I’m quietly working away when I get an alert saying that “Hunter Biden has entered the building” (I’m paraphrasing). This guy is done with these fools:
.@RepNancyMace: “Who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today? That’s my first question. Second question, you are the epitome of white privilege…what are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here…” pic.twitter.com/Wd9WbMP5bJ
— CSPAN (@cspan) January 10, 2024
Mace: You’re the epitome of white privilege, coming into the oversight committee, spitting in our face, You have no balls to come up here and —
Moskowitz: We can hear from Hunter Biden right now
Mace: Are women allowed to speak?!? Hunter Biden should be arrested right here pic.twitter.com/4Ao8kNbfKm
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 10, 2024
Hunter Biden is taking a break from his presidential campaign to appear at the Capitol pic.twitter.com/Iw4hbBjOBP
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 10, 2024
They are freakin’ melting down and I’m here for it
Open thread
Nancy Look at My Boobs says what?
Here’s the CSPAN live feed if anyone needs it.
coin operated
I want to know who came up with this plan…it was brilliant.
She used a lot of words to say very very little, didn’t she?
@coin operated: The key part is having Democratic Reps repeatedly ask for him to be allowed to testify RIGHT NOW.
Paul M Gottlieb
Nancy Mace is becoming more and more unhinged in her desperate quest for attention. I fully expect her to blow a dead possum on OAN, just for the memes
Nancy Mace is a real piece of work. I’d put her right up there with Stefanick in the
badMean Mouthers league. And BTW, whatever became of Jim Jordan’s subpoena, anyway?ETA Fixedit.
Dang! Left just when MTG was queuing up the midnight last-call rage rant.
Can someone explain what happened?
Jeez. This exchange was stupid. And Nancy Mace and the clown who backed her up….
We pay these people for this?
LOL! Good for Hunter!
Nancy Mace to Hunter, “You have no balls.”
Wait a minute, wasn’t one of the nutcase twins, can’t remember if it was Boebert or MTG, just waving around dick pics on the floor of the house? Have these not been entered into evidence? Someone must clear this up!!! America demands to know!!!!
@Baud: House Oversight is holding hearings to hold Hunter in contempt. He shows up, the rethugs meltdown on live TV and then he walks out when MTG starts her rant, taking the live feed with him.
Boss moves
@Baud: Apparently the MAGA hearing was set to charge Hunter for Contempt of Court and Hunter waltzed right on in. Chaos ensued…😂
@dmsilev: that’s a Citadel grad for ya. SC isn’t sending their best or brightest
Tony Jay
RepMace – “Is a woman… is a woman… is a woman allowed to read out a list of focus tested zingers designed to get play on MAGAworld outlets?”
😂 What a bunch of knobs.
Oh, and FTR, in answer to your question, the women in your cult are allowed to do whatever their menfolk tell them to do and no more. So finish making that sammich and go ask your Y-crom Master, toots.
So awesome. So hilarious.
And they get stuffed in a locker by Moskowitz:
Betty Cracker
Good gourd. Mace should spontaneously combust every time she pretends to be a victim of gender-based discrimination in service of her woman-oppressing caucus, which she does A LOT. And now she has the temerity to accuse someone else of white privilege? Jeebus.
I suppose she is useful as an example of people who use “the woke agenda” as their own personal squid ink cloud. Maybe the NYT could assign a beat writer to her.
“You have no balls?” How nicely put. Exactly the kind of dignified language I expect from an esteemed member of the House of Representatives.
@Leto: And she got her masters here at UGA!
eta. I see no reference to her service on her Wiki page. She graduated from the Citadel and didn’t serve in the military?
Mike in NC
So tired of these fascist Republican assholes and their MAGA agenda.
What’s with all the trashy, foul mouthed women of the Republican Party? They’re making the halls of Congress into a beer hall.
Looking forward to ALL the late-night comics tonight. Heck, I might even give SNL a try this week!
Also, risk of dick pics.
@TaMara: I am falling in love with Moskowitz!🥰
@raven: there’s a non-service path you can take, so that tracks with her.
Son of Dark Brandon.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I’m spending way too many brain cells trying to translate Mace-ish into English. What does white privilege have to do with it? Wouldn’t a rant like that in English be expressed with “you have a lot of nerve”? How does that become “you have no balls”?
I was (accidentally) listening to it live so didn’t recognize Mace’s voice at first. She’s sure gotten really nuts in the last 6 months. I guess she’s auditioning for a Trump administration.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I was confused too. Her brain might have fried.
With her phucking clownish behavior, will the MSM finally stop pushing the fallacy that Nancy Mace is anything other but a crazy azz MAGA-ite like the rest of the GOP Conference?
Anonymous At Work
I’m more tickled at Trump declaring that he’ll deliver a personal statement at his civil fraud trial’s closing arguments. I just wonder Judge Engoron will put on his popcorn.
Alison Rose
God, do I ever hate when Republican women wanna try to get all feministy when it suits their batshit purposes. Fuck off, Nancy, you toxic harpy.
I guess the best thing is that the media would have ho-hummed this atrocious if Hunter hadn’t shown up.
C’mon. She hasn’t even jerked off a single guy in public yet.
@JWR: I was listening. Not watching. My initial thought was, “wtf is going on with Stefanik’s accent?” Mace had gotten off my radar.
Betty Cracker
@raven: One of my wingnut aunts got a Citadel degree and never served in the military, so it’s possible.
Absolutely no lie told.
Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) posted at 2:40 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
Whenever Cosplay Socialists complain about the two party system, their real complaint is about us not allowing them to run the Democratic Party.
@Baud: ❤️
@Quinerly: It might have something to do with her break-up with her fiance.
zhena gogolia
@Alison Rose: Yeah, it is maddening.
@Betty Cracker: Yea, I guess I didn’t know enough about it. Come to think of it Conroy never served either.
The Citadel that no one would bother to storm. :^D
@rikyrah: Cosigned.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Silly Ceci, don’t you know that only men have courage? /sarcasm
I know that’s right.
Veronica McDonald (@Purify_toast17) posted at 11:47 AM on Tue, Jan 09, 2024:
See, we didn’t see these progressive protesters running up in white churches when Trump was president. They had that timid energy with him. They might’ve whined but that’s about it. That’s how you know they aren’t serious people.
Is popcorn acceptable for breakfast? PT zone.
I had read about that a few weeks back.
I truly thought a year plus ago she was one of the only sane women in the Repug caucus. I will have to look it up…isn’t her district Mark Sanford’s old district and where Colbert’s sister ran 10 plus years ago?
That is 100% fucking hilarious. I love it when someone pulls a Bugs Bunny stunt on the GQP.
@schrodingers_cat: “Look at my boobs?” The woman IS a boob, what the British would call “a right tit,” among other things.
Mace is just mad that someone else is gonna get all the media attention today, LOL
Tell it all.
Veronica McDonald (@Purify_toast17) posted at 0:37 PM on Tue, Jan 09, 2024:
So you’re telling us non members invited Biden to a random church?
Take that silly energy and go protest some of these white churches, who actively want Israel to wipe the Palestinians off the map so all the Jews can move to Israel to get the rapture started.
@rikyrah: Precisely. And when Independents/Libertarians say it they are really just telling us they don’t really mind Fascism.
Ah yes, the one she was talking at the prayer breakfast about not having time to get laid by him before the breakfast.
@Quinerly: I don’t really know, but I think she ended up in a more favorable district after redistricting, so she apparently now gets more mileage out of sounding insane.
When I see people like her, and like Stefanik, all I can think is that power is one hell of an addiction.
@Leto: Beat me to it, dammit.
Alison Rose
@Jackie: Make it kettle corn and that’s not far off from a lot of breakfast cereals, so there you go…
@rikyrah: They won’t do that, their parents attend those churches.
So Nancy Mace has no idea how slang expressions about balls work?
@Jeffro: Although I hadn’t thought about it much, there is apparently a risk that a non-lawyer who is being represented by counsel can’t just get up and talk to the court without opening himself up to cross-examination. I assume that a motion to clarify will be filed by the plaintiffs, and the risk of being subject to cross-examination will cause him to desist with this plan.
@Betty Cracker: did she serve in the Corp of Cadets? I remember you mentioning your aunt went there before.
Even Fox hasn’t figured out how to spin this clusterfuck yet…their top story is the actual facts about what happened(!)
I’m shocked they haven’t cut away to a CARAVAN!!!1! story or something
ETA: apparently they are getting their bearings…one chyron says “Hunter flees the room in the face of GOP questions”. whew, I was worried for a second there (!)
@Phylllis: *insert Robin Williams character from the end of Goodwill Hunting gif: son of a bitch, stole my line… (absolutely amazing improve line that they kept)
@Baud: beat me to it.
Please don’t insult beer halls this way 🙂
Someone sprayed them with water?
Yeah, it’s when they start popping off, and about God knows what, that she and Stefanick become nearly indistinguishable one from the other. Oh yeah, and then there’s the venom. Gotta say it with poison on their tongues.
Hunter is a dominator and this is the only time you’ll hear me say I think that’s a good thing. I hope!
I’m mildly surprised they didn’t push ahead with (what was obviously) their original plan, and vote to hold Hunter in contempt, even as the Democrats on the committee kept saying “He’s right there” and Hunter jumped up and down waving his arms.
Married guy?
Ya beat me to it.
And I guess misusing “wokeness” is like voter fraud,
it does occasionally happen,
done by Republicans!
Harrison Wesley
@Dangerman: ….and their magnets have all stopped working…
@TaMara: This is exactly the kind of performative trolling I am here for! Way to go, Hunter – that’s how you use your agency – the meltdown must feel good.
Tony G
@schrodingers_cat: She has breasts? I’m too serious-minded to have noticed.
@Baud: Letting his Irish out.
“You have no balls” followed by “can’t a woman speak” is quite the combination of gendered harassment/victimization coming from Mace.
@Baud: OK, you win the comment section today.
zhena gogolia
@jinchi: Exactly.
@Tony G: Even the good folks at the Guardian noticed.
She really has boarded the MAGA train, full steam ahead.
Nancy Mace continues to be utterly disgusting. She is every bit as bad as Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz, et al.
Tony G
@Baud: She’d better get busy with the hand jobs if she wants to be seriously considered as a contender for the position of GOP-Looney-Tunes-Lady.
Yep, I remember that and thinking, ewww!
@Harrison Wesley:
It’s like the science guy says, “always take your magnets neat – water only ruins them.”
Almost Retired
I’m sort of curious as to what nonsense MTG spewed after the cameras cut away. Maybe if there are no cameras, she’s completely measured and logical? Nah….. Her spittle-flecked rants are about as coherent as the Tasmanian Devil, but with less spinning and twirling.
Hey! Churros on the platform for the 6 at Grand Central! Thanks Biden!
@Almost Retired: Apparently, after Raskin pointed out that Ashli Babbitt’s death was not a murder and that “…it was a tragedy that people died because Donald Trump put them at risk,” her head exploded (figuratively speaking).
@jimmiraybob: I don’t know what that magnets and water nonsense was in reference to. Something that cost a lot of money, but I have no idea what it was.
Trump said water makes magnets not work.
@Baud: He must have failed Physics for Poets at UPenn.
@Quinerly: Mark Sanford made his political comeback by winning the coastal 1st CD after Tim Scott moved up to Senator. Sanford lost the 2018 primary to Katie Arrington after he criticized Trump. Arrington was a lightweight and lost the seat to Joe Cunningham.
Cunningham one of 41 Dems who flipped seats that year. He was the first Democrat to represent the 1st since the party realignment of the 1970s.
When Mace ran against Cunningham in 2020, it was a purple district and she projected a more moderate-conservative image in order to win it. I think that’s what got national media hooked on her.
Redistricting made the district more Republican for 2022, so now Mace talks more like a hardliner. I think she has her eyes on Lindsey Graham’s Senate seat. It comes up again in 2026.
@Baud: I know what he said, but what was he referencing? Something about an elevator?
@opiejeanne: Bizzaro exPres Trump made some rambling remarks about water ruining magnets. Once agin proving his status as stable genius.
Edit: magnetic elevators.
That I don’t know.
Acyn (@Acyn) posted at 10:14 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
Crockett: To be clear, whatever happens to your little leader it is going to be because of the actions he took so you can talk all you want to about how January 6 was nonsense but all of you are running at that time. You all were grabbing gas masks. https://t.co/ptPaSXkSyg
The Mad Tytan (@Big_Ty) posted at 9:07 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
These cowards don’t have any smoke for Trump rallies, CPAC, or right-wing evangelical churches and their unshakable fealty towards Israel. Those groups have applauded Israel turning Gaza into a parking lot.
“Madam Representative – I believe the honorable Madam Representative Greene has publicly shown evidence that this is not true”
@jinchi: I would have thought with all of the Hunter Biden porn that they’ve examined that they would have evidence by now that he does actually have balls….
Daoud bin Daoud
@Betty Cracker: A Republican accusing anyone else of White Privilege – too perfect!
threatening to doxx the congregation?
Veronica McDonald🗣 (@Purify_toast17) posted at 10:07 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
The purpose of protesting inside of Mother Emmanuel and threatening to doxx the congregation is to scare black people from voting
TTIFG was trying to talk about how the switch from steam to magnetics on US Aircraft Carriers rendered them useless because magnets don’t work if they are wet.
This TTIFG Brain Fart has been brought to you by Miller Lite, drink beer, not water.
Bill Arnold
ETA others above say elevators. OK. He’s been concerned about the catapults previously.
ETA2: here, for example Why Trump asked the Wasp’s crew ‘electric or steam?’ (Mark D. Faram and Joe Gould, May 28, 2019), which mentions both catapults and elevators.
It was related to the catapults used to launch aircraft from aircraft carriers. They used to be steam-powered. The newfangled ones (I don’t know how new) use electromagnets and apparently Trump believes for some reason that the Navy does not know how to use electricity on ships, because wires might get wet, e.g. in the example he used, by poring a glass of water on the electromagnet coils. (The Navy knows how to use electricity on ships…)
Haven’t studied Trump’s history with this “controversy”. Clear enough that D.J. Trump is grossly and willfully ignorant, though.
More (continuing) House GQP mayhem: Mike Johnson is afraid the HFC is going to boot him from his Speakership, so he’s running to TIFG to enlist his help/approval. This should end well!
@opiejeanne: it’s in relation to the new Navy catapult system on aircraft carriers. It uses a magnetic catapult system instead of the older hydraulic system. Trumpov has railed against that since basically 2016, so he’s just pulling out an older grievance. It’s super stupid but that’s who he is.
Edit: Bill got it above at #106. The asset is just a deeply stupid person.
@Bill Arnold: I think the Gerald R. Ford is the first aircraft carrier to use electro-magnetic catapults. All the new ones will have them. They put less stress on the regular fighter jets and can be tuned up or down depending on the weight of the aircraft. If they tried to launch a drone with a steam catapult it would disintegrate.
zhena gogolia
@rikyrah: I LOVE HER
Am disappointed to learn that Navy ships don’t have actual catapults for hurling stones at the enemy.
Do they have trebuchets at least?
@rikyrah: she is the BOMB
@Baud: they do! They’re called… battleships! Unfortunately they’re not allowed to come out and play anymore.
@Geminid: correct, the Ford class carriers utilize that new technology. Less stress on both the aircraft and catapult system, ships will no longer need to plan for a steam boiler anymore, and it should be safer for the personnel to operate. One of the recommendations the Navy review process made was, “do not include so many new technologies on one ship.” It was a test bed for sooo many new pieces of tech, that helped delay it for so long.
@Baud: There are electro-magnetic rail guns on a few of the new destroyers. They can fire a 5″ projectile a long distance..
I think those are place holders more or less. The newer generation of Navy ships including the Ford have electrical generating capacities greater than they can use right now. This could be for energy weapons that are not yet ready for deployment.
zhena gogolia
@Jeffro: She’s probably the only person in Congress who says what I want to say!
“Are women allowed to speak.” Always the victim. Acting like a victim is their go to move. Every single time.
@Jackie: Prediction: 30 minutes after his call with Trump finishes, Speaker Johnson schedules an emergency session to vote for articles of impeachment for Biden, and whips hard for immediate passage.
Quid pro quo, Clarice….
Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) posted at 11:45 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
NEW YORK (AP) — Judge rescinds permission for former President Donald Trump to give his own closing argument at his civil fraud trial.
Just saw the punch line from Comer’s trainwreck of a hearing today — they failed to vote contempt of Congress against Hunter Biden. Every time that committee tries to do its performance art in public, they get pantsed by well-prepared and fired up Dems. Especially liked this one, from Moscowitz, of course.
Acyn (@Acyn) posted at 10:47 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
Swalwell to Jordan: How dumb do you think the American people are that you would seek to hold someone in contempt when you are 608 days, 15 hours, 21 minutes, and 47 seconds out of compliance of your own subpoena https://t.co/Y5TuNPH0wu
@rikyrah: Oh, fun!
Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) posted at 10:16 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
Crockett to Republicans: “Let me tell you why nobody wants to talk to you behind closed doors — because y’all lie.” https://t.co/Iby1cyGY9P
Gin & Tonic
@Leto: A million years ago I was in Charleston for some business reason, ended up in a bar kind of bored. Bar had some board games and some Citadel guys, one of whom thought he could play backgammon. Led to a quick sawbuck in my pocket.
Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) posted at 10:13 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
Crockett points out that if Republicans were serious about getting mad over presidents taking foreign money while in office, they should be really mad about Trump https://t.co/7ffmfqvbHx
Dorothy A. Winsor
Engoron has denied Trump’s request to deliver part of his own closing.
Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) posted at 9:40 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
Rep. Garcia: “I think it’s really interesting to hear the gentlelady from Georgia speak about Hunter Biden leaving when she is the one who showed nude photos of Hunter Biden in this very committee room. Showing dick pics in this committee room.” https://t.co/rYrDtTHraR
Is Nancy Mace ok? (We all know the answer.)
@rikyrah: Apparently TFG and his lawyers refused to agree to the judge’s rules as to what he could say (can’t introduce new evidence in closing arguments). I’m guessing his lawyers anticipated this, and the whole charade was a show for the rubes and gullible media (but I repeat myself).
Tee hee hee
Hope Restored In DFW (@Kennymack1971) posted at 9:49 AM on Wed, Jan 10, 2024:
The House GOP walked right into a trap.
They’re mad Hunter showed up. They’re also mad because they thought Hunter was going to ignore them. Now they’re mad because he’s treating this farce with the disrespect it deserves.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Apparently TIFG’s team didn’t respond to Engoron’s conditions in a timely fashion:
””Not having heard from you by the third extended deadline,” Engoron writes. “I assume that Mr. Trump will not agree to the reasonable, lawful limits I have imposed as a precondition to giving a closing statement.””
@Leto: Not only does the aircraft carrier Ford have the Navy’s first electromagnetic catapaults, it embarked last May with the Navy’s first shipboard service dog. A Navy Times article said that Sage, a 3 year old yellow lab, shipped with the Ford as part of an experimental program to help support crew morale. The chaplain in charge of Sage got 120 hours of training from the pup’s Virginia Beach provider, “Mutts with a Mission.”
The Ford ought to make it back to Norfolk any day now. The ship’s deployment was extended by 2 months on account of the Israel/Hamas war, but it finally left the Mediterranean last week.
Tenar Arha
@cain: 👍 thank you for noting this
@Geminid: any time we were around working dogs, it was an utter contest of wills to not go and pet them. We were repeatedly warned not to, but man… the overwhelming urge to pet them, call them good boys/girls… I’m glad that crew had him. Ship duty can be really isolating/lonely (despite being surrounded by hundreds of people).
@rikyrah: Apartheid Clyde now urging “race based science” in next white supremacist move.
Edit: at my first assignment, Shaw AFB, I was part of the security forces augmentee brigade. Basically SF never had enough people so would pull people from all across base to help them. We’d man the gates, ride on patrol, just a good waste of training for most of us. Anyways, I was in the SF building one day when what I thought was a fucking bear popped around the corner. My immediate reaction was to press myself against the wall, as if it wouldn’t notice me (camouflage!) and just leave me be. No, it was just a gargantuan floof pulling against his leash, trying to get down the hall. Guy I was with, and the handler, both had a good laugh.
...now I try to be amused
I’m wondering too. It would be weird to subject yourself to the cadet experience for no good reason.
@Leto: Sage the Yellow Lab is famous now. Video clips of her include one put up a week ago from the birthday party sailors threw for her.
The Navy’s designation for Sage is, “Expanded Operational Stress Control Canine.” .
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
World’s Tiniest Violin plays a sad, sad tune for the Preacher of the House 🎻
Captain C
@Baud: Well, no footage of her doing so has been made public, at least that I know of.
@Geminid: Long ago, ships had cats. Their main purpose was to control rodents, but the crew usually very much treated them as pets. The Endurance expedition to the South Pole (Shackleton) had a ship’s cat named Mrs Chippy (a pet of the carpenter Harry McNish) and many sled dogs. As soon as they got into trouble, Mrs. Chippy (and a young dog that was also a pet) were shot. McNish never forgave Shackleton. (The sled dogs were also eventually shot, and eaten.)
Some Navy ships also used to have goats as mascots. They were originally on board for meat and milk but when that became unnecessary by the late 19th century, they turned into pets.
@opiejeanne: It was elevators. Not my area of expertise.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I knew magnets weren’t ruined by getting wet. Beyond that, I’m ignorant. Do they work while they are in the water?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
They should, unless they are electromagnetism that aren’t designed to operate underwater without shorting out.
karen marie
@rikyrah: “Rescinds”? When was permission granted?
Defendants represented by counsel are never allowed to speak to the judge except as a witness or during a colloquy about testifying or to complain about their lawyer, or after a verdict as part of sentencing. I figured Trump was just confused about the timing. It makes no sense that Engoron would have agreed to allow Trump to speak outside the witness box and without cross exam.
@Baud: They are electromagnets so have wires with large currents running through them, but I think by now the Navy knows how to waterproof their infrastructure when necessary.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: @Eyeroller: Thanks.
@Jackie: If it didn’t mean shutting down the government, I’d be laughing hilariously at this ongoing catastrophe.
@karen marie: Permission was granted to, I guess, represent himself in closing arguments subject to conditions that limited him to the same kind of arguments his lawyers would be subject to. Predictably, TFG and his lawyers refused to agree, so the judge said no go. I don’t think TFG was ever serious about this — he was putting on a show and Engoron called his bluff.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Permanent magnets, like the sort people stick to their refrigerator doors? Yeah, no problem, they won’t care one whit about being underwater. Electromagnets, coils of wire like what you might see in an electric motor? By default no, they’ll short out and die, but it’s certainly possible to design for “can survive being doused”.
@Ken: Prediction: the deal with President Biden is over. Speaker accepts to shut down the government because the Boss has asked for it.
Maybe she thinks she can be the next Squeaker after the MTV bumps Johnson?
Ben Cisco
Hey, mine too!!
If dinosaurs, chickens, sheep, snakes and people could get along on Noah’s Ark surely there’s a way to bring peace to our Republican caucus. Thus spoketh the leader Johnson.
– Book of MAGA
Another Scott
More from TheHill.com:
The GQP still can’t count.
[ womp, womp ]
Jeffries and Schumer and lots of others said that poison pills were DOA. But they had to vote on them anyway, huh.
See above. Poison pills aren’t going anywhere. (But that doesn’t mean that the good guys will get everything they want, of course.)
Lots of people are talking about another CR that runs until March to give them time to get the appropriations bills done. We’ll see soon.
Marjorie Trailer-Queen trying to be relevant ….. 😂
Crockett handed their ass to the whole lot of the repugs in that chamber. God I love that woman.
@Jackie: Sending Preacher Johnson thoughts and prayers
Thanks everyone for telling me what the idiot was referring to when he was fussing about magnets.