Not much news to report- perfect sunny day until about 4pm when it showered. Rain and the approaching sunset have me about ready for bed.
Joelle is feeling a bit better, thank you.
Really, that’s it. I would highly recommend this Rick Perlstein piece on Israel.
Raskin puts the final nail in impeachment
Trump is the most anti-worker anti-union president in recent history, but the Teamsters saw fit to donate $45K to the RNC. (Gift link)
I feel that republicans are like dogs with a just emptied food bowl that will quite possibly eat anything – at least chewing up anything that might be food, even if it is 1000% not eatable nor food of any description. And even if they just finished eating everything in that food bowl.
@twbrandt: A lot of Republican voters treasure their racism more than their paychecks. No reason teamsters would be any different.
@twbrandt: Maybe the Teamsters believe that everyone deserves legal representation, so are donating to the next fund Trump intends to drain to pay his lawyers?
And Biden is the most pro-worker, pro-union president in recent history.
VFX Lurker
From your link:
Hedging their bets..?
That Perlstein piece makes me want to throw up.
Good to hear Joelle has turned the corner.
VFX Lurker
Stuck in a crowded waiting room with Fox News on the TV and no remote in sight (thankfully, low volume). So far, Fox has told me about Russian Hoax 2.0 and other “this is GREAT news for John McCain” tidbits.
Chyron just now, though: “NY AG IS READY TO SEIZE TRUMP’S BUILDINGS”
Right on, Tish James.
Not all teamsters are democrats. Teamsters are working people who depend somewhat on the federal government for laws and enforcement of trucking equipment and operations. It would not amaze me if they don’t donate money to both parties. It would not amaze me if they don’t either.
Frank Wilhoit
@Suzanne: And at that, he pulls his punches.
DOG: I love you, you are my life, I would do anything for you.
HUMAN: Drop the ball.
DOG: No.
VFX Lurker
Now Fox News is scare-mongering about the border. “BIDEN’S BORDER IS A NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.”
Can’t wait to leave this waiting room.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Ruckus: they have been eating Subtraction Stew. They are hungrier than ever.
@Ruckus: By contrast, the UAW endorsed Biden in 2024. I can’t find any donation info for 2024, but in 2019-2020, its PAC gave almost exclusively to Democrats – $1.1M vs a paltry $5K to Republicans.
@VFX Lurker: I often see and am irritated by comments from people who refuse to believe that Trump will ever be on the hook for any part of the huge NY judgment, and they always cite Alex Jones as support. Trump Tower is not an asset that can be hidden, and the company is in the hands of a receiver who is unlikely to be motivated to “hide” any of its assets.
In any event, the Alex Jones saga is not over yet. What it gets cited for in the future might be something else.
@hueyplong: Alex Jones is about to lose all his assets:
This is basically what AG James is threatening to do to TFG.
VFX Lurker
@hueyplong: I expect both to get their reckonings, if not as fast as I’d like.
Still stuck in this waiting room. Fox News just took shots at both Biden and Kamala Harris as candidates. Yeesh, our VP absolutely terrifies them.
CNBC on the difficulties Trump might have posting an appeal bond:
Trump faces obstacles to securing an appeal bond in fraud case (
One big wrinkle–suppose Trump loses the appeal (or the appeal is not settled by then) and wins the election, and the bonding company needs to now collect from The Donald. Who here thinks President Trump would pay a dime?
Of course, I could see Trump basically promising to make the whole case go away if he wins…
Would be amusing if he got Gawkered….
And in related news, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is now on the hook for $5M.
My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell must pay $5 million to election data debunker, federal judge confirms | CNN Politics
And to the extent that we should care about Da Polls, Biden has reached 40% approval on 538 for the first time in a LONG time.
Had a crisp 45 mph wind and 84 degree day here in SE NM.
@twbrandt: I saw that. Pissed me off royally. TIFG is NOT PRO UNION.
I hope the Teamsters union MEMBERS endorses Biden. Management won’t.
@VFX Lurker: You can’t ask someone at the reception desk to change the channel to HGTV or the Food Network? I imagine someone earlier requested Faux? If that’s their default channel of choice, I’d find a different waiting room.
@EngineerScotty: Not at all sure the bonds work as you seem to be implying.
There’s an interesting conversation to be had about a) how unions should advocate for politics outside the scope of labor negotiations, and b) to what extent they should care about other industries, especially representing other social classes.
I would note that quite a few unions have no trouble with a, both from the left and the right. A few have threatened to withhold support from Biden over I/P, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the Teamsters endorses nobody (I doubt they’ll endorse Trump) simply because a lot of their members hate Biden, and view white supremacy as more valuable to them than, say, card check.
And one of the tragedies of the American labor movement is that the answer to b) is “very little”; there’s a whole lot of people who care about their “tribe” or even just their jobsite, but have no trouble telling the uppity baristas who pour their coffee to quit whining and get back to work, and that they should have no right to expect a living wage for “unskilled” customer service jobs. (I’m putting unskilled in quotes for a reason, don’t flame me about it). Maintaining the social hierarchy is very important for some people, as is maintaining the ability for the middle class to economically exploit the classes below them.
Ohio Mom
That Perlstein piece pulled together so many things for me. One silly example is an uncomplimentary aside Ohio Dad once made about Jabotinsky. At the time, I didn’t quite follow OD’s explanation of his aside but Perlstein’s essay gave me the context to finally have that light bulb go off (this aside was over 20 years ago!). Another example is, I knew about the bombing of the King David hotel but didn’t know how it connected to anything else.
I also appreciated the interview Perlstein mentions he did on the Real News Network (and links to). Lots of his stories about his childhood resonated with me; I did not go to a Labor Zionist sleep-away camp but many of my public school classmates did. The things we were led to believe — makes me wonder what older me will find out about the things I believe now.
I also appreciated the interviewer’s description of himself as a Non-Zionist. I understand exactly what he means, I feel the same way he does.
Anyway, it’s all good stuff and I will be forwarding it on to a few others, starting with Ohio Dad.
@hueyplong: You may be right; I’ve only a limited idea how they work. My belief is that Trump puts up a combination of a) cash, b) illiquid collateral, and c) IOU, with the allowable amount of C to be determined by the bonding company. If the bond is forfeit, then the bonding company gets to keep a and liquidate b, and has to then collect for c. In exchange for this risk, it collects a fee.
Now, for Trump, how much credit they will give him is an interesting question.
I’m no Meghan McCain fan, but I toasted her reply to Lake:
Let the cat fight begin! Lake KNOWS she’s not gonna win AZ without McCain supporters.
@EngineerScotty: Yes, good question
@Jay: Wow, that described my dogs perfectly. They’d bring you the ball, you’d reach for it, they’d back up. Repeat until you’ve crawled on hands and knees across the living room!
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Jackie: thanks for the link. I love how Kari Lake is trying to find common ground by saying that both their fathers died from cancer.
If that’s all you have in common with your political opponent, maybe you’re not quite on the same side?
Ohio Mom
@EngineerScotty: I once read somewhere, I regret not clipping it or printing it out or otherwise saving it, that one of the results of the McCarthy era “commie” hunts was removing the educated and visionary union leadership.
The loss of those intellectuals left a vacuum that right-wing thought filled. And here we are today.
Steve in the ATL
@twbrandt: I deal with Teamsters every week and at least half of them are vocal trumpers. It’s bewildering, until you factor in racism.
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: Meghan can hold a grudge like none other when it comes to her daddy.
Lake’s insults re John McCain voters… Arizona loved McCain.
Steve in the ATL
@twbrandt: let us not forget Ronald Reagan.
@Jackie: Did you know her father was a Vietnam war hero? Not too many people actually know that!
Seems like establishing b) could be challenging. First, you have to decide what the property is actually worth (Trump’s claims on that front having been shown, in court, to be unrealistic, to put it mildly). Then, you have to find out how many mortgages and other leins there are against the property, only then do you know how much collateral you’re looking at really.
@Yutsano: It’s ironic that Senator Kelly embraced McCain’s maverickiness and won over a lot of his former supporters to win his seat!
Well I’ve had a hell of a day. It started with my husband not wanting to get off the couch to go to his doctor’s appointment, and ended with him being admitted to the hospital. He was acting strange this morning, being combative and refusing to get off the couch. He kept saying “Quit badgering me”. I rescheduled his appointment and went to work, thinking he was being stubborn. When I told a co-worker what happened, he told me that’s how his dad acted when he got a UTI. It was like a light bulb came on, becasuse that might explain a lot about the past few days. He hasn’t been eating or drinking much during that time, but kept saying he was “fine” (ten seconds later he’d say “ouch” and wince). So I called 911 for a transport to the ER because no way would he get in the car for me. Of course he got up for them! Turns out he has decreased kidney function and a UTI! So he’s staying here at least a day or two until they can get him hydrated and more normal. What a day. 😲😳
@smith: Good news!
But wow that header pic in the article. Who would have guessed that Jones has Shar-Pei in his ancestry?
If that’s a typo, it’s a brilliant typo!
Here’s to a quick recovery.
@VFX Lurker: I find asking to switch to ESPN or weather almost always works. If it doesn’t, that’s the last that establishment sees of me. Are you at a provider/professional with no alternative? Tell them propaganda is NOT acceptable. They might listen.
@Soprano2: Thank goodness for your co-worker! And, you for putting two and two together! Hope hubby recovers quickly!
Pete Downunder
@VFX Lurker: Try He sells a gagdet that is a universal remote for turning off TVs. Great for use in waiting rooms, motel dining rooms and the like. It looks like a key fob so they won’t know what happened. Great fun in large electronic retailers too….
More infrequent flyer observations. The LAX waiting gates are noisy areas. They play canned music, but also blare periodic announcements loudly enough so that can be heard.
While I was waiting for my flight, there was an announcement about a flight to Sacramento that was so crowded that they were asking people to check their carry-on luggage. They also offered $800 to anyone who would agree to take a later flight to Sacramento and free up space. They upped the offer to $1000 a little later. I was tempted to try to buy a ticket to Sacramento.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Soprano2: I’m glad this turned out relatively well, but it sounds stressful.
@Brachiator: They wouldn’t have sold you one. Brag: I scored $1400 once at JFK by taking the wait, and extra bonus got to stay at the Saarinen TWA terminal hotel conversion.
That is some true shit.
John McCain is the only Republican I ever voted for, for anything. It was because the AZ Democratic Party could barely find anybody to run in 2004, and they landed on this total nobody (Stuart Starky) who had never run for anything before (or since), who had no identifiable political positions, who ran essentially no campaign. I never saw a single ad, appearance, mailer…. nothing. McCain won with almost 80% of the vote that time.
Man, it was tough to be a Democrat there for a while.
@Soprano2: ugh, so sorry you had to deal with this
@Steve in the ATL: I’m not
Ohio Mom
@Soprano2: Is this a terrible thing to say? I hope you can enjoy some time off from caretaking while your husband is in the hospital.
Of course anyone who is in the hospital needs someone to advocate for them so your time won’t be all your own. But with any luck, maybe you’ll have a moment here and there to totally relax.
Here’s hoping for a complete recovery!
Speaking of McCain and the blogfather in Tempe….. Tempe Town Lake and the Beach Park were built in the late 90s, in large part thanks to McCain’s involvement. He saw redevelopment of that whole area around Rio Salado as a legacy.
I should note that Mr. Suzanne and I got married at Tempe Town Lake, on the day of its 10th anniversary. There were fireworks to celebrate, which were a fantastic backdrop to our wedding photos.
Note: rotator cuff surgery is a little, but guy knows his pain management. The pain ball (only name I know) helps a lot, as does cryo cuff. Being in a sling for six weeks is going to be a major pain. At least it’s my left arm, as I’m right handed. Also hunt and peck typing is a pain in the ass.
VFX Lurker
I’m out of the room now, but I wish I had thought of that.
@Ohio Mom: No, it’s not a terrible thing to say, the people in my FB support group talk about that. I really think it’ll be a day or two, tops.
Hope your husband gets better soon.
VFX Lurker
Oh, I wish I had thought of that, too.
@Soprano2: I’m really sorry to hear that. I have told everyone I know who deals with seniors that if their older relative starts behaving differently rather suddenly to get them checked for a UTI. Memory issues make it more difficult because confusion can be one of the UTI symptoms. I’m glad he got checked out and is getting care now. Once the infection is under control the improvement can be dramatic. I saw it with my uncle who didn’t even know where he was and a few days later he was back to his regular self.
Another Scott
Thanks++ for the Perlstein pointer. A very good read.
@Soprano2: Oh, yes. Get some rest and enjoy the break. Go home to sleep – don’t sleep at the hospital. Take breaks when you get them. This one is a gift.
Trivia Man
They finally found one – an apparent child molester who is also a drag queen and not a pastor or republican politician. Expect this news from Wisconsin to be blasted 24/7.
A member of the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence to boot.
LarryO is going off on all the clowns talking about Joe Biden to drop out
@Yutsano: All I know is who her daddy is. She’s told us a gazillion times. Oh, and yes, I vaguely recall him getting shot down and captured in a war somewhere in southeast Asia.
And that TIFG said he was a loser because he was captured.
Heroes are those who escaped war because of potentially deadly bone spurs.
I’m totally with McCain’s little girl in the Battle of the Bitches!
@rikyrah: Lawrence O’Donnell?
@Soprano2: Wow, good for your co-worker to be able to spot it. And good for you for talking about it!
Checking carry-on requests is standard on Southwest. I once jumped on the opportunity to take a different flight ($300 in my pocket) when I realized my wife didn’t know when I was getting in so there were no scheduling issues.
Best thing? I collected my new non-stop ticket and was walking away when they announced the plane had a mechanical issue and everyone who had boarded the flight I bailed on had to get off!
@Yarrow: That’s what I’m hoping for.
@VFX Lurker
What’s on the TV (with no sound) in the waiting area of my local DMV? Food Network, with closed captioning.
That’s my concern; looking for financial help from a foreign country. We still don’t have any idea of who he’s shared the classified documents with – and at what cost.
I “assume” where TIFG gets his bond money will be closely scrutinized before accepting?
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: I am seeing fewer TVs in waiting rooms lately, and why have them, everyone has a personal screen these days on which to watch whatever they like.
What I miss are waiting room magazines. That is a Covid casualty, from the early days when it seemed likely to spread by touch, like the common cold. Then places realized it was a money saver, not having to subscribe anymore and anyway, everyone has a phone to scroll.
Bopped over to the post office today to mail out a bill payment. P.O. is one of the storefronts in a strip mall (about a dozen businesses).
Unremarkable except when driving around the parking lot in search of a space and then walking to the post office, spotted not one, not two, not three, but four Honda Elements. Scattered, not all bunched together. As production of that model ended in 2011 it was surprising.
@Jackie: Any country that bails him out will make Trump a foreign asset and absolutely cannot be given the keys to the nation if he is in debt to some one else – especially a country from a controlled country.
@Ohio Mom:
Other than Tire Shops, I have never been in a waiting room that had even close to current magazines.
@NotMax: Honda is great at killing off models that people love. My Honda dealer contacts me repeatedly to buy my FIT. I will only give it up when it dies (long after I do) or when I can replace it with somethimg similar ( probably never.)
Sure Lurkalot
@Soprano2: Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope you can get some sleep after a trying day.
Anyone else find it annoying that PSAs now have dropped “the” in the mascot’s name for Smokey ads?
Grates on my nerves each time I hear one.
Ohio Mom
@Jay: The walk-in cheap haircut place did, as did the dentist. Everywhere else, yeah, the magazines were old but still, new to me.
Steve in the ATL
@NotMax: what’s the collective term for a group of Honda Elements? Best answer gets a free Hawaiian vacation! Well, you get to sleep on NotMax’s sofa when you get there.
@Steve in the ATL
Gotta be a clutch of Elements.
Lawrence O’Donnell is absolutely done with the wankers like Ezra Klein and Jon Stewart (both mentioned by name) who think we can have a nice brokered convention and shove our current slate aside. He’s old enough to remember 1968 and is absolutely scathing about these young ‘uns who don’t and who don’t know how all of this works.
It was never Smokey The Bear, it was always Smokey Bear. We’ve discussed this.
Smokey Bear
@Gretchen: His show is must see teevee in my household. Tonight he’s bringing a lot of memories back of the ‘68 Dem Convention. I was a very impressionable 13. MLK Jr and Bobby Kennedy had been assassinated mere months earlier. It was the year I discovered politics.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Good luck to your hubby and it’s a good thing that you persisted in getting him checked!
Gin & Tonic
@HumboldtBlue: Thank you.
I call foul. U.S. Forest Service promo film.
On the other hand never was and never shall be Rod the Serling.
My favorite stepson stopped by today and now the house reeks of machine oil. He is a machinist. He is mostly oily every where he goes. If I didn’t love him I would ban him from my house. My dog and a couple of our cats go berserk whenever he comes around. They know a good guy when they smell one.
@sab: Awwww 🥰
@Steve in the ATL: a molecule
Definitely not the Democratic Party’s finest hour. Probably lost enough votes, from (in those days still neutral) news reports and video of the chaos (not to mention riots outside), to swing the election.
Never arrives on time; he always shows up “oily.”
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I decided I’d rather be embarrassed by overreacting than regret doing nothing. Turns out I was right, something was wrong.
I like Vox a lot, but sometimes I wonder about their contributors.
I never wonder about Candance O’Grady. Toxic contributor who doesn’t actually read what she condemns. That is what she does. Just blasts stuff she hasn’t read. And doesn’t even care if she disagrees. Just wants to get those internet clicks.
@NotMax: You are a tough taskmaster.
@Steve in the ATL: A table of elements? (periodically, at least)
“Crusty but benign.”
– Network
I know you have a life. But your life seems similar to my favorite stepson’s. Machinist. I often think he is off the rails and I get belligerent. You bring me back to normal. He is a good kid and I need to be reminded by kids like him. You were one.
@NotMax: It’s a matter of elements.
and NotMax too:
Here’s the real deal about bears
@NotMax: Don’t know about late or not. But he is always oily.
Grin and Bear It.
Yep. First segment. Lasted 28 minutes
Cutting fluid always permiates. Hair, clothes, skin even if you are wearing coveralls. You pretty much need a set of work clothes at work, shower down and change into city clothes to get the stink out. Many shops however, don’t have showers.
It stinks.
On the bright side, at least it’s not Axe Body Spray.
It’s always Ed.
And Marylin.
Those fuckers.
Chef’s kiss of a proposed sitcom title.
Also, this statue has some folks really, really mad.
@NotMax: “A pair of scissors sitting on top of a table” ??? Srsly, that’s the description when I run the cursor over that image. It’s kinda funny, how ridiculous that. is. The actual Be Prepared joke, I don’t mind. Have to admit the Grin and Bear It single panel thing was a fixture of the Post Dispatch when I was way too young to do more than look and not get it.
Our Lady of Shokushu.
Does our lady speak dog?
Doesn’t everyone?
Extreme trivia presumably unbeknownst to those ladies:
Wah is Klingon for testicle.
This is why we read this blog.
Interesting. Scientists have recently grown a pair of working testicles in a lab.
Maybe soon, a bunch of ReThugs can get a transplant.*
*no offense intended towards women.
I had a persistent UTI that turned septic all of a sudden. I was fine Tuesday and started feeling a bit bad Wednesday. Was a mess Wednesday night. I was trying to tough it out Thursday until my mom got a look at me and convinced me to contact my doctor. Nurse from the doctor’s office said go straight to the ER. Spent 5 or 6 days in the hospital.
I’m not sure how many men’s lives women have saved by getting us to seek medical care at the right time. I know it’s a significant number.
Paul in KY
@Jay: That is ‘dog’ boiled down to its essence. LOLing!
Paul in KY
@Soprano2: Being a caregiver is a bitch. Thank God he has a wonderful wife like you. Hope it all gets better!