Steve continues to lose weight and is diabetic, so he has now earned a round trip ticket to Arizona. He needs to be with me until his glucose is under control, and he needs to be with me in case it DOESN’T and something catastrophic happens. So that sucks. Thurston is also apparently going blind or has very bad vision. That means we are going to a dog eye doctor when I get to Arizona. I have no idea how many thousands of dollars I don’t have that this is going to cost me. Merry fucking Christmas.
Because of this, that means Maxwell will be left alone with no siblings, and THAT can not happen. So I now have an army of people who are going to just come by and hang out and watch tv for the first two weeks (along with Breyana and the neighbor girl who will be feeding him) until the girl from college returns on 8 January and will stay here.
Oh, and someone linked me this from facebook:
Nailed that. was just wrong about how long it would last.
zhena gogolia
Oh, I hope Steve and Thurston get better soon. Maxwell will probably enjoy this once he gets used to it!
What a bunch of complications just dropped into your life! I’m sorry to hear about both Steve and Thurston and I’m wishing them well.
John, any time I had complicated pet health issues, I went here. Warner and Alma School….Joelle will know where that is.
AJ of the Mustard Search and Rescue Team
Sorry the news isn’t better and you you and they make it through alright 🙏🏻
Having cataract surgery on my doggo next month. Estimated cost is $7500. Dog ophthalmologists are a thing.
Sorry to hear all that. We love your pets too. I hope Steve responds well to treatment and you can find a good eye doctor for Thurston.
You’re not coming back until at least August?
Heidi Mom
Sorry to hear that life has gotten so complicated. An exchange from Our Flag Means Death (haven’t watched the series yet, just clips on YouTube) sums it up: “Sorry I was such a dick.” “You weren’t a dick, life’s a dick!” Wishing the best to all of you.
Poor babies, they have the best dad!
Alison Rose
i don’t think John can possibly mean August 8. He’s returning to WV in March.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Plus he wrote it like ~an European~ so I’m assuming some kind of weird autocorrect/fatfinger issue happened.
@FastEdD: Shouldn’t the key doctor for dogs be an Ear/NOSE/Throat specialist? The dog would be much more concerned about losing smell. And we probably have no idea.
there’s the distant hope that Steve will enjoy being a dashboard cat and will just chill surveying the countryside ahead. Not all kitties are adept at this but once Steve finds a comfort zone in the car… perhaps……
safe travels (one more thing to pack now, food dishes and can openers :-))
@Alison Rose: @WaterGirl:
Reading between the lines, maybe he meant January? After the Christmas break?
Nevermind, he just edited it to January.
Old School
For the non-gamers (of which I am one), here’s info from Urban Dictionary:
Quadruple check accommodations along the way (fancy or no) accept pets.
John Cole
I meant 8 January.
@NotMax: La Quinta Inns are pet-friendly! I planned all my stops around them when basically making this drive in reverse.
Really sorry about Steve and Thurston.
Are you still moving to Phoenix? As much as you might despise the prospect, you could tell me to “fuck off” for the rest of the front pagers in person. I would find that a privilege and still support your endeavors.
I get August and January mixed up too. They’re such similar months with similar spelling.
My dog (chihuahua 11 YOA) has been blind for 7 months now. She adapted and is happy and otherwise healthy. Cant put her outside (pool) unless someone with her or she is on her 20 foot tie down. She still likes being out in sun all afternoon everyday and barking at sounds.
One of my dogs was diagnosed with diabetes about 2 months ago. It’s under control now, but took a couple of day visits to the vet for them to do a glucose curve to monitor him during the day. Currently taking vestsulin twice a day. Monthly vestsulin is $68, plus needles, which I got at Amazon in a pack of 100.
South Lake Tahoe had a contest to name their ten new snowplows. The winnahs:
The Big LePlowski
Plowy McPlowface
Scoop Dog
Snowbi Wan Kenobi
Darth Blader
Sled Zeppelin
Sleetwood Mac
Austin Plowers
Quite fond of Clearopathra.
Sorry to hear about Steve and Thurston. Will be sending them positive animal thoughts.
Sadly, the link to Barrens chat isn’t an accident. Steve Bannon watched WoW players interact, and realized there was an army of trolls he could use for his purposes.
Oh, god, it’s so hard when our animals are transitioning from middle age to old age, and start developing chronic health problems. Add to that having to schlepp them across the country…!
(Just checked and, good heavens, I’d forgotten you adopted Steve before Thurston came along! I was searching the archives to see how old they are – I thought Steve was younger. He isn’t!)
Has Steve traveled before? Cats are stereotypically homebodies, unless you start taking them with you when they’re very young. If your caravan has room, I strongly suggest you take a cushion or pillow that smells like “home” for Steve, for in the car and the places you’re staying. Maybe another one for Thurston, though I think dogs are more tolerant of strange places if their human is with them.
Maybe get a larger crate/carrier than the one you normally use for each of them, since they’ll be cooped up in it much longer than the normal run-to-the-vet-and-back.
@piratedan: …and litter pan and litter! Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
Safe journeys, good luck, and FSM bless. If you need assistance on the way, or in Arizona, there seem to be plenty of BJers in the area who may be able to help out.
Lil Bit came to us without tear glands. We have a great animal ophthalmologist here in Athens a, with her help, we were able to preserve the little girl’s vision. She got 7 meds three times a day for 10 years but it worked. Good luck.
@trollhattan: I have been enjoying the memes:
“Please note that side streets will be plowed last. However, your mom will continue to get plowed first.”
@Suzanne: LOL!
It’s my bride’s birthday and I got her a sweatshirt with Artie’s image on it!
@John Cole: Thank God just January. When you typed August I thought (despite deference to the blogmaster) how fucking irresponsible to adopt a new cat and then take off for 3/4 of a year. And it turns out you didn’t do that at all, Whew.
Taters, the space cat, everyone!
Old School
@raven: Nice! Excellent color choice and size of image. Looks like a quality sweatshirt.
@Old School:
Good. Nothing will make the climate crisis worse than high gas prices under a Dem administration.
@trollhattan: Those made my day; thank you. (I actually snorted at Plowy McPlowface.)
Hive mind, which tablet is best to read pdfs? I have an older Kindle and an older iPad. Was wondering if I should I upgrade one or both. Has anyone tried Kindle Scribe?
@WaterGirl: I hope it is $$$!
Dan B
@raven: Your “bride” looks beautiful. And the sweatshirt is great.
zhena gogolia
@trollhattan: Clearopathra is the clear winner.
zhena gogolia
@raven: Lovely!
@zhena gogolia:
Clearapathra is definitely the most clever, but I think my fave is Sleetwood Mac.
Get your own snowplow names California!
Dan B
@Old School: We live in a time of brinksmanship where the American electorate will blame Democrats for high prices at the pump. At the same time EV and heat pump adoption are accelerating plus transit infrastructure is set to increase options to single use vehicles – and construction jobs. Interesting times.
What is barrens chat? ETA: Oh, answered, nemmind
Sorry Cole. In the middle of pet woes here, too.
Maine has a lot of the same names. One of the local ones I love is Better Call Salt.
@Yutsano: We aren’t Scots! Also too don’t tell my RWNJ brother.
@schrodingers_cat: Luddite here. B & N Nook works fine for me, but I don’t expect much so don’t leave Appleworld on my advice.
@Dan B: She does NOT like me taking her picture!
In a bunch of online games, there are dead spaces, no enemies to be slain, no treasure, no weapons to gain, no life chips, etc,
you just have to cross it, (boring)
so gamers “shit talk” on Discord or other mediums while their character is crossing “the barrens”.
@sab: How do you like your Nook? What do you typically read on it?
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: I used to get Android tablets every few years, but got tired of them not being updated. My last 2 tablet purchases have been iPad Air (5th generation) – about a year apart. They’re fine and work well, but I don’t read on them (I have one set up by the door with 3 tabs for the weather forecast, Weather Underground station at the local grade school, and the weather radar); they’re mainly for ultralight traveling.
For reading stuff, I still prefer a laptop. Tablets get to be heavy after a while if you have to hold them at a particular angle, and if you ever want to do anything with the stuff you’re consuming on it, typing is better on a keyboard and file management is so very much better on a laptop than a tablet.
If you go with an iPad, probably avoid the iPad 10th generation even though they are discounted quite a bit.
Some claim that “eInk” screens are much better for text, but I have no experience with them myself. Being tablets, even if the screen is better for reading, I’d probably get annoyed for the reasons cited above.
HTH a little. Good luck!
Anonymous At Work
They showed the guts to do it and issued an opinion doing it!
ETA: Missed it by that much.
Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies Trump From GOP Ballot He has until January 4 to appeal. January 6 is a Saturday, so using the ironic date isn’t a possibility.
@trollhattan: “Snowbi Wan Kenobi” is such a painfully missed opportunity for “Snow-be Gone Kenobi”. I’m usually a lurker, too.
@Anonymous At Work: Just came here to post that! Here’s how Meidas Touch put it in their headline:
“For now”. Even still, fingers crossed!
Ohio Mom
@zhena gogolia: “Clearopathra is the *clear* winner.”
Groan, which is the expected and appropriate response to such a pun.
Two things – when Jake (house panther) became diabetic, we were able to pill him vs. shots, which was much easier. And second, we are holding a fundraiser for JC if the vet bills get out of control, correct?
coin operated
@Another Scott:
I just purchased new Gen10 iPads for mrs coin and myself. Came from an iPad Pro Gen3. If you go with the Gen10, you will need to purchase an anti-glare screen cover because they only offer anti-glare screens on the Air and Pro series. I thought I would be fine without it and discovered otherwise. Other than that, it’s been a great unit.
@John Cole:
I found these prefilled, disposable litter trays a godsend when moving cats from Seattle to Kentucky.
zhena gogolia
@am: Good one! That is much better.
zhena gogolia
@TaMara: Yes, definitely.
I did not know such things existed. Wonderful!
…now I gotta go read everything I can find about Colorado kiocking Trump off the 2024 ballot. Yee haw!
I wish we had photos of the cage my dad made for moving back to Florida from Oklahoma with my two cats in the 70’s. It fit inside a four door valiant with doors inside went to the floor for the litter box, up over the seat and had a shelf they could see out. After awhile they slept most of the trip. I sat next to them and could pet them through the cage wire.
@Suzanne: LMAO!
@FastEdD: Dr Ms Ixnay is a vet, and when queried about dogs going blind simply suggested not moving the furniture. It’s an option.
Holy Plow! Here Are The Winning Names For Seven Chicago Snowplows
Sleet Home Chicago!
Sleet Home Chicago is definitely the best of the seven.
Doc Sardonic
@Another Scott: I bought one of these a few years back before I had 3 vertebrae fused in my neck. Works really well. They aren’t cheap but have an excellent warranty and their customer when I have had to use it has been great.
Miss Bianca
@trollhattan: Me too, that’s the one that made me crack up when I read them out loud to Pal D.
ETA: He snortled at “Darth Blader”, fwiw
I had to give insulin shots to my kitty off and on for the last three and a half years of his life. It is not ideal, to say the least. But I hope the best for Steve. I’ve always thought he was a fine figure of a cat.
I’ve had a diabetic cat twice. One male, one female. Both got shots without any problems. Squeaker actually reverted from his diabetes, something that male cats are known for. Pumpkin wasn’t a happy story despite all we could do.