I know it’s twitter, but please take a minute to watch this video, or go find it on MSNBC and watch it there. It’s quite heartening, and we can all use more of that.
Rosenberg: If we take a district that we lost by seven and a half points last time, in 2022, and flip it, it means all those Republicans who won Biden districts in 2022, are terrified. Because this is exactly the kind of district the Republicans have to hold. pic.twitter.com/fA3CQDB5bg
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 14, 2024
h/t Manyakitty on the briefing.
Oh, and a quick reminder that the Ukraine raffle goes until 5 pm Eastern this evening. Check out previous posts for details.
Open thread.
If anyone missed this first-rate headline, WaPo asks us why Republicans are “more likely to suffer hearing loss?” It is to laugh.
gift link: https://wapo.st/3SVWg4m
Hope those terrified Rs get religion soon enough to sign the discharge petition on Ukraine funding.
Almost Retired
@NutmegAgain: Ha! I’m sure Republicans are also more likely to suffer from enlarged prostates; even the women.
Alison Rose
I am always here for Dems encouraging Dem voters to be optimistic, especially since that’s so damn hard for us most of the time.
Hearing news reports about a serious national security threat. Jake Sullivan briefing right now.
Reminder: they’re always fukn terrified. It’s what makes a bully a coward. I say make ’em spit their Chiclets every time! Come up SWINGIN’! And singin’!
@TBone: it’s always a good day to punch a Nazi.
@Manyakitty: Amen to THAT. Every fukn DAY
Alison Rose
@Manyakitty: Hmm. He just said he’s meeting with the Gang of 8 tomorrow about it, but he can’t say anything specific now.
@Manyakitty: Briefing YouTube link added up top. Thanks for the heads up!
@Alison Rose: yeah. Weird. Turner is less gross than a lot of them. Not sure why he’s acting like it’s emergent today.
Harold Rosenberg’s twitter feed is the reason to keep looking at Twitter. Rosenberg has made these same exact points for the last 4 years. He predicted the dreaded “red wave” in 2022 was a media fantasy.
@WaterGirl: thank you for updating!
Alison Rose
@Manyakitty: I mean…if it were as urgent and scary as Turner is making it sound, I doubt Sullivan and the admin would be brushing it off right now.
Here’s where I promote My Pet Rock again. Remain calm! Carry on!
(See: #18)
@Alison Rose: yeah. Quelle mystery. At least the press corpse seems to be asking reasonable questions.
Like a rock in the river, let it flow around, but not through you. Everyday Zen.
Anonymous At Work
R+7.5 to D+7.8 is a 15-point swing to Democrats. Any R+14 district can be up for grabs. Any R+14 race cannot be taken for granted by either party.
@Alison Rose: I am running behind on the video, but I just heard Jake say that he had “offered” a gang of 8 briefing and that it’s scheduled for tomorrow, and he was surprised to hear that they had discussed that publicly.
So maybe no crisis – just the administration hoping to sway the traitorous republicans with (I know!) information?
Citizen Dave
I want to play poker with this Turner guy. You want to “call on Biden”?, then just call him on the damn telephone.
@cain: ❤️
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Yeah, he seemed pretty ticked that Turner got out over his skis on this. And I do wonder if Turner is exaggerating it a little? Because again, if it were so dire, wouldn’t the admin be moving faster? I don’t know…I’m just tired of being scared all the damn time.
It’s great to flip that district, but it has some unique parameters this time around. One of them is Santos. Being completely embarrassed by your last representative is not going to be the case in every district. Nevertheless, I HOPE that at least some GOP reps are terrified. I wish all of them were!
@Citizen Dave: you just reminded me of this.
thread. “We’re seeing 1) a tactical delay of the transition to buy time for coverup & evidence suppression 2) above all, a desperate endgame which is to create enough chaos & anxiety about peaceful transfer of power, & fear of irreparable damage to the system, that he can cut a Nixon-style deal in exchange for finally conceding. But he doesn’t have the cards. His bluff after ‘the flop’ has been called in court.”
Any flip as it regards the Reichers works for me.
Also, Trump should be spanked (non Stormy edition) by the Judge on Friday.
After the USSC tells Trump to get fucked, the media is going to have to fap harder to keep this election close.
@Dangerman: Dark Brandon: “I spanked him once already and he still won’t shut up about it!”
According to CNN Turner said it’s related to Russia, is “very sensitive” and he’s made it available to all members. What could possibly go wrong.
Citizen Dave
@TBone: Very interesting!
Another lesson about playing poker: the guy at the table with the money from daddy doesn’t care if he wins or loses. It’s about being at the table with the “big” boys.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I was wondering what FTFNYT’s “take” would be on last night’s special election but then good ole DougJ provided the info:
Democrats won last night’s special election in NY-3. So how come it feels like they lost?
Democrat electoral opportunities even bleaker with no new House seats to win until November.
Analysis | Given the outsized spending by Democrats and the lingering stain of George Santos, it’s arguable that the NY-3 special election was really a Republican victory. by Nate Cohn
I’m thinking it’s something to do with Iran. But then again, I’m an idiot and I don’t know jack.
I know this is brilliant, however.
I love the way all the ‘savvy’ political commentators are straining for a way to make this bad for Dems. Or, maybe neutral. It’s, they say, NEUTRAL, dammit NEUTRAL. Ha ha ha.
@Anonymous At Work:
A lot of that is that ‘busybodies’ are inserting themselves and causing a raucous at every stage inserting themselves and their child god king into everything.
If there is one thing we as a country cannot stand – it is busybodies. Every law these GOPers have been putting in place is giving MAGA the power to insert themselves into other people’s lives when it is none of their business.
@Alison Rose: Shit, let’s hope it isn’t a Muslim threat. That will give the GOP and Trump a way to make a lot of noise.
Of course, if it is a white threat – they don’t call that a threat, amiriite? More of people expressing their freedom.
Yeah, one the things Republicans have historically been good at is convincing regularly folks that we were the busybodies because we want to regulate corporations and give women and minorities legal rights.
@HumboldtBlue: I love that so much! Thank you. Also, here is where I make a comparison to menopause!
Alison Rose
@cain: Yes, to the GOP, “white terrorists” is a mythical concept, like the tooth fairy or functioning government.
@Alison Rose: CNN says it’s something about Russia, but no other corroboration and no specificity.
@Baud: Indeed. But more than that – the laws that are being passed is not helping anybody. Other than taxes, the GOP platform doesn’t really have much of anything other than telling you to be afraid of change.
Alison Rose
@Manyakitty: Well…if it’s related to russia, maybe that’ll get the damn Ukraine funding bill through the House.
@Alison Rose:
If it weren’t for white terrorists, the GOP wouldn’t believe in mental illness.
Jeez, what exactly did Tucker Carlson do over there?
Putin should stay away from high open windows?
That’s what I’m seeing.
That sounds like nukes?
@Anonymous At Work: sorry to put a bit of a damper on ya, but NY-03 was won by Biden in 2020 by about the same margin as Souizzi (sp) last night (2022 was really bad for D’s in NY). So this election was a bit more of reverting to the mean than anything else. Districts that are R +15 are not in the same class. But it does support the idea that any R in a seat where Biden won the district in 2020 (17 now & like 5 are in NY) are terrified out the wazzoo & it is likely we will flip a good number of them. And we only need 4 wins to flip the House atm.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Heh. Slight correction to one of the fake headlines: Kevin McCarthy’s seat is coming up–not super soon so the seat remains vacant in the meantime: win-win.
No, it will not flip. Heaviest +R district in the state so net benefit for it remaining unfilled as long as possible.
This is good, I thought. It’s about the author’s father –
I’ve seen lots of stories online similar to that.
@Manyakitty: Anyone who is saying anything at all has no business having the leadership position that gets them into the gang of 8.
@Marcopolo: Saw some analysis last night discussing the changes in that district between 2020 and 2022. The boundaries were redrawn between those two elections in a way that tilted it more towards the Rs. It was not at all a slam dunk that a Dem would do as well now as Biden did in 2020.
@Alison Rose: maybe that’s his motivation? Who even knows any more.
@Baud: right? Another peepee tape?
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: AGREE.
@Dangerman: if only 😍
Fake Irishman
@Anonymous At Work:
Not quite. That district is D+2 on the partisan voting index, which means it votes about two points to the left of the nation as a whole as averaged across the last two presidential elections (Hillary won by 2.1 in 2016 and Joe won by about 4.5 which means the district is “expected” elect a Dem by about 5-5.5 points. 2022 was a disastrous underperformance. But still, an eight-point win is maybe a 2-4 point overperformance. Apply that to Biden 2024 nationwide margins (illustrative tho risky) and, well, we win NC and maybe Florida and make things really interesting in Texas. We also would expect be competitive in any district in the R +5 to +7 range or friendlier.
Just remember that’s assuming nothing shifts asymmetrically between districts.
Bottom line: it’s an encouraging result for taking back the majority, perhaps by a decent margin, but there are lots of moving parts. This isn’t going to be 1936 or 1964.
Fake Irishman
yeah, but we have partisan data at the precinct level that let’s us calculate PVI base on the district’s current configuration.
@WaterGirl: Mike Turner says it is a significant threat that should be declassified so he can talk about it. Which means Republicans think they can use it for political advantage. I agree with you. Anyone thinking that way should not be briefed on these issues.
Alison Rose
We have lost a true giant in American history:
Unfrosted strawberry is the best and I will brook no argument on this 🍓
@Fake Irishman: It is not the same district as it was in 2016 and 2020. Redistricting for 2022 moved it a little more Republican at the margins. In addition, Nassau county is dominated by Republicans in local offices to a degree that it has not been in decades. +2D sounds like a reflection of the current makeup, which means Suozzi overperformed expectations by 5-6 points. Which is excellent but not overwhelming.
@Alison Rose: I prefer the frosted brown sugar. Both of us can be right. Don’t be a Loomis.
Alison Rose
@Shalimar: I used to love those but that’s way too much sweetness for me now.
@Alison Rose: “They can’t go stale because they were never fresh!”
Soon to be a major motion picture.
Another Scott
@HumboldtBlue: There’s noise at CNN and elsewhere about some “Zircon” missile.
Dunno if that has anything to do with it.
@Kay: dang. That was heartbreaking.
@Alison Rose: It was quite the tightwire act to have Pop-Tarts in the house without our young child (at the time) bugging us about them. You don’t want to know which flavor.
OK, that made me laugh.
@WaterGirl: agreed. I was just wondering if it had something to do with trump’s bizarre screed against Adam Schiff last night, but he’s not even on the Intelligence Committee any more. Then again, that wouldn’t necessarily register amongst the brain worms and rot in his head.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Fake Irishman:
Ain’t that the truth. The only way I ever see that happening in what’s left of my lifetime would be under an authoritative regime, kinda like various strong men run elections and get 99% of the vote.
I always tell myself that can’t happen here because our system is so big and so distributed, plus there’s still a lot of “us” around to contest shit.
But then I never thought a) the Orange Fart Cloud would be elected, and b) I’d see some dumbass carrying the American Swastika, aka the stars and bars flag, in the Capitol Rotunda.
In other news:
@Alison Rose: Too many magma burns from overtoasted filling for me to have had an affinity for the things. Now Hostess Fruit Pies (apple and cherry) now we’re talkin’ kid treats.
Still, heck of a legacy there.
What’s today’s bike count?
@HumboldtBlue: Wow, that’s great.
Vote suppression remains the most in-your-face attempted theft of democracy the Republicans commit with practically zero blowback. Remain astonished we seem to roll with it.
Recollect a quote of Coathanger from her pre-SCOTUS times that voting “is a privilege, not a right.”
Citizen Alan
My mother and father were both born in the 1930s and lived on a farm in rural North Mississippi. They both died within the last decade in their mid-eighties. By all rights, they should have been MAGAs. So I thank God every day that they were never caught up in the Fox madhouse. That they never became deranged with hatred like so many of their generation and the two generations that followed them. That, after I politely but firmly asked my father to never use the N-word in my presence, he never did again and (unless my mother was lying to me) voted for Obama twice.
If Satan were a cable tv station, it would be Fox News.
@Alison Rose:
Reminds of a documentary I watched last month.
Fake Irishman
see my 57.
Jay C
A quick Google showed me that there had been a televised debate in SF by the “big 4” CA senatorial candidates (Schiff, Porter, Lee and Garvey) in which Rep. Schiff dumped on TFG – calling him a threat to democracy (accurately, IMO), so that was what probably prodded Trump to excrete that inane post. Loony-tunes as usual.
That was a good read, Kay.
@Alison Rose:
No argument at all.
@Jay C: ah, that at least makes sense. Thanks!
Speaking of baking, the founder of Bob’s Red Mill Flour died. He left the company to its employees.
Very OT: Had the taxes done today and that went well, so no complaints!
I do have a grievance. My local JoAnn is closing down in a month. This is where I buy my thread (I’m picky about thread) and I can score okay fabric at a reasonable price. I also buy sewing notions and whatnot. The closest JoAnn is either Jefferson City or Springfield – and Springfield is closer for me. I am sad for the ladies who work there, they are really good folk.
Anyway, I bought a bunch of fabric and thread today. The manager and I were talking about the store closing and I asked her if the new Hobby Lobby (spit) might have had something to do with it. She didn’t think so, but she did tell me she knew a gal that worked at Hobby Hell, and was told there is a strong cult vibe for the workers, that you must share in the owners’ political/religious beliefs.
We will be able to ice skate in Hell before I’d ever spent a nickel at Hobby Lobby. I hate the damned owners – they are misogynistic assholes who probably funded ISIS when they bought looted antiquities for their bible “museum.” Fucking fascists. (Tell us how you REALLY feel, lol!)
End of rant. Can’t control lots of things, but the cat has food, I’ve got pretty fabric to make raffle blocks, taxes are done, so I’m going to celebrate the good.
@Fake Irishman: I’m not sure that the Partisan Voting Index references national results. I think it is district-specific, saying that in the case of NY03 for instance, the electorate gives Democrats a 2 point advantage. They derive this number from weighing recent election results for the district.
Redrawn districts are analysed using past results in its constituent precincts. When Cook’s determines the PVI for the redrawn Virginia 7th CD, they weigh the 2022 midterm result together with the results 2020 races and 2021 (Governor) race in the various precincts that form the new 7th.
At least, I think that’s how people come up with these district ratings.
@Alison Rose:
Because I was born in 1980 and therefore exhibit the worst qualities of both Gen X and Millennials….. teenage Suzanne of course had a zine. It was called “Strawberry with Frosting”, for my favorite pop tart that I ate for breakfast daily.
Just got my primary ballot in the mail, so Yay! I get to vote for Biden again. Also has Phillips and Williamson and five delusional people I’ve never heard of before.
@Alison Rose:
I cannot argue with this conclusion. :-)
@Baud: Could Tucker be the source? The timing seems right! Remember there was that great statesman who said that she could see Russia from her house. Putin might want to reclaim Alaska.
@Shalimar: You are also looking at a special election. GOP voters tend to turn out in greater proportion then Dems. That is particularly true of a County where much of the vaunted Republican machine of the Reagan to Shrub years is still intact.
So a six point advantage vs. expectation is probably even better than it sounds.
Alison Rose
@trollhattan: Back to three!! Additional Bike and Yet Another Bike had disappeared for a day or so but now they’re back!
So now my thinking is: Original Bike has been permanently abandoned, and two tenants saw this and both felt bad for it, so instead of keeping their bikes inside their apartments, decided to start chaining them up outside with Original Bike to keep it company. But these tenants actually use their bikes so they might go away here and there, but they will always come back to Original Bike’s side, so it knows it has friends in this cold world.
If I sound like a nutjob, I blame it on being a shut-in for two years now.
Alison Rose
@Jay C: Very proud of Balloon Juice’s own Adam Schiff.
Maybe Putin dropped dead. That would be extremely destabilizing.
@Alison Rose:
We raised a good boy.
oh geez that’s right…gotta get to the store and stock up tomorrow!
do we have a pool going as to how much trumpov’s going to have to cough up?
Dead threaded but thanks to Ramalama I was reminded of this on-topic performance. Thanks, Ramalama! 💝
Alison Rose
@Frankensteinbeck: Don’t tease me like that. I have a sneaking suspicion that monster will never die. Or else they’ll do a Weekend At Bernsky’s type thing.
@HumboldtBlue: Stefanik doesn’t want Congress to vote either.
What puzzles me about this is Republicans pushing to publicize information that apparently carries the subtext, “Be very afraid of Russia,” in the context of TFG’s recent invitation to Putin to invade all of Europe. Since the GQP doesn’t do either principles or policy I assume this is motivated by politics. How does this help them when their standard bearer is so publicly cozying up to the force we should be very afraid of?
Alison Rose
BTW if anyone is into figure skating, Ilia Malinin’s free skate at the US Championships a couple weeks ago is awesome. He does have one fall and a broken jump, but he lands a fucking huge quad axel and a few other incredible ones, too. Kid is only 19 and he’s freaking amazing.
Alison Rose
@smith: Maybe there are Repubs who want to support the bill, but they don’t wanna make their Dear Leader mad, so they want to put “big scary russia news” out there to give them cover?
@Kay: I read stuff like that and I’m grateful that while my RWNJ family members are many not-good things when it comes to their politics, they’re not actually crazy.
@trnc: Me too, and I read and comment at LGM on the regular. One of the few blogs I still read (LGM, BJ, Political Wire, occasionally DK for Ukraine coverage, and Comics Curmudgeon).
I assume this is motivated by politics.
Rather safe assumption. I suspect it has to do with Hunter’s laptop, I mean, that’s still a thing, right?
@HumboldtBlue: OMG, that was so funny! I’ve got a co-worker who thinks Kelce is a no-talent thug who only got a chance because of his brother. I try not to judge people by how they were in college.
@Alison Rose: That could be, and if true would be encouraging for a number of reasons, not just for getting Ukraine funded, but also because it shows at least some of them are realistically terrified of November.
@Alison Rose: As one of most revered taglines says, “It would be irresponsible not to speculate.”
@Alison Rose: in honor of his memory.
@Jay C: I was looking at Politico Playbook this morning and was surprised to see that California’s Senate primary is less than 3 weeks away. Time sure flies!
There is a kernel of truth to that. Andy Reid drafted older brother Jason when he coached the Eagles, and then as head coach in KC, he took the chance to draft Travis.
They’ve talked about it openly.
On another note, Pennsylvanians aren’t stupid.
Democratic voters in Philadelphia’s competitive Bucks County say they’re unconcerned about Biden’s age
Bill Arnold
It’s a specific Republican, Mike Turner. Wikipedia says he’s a member of the House Baltic Caucus which means he has an interest in that area.
@Alison Rose: I have a horse that would argue the brown sugar cinnamon is the best. But he will do about anything for Goldfish (crackers, not real fish) .
Weeeeeeell, depends on where in PA they are talking to people. Believe me, lots and lots and lots of Pennsylvanians are dumb as rocks.
ETA: Obviously, Bucks County is NOT one of those places.
Alison Rose
@Ironcity: Jeez, I haven’t had Goldfish crackers in like…probably 20 years. Since my brother’s kids were little and I would share their snacks. I kinda want some now but I have a feeling they wouldn’t taste as good to me now…
@Citizen Alan: Have you read John Grisham’s The Painted House? It’s about about a family living on a northern Mississippi farm post-WWII. It’s pretty good; not your typical Gresham legal thriller.
Jay C
Surprising indeed: for some reason I had thought the CA Senate primary was in late April.
@geg6: yesterday you chided me for disparaging polish donuts right after I’d finished clobbering a heart-shaped jelly donut here in Central PA. I do not disparage any food, especially polish donuts 😆 you musta replied to the wrong jackal.
@Alison Rose:
I get Goldfish every now and then for an office snack. They are still as delicious as ever. However, DO NOT get the extra cheesy or other flavored ones; just get the original. The others are definitely not as good.
Musta replied to the wrong person. Whomever it was was talking about Shrove Tuesday in PA being a day to eat nasty donuts. I’m not huge on donuts, but paczki are 1) not donuts and 2) delicious enough that around here, we call Shrove Tuesday Paczki Tuesday.
I have two eldery clients who came to me for advance planning – seemingly the nicest people – quiet, polite. It was complicated and we met several times. I once walked them out of the office towards their truck and painted in white paint on the back window of the pick up was “fuck Biden”. I was just shocked.
My father told me when I went off to college ..
“Never play cards for money with anyone who doesn’t have to work for a living.”
Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten.
zhena gogolia
@Frankensteinbeck: He unfortunately looked pretty healthy in his Tucker interview.
Please consider buying a raffle ticket to help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine! I don’t have the raffle blocks done, but will start on them as soon as I can; matter of fact, I bought some fabric today with the blocks in mind.
Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!
@JAFD: wise man raises wise son.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Exactly. Originals still taste great.
@Bill Arnold: Rep. Turner just got back from leading a small Congressional delegation to Kyiv. I doubt if he heard this information there, though.
Turner’s a Ukraine hawk, so maybe he’s trying to scare up support for a Ukraine aid vote with news about a new Russian hypersonic missile or something of that sort.
@smith: The big scary secret is that Russia “wants” to deploy nukes in space as anti-satelite weapons.
This isn’t misinformation, but it’s definitely a near neighbor to misinformation. Republicans wanting to talk about this publically are just feeding Putin’s stunningly irreaponsible nuclear sabre rattling. Putin does that so that we self-deter in providing Ukraine aid. It works.
I remember reading the book and enjoying it. Very evocative, I can still see the faces of shame on the faces of the REALLY poor kids when they received charity.
@geg6: hello fellow citizen of our great Commonwealth! 💝
Matt McIrvin
@topclimber: I recall Dave Wasserman speculating that maybe that’s reversed now, and Democrats do better in low-turnout elections because they’re more energized about voting.
Which on the one hand would make this a weaker indication, but on the other hand it’s definitely the side I would want to be on.
@Kay: the monsters among us look like regular folks… I suggest you don’t help them anymore
So we were just talking about polling – well, I just got polled for our local school board election! It was kind of cool. I couldn’t tell which candidate or group was doing it until the end, when they asked me about two statements and whether they’d make me more or less likely to vote for a certain candidate. I almost didn’t answer the phone, but these days I have to answer even numbers I don’t recognize.
@Bupalos: you betcha. I’m not falling for it.
@Kay: Someone spray painted “FUCK BIDEN” on the slide at the playground in our neighborhood park in 2020. Nice people.
According to the NYT, my neighborhood is 75% Democratic. That 25% really causes problems.
@Bupalos: with their technology, it’ll probably just fall into the Black Sea.
@Matt McIrvin: I think one factor is that Dems may be better at banking early votes; it’s a standard part of GOTV. The GQP is hampered in doing the same because of its mixed messaging on anything that makes voting easier: vote by mail, early voting, expanding opportunities to register. They’ve been trying to scare their voters about the supposed dangers of these things, so you can’t be surprised that those same voters might be reluctant to use them.
Alison Rose
@Suzanne: JFC
Like the Caesar Kunikov, Russian landing ship, sunk last night?
@Alison Rose:
I hope he was well enough to enjoy the beauty of the Pop Tarts Bowl college football game this past year. I have no idea who played, but I enjoyed the videos of the mascot and all the hoopla
Bill Arnold
Just to save people searching:
Republican warning of ‘national security threat’ is about Russia wanting nuke in space: Sources – Lawmakers said the issue is serious but shouldn’t cause immediate alarm. (John Parkinson and Adam Carlson, February 14, 2024)
I’m not sure what Mike Turner’s agenda is in this case. It could be anti-Russia/pro-Ukraine. Certainly nuclear weapons in space would be a huge deal, and destabilizing, and a very bad move.
“Front Towards Enemy”
(https link)
College football bowl history.
They ate the mascot!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
The naval part of the war never ceases to dredge up memories of my past life. I hadn’t thought of a Ropucha Class landing ship since probably 1990 at the latest. We used to have the Defense Attaches go to Gdansk and try to photograph them being outfitted.
@zhena gogolia:
He’s perfectly healthy until he’s not
@Kay: wow. That would throw me off a bit!
I have two pro-Biden magnets on my car at the moment. One says “GIVE TEACHERS A RAISE” and the other says “PROUD PUBLIC SCHOOL FAMILY” with ‘JoeBiden.com’ in teeny-tiny letters at the bottom of each. I can’t imagine driving around with the F-bomb on the back of my car. My parents raised me better, I guess.
@HumboldtBlue: Is just now decided to be adding new submarine to Black Sea Fleet.
@Bill Arnold:
Nukes in space? Pfft. No match for Dogs in Space.
@Jeffro: How’s about a 3X5′ flag to share your Trumpy feels?
Perfect anchored to the bed of your Eff-two-fiddy.
John S.
Or quite possibly just land in Russia killing their own people.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Better than a long slow target I spect!
@Quiltingfool: Have you tried Michaels ? They have many stores in MO.
I just watched one of those CNN video shorts, this one with Jeff Zeleny, and he said that the election in NY was a clear sign to Dems that it doesn’t matter where in the country you live, immigration will bite you in the ass. Not sure how that worked last night, but whatevs. ;)
@JCJ: Kansas Sate North Carolina State. Here’s the intro
...now I try to be amused
@HumboldtBlue: The Ukrainians sank the Caesar Kunikov 81 years to the day after her namesake, a naval infantry officer, was killed fighting in the “Little Land” near Novorossisk. How’s that for symbolism.
@WhatsMyNym: They’re not a fabric store, they don’t sell cloth from bolts. Now I’m worried about my local Joann’s. Fabric stores have been struggling for years now and Joann’s is about the last one standing. And even they don’t sell a lot of apparel cloth of reasonable quality and variety. It’s mostly fabric suitable for quilts, which is of course what Quiltingfool wants.
Alison Rose
@Bill Arnold: Jeez, the way it was being reported made it sound like putin was about to nuke DC.
@Bill Arnold
“Is terrible misundertsanding.”
Damn. I’m worried about my local Joann’s. It looks like they aren’t really restocking it. I hope they don’t close it. I don’t buy yarn there often but I do buy fabric, thread, buttons, beads, etc. And the employees are so nice and have been there for years.
I have a pro public school t shirt I bought at a pro public school political event in Austin TX.
They were just so nice – we talked about our grandchildren. Their grandchildren are in middle and high school so after my walk outside with them I’m thinking “they see this weird, obsessively hateful profanity on your truck?”
I thought about that with the birthers, too. I would see a clip of them screaming something hateful and I would think “that is someone’s mother and/or grandmother, on video, forever”
Like the photos of the white people screaming at that AA American children during bussing. There are people who look at those photos and go “there’s grandma, when she was younger!”
@MomSense: Ours closed a while ago.
fired atafter the KC Super Bowl Rally.Yutsano
Apparently we’re abandoned by the front pagers again, which is too bad.
Labour out here feeling its oats. It’s also a really bad time to be flying right now.
@Kay: Just read it. Heart-breaking and so true. So many of my friends that I know for a fact are (were) good people have been transformed by Trumpism. I don’t want to give up on their friendship but of course the friendships have already suffered and the good times are never really good. What rest is our common history and our mutual desire to not let go of each other.
But I know damn well it all will end if this demagogue wins again and hate is turbo-charged and physical violence stops being the territory of the Proud Boys kind of gang. (I promise you it will happen.)
@Quiltingfool: Does Blick sell quilting supplies? Also try eBay.
Alison Rose
@raven: Ain’t that America.
God damn.
@raven: Yeah, that just showed up on TV news. No numbers yet, but they got Lester Holt out of bed to anchor.
Romance, MAGA-style. A little whine, a little fundraising . . .
Say it with cash: Trump’s Valentine love letter to Melania is fundraising email
The ex-president pledged his devotion to his wife by referencing his many indictments in a pitch for supporters’ donations
Flew Alaska Airlines exactly once. Horrid experience all around, capped off by the rudest, snottiest flight attendants this side of Air DeSade.
Sure Lurkalot
While I agree Santos was an embarrassment to some voters, some Republicans are mad about his expulsion.
They will never believe their voters cared about Santos lying about everything in his life and grifting everyone. He was a vote, goddammit! Like their “self-assessment” after Romney’s 2012 loss to have more appeal to women and minorities…nah, let’s do the opposite!
@JWR: Last night Tom Bonior said that “Immigration backfired, especially in the context of their [Republicans’] legislative failure.” Tom Suozzi reportedly hammered Pilip and her party hard on how they tanked their own compromise.
Suozzi treated the immigration issue as a real problem, which it is. Arizona Rep. (and Senate candidate) Reuben Gallego does also, saying that:
Rep. Gallego firmly supported President Biden’s border security and humanitarian proposals, and the above is from his statement after the Lankford/Murphy compromise was presented. I think that is a sound approach because while Republicans are exagerrating the problems, this is not just a matter of hype.
2 in custody.
Several children shot.
Been years since I shopped there, but Fishman’s Fabrics in Chicago still stands. They will ship, though it’ll cost you.
@NotMax: They’re trying to buy Hawai’ian Airlines. I’m so sorry.
@…now I try to be amused:
I came across that, kismet?
@Alison Rose: But its’ the Dems that the media wags their fingers at when it comes to ‘tone’.
These guys are out there ‘loud and proud’ – with their cheap flag covered clothes, with ‘fuck’ and hate language festooned around them.
Someplace in the depths of a drawer sits a half-used booklet of coupons for the late, lamented Mid Pacific Air.
Turboprop YS-11s on inter-island hops.
@Quiltingfool: JoAnn has an online site where you can order their products. Might not be satisfactory for fabric that you’d like to see and touch, but if you know what you want in thread you can probably get it that way.
That’s a better excuse than I have…
@Sure Lurkalot: I was chasing comments about the special election on Twitter last night. George Santos was getting his licks in, so I looked at his Twitter heading and got a good laugh:
I think Santos will be going to prison before too long, but he’ll get out and when Santos does I bet he lands on his feet.
In the meantime, I hope Santos and Sam Bankman-Fried share a prison cell. It would be like The Odd Couple! Throw in Robert Menendez and it could be one hell of a sitcom.
@prostratedragon: When I sew I mostly sew knits, so I have used knitfabric.com and they’re OK but only sell in half-yard increments. Amazon bought fabric.com but it’s tedious to try to find something I might like. And it’s really nice to be able to handle the fabric before purchasing it.
Bonnie Hutchens
@WaterGirl: I gave 100 to the Ukraine act blue how do I get my raffle tickets?
@suzanne: I have a box in my kitchen cabinet right now. It’s my go-to “I don’t wanna try” breakfast.
Eyeroller@177: Yes, that last would be an issue apart from very standard things. But if feasible, an annual trip to Chicago … ?
Karen H
Missouri Star Quilt Company has an amazing inventory of quality quilting fabrics. They do online orders although that’s not ideal because seeing and touching fabric is so important
Chief Oshkosh
@WaterGirl: Yep. Just saying which country is involved is valuable to that country and others. It’s not rocket science
ETA: Well, maybe the security threat involves rocket science. But it’s not rocket science to figure out the you should keep your fucking mouth shut about Go8-level briefs.
Chief Oshkosh
@Alison Rose: Toasted with LOTS of real butter soaking into the back and edges…
PSA: If you donated to the Ukraine thermometer before 5pm Eastern today, it’s not too late to send me the email letting me know which quilts you want raffle tickets for.
@Kay: Jess Piper is very thoughtful and brave. I gladly donated to her state house campaign knowing full well she would lose. I’m sorry about her dad. I wish I were surprised.
@Bonnie Hutchens: I still need to know which quilt(s) you want the raffle tickets for.
I sent email to the email address you listed for balloon juice.
Please send me an email: my nym at balloon-juice.com