Suppose y’all are settling in for the night. Same.
Just finished a slice of key lime pie- at this burn rate I think we have enough pie for us to have a slice after dinner for the next three nights. I’m just throwing that out there so that you all can marvel at my supernatural self control, because I could eat that entire thing in one setting and then be ill for the next 12 hours and NOT REGRET IT AT ALL. If you have ever heard anyone talk up the Rock Springs Cafe pies and thought “they can’t be all that” well I am here to tell you that yes, they in fact are all that.
Dinner was open faced roast beef sandwiches- found a sale on that shredded beef stuff at Fry’s which is the local Kroger affiliate, had everything else in stock, and Joelle is in watching a movie called Anatomy of a Fall. I’m relieved that we are to the point that I do not need to buy a bunch of stuff every time I cook- the pantry is pretty much stocked, so I can get in and out of the grocery store under 20 bucks.
Tomorrow Joelle and I are doing a deep clean of the house and looking at paint colors.
Went to a dispensary to check things out and maybe pick something out for myself, and the young fellow took my id and asked me what I had in mind and I asked him if he had anything that would “make me feel 21 and skinny.” Without missing a beat he looked me directly in the eyes and said:
“We don’t sell cocaine.”
I got the giggles at a dispensary without having to even use any of the product.
The dispensaries just piss me off for two real reasons. One, when I grew up you had to spend an hour in some weird dude’s basement watching Faces of Death or watching them play shitty video games for an hour before he would sell you an overpriced eighth full of stems and seeds (that would never fucking grow no matter how hard you tried) and now you walk in and they have like 50000 varieties in every possible way to consume other than suppositories and it’s legal.
I’m kidding, that doesn’t piss me off at all. It’s awesome. It’s safe, affordable, regulated, and no one is getting fucking shot in the parking lots.
But what really does piss me off is that for at least the last ten years some Democrat in WV has introduced a bill to legalize weed and every year it gets shot down. Weed grows fucking wild in WV- when I was in the National Guard I would earn money in the summer by going on Weed Eradication Duty. We are perfectly located in between major metro markets like Baltimore and DC and Pittsburgh and Cleveland, and weed consumption goes hand in hand with the legions of mountain bikers and river rafters and hikers who come here every year.
We could have done so much with that money, and maybe we wouldn’t have so many dead people who turned to pills to manage pain when other more effective options are out there. Just a fucking tragedy.
Honest to god.
Anne Laurie
This inspired me to look up an old favorite — did not realize how ‘famous’ Jim Stafford was when I saw him at a midwestern college bar in 1974/75! (Still have the cassette, somewhere… )
But, but, but, if you started legalizing weed, then the LIBRULS would come!
I’m so ducking sick of work. I even took today off and did something I enjoyed instead. Burnt out. I hate American life. I hate our shitty little vacation leave policies and how I had to leave so many relationships unattended and visits unmade throughout my working life.
Now a lot of those people are dead. I miss them now and I missed them when they were alive, too.
J. Arthur Crank
Just out of idle curiosity, why don’t they make suppositories that have weed in them? Is this a specific law, or is it that no one has thought of it before?
Told you.
But, but…. that would mean opening up West Virginia to raw CAPITALISM!!! Oh, the horror.
A re-elected Biden with a Democratic House and Senate majority could legalize pot on a national basis. The perfect swan song to partner with Obama Care.
@wjca: So I was just at Trader Joe’s here in Pittsburgh, and they told me that they opened a new warehouse in VA because they’re going to open some store(s) in West by God Virginia. Amazing.
@J. Arthur Crank: They do exist.Link
(sales pitch)
ETA: This is a full service blog after all.
I’m happy to hear that the transition is going so well and that JC is discovering the joys of cohabitation and the metro desert that is Tempe.
Drop us a heads up if you head down to the Old Pueblo…. February is coming and that means the Gem Show will be in town. So if you’re into geology and native crafts and artifacts, do some Google Fu and determine what works best for you. Ping me if you need ideas or want to hang out.
This is why we read this blog.
All I can tell you is I had a gummy experience this summer that made me think I was on an acid trip that was going to do permanent brain damage. So, I’m in the camp that’s highly skeptical that all this stuff is benign.
@J. Arthur Crank: Sounds like a business opportunity to me!
And if weed suppositories are against the law, use the Molly White defense: “It’s impossible for me to be a multimillionaire without robbing a bank, therefore I should be allowed to rob banks.” (She’s talking about AI companies’ reaction to lawsuits over their use of copyrighted material in training their models.)
@J. Arthur Crank: Nym checks.
@Betsy: Me too. I am 2 years, 2 months from retirement. March 1, 2026. And the only reason I am waiting is because of health insurance.
Then it’s every summer in Dublin as my base home to travel all over Europe.
And trufullly I like my job. But I am tired of something or someone having dibs on my time. Enough.
The morality godbotherers have always wasted everyone’s time and money, and have portrayed misery as virtue for centuries. Some day we may get free of them. I hope.
@piratedan: Absolutely endorse the Gem Show. One of the best things in Arizona.
Same for stupid Pennsylvania. The state is now surrounded by weed states, even OHIO, where everything is illegal except guns.
@wenchacha: Dude, you can get a weed card here in PA as easy as breathing. Get some awesome gummies!
The thing that pisses me off in PA is the stupid alcohol laws! Fuck this “Fine Wine & Good Spirits” bullshit. And these ludicrous sin taxes. I can’t buy cooking wine at Trader Joe’s. Fuck you, PA.
C Stars
We had baked salmon, mashed potatoes, and asparagus spears with bottled balsamic glaze, a handy new condiment from TJ’s. It was good. Then I suddenly started feeling dizzy and headachy and had to stay home while the spouse and kids are at this cool music event that I planned and got the tickets for. Kind of a bummer. I feel better now that I am lying down although staring at my phone probably isn’t a great idea. And have a sudden craving for key lime pie
A dispensary was supposed to open down the street from me but it hasn’t happened. Ironically, I now live a couple blocks away from the guy I used to buy weed from forty years ago.
C Stars
Rodney Dangerfield always wanted to feel 21 and pretty.
John S.
The marijuana stores here in WA are outrageous. The stuff is cheaper and way more potent than anything I could buy 30 years ago — and not having to watch Faces of Death is a huge bonus.
Omnes Omnibus
Was the dispensary anything like this?
New Libertine’s single out. “Shiver”
I applaud your iron self control in not devouring the entire pie all at once.
That’s me and pizza: I might start out saying “I’ll only have two, maybe three slices” but the unspoken addendum generally seems to be “…per hour.”
Never did weed. Guess I’m a little weird. Drop an e, add ir. Cryptic crossword joke.
Peke Daddy
I hear you, John. Helped grow medicinal cannabis for a veteran who has still survived malignant metastatic thyroid cancer and crippling post- op pain in the early ’20s, as well as other patients. Prop 215 was still shaking out, and people were still getting prosecuted all around us although following the law. Felt good helping move the ball a little.
Just flipping through broadcast channels and passed a Frasier episode where a caller into his show said, “I can’t believe they pay you to spout this balloon juice!”
Amazing stuff.
Key lime pie 😋😋😋
@wjca: Manchin clan will need their cut…
xitter is abuzz with clips of tfg rambling incoherently in his rally in NH tonight. Confused Haley with Pelosi and blamed her for not calling the National Guard out on Jan 6 for example.
And now that I know we aren’t supposed to just quietly go to bed without an announcement: G’nite all.
@Anne Laurie
Salty Sam .
Oh dang, AL, nice blast from the past!
@different-church-lady: Yes. Way back in the dark ages I had a brownie someone cooked (this was in the Seeds and Stems era). It was much more like tripping than being stoned. Very intense, I didn’t do it again.
Citizen Dave
@teezyskeezy: I was watching Ep 1 of Mike Myers’ The Pentaverate on netflix the other night and with the subtitles there was a line with “balloon juice”. Show was unwatchable though. Skipped to the last episode tonight. Been going thru my queue before cancelling netflix.
wait, mr johnc does not drink alcohol but smokes the weed? seems like a bad idea but definitely weed is way better than booze for sure!
Friend of a friend made regular runs “back home” to the holler for the best bud. She kept a big bag in the freezer.
@Suzanne: But hey! You can buy beer and wine in PA at the grocery store now. Beer by the six-pack! Used to be you had to go to the beer distributor and get a case and that was it. We’re slowly advancing to the level of the southern states.
@satby: As the General Election gets closer and closer, normies beginning to tune in are going to be jolted with who TIFG is today. I don’t think many – outside of MAGA and diehard GQP voters – will look at who he’s become and vote for him to lead our nation.
He is Old Yeller after getting rabies. And we know how that ended.
Rock Springs Cafe and cannabis dispensary within driving distance = trouble. Good trouble. Even (dare I say it) *necessary* trouble.
Doc Sardonic
Jim Stafford is a heck of a guitar player, and also funny as hell. Florida boy from a little place outside of Lakeland called Eloise. Like most of small town Florida, Eloise ain’t small any more.
@Citizen Dave
In case you happen to have what was known as the basic plan (no ads, stream to only a single device at a time, downloading available) you’ve been grandfathered in. If you cancel, that level will disappear as well and no longer be available as a choice should you opt to return.
Taverns could sell you a six-pack as well.
This is cartoonish.
Back in the late 1970s, I visited a cousin in California. He used his mom’s non-pot brownie recipe and put in (he said) what amounted to a fifth of an ounce per brownie. (Note: this was the old weed, not the new incredibly potent stuff.)
We ate one brownie each at Santa Monica Beach, expecting to have a lovely time becoming intently focused on shells and sandcastles.
We passed out entirely, never even made it off the towels. When we woke up, we were both soooo sunburned. Like, lobster red all over.
Edibles are, have always been, sneaky bastards. You don’t feel the high coming on, and it hits like a freight train. With today’s potent stuff, it’s got to be even worse.
Those of us who have been paying attention all along find it easy to see how much he has deteriorated — and from what we see as a low base. But I suspect that the change will come as a real shock to those who last paid attention to him in 2020. Because they will be seeing the change all at once.
With one hand behind her back?
@HumboldtBlue: Gah. I couldn’t even finish watching that.
@piratedan: @Suzanne: Okay, they’re gems, not minerals. At least they’re not rocks!
Hank Schrader Minerals
That’s hard to watch.
@NotMax: He had a theater in Branson for awhile. I think they tore it down in 2021. Branson, where all the country music stars go to die.
So, another typical day ending in ‘y’ then?
Also Russian comedians.
@rekoob: plenty of those too!
I usually hit the miners show on the NW side because I have an affinity for the roughs, but oodles of stuff to see and potentially empty your wallet.
I’m in between. Obvs it’s not benign, alcohol isn’t either… I agree very much with what JC said though, because it seems like the old-age and cancer care establishment around us is so set on pushing the other stuff, which for shure is not benign either. Nursing homes, hospice orgs will say they just won’t accept anyone using cnbs stuff, even though it’s legal. I felt very out of place at the med. dispensary where I got pain relieving meds for a cancer patient, but I bless them pretty much every day for providing way more effective relief with way less down side for our loved one.
@frosty: But they can’t sell it at Trader Joe’s and Costco, and they don’t have BevMo. It’s bullshit.
Seriously, had I realized this shit before relocating, I might have gone elsewhere. And I don’t even drink very much. But when I want what I want, I want it.
Now we know what the car will be loaded up with for the return trip in March?
@NotMax: You think he’s going back? I am skeptical.
@Suzanne: I thought he didn’t have a choice. He hasn’t said whether the old Bethany estate is for sale plus I highly doubt he can get his folks to move.
RW Media is freaking out!
Not going to link to RWNJ links, but they’re definitely out there for you to search. Faux news announcer was visibly fighting back tears after drawing the short straw and forced to report the awesome news! 🤣
Jim Stafford had his theater in Branson for 30 years; it succumbed to COVID in 2020.
He was married to Bobbie Gentry for a couple of years in the ’70s. She has been in seclusion since 1982.
(Thank you, Wikipedia.)
@Yutsano: They have planes, he can visit the parents!
I don’t use weed b/c I don’t seem to have come equipped with a once-in-a-while button. It’s every day, or not at all — and I really don’t want to be high or mellow or happy or relaxed or whatever the fuck they call it now.
I started buying weed in 1970, in a small town in northern Michigan, which I can promise you was not easy to do. Today i live on an island in the PNW, and Mr Hitchhiker knows when the local dispensaries have Senior Day, because he’s cheap that way. He uses it to regulate certain autonomic functions that got wonky when he got a spinal cord injury many years ago. It works better than the Rx drugs they prescribed, tho’ it took a lot of doing to get doses/strains correct.
That’s the real reason for the feds to de-regulate weed: so that actual science can be done that will allow people who could benefit from it to do that. Not everybody is as determined, resourced, and patient as my spousal unit.
Chacun á son goût.
In the category of ‘kick them while they’re down’, Josh Marshall reports that Ron DeSantis’s flailing campaign is so pathetic, they couldn’t even manage to register for the New York primary before the deadline. Even actual dropouts like Chris Christie were able to send in the paperwork on time.
Trump in fine form in New Hampshire tonight!
Lol. I’ve heard of butt-chugging for booze, but not butt-huffing or, um, munching? for pot. Maybe suppositories, instead of being called edibles, should be called inedibles, or insertables.
Also too I suspect has to show up in person some time for the day job. WFH only carries so far.
Psilocybin mushrooms are now legal in CO, it’s sparked A LOT of conversations.
Microdosing, full-on magical trip, etc, etc
Can’t say I’m not a bit curious…and when I have the time, might explore some different opportunities.
This word fine that you use. I do not think it means…,
(No need to finish the sentence, y’all are familiar with the original.)
Chetan Murthy
@NotMax: Yakov Smirnoff was born in Odesa. *grin
@Steeplejack: Covid got quite a bit of stuff in Branson. It didn’t kill it off, though.
I tried pot when I was in college. It made me really high and paranoid; I didn’t enjoy it at all. I think my system doesn’t like most mind-altering substances. I rarely have more than one alcoholic drink, although I’ll have two glasses of wine. It makes me really sleepy.
@frosty: Ya see, this is why legal cannabis is better for everyone involved: The testing required so you have a clear idea on exactly how much you are taking. I occasionally take 5 mg of an edible that I got when I asked for a sleep aide; works great. The regulatory framework means you know how much is in each edible, instead of always wondering and having to be a guinea pig for the latest brownie baking.
Sure there is super strong stuff available and I too have concerns about heavy users. However, I have major concerns about heavy drinkers and there’s still tons of bars and liquor stores. If you compare the societal costs of alcohol but save your opprobrium only for cannabis, well, Prohibition was a thing that was tried and it didn’t work, just like prohibition of pot is not working; in both cases it brought the rise of organised crime by unsavoury types making the money that prohibition of anything always leads to. There will always be people with addictive issues, but I think the majority understand moderation and should not be forced into prohibition because a subset are alcoholics/addicts. I’m with John 100%.
I hear you. I’m lucky. In a pinch I can drive four miles south over the Mason-Dixon Line to the closest restaurant/package store. The new owners really improved their inventory five or so years ago.
I wholeheartedly agree with John about the experience of visiting a Cannabis dispensary . It is liberating . I left NY before legalization and moved to Fla. so Cannabis wise, I was still dealing with expensive, mediocre weed.
When I moved to The Bay Area I was amazed at the variety of products . I was even able to find wonderful Blonde Hash, my youthful favorite. I am now a very light user of Indica at bedtime.
On the COVID front, I am finding it to be a very strange condition. The prevailing situation is extreme fatigue interspersed with bouts of low grade fever accompanied by coughing, sneezing, brain fog and vertigo. My apatite is still off. I even experienced an hour where I felt energized enough to transplant some new cactus and succulents into a new display. Afterwards, however, all I could do was stretch out on the couch and watch an episode of “The Venture Brothers” followed by 2 episodes of “Upstart Crowe”. By 8:30 I managed to take Lucy out for a very brief walk. I was in bed by 9.
I am really glad I have a “mild” case of it. I have started the anti-viral med. I’m optimistic . Fingers crossed.
@TaMara: Go for it. It’s the only thing that has ever helped my lifelong depression, which is now gone, gone, gone. Email me if you’d like to discuss.
@Anotherlurker: When did you come down with Covid? I wish you a speedy recovery!
On the topic of that stuff, I and several other people I know received a direct mail piece a few days ago: on one side it proclaims
100% legal THC
No ID or medical card needed
Enjoy 20% OFF + a FREE 5ct of gummies
with code etcetc
All to the left of a cardboard piece which I estimate to be 9″x6″ landscape. To the right on the same side, an image of what I presume to be some excellent looking plant material of the cannabis variety. On the other side, it has to the left six pics in two columns of three with a legend for each pic – Spark It Up, Potent Edibles, Disposable Vapes, Pre-Rolls, you get the idea. On the right various statements with such things as
Fast Shipping via certified First Class USPS mail
Discreet and confidential packaging
Easy ordering with just a few clicks
Lab certified in DEA certified (!!!!!) labs – didn’t know the DEA performed this service for consumers, no, I did not.
Oh yeah, a website called hellomood dot com with the mailer out of St. Louis. This raised a number of questions to my mind. Always bearing in mind that any interest on my part in such products would be strictly hypothetical:
1. How the fuck did I end up on this mailing list?
2. 100% legal? I don’t think so under federal law and not under state law where I reside.
3. How the hell did this get by postal inspectors? It’s for damn sure against postal regulations to send advertisements for illegal substances direct to potential consumers through da US Mail, kind of like sending a direct mail flyer in Tennessee advertising moonshine.
4. Hypothetically speaking, would a reasonable person order anything from this entity, whatever it may be? Oh HELL no. There are so many things wrong with this I can’t imagine them all, and my imagination is alive and well.
So yeah, American advertising at work.
Any input from legal jackals totally welcome.
You may have heard the saying: five drunk guys will start a fight, five stoned guys will start a band.
@StringOnAStick: Thanks for your good wishes, S.o.S.
I tested + on Wednesday after feeling poorly for since Monday. This winter has been one respiratory annoyance after another, starting around Thanksgiving, but this is the first time for a + test.
I am so glad it is mild compare to stories I heard of other’s experiences.
@danielx: It sounds like a scam. As you said, weed is still illegal on the federal level.
O yeah, but who is the scammer? This sounds a little – actually a whole lot – over the top for law enforcement but who else could get the mailer past postal inspectors?
It’s been obvious for decades that pot ought to be treated legally similarly to alcohol: regulated, not banned. (The lesson of Prohibition seems to have had to be relearned by a new generation.)
I wonder if it was easier for me to see because I am able to be utterly objective. I’m hyper-allergic to the stuff: even before there’s enough in the air for the smell to be noticable, *I* know its there. Like 2 knitting needle being driven into the base of my skull. Not fun. So I’ve got no interest in using it personally.
@J. Arthur Crank: You could turn that curiosity into a market opportunity?
@danielx: Could be a setup to see who is willing to risk getting busted by postal inspectors, or it could be a complete scam to see who is willing to foolishly send $ that won’t be fulfilled with any real products. The Nigerian price scam made money too, so keep trying what brings in $ until it doesn’t I guess.
@Suzanne: All box stores/franchises ring the death knoll for locally owned independent small regional businesses.
I worked until I was 72, and find that retirement is all it’s cracked up to be. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Some really nice dispensaries in my town now that recreational products are legal. You can get buds, pre-rolls, gummies, chocolates, beverages, tinctures, balms etc all in varying doses and combos. Something for everyone. Xcept for that one weird friend (early 60s, from NoCal) who complains that the whole legal industry is set up to cater to dudes only. I just laugh when I think of the fruit gummies and the dark chocolate chile edibles that are crafted specifically for us old white ladies. I think she might prefer the good old days of buying shit weed in a dark alley.
Salty Sam .
Nah, it’s legal. The 2018 Farm Bill passed by Congress and signed into law allows the sale of cannabis products with an upper limit of 0.3% THC. I’m not sure what the level required to get stoned is, and since I don’t use the stuff anymore, don’t care to try. But it’s out there, and legal.
ETA- it’s not going to be anywhere as NEAR as strong as what you’ll find in a dispensary in a pot-friendly state.
@danielx: when I go to dispensaries here, they ask for IDbefore you walk in the door. I can’t imagine this mail order shit is legit. It’s possible to purchase from these shops online, but you have to pick up in person.
C Nelson Reilly
@J. Arthur Crank: They do make weed suppositories but they haven’t really caught on because they’re hard to light
The first legal pot store I visited said their business model allowed me to buy pot the same as I have before it was legal.
I told him I wanted a pound, ….of course he wasn’t allowed to fill the order.
Are we tangentially talking beer? “Wally, Wally, Wally!”
I’m another who’s never tried weed. If it ever becomes 100% legal in the US, I might try some mild eatables to see how it affects me. It’s the only controlled substance I have any genuine curiosity about.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I can eat a bag of what knocked you loopy and would every day except for diabetes and the cost…lol! I happily munch a couple of 50 mg. edibles when I want to, day or night and I would challenge you to be able to tell that I had. Over 50 years of experience and I think I’ve replaced a bit of my blood with some good shit.
I make the joke that I want to be cremated in a giant bong to be shared among my friends.
It’s a controlled substance, like broccoli. You just ain’t heard about nobody smoking broccoli.
The Lodger
@frosty: Back in the day you could buy one or two six packs at any bar, but the beer distributors wouldn’t sell less than a full case. If you wanted three six packs, you were SOL.
The Lodger
@frosty: the Mason-Dixon Line has probably saved the sanity of thousands of Pennsylvanians that way.
Very dubious about mail-order THC or marijuana products. To the best of my knowledge, every “legal” state has bans on transportation out of state, whether by automobile, rail, or air. That’s certainly true here in Colorado, and in Washington State, residents have found out the hard way that transportation to Canada, or from Canada, is illegal. In other words, even transportation between two “legal” states is banned.
I agree it’s time for the Feds to end this Anslinger-era foolishness. A mistake that started in the Thirties, by a group of unemployed Prohibition police, does not need to continue.
It’s weird to think in the 1890’s, nearly any kind of sex information, contraception, or just about any form of non-straight sex was illegal, thanks to the Comstock Acts, while all drugs, including heroin and cocaine, were legal and completely unregulated.
John, with regard to “waiting for the man” > God had blessed me for those lost hours of chasing down the dealer by putting a dispensary a block from my home. That is all 🙂
@Suzanne: @Yutsano: dead thread, but John is not staying in AZ in hot weather. He’ll be a snowbird. He deals with heat like I do, which is “not at all well”.
Was over your way yesterday having lunch with a couple buddies. Went to the Opa Life Greek Cafe. Try some of their Greek Fries as a side. WARNING: they are addictive!
@Steeplejack: Wow!
Yet MAGAs look at him and see someone powerful. Ugh.
@SteveinPHX: What are greek fries?
@StringOnAStick: and if you don’t totally believe this description, cut one dose in half, eat the half, wait an hour, eat more as necessary. No reason to be scared.
@anitamargarita: It’s been decades since I’ve been anywhere near the stuff but I’ve found curious the difference between US and UK preferred modes of delivery*
In the UK it was almost exclusively hash. I had a theory that you tell the degree of tension in the Middle East via the price of hash as it nearly all came from the Bekaa valley in Lebanon
Miss Bianca
@TaMara: I haven’t tripped in umpty-ump years, still have some mushrooms that a friend gave me several years ago – I have heard there’s been some research saying mushroom dosing can be good for dealing with depression, which is definitely a thing with me. I may have to try it again some day!
@StringOnAStick: Ooh! Do tell, sometime!
Michael Cain
John, is what’s growing wild in WV drug-quality marijuana, or industrial hemp? (They generally look identical.) When I was a college kid there were lots of stands of hemp in Nebraska, all derived from industrial hemp that was widely planted during WWII. Once established in a ravine or along a creek bank, hemp is very hard to get rid off. I knew people who would collect flowers, cure them, do all that stuff right, and still couldn’t get high. Willie Nelson himself couldn’t smoke enough of that stuff to get high.
For a while after Colorado made recreational use legal, and high-quality plants and processing were established, at least one of the Mexican drug cartels was smuggling pot from Colorado to Mexico for their discerning clients there.
Paul in KY
@frosty: I made the mistake of giving my cousin a 1/2 ‘special’ cookie before a music fest. Turned out he had never done THC in his life. Had to take him to the medical tent about 3 hours later. Big mistake by me.
Paul in KY
@danielx: It’s probably ‘weed’ without the THC. Sorta like the time I was at my cousin’s house and he showed me some of the nicest looking weed I’ve ever seen. Told me to roll up as big a doobie as I wanted. I did and proceeded to smoke on it. After about 5 mins, I said I wasn’t feeling anything special. He said that weed was bad & would not get you high, no matter how much you smoked.
Paul in KY
@kalakal: I haven’t had any honest-to-God hash in 45 years. Sure would like some.
@The Lodger: And Maryland has Total Wine, which carries things you’ll never see at the PA State Store.
He’s what GAVE Old Yeller rabies.
He’s lost what teeny tiny little mind he ever had, and that was never worth much to began with.