Made it home earlier this afternoon and have just been busy unpacking and setting up the work pc. Rather than drag my pc across country, I had grant money I had to spend before 1 January, so I ordered a bunch of components and put together a simple desktop with a case and power supply and stuff I had lying around. So it came with nothing but windows on it, so I had to get that all put together and then do the usual- download malwarebytes, get all the ms products installed and updated, etc.
Joelle has been very concerned about me for the past few hours because she thinks I am manic. She has never experienced the joy of having an ADHD adult settle in to a new place. I don’t think I am in any distress because this is my norm, but apparently watching me roam around sweating and doing things in no apparent order gives off manic vibes. No fewer than three times has she come into the room, looked at me, tried to hold my face in her hands, and ask me “Honey are you ok?” and I say “I’m fine I just need to get this thing done and then the next thing done and everything is fine.” And she doesn’t believe me, but really, I am. I’m quite happy. I’m excited. There’s all this stuff to set up and get in the ‘right’ place and all these new places to explore and missions to strange grocery stores.
At any rate, I wanted to check in and let you know we are all safe. Thurston had some minor hiccups with the new dogs but is starting to settle in, and Joelle’s house was never renovated during the open concept craze (being locked up with the family in an open concept home during COVID sure knocked the shine off that fucking apple for a bunch of people, didn’t it?), so we have lots of rooms and bottlenecks we can create to make space if we need.
Steve and Maxwell are currently sequestered in a room off from the kitchen and doing well. Joelle would like to give the dogs a week with the smell of cats before we introduce them, and in that time make sure Thurston and the boys are bonded and a pack.
So all is indeed well, and now I need to go reassure the wife that I am not a complete and total maniac.
Atticus Dogsbody
“but apparently watching me roam around sweating and doing things in no apparent order gives off manic vibes.”
My pshrink referred to that as “doing circle work.”
Glad you’re (sort of) settled. I hope you and Joelle and the brood will be very happy there.
Welcome to AZ.
Lol absolutely no reason at all to be a little spun up, no sir!
All’s well that ends well, and one big piece of it is done with.
Enjoy the warm. 30s-40s in WV right now and very damp.
Omnes Omnibus
Congrats on arriving with everyone more or less in one piece.
Thanks for the update! Enjoy exploring AZ and living with Joelle and all of the animals.
@Atticus Dogsbody: Is a pshrink something special, or is that a regular shrink with a fancy extra initial? Or it could be a typo, I suppose.
I assume that there will be pics of JC and Thurston in tanker gear (mustard stains optional) beside a “Mission Accomplished” banner forthcoming….
Wombat Probability Cloud
Welcome home, and thanks for the update. I know all too well the manic joy of arriving in a new setting and getting all the ducks in a row.
I would pay good money for that.
Sister Golden Bear
Glad to hear you two arrived safely and you’re settling in. Have fun exploring!
Chief Oshkosh
Excellent news. Thanks for the update.
Enjoy the settling in! More adventures to follow, but at least you get to sleep in your own bed after them.
Hahaha! It’s a stupid concept anyway. It’s a house, not a barn.
Every time I’ve moved to a new dwelling. There’s just stuff that’s gotta be done before you can kick back and relax.
Great comment. I like actual rooms, so I bought a house built in the 1920’s. It doesn’t have many rooms, but the ones it does have are huge.
@Wombat Probability Cloud:
Even if it’s just for a long weekend. And then you can sit down and relax and enjoy your new surroundings.
Confoozled. Was under the impression nuptials were to occur next year.
I think that’s still the plan. Unless I missed something.
Adam David Burch
Wonderful to hear you are in Arizona! It’s a wonderful time of year, but I hope you are prepared for the summer months. They can be quite intense.
Alison Rose
Once you’re settled in and have a moment, send us a cute family pic on the porch with you and Joelle and the animals, please :)
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: John is just practicing the new nomenclature. I think he gets a kick out of it.
But I wouldn’t be surprised at an eventual post-elopement announcement.
@Alison Rose: He’s in Tempe. The porch is a driveway.
ETA: Could be a back patio.
Fran Lebowitz, Diary of a New York Apartment Hunter.
“Made a note to investigate the possibility that high ceilings and decorative moldings prolong life.”
There’s a great Asian market on University and Priest. Whole Foods on Baseline and Rural. Trader Joe’s on McClintock and Guadalupe. A couple of Sprouts, which I miss terribly. Fry’s is Kroger and terrible. Natural Grocers is also not great. You have Costco on Priest and Elliot. Food City is where to get all Mexican food items.
ETA: There’s also LeeLee’s in Chandler on Ray and Dobson. And Mekong Plaza in Mesa on Dobson.
Fixed. :)
@Suzanne: I am sorry to hear that Kroger, in whatever incarnation, is terrible.
Mai Naem mobile
@Suzanne: there’s a newish TJ’s at University and Rural as well and the staff are nicer than the people at McClintock and Guadalupe who are just snotty. There’s no Whole Foods at Rural and Baseline. Its around Univeristy and Ash.
@Suzanne: driveway, carport! Back patio. The holy trinity of AZ tract housing fro. The 60’s
@mrmoshpotato: they closed baseline and rural. Only Tempe Whole Foods by ASU campus on university.
@Mai Naem mobile: Cool! I lived right by the one on Guadalupe for a while.
I had a nightmare that Changing Hands books closed and I woke up with my heart pounding.
@Joelle: Remember Gentle Strength food co-op? It got bounced out of its location on University and Ash in the mid-2000s because they demoed the building to build that “mixed use” monstrosity that’s there now. But they demoed the building and the site was vacant because the project fell apart in the recession and the co-op never reopened. It was so sad.
Glad everyone is getting settled. Matters seem to be moving rather quickly, I must say.
Mai Naem mobile
There’s a newish Aldis at Southern and McClintock. I was impressed by an Aldi’s that I went to in LA but completely disappointed in the one here. Ranch Market is better for Mexican foodstuff but Food City is closer at Baseline and Hardy.
Hidalgo de Arizona
Welcome to the desert! You’re just in time for next week’s rain.
Glad you’re all there with only the emotional scars of the road. Kidding, it seems like about the level of stress and chaos to be expected, but successfully conquered.
And settling in I’m sure feels good, however one does it. Linear, circular, start-stop-start, we’re all weird in our own particular ways. My partner now accepts, though doesn’t mirror, my “there’s so much to do, I better take a nap!” approach.
@Mai Naem mobile: Isn’t Aldi’s in the Kroger family? Mostly selling generic versions of Kroger-branded food items?
I was only at an Aldi’s once, but that’s what I recall. Their fruit can be good, but you have to basically eat it on the way home in the car because it’s already quite ripe before you walk out the door.
Love that.
Kayla Rudbek
@WaterGirl: ALDI is German-owned and they sell German beer, wine, cookies, etc. There’s one close to me; various people on Nextdoor were complaining before it went in because they thought it would bring in too much traffic and take away business from the other grocery stores, and probably really complaining because it would bring in poorer customers. Mr. Rudbek is a regular customer as he likes the beer and bread, and I like the turkey sausage sticks.
Please avoid Trader Joes, as it is fighting its employees efforts to unionize.
@WaterGirl: I don’t think so, it’s a German company. We saw them in several German cities when we were there. I like them for basic goods, because it’s a relatively small store and they don’t move stuff around. I also love the “Aisle of Surprise” because you never know what you’ll find there. At Christmas they have a lot of German Christmas foods. Plus, their stuff is inexpensive and pretty good quality.
@Kayla Rudbek: Our Aldi used to have this great oat bread, but sadly they don’t have it anymore.
John Cole
@Suzanne: Where is the best produce- I need a solid fruit fix.
@Kayla Rudbek: @Soprano2:
Oh, I just realized that I was thinking of Ruler. Which is the red-headed stepchild of Kroger.
But the produce comment was about Aldi’s.
I have been to Ruler once and Aldi’s once, and apparently momentarily conflated the two.
@WaterGirl: Aldi & Trader Joes are related. Like Puma & Adidas (two brothers who started rival companies), Aldi-Nord and Aldi-Sud are different. And then there’s Lidl, somewhere in the business mix. All I know is the Aldi’s in New England vary widely in quality, whereas the ones in northern Germany all suck. I mean really bad. Not actually recognizable as grocery stores. I’ve learned to my disappointment that TJs near me in CT are many notches crummier than the ones I knew and loved in MA. Yet the parking lots are all madhouses!
@John Cole: I bet Joelle eats fruit. She might know, too. :-)
@NutmegAgain: Interesting!
Mai Naem mobile
@WaterGirl: as others have already said it’s a German company. They own TJ’s as well. Its actually got an interesting companies. It’s owned by one of two German brothers. IiRC the other one owns a different grocery company. One was kidnapped in the 70s and therefore they both keep a low profile. OT, years ago TJs had a German pickle product – a single large salty(not sweet) pickle in a can. Small invidual cans. This was when TJs would have products that were available only for a short period of time, never to be seen again. Anyhow, every once in a while I’ll do a search for these pickles and I’ve never found them.
Wandered into a Lidl this past trip to NY. Sparsest selection of products I’ve ever seen in a large store posing as a supermarket. Pathetic. Wandered out empty handed.
From some time back, a questionably named German chili. ;)
Mai Naem mobile
@John Cole: Sprouts at McClintock and Southern but don’t pick from the display stuff in the front of the store. Go to the back of the store. I don’t go to Fry’s but IMHO Frys Markeplace is a step up from the regular Frys stores. There’s a Frys Marketplace at McClintock and Baseline.
Aldi in Minneapolis brought fresh food and staples to some fairly food-desert parts of town like 15 years ago.
I kind of like the limited selection sometimes, like there’s no dithering. Either you want the millville bran flakes, or you don’t (x100 different foods and categories, from olive oil to block cheddar). Quick, which I want sometimes.
I rarely think their produce looks good around here. But we shop 2-3 stores a week, as picky people.
Very happy to see you settling in, John Cole.
The last time I had a work pc, the only heavy lifting I had to do was plugging it in and turning it on. I can’t imagine taking the time to put together a work pc from components.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Everything Kroger touches turns into Kroger. Go in to any Kroger affiliate and you are in Kroger, period. The names on the products may change but they’re the SOS from Kroger.
I call them Kro-Garr, the Malevolently Uncaring God of Retail.
@John Cole: Sprouts! I used to go to the one on Elliot and Rural but there are a few.
Another Scott
@Mai Naem mobile:
Is this it?
I go to TJ’s almost every week. It’s my favorite grocery. They don’t have everything, but they don’t play games like change the prices of stuff on the shelves (roughly) every 20 minutes, or charge $1 more for every item if you don’t have one of their loyalty cards, that really, really annoys me.
@Mai Naem mobile: The Fry’s Marketplaces used to be Smitty’s, before they got bought. Do you remember Smitty’s? I remember as a kid, you could buy guns and alcohol at Smitty’s, in the same transaction.
Kroger pays Elaine Chao to sit on their board. They don’t need any of my money.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@mrmoshpotato: too long, but otherwise nominated!
Mai Naem mobile
@Another Scott: i don’t believe so. It’s got sugar as one of the ingredients and I don’t like sweet pickles.
@Suzanne: Smittys was my favorite store. They always seemed clean. Frys looked dirty in comparison. I used to shop at the one at Mill and Southern. I always thought Frys/Krogers made a mistake letting the name go. They should have kept the Smittys name and trashed the Frys name. I also remember Fred Meyer, ABCO, Luckys, AJ Bayless Gemco and Mega. The grocery business is tough here.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Thanks!
@Delk: How’s Canadia?
@Mai Naem mobile
Ah, supermarkets. Do You Remember A&P?
@mrmoshpotato: fun! Nice to see old friends. Just had some late night dim sum 🥟.
@Atticus Dogsbody: funny, my adhd self has always thought of it as ‘circle work’. It’s nice to know I’m not that weird.
Welcome to Phoenix. I’m over on the west side (Peoria), but have friends over your way I visit regularly. Glad you made it safely.
It’s impossible to get lost around here. Baseline is a 40-mile long road that looks like it was drawn by a ruler on Google maps.
North-south numbered roads are Streets to the east of Central Ave and are Avenues to the west. So there is very big difference between 51st street and 51st avenue.
Paul in KY
Glad you and Joelle & critters made it safe, John. Hope your stay is wonderful!
When you get the chance, check out Lee Lee’s Market. It’s a world food wonderland. Also, the Filiberto’s at McKellips and Guadalupe is pretty banging. Man, I’ve only been out of Mesa for 3 years and it’s all beginning to fade…
@Suzanne: YES!!!! U used to shop at that cooop all the time.
Some Guy
I left Tempe two years ago after 27 years because I could no longer afford to live there. I don’t wish to be rude, but….How the fuck can you (or anyone else here) afford to live there? I loved living in Tempe and was involved in local politics. But there was no way to stay there.
Sorry. Just very bitter right now.