First Lady Dr. Jill Biden: As Joe says, democracy, our freedoms, are what's on the line. So Americans have a choice. They can have strong, steady leadership, someone fighting for democracy, or they can choose chaos and division
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) January 10, 2024
Folks, I have two big announcements.
A record-breaking 20 million Americans have enrolled in health care coverage through the ACA.
And you have until January 16 join them and get covered this season at
— President Biden (@POTUS) January 10, 2024
'Obamacare' sign-ups surge to 20 million, days before open enrollment closes
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 11, 2024
Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, Black enrollment in healthcare coverage is up almost 50% compared to 2020
— Rodericka Applewhaite (@Rodericka) January 10, 2024
I’m a lifelong republican, and 3x Trump voter.
Jamie Raskin a liberal Dem from Maryland, and in my view he pretty much sums up EXACTLY what’s happened to our party, and it only took him 20 seconds to do so.
We’re done as a party if Trump’s the nominee.
— Peter Henlein (@SwissWatchGuy) January 10, 2024
In Illinois and Tennessee, beauty professionals are required to undergo training to help recognize signs of abuse in their clients.
And if we expand this nationwide, we could help even more victims. We must pass the SALONS Stories Act to make that happen.
— Tammy Duckworth (@SenDuckworth) January 9, 2024
Liberal Democrats have very few media outlets. The fascists, the conservatives, and the far left own all the airwaves and social media platforms. We have to be our own echo chamber. We have to get the message through for those who believe in Democracy and Equal Justice.
— Moneybag Mo🐝💛 (@Morneque) January 10, 2024
For instance:
He just said it
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) January 11, 2024
Wake me up when it’s a big fucking deal, Joe.
Just spent some time in BidenLand earlier this week. I like Delaware.
Go Team Joe!
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
It’s impossible to predict whether we’ll prevail, but I really like how Dems today are standing up to the haters.* You can’t control the future, but you can control whether you respect and believe in yourself.
* I credit Balloon Juice for starting the trend.
Good morning.
3 time Trump voter????
Trump voters aren’t good at math.
@Baud: Wake me up when they lock trump up.
PAM Dirac
@catclub: 1X in 2016 and 2X in 2020? There was a lot of fraud in the 2020 election you know. /s
@catclub: I suspect he’s counting a primary vote.
I’m sure all the celebrations will wake you up.
@catclub: I assume one of the times was a primary.
Good morning. I’m getting ready to go to our office safety meeting. We have two, one for the field people and one for the office, because it finally occurred to someone that me learning about how to check if a dump truck has any safety problems isn’t a particularly productive use of my time. Plus, I finally got caught up on my CCTV’s, so today I’m going to clean out my e-mail box (I haven’t gone thru it since last February, pray for me) and then maybe clean my office. I’ve been going all-out to get caught up so everything else has suffered. I’m not sure how I got behind in the first place, but I definitely need to prevent it from happening again!
@Baud: We have to prevail. We just must.
Agreed re the political climate has changed, in our favor, I think.
The media is a lagging indicator; they are too indebted to their owners and GOP sources. And many are brittle (thank you, Kay) and incurious status quo types. Have never seen them sink so low, and offer up such superficiality.
Ohio Mom
@catclub: He’s counting voting for Trump in the primary, which in his view, was the most important vote.
He may have a point there, if a candidate doesn’t win the primaries, they aren’t winning anything else.
OT I am a stubborn mule focusing on how to get annoying, deplorable people to STFU and since sharing is caring, have a heaping helping:
“You wouldn’t be trying to regulate my uterus IF IT FIRED BULLETS!”
I love Rep. Raskin SO much, that man is a badass.
Sure. But the future doesn’t care about that. We know from experience that voters are unreliable. That doesn’t mean they will fail us, but they could. All we can do is believe in ourselves and do the work.
The two trump clips from last night say it all (paraphrasing):
“I overturned Roe v Wade and I’m proud of it…it was a miracle”
“Hell yes I took money from China while president…it was for ‘services’ ”
We’re gonna run that shit 24/7 on a loop all year long, Republicans. Best of luck!
@Baud: with Taylor Swift’s “psy-op” help 🤣 we’ve got a lot going for us.
Trivia Man
New music from 2023, this one really speaks to me. Everyone has Their People, we just have to find them.
You gotta find your people
The ones that make you feel whole
@Jeffro: *chef’s kiss
@Trivia Man: you guys & girls here do that for me. Excellent musical start for today.
Here’s a feel good story to warm the cockles of your heart:
‘Soul-warming’: the mystery man who chops wood to keep his neighbors from freezing
“Winter is here,” declares the woodsman, a broad-shouldered man in a black-and-gray checked wool shirt and navy denim Carhartt overalls as he sharpens his orange chainsaw. Hanging from his neck is a medallion that reads “St Christopher protect us”– a gift from a red-carpet-level comedian who once collaborated with him on a theater project.
The woodsman, who requested anonymity, is an accomplished director, writer and producer with several popular film and TV credits on his IMDb page. But he now devotes much of his time to supplying his struggling – and sometimes freezing – neighbors with free firewood.
Think of him as a cross between Paul Bunyan and Banksy. He delivers seasoned hardwoods like birch, oak and his favorite, maple (“burns hot, burns clean”) often to elderly people, the ill, or both. Though he is quick with a quip, his soft voice hardens when discussing America’s insufficient safety net: “Heat in the winter,” he said. “It’s a human right.”
At the appointed time, (Rosa) Parks and her caregiver stopped by. “She looked diminutive, elderly,” he said, “with a nice sweater set.” She seemed a bit uncomfortable, though, and asked whether the air conditioning was on. He quickly offered to shut it off, which palpably pleased her. Her fragility touched him.
“This is someone I read about in school and textbooks. But when you see someone like that, and the observation is trite, but she’s a real person and she looks like my grandmother or someone’s grandmother, it just inspired me to think that I can’t do what she did.”
He chewed on that for a moment. “But anyone can do something, right?”
As I’ve pointed out to the tRump zombies, he was a Democrat, and he was a piece of shit then. He was Reform Party, and he was a piece of shit then. He was Independent: piece of shit. Only when he became a Republican piece of shit did he find a constituency degenerate enough to elect him to any position of authority. And the position was President!
@TBone: I really like how Jaime Raskin chose not to run for Ben Cardin’s Senate seat this year. He would have been the favorite, I think. Raskin knew he could do valuable work in the House and that “moving up” was not as important to him.
Trivia Man
@TBone: and y’all for me
I feelmore at home here than with my blood family
Repeating from a late night thread.
Another diesel weasel getting slammed. To the proposed tune of $2,000,000,000.
2016 Primary
2016, 2020 General
OMG! 😆
Raskin’s clip…🎆🔥🎉🥳
@Geminid: I said to someone here yesterday (in the middle of the night, really) that I love the people that do the work. He’s a true American hero and mensch for the ages.
@OzarkHillbilly: goddam if I can ever get to where I’m the subject of a feel-good story where I’m just referred to as “The Woodsman” I will die happy.
@OzarkHillbilly: new theme for today: everyone can do something, no matter how small. I have a Howard Zinn quote around here somewhere to share in that regard. Lemme look…
Howard Zinn
Democrats have outperformed Trump/MAGA in the last three national elections. That’s the trend. I don’t know why political media ignore actual performance these days, seemingly preferring their own insular evaluation of what “Americans” believe, but those are the facts. If MAGA/Trump were as popular as political media believe, MAGA/Trump would win more elections and outperform Democrats.
@gene108: when he called them a cult to their face and added “and you don’t even know how you got here“…
…I fell over and died, right there.
Voted for a racist, fascistic conman three times? And no one tell him about his party’s history for the past 40+ years. His head might explode.
I did not know but Moskowitz actually wore a ‘Smurf’ tie yesterday (in response to an earlier insult by Comer) LOLOLOLOLOLOL
@TBone: Good quote.
@Kay: Media are trying to influence voter perception, which effects voting behavior.
@TBone: My favorite:
“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”
― Arthur Ashe
Adam Serwer says media ignore MAGA underperformance – an interesting political story – because “you can’t outvote the Volk” – Republican voters are more American than anyone else so their votes count more.
I agree with him.
Also very nice.
Betty Cracker
What an asset Raskin is! His ability to cut through the bullshit and tell the plain truth rivals Kay’s! 😊
I hope 3X Trump voter Henlein’s tweet proves prophetic. Because no matter how great Dems are, we’re a two-party system, and this nation will be desperately unhealthy as long as one of those two parties fails in its commitment to democracy and sound governance. We can’t go on like this indefinitely.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Then watch him pull the lever for Trump…or vote glibertarian.
@Baud: It’s short enough to remember!
And to whoever said that the important thing is just to START.
That photo of the St. Paul city council that WaterGirl put up is what they’re afraid of.
He’s won ONE election. How many has Joe Biden won over his career?
@TBone: I’ll give a related suggestion for folks that don’t have woods and aren’t going to be firing up chainsaws for any reason less urgent than Ted Cruz showing up at their door: plan a switch to a heatpump, and earmark your savings to support someone else’s switch!
If the administration can just put their fucking foot on the accelerator on HEEHRA, it can be half-price or free any day now. Start your research and planning now.
I sometimes regret not staying in the Twin Cities. I liked it there.
@Kay: And he lost the popular vote on that one! Only the fucking Electoral College put TIFG over the “top.”
Via reddit, the economy sucks too.
@Betty Cracker: I love Raskin and he is an asset, but we need to remember that he can’t carry these messages to where they need to land. Only we can do that.
@Elizabelle: Arthur Ashe: Last Man Standing on Richmond’s Monument Avenue, with a book and a tennis racket instead of a sword.
The MAGA “movement” – the politicians who are Trump cultists – also have a shitty record of winning elections.
If you read political punditry and never looked at election results would you know this?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Sounds accidental. Totally unintentional.
I feel like this isn’t the first time a manufacturer installed a device to cheat on emissions tests. Didn’t VW get busted on that a few years back?
@Elizabelle: excellent! I ordered my Beau Biden Foundation cookbook yesterday. Thanks to BJ, where I leaned about its existence.
@Geminid: Yes. Although: I don’t think the statue turned out that well! That sculptor has done much better work.
Do think of that. Even yesterday, out driving. “There’s the western end of Monument Avenue. Which has … Arthur Ashe!”
Arthur Ashe was a superb human being.
@Kay: They should replace the political writers with sportswriters.
People who know how to follow records; are not innumerate. The “show me” types.
It would save us from effing Politico colonizing the whole media sphere. And the FTF NY Times US political desk is standing atop a pedestal of toilet paper.
I have been wondering for a while: why should I believe the NY Times on foreign reporting? I have seen what they put out, domestically …
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Mr DAW used to work on emissions for John Deere, one of Cummins’ rivals. As soon as he saw that story, he said, “Someone must have fudged the testing.”
@TBone: @Trivia Man: Where did I go wrong?
@Bupalos: yes!
@Kay: If I were to ever leave the western reserve it would be for Minnesota or Wisconsin. I’m trying to get my daughter to become an anchor baby for me at Carleton or in Madison.
Fortunately, (most) Boards of Election disagree.
@mrmoshpotato: He’s mad that his party will nominate a loser who he’ll still vote for, because he’s a Republican before anything else.
@OzarkHillbilly: I had to give up coffee while I’m on steroids so ??? I’m a little slow on the uptake today. Pls explain. OH! Never mind (Emily Littella voice). You’re not the redheaded stepchild whose mom dresses him funny!
@TBone: Nice.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@satby: That was my exact thought but you said it better. Ask this guy who he’s planning to vote for in November.
The anti woke ninnies get caught up in these “snake eats own tail” knots all the time because anti woke theory is dumb and poorly thought out, but this is the best one I’ve ever seen.
Ackerman is now threatening the board members of Business Insider because BI published a (true) story about his celebrity wife. Cancel culture!
@TBone: That’s a wonderful quote.
Living compassionately and with hope, in defiance of the times. Again, the Ukrainians show the light in the darkness there.
@Kay: my schadenfreude is off the chart.
@Elizabelle: I don’t know how else to say this and I love succinctness so here goes. AMEN, SISTA!
Omnes Omnibus
@TBone: A great counterpoint to Adam Silverman’s oft repeated bromide that “hope is not a strategy.”
@TBone: You left out the “Other than that Hillbilly asshole, you guys & girls here do that for me.”
This will be the next positive trend:
That’s for renters. I think property insurance keeps going up for owners though. I don’t think they can hold premiums the same with more severe weather events and property damage.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Vote blue is a strategy.
Dorothy A. Winsor
“Politico’s Erica Orden, at the courthouse for the conclusion or Trump’s civil fraud trial, says proceedings were delayed this morning due to a bomb threat at Judge Engoron’s home.” via Southpaw on Blue Sky
OMG that he actually said that!
Remembering John Cole’s use for the acronym OJ, I am now thinking of Juliette Lewis in the movie ‘The Other Sister.’ Olive Juice!
@OzarkHillbilly: Olive Juice!
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Indeed.
@Kay: The national press and their bosses for the most part have been conditioned to believe that Republicans are the serious adults who rein in the worst impulses of Democrats, who are the high-spending irresponsible teenagers who want everything even if we can’t afford it. They’re having a hard time changing that picture, because it’s what they’ve been taught all their lives. You know how there’s studies that even in the face of overwhelming evidence that their beliefs are factually wrong people will double down on their incorrect beliefs and cling to them even tighter? I think that’s part of what we’re seeing with the national press; when they were young they learned that Republicans are the sober, serious adults in the room who make sure things don’t get too out of control, and no matter how much evidence they see that it’s definitely not true anymore because now it’s the Republicans who are the crazy, out-of-control ones, they refuse to give up their beliefs. “It’s gotta be this way, I’ve heard it my whole life so it must be true” is what they think. That’s the best explanation I can think of for why they continue in the face of overwhelming evidence to believe Republicans are the serious ones. Nominating TFG should have broken that, but for some reason it didn’t
ETA – This, and the fact that they still believe that the white man is the “average, regular” voter and white men overwhelmingly support Republicans no matter how crazy they are.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: We had a tow truck company here where the owner got busted for it. He had a big towing company, now he’s in federal prison and the company is up for sale, all because he got a mechanic (who pled guilty) to alter his tow trucks so that the emission control stuff didn’t work. He said he had to do that, it was the only way he could make money. *rolleyes* If that’s true, they’d better start checking all the tow truck companies!
@Kay: I love it when karma actually happens to one of these people. They think they’re above it, that even if they did make a mistake they excoriate others for it’s OK because of who they are.
zhena gogolia
@catclub: I was wondering about that too.
zhena gogolia
@TBone: That is a great quote.
To go from “I’m for radical transparency! I will bankroll inquiries into all professors because the truth must be revealed!” and then turn on a dime to whining about a newspaper article and demanding reporters be fired is just such perfect anti woke ninny behavior.
@Soprano2: Maybe political analysis consensus is like [damn who was it] said about scientific consensus: no one’s opinion changes; change comes one funeral at a time.
@Omnes Omnibus: fuck that guy (in the nicest possible way), anything that improves morale is an important tool. Thank you!
Trivia Man
@OzarkHillbilly: kindness and empathy was your mistake.
I definitely dont agree with everyone here all the time, I don’t even agree with ME 100%. But my family will drop a Faux news soundbite in conversation then refuse to engage any further. We dint talk much these days.
Here at the ‘Juice i often find myself reflecting on my beliefs and actions and hopefully provide an occasional nugget for someone else to reflect upon.
Next meetup in madison?
@OzarkHillbilly: Just swinging by to see whether you’d posted this. For all of us librarian fans, the story includes support that the woodsman’s efforts receive from the local librarians, under what they call “other duties as assigned.”
@Trivia Man: olive juice is a way to shout “I love you!” while you’re in a crowd and only want your loved one to hear you. Anyone who can read lips will see “I love you.”
@Kay: I will be interested to see if Bill Maher talks about this at all on his first show of the new year. I’m sure he’ll talk about the firing, because he was on his hobby horse about it last year, but will he address Ackerman’s hissy fit about it being revealed that his wife did the exact same thing? These people think they should sit in judgment of others, and shouldn’t be judged at all. Did you ever read “Backlash”? Susan Faludi interviewed several high profile women in the conservative movement, like Phyliss Schlafly. She said they all thought of themselves as “honorary men” because it was the only way they could get around the contradiction of having a high-powered career telling women they didn’t need to have careers or anything outside of the home and children (Did you know Randall Terry’s wife was actually the driving force behind their activism?) They thought they were different and special, that they were able to have high-powered careers because of their specialness but the average woman couldn’t. It was mind-bending.
I think you’re right, but it’s their fucking job to report the facts as they are, and a fundamental skepticism and re-examining of assumptions is an integral part of that job.
It’s not my job, but I’m weeks away from turning 70 so few of them have been exposed to this world view any longer than I have, and yet I’ve managed to see that it isn’t true anymore and hasn’t been for some time. After Newt and Shrub and the Teabaggers and the repeated government shutdowns and debt ceiling crises that they instigated, let alone Donald Fucking Trump, you’d think this would be obvious to anyone whose job involved having to pay attention to the news.
Perhaps it was hard to see in the 1990s because Clinton wasn’t exactly an adult himself, and in the aughts because the Dems were still afraid of their own shadows and being the Scared Rabbit Party all too often.
But Obama was always the adult in the room, and ever since the disastrous 2010 midterms, the GQP was always the kid playing with matches. And from 2017 on, playing with torches. And from 2020 on, willing to overthrow our entire system of government. As Josh Marshall says, January 6, 2021 isn’t really over yet. (And won’t be until they lose this election AND Trump is incarcerated.)
At this point, the people of the media who can’t get rid of that picture in their heads are doing the equivalent of getting hit over the head over and over again, and somehow being oblivious to it.
Sorry about the rant, what you’re saying is almost certainly the truth. But it’s a crime against the First Amendment that it’s so.
@p.a.: This could be right. As the ones my age who grew up watching race riots, wars and protests on TV die out, they’ll be replaced with people who have a completely different viewpoint. Maybe.
@TBone: Thanks, I didn’t know it had a name.
That was one nice thing about being in mathematics: either that theorem’s been proven, or it’s still a conjecture.
@lowtechcyclist: You’d think they would have noticed it by now, wouldn’t you? Some of them have, and have changed their reporting somewhat to reflect reality, and yet we still have a significant number of them whitewashing the batshit crazy things many Republicans say now. For example, look at what they say about abortion. How much attention do the words that actually come out of their mouths get as opposed to the rhetoric they babble to reporters? They’ve been saying the same lies about abortion to reporters for 50+ years while saying other things to their supporters, yet the reporters for the most part still dutifully type up the lies they’re telling as if it’s the truth.
@Soprano2: also thanks to someone here who reminded someone else that stochastic terrorism has a name, which is how I found that on Wikipedia.
There is a new floater in my eye, and some intermittent flashing about the edge. The intertubes say possible a retina is in the process of detaching. Heading in to see my eye care providers in a few. Wish me luck, please!
I’ve had that. They can fix it with lasers.
@Omnes Omnibus: Hope doesn’t mean naive belief.
I like Dana Houle’s pinned tweet
Cynicism on the other hand becomes an excuse to do nothing.
@Baud: Thanks – very helpful
Tom Levenson
@Bupalos: Whoooeee…Minnesota/Wisconsin winters would be a deal breaker for me.
MA can hit you with a pretty good freezing season, though ever more rarely as the Chinese Hoax persists. But that Arctic cold in the upper Midwest is beyond me.
@Tom Levenson: I was in Chicago one winter. Its the wind. Do not want. Also spent sometime in Canada in winter, brrrrr. New England in winter is balmy compared to that.
@2liberal: that happened to me, and it’s frightening. It turned out ok though, but getting to the eye doc immediately is paramount. I hope for the best for outcome for you.
Omnes Omnibus
You don’t have to persuade me.
A bit of comic relief at Faux and Friends expense: Link to the clip is below if you want to see their dejected faces.
I snort laughed at Kilmeade’s matter of factness. I hope TIFG watched 😁
Omnes Omnibus
@Tom Levenson: Winters here in Wisconsin are … bracing. When I lived in other places, I missed them.
@schrodingers_cat: you just made my day. Fearless!
@Omnes Omnibus: I know that, was just sharing my perspective.
@Jackie: Schadenfreude meter: pegged.
Trivia Man
@2liberal: I also had a PVD, painless laser treatment and 20 years later never an issue. Modern medical miracles.
It’s a topic of frequent discussion here, and I certainly think ‘white men are Americans and everyone else is a special interest’ is part of it. Still, when someone from inside the system who’s gotten sick of it talks about their experience, what they almost always say is it’s ego. The national press believe that they are Savvy, the outsider expert observers who truly understand the game. If you choose one side over the other you are not a disinterested, smartest person in the room type. So, both sides are equal. Period. Both sides are legitimate. Period. Believing anything else makes you a chump. Fill in individual pundit’s preferred explanation for why they’re equal.
As a side effect, only the game is important, not how it affects real people. If policy has any value at all, it’s only in how it affects elections. Since Democrats are all gung-ho about policy and don’t like lying, cheating, and other unscrupulous attempts to win, both parties may be equal, but Democrats are a little less equal.
It’s surely not that simple, but I have to say, that explanation fits 90% of what we see.
Ben Cisco
@Baud: They are great at meth, though
Trivia Man
@Omnes Omnibus: Its my first WI winter without a car hole. Sucks! At least i have off street parking and work remotely,
@TBone: Thanks. We fight because we must. Also no one can predict the future, it is not random it is unknowable.
OT I think I told you guys this I scored a whole set of FaberCastell’s Albrecht Durer Watercolor pencils for less than half their retail price on Amazon. Only a couple pencils have been used. They arrive today. I am so excited.
Omnes Omnibus
@Trivia Man:
Get one of those combo scraper/brush/squeegee thingies. Preferably one that extends to 3′ or so in length. Life changer.
@Trivia Man: Uh what is a car hole?
A garage.
Meant to reply to Schrodinger’s Cat, oops. Mom sent me into the future with an IRL name that means brave, bold warrior. She was a remedial reading teacher (Master’s Degree) and taught me to read at age 3 while she studied and worked as a waitress putting herself thru U. of Penn. Relentless. I was her practice model.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh yeah those things are great, but what really changed my winter experience for the better was being able to remotely start my car. Also, ask me how happy I am that I have a gas furnace now instead of wood. Starting on Saturday, the highs are forecast as 21°, 8º, 7°, 11°. On Wednesday, a balmy 34°. Going outside several times a day to stoke up a wood furnace under those temperature conditions is not fun.
@Steeplejack: Ok, I never heard it called that before. I don’t have one of those, either.
Omnes Omnibus
How happy are you that you have a gas furnace now instead of wood?
My cat has figured out how to open door handles. Send help..
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: It was nice knowing you.
Today in “No shit Sherlock,”
Find your state here.
I say we eat the rich. With enough ketchup even they can be choked down.
A brief colloquy between Reps. Raskin and Biggs on beliefs:
@schrodingers_cat: I like the Nick Cave quote.
Hope as the warrior emotion.
He knows. He’s had some great sorrows in his life, along with successes.
@Soprano2: That is different than what Cummins and VW did. They installed software (legally termed devices) that detected that the engine was being tested and altered it’s tuning to run cleaner than it normally did.
The tow company and others were caught ripping out basic pollution controls and turning trucks into coal rolling pigs.
@schrodingers_cat: What’s that universal line, “and then the murders started?”
@prostratedragon: smirking.
I think that’s how Charlie Pierce got his start. And Hunter Thompson too?
Clever girl.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sooooooooooooo happy! Every time I come home and the house is warm, I still marvel at it. I’ve lived like a pioneer woman for 34 years! You’ve gotta understand, until last year it was bearable because hubby would build a fire during the day, so the house would mostly stay warm. Last year, though, he sat on the couch all day underneath blankets rather than building a fire, so when I came home around 4:00 the house would be cold, sometimes as low as 50°. Then I’d have to build a fire, and it would take 2-3 hours for the house to warm up. It was an untenable situation, because hubby wasn’t going to build fires anymore and actually he shouldn’t be doing that now. Plus, we’re too old to be going up and down the basement stairs literally thousands of times in a winter. It’s not safe.
@schrodingers_cat: 😂 You must have lever handles. I had a cat who figured those out. I had to add chain locks so he couldn’t squeeze out.
What’s the setup to store all the art supplies you keep “scoring”? Room/shelf/desk/crates – inquiring minds …
@schrodingers_cat: Oh no, you’re screwed. Been good knowing you.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Yep! Big time.
coin operated
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Yes…thousands of VW TDI diesels were found to have software designed to defeat emissions tests
What I didn’t see in the article is if Cummins is required to install software that will defeat aftermarket programmers, which I’m certain that this tow truck mechanic was using. I have a 2004 Ram 3500…there are at least 10 different programmers I can buy that will alter the fuel injection, timing, and emissions profile of my engine by roughly 80HP (about a 20% difference).
Minor edit to add timing as a programming feature.
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: It pairs well with one of my favorite punk icon quotations. The future is unwritten. Joe Strummer.
This sounds like a Turing problem: Defeat programs that have not yet been designed or written.
The onus at that point is properly on the tow truck operator or other person who installs the illegal software.
“Nothing is written!” — Lawrence of Arabia on crossing a forbidden desert.
@Anyway: It started with a cake saver box and sushi trays. Now its a book case and some drawers. A desk and a drafting table. I am rearranging my office to make room for everything
I am thinking of reviving my blog to share my art exploits and political rants.
The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) posted at 6:44 AM on Thu, Jan 11, 2024:
EXCLUSIVE: A bomb threat was made at the house of Arthur F. Engoron, the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s bank fraud trial in New York, just hours before its final hearing on Thursday.
@Soprano2: A garage.
@Baud: He is a very smart boy. Super cuddly too.
@2liberal: very fixable, if caught in time. My was torn, and stitched back together with a laser. No problem in the 25 years since.
I thought it was Niels Bohr, but it turns out to have been Max Planck. I’m sure you’ll understand my confusion.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Someone talking about me?
@coin operated: Some aftermarket scams seem to be way more than just a re-tune.
@rikyrah: Do we need a thread on the closing arguments of this case?
The sort of good news is that Chicago and Illinois are making some progress in creating more shelters. Siting has been an issue.
@TBone: That’s an awesome story. Thanks for sharing
I watched Moneyball….
poblano and those sort of predictive numerologists sell the perception of control.
Demonstrated results don’t matter, they spread some numbers bull over the feelz and on we go.
Sports “journalism” is now rife with junk statistics – mostly they’re hawking sports book apps.
coin operated
I deal with custom ASICs in my data center on a daily basis. If you encrypt the source software and harden the ECMs designed to run it, you come as close to negating this issue as humanly possible.
The only barrier at this point is money, and the MBA class managing places like Cummins won’t stand for that.
Can someone explain the SEC decision re Bitcoin in plain English? TIA
@frosty: Pierce worked at the Boston Phoenix, and Thompson’s big breakout was the book about the Hell’s Angels, but yes, both have done sportswriting. Pierce is one of the people who keeps me sane; his weekly newsletter to subscribers is an even deeper dive into politics and history, and it’s always interesting.
@snoey: You’re right, it was a different way to defeat pollution controls.
@Omnes Omnibus: Joe Strummer got many things right.
Holy crap–the 5th Circuit (yes, THAT crazy pants 5th Circuit) decided that tasing causes injury, the officer didn’t give the driver time to comply, and a traffic stop was pre textual, i.e., no qualified immunity.
Could have been a lucky panel. I believe there at least two Dem judges on the 5th.
@Baud: Graves, Higgenson, and Ho–HO wrote the opinion
ETA: I’m a little sad that I know anything about the circuit or the judges.
@schrodingers_cat: ☺️
@narya: I had to read that twice.
@Anyway: More people will be stupid and invest in the NFT precursor that still has absolutely no real world use as a currency due to its highly volatile nature. It is now purely a vehicle for gambling, I mean investing. It is however not a bad time to invest as its likely to go up quite a bit with this announcement, just be sure not to stay on the ride to long.
Yeah, I believe Ho is nuts. So amazing result.
@TBone: One of the best comments (on Bluesky): “same circumstances, but a pregnant woman leaving the state for an abortion.”
coin operated
@snoey: See my reply at #157. Same problem, on steroids…
Delete is well known in diesel circles…but in almost all cases requires modifying the ECM to deal with the changes made to the engine.
Cummins (and other manufacturers) could make this extremely difficult to do if they spent a little money on securing the software and ECM. They won’t do it…
@Anyway: 1. Exchange traded Products = ETP
Exchange traded Fund = ETF
I think the difference between them is inconsequential to the average investor.
2. The have allowed an ETP with Bitcoin inside.
Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that is NOT considered a security but instead is considered a commodity for regulation purposes.
Putting other cryptocurrencies into an ETF or ETP is still frowned upon.
Chief Oshkosh
@Kay: I wonder what other ideas Bill’s wife has stolen? I wonder because Bill sure does seem to be freaking the fuck out. Thanks for calling our attention to your lying, cheating wife’s shitty behavior, Bill! :)
But they will put in the effort to make it impossible for a non-dealer mechanic to work on it.
Right to repair here we come.
LOL. Am so conditioned to expect the worst from the ignominous 5th Circuit that I first read your comment as
“taxing causes injury.”
Good to see them issue a sane ruling every now and then.
@Elizabelle: I would bet the person who was tased is white to get this ruling.
coin operated
Right to repair = reading the output from the ECM to diagnose a problem. Car makers were not willing to publish the codes the ECM would throw. Complete bullshit, in my opinion.
That said, I think of these as separate issues. Repair != modify
Heehee! MTG is threatening Johnson with MTV – and then run for Speaker.😵💫
coin operated
@Jackie: and in doing so, MTG will surpass the number of ballot rounds needed to elect McCarthy by a 3:1 margin.
What a shitshow….
Paul in KY
Think that’s a nice picture of the Pres!
It’s all good, false alarm. Not even any lasers. Just a natural result of turning into a grumpy old guy.
Paul in KY
@PAM Dirac: Maybe a Primary vote?
@coin operated: She’ll get one vote each time – hers.
@Chief Oshkosh:
It was clear he is a nutcase right from the beginning, so I’m not suprised.
Billionaires really haven’t benefitted from being so high profile and politically active – we never would have known they’re all crazy people if they had just stayed in their lane. Before we only saw their giant tacky houses and yachts. Now we get to know them. Yuck.
Oh, I’m glad.
Paul in KY
@Geminid: They need to put up a statue of the great Virginian, Gen. George Thomas ‘The Rock of Chickamauga’.
@Kay: “The rich are not like you and me”, so be damned glad you’re not like them!
Paul in KY
@TBone: Think a pro lip reader would see ‘Olive Juice’ :-)
I do cast aspersions on the idea that the “far left” in America has a robust and active media platform. Most people wouldn’t know Amy Goodman or Noam Chomsky if they tripped over them.
Paul in KY
@lowtechcyclist: ‘It’s hard to make a man or woman see something when their job depends on them not seeing it…’
@2liberal: That happened to me a few years back, after office hours. The after hours nurse told me to go to the ER, which I did. They had to consult with an ophthalmologist, which took a couple of hours. Finally I was home about midnight and saw the ophthalmologist the next day. He told me a retinal detachment (as opposed to a vitreous detachment) will be like a dark curtain falling on your vision. That was good to know.
With the vitrious detachment, expect a few days of many new floaters, like a lot. Some may even affect your vision a bit. But that goes away and then you just have the regular amount of floaters.
I’m glad it turned out for you.
Paul in KY
@Tom Levenson: I work with a guy who contracted for years up in Minneapolis. Boy, did he have some Winter stories! Sometimes snow so high that there were basically tunnels that led into buildings and stuff like that.
But are you willing to cast asparaguses on that idea?
@coin operated: There is Right to Repair legislation moving through this Congress. One bill relating to agriculture equipment could get attached to the 5-year Farm Bill that will pass before too long. Freshman Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is one of the sponsors.
Paul in KY
@Soprano2: Need to have a battery warmer that you can wrap around the battery and then have an extension cord running to power. Makes all the difference in the world, when your car has to be in 20 degree or below weather for a long period of time.
As far as I can tell, most newspaper publishers and their editors are the Establishment and happily represent the Establishment. But they vary greatly in their commitment to fairness. And in the past, the top newspapers at least leaned towards fairness.
In Los Angeles, for example, the Herald Examiner was owned by plutocrats, the Hearst family, but generally covered the news fairly. The upper class went nuts when Otis Chandler became publisher of the Los Angeles Times and hired editors and reporters who turned the newspaper into a legitimate and even slightly left leaning news enterprise.
As far as reporters go, even some of the “best” tend more towards cynicism than skepticism. This makes them unreliable. They no longer care about the facts and willingly suck up to the rich and powerful.
Paul in KY
@snoey: To me, The Cummins/VW chicanery is worse, as it took a whole lot of planning & engineering to fix that (plus it being much harder to catch than the barbarians with their rolling coal trucks).
Paul in KY
@Soprano2: So happy you are now in the mid 20th Century (heatingwise)!!
Sure Lurkalot
I sent the Guardian article to my niece who lives in Woodstock. She works at a bookstore and she works with the librarian in the article, Hollie, to plan events. Hollie is a treasure in her community.
clap clap clap clap
Especially that know-it-all, wrapped up in cynicism…..
they just ‘ know everything’…….
our naiveness….to have hope or faith…
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
@Spanky: Planck’s other constant.
Paul in KY
@catclub: I would not take your bet.
Paul in KY
@Geoduck: Yeah. When I read that, I was thinking ‘Pravda’ and ‘Iskra’ haven’t been dispensing the Marxist line for awhile…
it’s the simple things that can bring so much joy….
to get a deal on something you love :)
@narya: that’s heartening to hear ppl thinking ahead.
Bill Arnold
See an eye doctor NOW. (Who may send you to a retina specialist; they are very quick about handling these things though.)
@2liberal: yay! That’s the diagnosis I got too. Old.
@Paul in KY: smart aleck!
We need to go gangster on these folks.
Impound the bus. Arrest the driver.
Impound the plane. Arrest the pilot.
Make the charges FELONIES.
Send them to 26th and California
‘ Lose’ their paperwork for a couple of days
Inform GP of why they’re there.
I don’t know about bus drivers, but, I don’t think pilots can fly with a felony conviction.
Bill Arnold
Mine does that (1/2 Maine Coon). He attentively watched me open a door with a lever handle one day (was watching him watching, and deliberately moved slowly), and then started doing it.
Isn’t strong enough to do exterior doors, though. (Usually, at least.)
You’ll get used to it.
@Soprano2: Car Cubby(hole).
@Bill Arnold: If cats had opposable thumbs ….
The second phase of the raging storm that hit the Cascades two days ago is at full blow again today. We tried to go skiing but got a report from the friend ahead of us that he could only see two highway poles at a time due to whiteout winds, so we bailed and went home. The closest ski area has most lifts on wind hold, and they clocked a 100mph gust this morning. Good day to do other stuff; I don’t mind skiing in a storm, but whiteout winds are dangerous due to zero visibility and frost bite risk.
Sounds like the judge is allowing Trump to speak. Apparently, it is off the rails.
karen marie
While I am happy people are able to get “affordable” coverage through the ACA, it seems to me the record numbers are an indication that more and more people are struggling financially.
@Bill Arnold: If our fabric chewing cat figures out the lever handles, we’ll have to change all the door knobs because that’s where anything she might nurse/chew is kept out of her reach. Our towel racks are all placed very high, and experience has taught us about leaving anything out, especially clothes because if they smell like us, she really wants to nurse/chew those. Fortunately she is the less intelligent of the two, and isn’t likely to figure out the lever handles. She’s a very sweet and cuddly lady though, so it’s a minor inconvenience in order to have her sweet presence.
@rikyrah: The Martha’s Vineyard migrant case is still crawling therough the Bexar County, Texas justice system. Bexar Sheriff Salazar said he sent the DA charges for two people who recruited migrants from San Antonio shelter for the flight to Massachusetts. That was in June, but the District Attorney’s office apparently has not acted yet.
Sheriff Salazar was interviewed about this by 60 minutes on October 15, and several Texas news sites reported on the interview. The Sheriff was very critical of Governor DeSantis for “messing with people” in Texas.
Lisa Rubin on MSNBC FTW. “It’s just what he wants, I resent having to report on this dog and pony show and I hope our viewers do too.” (Paraphrased)
@Quinerly: OMG!!!!!!!
@TBone: glad you added this. I am on my phone. Just can’t type fast enough. The coverage on MSNBC on today’s shit show is very good.
I just got out of class in time to hear her say that! Good for her. I’ve been really impressed with her and with Suzanne Craig’s reporting as well.
@Quinerly: due diligence 😂
So is “hypothesis” reserved for conjectures that everyone really really wants to be true? Riemann hypothesis, for one….
@Brachiator: I don’t think they lean towards “fairness”, so much as they lean towards “the view from nowhere” to use Jay Rosen’s famous phrasing. IE- striving so hard for an impossible level of objectivity on all manners that ends up with journalists/newspapers/channels etc. constantly bending over backwards to avoid accusations of liberal bias. It’s a huge part of how Trump’s bullshit became normalized and still is, even by left-of-center publications.
@Kay: Billionaires — obligatory.
Ditto on love for Rep. Raskin, and thank you, this is awesome:
Goes right up there with the signs I’ve seen,
“Pussy GRABS BACK!!!”
Sure Lurkalot
Reminds me of this from TNG:
Data-Graves : [from his eulogy on Graves] I can safely say, that to know him, was to love him. And to love him, was to know him. Those who knew him, loved him, while those who did not know him, loved him from afar.
Wesley Crusher : That was a great speech, Data. “To know him is to love him is to know him… ”
Data-Graves : Verbal composition at its most sophisticated level. Your childlike mind cannot appreciate the time-worn wisdom of my words.
Wesley Crusher : “Childlike mind”?
Data-Graves : When you get to be my age, you will understand.
Wesley Crusher : Your age? Data, chronologically, you’re not much older than I am.
Data-Graves : Well, you are only as old as you feel. Try to remember that, boy.
Ewwwww! This guy is just disgusting. CNN live update
@Kay: Exceptions: Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
Gates Foundation in the news counters the history of assholishness of Microsoft under Gates.
@2liberal: Yea–good news!
Gin & Tonic
@catclub: By all available accounts, Michael Dell is a decent human being.
I had a second floor apartment and no outside outlet to run a cord to my block heater. Also had to park on the street. We strung the cord out the second floor window, over tree branches and then down ( over the sidewalk) to the car. This worked fine until early one morning they were clearing snow from the sidewalks with a skid-steer and it caught the cord. Luckily the cord broke first.
@Lyrebird: worth a watch:
@Soprano2: There were some emissions defeat cases in Oregon this summer. A mechanic was fined $158,000 for installing defeat devices and a exhaust shop was fined $265,000 for manufacturing pipes that fit where the catalytic converter is supposed to go.
No, it was a witch witch hunt and you are a witch and I claim my prize. Excuse me while I look for kindling.
Fair points. However, even though I think that the “view from nowhere” is nonsense mentioned in journalism classes, to the extent that it is valid, it represents the reporter’s perspective. Publishers and editors have their own vision of what their organizations represent.
Previously I mentioned the Los Angeles Times. Before Otis Chandler took over, the paper was profitable and powerful, but considered to be a joke with respect to its journalism. It was a pro Establishment, pro Republican rag until Chandler made it something more. The same was true of the Washington Post when changes were made under Ben Bradlee in 1965.
Also, the false charges about liberal bias have become a conventional wisdom that can cost you viewers and revenue. But also at play is a kind of journalistic cowardice that I don’t think that anyone can explain.
Also, compare the journalism in the UK. There, many of the major papers are explicitly right wing, most readers know it, and they subscribe to the rag that will feed them what they want. And of course any news organization controlled by Rupert Murdoch is going to be full of lies.
Anyone following the UK post office scandal? Holy shit.
Paul in KY
@TBone: You got me pegged!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Jesus Christ, it’s bad:
I wonder how much of that was due to Melinda.
Paul in KY
@catclub: Glad the cord broke 1st! Way to go, though, on doing what you had to do to ensure your vehicle would start.
@2liberal: No lasers? That means no Dark 2Liberal!
But good news nevertheless. Well, except the getting old part.
Trivia Man
@Steeplejack: Ooh la di da – look at the fancy french word!
-Moe Szzylak
zhena gogolia
@2liberal: I’m so glad.
That is what astounds me. They are a profession with the First Amendment specifically to protect them.
Yet, other than Pro Publica and some other outlets, the big papers of record have places they just will not go. Strange.
@eclare: A lot.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@catclub: Maybe he was counting the 2016 primary.
@trollhattan: smooches, I fuckin luv that 😆
dr. luba
You shouldn’t. Look up Walter Duranty.
@dr. luba: The FTF NY Times’ newish editor, Joe Kahn, is a piece of work.
It is noticeable they have discontinued reader comments on many politics stories, particularly about Biden (the old). Reader commenters often take the spin and disinformation in a story to task.
And: they screen for comments. Your pro-Biden comment may not get selected, but to look at what they put up, Times readers are frothing to replace or primary him.
Not believable.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Absolutely horrifying.
That honestly may be working in our favor. Chomsky has been…disappointing, of late.