Hopefully, by hook or by crook, we will be able to get back to providing more tangible support for Ukraine.
👀 House Democrats have quietly started the clock on a new discharge petition for Ukraine aid
It is expected to ripen by March 1 under the current House schedule, at which point, pro-Ukraine lawmakers can begin signing it … https://t.co/oo0tXxOhIq
— Lindsay Wise (@lindsaywise) February 22, 2024
h/t Jackie
Discharge Petitions (Political Dictionary)
A “discharge petition” is a strategic, often controversial, legislative tool that serves to circumvent traditional committee review and bring a bill directly to the floor for a vote.
Rooted in the rules of the House of Representatives, the discharge petition operates as a type of procedural maneuver to break a legislative impasse, often employed when a bill is “stuck” in committee and not scheduled for any further action.
This device empowers a majority of House members (usually 218 out of 435) to force a bill out of a committee for a floor vote, effectively usurping the power traditionally held by committee chairs and party leadership to set legislative agendas.
In the Senate, the process is far more seldom used and complicated, involving a discharge motion that can be debated and is subject to filibuster.
Executing a “Discharge Petition”
While the concept of a discharge petition is straightforward, the process of successfully executing one is quite intricate.
The first step involves filing the petition, which is typically done publicly, but the list of signatories is kept confidential unless the petition gains enough support to be successful.
The secrecy serves to minimize political repercussions for those who sign, as the act is often seen as a defection against party or committee leadership. Members of Congress may add or remove their names to the list until the requisite number is reached.
If the petition garners sufficient support, a floor vote is scheduled, and the bill is debated and voted upon, often without the possibility of amendment—a key difference from regular order.
Notably, the discharge petition is most effective in the House, as the Senate’s rules make it much more difficult to enforce.
Moreover, the petition does not guarantee a bill’s passage; it merely assures that the bill will receive a vote on the floor.
In other good news: nice try, orange guy.
I so hope that no one will put up the bond for the $500+ million and that he runs into real trouble. On the other hand, if Musk or Putin or the murder & dismember guy from Saudi Arabia bail him out, will Republicans have a problem with that?
Trump does not have “any basis” to try to pause the enforcement of the ~$450 million judgment against him and his co-defendants, the New York AG’s counsel tells the judge. @Just_Security pic.twitter.com/yjPzC3Jv34
— Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) February 22, 2024
Open thread.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
If wikipedia is accurate, there have only been 4 successful ones since 1985.
Quite frankly, the world needs this one to be the 5th.
Discharge petition? So it’s the GOP gone or real process?
So, Roto-Rooter for a House committee?
Am leaving the medical meaning of discharge well alone. Now as to excretion, relatable to the Republicans.
Scratching my head, I think that might be missing some words?
I hope this trillion dollar coin trick works, because as Scotts said (and we all know) the world needs this.
Fingers firmly crossed as I continue to stare bitchly at republicans.
A followup to an earlier thread.
One of many leaders in sounding the alarm within Evangelical world about the dangers of right-wing Christian Nationalism is Tim Alberta. All should check out his book, “The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism.” Or check out his reporting at the Atlantic.
There are those within the ranks that are currently, and have been for some time, calling out the dangers of right-wing Christian Nationalist extremism. It’s a destructive force to both the Church as well as secular government. They need a bigger audience. Please help.
For the record I get no commission.
Gin & Tonic
You all will understand I’m not going to hold my breath and wait.
@Gin & Tonic: I’m happy to see elected officials who support Ukraine be willing to try every possible thing they can, even without a guarantee of success.
I am hopeful, but I am not holding my breath.
I don’t know why this would be a surprise. As was noted when the continuing resolutions passed, all the major legislative accomplishments of this Congress have passed with most of the votes coming from Democrats.
The only things the Republicans have passed on their own are performative stunts that have been DOA in the Senate.
FedEx same-day envelope arrives at every House Republican office between 3:00-4:00 this afternoon. Inside each: deed to a lovely dacha.
@Gin & Tonic: It does seem there could have been more urgency on this issue, yes?
@Gin & Tonic: I recommend breathing normally and waiting. And not just in this instance.
In principle Johnson could now plead that his hand is being forced.
In principle.
@Ken: Idk, we have some new names on Post Offices. I mean, that’s… impressive! Generational transformative change and all…
My attempts at puns are occasionally poor. Perhaps read it out loud.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dangerman: Dear god.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Moscow Mike’s handlers and campaign contributors (also his handlers) will have none of that.
How does that work — could some Russian oligarch just write a check to Donald Trump for $500 million? I can’t see any Republican having a problem with that or saying that would disqualify him from being president.
Trivia Man
I read elsewhere two key points to the AG response.
One date was indeed incorrect. Had to do with start date for some interest calculations. She apologized and corrected that.
Many entities have NYC addresses, orange face is claiming they Actually have Florida addresses. But Florida records don’t show them and NY records do. Nice try, loser..
@Dangerman: It’s a santorum thing? Not that kind of discharge right? OK.. sorry please ignore me. :D
Blame it on shitty sleep. 5 heart procedures (not major; 3 ablations, 2 cardioversions) but my arrythmia returned yesterday (30 day follow-up). I think I’m done with procedures; it’s massive medicine for the duration would be my early guess. I don’t see specialist for a while.
Yes! I’ve heard quite a few interviews with him, and he strikes me as the real deal. A brief search brings up this 8 minute PBS appearance from a few months ago, but there are others.
Fingers crossed for Ukraine.
Considering what those Evangelical fucks are doing in Alabama, Idaho, & etc. the faster they die off the better.
Citizen Alan
@Dangerman: Lol. Okay, you got me with that one.
@Citizen Alan: I have said it out loud 3 times and I am still not getting it.
I don’t get it either.
@eclare: Glad it’s not just me. Maybe it’s a gender thing?
@WaterGirl: STD – a name from back when they were called “VD”.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Success is a relative term when it comes to discharge petitions. Last Spring, Democrats gathered ~210 signatures on a petition to discharge a Debt Ceiling bill. They never “succeeded” in getting the requisite signatures because Squeaker McCarthy caved first and let an acceptable compromise get a floor vote.
This time might be different. If Johnson knows the discharge petition will get the signatures needed, he might just watch it happen because it gets him off the hook. Republicans picked Johnson to be their Quarterback, but he’s really more like a Punter.
Oh dear.
He made a (rather strained) pun on “gonorrhea”, riffing off of the “discharge” in “discharge petition”.
Ohhh, I think I get it now. Thanks. That was not my first thought. Or tenth.
@SomeRandomGuy: I still think it is a santorum thing.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Dangerman @eclare: @H.E.Wolf
I don’t wish to know that. Kindly leave the stage.
Another broad discussion of Long Covid, from Eric Topol et al. (et Al-Aly in fact).
Four years in now. We’ll see how it goes. At least our current approach gives us an extended trial of non-intervention strategies, with a lot of relevant data out there to be collected.
Me, neither 🤷🏼♀️
@Dangerman: No. That is all.
Lately I’ve seen someone respond to “I want to be more than friends” with “You want to go more than ten seasons?”
And a conversation about ghee (the”butter emails”) that was ultimately clarifying.
But even so.
@H.E.Wolf: Thanks! (I think)
Trivia Man
@Trivia Man: Engoron already replied. The date was changed. We have proof all those entities are registered in NY and you offer no support they are in Fl. You give no legal reason for delay so i signed the paper she submitted .
Not written : tick tock, motherfucker. Clock starts now.
@glc: Ah yes, and the guinea pigs not even volunteered for the trial, but are insisting they self-pay for all future treatments.
Re: TFG’s appeal, I learned some interesting legal stuff.
In The Devil and Daniel Webster, Daniel sometimes asks for an “exception” after objecting. I couldn’t find any reference for that in the law. Recently, I learned that Habba threw away any hope of appeal.
Why? Well, when she was asked about evidence, she said “no objections” which is something you can learn by pretending to be smart – watching what other attorneys do.
See, if you want to appeal, in the past, you’d say “I object!” and the judge would overrule you, and you’d say “I will take exception” and the judge would likely say “noted” once getting the nod from the court reporter. The reporter had made a notation – here is where an objection was made, and the court took notice that the attorney might want to file an appeal of the overruling of the objection.
Today, a court reporter will get a perfect transcript. There’s no longer a need to ask the reporter to note an exception. So, now, if you want to preserve an objection, you just raise it. No need to ask for an exception.
If you *were* a smart attorney, rather than playing a smart attorney, you’d object to every bit of evidence where you had a tiny bit of hope of winning on appeal, and where it would legitimately help your client. But Ms. Habba raised no objections.
Those of you who watched “My Cousin, Vinny” might remember, they don’t teach esoterica about courtroom procedure in law school, they expect you’ll learn it at the elbow of an attorney who can explain some of the nuance. She (like Vinny) didn’t get to that part of civil procedure, and, alas, she didn’t have a partner with a smoking hot brain, to do the difficult reading.
(Who else is disappointed to learn there are at least three cars capable of making the correct tire tracks, even though there were likely only two with the right candy mint green paint… never mind. I mean, she was close enough establishing more-than-reasonable doubt, but she said there were only *2* and deserved to be right.)
I love that a layperson who read an old play, and wondered what the heck an “exception” was, can figure out how a billionaire’s lawyer is a dull witted fool.
They’d have to gross it up for income tax.
Yes. I think Johnson would love a discharge petition. He gets to do nothing and take no risks whatsoever, while loudly posturing whatever bullshit he wants. It’s even better than the usual “Wait until the very last minute to pass something,” game.
Omnes Omnibus
@Frankensteinbeck: He looks weak either way, but this way he can go to MAGA and claim that his hands are clean (well, bloodstained AF, but I think you take my meaning).
Of note (exactly as expected): “Instead, unscrupulous right-wing media figures have stuck by their corruption claims against Biden, which permeated the conservative information space to such a degree that they spawned Republican-led investigations on Capitol Hill and fueled an eventual impeachment inquiry against the sitting president.
In fact, in the wake of Special Counsel David Weiss charging the FBI informant, Alexander Smirnov, with fabricating the bribery allegations against Biden, some prominent right-wing personalities have used the revelation as supposed evidence of an even deeper conspiracy theory, suggesting that the Biden administration weaponized federal law enforcement in retaliation against Smirnov for revealing the supposed scheme.”
No take-backs 😐
Hopefully not using Donald Trump income tax math. “This wasn’t income or capital gains — it was actually me making a charitable contribution!”
@Trivia Man: Subtext of Engoron’s reply is basically “thank God I issued my ruling and am finally done with your tireless bullshit. Take your whinging up with the appeals court from now on.”
@Trivia Man:
Trivia Man
@SomeRandomGuy: dont leave us hanging – a Corvette and??!?
Can I note that this fucken AT&T outage this morning cost me four hours of work…. because I was not able through any approved line of communication to receive a two-factor authentication code?!
I will also note that I hate that I have to receive codes for work access on my personal device, but that is a complaint for another time!
@SomeRandomGuy: *chef’s kiss of perfection
Vinny: “Dead-on balls accurate”?
Mona Lisa: It’s an industry term.
Vinny: I guess the fucking thing is broken.
@Frankensteinbeck: Anybody have any clue how many on the GQP side would sign the petition?
@Jackie: Iirc, they only need 2 Republicans plus a total equal to the number of Democrats who won’t sign for whatever reason. It seems almost impossible they wouldn’t get that number, but then it seemed impossible they would all agree and vote for Johnson as Speaker so who knows.
What the Hell?! (From CBS)
I realize it’s an election year, and he’s facing a case of “do something right now!”, but this seems a bridge too far.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
We irresponsibly speculated on this yesterday. I pulled the number 5 out of my nether regions. Somebody then suggested it might be more because of some Dem defections.
I don’t know the GQP caucus like some people but I’m pretty sure some folks over at Teh Orange have said there’s probably at least 10 GQP reps who would feel safe on their right flank, to vote for it.
Just saw on MSNBC, President Biden is meeting with Navalny’s widow and daughter today while he’s in CA.
Good for him, and no surprise to any of us.
Ukraine aid is popular in the GOP caucus. A discharge position is sticking their neck out, and Republicans are cowards, but there’s no shortage of Republican House reps who strongly want this aid package. It should be doable.
It may be a little late to claim it as a donation to the Trump ‘charitable’ foundation. Which I think has already been legally eviscerated.
@Suzanne: I only noted that the stock market is up a ton today and wondered if that and the AT&T outage are related.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Thank you! I also feel extremely sure Hakeem Jeffries knows what he’s doing!
edited to add my thanks to Frankensteinbeck
This also funds Israel and Taiwan, which is also popular with their caucus.
zhena gogolia
@Trivia Man: here’s the link I think I first saw:
@zhena gogolia:
Perfect fit.
Another Scott
@JWR: I’ve seen the same rumors.
We know Biden isn’t stupid. If he does implement things based on some authority he thinks he has, then he’ll do it in a smart way. And it will be temporary.
As he did before. (from January 2022):
Don’t panic.
@zhena gogolia: 👍🏻
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Yes. I can continue to ignore them. 😄
@SomeRandomGuy: In particular, the clap.
Though today’s pun, IMO, receives no clapping.
He just made the briefest of statements, and reiterated that he would announce specific sanctions tomorrow. Took no questions from media.
I love affable, folksy, wise old Joe — but I respect the hell out of firm, determined, justice-seeking President Biden.
@Anoniminous: it’s not nice to wish death on anyone. Far better to hope that God calls them home ASAP, preferably yesterday.
@Frankensteinbeck: although the chances are good that said Russian oligarch is already under US sanctions – which makes it hard to transmit money denominated in dollars.
Trivia Man
@SomeRandomGuy: awesome! I like that writer admits he already knew the car facts he put in. No research necessary. Good thing the culprits were caught so that third car didn’t cause an appeal!
@Trivia Man:
When is the payment due?
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Suzanne: get a Yubikey
@Jackie: Follow up to Biden’s meeting with Navalny’s family. A poignant photo of Biden hugging Yulia Navalnaya is in the link.
Yahoo news pointed me to this (yes – fell for clickbait). I am not convinced on this article at Bloomberg:
zhena gogolia
@Jackie: Thank you.
I hope everyone has watched her speech.
@Another Scott: seen similar speculation coming from our most trusted sources at the FTFNYT with Ms. Haberman’s name on the cooperative byline.
I find said timing of said speculation a tad …. too perfect post the implosion of the Biden indictment dumpster fire events to believe that the story wasn’t behind glass to be broken in case of emergency.
So 37% federal and 10.9% New York would mean around $750 million from a generous Crown Prince Bonesaw. US citizen Musk would also have to pay gift tax of 40%. Note: I’m not a tax expert.
@Another Scott:
Words to live, or die by. ;) Thanks for that. I just wish there were a way for Biden to declare an emergency providing money to the processing of, as opposed to the punishment of migrants. And yes, I know about the “all monies must be procurred through the House” thing, but there s/b a way to do this short of simply bolting the door.
@Another Scott: The asylum system is broken here, and in many places around the world. I was just in Kenya and visited a UN camp where the average migrant granted refugee status (meaning their asylum case has been decided) takes eleven years to be granted settlement status either in Kenya or a 3rd country (more often the latter) from when they arrive as an asylum seeker. And the settlement time is growing.
The US is struggling to deal with migration, but not alone. And with rising authoritarianism in many global hotspots, and of course Putin’s invasion, plus increases in climate-displaced persons, all this sh*t is gonna get worse, everwhere.
Doesn’t make me like the Remain in Mexico policy. But I guess I had missed that our RW Scotus had basically said “okay.”
Jawn weighs in.
@Jackie: Good god, did they fly commercial?
Asking for a friend.
And the groans come dripping out.
ETA Steve Howe – The Clap (2008 Remaster)
@TBone: Wow, I hadn’t seen a clip of Fetterman in a while. Seems he has made good progress on his speech. Not sure how he’s doing on auditory processing, but hopefully that’s come along well also.
Jesus, shut up, stupid woman.
On second thought keep talking. People need to learn you’re no better than Donny.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.
zhena gogolia
@TBone: He’s channeling me!
@Kelly: “Musk would also have to pay gift tax of 40%”
Better than rank and file MAGAs, who pay a 100% Grift Tax when ‘donating.’
And the wrenching stories of Alabama families suddenly told that their hopes of having children via IVF are over are starting to pour out. IVF embryos — which consist of 100 identical cells gathered into a blob the size of 1/10th of a grain of sand and frozen in liquid nitrogen tanks — are children, in the eyes of the AL supreme court.
And the great white hope of “sensible” Republicans everywhere, Nikki Haley, agrees with them. She wants us to have these difficult conversations!
One in three Americans either has used IVF or knows someone who has. For the record, Nikki, we’ve been having these difficult conversations for a couple of generations now. And we’ve decided it’s none of your damned business.
Migod, how deep does this conspiracy go?
All of them, Katie.
John S.
@zhena gogolia:
And here is his first contribution.
Biden can end the bombing of Gaza right now.
by Mehdi Hasan
Mr. Bemused Senior
Ann Telnaes (cartoon) @ WaPo
(gift link)
The mythical bird flying in ever decreasing circles until it disappears up its own ass… or wingnut event horizon.
@SomeRandomGuy: Paul Newman did the exact same thing to Milo O’Shea in The Verdict. And we’ve reached the limits of my familiarity with cinematic legal procedure.
karen marie
@jimmiraybob: Let the motherfuckers clean up their own house.
That’s a losing message, and I don’t think it will be the line taken, in fact. If I were working for the Russians I’d certainly be working on amplifying that line, in a targeted way, via Facebook and so forth. While it’s not going to move anybody to the Trump column it would certainly depress turnout or maybe give another percentage point to some fringe candidate.
Note: cryo cuff is the answer for shoulder pain.
Amanda Marcotte was on yesterday’s Background Briefing. Good stuff!:
Republican Accountability (@AccountableGOP) posted at 2:22 PM on Thu, Feb 22, 2024:
Jack Posobiec at CPAC: “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on Jan. 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it.”
Trump’s Republican Party openly wants to end democracy. We must stop them. https://t.co/UITxEth0im
Tell that truth, Kenny.
2RawTooReal (@2RawTooReal) posted at 0:00 PM on Thu, Feb 22, 2024:
You wont be punishing Biden by NOT voting for him. You’ll be giving him an early retirement with lifelong Secret Service on taxpayer dollars. The only people youll be punishing is marginalized communities that will have to face Domestic terrorism & fascism from a Trump Presidency https://t.co/Q6R0UvezLX
I’m worried the fallout will go way past that. The Alabama Supreme Court declared embryos children. They didn’t say “So abortion is murder” but someone is going to follow the legal logic.
Victor Shi (@Victorshi2020) posted at 11:37 AM on Thu, Feb 22, 2024:
BREAKING: Judge Engoron just responded to Donald Trump’s attempt to pause having to pay off more than $400 million, saying, “You have failed to explain, much less justify, any basis for a stay.” More bad news for Trump, but great news for justice. Thank you, Judge Engoron.
@brendancalling: “it’s not nice to wish death on anyone. Far better to hope that God calls them home ASAP, preferably yesterday.”
Imprecatory Prayer. I learned this from the proto-Trump Evangelicals when Obama was sworn in.
I’m not fully convinced that’s not the goal.
@John S.: No wonder MSNBC dumped him.
@Frankensteinbeck: ““So abortion is murder” but someone is going to follow the legal logic.”
Merely being pregnant means you are suspect regardless of actively seeking abortion. I’m not sure if it would be murder or involuntary manslaughter to miscarry – that would be the job of Alabama politicians and judges to decide.
@John S.: I heard Mehdi mouth this horseshit. The Israeli government that Reagan was dealing with was far different from the current government and the situation was far less inflamed than the one following the October 7 massacre. Begin was also willing to make peace with the PLO and did not rule out a two state solution. The fascists in the current Israeli government are a different animal and they feel totally justified in what they’re doing in Gaza.
@John S.: Israel – Gaza is an absolute catastrophe. And I’m not at all happy that the US vetoed yet another ceasefire resolution this week.
But even just that headline is completely disqualifying, even for a ‘columnist.’
@John S.:
Well yeah, but Bibi Netanyahu is no Menachem Begin, so who knows where such a call would get him. Also, maybe he’s already made that call, and is working on his next step
ETA or what others have already said.
Smirnov/Smirnoff alledged in one of his later FBI interviews that the FSB had scraped cell phone conversations that were highly compromising in a certain (redacted) hotel, (trumpcough cough coughTower).
Could be true, lotta ruZZian suites in that building.
Could be just smoke, I know, you know, everybody but the MAGAt’s know that dirty deeds went down in dark corners there. A shot across the bow to keep the Vatnicks and Traitors in line.
@jimmiraybob: My wife got it for me for my 75th birthday and it’s next on my reading list.
zhena gogolia
@John S.: like Reagan before him? WTF does that mean? No, don’t bother telling me.
@karen marie:
Tim Alberta is in the house and doing what cleaning he can (born and raised in an Evangelical household with a Pastor father). He’s not alone but they are currently outnumbered.
And, if you get a chance, look into Frank Schaeffer’s work (son of a far-right preacher man).
@hitchhiker: MN’s Gov. Walz recognizes this issue can have legs. Via MinnPost newsletter:
WASHINGTON – Gov. Tim Walz said he and his wife Gwen used in-vitro fertilization to conceive their daughter, Hope, making public what he called a very personal matter in the wake of an Alabama Supreme Court decision that has put that fertility treatment at risk.
Walz, the head of the Democratic Governors Association, said he would use that platform to broadcast a message during the organization’s meeting in Washington D.C. this week.
“I want to make sure governors educate people that when you elect a governor, they appoint judges that can rule on reproductive health care,” Walz told MinnPost.
Walz also said his wife often says their daughter is named Hope because of the way she was conceived. The couple also have a son named Gus.
The Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law. That has raised concerns about how the court’s decision could affect in-vitro fertilization, commonly referred to as IVF, and prompted the University of Alabama-Birmingham hospital to halt IVF treatments on Wednesday.
The Alabama Supreme Court’s decision was based on wrongful death cases brought by couples whose frozen embryos were destroyed in an accident.
Democrats have jumped on the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling to bolster their election-year campaign targeting Republicans for their effort to end or sharply curtail abortion in many states after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
“One in four kids in Alabama lives in poverty,” Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., posted on X this week. “Maybe Alabama should worry less about controlling women’s health care decisions.”
zhena gogolia
@Hoodie: I was going to say, wasn’t Bibi in kneepants when Reagan was president?
Since this thread begins with a comment on Ukraine, I’m going to remind anyone in the D.C. area that there is a rally for Ukraine this Saturday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial. Details here.
@Hoodie: Mehdi Hassan doesn’t really do nuance, or context, or good-faith…
@trollhattan: Don’t know about Navalyana, but their daughter attends Stanford and they met near the university.
It’s on my buy list but I’m currently working on the half dozen that have been recently removed from the buy list (including Maddow’s Prequil). I hope to get my copy of Alberta’s book by early summer.
He ruined a cushy Congressional Job.
Bombed in his run for the Presidency.
And, thinks, that he will bully Amy K out of her Senate seat?
Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) posted at 2:52 PM on Thu, Feb 22, 2024:
Dean Phillips now says “it’s absurd” that Amy Klobuchar, who’s 63, is running for another term in the Senate https://t.co/bIrfbZFMwl https://t.co/RSQaFw2ac7
Trivia Man
@RaflW: Thete is only one long term, sustainable solution. Make all countries better places to live. It is impossible for 1 or 5 or even 50 countries to accept refugees from every dangerous and terrible country.
160 cities globally, Saturday.
find your nearest city here:
Always trying to police Black bodies.
Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) posted at 0:54 PM on Thu, Feb 22, 2024:
A Texas judge has ruled that a school district can force Darryl George to cut his natural locs, despite the state’s CROWN Act that prohibits hairstyle discrimination. This is anti-Blackness in a country that they keep telling us has never been racist.
https://t.co/FylBXiNSGh https://t.co/PxFZovKHpe
John S.
@zhena gogolia:
It’s a really delusional piece as others have pointed out.
I really enjoy The Guardian news, but their editorials leave much to be desired. This is no exception.
Florida Chris (@chrislongview) posted at 10:08 AM on Thu, Feb 22, 2024:
Every word of this:
“Stewart remains devoted to a lazy brand of false equivalency in which all political candidates are more or less equally suspect…
This is conjecture dressed up as truth-telling. Actually, it’s not even conjecture. It’s just twaddle.” https://t.co/IVGJGM1GVg
@H.E.Wolf: Thanks for the translation.
@Dangerman: May I suggest that when you make puns that string together several words you link them with hyphens. I’m a punster and even I was “coming” up empty.
@zhena gogolia: Bibi represented Israel at the UN when Reagan was president. He is nearly as old as Biden.
@zhena gogolia: ❤️
@sab: He’s 74. Gotta admit, he looks good for his age.
Great essay, thanks. I used to watch The Daily Show religiously when Jon hosted. I have no desire to watch him now.
@Danielx: 🤬 😜
All the way, baby!
@rikyrah: I’ve only read about these things, but it’s interesting to contrast Stewart’s first show back with John Oliver’s.
@RaflW: I had every confidence that he would overcome any hurdles AND make us PA Proud. I’ve sent thank you letters and he doesn’t have that dumb gate-keeping “enter your name, zip code, address, working telephone # and Rumpelstiltskin” crap on his contact form like “Guy” Reschenthaler and my Rep. Glenn Thompson. I have an email he sent me on Senator letterhead that I’d like to frame, I love it so much.
@jimmiraybob: The real implication is that women are not legal persons anymore. They’re second-class citizens at best. For if a fetus is a person, then a woman can’t be. If the state can literally hijack her body and life for any reason, then she’s reduced to the status of cattle.
In my book that’s tyranny.
And politicians and judges who support such decisions are tyrants.
@Jay: I’m in wait and see mode popping Orville Redenbacher and crunching Doritos, not in any particular order.
@RevRick: I’d be having tubal ligation, stat, if I were still egg bearing.
zhena gogolia
@sab: Wow, I should have googled.
@John S.: Holy effin’ hell, I’ve haven’t seen distilled Green Lantern Theory like that since the Obama years. Ezra Klein must be jealous.
It can be used against Johnson and the GOP congress who insist that the President has all the powers he needs. He can cite that as “no, I can’t use my executive authority”
@TBone: If the GQP is going after birth control, tubal ligations will be next on the banned list.
@TBone: If you did not see my answer in the other thread Piet Hein – Grooks.
@RevRick: “And politicians and judges who support such decisions are tyrants.”
When a minority uses the considerable coercive powers of the state to force extremist religious compliance by the majority it is indeed tyranny. It is not un-Constitutional it is anti-Constitutional.
And it is not just stripping the women of the inalienable right of autonomy it’s stripping their families.
Every enumerated right in the Constitution consists of two parts: 1) the right of individual conscience and 2) the right of individual conscientious action as long as action does no harm to the rights, not fee fees, of others.
And he used his second show to bash and whine about anybody who criticized him for his bullshit from his first show. He’s really lost the plot. Thinks he is above criticism. Fuck him.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
[ womp, womp ]
Matt McIrvin
@John S.: Well, I guess it’s better than claiming Taylor Swift could end it.
Kayla Rudbek
@RevRick: as a woman, my corpse has more rights than my living body
@catclub: I did and thank you!
@rikyrah: “Most gracious Dean, we thee implore
To go away and sin no more.
But if that effort be too great,
To go away at any rate”
@Jackie: that’s why it’s “stat.” Medical jargon for in a fucking hurry.
@John S.: I was going to say: Hasan’s big thing before he was let go was criticizing Dems for not unilaterally doing something that wouldn’t work.
This is the same.
No wonder the Guardian wants him.
@Another Scott: Was he lying about lying?
Miss Bianca
@JWR: I don’t know at this point, honestly. For some reason, everyone around me in my ruby-red frontier CO county is so hair-on-fire about “illegal aliens!!11!! OPEN BORDER ZOMG” that I’m starting to wonder if *I’m* the crazy one for saying, “WHUT?! That can’t be right” over and over again.
Honestly, question for jackal hive mind – what are the best sources out there for straight dope, nonpartisan, no rah-rah, no BS about the actual situation at the border and with regard to immigration both legal and non-?
Miss Bianca
@John S.: Le sigh. I get that Mehdi Hasan is some hot-shit debater and apparently a decent interviewer, but if he thinks that a One Weird Trick phone call from Biden is going to have any effect on Netanhayu, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to offer him.
@Jay: Thanks. I’ll try to hobble down to Balboa Park!
@Timill: Bravissimo!
I don’t understand all the contortions around TIFG getting the money from someone else. Why make it a gift, and deal with income taxes? Why try to be inventive with some (no doubt fake) charitable foundation? Just make it an unsecured, intrest-free loan. It’s not like it bothers him to be in debt.
@John S.: He was pushing that on Pod Save America. Tommy Vietor pushed back on him decently, saying this isn’t 1982 and Israel isn’t the same country it was then, it’s a lot more right wing. Hassan seems to think we have a lot of leverage we could use against them but US politics are stopping Biden from doing it. I can’t imagine the firestorm that would occur if Biden cut all aid to Israel.
@rikyrah: I do not get why a school gives two shits about someone’s hairstyle. Who gives a fuck? Don’t they have better things to worry about?
Another Scott
@Miss Bianca:
Real data lags a lot. Here’s some things I found.
PerResearch.org November 2023 story about the situation as of 2021.
CBP.gov January 2024 update released February 13, 2024.
Lots of people are crossing, lots of people are being sent back. Crossings are seasonal and ebb and surge for lots of reasons.
HTH a little.