easy as pie for someone like that to get all the damn weapons of war they could want. What a country.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Hey! Welcome back!
Good. I’m glad they found him, but I wish he had lived not only to stand trial, but possibly so investigators and doctors could gain even a scrap of insight into the guy’s head.
zhena gogolia
@Jeffro: Yeah, even I’m not worried about this one.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@geg6: he’s officially a Democrat but the stench of No Labels is powerful, you can smell it through the ‘tubes!
Is it true he’s Dear Abby’s grandson or is that just a twitter rumor?
I know the money comes from a family hooch company that’s a couple of generations old, so another self-made businessman.
@Gvg: Kennedy’s running third party. I don’t know which one, or whether he’s just going solo
Alison Rose
@Gvg: I assume he meant that Kennedy dropped out of the Dem race to run as an independent.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
You are correct, ma’am! and if that’s the precedent, we should be done hearing about Dean in about three weeks
@Scout211: There’s almost always some kind of life altering event isn’t it? This is why having easy access to assualt weapons, and really any gun, is such a goddamn problem. Even responsible gun owners are one really severe break away from doing something irreversible.
Most of the time that’s suicide and not shooting up a bunch of random people, but many of those are very much unnecessary deaths that wouldn’t happen without the ease of firearms too. We are constantly awash in tragedy just to protect fragile male ego and make a handful of executives really rich.
Upgraded today to Thunderbird 115. ‘Supernova’ as my email client. Seems to work OK, but the new interface is inefficient and ugly, and getting it to look and work the way I like is, to quote my father, ‘A pain in the pants’
I ain’t happy
A thread, possibly useful –
I will not mess with that procedure until I have fewer problems on my plate, a day with empty schedule, and a good night’s sleep, breakfast, and two or three cuppas.
Those less intrepid might want to wait for version 116
zhena gogolia
@Gvg: I assumed that meant he stopped running as a Democrat, so dropped out of the primaries? He’s running as an Independent, last I heard.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I mainly remember that his good friend Nicolle Wallace refused to have him on her MSNBC program as long as he was working for Schultz. I wonder if she’ll do the same re: his affiliation with Phillips.
@Gvg: He’s going to run as an independent!
@Cameron: Most recently RFKJr’s claiming to be an independent. I think there are polls that show he now takes more votes from TFG than Biden, so… great strategy again there, billionaire dark funders.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: If I ever knew that I’d forgotten. Wallace can get on my nerves– she’s gone from the Bush White House to halfway around the horseshoe– but I give her respect for that.
@Alison Rose:
@Scout211: could someone PLEASE, on any cable network, follow up the Maine presser by running that clip of dumbass Mike Pence saying he’d institute the death penalty on mass shooters? as a deterrent?
oh they TOTALLY care, Mike (eyeroll)
@Gvg: Kennedy dropped out of the primary to run instead as an independent. Hilariously and perhaps inevitably, polling shows that he pulls more potential supporters from the (R) side, resulting in TFG attacking him.
Alison Rose
@Jeffro: It’s an inane idea, considering how many of them die by their own hand or the cops’, intentionally. I don’t think most of them go into such an act expecting to survive.
You are exactly right. There is a millisecond between being a good guy with a gun and bad guy with a gun. The GOP would have us believe we can intervene, somehow, in that millisecond. I prefer that we intervene well before that millisecond, by keeping weapons of mass murder out of the hands of the general public (as well as universal background checks, red-flag laws, etc).
@Baud: Welcome back. (I’m just assuming we aren’t welcoming back your pants.)
@Alison Rose: “don’t you DARE think about it, Mr. Mentally Unbalanced and Suicidal Person! If you pull that trigger and waste 200 people, well, we’ll just put you to death!! Howya like them apples?”
(Narrator: MMUSP did not hear the question, as he had already wasted 200 people and then offed himself)
@Jeffro: I appreciate you saying unbalanced and not ill there. Thank you.
Robert Card found dead. Committed suicide but not before he fucked up dozens of families. I wish I believed in hell. Presser at 10 EDT.
Apparently, the Howard Schultz debacle taught Steve Schmidt nothing.
Schmidt had to claw his way back from that crash. And now this?
There needs to be an Alternative Candidate Debate in which we get to see a policy face-off between Kennedy, Phillips, Cornel West, Kanye West, Ronald McDonald, Andrew Yang, Joe Rogan, Kyrsten Sinema, and some guy dressed like Batman.
The winner receives a crown of thorns and is then dumped into the East River.
@zhena gogolia: Hey z_g, I hope you are still on; I wanna tell you that the two main profs who taught me a little of the pycckii Rzik were both utterly insightful, inspiring, and caring profs. This was decades ago and I lost touch with them, so I had the thought that I could send some appreciation your way instead.
@SpaceUnit: God no. We don’t need more pollution in the East River.
After Phillips flames out, he’ll run on the IWW ticket. You know, Insufferable Wealthy Wankers.
That’s good! You’re quick.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@SpaceUnit: It was a good set up. :)
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Round up the usual suspects.
@MazeDancer: He has to pay the premiums on his boat loan somehow.
Odie Hugh Manatee
He puts meaning to “He’s a piece of Schmidt”. Another guy in love with the sound of his voice and not much else.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Cameron: He’s got no shot as a Democrat
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
He’s laughing all the way to the bank. If you caught any of his MSNBC appearances from his home during the pandemic, he’s made bank in a big way. Pretty spectacular place. Even nicer than Iohn Heilman’s digs. Which are also pretty spectacular. Tells you all you need to know about these guys. They do have very good taste, though.
Hamlet of Melnibone
Sadly, Phillips is my Congressman. I’m at a loss as to what is motivating this. He’s always struck me a s a pretty generic Democrat. A little corporate, but frankly that suits this district, as it is a well-off suburb that swung Democratic after Trump was elected. My neighbors like low taxes, but they aren’t excited by the hate and crazy that Trump brought. He certainly doesn’t need to do something like this to keep his seat.
I guess that it could just be delusions of grandeur- he’s a rich guy with nice hair, so why couldn’t he be President?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@SiubhanDuinne: I thought he ran the campaign of Sergeant Schultz
I scrolled too fast when I first came to this thread and totally misunderstood your comment, but now that I get it, YEAH!
And not only is this important – whhy should somebody carrying water for Republicans and the plurality-owner of the Supreme Court inside-baseball team, after all? – but hey, Ron Harris sounds excellent to me!
Was this what had some Midwestern Republicans going on about how FMLA leave is “summer break for grown ups”? As a parent and someone who has been a caregiver to more than one dying person, I have nothing but pitchforks for people who can even think that, let alone say it. So, Go Ron Harris!
No gold plated toilets?
Nope. Both had decor that I would kill for. And the views from Schmidt’s place were sublime. I think he lives in Idaho or somewhere like that.
Alison Rose
God, I wish news producers would realize it is okay to just show us the room waiting for the presser with a graphic rather than have an anchor and guest rambling on and on, repeating themselves, musing about “maybe” and “possibly” and “could be” and all this shit, clearly trying to fill airtime until the cops come out. I’d rather watch a silent empty lectern.
zhena gogolia
@Lyrebird: Thanks, that’s very nice!
I think Steve Schmidt is an unstable person with some mental health issues. The other idiot, I have no idea.
“I…I…I just wanna BE SOMEBODY!!!”
Ok, Steve, sounds good. Here’s your call sheet, your fundraising envelopes to lick, whatever. Stop believing your own mental press releases, or something.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Good point, he loves money too…lol! I tired of his self-important ass a long time ago. Once a fervent serial rodent copulator, always a fervent serial rodent copulator.
My question too. And since he’s planning to run on “crime and border,” he ain’t no Democrat.
Alison Rose
God, reporters can be annoying.
I’m getting a Kyrsten Sinema vibe from this Phillips guy. He pretty much is openly saying he doesn’t want to be a Congressman any more. Has someone stepped up to primary him from the D side yet (his congressional office I mean)?
Matt McIrvin
“Crime and border”? Jesus.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Jeffro: He coulda been a contender. He coulda had class; style. He coulda been somebody, instead he’s a bum with a one way ticket to palookaville.
snort! what a maroon.
@WaterGirl: Look, I’m sure it’s happened to all of us. Easy thing to forget that someone handed you a big check.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Matt McIrvin: He’s from Minnesota, the Canadian border is a big issue there – keeping the maple hordes out with their politeness and low cost prescription medicine.
@Alison Rose:
We all just got a public safety alert saying they found him dead and that hunting season can resume. This is the most Maine thing ever.
😂😂 That’s hilarious. Good thing for him he’s a nepo baby because he’s dumb as a rock.
Another Scott
Fritschner thinks that Phillips may be trying to up his quarterly fundraising number or something. Whatever it is, he should do it on his own time away from the US House and the Democratic Party.
@dmsilev: I read today that Johnson did a filmed interview from INSIDE THE HOUSE of Harlan Crow. I couldn’t bear to read long enough to know if it was since he became Pastor of the House or if it was at some point in the past.
Alison Rose
@MomSense: Yeah, one of the dudes at the presser made a clear point to say hunting could resume. I was like…please tell me that was not the number one concern.
Captain C
@WaterGirl: If Biden said that we would have two solid weeks of nothing but Biden-is-senile stories, even if that day Trump was convicted of multiple felonies and another major war broke out.
@Alison Rose:
Break out the 2015-16 footage of Dump’s empty podium!
Gin & Tonic
@geg6: Ski chalet in Park City, Utah.
@Captain C: Sadly, you are correct.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Have we excluded the possibility he thinks Fargo was a documentary and the border and crime he’s worried about is those Dakotas?
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
And those marauding moose trying to overrun our greatest-country-in-the-world! with that commie universal healthcare!!!
@eclare: Apparently the suicide-by-cop plan didn’t work out. Asshole is not nearly a strong enough word. Fortunately I am old (as are many folks who post on these old-fashioned blog thingies).
Checking in from MN o3. He beat the horrible Republican who had been in office here. Don’t know what is happening to Dean. He appears to have been dropped on his head somewhere. He doesn’t appear to have much DFL support at the state level for this stupid move.
@Juliet: So long as he supports Hakeem to be Speaker, I’m neutral. But the vibes are terrible, is it just pandering to his suburban district for tv time (I dinna know)?
Well 💩. Texas takes game one with 11th inning HR.
@Jackie: The start of what may be a beautiful series…
@Jackie: 🎶 It’s very nice, so full of spice 🎶
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: But even then, they never shut the fuck up while showing it.
@MazeDancer: I can’t find a link anymore, but iirc Schmidt was guaranteed an obscene amount of money to become an advisor for Schultz. Maybe he is going for the same windfall this time.
Eghad. As a Minnesotan I’m grossed out/so embarrassed that the cheap-vodka & mass market gelato guy has such an inflated ego and shriveled brain that he thinks this shit is worth it.
Spin out fast, Dean. I doubt the MN-nice but quietly racist west metro is going to go for Ron in the Dem primary, because I do want Philips to lose his job next year … but not to a Republican!
@Juliet: Democratic Parties seem to vary from state to state as far as how well organized they are. Minnesota’s seems relatively well organized, at least compared to the one here in Virginia. I think there will be a district convention that could endorse Mr. Harris, the challenger. Their choice would not bind primary voters but would still influence them.
Will Phillips run for reelection? It could be he will drop out after New Hampshire and then campaign for his seat. Phillips is hardly indispensible, though. His winning margin in 2018 was one of the largest of the 40 Democrats who flipped seats in 2018, and it increased in the two elections since. That is probably due to an underlying political shift in the district and not because of his personal appeal.
Phillips’ Presidential campaign will certainly raise his profile nationally, but that will likely result in a flood of contributions to the challenger and negate the advantage his personal wealth might give him. I think Phillips will lose the primary unless more candidates jump in and split the non-Phillips vote.
@RaflW: One interesting aspect of the 2018 Blue Wave was the three Black Democrats who won predominately white districts. Colin Allred flipped a red district in the Dallas suburbs, and Lauren Underwood flipped a red district centered on Naperville, west of Chicago. Jahana Hayes(?) won the nomination to succeed a Democrat in eastern Connecticut. All three have won reelection since then.
So maybe Mr. Harris will win this seat. Barack Obama’s Presidency induced many different reactions, but I think that within the Democratic Party it was a positive one regarding a given candidate’s race.
Anne Laurie
Not the top concern, but there’s a limited number of days (especially weekend days) in the hunting season. And there’s a lot of families in Maine who actually *DO* need the deer meat to get them through the ‘slow season’ of winter seasonal layoffs.
I mean, when there’s a shutdown in Boston, there’s a lot of people whose perfectly reasonable first question is “How long before I can get to my office / restaurant / delivery shift on the MTA again? Because even if I can *find* an Uber running, I’ll be faced with a choice between losing my job for not getting downtown, or losing my apartment because I can’t pay the rent after paying for rides.”
Central Planning
@Cameron: The other day I noticed the house in my neighborhood with the “DeSantis 2024” flag now has a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag instead. Baby steps!
@Juliet: Someone has suggested it’s a midlife crisis and wished he had just bought a fancy sports car instead.