Update 7:30 pm on Monday: Calendars will be ready to order on Wednesday.
Good morning!
There were some requests to add a pet to the calendar, but there were too many to squeeze in, and not nearly enough to make another calendar, so that option didn’t turn out to be feasible.
But we can do a Favorite Dogs & Cats series in December, like we did last year, so you can share your pets with us!
And we can absolutely make your pet photo into a postcard for sale on Cafe Press, if you are interested. We just need a high resolution photo, and an image that works with the shape of a postcard – in either portrait or landscape.
Please find your guys in Calendar B and let us know in the comments if we are missing a heart – or if there is a heart where there shouldn’t be one!
These are low-resolution for posting on the blog, but the calendar itself is very high resolution.
Calendar A was in the previous post!
Reminder, If you click on a particular calendar month, you will be able to more easily see the pets, the pet names, and whether there is a heart.
Full confession, tears were shed while adding hearts to the photos.
zhena gogolia
I see Duby in August!
Typo in text body says calendar a when I think you mean calendar b.
@Marleedog: Not anymore! :-) Thank you.
That’s my Scout and Ranger at the top left in February. We took the photo the day after we brought them home; they didn’t come from a great situation and we realized when we took them into the house that they had never been inside a structure before.
@Butch: Wow, that’s amazing. They do look a little uncertain.
I remember brining my cocker spaniel home for the first time. Just getting out of the car was a scary adventure. He had never before set foot on grass, and had never set foot on wood, and he had to step on the deck before he could go in the house.
Those paws are how they interact with the world!
Miss Bianca
My furry friends are all there! Thanks, WG! Susi will be in for 2025!
I didn’t have a cat this year until after the pet calendar was underway, so i will submit the talkative and inquisitive Clementine next year.
Checked July. Gaby’s good.
Seeing the ♡ did shake me up a little bit.
@Kristine: Gaby and Eek! were the first ones we changed, and I definitely cried.
Pablo is there, smelling the roses, in November. I hope he is still with us in November. I suppose there is no chance of moving him up, like February?
@brendancalling: @Miss Bianca:
Did you guys miss this up top? You don’t have to wait until next year’s calendar to share your guys with the rest of us.
Send me a photo and a short blurb (check the link above if you’ve forgotten how that went last year).
Ugh I totally forgot about the pet calendar. I have 5 cats and a dog to submit .. enough to put you over the edge WG?
Hi, WG, caught your email before the post. Sent something for December.
Wasn’t so clear on the plan but now I see it.
Alison Rose
My Briery still looks lovely in December.
Also I love that photo of Poobah in November. Love a blep :P
@cain: I sent you an email message.
@glc: I replied to you, as well.
Joy in FL
I see my three: Aziraphale in April, Eowyn with a heart in June, and Hermes in October.
And It is such a pleasure seeing all the BJ animals. Our calendars are so cool : )
Artemis! She’s curled up on her little dog bed in the van as we head home!
@WaterGirl: I got it – thank you!
@pat: We only have pairs of pets in February, because, well, January, so February is out. Will see if he fits with the design for either March or April. No promises, but beth will check.
My dearly beloved and much missed cat Harry is there in August— top row, fourth from the left.
Thanks. I make calendars myself (walgreens) and I put Pablo on the cover. He was in December a couple times (sniffing the poinsettia, etc) and then I realized he might not make it that long.
He is doing well with the appetite stimulant but November is a long way away……
Actually, is there any chance for January? He has to go to Cats Cottage Inn the middle of March until the end of April. January would be perfect. I hang the calendar in the mudroom and keep track of the pees and poops every day.
My guys are good (Rocco in March and Bailey in July).
@pat: What is Cat’s Cottage? Hopefully you get to be with Pablo wherever that is.
January is dedicated to all of Cole’s pets, so January is a no-go. February is for pairs of cats because of Valentine’s Day. beth has a whole design system – these colors in April, those in the fall, these for summer, etc.
We could make a Pablo postcard! How would you feel about that?
Max is in July – TY!
Let’s leave him in November. Hope he makes it. If not, I will send another photo for next year with a heart. (sob) Or how about just any other month, after April.
Cats Cottage Inn is where he goes when we are out of the country for weeks (Austria, friends and relatives there). Check it out online. Neat place, and they love him..
John Smallberries
All is good with our beasts. Tiger. Toby. Keyoki. Betty White
@pat: It’s tough when they get to that phase of their lives. Sometimes they surprise you and make it longer than you ever dreamed, sometimes it goes the other way.
Hoping Pablo surprises you in the first way!
Thanks, everybody!
I am no longer checking this thread, so a comment here is not a good way to reach me about the calendar.