From single-family housing and clean transportation to mental health centers, America’s county officials are making a big difference thanks to our Investing in America agenda.
— President Biden (@POTUS) February 22, 2024
Biden’s “This is not your father’s Republican Party” may sound corny, but he’s been very consistent and insistent on driving home this important point.
— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) February 22, 2024
When we win Democratic majorities in Congress, President @JoeBiden will sign the following into law:
A bill that reinstates the protections of Roe v. Wade
An assault weapons ban
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and Freedom to…— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 22, 2024
Loved joining the @kellyclarksontv this afternoon and sharing one of the moments in my career that has inspired me the most: my first time meeting @POTUS.
— Karine Jean-Pierre (@PressSec) February 22, 2024
Because of President Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act, our Administration announced preliminary terms with GlobalFoundries this week to invest $1.5 billion in the expansion of domestic production of semiconductors – and create over 10,000 new jobs in New York and Vermont.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 22, 2024
— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) February 22, 2024
Today, I met with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya – Aleksey Navalny's loved ones – to express my condolences for their devastating loss.
Aleksey's legacy of courage will live on in Yulia and Dasha, and the countless people across Russia fighting for democracy and human rights.
— President Biden (@POTUS) February 22, 2024
Russian puppet vs. protector of democracy doesn't seem like a tough call
— scary lawyerguy (@scarylawyerguy) February 22, 2024
⚡ US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer arrives in Lviv, Ukraine.
"I am leading this delegation to meet with President Zelenskyy to show the Ukrainian people that America stands with them… to protect our democracy and national security."
— UNITED24 Media (@United24media) February 23, 2024
Marc Elias is a national treasure. Here, he highlights some good news that may be missed in the hurricane of detritus that passes for journalism.
His newsletter is important and contains much wisdom and warning.
SO glad to be on the right side of all of the above!
“This is not your father’s Republican Party” = “can you beLIEVE the crazy shit these people are up to?”
Play Rufo’s comments about banning er um ‘recreation’ on a loop for a week, Dems!
Manchin and Sinema are the only reasons we don’t currently have an abortion rights and voting rights law. And they’ll be gone.
Mr. Suzanne and I were just discussing watching Nikki Haley and Tommy Tuberville utter complete and total nonsense about IVF. He said of Tuberville, “There’s two pigeons strutting around where his brain should be.”
He’s done amazing work legal work. And his newsletters are so informative.
Speaking of amazing work, I want thank AL again for the positive news morning threads she’s put together since 2021. It’s a nice balm against the usual media narrative.
@Baud: Has Sinema been squishy on an abortion rights law? Historically, that’s been one thing about which she’s been pretty outspoken. I haven’t seen anything about her tanking anything.
“And by ‘the crazy shit these people are up to’, I mean craaaaazy shit. Like, when did the GOP become pro-measles? What in the actual fuck??!?” – President Biden, I wish.
Way to go, Republicans!
She and Manchin refused to make an exception to the filibuster to codify Roe.
John S.
100 years from now, the historical view of this time period should be interesting:
Morning nit-picky whine from WATB SFAW re: Joel Pett’s comic: the embryos that are now “unborn children” (per Alabama) don’t look like his depiction, they look more like an unformed mass of cells.
Nitpicky whining because said depiction lends credence to the evil mofos on the Alabama SC.
@Baud: what he’s accomplishing is almost superhuman in its scope. He is our shield and our sword.
@Baud: Okay, fair.
She sucks so much. Uggggghhhhhhh. I knew this when I voted for her.
Sorry, y’all. I feel responsible.
Love that comic up above. So true so true.
@Baud: seconded.
Look, she’s still better than having a Republican in that seat. Same with Manchin. It’s frustrating, but that doesn’t make it wrong.
Repost from downstairs in case anyone needs some musical inspiration for the coming year, with all of its trials and tribulation. 🎶 A theme for 2024. Hold on!
@John S.: more rights than women. Men still have the right to govern their own bodies.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Baud: Yeah, in the same sense that tuberculosis is better than acute radiation poisoning.
@Jeffro: We got a 3rd MMR shot when our 2nd granddaughter was born at our pharmacist DiL request. It’s a good idea.
Another Scott
@SFAW: +1
Own goal, there.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
Is it? I don’t know enough to compare.
@SFAW: That is true, they look more like a glob of snot in water.
@OzarkHillbilly: only under a microscope.
I can’t understand Republican belief in American Exceptionalism ™ when their whole un-and-anti-scientific ideology is to turn us into just another underdeveloped country. For Jeebus!
Well… I guess I can understand it 🤬
@Baud: @TBone: One more thing I get to blame Anne for.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I always felt that way when pulling the proverbial lever for good ole Feckless Claire McCaskill back in Misery.
Yeah, people like me were her biggest critics, wouldn’t give her a dime of money, but always knew the alternatives (as we’ve seen in all it’s gory) were a shitload worse, thus, it was hold your nose and pull.
They want us to be the most exceptional underdeveloped country.
I follow abortion very closely and I did not know that all Republicans (now) have adopted “fetal personhood” as a required belief. Obviously codifying fetal personhood has been a big part of anti choice lobby work, but the anti choice lobby are not mainstream – they’re the far Right edge. This decision, and the whole GOP endorsing the decision, is a further lurch Right and a big reveal for normal voters.
Just consider the ramifications of fetal personhood – it will affect virtually every area of state law and policy. It’s a massive shift.
John S.
@TBone: Good point. I don’t imagine that will age any better through the prism of time than embryos and corporations being given personhood.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
No one has yet come up with a solution for dealing with white rural voters (outside of New England) that doesn’t throw someone or something we care deeply about under the bus.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I wouldn’t put Claire in the same class as Manchin and Sinema, a slot or 2 above them.
Chief Oshkosh
@Baud: Here here! Thank you AL.
Another Scott
Good, good.
Here’s hoping for a big turnout at the 2nd Anniversary DC Rally on 2/24 and on the Pass the Supplemental Rally on 2/28.
Slava Ukraini!!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Also too, what Jeffries said:
Nancy Pelosi is the greatest speaker of all time.
If we have a functioning democracy in 25-50 years, the historians will rate her highly.
I used to listen to this album over and over during difficult teen days and years. Here’s to you, Dark Brandon AND President Biden. Ziggy Stardust.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I agree. She was never a preening attention-seeker like either of those two. In fact, it was always great when her daughters would sometimes go public with their criticisms of Mom. It somehow made her more relatable.
I was simply providing a voter thought process in terms of voting and thinking “This is the best selection I’ve got?” while knowing the dire alternatives.
As we used to say “Suck it up, Princess, life ain’t fair, do what you can with what you got.”
As a non-medical professional, I WANT DOCTORS TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO IF I GET MEASLES.
Or any other communicable disease or a sprained ankle or kidney failure or so many other things, I probably do not know exist.
New Deal democrat
Unless a bare Democratic majority in the Senate is willing to nuke the filibuster, not a single one of the four promised enactments in Kamala Harris’s Xeet is going to happen. Sorry to be a downer, but that’s the simple truth.
The Alabama decision is interesting too, because it implicitly acknowleges this slipperly slope Republicans are careening down. In the decision (which you can tell no one in the GOP or media read) the justices declare that if Alabama criminal law treats abortion as akin to murder (the provider is the murderer) then it only makes sense that all civil process and law treat life as beginning at conception – after all, the standard in civil is lower than criminal. This is TRUE. It’s logical. It’s inevitable. If your position is that life begins at conception then ALL laws have to be grounded in that truth – you can’t pick and choose.
But for the whole GOP to adopt this? Wow.
@New Deal democrat:
I don’t think anyone disputes that.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Central Planning
In Alabama, can people use those frozen embryos as dependents on their tax forms?
Also, could I buy some frozen embryos and get some other deductions because they would clearly be residents of Alabama?
Good morning.
Glad they are revealing themselves now
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: Arizona might elect a democrat, but wait until you see what West Virginia replaces manchin with.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: “Elizabeth Warren is not on the ballot.”
“We” (pro choice people) always focused on the Right criminalizing abortion – which of course they did so that wasn’t in error – but we did almost no thinking on the civil side ramifications of “life begins at conception”. This is actually much, much bigger than abortion.
@Another Scott:
Current sanctions don’t seem to be doing much good. I doubt 500 more will make an impact.
Other than impounding and inspecting any naval vessel headed to Russia for contraband, there’s not much to do to stop Iran and North Korea from supplying Russia. They can send everything via railroads. Same with third parties sending goods via China.
Dropping the hammer on any U.S. company, whose components are found in Russian weapons might work, but I doubt that’s politically feasible.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, … Catodon
[ rofl ]
Trivia Man
From last nights litany of dumb stuff TFG said, a memorable moment for me was a rally in Nevada. “Most people don’t know, it’s actually pronounced Ne-VAAAAH-Da.” At a rally in Nevada..
In a way that it’s easy for normies to understand too! You see people getting it immediately – “does this mean they’re tax dependents? Will there be child support? Do the mother and the fertilized egg need a passport? Are they counted on the census?” – all questions I’ve already seen.
Another Scott
@gene108: Every little bit helps. (from December).
Chief Oshkosh
@Central Planning: I like the cut of your jib!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: When I voted for Sinema, I just remember telling myself “Minority. Leader. McConnell. Minority. Leader. McConnell.” Over and over.
@Another Scott: Some people have too much time on their hands. Gawd bless ’em.
John S.
It relies too heavily on the heads of these US corporations having a crisis of conscience. That may have worked as a plot device for Tony Stark in Iron Man, but only after he was abducted by terrorists and forced to live with the consequences of his actions.
@Trivia Man:
He purposefully acts like a clown yo take the edge off of his evil.
This goes to what you and I have observed in RubyRedLand- the MAGA’s aren’t as enthusiastic as they were.
Biden may not get people all excited, but either does Trump. His fans are dropping off the rolls.
An interesting political story would be to go out and find Maga’s that are no longer interested – got bored, wandered off, are tapped out and tired of Donald Trump living high off their Social Security checks- but no one will do that story.
She’s one of those people who thinks clothes and a “persona” (“I like wine! I run marathons!”) are a personality and world view. Just a centimeter deep. Take away the silly clothes and the “cool” hobbies and there’s just nothing there.
Grrrrr, Schuylkill County PA Catholic Church cancels trans drag show that was set for tonight. FFS.
Will not miss them
Ukrainian P.M. on GMA with George Stephanopoulis made a great case to the people using David and Goliath, with David needing more stones for his slingshot. When asked about territorial compromise, he said “Would you give up part of a state to an invader?”
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I read something years back that I wish I’d bookmarked. It was by an ex-Morman woman, maybe 5-7 years older than Sinema.
Her take was that Sinema was like a ton of ex-Mormon women who hit their 30s and have left the church and begin acting and dressing like 14-year olds. This writer had gone thru the same thing and had networked with a ton of other woman who’d gone thru the same thing.
They all indicated it was a “making up for lost time” thing in that 14-year old girls go thru that phase which, in the Mormon church, is repressed as all git-out. Basically, the ability to act out is taken away. Thus, when ex-Mormon women leave the church, a ton tend to do that.
Dammit, I’m not doing the piece justice, wish I had it. But when I read it, it all made sense.
Now, Mansion is simply a preening douchebag.
Surprised they had booked in in the first place.
Maybe if they went to an Ohio diner?
“Which state are we talking about here?”
Betty Cracker
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I helped reelect fake astronaut Bill Nelson (D-FL) several times for the same reason. Until real space alien Rick Scott kicked him out of the Senate. McCaskill would have been a huge upgrade over Nelson. At least she’s funny.
@Kay: This is very true.
I volunteered for lots of campaigns in my many years of living there, including that of David Schapira, who also ran for the AZ-9 seat when it first was drawn into existence (first election was 2012). Schapira got some attention recently when he went on a podcast, right after Sinema officially became an Independent, and he talked about how she snubbed him during that campaign. All I can say is….. her politics are not great, but it almost doesn’t even matter. She is completely careerist. She has no personal ethics and everyone there knows it. A good friend (actually for former third-grade teacher) is chair of the Dem Party for the LD I lived in, she knows everyone in state politics, and she got, like, everyone to come to our LD meetings. Everyone knows she sucks. But she managed to thread a needle….. good constituent services, just enough “independent” persona to make normies not feel icky about voting for a Dem, Mormon-adjacent in a district where that matters. It was really depressing.
@TBone: It’s the American Catholic Church which, regardless of Pope Francis and his inclusive preachings is still stuck in the 14th century.
zhena gogolia
How is the American Association of University Professors like the Mafia? Neither will let you resign.
@Kay: I imagine the airlines are salivating at the prospect of requiring pregnant women to buy two tickets, but only having to allocate one seat.
And by “pregnant”, I mean “Have you had intercourse recently? Well, then, you might have a fertilized egg.”
@zhena gogolia:
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Oh absolutely true. I made that point here in the comments a while back. She is a deeply familiar type. And the district that she comes from includes part of the Phoenix East Valley, which is the second-largest LDS community in the world (after Salt Lake City).
Jeff Flake lives not far away. He is also a deeply familiar type.
Mormon politics are really important to understanding Arizona.
On MSNBC Michael McFaul asks us to contribute directly to anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. “We don’t have to wait.”
Dorothy A. Winsor
So, it’s Friday. I’m hoping for some Supreme Court decisions today.
@Baud: he was great. Reaching more people is such a good thing!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Also, they almost never come out on Fridays, unless it’s the end of the term.
ETA: Unless you mean decisions whether to take up a case.
Was that meant for someone else? Not sure how it relates to my comment.
@Baud: 😉
“Only anal, Delta. I’m good.”
@OzarkHillbilly: a local church converted into a public venue space said no, we cancel. We are stuck in the Dark Ages here in too many PA locales. 🤬 I know this happens in too many other locales too but it’s on our local news today with NO PUSHBACK.
Right. Commercial applications too. I hadn’t even thought of that. The fetal personhood theory kind of ran alongside far Right politics while Roe was in place – they thought of it as a legal lever to try to outlaw abortion. But now that Roe is gone the application is much, much broader.
But their position always had to lead here. “Life begins at conception”, legally, means a lot more than just banning abortion or even banning birth control. It changes everything. And it was inevitable.
@Suzanne: I will note that I wrote that Sinema SHIVVED Schapira, and DYAC changed it to “snubbed”.
She sucks, and she’s dishonest.
ETA: And it “corrected” Schapira to Shapiro, and I had to edit this comment, and get fucked, autocorrect.
@TBone: Welcome to a state of Misery.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: I wish to resign. There is nothing on their website that allows you to. If you google, you get “You can cancel your membership at any time by e-mailing [address].” I have sent four messages to that address, starting on Tuesday, and received no reply. If you call them, they ask you to leave a voicemail. I have left four voicemail messages starting on Tuesday, and received no reply. A colleague sent me a set of weird steps you can follow on the website to cancel your membership. Then you get a message that says, “Are you sure you want to cancel your membership?” with the options “Cancel” or “Confirm.” Does “cancel” mean “cancel my membership” or “cancel my cancellation”? No matter, I tried both. It still shows me as ACTIVE. They are a scam organization.
@zhena gogolia:
How do you pay them? Can you block payment?
@Baud: mistake by me who thought you were referring to Ukrainian Prime Minister on GMA. I think a converted church is the perfect place for a trans drag show.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
We have the same thing here with fundamentalist Christian girls at the high school. The non fundie students comment on it – how the girls raised in those households can’t manage more freedom – they don’t know how to handle autonomy or agency so go to extremes.
All fundie religions are the same though- they all subjegate women and girls. It’s what they have in common. It’s why I reject the whole lot – none are “better” than any of the others. Amish are horrible to girls and women – they have no power in those families and they’re denied an education. There’s a lot of sexual abuse too.
Does it still belong to the church? If not, how can they say no.
@OzarkHillbilly: thank you! I will not abide 😊 might be writing another angry but smartass letter or three today.
@Jeffro: That is insane! C’mon, Republicans, take the position that we need to get rid of contraception so people can’t have sex just for pleasure, and see how a position supported by probably less than 10% of the American public helps you.
I feel we need to start and evangelize a liberal religion. The Unitarians seem like they’re asleep at the wheel.
@zhena gogolia:
I’d just cancel the card used to subscribe at that point. But that’s not convenient. I like it anyway.
@Baud: seconded.
Matt McIrvin
Manchin will probably be replaced by a hard-right Republican though, so that’s not a net gain. Can’t say what the situation will be with Sinema.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: I think that’s what I’m going to have to do. It doesn’t come due until Sept 1, so there’s time for that. I just want out NOW and they won’t let me.
ETA: There’s something very fishy about an organization that doesn’t make it easy for you to cancel. Even the NYT doesn’t do that. I know, since I’ve cancelled it many times!
@Jeffro: If you were vaccinated for measles in the late ‘60’s or early ‘70’s you should have your doctor check your immunity. I read that some of the vaccines used then eventually wore off, so I had my doc check mine, and sure enough my immunity had waned so I got a booster a couple of years ago.
@Matt McIrvin: We can lose 1 and still have a majority.
@zhena gogolia:
Yeah, I’ve tried to leave BJ so many times, but they just suck me back in.
Harrison Wesley
I didn’t know Republicans believed in fetal personhood; I thought their long-standing belief was in fecal personhood.
@Kay: Do you think they could find anyone to actually admit it? Maybe if they let them be anonymous.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: The United Church of Christ is popular here in the Northeast.
The problem is that liberal religion is fundamentally incompatible with the hard-sell evangelizing that seems to be necessary for a religion to even come close to thriving in the current environment. It’s not competing with insane cracker religion, it’s competing with “no religion”.
@Baud: yes it does, they’re the target of the letter to the TV station I’ll be writing today.
@Central Planning: “Also, could I buy some frozen embryos and get some other deductions because they would clearly be residents of Alabama?”
Think of doing this at scale and it’s kinda like some weird Red State 21st century version of Gogol’s Dead Souls.
Cheryl from Maryland
Heather Cox Richardson did a great “Letters from an American” discussing the Alabama Supreme Court position on frozen fertilized eggs and the growing religiosity in the US during the early 19th C, especially in the South where planters and other Southern oligarchs used religion to support slavery and increasing restrictions on the poor and women.
Matt McIrvin
They’re not even taking it seriously, really–if they did, it would require social changes so broad they sound like some weird 1970s dystopian science fiction. If it’s taken seriously, the primary cause of death in human beings, dwarfing cancer and heart disease, becomes “natural failure to implant in the uterine wall”.
We would need to drop basically everything in favor of a moonshot program to make sure as many fertilized eggs as possible develop into babies. And that would probably mean eliminating women’s rights almost entirely in an incredibly intrusive (and absurdly expensive) way–basically every time someone with ovaries and a uterus has sex, they’d need to immediately become a prisoner in a laboratory, subject to microscopic examination.
Ron Filipkowski can be very satisfying.
Another Scott
@zhena gogolia: Is there a “chapter” at your school that you can contact directly?
CAPS in original, for some reason…
Maybe they’re yelling because they get lots and lots of requests to cancel??
Good luck!
@Matt McIrvin: AND as many sperm?
@Matt McIrvin: The liberal denominations also seem to be really loath to be impolite and it can read as squishy. Both in PHX and here in PGH, I see the same thing…. no one wants to call out their co-religionists. I get it: it’s, IMO, one of the worst tendencies of right-wing evangelicals and fundamentalists is that they tell other Christians that they’re going to Hell. But, like, it doesn’t come across as differentiating.
Plus, the congregations are majority old people, the kind of people who get up early on a Sunday morning and willingly put on a blazer. The youth groups often suck. Megachurches really do a good job with midweek evening services, large youth groups with lots of activities, etc.
@Cheryl from Maryland: I loved the focus on conscientious objection today.
@Matt McIrvin:
Don’t give them any ideas.
May I steal that line?
@Suzanne: ever had to have an interior ultrasound? It’s already a thing I liken to torture.
We’d need a lot more eggs, or a lot fewer sperm. Either of which gets back to Matt’s “weird 1970s dystopian science fiction”
EDIT: Huxley’s Brave New World had the Bokanovsky process, which caused eggs to bud and produce up to a hundred identical embryos. But that only worked on fertilized eggs.
@Ken: they’ll work on that next. Maybe they’ll clone Amy Bony Carrot.
@TBone: Oh yes. Not a fun experience.
@danielx: Be my guest! I enjoyed it, too.
I got a third MMR vaccine about fifteen years ago, along with a third chickenpox vaccine.
Could it be they’re tired of paying a billionaire’s legal bills?
I was gonna add something about incompetent legal talent. But Johnnie Cochrane and F. Lee Bailey combined couldn’t help a client who a) prosecutors have dead to rights on so many issues and b) is his own worst enemy.
Another way to justify taking away birth control.
I’ve seen people ask about life insurance.
The rubes continue to be rubing. But, I guess at a lower rate.
yet, Biden is getting the $$$
Phuck George for even asking that question. I mean that. Phuck him.
@gene108: Yeah, but now lots of people can Do tHeIR OwN ResEaRcH by watching a few yahoos on YouTube tell them measles is [insert insane, unfounded gibberish] so it’s fine that kids get it. Fine. Really
YouTube videos are every bit as valid as a 4 year pre-med degree, medical school, residency, and years of clinical practice, if you’re some unfathomable fraction of the citizenry.
(I do not like this digitized return to dark ages theories.)
@TBone: I’d give The Villages to Miguel Díaz-Canel if Cuba invaded Florida. But the logistics of carving that out seem complicated.
A couple of days ago I participated in a political survey (I still have a landline, just for my dad, who doesn’t like to call me on my cellphone, don’t ask). Big focus was on Lance Kunce, who is running against That Goddamn Traitor Josh Harley. I did tell the survey guy my opinion about Hawley and it wasn’t nice. I apologized for my not-asked-for opinions but he was okay with it.
When asked what my greatest concern in re our country, my reply was Dobbs; taking away rights from half our population.
At the end of the survey, I told the guy I was disappointed they didn’t have this answer choice, “I hate Donald Trump with the heat of a thousand suns.” He chuckled, and told me they do surveys in a lot of states and when they have a survey that has questions negative to Trump, the Trumpies get very, very upset. Imagine that.
@Baud: let them die off?
@gene108: wait…you don’t just want to “do your own research?” 😉
@Jeffro: I think measles was the reason my husband’s father was deaf. His mother was deaf, too, but she was born deaf.
His dad’s life was sad, really. He never got an education; his wife taught him how to sign his name, and my husband said his dad couldn’t do simple math. He was a hard worker, and he got cheated out of money by his own brothers.
zhena gogolia
@Another Scott: The local chapter is trying to help me.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: 😂
@Soprano2: since it was Christopher Rufo pushing to “end recreational sex”, I’m surprised the NYT didn’t jump all over it. Normally they just take his ‘take’ and run with it.
@Soprano2: thank you – will do!
@Jeffro: Somehow I don’t think the NY Times is going to promote that position. I wish they would write about him advocating for it, though.
Miss Bianca
@TBone: You’re right. That’s very satisfying.
@Jeffro: I’m really surprised that that statement hasn’t gotten more play. How many Americans would go for that.
@Miss Bianca: 😊
@rikyrah: I yelled at the TV for that very reason. But the Prime Minister handled it like the softball question it was.
@RaflW: like a vasectomy. Which should now be mandatory for any male who wants a driver’s license (both are reversible too). They should all need a permission slip signed by a responsible female, an attorney, and a doctor to get a reversal kinda like a license suspension being removed.
My sister caught a serious case of the measles when she was 5 or 6. This was pre-vaccine availability. Almost killed her. My mother forever believed this is why she was such a sickly child growing up.
Paul in KY
@Jeffro: Some kids/adults are going to die because of this whackjob and his minder, Ron DeSuckus.
Paul in KY
@RaflW: Measles is a horrible and generally fatal disease for any adult that gets a good dose of it.
Paul in KY
@Quiltingfool: Just bought the Modern star quilt!
Same here. I can not remember what vaccines got updated and really do not feel like looking back at my health record to find out but yes, a couple of years ago a couple of my very long ago vaccines got updated.
Smallpox was the only vaccine available when I was born.
I personally know of two woman who had polio in their legs, one is a current neighbor. Two school friends moms had iron lungs in their front rooms because their polio was in their lungs. I was around 5 when we got the sugar cube for polio vaccination. Every other vaccine was after that. And yes I’ve since had at least a couple of them up dated.
Humanism has many of the social functions of a church.
@Matt McIrvin: @Baud Can’t say what the situation will be with Sinema.
The democrat will be Gallego – he’s pretty outspoken about Sinema and how she only cares about herself. The rethug will be election denier / lunatic Kari Lake