Instead of taking action, Republicans on the Hill went on a two-week vacation.
— President Biden (@POTUS) February 19, 2024
And it may just break a few of them, over the next eight months…
Kayleigh: If I'm Biden and looking at this, I'm not pleased with the enthusiasm of the Trump base, they are going to show up and that would make me nervous.
Jessica: They showed up in 2020 and Trump lost.
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 23, 2024
For the people who underestimate Joe Biden or overestimate Donald Trump:
Since FDR’s last election (1944) three Democrats have gotten more than 51.01% of the popular vote
LBJ (61.05% in 1964)
Barack Obama (52.86% in 2008)
Joe Biden (51.26% in 2020)— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 21, 2024
January 31 cash-on-hand:
Biden $130M
Trump $30MDNC $24.1M
RNC $8.7MDSCC $27.0M
NRSC $18.2MDCCC $51.9M
NRCC $42.9M— Henry David (@0henrydavid) February 21, 2024
In all due respect @kwelkernbc … y’all just need to stop it. In SC, Biden won with 96% of the vote… had a similar win in NV as well.
Fine you paid good money for polls… but these same polls predicted a red wave and they were proven wrong. @tify330 is right … maybe stop…
— Jaime Harrison (@harrisonjaime) February 18, 2024
Lifelong conservative, former Republican:
Some of Biden’s aides are goofballs. Some of Trump’s aides have told me to my face that I “belong in Guantanamo.” They make it easy to go with the goofballs.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) February 20, 2024
Some people balk at Matt Yglesias, but for me he’s Captain Obvious — if he can spell out the issue, it ain’t complicated:
Starting to think Republicans’ professed interest in border security isn’t entirely on the level, and they mostly just want to use chaos to win elections so they can cut Medicaid, cut rich people’s taxes, and ban abortion.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 22, 2024
“The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it” is the logic behind every government shutdown and it always just ends up backfiring on congressional Republicans.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 22, 2024
That Biden graphic up top is so phallic. I like it.
That’s their philosophy about everything.
For the curious, Carter got 50.08% in 76.
Truman, Kennedy, and Clinton all got less than 50%.
@Baud: Now that you’ve pointed it out, I can’t see it otherwise.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Yglesias’ “talent” is how he manages to phrase things in a way that makes it seem like he’s part of some correct, reasonable majority on any given issue, when in fact he’s a useless turd whose input has never been salient in any context whatsoever.
Just another rich guy, born on 3rd and think he’s hit a triple.
And while I’ll take the vote of another, not-pretend Republican like Chovanec, you can be damn sure he’ll be voting straight (R) down the rest of his ticket. People like him are a constant reminder that the modern GOP and it’s policies are a force to be stopped regardless of which godawful person they put up as a candidate for president.
Sumthin’ for the “Does Not Compute” file: West fest.
Fuck LBJ and all that, but, damn, I’d give my left nut for 60%.
Not really, MattY. You numbskulls keep predicting that it will, but …
From Wikipedia:
All that was a year after the 2013 shutdown. Maybe if they shut it down in August, it will result in some blowback, but given the electorate, it’s not guaranteed.
Naturally, the media totally ignored the fact that Trump only got 60% of Republican votes in SC, while BIden gets 96%. The media would be wailing about Biden’s weak performance. Trump’s 60% performance is an awful result for a de facto incumbent. A significant number of Republicans are not happy with Trump.
FYI. Sweet surveillance.
I remember reading this in Dune when I was a teenager. Today I have two thoughts. One is that Paul Atreides was thinking like a terrorist, which I didn’t realize then. The other is it might be possible for multiple different parties to destroy a fragile thing (like, say, an ecosystem), which means no one party can have absolute control over it.
Can’t give you change, but will predict your future crimes.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Barry Goldwater was so CRAZY!
Today he’d be a centrist Democrat.
@azlib: A significant number of Republicans are not happy with Trump.
THIS! Note also that in NH and the IA election, Trump received below 60% of the vote. And these are Republican primary voters, who in general tend to be motivated and extreme.
This to my mind is one of the most important results of the season so far.
If enough Republicans just leave that line blank, and Dems show up to vote and stay anywhere near as united as so far they have, it’ll be a walk. GOTV is going to be especially important this year.
Volunteer! Organize!
@zhena gogolia:
So since FDR, we’ve had one landslide and the GOP has had four (72, 80, 84, 88).
Consistent with my view that we can either be liberal or we can be popular, but not both.
“You’ve chosen a Twix bar. Not gonna happen. Our software has already flagged you as a Zagnut person.”
It’s “interesting” to note that, as extreme as Goldwater was in 1964, he’d probably have to run as a Dem today.
ETA: And zhena gogolia beat me to it, of course
Brit in Chicago
@azlib: Yes, even in SC 40% of those who bothered to turn out for the R primary (not a huge number) didn’t vote for TFG. How many of those will either stay home or vote for Biden in November? Not half, I don’t suppose, and not enough to make a difference in SC, but their counterparts in some swing states may refrain from voting for TFG in large enough numbers to make a difference.
“In your guts you know he’s nuts.”
Brit in Chicago
In fairness to Matty Y (yes, fairness to everyone I hope) I read his “I’m starting to think” as ironic.
I assure you, Mr. Yglesias, they care a great deal about the border, but it’s like abortion used to be. What they want is to close the border. The border is open if any brown people are immigrating. Democrats aren’t offering them that and will never offer them that. Merely increased border security is weak sauce, easy to throw away for any ulterior reason, maybe worse than useless because it takes away the argument they can use in front of normies.
EDIT – @Baud:
The last of those GOP landslides was more than a generation ago. I’m pretty sure you can’t use it to define the current political landscape.
@zhena gogolia:
Baud!/Goldwater’s Ghost! 20XX!
I remember that line. Although I am pretty sure I did not see the “Daisy” ad when it ran.
Didn’t mean to. Just noting how hard it us for is to be dominant post-FDR.
@Brit in Chicago:
I guess that’s what passes for his ironic detachment or something.
MattY was semi-OK 10 years ago, but he’s pretty much lost the shark, or jumped the thread, or whatever it is that you kids used to say.
Fake Irishman
I highly doubt that Goldwater would be (or should be considered) a Democrat, even a centrist one, today. Anti- Civil Rights, anti Medicare, Anti-Medicaid doesn’t fly anywhere in the Dem caucus today.
We (fairly) give Bill Clinton a lot of crap for “welfare reform” but often forget that he didn’t cave to GOP threats and vetoed multiple bills that would have destroyed Medicaid and clipped Medicare. (Those vetoes also forced concessions on welfare reform too from the GOP)
Also, can we bury the idea that Obamacare was just like a Heritage plan from the early 90s? Both had exchanges and government subsidies, but Obamacare had all sorts of standards for those plans and expanded Medicaid while the Heritage plan gutted Medicaid, had no standards for exchange plans and would have involved massive out of pocket costs.
There’s an extended discussion to be had re: the Rethugs’ long-term (40 years? 60 years?) destruction of the public education system, and how that allowed Fox to become the power that it is today. [Yes, I understand that Rupes and the Evil Roger Ailes (as opposed to the Good Roger Ailes, lefty blogger) had something to do with it. But I think were the electorate a bit more capable of rational thought, Fox would still be an also-ran.]
Nukular Biskits
Good mornin’, y’all!
Yes! Especially: volunteer. Volunteer your time and effort if you can – and at the local level, if you can.
The field organizers are often in their 20s. I get a kick out of their 20s-ish energy levels, and the cross-generational collaboration reminds me that we’re all in this together. If asked, they’ll find a place for us introverts in a volunteer effort.
And there are work-from-home options! “Armchair activists” means something different in our circles.
Those vending machines had better have Reese’s Sticks at a reasonable price, or there will be Office Space.
If the presidential race were based on popular vote I doubt a republican would ever get elected president again. It’s the archaic electoral college that is the problem. Biden only won that in 2020 by 42,844 vote in three states. Every vote will matter in 2024.
My inner curmudgeon is grumpily staring at the avalanche of IVF stories taking over the airwaves and muttering “wtf, dudes. women are still dying, doctors are fleeing ob/gyn in droves, and in much larger numbers than people affected by frozen cells. Way to change the subject, my dudes.” *Stomps off to make covfefe.
ETA I know the legal and theofascist ramifications are serious. I’m still pissed.
The days of landslides on either side are long behind us, that’s for sure.
It’s just the latest shiny object (as far as the MSM is concerned).
@TBone: I agree, but if this IVF focus switches any one time voters the Leopard Eating Faces Party who thought the leopard wouldn’t eat their faces…
Are the tax cuts no longer worth it for the wealthy GOP class when they can’t use IVF for procreation?
That will change with the Baud! 20XX! campaign, of course.
@Frankensteinbeck: The border is open if any brown people are immigrating.
“The border is open” if any brown people are visible (other than perhaps doing lawn care). “The border is open” every time a Republican hears “para Español, marque el cinco.” “The border is open” throughout tax season. And don’t get them started on those Inner City types with their welfare and Obamaphones!
The actual border, alas, is a proxy. The real issue can’t be addressed except perhaps by full-on white-nationalist blood-and-soil pogroms, and even once those are done they’ll find someone else to hate.
As someone who has been through IVF (OK, actually it was Mrs. SFAW who did all the work), I would suggest you re-think that one. [I know you’re a good person — I usually read your comments — but that comment is skirting asshole territory.]
@Brit in Chicago: Well put.
Thor Heyerdahl
Ladies and Gentlemen, presidential advice. Pull down your pants, Baud’s landslide is nice.
Yes to both!
@Thor Heyerdahl:
Not sure it’s a “grab-’em-by-the-short-hairs effective” slogan, but what do I know? Might be worth a try.
You can say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only … eh, who am I kidding?
@SFAW: perzackky
@Mousebumples: how many are worth taking the focus off of Roe and the Supremacists Court, I wonder. I’d wager more women will die due to medical neglect and abuse and than will switch their votes.
This is not meant to connect to any other comments here, just to the things people who wanna have babbies go through:
@SFAW: Suitably-distanced virtual hugs SFAW & Mrs. SFAW! My family grew yet another way, but boy howdy, did I get an education in how quick so many people are to presume and judge! Whether it’s fertility treatments, forms of adoption, whatever you do, here comes the “but don’t you realize???” and “why didn’t you X???” when perhaps those things have occurred to you before. Some dear friends of mine had to go through experiences that led to their IVF doc losing his license.
I saw that 1st Yglesias tweet and I was like, “I’m pretty sure I liked and reposted that one”
(checks Twitter)
Republicans, good luck with this dynamic going on all spring and into the summer:
go Nikki go! You sure earned my (VA primary) vote ;)
@Thor Heyerdahl: ❤️ the Sidney Freedman reference. Go Baud!
Hugs to you as well. Our children were via fertility treatments and adoption. Fortunately, living in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, we got few — if any — jerky comments. But I know people experience ithat far too often.
@Brit in Chicago: It would only take a few percentage points of Republican voters to stay home or vote for Biden to swing the election decisively to Biden. Of course the math gets tricky, since it is the swing states that matter because of the electoral college. My prediction right now is Biden will win a close election but we all need to work as hard as we can to make that happen.
@Baud: they musta seen this, also too.
“The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it”
I get a David Koresh, Jim Jones kinda vibe.
or this dynamic:
(Scaramucci, responding to a GOP critic on Twitter when he professed that Haley would be a much better choice – for the GOP and the country – than trumpov):
I expect Biden/Harris will roll out public endorsements from trumpov’s former cabinet members this summer and into the fall.
I have been telling people that if they just can’t vote for a Democrat and don’t like Trump that they should write in Abe Lincoln to send a message. Technically, he was a Republican.
@Fake Irishman: seriously. Goldwater might have gone libertarian (the current version of that “party” could be malleable enough to fit Goldwater’s dogma) but never a democrat.
I’m never sure if people throw these kinds of suggestions around as a way to showing how crazy the GOP has gotten or an attack on the Democrats from the left. But I’m constantly inundated with claims from the left that there’s no difference between the dems and the GOP, so I’m sensitive to this one.
Jen Rubin on the Biden impeachment debacle. Treason or stupidity?
I watched Meet the Press this morning.
Gavin Newsom was a guest. He was damn good. Much better than anyone in the Biden administration, including Biden, in selling the administration’s accomplishments and attacking Trump.
@NotMax: I was just thinking of her last night, her line in a movie, where she is being introduced to someone who says “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Yeah, but you can’t prove any of it.”
@NotMax: masking up has more than one benefit, especially with cheap sunglasses.
According to Herbert the point of Dune is messiahs are a really bad idea.
@Fake Irishman: My point was that he would not be able to run as a Rethug, not that he was some version of a Democrat.
Omnes Omnibus
@JML: The people who make the “Clinton and Obama were the two best Republican presidents in my lifetime” comments have a very crabbed view of the Left/Right divide that is based solely on economics and set in 1964. For that reason, they overlook civil rights, commitment to democracy, and the fact that the economy has changed over the past 60 years. They are the people who think that we need to pursue the white working class even if it means yeeting everyone else into the sun.
Another Scott
@Frankensteinbeck: Dunno.
If every eligible voter voted, and every district were fairly drawn, then bigger majorities for progress would be possible.
Bad things happen when politicians pick their voters.
90-some-odd % of people want stronger gun laws…
Lots of progress is possible, we shouldn’t count landslides out. We should work to make them possible.
Omnes Omnibus
@oldgold: Do you think that it is possible that he is being used as a surrogate by the White House because he is good at that kind of thing? Just maybe?
@Omnes Omnibus: mebbe kinda like Secty. Pete going on Fux and making them squirm.
@MattF: Not only are the two concepts not mutually exclusive, they’re almost certainly a working pair.
Having seen tapes of Buttigieg on Fox a couple of times, I’d be a little amazed if they’d let him on again.
Another Scott
@jimmiraybob: +1
It’s also wrong, and a category error. Any mob can destroy something – it’s one of the easiest things in the world. Lots of fables about similar things, also too – The goose that laid the golden eggs.
@SFAW: 🤣 that’s prolly a good bet.
@MattF: Why not both?!
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, I do. But, that does not negate the point that the Administration is short on effective messengers.
Plus, I do not believe Newsom is being selfless in making these appearances.
Bill Arnold
As RSA says above, it’s a quote from Frank Herbert’s Dune (1965)
Paul is threatening the Guild Navigators, who use The Spice to see a little way into the spray of possible futures to … navigate into a future where the interstellar spaceship is at the desired destination, with destruction of the source of The Spice.
This would entirely break interstellar civilization in that universe.
There used to be pro-immigration Republicans not that long ago where have they all gone? Have they all retired or changed their spots?
@Omnes Omnibus:
@oldgold: I would add that a lack of free media coverage Streisands that. Although I’m not in complete agreement.
Omnes Omnibus
@oldgold: Of course, he isn’t being selfless ffs. As for the rest, it seems like more of your vague disappointment with Biden. Christ.
Melancholy Jaques
In all the ranting and raving about the border, no one seems to bring up this fact:
Seems kind of important.
@oldgold: You are like the reverse cheerleader for the Biden Administration.
@Omnes Omnibus: Vague but persistent!
@Melancholy Jaques: Someone on BJ in the last week or two said that this change is less significant than it appears.
They said that this is mostly goods from China, that are coming through Mexico. If that’s the case, then Chica is still #1in terms of imported goods, but with a Mexico veneer papered over it.
At least Mexico is getting a cut!
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: Politicians want to be elected. Stated views will be muted or amplified to try to make that happen. Like with Mace and IVF.
Fake Irishman
Fair enough. And that’s what I think most people are arguing when they say that, but just wanted to get a corrective out there for folks who might internalize it in another way.
@Omnes Omnibus: I am not disappointed in Biden – far from it.
That expressed, I take seriously the fact that a majority of voters, particularly the zillennials,
believe he is too old to be re-elected to an additional 4 year term.
@SFAW: you might be right. My apologies if anyone was offended. I’m just frustrated at the many people who want tax cuts and don’t think about the other policy implications and how it can affect them otherwise. Will this open eyes and change any minds and votes was more what I meant.
@TBone: isn’t this IVF ruling a result of the Roe overturn? I don’t think it’s taking the focus off, but rather adding to the body of evidence of why that decision is about more than just abortion.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: True of some, but the others would do it “more in sorrow than anger.”
@Mousebumples: The majority opinion of the Alabama Supreme Court cited the Dobbs ruling 14 times in ruling IVF unconstitutional. So I’d say, yeah.
Omnes Omnibus
@oldgold: Well, boyo, that ship has sailed.
@Mousebumples: it is exactly that, but a lot of people cannot make that connection on their own.
Good news I wasn’t aware of, maybe others were. Howard Buffet is not good for nothing.
@Omnes Omnibus: No, it has not. There are any number of black swans swimming in our political pond.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not too late for the younger Kamala Harris to take over, said no one who thinks Biden is too old.
Matt McIrvin
@zhena gogolia:
Not really. The thing that made him the seed of the modern conservative movement was his opposition to the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t really matter what stated principles he was applying to oppose it.
@Jeffro: Our WA primary is 3/12. If Nikki is still in it, I’m contemplating voting for her. We’re a strong Blue state, but my neck of the woods is MAGA red. Anything to keep TIFG’s numbers as low as possible…
I’ve realized this past six months or so, the MAGA signs and flags have almost disappeared around here. Of course they may well pop out again come late summer, but it’s so nice driving around and not being visually assaulted with TIFG/MAGA paraphernalia.
Omnes Omnibus
@oldgold: Okay, I will play. How, pray tell, would one of those black swans get to the nomination? How do they get Biden to walk away? Is Harris one of your swans?
Matt McIrvin
I wonder, sometimes. I’d have thought that was already true in the early 2000s. But in the days right after 9/11, in a country stricken by trauma, George W. Bush was running at close to 90% job approval. Suppose there had somehow been a Presidential election in 2001 (I know, it’s a dodgy counterfactual). I think he might have managed a landslide. Not 90%.
I don’t think a Democrat could have managed that, even right after 9/11. They’d probably be blamed for it and lose. But a Republican, with the Hack Gap working in his favor, maybe.
But that was also over 20 years ago now.
A black man was elected president.
Good for you. What are you going to do about it? Continue to concern troll and potentially depress the vote of said voters and thus help elect TFG? Or recognize that Biden is the candidate and get on board?
Maybe come up with an analogy, like “Biden is like the long time coach of a great team. He may be older but he’s got decades of experience and his team wins. His players are young and talented and he knows how to pick the best and get the best out of them. Just like Biden has a young, talented, diverse staff. He’s a fantastic leader and his decades of experience are invaluable. He knows how to get things done and he does.”
Or something like that.
That may have been true for some democratic messengers in the past, but there are many excellent and effective democratic messengers on government these days.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
“Just another rich guy, born on 3rd and think he’s hit a triple.”
In one of his rare moments of clarity, he confessed that his original
‘look at me I’m a brave contrarian for supporting the Iraq War’ was BS; he wanted a job in the MSM, and the MSM supported the war 100%.
Jay C
Just MHO, but I don’t think the problem is that Biden Administration is short on effective messengers: to me, the bigger problem is that the mass media in this country are still basically hard-wired for Republicans (or at least to default to Republican framing as *a*, if not “the” norm); and the best messengers in the world aren’t going to be of much use if their message is (unlike their GOP counterparts’) relentlessly filtered through a template of simplistic reductionism (not to mention the pernicious effects of “gotcha” journalism, which rarely seems to be used on Republicans….)
“I guess that’s what passes for his ironic detachment or something.”
In the mass media, ironic detachment is taking the view that what happens to the rabble (or foreign rabble) Does Not Count.
IMHO, it’s done to excuse evil.
“MattY was semi-OK 10 years ago, but he’s pretty much lost the shark, or jumped the thread, or whatever it is that you kids used to say.”
IMHO, he started off problematic, and quickly grew into becoming a ‘team player’, as they say.
Could someone tell me again how Merrick Garland hasn’t been a complete coward about bringing the J6 principals to justice.
I could use a laugh.
Biden also doing his best to warmonger himself out of a job with his 3rd UNSC cease-fire veto last week. Somebody pass me the bourbon.
Harrison Wesley
I’ve been distracted by the real world for a few days, so I apologize in advance if this has already been posted. I thought it was an interesting historical perspective on the issue of candidates’ ages.
It started before that. Dubya and Rove esp in his second term were very much Chamber of Commerce types and had their eyes on bringing Hispanic voters into the GQP fold. But Laura Ingraham and other RW activist/ commenters made it their mission to sink every trial balloon and make sure there would be no movement on regularizing the undocumented.
Good Lord! Kirstin Welker just said that Trump “trounced” Haley by nearly 20 points in SC. (No, Kirstin… a “trouncing” is like Biden’s wins over Lady Woo woo, the Dean Machine, et al.)
Also Good Lord! I hadn’t heard certain of Trump’s speech in front of a Black audience, but wowza! Listened to a few of them a while ago, and like I said, wowsa! Dude’s one nasty piece of work.
@Jay C: To some degree, I agree with you. But, that is not the entire problem.
@oldgold: Which might matter in a primary (if there was an alternative available) but in the general they will be faced with a choice of old and competent vs old, crazy, racist and authoritarian. Which is why I am not as worried about the age factor.
@Cacti: Hey Cacti, Cole and I have been trying to reach you by email. Can you send an email message to me at the address below so we can get in touch?
watergirl at
thank you
Harrison Wesley
@JWR: I hear “Dean Machine,” I think of “Penny Lane.”
I’m confused, politicians who are selfless? Do you know any of those?
Miss Bianca
In my Pocket feed this morning on Firefox came this gem of a headline from USA Today:
Nikki Haley was crushed by Trump in her home state of SC. So why is she still running?
Umm, hey, USA Today – I wouldn’t call a 60/40 voter split “crushing” either way. But you do you.
(Spoiler alert: Haley says she “owes it to the voters”.)
Melancholy Jaques
Whether the goods originate in China or anywhere else, they enter the USA through Mexico. Things like closing the border, putting up walls, creating conflict, etc., are not only not a good idea, but they are not really possible without catastrophic economic losses.
Bill Arnold
@Omnes Omnibus:
A black swan on the R side would be for D.J. Trump’s apparently progressively worsening (maybe rapidly) cognitive issues to be sufficiently and obviously advanced, and legal issues sufficiently troubling, at the time of the GOP convention, that Haley (or somebody else) is given the GOP ticket head.
Another R-side black swan might be some play with the GOP VP ticket with obviously-demented-Trump as the nominal ticket head and somebody competent/scary as VP.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@WaterGirl: “Dear Cacti, your contrarian act is boring and you should feel bad about it. Signed…”
@japa21: I hope you are correct and, if so, that nothing occurs before November that changes this
Melancholy Jaques
Is that your idea of a contribution to an informative discussion of the political issues of our time?
My point is made. There was a split in the party about immigration. None of them actually liked brown people of any stripe, but some found Hispanic immigrants useful. The whole party jumped the shark when Obama got elected. From top to bottom they declared that the brown horde must be stopped at any cost.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bill Arnold: All very fine, but I am interested in what “black swans” oldgold thinks could save us from Biden’s age. I remember from Taleb’s book that one shouldn’t bet the house on a black swan event happening.
@Scout211: You are correct, but with everything in politics it is a matter of timing and degree. Of course, he is positioning himself for 28, my question is the degree to which he is looking at 24.
I’ve had a few decades to watch republicans and my very first thought is that they really do not want a democracy because it means that they have to at least occasionally cooperate to have an actual functioning government. And that is really not what they want. What they want is something along the lines of current day Russia, while MAYBE being a bit less obvious about it than say vlad is. They want a government that follows every single line of their premise of government and that premise is not democracy. Sure they want people to vote for them but they really, really do not want any discussion of what kind/type/structure of government they actually want. And that kind is a very controlled, structured, religious, non democratic (as in not the choice of the common people), monetary government. You know sort of what vlad has….. The hard core that like someone like SFB is, because he thinks he’s totally in charge, not a leader but actually an owner, you know like vlad, that they should be in complete control, without any of that silly opposition to them. They are not the conservative side of the aisle, they are the total controlling side of the aisle. They just haven’t figured out how to kill off the opposition or that doing so is their only real chance to be in charge. Look what vlad just did, killed off one of his main dissenters. Not exactly what most of this country think is appropriate. They want to be dictators they just realize that there are not multiple dictators in one country, so they have to do it a bit differently. It is possible that they have not thought out their entire line of BS.
Another Scott
@oldgold: In his debate with DeSantis, Newsom said something like:
“Neither one of us is going to be elected president in 2024.”
He’s being a very strong team player. That’s a very good thing.
You’re correct: Newsom selfishly does NOT WANT TIFG in office again.
Black Swan Event — an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequences.
If an event or happenstance is known then it isn’t a Black Swan Event.
@Jackie: Probably.
Well, one Clinton did. The other got more than 50%. And while we’re at it, so did Gore. IMHO, these stats are at least as important as the Obama and Biden stats.
@Fake Irishman:
Got it. Sometimes I’m a little too abstruse, I appreciate your help. [Yes, I mean that, I’m not snarking.]
Oh, wait … that’s pantsless. Never mind.
The problem is not with Biden’s spokespeople, it is with the MSM and what someone above called the ‘hack gap’ ( tips hat).
Also consider that the media market is so fragmented. Most normies don’t watch Meet the Press or avidly consume the FTFNYT. The vast majority of people under 35 get their information from their social media networks and Bidens team is good at this.
Fox may actually be counterproductive to the GOP now. As the GOP base gets ever crazier only a nutjob can win a primary, but in doing so they alienate more and more normies. The real question is boosting the under 30 turnout, get them to show and it’s in the bag for us. To most of them the MSM is irrelevant and Fox is a repellent freakshow.
To put a finer point on it, the incoherent position on IVF adds to the body of evidence that somehow, incredibly, in the decades they’ve been railing about this issue, not a single one of them has thought through the implications of their… “beliefs” seems like the wrong word. Maybe there’s a German word for “bad faith rhetorical cudgel which one is suddenly forced to treat as a sincerely held principle, with unanticipated consequences.”
As Kay often points out, there is no coherent abortion ban policy that actually, in the real world, achieves anything resembling what anyone wants. Even “pro life” activists keep telling us that women bleeding out in Texas is an unintended outcome. Probably some of them are lying about that, but I think most just have a deep seated, pathological need for simple answers, an inability to engage with the world as it is. Where their policies ought to be, is instead a seething cauldron of inchoate desires. Mutually contradictory, irreconcilable desires. I doubt many of them have gotten further than “reproduction confuses me, abortion upsets me, make it go away,” and they’re now angry and frustrated that they “won” but it still hasn’t gone away.
And of course, the same pattern governs just about every republican position now. “I don’t understand X; X makes me upset; make X go away,” where X is homosexuality, low flow shower heads, immigrants, working women, sex, death, avocado toast, whatever.
The lesson here isn’t about any particular issue. The lesson is that you can’t put people like this in charge of anything more complicated than a microwave pizza.
It must be election season, also known as troll season on Balloon Juice.
Well stated. With some exceptions they have zero interest in solving whatever ‘problem’ it is they’re wibbling on about.
They simply want ammunition to attack the Dems, the type of ammunition is irrelevant
@kalakal: To a considerable degree, I agree with you; except, as to your assertion that the Biden administration is good at social media, I have no idea if that is accurate.
@oldgold: I was thinking of things like the DarkBranden meme where they turned an attack into an asset.
Bill Arnold
“unpredictable”, “unforeseen” are doing some heavy lifting.
There are a lot of people, and most large events are foreseen by at least a few of them. (Or at least are part of enumerated lists of risks.)
They may not get sufficient traction to affect decision making, or be dismissed as amusing Cassandras, or as crackpots, or …
Sure Lurkalot
@dirge: I felt obliged to register and upvote this astute comment on this dead thread.
Or put otherwise, ding ding ding, we’ve got a winner!
Miss Bianca
@oldgold: Maybe, by your own admission, you’re just not “with it” enough to judge the effectiveness of the Biden Administration’s social media messaging?
@dirge: Women’s reproductive care has extra salience for them, beyond just being too complex to wrestle with, because of the misogynistic idea that women’s biological functions are unclean. Just give them a simple solution to enforce! Don’t make them even think about blood or tissue or internal organs or any of that profoundly icky female stuff.
@dirge: I was just thinking about this issue this am! The Republican mindset is so rigid and so ill cut out for the complexities of modern democracy- esp as one so technologically advanced and reliant as ours. These people are barely one foot off the African grasslands- it’s why so many of them chose to die with Covid vs adhering to minimal public health measures. They are also susceptible to frauds, religion and strong men. If we want to move forward these people will need to isolated or jettisoned.
@Melancholy Jaques:
If your goods are coming from overseas, why would you ship them to Mexico and then ship them to the US? That adds a level of cost that does not go to the manufacturer of the goods but to the transportation and makes no sense. We have plenty of large ports that handle far more freight than Mexico has ports for. And I used to manufacture tooling that would go to Mexico for them to manufacture/sell products. I’ve traveled to my customers in Mexico and have seen first hand what their manufacturing is like. We have a diverse, reasonably large population (about 2 1/2 times the size of Mexico), a reasonably high end economy, many more large ports with massively more freight handling abilities than Mexico, and an economy several times larger than Mexico.
And I like Mexico and the people, I’ve enjoyed traveling there, among many other countries, I’ve known and employed many fine people from there and have known many people from and that live there. The only other language that I’ve ever studied/learned any of, other than the form of English that we speak here in the US, is the language spoken in Mexico.
Everybody said that Trump not dominating – 70%+ in NH was becasue of independent and democrats voting in the GOP primary.
The GOP primary in SC is closed, and he still was at 60%! Go Haley!
@Bill Arnold:
Read a book. Learn something
Of course you had not. The MSM ignores those as run of the mill Trump crazy. But imagine a similar speech by Biden where he enters a fugue state?
Not a TPM subscriber, but I gather Josh Marshall did a piece on how Trump getting 58%-60% in the primaries so far is not what Kayleigh says at top. Yeah, he’s getting all the delegates he needs for the nom. But that’s not a juggernaut.
Let’s peel some of those voters off, even just to stay home or vote for a 3rd party.
eta: What @azlib said, also, too.
@Omnes Omnibus: The average age in the Biden administration is 43 the last time I checked. Biden (and Harris) give directions on policy, and these employees do the work of making it happen, so when I hear the Top Old arguments, this is what a point out. I swear, people have been around too many micromanagers and think that Biden or any President handles every tiny detail, it’s a myth that needs to go away for every high level government pisitiin.
@Baud: Nobody brings up the most capable, ready, Democratic politician to replace Biden. Kamala Harris + Hillary Clinton.
you can call me nobody.
“And in your brain you know he’s insane.”
@StringOnAStick: and let me say fuck you very much to my Kindles autocorrect function, which appears to have been programmed by rabid weasels. It just changed that to David weasels.
On MSNBC the other day, they carried Biden speaking about Ukraine, but immediately cut away to a talking heads panel when he segued to domestic accomplishments. Guessing the producers had designated that a “Ukraine segment,” so didn’t want to let the President of the United States go off-topic.
But then the very same people go on to wonder why he can’t get his message out, when they literally just cut him off mid-sentence the instant he brought it up.
Sorry, I missed your reply to me and this thread is nearly dead.
If you mean would he accept a cabinet level position in the Biden administration for 2025? I think that is possible but not likely, since he would have 2 years left in his second term here.
If you mean a presidential run in 2024? Absolutely not. Just from a practical standpoint, he has missed deadlines to get on the primary ballot in many states, including California. We are already voting here in the primary, which is on March 5th. So the only way he could win his own state primary is by a write-in vote and that would be just silly.
@catclub: My preference would be Kamala Harris + Gretchen Whitmer.
We do have some very good people on deck for 2028. Could one serve in a pinch some time in the net 4 years (not wishing at all for an opening, but it’s not unheard of in our history for a VP to be elevated during a term)? Yes.
They could start a fire with microwave pizza.
You know set it on high and cook for an hour……
They put the directions on the box for a reason…
He sure was subtle about it! We’re supposed to be glad that Count Fenring didn’t off Paul when he had the chance, and the jihad that Paul’s spent the entire second half of Dune trying to find a way to avoid is presented at the end as a Good Thing because the galaxy needs some shaking up.
Arruckus. Doon. Dessert planet.
Omnes Omnibus
@Scout211: This is, of course, why I already said to oldgold that the ship had sailed on replacing Biden. He’s the nominee. As he should be.
But then, so would Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, and probably even Bush II.
@Jeffg166: It also fucks up the math when it comes to representation. North Dakota whose entire population (and maybe add South Dakota as well) doesn’t add up to the population in LA.
Population dense states get screwed under the electoral college because a collection of wankers elsewhere who represent a very small majority can lord it over other places.
We can’t get rid of the electoral college, but maybe we can just give all the states the same number of weight.
Bill Arnold
I’ve watched Taleb deliver a lecture (on that book/his work) in person. Interesting guy. He presents as a bit arrogant. Maybe that’s a mask; the story about his mother suggests that he believes that it is.
If I were dictator-of-education, I would include teaching children the habit of estimating the probability that any thought of theirs is true. (Humanity will (probably) be facing serious computation-driven emotional manipulation efforts, at all levels.)
Another Scott
@Bill Arnold: Reminds me (roughly):
“By definition, given enough time anything that is possible will happen.”
Yeah, well…. I assume they must be eating something, and just about anything else involves edge tools, exposed heating elements, or numbers you need both hands for.
@Melancholy Jaques: Glad you asked. I actually spent time in Rafah saving the lives of people fleeing from the bombs that Joe keeps sending.
@zhena gogolia: Goldwater would definitely not be a centrist Democrat. He might be a never-Trumper, but no way a Democrat. Today’s Democrats are the most liberal they’ve ever been. How do you think Biden was able to accomplish so much of the progressive agenda with a “hair of his chinny, chin, chin” majorities in the House and Senate?
Bill Arnold
@Another Scott:
Are you 100 percent sure you are not a Boltzmann brain? :-)
@Scout211: If Biden, for whatever reason withdraws, before the convention, do you think Harris is a certainty? I do not. I think there would be a challenger(s).
@Fake Irishman: Agree 100%. GOP economic policies have three “principles”: reduced taxes (especially on the wealthy and businesses); slashed regulations; and opposed to downward income redistribution. Obamacare raised taxes on the wealthy, added a slew of regulations, and increased subsidies to the working poor ( and now under Biden) to the middle class.
@WaterGirl: The email associated with my BJ account isn’t one I check with any regularity. That would probably explain it. If you’re wondering if I worked some sort of strange devil magic to get around Adam banning me in a fit of pique. No. I’m not that tech savvy.
When it comes to avocado toast (actually avocado anything), I’m all in for “make X go away.” Hoping Baud makes sure that’s highlighted in his platform in 20XX.
Isolated, or more precisely, dispersed.
I think they’ve always been there, around the 27% crazification factor of the population, but they’re not normally unified. They’re usually politically inactive, or scattered across third parties, or fringe players in the major parties. Because as cranks with idiosyncratic, incoherent obsessions, they don’t naturally have anything in common with one another other than being cranks.
I think Nixon’s southern strategy started the process of consolidation. Previously, the racism, xenophobia, goldbuggery, moral panic, and conspiracy theory was distributed across the political spectrum, diffuse and ineffectual. By now, they’re almost all in the Republican Party, enough of them to control it, unified around the one and only issue they all agree on: tolerance for terrible ideas, affirmative action for cranks, fools, and frauds, rule by belligerent morons. Kakistocracy. Fascism.
It’s not pleasant to admit it, but there are people that cannot be a member of any functioning political coalition, that must not be represented in a sustainable democracy. Realistically, you can’t stop them from voting, so the best you can hope for is to disperse them enough to be safely ignored. The purity purges and internecine conflicts within the Republican Party are encouraging signs, but that’s just the beginning of a long, slow correction, and it’ll only continue if they keep losing.
Uncle Cosmo
ND, SD, WY and MT together (3.42M) are over 400K short of the population within the Los Angeles city limits alone (3.849M). Add ID, OR, UT, NV and NE and the combined population of ~20% of the entire surface area of the Lower 48 comes up short of the Greater Los Angeles metro population by a couple million. Remove UT, NV and NE, add WA, and the entire northern tier of the Lower 48 west of MN is still a couple million short of LaLaLand.
Another Scott
@Bill Arnold: 👍
Uncle Cosmo
For at least a decade I’ve been telling anyone who I can corner long enough to listen (;^D) that Edward Teller was dead wrong when he said humanity would go extinct due to an inability to emotionally comprehend the exponential function. We are far more likely to off our species through an inability to understand probability and statistics on any level this side of the next over/under for an athletic contest.
Another Scott
@Uncle Cosmo: OTOH…
Dan Davies on substack:
I think he’s generalizing too much from one specialized area into things in general, there.
People need to learn lots and lots of stuff these days, but there’s too little time to do it all in school.
Look, I get where you’re coming from. Avocado toast is confusing and upsetting for me too. But have you considered the costs, or the second order effects, of your “delete avocados from the observable universe” policy?
First, of course, we’d need to collect all the Infinity Stones, which is not just practically challenging, but potentially geopolitically destabilizing. Then we have to confront the knock-on effects for the crucial tortilla industry, and therefor corn and wheat farmers, who are an important swing state voting bloc. Further, the loss of guacamole likely increases demand for sour cream dips, which even if you set aside the grave moral threat of ranch seasoning, will tend to drive up dairy prices, in an election year.
In summation, the continuing existence of avocados is a complex challenge, best addressed with a nuanced, incremental, and dare I say, conservative approach. Like, for example, we could ask Doctor Strange to selectively remove avocados from the subjective perception of anyone who dislikes them.
Epistemology. Teach people to seriously examine how they came to “know” the things they think they know. Everything else is gravy.
No, no, no. No need to attack toast or its components.
Just get rid of avocados. Note that, in addition to the improved dining experience, it will save water. Avocado trees being several dozen time worse than even almond trees (the standard for horrible in any dry climate) in water use per pound of product.
Citizen Alan
@Baud: I have often wondered what would have happened if Fox News had existed with its current media penetration in 1932, with 45 minutes out of every hour demonizing FDR as a communist and the last 15 minutes spent praising Hitler and Mussolini as role models for America’s future.
Really? Relevant facts? Seems like a cheap shot.
Consider this: no avocados, no guacamole, hipster bros starve, beard grooming industry collapses, death of masculinity, end of western civilization, global conflict, nuclear war. Do you really want to be responsible for the extinction of humanity?
But still, we should be making agriculture pay sustainable, unsubsidized water rates. If that makes almonds and avocados punitively expensive, so be it.
i stand corrected. (I had read too fast, and missed that one source was using English measurements and the other metric. Sorry.) Still bad on water, just not as bad.
Probably pretty much what did happen.
Father Coughlin:
Not apples/apples comparable to Fox audience share, or to the modern 24/7 firehose, but I think of a similar magnitude of influence.
Granted. And I do agree that the way we manage water, especially for agriculture, is insane.
Mostly, I just object to taking this conversation too seriously when I’m trying to derail it into absurdist territory.
Kayla Rudbek
@dirge: I think I remember seeing a collection of his sermons in my late grandfather’s house when it was being cleaned out. That’s a book that I would have put straight into the recycling bin