File this under things I never thought I would see:
Alexander Vindman writing the words Motherfucking traitors.
Contact Scalise.
(202) 225-3015 And contact YOUR Representative to let them know what you think of them not voting to secure our borders and provide aid to allies.— Alexander S. Vindman ❎ (@AVindman) February 5, 2024
Take a minute to call your representative and tell them what you think of the traitors in the House? When you call, I strongly recommend not using the word motherfucking, in any of its forms. And maybe call that motherfucking traitor, Scalise, too.
Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House.
Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration.
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) February 5, 2024
Make calls for the Democratic candidate who could replace the lying sack of shit, Santos.
Flip NY-3 – Tom Suozzi leads in the early polls and will win if we give Tom the resources and volunteers he needs. The election is Feb. 13th and early in person voting has begin so please take an action to help Tom today! If you want to learn more watch my recent interview from last week, and take an action here:
Donate – Learn More – Get Updates – Canvass – Make Calls
IF Tom Suozzi wins, the R margin gets significantly smaller than it will be if he LOSES.
Is there a way to call the White House with feedback, as we can for senators and representatives?
Also, people have been asking about charities to support Ukraine, so I just want to remind you that the Ukraine thermometer is still in the sidebar. The two organizations in the thermometer are World Central Kitchen and Razom for Ukraine – you can choose to donate to just one of them, or both of them.
Remember: it’s not hopeless, and we’re not helpless.
Open thread.
Nice article. Seems to have a typo. Couldn’t email you.
It Tom Suozzi wins, the R margin gets significantly smaller than it will be if he wins.
@Ailuridae: Good catch.
Also, email contact information is here.
Mom has already cast an early vote for Suozzi. Said there was a line waiting to vote.
Because feasting on the corpse of DeSantis is really fun, enjoy this.
“I’ll permanently fuck up your biorhythms.”
God, these people are all terrible.
Again: Republican failure is the breeze in my hair on the weekend.
Chris Johnson
I mean, it’s literally true, go ahead and say it
I made the call to my rep bring the Senate bill to the floor and vote for it. Also the nth call I’ve made to say “Give Ukraine everything they ask for.”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Suzanne: That is such a weird threat. If somebody said that to me in what they thought was a threatening voice, I’d just be standing there with my head cocked like a confused pup for five minutes.
Not the desired effect, is what I’m saying.
Maybe I’d follow them and ask for clarification. “I’m sorry, can you explain that? What exactly are you saying you’d do? Uh-huh, and that would affect my biorhythms in what way exactly? Really, do you have a cite on that? etc.”
That sounds unusually devious for Orange Hitler. Almost like a Russian operation. Probably was.
Alexander Vindman’s brother Eugene Vindman is running to for Congress in Virginia’s 7th congressional district. He’s in a four person primary race to succeed Abigail Spanberger (she won the 7th in 2022 by 4.2%, but decided to run for Governor in 2025). The primary will be held in June.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: It is so weird! It is the kind of thing a prep school AP Bio douchebag type would say, trying to sound like a badass.
Thought the Williamson campaign called dibs on that.
@NotMax: No, they’d threaten to fuck up your chi.
Alison Rose
In a 90s teen movie
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Any (really early but why not?) thoughts on her gubernatorial prospects?
@WaterGirl: I don’t know why these assholes say things like, “in hindsight”. Some of us had foresight and knew what was about to happen.
One of my least favorite human interactions is when you say something that someone doesn’t like or doesn’t agree with, and they respond, “I don’t understand”. I always want to say, “You understand, you just don’t like it.” DeSantis just didn’t like it.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Trump’s campaign manager this time is Susie Wiles, who ran DeSantis’s campaign in 2018. There is a lot of bad blood between them now and Wiles absolutely is devious and subtle enough to run an op like that.
Why Scalise? Other than he’s in House GOP leadership. Did he say something?
All I’m seeing is two Vindman tweets on either side of a screen grab for how to contact Scalise’ office, as shown below:
I mean, Vindman is clearly outraged about something. But what?
I for one remain to be convinced that a weirdo who thinks he is literally Moses herding a crowd of feral maniacs simping for an insane lunatic is any way to get the votes of more than about 25-30% of the population of the US. Of course they will try to cheat, but I think they’d have to cheat on some quantatively unprecedented scale to actually tip the election.
As a Canadian, I’m actually not sure what I can legally do to help Joe Biden secure his second term, but certainly open to ideas…
Quoted for truth.
Alison Rose
Spreading the word 👊🏾
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I think Spanberger will win the primary against Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney and will win the general election. As former Lt. Governor Bill Bolling observed, Spanberger is a formidable politician and there is no one on the Republican bench to match her. Bolling is a fairly shrewd and objective observer who won two statewide elections and six others before that.
I don’t think you can fuck up someone’s biorhythms. I took a passing interest in the subject decades ago (related to sports performance). They are just three sine waves of different lengths (in days)—physical, emotional, intellectual—that start at birth and perk along from there. The whole pseudoscience is based on your having good or bad days depending on where in the cycles your biorhythms are. There’s nothing for anyone to fuck with.
I called my rep just now. I called the local office on Wednesday, the DC office today. Today, I started quoting the Bible as only Mennonite who grew up going to church Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings as a minimum can. I said I believe in the separation of church and state but if Mike Johnson is going to drag God around like his personal stuffy, I’m going to push back and I expect my Congress critter to do likewise. It is blasphemy to think Mike Johnson was “sent” to engineere the end times. Zealot.
They do give me sympathetic murmuring when I tell them that the village where my father grew up, where I walked in 2018, has been under Russian occupation since March of ’22. I don’t want those murmurs , though. I want money to Ukraine.
@Alison Rose:
Thank you! Nothing made sense without that.
I assume Scalise is lying, and that there’s no number of ‘illegal immigrants’ that will be allowed in. Persons seeking asylum are legally entitled to enter the country, and (not knowing what’s in the Senate bill) I assume he’s dishonestly referring to them as illegals. And asylum recipients need to support themselves, duh, so of course they should receive work permits.
Believe the bipartisan Senate bill caps the number of asylum claims processed daily to 5000
I signed up this morning to write letters with Swing Left for Tom Suozzi’s election. They are having a zoom event tomorrow night.
A religious kook with delusions of grandeur.
There’s a reason for separation of church and state. If a religion can control the government, then the fight becomes about which religion gets to control the government, and the next thing you know, we’ve got a domestic version of the Thirty Years’ War, with different sects of supposed ‘Christians’ killing each other in the name of the Lord.
Not exactly something I’d like to see, here or elsewhere.
In which case he’s lying: asylum seekers are here legally.
Righteous rant!
Well of course, he’s lying. That was the context for the 5000 number though.
@lowtechcyclist: @Alison Rose:
I added the Steve Scalise tweet up top so no one else has to wonder.
@Anyway: People like Scalise don’t accept that asylum should be legal, at least not for darker-skinned people.
No sure they care that much about legal. Since they’re more than happy to ignore laws they don’t like. (As long as everybody else is required to obey laws they do like.)
Paul in KY
@WaterGirl: Ha! Like reading that quote!
Paul in KY
@lowtechcyclist: About the House GQPers and their perfidity and Scalise just channeling it all as a traitor scum douchcanoe, etc. etc.
@lowtechcyclist: On its own Christians killing each other in the name of their Lord doesnt bother me at all. That they wont stick to just killing each other and will inevitably drag the rest of us into it and thereby the country down does.
@RedDirtGirl: That’s great! Score one for the good guys.
Paul in KY
@Parfigliano: One side or the other will just assume you are a ‘Christian’ (of the splitter side) and will try to get you if that starts.
sheila in nc
There is a good synopsis of the Senate bill in WaPo.
Senate bill
Should be a gift link.
TL:DR Scalise is lying/way oversimplifying.
William D
called the DC office of my rep d issa…spoke to very nice young lady who said issa strongly supported Ukraine aid but that she couldn’t promise a yes vote on something that hadn’t reached the House Floor…told her and left message urging issa to do something to help it reach the floor
@Suzanne: ❤️
@Suzanne: sea lion’s delight.
@Shalimar: direct burner line to the Kremlin.
@H.E.Wolf: 👏
@Nelle: bring that fire!
@Parfigliano: but some of us are not wanting to be in that line of fire. I’m a Xtian WITCH.
@Geminid: Besides Eugene Vindman, state Delegates Elizabeth Guzman and Brianna Sewell as well as Prince William County Supervisor Margaret Franklin are running for the 7th CD Democratic nomination. All four candidates are from Prince William County, in the I-95 corridor where 60 per cent or more of 7th District voters live.
Guzman headed up Bernie Sanders’ Virginia campaign in 2020, and that’s a strike against her in my book but not neccesarily for other district Dems.
Vindman has a national following and plenty of donors, but he needs to prove he can be a good candidate because this is not a solidly Democratic district and we’ll need a strong candidate to hang on to it.
I’ll get a chance to watch them all over the next four months but if the primary was today, I’d vote for Sewell if only because I respect Rep. Terry Sewell (AL) and the two women are cousins.
@Shalimar: Wiles is a shrewd lady, and she probably knew Ron DeSantis better than Ron DeSantis did.
If the bill accepts 5000 immigrants a day, the those immigrants are not illegal.
Jesus, these fuckfaces will not stop with the vilification.
Villago Delenda Est
Wow, LTC(Ret) Vindman going full scale infantry kickass on the GQp. Of course, it’s not like they don’t deserve it, especially ammosexual Scalise.
Captain C
@Steeplejack: Weren’t biorhythms one of those pseudosciences that was big in the ’70s?
Paul in KY
@different-church-lady: Mexico has an immigration quota. Let’s say it is 3,000 per year. Those are the ‘legal’ immigrants (they do all the paperwork, are approved, etc. etc.). Anyone else is an ‘illegal’, legally.
hells littlest angel
Can anyone explain why we aren’t hearing the words “discharge petition” regarding the Senate’s bill?
@hells littlest angel: I have been wondering that myself. House Democrats put one out last May, as a vehicle for a debt ceiling bill. McCarthy folded before it had gathered many signatures.
Like the debt ceiling, the problem of Ukraine funding was forseeable, and Rep. Gallego spoke of it and the possibility of a discharge petition last January when this Congress began, in an interview with Military Times. But if Democrats have lined up a bill suitable for a discharge petition, they have yet to show their hand.
Matt McIrvin
If the bill will let them enter legally, in what sense are they “illegal”? Seems like the clearest evidence yet that what they mean by “illegal” is not literally “against the law”, if a law can let in illegals.
@Matt McIrvin: It means they are not white, as Republicans define “white,” and they probably speak Spanish and not Murkin. Seriously, they do not want asylum seekers. They think it’s a scam to let in immigrants who would otherwise be illegal.
At a guess, waiting for the Senate bill to pass. Until then, there’s nothing to discharge. Although they might well be lining up signatures in the background.
And it won’t be amazing if Johnson rants about the bill and then caves and brings it up for a vote. Given his skill at his job, he count have miscounted the votes and think it would be voted down. He really is that dumb.
karen marie
Thank you, kids, for making it SO EASY to donate to support Ukraine.