Looks like we could use a new thread. I am working this afternoon so I don’t have a lot, but maybe we can just point and mock?
No notes. This photo — and the withered souls of whatever advance team chose the chair and microphone — are now in the American political pantheon along with the Dukakis tank and Nixon stubble. https://t.co/Q05SelaoYm
— David Simon (@AoDespair) December 27, 2023
Open thread.
Villago Delenda Est
He looks like a gnome there. And not in a good way, either.
Karen S.
Nikki Haley says that a “Democrat plant” asked that question about the reason for the Civil War. What a craven opportunist she is.
As long as we are pointing and mocking, JPL posted this in the previous thread.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Clearly there is a mole in the DeSantis campaign organization.
@Villago Delenda Est: I’d have to say that the person who made those arrangements for DeSantis was not a big fan.
Villago Delenda Est
@Karen S.:
She and Elsie Stefanik are in competition to be the most opportunistic GQp woman.
Villago Delenda Est
@WaterGirl: What is appalling is that DeathSentence didn’t see how bad that would look when he sat down.
Does he sit at the kids table at Thanksgiving?
ETA: Seriously, either he or Haley is going to go Spinal Tap drummer syndrome and spontaneously combust. Nothing but a pile of ashes on the chair. Little pile.
Nukular Biskits
What I can’t understand (and perhaps Betty C. can explain) is how on earth DeSantis was ever reelected governor.
@Karen S.: President Biden took time out from dealing with foreign policy – Israel-Palestine and Russia trying to take over another sovereign nation, Ukraine – to personally call up some random person and ask them to ask Nikki Haley a question that even a 4th grader could answer. Just to make her look bad.
Yeah, that tracks.
@Karen S.: I just don’t think that the democrats made me do it, is gonna fly. She might try again.
@JPL: What if she gets a phone call at 3 am and she isn’t prepped for the answer?
Recall the recent NYT article that ‘explained’ the DeSantis catastrophe as a failure of political organization. Nothing to do with the obvious fact that the candidate looked and sounded like a loser. Just looking at that photograph explains it all.
@WaterGirl: Perfect!
Sure Lurkalot
@Karen S.:
Whaaat Nikki? Should Democrats not be FREE to attend your town halls?
@Villago Delenda Est:
Those gnomes know what they did!
Karen S.
@Sure Lurkalot: Nope because all Democrats are Biden plants, dontcha know?
Hungry Joe
Ms. Joe and I are emerging, slowly, from COVID hell. We’re up and about, but lethargic and foggy. Getting a few things done. No longer miserable. It’s 67 degrees (San Diego, 1:15 pm) so we’re going to sit in the sun for a few minutes, and maybe even feel GOOD.
I could improve the rhythm of that paragraph … but not today.
While he won’t publicly admit it, this is a photo of a defeated and deflated man.
Dang! This puppy! She was eating PAPRIKA! I have no idea where she got it, it must have been an old bottle that fell on the floor and rolled under something, but she’d got it open on the floor and was licking it. I’ve googled and seems like I need to keep an eye on her for problems, depending on how much she ingested. But – why would she WANT to eat straight paprika?!
This is going to leave a mark.
Karen S.
@JPL: Well, Democrats are devious and all powerful when we’re not busy being wimpy and caving into the woke mob, so it might fly with some.
@trollhattan: Send them all back to Gnome, Alaska!
Maybe the jacket is just puffy or inexplicably has thick shoulder pads. Not that any clothing would make that man look or feel comfortable. That comes from all the self loathing.
@JoyceH: New name: Goulash.
@Karen S.: That only makes sense if you think ‘did the Civil War have anything to do with slavery?’ is a gotcha question. Sane and honest people don’t think that.
Anyway, she probably pissed off the cultists by backing down to the demands of the ‘woke media mob’ or whatever by subsequently’clarifying’ that her answer was ‘yes’.
well, him or Haley are going to be the GOP nomination, even with their terrible campaigns and awful politics. I can’t see TFIG getting through the primary season without a serious health crisis. The dude is a jabbering stressed out lunatic.
Splitting Image
She’ll be cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril.
(Well, we can hope.)
@Hungry Joe: Very sorry that you guys got Covid in the first place, but especially that you guys got hit so hard. Hope it all turns around for you, in a good way, very soon.
@moops: Unless TFG actually dies, he’s the overwhelming favorite to win the nomination. I reckon that he’s even money to win even if he does die; his campaign will just go to an all-Twitter mode and I’m sure they have people trained to mimic his …unique writing style.
Or maybe a specially trained AI. In which case, we’d deserve to be wiped out by the upcoming robot apocalypse. Cruelty to computers.
Matt McIrvin
@Karen S.: If it was a Democratic plant… good. We ought to do that some more, make them sweat a little.
@JoyceH: Yikes! Call your vet?
Munchkin County was already corrupt when I showed up.
So much irony here. An insurance company that cannot make money by writing insurance policies.
zhena gogolia
@moops: I hope you’re right. I don’t share my friends’ certainty that Nikki Haley will wipe the floor with Biden. I think it’s the other way around.
Is David Frum the republican that is always wrong?
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: That’s Bill Kristol. Frum is only wrong 90% of the time.
Right now, your choices for Republican Presidential candidates for 2024 are:
Someone who denies the Civil War was over the southern states fearing the abolition of slavery after Lincoln’s election in 1860
Someone who wants to argue slavery had it benefits “as a vocational program”
Someone who wants to banish all non-white immigrants from our shores while making himself Dictator On Day One
Someone who bullied half the state of New Jersey and threatens to bully half the United States if he wins the White House
Good luck with that shit, Republicans
@Karen S.:
I would argue all plant life in the states are citizens and should have every right to ask us questions.
Because it’s there. Anything on the floor in excess of the five second rule is fair game.
Our local paper, now owned by the Aidan hedge fund, publishes a weekly op-ed by an “economist” from the Heritage Foundation. Every week it’s the same story of rants about reckless, Democrat spending, and OMG, the deficit. Every week, he mixes in a bunch of numbers, which he claims proves his point. But every column is as dishonest as the day is long.
The dishonesty lies in, not so much what he says, but in what he omits. And the whopping omission is that he never spells out the Heritage Foundation’s agenda. Which basically are 1920s GOP shibboleths, spiffed up with weasely rhetoric.
When he rants about reckless spending, what he fails to spell out is that in the Heritage Foundation’s view, any spending beyond the military, policing, and maybe roads is reckless spending. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP benefits? Reckless spending. Public education? Reckless spending. The EPA, OHSA, the FDA, and the SEC? Reckless spending.
The reasons why they conclude this may vary, but it all stems from the belief that anything which limits what businesses can do, anything that lessens the economic vulnerability of workers and consumers, anything that empowers the lower orders is a breech of their hierarchical view of the natural order. Dog eat dog is not only the way things are supposed to be, but is in fact good, because it weeds out the weak. Nevermind that most people consider care for the weal a sign of civilization.
And didn’t Margaret Mead say that for her the first sign of civilization in humans was not some tool, but a healed broken leg bone, because that meant companions had to rescue him, take him back to safety, reset the bone, and care for him for at least six weeks?
We Democrats are the care for the broken leg people. Republicans say let the hyenas feast on him.
Hardly unusual for a would-be tyrant to make as sure as possible that there is nobody who is a plausible challenger for power. Which inevitably leads to a very weak bench when he falls. In other times and places, someone might suddenly appear from obscurity. But with our nomination process, it’s very hard to do that without a year or more lead time.
Kind of a problem for the GOP, if TIFG is (for whatever reason) unavailable. Because their options then come down to
1) the losers currently running. Of whom Haley or Christie have the best prospects for a general election win. But not exactly good shots at getting the nomination. Or
2) whatever nothingburger TIFG lifts from (probably deserved) obscurity to be his VP.
And that’s on the optimistic assumption that the cultists will still turn out of their god-king isn’t available. Which isn’t the way *I* would bet.
It’s kind of amazing how the GOP manages to produce presidential candidates who don’t know how to act like a human, but in completely different ways. Romney vs. DeSantis, for example.
@Karen S.:
Considering that she’s creeping up ever so slightly against TFG in the polls, if anyone “planted” that question it would have been his team.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Perhaps a symptom of conservatives’ general inability to imagine things from sometime else’s point of view? (The same thing that’s part of their lack of empathy.)
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
@WaterGirl: If she gets a call at 3 AM it probably from her adulterous affair:
I wouldn’t be too sure – the primaries haven’t even started yet, and who’s “ahead” at this point doesn’t have much predictive power. If TiFG ends up being out, it’s going to be chaos; everyone who was smart or cowardly enough not to mount a doomed challenge to him will be screaming for primaries to be opened back up.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
So much for being a “good neighbor”
@Hungry Joe: What day are you into? I’m on day 6, breathing better but feel like mush. May we all feel better soon.
Nikki Haley should read the South Carolina Declaration of Secession, which is widely available. Nothing could be clearer. In fact, the biggest complaint S. Carolina had wasn’t that the federal government was infringing on states’ rights; it was the opposite. The delegates claimed that certain northern states were failing to vigorously enforce the return of their property by requiring a degree of due process before allowing black people found within their borders to be hauled back across state lines. Under the compact theory of the constitution, the federal government had voided the agreement among the states by not stepping in and forcing the northern states states to treat human beings like straying cattle. In short, states’ rights for me but not for thee, or else we’re outta here.
@zhena gogolia: I just listened to “the coming Biden blowout” Harry Litman interview with David Frum.
@zhena gogolia: She can sweet talk the normies. She doesn’t LOOK crazy.
@CaseyL: I think Haley is now neck and neck with Trump in either Iowa or NH. I don’t recall which.
Ohio Mom
@Hungry Joe: That’s pretty much where Ohio Family is recovery-wise, except for the weather — 39 and cloudy and damp.
We are down to 2 Covid tests so no testing unless we are absolutely sure we are better. Unless the tests we just ordered arrive early, then I will be testing with abandon, it will be my version of the whine, “Are we there yet?”
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch: Hiking the Appalachian trail?
Citizen Alan
@Nukular Biskits: My recollection is that the democrats decided to go with the bastard love child of a weather vane and a melting wax statue.
@zhena gogolia: I’m with you on this one. Nikki Haley doesn’t have a chance of ever being president in that party.
Also, you, Baud and OO (along with several of the FPers) help keep me sane with your consistent refusal to buy into the “woe is us stuff”. Thanks to all of you.
When your base is a bunch of racists, that is a gotcha question.
@Karen S.:
So the fuck what, Nikki? What the fuck difference does it make to your answer, Nikki?
She is such a fucking snake. No offence to snakes.
People should bring potted plants to her rallies.
@WaterGirl: I think one poll showed Haley down by 4 points in New Hampshire. That was before she stepped in it at that town hall.
zhena gogolia
@yellowdog: She won’t stand up to scrutiny, witness her most recent performance.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: Okay, that’s good. Frum is smarter.
@WaterGirl: No no. Biden is a senile bumbler. One of his personal handlers contacted the questioner.
zhena gogolia
@stacib: You’re welcome!
Probably closely related to Megan McCain’s hair and makeup stylists when she was on The View.
@Geminid: Is that the town hall we are talking about, that I think just happened last night?
@SiubhanDuinne: exactly what I was thinking of, but I couldn’t remember who that was.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
many, many people say she’s a scallywag
GA is the same way. Why would they need states rights when they felt the constitution was clear on the matter.
Nikki is a student of talk radio.
Hungry Joe
@Westyny: Day 8, likewise mush. Never had breathing trouble, but moderate cough lingers. Glass-sharded sore throat is gone, finally.
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch:
scallywag can go both ways. Is that an accusation or an excuse?
Ohio Mom
@Nukular Biskits: That is my question too. We’ve had some clunker Republican governors in Ohio during my years here but they either had a patina of manners (thinking here especially of Taft) or (phony baloney) charm (thinking here of Kaisich) or something else that gave a good first impression.
No one was an anti-charismatic as DeSantis. It goes without saying I abhor Nikki Haley but I can see why someone would be taken with her energy, forcefulness and sense of style.
She thought the label said PUPrika, and figured it was special treats for her.
Ohio Mom
@SiubhanDuinne: Nah, she has some Hungarian in her.
My Hungarian grandmother put paprika on everything savory.
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia: Except Kristol, now that he’s become some semblance of “woke”, is more than occasionally making sense now.
It’s a little perturbing – not “disturbance in the Force” perturbing, more like having an itch you can’t locate.
Can we create a couple of Muppets like Statler and Waldorf to do political commentary and name them like Poynte and Mocque?
@Ohio Mom:
Reminded of an old routine that started:
Mr. Bemused Senior
I think she flunks the US definition, does anyone find her amusingly mischievous?
Another data point for “an armed society is a polite society”:
@JPL: Also a high school student at a time when the Civil War was taught in SC (and other southern states) as the lost cause & soldiers presented as ‘Our Glorious Heroes’.
@Karen S.:
@Fritschner on Twitter/Nitter:
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Agreed, as she’d have to have some modicum of charm and sense of humor about her to be considered a scalawag.
Electromyogram: where they shock you and stick you with needles. Doc has a hell of future as an interrogator if he ever decides to change fields.
@danielx: Seems like there must be an unhappy experience behind that comment. Sorry to hear that, hope results were good even though the process sounds awful.
Well played! 😹
Florida Man in action. Again.
I can’t recommend it, but the results were negative – which is good.
Oh Meatball Ron… This is just sad now. Anyone else think he’s wearing his gogo boots in that picture?
@WaterGirl: Yeah. Probably a momentum killer.
Sister Golden Bear
@JoyceH: Obviously your puppy hadn’t been fed in weeks, maybe even months. /s
@JoyceH: Hope there aren’t any problems. But to answer your question.
Because 🎶 It’s very nice so full of spice🎶?
@WaterGirl: Where did you hear that?
Another Scott
So, Nikki says today that “of course, everyone knows” that the Civil War was about slavery. But she says what’s important now is that we remember it in terms of “Freedom” or some such thing.
I wish someone would ask her something like this (and think of appropriate follow-up questions):
“Nikki – Do you think the country would be better off if the Confederacy had won the Civil War?”
If she says “No”, then badger her about her previous “Freedom” comment – whose “Freedom” were they fighting for??
Make the rest of them answer too.
If they want to bring the Confederacy and feudalism back to the USA, then make them own it.
@Hungry Joe: yeah, thankful to have dodged the sore throat. Hard to abide.
@Brachiator: So much irony here. An insurance company that cannot make money by writing insurance policies.
They could probably still make money. However, they can make more money by writing other lines of business. And there is also the consideration of the risk factor. If a company only wrote two lines of business, property insurance and physical damage automobile insurance and made an equal profit margin in the long run, they would choose to write the auto physical damage. It is much more stable, and almost all insurance companies prefer stable profits. A couple bad years can send even a large company into a downward spiral.
The bottom line is that property insurance is very unstable, and especially so in Florida and California. People blame the insurance companies and say limit the rate increases, but their answer is to stop writing new business. I recently relocated to Florida, but I went in knowing insurance is prohibitively expensive here. The losses from hurricane Ian were higher than all property insurance premiums in the state for two years.
What people don’t realize is that ultimately property insurance rate are driven by reinsurance costs.
@Another Scott:
Nikki, can you please explain the italicized part to me like I’m a five year old? Because my adult brain is screaming, “What word salad shit is this?!”
@danielx: Happy for your results!
@danielx: I had a similar test on my hand. Later, I told my husband that it was a goddamn violation of the Geneva Conventions. My hand hurt for a few days afterward. Good luck.
@Geminid: We can only hope!
edit: One big money guy to another: I guess we should’ve asked her about the Civil War before we spent hundreds of millions of dollars on her.
Most people don’t have any idea of even the basics of business…. the good or service has to cover its own cost plus profit. And in services that are risky, there’s a higher cost for that. It kind of blows my mind that people don’t grasp that insurance costs more because there’s more risk living in Florida or California. Hello.
@WaterGirl: Thanks!
@SenyorDave: Yes! MetLife did something similar a year or two ago. They wanted to get out of the auto / home market, but they couldn’t cancel people for no reason.
So they jacked up the premiums by over 50% in one year, so a lot of people like me said fuck this shit and bailed. This is Illinois, so it’s not like we have floods or earthquakes, or we’re about to flood because of climate change.
There’s just more money for them elsewhere.
@SiubhanDuinne: I am still convinced to this day her stylist was a gay man doing his subtle form of protest on her head.
I don’t automatically blame insurance companies or specify a solution. But I wonder about the impact of the cost of insurance on the housing market and on efforts to increase the amount of affordable housing in California.
I also wonder whether the state might have to absorb more responsibility for insuring homes if more insurance companies abandoned the market. I think that there are already circumstances where the state steps in.
I used to commute with a guy who had worked in the Insurance commissioner’s office. Very interesting conversations.
Nikki Haley has been living in an undemanding dreamworld where donors and consultants have persuaded her that she is the perfect kind of candidate even though she hasn’t hasn’t run an actual campaign for an actual elected office in at least 10 years. It was a matter of time before she melted down. The wonder is that it was over something this stupidly easy to answer.
Another Scott
It’s worse than my attempted summary.
Funny how Lincoln doesn’t say the word “freedom” once in his Second Inaugural address.
Maybe “freedom” means something different to her than to anyone who knows anything about the actual history of the Civil War??
Were these the same people who previously told DeSantis that he was the perfect candidate?
Another Scott
@Another Scott:
Later on in TheHIll piece:
It’s not a good sign when one has one’s campaign try to explain what you were trying to say.
And even then, it’s misdirection.
The system of chattel slavery in the USA was built into the economic system – the “free enterprise” system she talks so loudly about. It wasn’t big government interfering with their freedom by saying that African Americans couldn’t paint their home purple because their HOA said no. It was being condemned to be property for all their lives.
“Individual rights and liberties” is yet more attempts at dog-whistling to the Confederates.
@Another Scott:
Except women, especially if they become pregnant.
And anyone else that conservatives decide to single out for punishment.
“No freedom for you!”
Tony Jay
Of course asking Haley about the causes of the Civil War is a gotcha question. When Republican politicians talk about the Civil War it’s always behind closed doors for audiences who want to hear about Federal overreach, the trampling of States Rights and the Great Mistake of giving ‘those people’ the idea they could be citizens just like ‘heritage Americans’.
Journalists are supposed to understand this. They’re not supposed to ask Republican politicians about it because answering it honestly creates as many political difficulties for them as answering it correctly would, and that’s not the job journalists are paid to do!
Reality is on the Democrats’ side. Journalism is supposed to have a Republican bias.
Nukular Biskits
Blaming a “Democrat plant” for your inability to answer a relatively easy question is a tell.
And don’t even get me started on the use of the word “Democrat” as an adjective here.
I agree! There is no other excuse for Meghan’s hairstyles.
They should lobby govt on gun insurance. They could make a lot of money there.
Ohio Mom
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch: The accounting for the family business tracks. I think an awful lot of small businesses cook at least some of the books in their favor.
Chief Oshkosh
@Redshift: Agreed; if TFG punches out, there will be an “adjustment.” I suspect that there will be a lot of chaos. The money will gravitate to a known “winner” entity and the voters will go the biggest asshole. Haley and DeSantis have loser stink all over them. I predict that the nominee be the Jerk from Jersey.
@cain: They should lobby govt on gun insurance. They could make a lot of money there.
You have a basic problem of adverse selection. The people who would buy it might end up being the dumbasses who leave their guns under their pillows.
@Chief Oshkosh: I don’t see how Christie gets it unless a bunch of people keel over and buy the farm. He comes off as semi-reasonable and someone who might actually compromise, and to the Republican base that is a huge negative. Besides, Christie is probably just as likely as Trump to check out.
@mrmoshpotato: It’s really weird that a while ago. before Woke broke their brains, they would remind everyone that Lincoln was a Republican.
It would seem that they should have some go to response to the civil war and slavery, given that recent history. It’s a tough circle to square. But mostly they used it as a gotcha line to deflect charges of racism.
Chief Oshkosh
@SenyorDave: I’m certainly open to other predictions, but who is left?
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Chief Oshkosh: Mike Pompeo! [just kidding]
Absolutely. Of course, they don’t reach the floor….
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
@SenyorDave: Christie’s bridge to higher office was closed a long time ago
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
It will never be Christie.
The photos of him with a black man are disqualifying (link)
@Chief Oshkosh: Republican denial of Trump being a problem will likely carry him to nomination, potentially even if he kicks off before the primaries. I don’t see anyone really rising up to stop him, dead or alive.
Maybe a Q-Anon resurrected JFK junior
ETA what was that election where the all the candidates were referred to as dwarfs
ETA2 1988 pundits called the Democratic party contenders the 7 dwarfs.
Ohio Mom
@SenyorDave: Maybe Christie “comes off as semi-reasonable” some of the time but he also often comes off as belligerent, vindictive and easily roiled. Maybe that will be oddly comforting and familiar to MAGA voters?
Perhaps our best bet against him is that he’s too fat to hide it and we have such prejudice against fat people in this country.
I am shuddering to think of Christie pulling a George Washington Bridge-closing type move (as a metaphor) on the international stage.
Barbara said “donors and consultants”, so you must remember that to donors, “perfect” means “obedient”, and to consultants it means “the check cleared”.
@Nukular Biskits: I know I am very late to this party, but the answer is that DeSantis ran against Charlie Crist, who was about the worst retread that the crumbling ruins of the Florida Democratic Party could have chosen. I am sure Ms. Cracker will back me up on that.
Matt McIrvin
@JaySinWA: They still do that. It doesn’t matter whether it makes any sense or not. “Remember, the Democrats were the party of slavery. And also slavery wasn’t that bad.”
@stacib: As a lurker here since, ooh, 2016 or so (can’t recall what might’ve motivated that), most of my comments would probably have been agreeing with the commenters that you mentioned. Seemed redundant at the time, but maybe there is space for some additional cautious optimism here in the comments.
(As a first-time commenter, I am aware that basically no-one will see this comment before it’s approved, but hopefully I can claim my moderation cookie for next time…)
@Quadrillipede: Welcome ! Hope to hear from you again.
To all you folk feelin’ poorly, hope you feelin’ better by the New Year. Take care of yourselves, keep hydrated, and take things easy.
Just passed midnight here. 72 hours of 2023 to go. My hopes and prayers that 2024 will be a great year for all yon jackals !
@Quadrillipede: Welcome to commenting!
Paul in KY
@JoyceH: Because it’s there.
Paul in KY
@JaySinWA: Pres. Lincoln would be a Democrat today/now.
Paul in KY
@steppy: Mr. Crist was/is certainly a better person than DeSatanis. Shame Florida voters did not realize that.
Paul in KY
@Quadrillipede: Glad to meet you! Happy New Year!
@Paul in KY: Florida Democrats had a choice between Agricultural Commissioner Nikki Fried and Representative (and former Governor) Charlie Crist. They wanted to win as much as Democrats outside the state did, they knew their state better, and they chose Crist.
So I won’t fault them or Crist for that decision. And I don’t think Fried could have done much better than Crist, certainly not enough to change the result.
@Geminid: I personally thought we should have gone with Fried, Mrs kalakal favoured Crist. Crist actually ran a pretty good campaign and, like you, I don’t think Fried would have done much better. Val Demings I thought had a real chance against Rubio and she crashed and burned just like Crist. A lot of Dems stayed home, there was a very nasty campaign of voter suppression which surely influenced that
Paul in KY
@kalakal: Agree with you and Geminid. Hope y’all have a great New Year!